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File: a04d2819da895c5⋯.png (472.68 KB, 607x403, 607:403, Hong_Kong_police_arrest_pr….png)

e8c896  No.262531

By Yanni Chow


Hong Kong police arrested on Friday pro-democracy politician Tam Tak-chi, who is expected to run for a seat in the legislature in September’s election, on charges including incitement to participate in unlawful assembly.

Tam, 47, the vice-president of the People Power party and a former radio host, won an unofficial primary poll organised by the opposition to select candidates for the Legislative Council vote.

The arrest comes days after Beijing officials and Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said the primaries were illegal and may violate a new national security law.

After hearing the charges, Tam told reporters they were unrelated to the new law.

Police said the incitement to take part in an unlawful assembly charge was related to a January protest. It did not say what the charges for seditious intention and disorder in public places were related to.

Tam said they were for swearing at the police and shouting “Liberate Hong Kong! Revolution of our times,” in January, a slogan the government declared illegal earlier this month under the new law, which is not retroactive. Sedition is covered by British colonial era legislation.

When addressing reporters, Tam shouted the slogan again.


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63c905  No.262664


>Tam Tak-chi

b-b-b-bUt pEoPlE iN hOnG-KoNg hAvE eUrOpEaN nAmEs!!!1!!11!

reminder that this whole thing is a kike operation in commieland, as demonstrated by pro-faggot shit in the movement, and that (((they))) are trying to drag our ass into this.

good to decent chinese people be they mainlanders or in HK, commies may be trash, but kikes are worse.

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708339  No.262702


At this point the kikes win or Russia-China wins. No matter what happens, the "event horizon" has passed us by and there is no escaping reality, we will lose no matter who wins the next war. I'm predicting mass death and have bugged out to the country. I'd recommend anyone who has some savings do the same, even if they have to buy an RV to bug out.

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63c905  No.262916


why spread disinfo?

russia and china are opposed, since china need to take siberia by the mid 30's, or have to pay russkies for that water.

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