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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 7c08b1a903cdce7⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 640x479, 640:479, Horatio_Lorenzo_Anderson_S….jpg)

ad95d7  No.261608

By Joel B. Pollak


President Donald Trump called Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. on Thursday to offer his condolences over the death of his son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr., who was shot and killed inside Seattle’s Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP).

The CHOP was an area of several square blocks surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department, which law enforcement was forced to abandon by city leaders after days of confrontation with Black Lives Matter protesters.

Following the departure of the police on June 9, the activists set up barricades and declared themselves the Seattle Autonomous Zone (SAZ) or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). Local Democratic leaders prevented the police from returning to enforce the law. Mayor Jenny Durkan downplayed public concerns, telling CNN June 11 that the zone was “more like a block party atmosphere” and that “[w]e could have the summer of love.” But it was not to be.

The CHOP was peaceful during the daylight hours, but violent at night, as armed groups roamed the streets with weapons and enforced their own brand of vigilante discipline. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best openly criticized city leaders for allowing lawlessness to prevail, as did President Trump, who constantly challenged Durkan and Gov. Jay Inslee to intervene to end the chaos. On June 20, two people were shot, one fatally — the first of several shootings.


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2732f5  No.261624

Figures, Trump would be the only official that called the guy. A parent's worst nigh mere….

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2732f5  No.261625

God bless this man, and God Bless my Trump

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a9f560  No.261626

File: e00e5f77d0ed80e⋯.jpeg (60.01 KB, 454x454, 1:1, signal_attachment_2020_06….jpeg)


God Bless Trump.

God save America.

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6086ba  No.261635

still suckin the black dick for the nigger vote

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9aad7b  No.261638



Fuck off faggots

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a1b0f7  No.261641

File: dcfbea3362d66d2⋯.jpeg (8.17 KB, 215x235, 43:47, lpmn.jpeg)

>still suckin the black dick for the nigger vote

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