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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 0d3c811033185f1⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 650x340, 65:34, pic.jpg)

3afd43  No.296039

By: Madeline Leesman


Pro-abortion Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday morning that the Senate will vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. His remarks came after a draft opinion from the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization leaked and showed the Justices’ intention to overturn landmark case Roe v. Wade.

>>“The Republican-appointed Justices’ reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade will go down as an abomination,” Schumer said on the floor. “One of the worst, most damaging decisions in modern history.”

Schumer claimed that some of the Supreme Court Justices lied to the U.S. Senate, “ripped up the Constitution,” and “defiled” the Court’s reputation.

>>“The party of Lincoln and Eisenhower has now completely devolved,” he claimed.

“Every Republican senator who supported Sen. McConnell and voted for Trump justices pretending that this day will never come, will now have to explain themselves to the American people,” he continued.

>>“I want to make three things clear; now that the Court is poised to strike down Roe, it is my intention for the Senate to hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. Second, a vote on this legislation is not an abstract exercise. This is as urgent and real as it gets. We will vote to protect a woman’s right to choose and every American is going to see which side every Senator stands. Every American is going to see on which side every Senator stands. Third, to the American people, I say this. The elections this November will have consequences because the rights of 100 million women are now on the ballot.”


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9c45d6  No.296043




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fdb93b  No.296048

Wait, I heard there was a thing called "the pill" that prevents unwanted pregnancy.

I heard that sex education helps end unintentional pregnancy.

This is election year shenanigans at it's finest.

Women seeking to terminate pregnancy will find ways to do that no matter what the law says.

They'll purchase the equipment and do it themselves because they aren't going back to the coat hanger and the procedure, done early enough, is simple and 99.5 percent of the time presents no complications in the recovery period.

They say timing is everything.

Election year stunt.


SCOTUS is a joke.

After rulings they made during Trump v. Biden

a joke is what they are.

Just another bunch of puppets dancing on the Lobby's strings.

Clean brass and keep your powder dry because.the shenanigans will continue. Expect more white on black police "brutality" and looting and fires.

Lots and lots of fires.

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0c09f1  No.296049

File: 07c8e705163486f⋯.jpg (277.47 KB, 1334x1334, 1:1, kh.jpg)


>looting and fires

she can hardly wait

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b470be  No.296050

File: d02ebef4e1be160⋯.jpg (403.06 KB, 1562x1080, 781:540, Picsart_22_05_04_03_39_55_….jpg)

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b470be  No.296051

File: 9df74a5cf76803e⋯.jpg (323.67 KB, 1318x1080, 659:540, Picsart_22_05_03_23_13_28_….jpg)

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b470be  No.296052

File: 924f3cc7868e88c⋯.jpg (346.37 KB, 1318x1080, 659:540, Picsart_22_05_03_21_06_40_….jpg)

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01524c  No.296067

A leak you say?


Yesh that will do nicely.

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9c45d6  No.296068

File: c064f8b9336d535⋯.jpg (115.46 KB, 673x800, 673:800, praise_aborted_baby_jesus.jpg)

FACT: One of the most surprising facts about abortion is that almost 60% of women obtaining an abortion have already given birth to one or more children! Only 40.3% abort their first child.

So, children seem to be a primary cause of abortion.

FACT: 37% of women obtaining abortions identified as evangelical or Catholic.

38% reported no religious affiliation and the remaining 8% reported some other affiliation.

White patients accounted for 39% of abortion procedures in 2014, black patients for 28%, Hispanic patients for 25%, and patients of other races and ethnicities for 9%

The vast majority (94%) of abortion patients in 2014 identified as heterosexual or straight. Four percent of patients said they were bisexual; 0.3% identified as homosexual, gay or lesbian; and 1% identified as “something else.”

So, white, straight and religious - the ideal "Conservative" traits are amongst the largest demographic of abortion procedures.

As is often typical, the problem seems to lie within.

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