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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 448b15df3cbeffc⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Obama.jpg)

46ba84  No.260086

By Jeffrey Lord


Obamagate has arrived. And it is now, finally, time to ask the legendary question from the Senate Watergate Committee’s Senator Howard Baker that was asked in the day about President Richard Nixon.

The question: “What did the President know – and when did he know it?”


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4ddebf  No.260088

It is called



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0fa028  No.260089

File: a5c7dc8949a8df9⋯.webm (40.73 KB, 210x240, 7:8, pewdienig.webm)



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d5fd2c  No.260098

>>260088 (double dubs heiled)

Duly noted, mein Führer

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e316bd  No.260099

Pretty sure all he saw was Reggie Love's scrotum bouncing off his nose. And his wookie husband can testify to that!

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57f361  No.260106

File: a9ba9fe461e2077⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, a9ba9fe461e2077661711566ed….jpg)

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1d9776  No.260108

…I thought the really big question is "Barry, what's up with your 'wife'?

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c614eb  No.260123

File: a216d0e6c88ab95⋯.jpg (77.26 KB, 766x1080, 383:540, _20161224_093347.JPG)

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