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An Exercise in Satire

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All Hail The Bum Bum King!

File: 512950757d6fc36⋯.png (100.28 KB,288x216,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86d293ea3136dd8⋯.png (135.33 KB,288x216,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

18b93a No.293075 [View All]

Crash at London’s Parliament treated as terrorist incident – Met police


Jeremy Corbyn 'wreath laying' attacked by Israeli PM


Labour MP Fiona Onasanya accused of lying about speeding to face trial


Migrant rescue ship Aquarius to be stripped of Gibraltar registration


701 posts and 318 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d331c3 No.294388

I wish people wouldn't talk about trannyism and sexual fetish stuff so much.

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904557 No.294389


If they were redpilled they wouldn't be trannies would they?

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445e55 No.294390

File: 7c200d018f9f339⋯.png (91.11 KB,240x262,120:131,1528986328803.png)




For you, anything *stops the gayism for the rest of the evening*


why not?

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fe59e8 No.294391



What part of everything isn't clear?

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904557 No.294392


Because. Lad. Being redpilled means knowing the value of clear gender roles, men pretending to be girls and mutilating themselves doesn't really fit into that doesn't it?

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3b568b No.294393

File: 4d80c701f6a0af1⋯.jpg (230.66 KB,1286x1624,643:812,__darjeeling_and_jean_luc_….jpg)

trad trans is the future tbh

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904557 No.294394


Don't you start lass

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fe59e8 No.294395


no tbh

jewperium/taigperium is the future

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904557 No.294396




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445e55 No.294397

File: 0b9517a73036c2c⋯.gif (1.75 MB,500x430,50:43,M sleeps.gif)

Might go to bed soon, getting sleepy



Lads, listen… the damage has already been done. We've already lost too many lads to this, the only thing left for us to do is to redpill the current tranners and use them against the degenerates that brain wash are kids in school with this shit, it's our only hope and we're really making the best out of a bad situation.

use the leftists own weapon against them



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445e55 No.294398

File: f47b13095182897⋯.png (136.17 KB,600x930,20:31,1528654122685.png)

I hereby declare I will only post women who were born female from now on.

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454cb2 No.294399

File: d18041757408990⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,307x312,307:312,Douglas.jpg)

File: ab3abd347fe069b⋯.jpg (220.06 KB,620x412,155:103,civic family.jpg)


No. Civic nationalism is the future.

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fe59e8 No.294400


both of those are civic tbh

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454cb2 No.294401



Good lad. What threads do you lurk?

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c9cb9b No.294402

File: d20cd6eb046fb4f⋯.jpg (61.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,30y.jpg)


my autistic vidya idea is an MMO called "Thirty Years" set in the thirty years war and you would make a character in Sweden, Denmark, Saxony, France, Austria, Spain, Poland, etc. and the playable map would be Europe. and basically there'd be the two factions, Habsburg and anti-Habsburg, and there'd be a cyclical pvp campaign every 30 days, starting on the 1st and ending on the 30th with the 31st being like skirmish, February you'd take Jan 31st and March 1st to make it 30. and at the end whichever faction wins would get currency for getting sought-after cosmetic shit. and you'd have matches like one faction's gotta massacre the villages and the other's gotta protect them, Habs needs to burn translated bibles while anti-Habs defs, anti-Habs needs to destroy idols while Habs defs, or just sieging a fort, deathmatch, etc.

I think that would be badass. and you could get blessings from church fathers and shit as temporary buffs, you'd have the religious theme and also wizards and shit. It would be semi-historical, semi-fantasy

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454cb2 No.294403

File: 6233984a9a3c6ed⋯.png (826.43 KB,1129x600,1129:600,Civic tiers.png)


If it ain't brown

It makes me frown

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445e55 No.294404

File: 13d80f2c1f357ae⋯.jpg (102.16 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1533936172400m.jpg)

File: 0713a2843a211b1⋯.png (205.2 KB,500x587,500:587,1533936654435.png)

File: 60175e68c8d3cfc⋯.png (733.36 KB,588x653,588:653,1533936961826.png)

File: ab8386e30c64edf⋯.jpg (116.14 KB,700x415,140:83,1533933626147.jpg)

File: a5cc08e97c224cd⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,576x1024,9:16,1533937738925m.jpg)



If he's post that stuff I get to post cute tranners

I mean look at this selection of images I have, surely having a few cute lads that wear women's clothing and are on our side is a much better future than pic related?

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d331c3 No.294405

File: b92d4b5adee2f92⋯.png (1.06 MB,944x546,472:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2683868c2b0197⋯.png (1.32 MB,944x629,944:629,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't like even thinking about the tranny thing, the whole thing is so sick now like how they give kids hormone treatment when they clearly can't give consent in some places in America, maybe even Britain now. How they kill themselves, how a lot of them literally want to have their vital organs removed and turned inside out and it's all normalised.

A lot of this stuff is people spending too much time on the internet and not enough in the real world as well.

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55461f No.294406


>use the leftists own weapon against them

That was the alt-right's strategy and look how that turned out, all they became about being anti-Islam as it doesn't allow for gays.

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c9cb9b No.294407


no mutts allowed except shittney niggertits

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454cb2 No.294408

File: 2523de93870ef47⋯.png (181.36 KB,584x551,584:551,despair woes.png)


>browsed /pol/

>so he took politics A level



>black fathers

Disgraceful, black mothers is the only acceptable course.

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55461f No.294409


Nobody wants to any of those pictures you've got your own tranny places, or so you say, so can just post those pictures there.

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454cb2 No.294410

File: 447217415132899⋯.jpg (41.82 KB,780x415,156:83,civic pregnancy.jpg)


>A lot of this stuff is people spending too much time on the internet and not enough in the real world as well.

You could argue the same about a lot of shit that's come about lately, but it's synaptically stimulating how trannyism gets the go-ahead whilst other stuff doesn't.

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445e55 No.294411

File: 82aef9121cf78c8⋯.jpg (46.77 KB,720x720,1:1,1533533153111.jpg)


The right wing tranners I've met are strongly against kids taking hormones, they even joke about bullets into the heads of parents and medical professionals that give kids hormones. These are the tranners we need. They realise they are degenerates, but just can't help themselves, not everyone can fight their desires.

>A lot of this stuff is people spending too much time on the internet and not enough in the real world as well.

I'm in agreement with you here to some degree, but I think it's the internet entirely. Without the internet this stuff wouldn't be in our schools being taught to our kids.

>Kid gets taught it in school

>Kid goes online and gets indoctrinated in carious leftist tranny forums etc

>Kid spreads this shit to irl world to friends, parents etc

It's a vicious cycle that's going to be very hard to eliminate

But sadly we use the internet for everything and it's impossible to get rid of now. That's why I see we have to take in some tranners to our side and use them against the lefty ones. Am I crazy for having this idea?


It seems to be working with the whole censorship thing isn't it? Maybe having a few trannies on our side isn't so bad/


Negresses are crazy, not even black men like them smh


The right needs to accept more tranners. I'm just letting people know there are tranners out there that are willing to help

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04ca30 No.294412


>jewperium/taigperium is the future

You're not partaking in either perium though lad?

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fe59e8 No.294413


I'm not being JOCKED

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445e55 No.294414

File: 9f2937d49ce576e⋯.png (566.31 KB,1366x768,683:384,Akari_Sleep.png)

fuck me ive stayed u too late.

goodnight everyone

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d331c3 No.294415


>7PM Bedtime

What a well behaved man.

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fe59e8 No.294416


he has to be up bright and early to practice his gayism

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378b1a No.294417

File: 4614cbbcee764e1⋯.png (200.06 KB,402x697,402:697,yisunjakclear.png)

File: 38da57e3d7cabe3⋯.png (816.08 KB,1190x804,595:402,yisunjakwip.png)


lots of effort for something which is almost guaranteed never to have a posting context

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d331c3 No.294418

File: 7d98a721f58716d⋯.jpg (235.11 KB,1023x994,1023:994,Cyborg_noodle_by_darkzomby.jpg)

Hearthstone is a genuinely enjoyable game.

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87f070 No.294419


*fuck Noodle

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c17b58 No.294420

File: 4a014f1c2ffbbb2⋯.jpg (111.65 KB,1036x1200,259:300,me.jpg)



the only logical way to make britain white again is to unironically breed with non-white women

you see, deportation isnt an option, people arent angry enough and will probably never happen

the only way to win is to keep adding white admixture to the non-whites

if each nonwhite generation[and offspring] bred with whites, it wouldnt be long before everyone was white again

the small % of dna that was non-white would not show because it is too small, and would eventually disappear

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378b1a No.294421

File: c6dabdaec96bcb4⋯.png (14.96 KB,568x452,142:113,revolver.png)


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c17b58 No.294422


what do you propose? epic LARPing and rahowa?

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87f070 No.294423


The Yakub method. Good choice.

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904557 No.294424

Cooking up a nice rabbit and pigeon cassoulet tbh

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c17b58 No.294425


sounds gay

not a poof are you?

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378b1a No.294426


not being a retard for a start

>enemies pushing miscegenation propaganda 24/7

>hey let's miscegenate surely this is the right thing to do

never mind the constant influx of shitskins, their massively high birth rate and how their genes dominate over white ones


not eating anything tbh

going to do one meal a day I guess

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904557 No.294427


How the fuck does a wild game stew sound gay?>not a poof are you?

Are you?

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c8ffb1 No.294428

File: f118d118f72ea97⋯.jpg (60.8 KB,732x1024,183:256,DlACW_mVsAAuCJ_.jpg)

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c17b58 No.294429



just sounds poncy is all lad


that's why we need to stop them breeding 8 pure nonwhite kids each

the best way to stop them breeding is to westernise them and get rid of their genes through aggressive breeding by white men

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904557 No.294430


It's a french peasant dish so maybe that's why

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454cb2 No.294431


>Am I crazy for having this idea?

No, there are already trannies connected to the alt-right. Just as there are women and gays and blacks and muslims. Well, I'm not sure about muslims but certainly the others.


Too high IQ for me. Is he upset about being stripped of his position and his country's fleet being trashed under the command of a moron?

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378b1a No.294432


it's the final battle where he had 12 ships and 1 turtle ship against 200 jap ships but the jap admiral shipcucked him and burnt the turtle ship before it was even launched

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c17b58 No.294433


are you a posh farmer?

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454cb2 No.294434


Was that the battle where he won anyway? From what I've ready Yi sounded like an impressive lad.


I think vanlad covered this already: the Jews want us to hate each other so the answer is to have lots of sex with other instead or something. I don't claim to understand the intricate nuances of eciviteric philosophy.

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d331c3 No.294435

File: d6a91fee6e793fd⋯.jpg (56.72 KB,493x652,493:652,Anime_01.jpg)


I want my kids to look like me.

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c17b58 No.294436


you have to actually have kids in the first place

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378b1a No.294437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah it was 13 vs 333 and he won the absolute unit

never go full civic tho

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