[–] ▶ /newbrit/politics #261: Year of the Consulship of Gallienus and Taurus Edition Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 08:45:27 e2ca08 (60) No. 122020 >>122047 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
261 AD: Britain elects to join the Gallic Empire.
‘Black Lives Matter’ Riots in London, Police and Public Attacked
>Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and bottles have been hurled at police during a ‘Black Lives Matter’ riot in East London following the death of an alleged drug dealer.
>Rashan Jermaine Charles, 20, died in hospital after being apprehended by police in Dalston, Hackney on the 22nd of July. He was attempting to flee a shop while swallowing a stash of drugs when tackled by officers, according to reports.
>Following the death, masked activists bearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ placards shut down Kingsland Road, set fire to bins and mattresses, and even attempted to storm a passing lorry, the BBC reports.
>Shop windows were also smashed, graffiti painted on buildings, and late-night businesses forced to close their doors.
Halal Chief: ‘Australian Women Need Muslims to Fertilize Them’
>White Australians will be extinct within 40 years because Australian men are too busy smoking, drinking beer and taking drugs to procreate, a Muslim businessman has warned.
>Halal certification chief Mohamed Elmouelhy told his Facebook followers the solution to this perceived demographic crisis for Australian women is for Muslim men to “fertilise them” and “keep them surrounded by Muslim babies” as part of what he foresees as the gradual Islamisation of Australia.
>His observation was in response to a study by researchers from the Hebrew University, published in the journal Human Reproduction Update, which found declining fertility rates among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Rahad Hussain Arrested Following London Acid Attack Which Left Victims With ‘Life-changing’ Injuries
>A man has been arrested following yet another suspected acid attack in London, said to have left its victims with “life-changing” injuries.
>23-year-old Rahad Hussain, of no fixed abode, was arrested on two counts of wounding with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon, near the Singh Supermarket on Roman Road, Bethnal Green, according to reports.
>The two male victims are said to have come running into the store with their skin “peeling off”, telling a shopkeeper: “We have got acid on us, we have got acid on us!”
>“They were pouring the water over themselves in the shop, and it had got into their clothes. One of them was pouring it down his trousers,” the shopkeeper recalled.
Tories Will Continue ‘Similar’ EU Migration After Brexit Despite Claim to End Free Movement
>Tory Chancellor Philip Hammond has indicated that it will be years before Britain has new border controls, as Home Secretary Amber Rudd says EU citizens will still be allowed to migrate to the UK after Brexit.
>At first glance, the statements appear to bluntly contradict the claims of Tory MP Brandon Lewis, who claimed Thursday: “Free Movement of Labour ends when we leave the European Union in the Spring of 2019”.
>Government sources later conceded that the rules governing EU migrants during the transitional period “may look like a similar arrangement” to current free movement rules, The Telegraph reports.
>Proponents of greater immigration controls have been sceptical of Tory claims; with UKIP leader Nigel Farage suggesting Thursday that “business and a Tory government” were preparing a “great Brexit betrayal” on immigration.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 08:47:10 94bb71 (4) No. 122021 >>122027
My penis is itchy as hell after sleeping with some thot last week . An all clear from the doctor though. So what the hell is it?
She was pretty tight, friction burn?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 08:54:26 be3dcf (2) No. 122023
Morning lads
That's a weird dream lad, I can hardly talk though, one of the dreams I had last night was seeing people being eaten alive by giant centipedes, pretty freaky stuff
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 09:35:58 0a7b38 (58) No. 122025 >>122030
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 09:46:45 0a7b38 (58) No. 122027 >>122028
>engaging in sexual degeneracy
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 09:59:53 94bb71 (4) No. 122028
>being a sexless dafty
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 10:19:28 e2ca08 (60) No. 122030 >>122031
It's that time again.
Her nose is too big to be a pure ethinic jap. Looks like piggu admixture to me.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 10:32:35 94bb71 (4) No. 122033
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 10:32:49 41491d (103) No. 122034
She just looks like a pig
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 10:50:31 41491d (103) No. 122035 >>122039
the upside to vomiting whilst drinking is that I've not got a hangover today
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 11:00:42 94bb71 (4) No. 122039 >>122041
Lad if you had to post the most attractive asian you've ever seen, what would it be?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 11:18:16 41491d (103) No. 122041 >>122092
I think the prettiest one I've ever seen was IRL
Difficult question. I don't normally like K*reans, but the one in the third picture is gorgeous.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 11:21:21 ae10fc (6) No. 122043 >>122044 >>122049
reposting here since I didnt get any (You)s on brit/pol/
Said I wouldn't come on for a week but fuck me reading something in the paper has made me mad
400, yes, FOUR HUNDRED new houses are going to be build, that's changing the population by at least 10-20%, not including the hundreds that have already been build
I would bet everything that the majority of people that live here aren't even from here anymore
There isn't anywhere safe from the urban wankers who want to destroy are green and pleasant land, it's an all out war
Hilarious isn't it, that one of the councillors says there isn't another school for hundreds of under 10s, yet they just closed down one that was perfectly fine.
At least someone complained in the paper about the council doing things we never ask for tbh
I'm going to write something in there but I don't want to come across as a sperg
what do laddos?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 11:31:16 e2ca08 (60) No. 122044 >>122045
The best way to fight developments imo is to hit it from an environmental standpoint because it has the broadest and most emotional appeal. Mention that local wildlife and their habitats will be destroyed by large scale construction, as well as the extra pollution and littering from the increased population.
This approach has worked pretty well in my area for the last ten or so years. We've been threatened with estates and wind farms a lot so I know how you feel.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 11:40:49 ae10fc (6) No. 122045 >>122046
Thanks lad, this will probably be best
Should I also stress the impact on local services?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 12:09:55 e2ca08 (60) No. 122046
That's a good idea, local schools and medical practices will suffer the strain. Basically anything you can think of to make a comprehensive argument.
Hopefully enough people will read it and join you in vocally opposing the scheme.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 12:39:43 c4d59b (23) No. 122047 >>122048
>>122020 (OP)
>Black Lives Matter
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 12:43:49 41491d (103) No. 122048 >>122049
A wog being killed in USA is like 50 billion wogs being killed in the UK
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 12:55:30 c4d59b (23) No. 122049 >>122050 >>122051 >>122052
There's an old Welsh tradition of setting foreigners' houses on fire, though it doesn't get practised much these days.
It's a filthy yank import. From time to time I harbour thoughts that maybe blacks can be integrated into British culture, and then I'm reminded that shit like BLM has come over here and I'm brought back to reality. Yank cultural imperialism must go. Why can't Best Korea just nuke them away already?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:22:42 0a7b38 (58) No. 122050
>From time to time I harbour thoughts that maybe blacks can be integrated into British culture
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:25:23 be3dcf (2) No. 122051 >>122057
>From time to time I harbour thoughts that maybe blacks can be integrated into British culture
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:29:40 41491d (103) No. 122052
>civic nationalism
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:32:06 0a7b38 (58) No. 122053 >>122054
>woke up early
>cleaned house and rearranged furniture
>done with bookkeping and sorting papers from last year school
>got money transfered on my count, no idea from where
>went outside
>absorbed enough vitamin d for the rest of the day
>got bitten by red ants bullies
>ate shittons
>ice cream in freezer was there for months so possibly have food poisoning
>ate wild plums outside so have to wait 2 hours until i can drink water
>dying of thirst tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:33:04 41491d (103) No. 122054 >>122055
>>ate wild plums outside so have to wait 2 hours until i can drink water
Are you following the "no drinks with meals" /fa/ strat?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:35:09 0a7b38 (58) No. 122055 >>122057
no nigger
side effect of eating plums is that if you drink a liquid after eating some it will fuck you up. I dran an espresso and I already have belly aches. I once ate lots in spain and after that drank coke at a bar and had to vomit for an hour.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:49:31 c4d59b (23) No. 122057 >>122058 >>122059 >>122060
It worked great with the Romans and the Germanics, right? I probably would be a civic if not for the prior experience. pls no bully, I paid attention in school and watched lots of TV as a child, I can't help accidentally being a fifth column.
>side effect of eating plums is that if you drink a liquid after eating some it will fuck you up
This is news to me.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 13:59:34 0a7b38 (58) No. 122058
lad don't be a cuckold
>This is news to me.
I don't recomend trying it out. Worst part is that I forget it every time and had mumsey not warned me I'd be drowning in my puke again. Maybe it's just me tho. Maybe I have a curse.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:21:15 41491d (103) No. 122059 >>122062
>I paid attention in school and watched lots of TV as a child, I can't help accidentally being a fifth column.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:25:16 e2ca08 (60) No. 122060 >>122061
Your compassion makes me feel a bit gooey lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:26:31 41491d (103) No. 122061
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:32:55 c4d59b (23) No. 122062 >>122063 >>122064
>being judged by a miscgenist
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:35:16 0a7b38 (58) No. 122063
b-but lad, asians and whites are the same race
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:44:58 41491d (103) No. 122064 >>122065 >>122066
there is literally nothing wrong with the imperium
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:48:23 0a7b38 (58) No. 122065
ricepirate turned out alright i guess
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:53:14 c4d59b (23) No. 122066 >>122069
I suppose Keanu Reeves turned out okay.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:54:16 c3ea94 (45) No. 122067 >>122068
Which ippo character is he talking about?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:55:00 0a7b38 (58) No. 122068 >>122070
where have ya been sunshine
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:57:15 e2ca08 (60) No. 122069 >>122074 >>122136
Because his mum was British tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:57:31 c3ea94 (45) No. 122070 >>122071
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:59:02 0a7b38 (58) No. 122071 >>122072
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 14:59:50 c3ea94 (45) No. 122072 >>122073
pretty good, slept in a tent, ate a burger off a fire, set up a cool tarp shelter for the fire in the rain which steam dried the tarp.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:02:16 0a7b38 (58) No. 122073
wish i wasn't an autist with fire tbh
then again i don't actually need to cook anything most of the time but bonfires are comfy
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:05:40 41491d (103) No. 122074
>it's a neo pretends that white women are human episode
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:11:59 0a7b38 (58) No. 122075 >>122274
this is the best thing ever
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:14:54 0a7b38 (58) No. 122076 >>122077
maybe i have a iodine deficit
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:18:16 cb86ed (32) No. 122077
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122076
it's dangerous to go alone
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:20:07 0a7b38 (58) No. 122078 >>122079 >>122083 >>122096
last day i will be drinking
what should i pour lads, beer or cognac?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:22:22 0a7b38 (58) No. 122080 >>122082
hello lad
it's gonna be only water and tea for me after tomorrow, might as well be devilish today
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:23:33 ae10fc (6) No. 122082 >>122084
Pour it all away.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:25:00 c3ea94 (45) No. 122083 >>122086
whichever one you'd prefer
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:26:00 0a7b38 (58) No. 122084 >>122085
too late i already took a sip of this sweet bavarian nectar ah well
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:26:43 ae10fc (6) No. 122085 >>122091 >>122095
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:27:08 0a7b38 (58) No. 122086 >>122087
i'll drink both tbh no i won't
re-watching clone high today evening tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:29:53 c3ea94 (45) No. 122087 >>122091 >>122274
oh what films did I miss?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:30:23 41491d (103) No. 122089 >>122102
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:32:19 0a7b38 (58) No. 122091
eh no idea one was about some turk rapper killing the local chad nigger bully in london and the other i missed myself. I watch this on my own anyway. own film sunday if you will. t
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:32:24 cfa478 (51) No. 122092 >>122093
Are you Tommy from NA?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:33:16 41491d (103) No. 122093 >>122094
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:33:42 cfa478 (51) No. 122094 >>122098 >>122115
Good. Do not be Chinese anymore.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:33:46 0a7b38 (58) No. 122095
pressed reply too soon sorry
wanted to post the dafty pepe that gets punched but can't find it
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:33:47 3c728a (32) No. 122096 >>122097
beer with a cognac depth charge tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:35:01 cb86ed (32) No. 122097 >>122101
how do you get it to stop from spilling?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:35:14 3c728a (32) No. 122098 >>122100
hi lad missed you tbh
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:36:22 cfa478 (51) No. 122100 >>122104
Greetings lad. I am conquering /brit/
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:36:36 3c728a (32) No. 122101 >>122108
turn the pint glass upside down, put the shot of spirit in the shot glass into the bottom, hold them together while turning it up the right way, voila.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:36:53 e2ca08 (60) No. 122102 >>122106 >>122108 >>122115
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:37:09 0a7b38 (58) No. 122103 >>122105
haven't been to KC in like months
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:37:51 0a7b38 (58) No. 122104 >>122109
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:38:03 3c728a (32) No. 122105 >>122107
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:38:11 cfa478 (51) No. 122106
I see you post here still. Do you still wish to be a female?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:38:40 0a7b38 (58) No. 122107
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:38:55 cb86ed (32) No. 122108
wew would think it'd just leak out or something but cool
i kno
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:39:01 cfa478 (51) No. 122109 >>122110 >>122111
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:41:20 3c728a (32) No. 122111
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:41:43 cfa478 (51) No. 122112 >>122113
Hahaha, they banned me! How amusing. Do they think that I shall not return? Do they believe themselves immune to my naughty lamb posting? I am BumBum II, destroyer of the bullydome, and I have slain many. I have torn their flesh and bone and wrought them into nothing but slush. My Bumlings are ready to feed. They are wise. They have conquered many before. I am he who shitposts.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:42:21 0a7b38 (58) No. 122113
yasss queen show them
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:42:24 ae10fc (6) No. 122114 >>122116
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:44:02 41491d (103) No. 122115 >>122117
How exciting
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:44:24 cfa478 (51) No. 122116
The little hobbit can still get signal in his hole! What amusement I am given by his impish appearance. Now I must go, for mummy has prepared din dins. Soon I shall return with my horde. /brit/ will tremble. They shall know the name of he who memes.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:45:28 e2ca08 (60) No. 122117 >>122118
Soon I will be free from your tyranny lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:46:32 41491d (103) No. 122118 >>122130
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:47:24 0a7b38 (58) No. 122119 >>122121 >>122122 >>122124
i will fucking eat chips i don't even care that it's 5pm
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:47:40 0a7b38 (58) No. 122120 >>122124
oh sorry meant crisps :^)
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:48:08 41491d (103) No. 122121
live life to the max
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:48:18 c3ea94 (45) No. 122122 >>122128 >>122129
>tfw had chips with cheese and bacon for breakfast
the life tbh
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:48:35 cfa478 (51) No. 122123 >>122126
Also, I am taking up swimming for I want to get more toned than I already am and gain sicc leg power.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:48:53 3c728a (32) No. 122124 >>122128
thats better
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:49:15 cfa478 (51) No. 122125 >>122127
Furthermore, Korean lasses are the superior Asians.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:49:52 3c728a (32) No. 122126 >>122134
i thought bumbums were land-dwelling reptiles?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:50:22 c3ea94 (45) No. 122128 >>122138
>>122122 (checked)
Hey lad I saw the dates had changed
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:55:01 0a7b38 (58) No. 122129 >>122131
time for teen nostalgia mtv marathon see you lads
in the morning everythng is allowed
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:56:26 c3ea94 (45) No. 122131
MTV is always on in Germany anyway
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 15:56:55 41491d (103) No. 122132
>22st comes back
>you feel emboldened to post that fucking boy slut
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:12:11 cfa478 (51) No. 122134
We are entirely formed of adipous tissue and are considered to scientifically be land mammals much like the race of man.
Do you masturbate to this? Is that from when I anally probed you?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:12:44 0a7b38 (58) No. 122135
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. ah fuck this shows TOOO REALLL
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:13:13 c4d59b (23) No. 122136
>his mysterymeat daddy didn't raise him right
>his mummy seemingly shagged every man on Earth
Poor lad tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:14:33 3c728a (32) No. 122138 >>122141
yeah lad was going to text you tonight, its the monday, tuesday and wednesday after the original date.
▶ DaftyLass !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:15:25 cfa478 (51) No. 122140 >>122142 >>122146
Yo, it is I, the dafty lass. Please send me your willy photographs and credit card numbers. Thanks in advance lads. I love you and that.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:17:32 c3ea94 (45) No. 122141 >>122143 >>122144
Not sure if I can do that lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:17:57 3c728a (32) No. 122143 >>122144 >>122145
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:18:55 3c728a (32) No. 122144
what about wed/thurs/fri of that week?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:19:01 c3ea94 (45) No. 122145 >>122147
Yeah it all seems to be going a bit out of whack, I'm busy from the 12th to the 16th
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:20:21 3c728a (32) No. 122147 >>122149
oh im thinking 8th & 9th, but no worries if youre busy
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:21:35 c3ea94 (45) No. 122149 >>122151
Actually 8th and 9th should be doable totally then
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:22:17 cfa478 (51) No. 122151 >>122152 >>122153 >>122156
What about the tenth?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:22:55 c3ea94 (45) No. 122152
I'll have to see what comes up
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:22:59 3c728a (32) No. 122153
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:25:18 3c728a (32) No. 122156 >>122158
oh lad the welsh launched an orbital super weapon platform, how will the bumbum kingdom respond?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:27:55 3c728a (32) No. 122157
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122155
sounds like this dude
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:28:18 cfa478 (51) No. 122158 >>122159
With the most powerful weapon known to man.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:29:08 3c728a (32) No. 122159
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:32:21 692dc2 (2) No. 122161 >>122162
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:33:18 3c728a (32) No. 122162
most effective tactic of the year award
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:35:45 3c728a (32) No. 122163
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. [proto-screamo intensifies]
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:37:26 53741b (30) No. 122164 >>122165 >>122167 >>122172 >>122173 >>122175 >>122176 >>122274
Afternoon, lasses. I'm back
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:38:37 41491d (103) No. 122165 >>122166
Glad to have you back lad
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:39:17 53741b (30) No. 122166 >>122168
Good to be back, lad. Felt like forever
*revs the gayist engine* time to get started
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:39:53 3c728a (32) No. 122167 >>122169
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122164
*puts in a brave face*
hello lad, didnt miss you at all tbh.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:42:10 53741b (30) No. 122169
Don't worry, lad. It's raining.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:42:25 53741b (30) No. 122170 >>122171
missed you lasses and lads tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:42:57 3c728a (32) No. 122171
shut it you big faggot
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:42:55 692dc2 (2) No. 122172 >>122177
welcome back lad, here's your rightful (you) of returning
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:44:38 c3ea94 (45) No. 122173 >>122174 >>122177
I smell like a smokestack wew
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:45:38 3c728a (32) No. 122174
fyi febreeze doesnt work on bonfore smell, smh.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:54:52 53741b (30) No. 122177 >>122178 >>122179
Thanks, lass
ty lad
tadaima ~
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:56:03 41491d (103) No. 122178 >>122180
please cool it with the gayism
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:57:49 e2ca08 (60) No. 122179 >>122182
They've been bullying me ever since you left lad, it was horrible.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:58:38 53741b (30) No. 122180 >>122181 >>122184
Hadn't seen a single gook for days. Forgot how ugly they are smh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:59:09 41491d (103) No. 122181 >>122183
that's just wrong
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 16:59:11 53741b (30) No. 122182 >>122185
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122179
Ahh, don't worry, lass. I'm here now
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:01:34 53741b (30) No. 122183
Bit harsh, but I won't apologise
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:02:18 e7421c (8) No. 122184 >>122185 >>122186
>Hadn't seen a single gook for days.
wow that sounds great
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:04:16 e2ca08 (60) No. 122185 >>122186 >>122187 >>122192
I'm so glad, you have no idea.
I remember when I was young and I rarely saw gooks at all.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:06:48 1808f7 (88) No. 122186 >>122192 >>122208
I will see one next week when we are doing something secret and my brother's gf's brother will be there with his imported thai wife
>I'm so glad, you have no idea.
That's nice to hear. Good to be back. Bit tired after an 8 hour drive tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:07:19 41491d (103) No. 122187 >>122188
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:08:44 1808f7 (88) No. 122188 >>122190
You can't torment her anymore, lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:09:56 41491d (103) No. 122190 >>122191
astolfo torments me
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:10:51 1808f7 (88) No. 122191
But you're a lad so I don't orbit you
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:11:06 e7421c (8) No. 122192 >>122193
astolfo is free!
ahhhhhh now I'm curious but a secret is a secret so I won't ask.. smh at your bro's gfs bro
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:12:42 1808f7 (88) No. 122193 >>122196
Speaking of geros, I'm uploading the latest episode to google drive right now, lass
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:12:54 3c728a (32) No. 122194
>marilyn manson
holy shit im about a dozen songs away from wearing baggy jeans and a big chain
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:14:53 0a7b38 (58) No. 122197
thunder outside but no clouds
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:15:03 3c728a (32) No. 122198 >>122199 >>122200 >>122201
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. fuck it someone give me a skateboard
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:15:38 c3ea94 (45) No. 122199
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:16:36 0a7b38 (58) No. 122200 >>122203
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122198
>tfw never owned a skateboard
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:16:41 e7421c (8) No. 122201
just SCUZZ me up senpai
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:17:47 1808f7 (88) No. 122202 >>122204
Please don't say "noice", lass. The scat-enabler loves saying it
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:19:05 1808f7 (88) No. 122203
tried my brother's once and then fell on my tailbone
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:20:02 e7421c (8) No. 122204 >>122207
o-oh I had no idea, it's an old meme anyway..
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:20:57 3c728a (32) No. 122206
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. call me vans-lad from now on
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:21:14 1808f7 (88) No. 122207 >>122226
Yeah. It's weird, seems like he thinks he invented it or thinks it is somehow fresh and new as he's started using it. smh. Anything he touches turns to poo
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:22:03 e2ca08 (60) No. 122208 >>122212
>my brother's gf's brother will be there with his imported thai wife
iktf lad, why do they do it.
What was that blue-haired girl you were posting?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:22:20 1808f7 (88) No. 122209 >>122226
>tfw you realise horseshoe theory is right
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:23:16 0a7b38 (58) No. 122210 >>122213
it looks very ironic
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:23:16 41491d (103) No. 122211
>tfw you realise impeirum theory is right
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:24:01 1808f7 (88) No. 122212 >>122214
>iktf lad, why do they do it.
Don't know tbh. I guess they just don't feel the same way we do. I don't see how they don't get disgusted by foreigners or brownskins though smh.
Her brother is literally retarded though. I forget what happened, if he was dropped on his head or what.
>What was that blue-haired girl you were posting?
Did you mistake me for Pembs or something?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:24:34 1808f7 (88) No. 122213 >>122215
can't know these days. That lass looks pretty cool tbh
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:25:11 e2ca08 (60) No. 122214 >>122226
>Did you mistake me for Pembs or something?
Oh yeah, I just saw Froppy and assumed it was Pembs.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:28:55 41491d (103) No. 122216
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:32:45 c3ea94 (45) No. 122218 >>122224
argh i'm so stiff and tired
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:33:40 c3ea94 (45) No. 122221
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:33:52 c3ea94 (45) No. 122222 >>122225 >>122226 >>122227 >>122228 >>122274
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:34:05 1808f7 (88) No. 122224 >>122229
Same, lad.
>tfw woke up to my air mattress being deflated this morning
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:34:30 1808f7 (88) No. 122225 >>122229
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:34:42 e7421c (8) No. 122226 >>122229 >>122230
ahhhhhh stop it CTR
I've never really seen any of his videos but I don't think I want to either
Stalin was just a secret anti-semite fascist lad
Rei lass
what the fuck Anprim
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:34:55 c4d59b (23) No. 122227 >>122229
Why do this, lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:35:45 0a7b38 (58) No. 122228
at least it's not imperium
good job lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:35:52 c3ea94 (45) No. 122229 >>122232 >>122274
Woke up at 2am to my tent leaking directly onto my forehead
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:36:06 e2ca08 (60) No. 122230 >>122231
There was one with long hair that you were posting recently.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:39:23 e7421c (8) No. 122231 >>122233 >>122237
ohh.. Kuu from Hinako Note. she's a cute Konata clone
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:40:20 1808f7 (88) No. 122232
based water torture
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:40:35 1808f7 (88) No. 122233 >>122234 >>122236
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:41:31 e7421c (8) No. 122234
they can be tasty lad, don't judge
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:43:17 41491d (103) No. 122236 >>122241
>he's never eaten paper before
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:44:38 e2ca08 (60) No. 122237 >>122241 >>122248
Yeah that's the one, she's very you tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:46:39 0a7b38 (58) No. 122239
next time, on a very special clone high
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:47:27 3c728a (32) No. 122240 >>122243 >>122245
dafty symbols can be so aesthetic
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:49:13 1808f7 (88) No. 122241 >>122246 >>122248
When I was a dumb kid I did
How so?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:50:04 1808f7 (88) No. 122243
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWW GORDON
tbh both dafty symbols and moomin art is pretty aesthetic
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:50:28 c3ea94 (45) No. 122245
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:50:35 41491d (103) No. 122246 >>122248 >>122249 >>122252
>When I was a dumb kid I did
I still sometimes do it now, usually when I'm trying to destroy my address on letters
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:52:38 39a8bb (35) No. 122247 >>122250 >>122251 >>122274
>Mfw I didn't know there was a new thread
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:53:36 6c8460 (7) No. 122248 >>122252
t-thanks, I think
nazi snufkin best
bus tickets and receipts were disgusting
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:54:09 1808f7 (88) No. 122249 >>122253
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:55:41 3c728a (32) No. 122250 >>122268
kek happens to the best of us. welcome lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:56:59 41491d (103) No. 122253
It's not that weird
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:59:01 0a7b38 (58) No. 122254 >>122256 >>122257 >>122259 >>122260 >>122261 >>122274
well now I have to drink even more than I have because my parents call me to join them for a game of HoM&M
shame i couldn't finish my marathon
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:59:35 6c8460 (7) No. 122255
I was young then tbf
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:59:51 41491d (103) No. 122256
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 17:59:53 6c8460 (7) No. 122257 >>122258 >>122261
what's HoM&M? bye
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:00:42 0a7b38 (58) No. 122258 >>122262 >>122263 >>122264
why is paper eating this popular
Heroes of Might and Magic
we will stop soon cuz dad goes to Petersburg on Tuesday
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:01:23 e2ca08 (60) No. 122259
>plays HoMM
>with slav parents
The stereotypes are true.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:01:24 1808f7 (88) No. 122260
>playing games with your parents
kind of cool tbh. Have fun, lass
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:01:34 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122261
heroes of might and magic like a true slav
kek bye
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:01:42 41491d (103) No. 122262
>we will stop soon cuz dad goes to Petersburg on Tuesday
Did you ever swing it for your parents to allow you to go to the motherland for a bit?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:02:09 6c8460 (7) No. 122263
that's cool haven't played vidya with parents for a while hf
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:02:29 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122264
maybe being a papervore is the ultimate redpill
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:03:13 c3ea94 (45) No. 122265 >>122266 >>122267 >>122271
>tfw have never played vidya with parents
I think I've played some card games and maybe board games with them but not very often.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:04:24 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122266
used to play my dad at chess tbh, sometimes goldeneye on the 64 too.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:05:11 41491d (103) No. 122267 >>122272
I think I played something on the Wii with them, and I think we all played atari once, but It's always either been cards or a copy of Trivial Pursuits from the mid 80's at chirstmas
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:05:56 39a8bb (35) No. 122268
Thank you lad. It's been so long I worry I might experience culture shock though
Woke up, didn't see there were any new thread links. So posted morning and when no one responded I assumed it was super slow. I've been doing things so I didn't really think about it. Shame though, I like coming in and reading every now and again.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:05:57 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122269 >>122274
>They are now gearing up for the next part of their mission, known as Exercise Saxon Warrior,
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:07:38 41491d (103) No. 122270 >>122284
There is literally nothing wrong with eating paper
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:07:54 6c8460 (7) No. 122271 >>122273 >>122283
>tfw used to play nintendo games with mummy
ahhhh it was so comfy, but then we got a PS2 and the games were more serious and she didn't like them smh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:07:55 1808f7 (88) No. 122272
yeah wii sports with mummy. A lot of different board games with both
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:08:24 1808f7 (88) No. 122273 >>122279
aw. What nintendo games did you play, alss?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:10:51 81f0ca (19) No. 122274 >>122275 >>122276
good thread edition tbh
good job neo
history is good and cultural
>got threadcucked and didn't see the new one for the whole day
film friday part 3 tonight?
seaweed is good yes
12 Monkeys
bad get tbh
don't sleep directly under the apex of the tent
I beat your ignorance
>parents play HoM&M
based tbh
better be 3 or 4 tho
portentious tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:11:50 41491d (103) No. 122275
this tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:14:31 39a8bb (35) No. 122276 >>122277
It seems we were both tremendously thread cucked. I'm inclined to pass blame at this point tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:15:32 41491d (103) No. 122277 >>122278
this thread's been up for nearly 10 hours lad
how did you not see it
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:17:02 39a8bb (35) No. 122278
Just assumed it was slow. wasn't too interested cus I had else to do
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:17:36 6c8460 (7) No. 122279 >>122281
Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion were the main ones I think, so much fun
also a Megadrive before that, it must have been old already by then tbh, with Sanic, Sanic Spinball and Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine kek. miss Sega tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:22:34 1808f7 (88) No. 122281 >>122296
never played nintendo games with my parents but they wtched us play Zelda and Mario tbh
never played super mario sunshine or luigi's mansion. I forget why, just felt like it was a bit gimicky or a rip off of the nintendo 64 mario somehow. I was a dumb kid. played a lot of Final fantasy: crystal chronicles with my brothers though tfw played as androgynous selkie
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:25:21 41491d (103) No. 122282
>I own Suicide Season on Vinyl
why did I do that
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:27:37 e2ca08 (60) No. 122283 >>122286 >>122296
The closest I got to playing games with daddy was when I got him to buy me Ocarina of Time and he used to check on my progress.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:33:00 41491d (103) No. 122285
why do you do this
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:33:20 1808f7 (88) No. 122286 >>122304
>tfw dad walked in on you while playing Zelda
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:34:48 1808f7 (88) No. 122287 >>122288 >>122289 >>122290 >>122291 >>122292 >>122296
>no Ganondorf bf with tights and thigh-high socks
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:35:34 c3ea94 (45) No. 122288 >>122290 >>122294
That's it you're going back
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:36:09 1808f7 (88) No. 122290 >>122293 >>122294 >>122296
smh pic didn't post
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:37:58 c3ea94 (45) No. 122293 >>122295 >>122298 >>122299
We've got a defective model, does anyone have the receipt we might be able to exchange this one for a better one
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:38:03 1808f7 (88) No. 122294 >>122300
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:00 cb86ed (32) No. 122296
ladddd you missed out, it was the first mario I played though and thought it was weird he didn't have Fludd in other games. wew that's pretty Celtic and cute
aw daddies were harder to get to play vidya for some reason
looking good, hon
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:14 c3ea94 (45) No. 122297 >>122308
We've got the wrong 22st, we need to send you back and get our one instead.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:18 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122298 >>122308
hopefully gchq can supply a less gay 22st if we pay some sort of admin fee.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:26 81f0ca (19) No. 122299 >>122308
>didn't buy any food
tonight's meal will be omelette du miscellaneous vegetables et pasta
anything on for film night lads?
>22st's gchq replacement has himself been replaced
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:36 41491d (103) No. 122300 >>122308
even with the image that;s awful
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:39:42 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122301 >>122302 >>122303 >>122305
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:40:10 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122302
reeee took 25 seconds to post
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:40:14 81f0ca (19) No. 122303
close but no cigar-shaped object
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:40:32 e2ca08 (60) No. 122304 >>122306 >>122308 >>122340
So you're one of those people with a fetish for Milfrova.
The quest where you go back in time to help Nabooru steal the silver gauntlets from the Spirit Temple as a child made me sweat a bit ngl. Her interactions with shota Link were very cute.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:40:37 41491d (103) No. 122305 >>122307
the drvids betrayed you
they betrayed you because you're referencing posts that I never made
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:41:18 c3ea94 (45) No. 122306 >>122310 >>122312 >>122322
>that doujin
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:43:29 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122307 >>122311
ahhhh stop trying to bamboozle me with doublethink
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:43:49 1808f7 (88) No. 122308
I've always been awful smh
Not really tbh, but always liked the gerudo lasses. Arabs and Muslims weren't so bad when you didn't know they existed outside of games smh
>Her interactions with shota Link were very cute.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:44:05 81f0ca (19) No. 122309
how to make an omelette
1.get a jug
2.crack some eggs in there
3. put in whatever shit you think will be good
4. mix it a bit and put it in the pan
5. leave it in enough to burn the underside
6. try to turn it over but fail and end up with scrambled eggs instead
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:44:17 1808f7 (88) No. 122310 >>122314
>knowing what it is
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:44:28 41491d (103) No. 122311 >>122313
the post about diana? never happened
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:46:28 41491d (103) No. 122312
>knowing any doujin
Is there something you're not telling us lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:46:34 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122313 >>122315
good sir i do accuse you of obfuscation, meet me here at sunset for trial by combat.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:46:54 c3ea94 (45) No. 122314 >>122317
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:47:30 41491d (103) No. 122315 >>122316
there's a good three hours of sunlight left here buddy boy
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:48:56 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122316 >>122318
enjoy it while it lasts, obscurer, for at sunset i will shoot you down.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:49:13 1808f7 (88) No. 122317 >>122319
And what does that artist usually draw?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:49:30 41491d (103) No. 122318 >>122320
>shooting me because you falsified a post
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:50:08 c3ea94 (45) No. 122319 >>122325
terrible, terrible things
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:50:57 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122320 >>122321
>tfw falsifyibg posts is unpossible for me
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:52:12 41491d (103) No. 122321 >>122324
i dont habeeb you
i never made a post complementing any whoite woman except for my own mother ever
there is no proof of this
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:54:47 cb86ed (32) No. 122323 >>122326
2 years out-of-date peanut butter is not bad tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:55:06 1808f7 (88) No. 122325 >>122329
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:55:32 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122326
its probably alcoholic by now lax
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:57:28 c3ea94 (45) No. 122329 >>122334
*revs up old sadpanda account*
you made me do this, I am innocent of any crimes.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:57:31 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122330
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:57:48 41491d (103) No. 122331 >>122332
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 18:59:05 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122333
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:02:48 1808f7 (88) No. 122334 >>122335
I'll forgive your past crimes if you tell me
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:03:51 41491d (103) No. 122335 >>122336
please don't make/let people post hentai in the thread
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:10:09 81f0ca (19) No. 122338
when the spinach wilted in the pan just enough to bring out the flavour
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:10:45 c4d59b (23) No. 122339
Just wanted to post that webm tbh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:11:16 1808f7 (88) No. 122340 >>122355
I now know the tags of that doujin. Lass….
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:12:10 cb86ed (32) No. 122341 >>122342
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:12:48 1808f7 (88) No. 122342 >>122344
You're too innocent, lass. Sorry
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:13:17 81f0ca (19) No. 122343 >>122345
don't be immoral
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:15:18 cb86ed (32) No. 122344
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:15:46 c4d59b (23) No. 122345
What if I'm already immoral?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:21:27 1808f7 (88) No. 122347 >>122395
>diversity officer
Multiculturalism really does create jobs
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:23:18 cfa478 (51) No. 122348 >>122349 >>122352
I think Dorset may want to have homosexual relations with me.
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:25:48 cfa478 (51) No. 122350
I agree lad. What a weirdo he truly is smh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:31:45 81f0ca (19) No. 122353
A nice comedy film to round out the week, preferably starring the Bald Funnyman and Fat Funnyman duo
Vote or add something light, we'll start at 9pm
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:38:32 e2ca08 (60) No. 122355 >>122359 >>122361
I've never actually looked it up, I just saved the page from a /v/ thread because I like girl Links. What are the tags?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:39:47 cb86ed (32) No. 122356 >>122357 >>122358
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:40:18 41491d (103) No. 122357 >>122366
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:41:45 cfa478 (51) No. 122358 >>122366
Who has hurt you lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:41:59 c3ea94 (45) No. 122359 >>122360 >>122366
Then what's with the filename on it then? Hmmm?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:43:20 e2ca08 (60) No. 122360 >>122363 >>122366
I saved the original filename from the post I swear.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:43:32 1808f7 (88) No. 122361 >>122364 >>122366 >>122370
figures given how much you're against watching Attack on Titan
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:43:43 cfa478 (51) No. 122362
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:44:26 1808f7 (88) No. 122363 >>122370
> I swear.
I usually only say that sarcastically… guess that means you really do have it all saved…
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:45:09 81f0ca (19) No. 122365 >>122368
*plays medieval fanfare*
Tonights film will be
The World's End
by decision of the Bongbongo Film Club BO
Join us and complete the Cornetto Trilogy with a pub crawl through a sleepy rural English town… Or is it?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:45:13 cb86ed (32) No. 122366
nothing lads just googled something
that's pretty crazy wew
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:45:58 41491d (103) No. 122367
making hentai under the imperium administration will be a capital offense
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:46:11 cb86ed (32) No. 122368
this tbh
you're a better announcer than me I wish I put in effort
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:47:06 e2ca08 (60) No. 122370 >>122373 >>122377
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:47:16 1808f7 (88) No. 122371
ahh stop spoilering my images
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:47:18 c3ea94 (45) No. 122372
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:48:44 cfa478 (51) No. 122373
Why are you so naughty?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:50:13 e2ca08 (60) No. 122375 >>122376 >>122379
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:51:43 1808f7 (88) No. 122377
Alright, lass. I'll believe you
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:51:52 c3ea94 (45) No. 122378 >>122381 >>122385
that one hit a little too close to home tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:52:05 cb86ed (32) No. 122379 >>122397
we won't judge lass
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:52:34 81f0ca (19) No. 122380
Right Now
▶ TheBumBumKing/ !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:52:57 cfa478 (51) No. 122381
Where have I heard that before?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:53:12 cb86ed (32) No. 122382
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:54:43 e2ca08 (60) No. 122384 >>122386 >>122387 >>122388 >>122389 >>122390
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:54:47 1808f7 (88) No. 122385
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:55:39 81f0ca (19) No. 122386
**I already know you're a sicko tbqh==
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:55:39 41491d (103) No. 122387
I don't know what they're on about, but I don't care
just stop
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:55:50 1808f7 (88) No. 122388 >>122399
L-lass I can't help not believing you. I want to believe you. You'll have to prove it somehow
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:56:08 cfa478 (51) No. 122389
Do not listen to the bullies, my lady, I think you are a wonderful person.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:56:40 cb86ed (32) No. 122390 >>122399
the filename tho..
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 19:59:22 81f0ca (19) No. 122391
The World's End
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:01:52 81f0ca (19) No. 122392
The World's End
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:05:11 cfa478 (51) No. 122394 >>122396 >>122415
The war with /newbrit/ has drawn to a close. The period of chaos our raiders have inflicted upon the NEETs of that nation reaches its end. May amity now flourish between they and this kingdom.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:08:08 c4d59b (23) No. 122395
>that cunt is at Cambridge
>they turn the likes of you down because they prefer people like him
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:08:16 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122396 >>122398
what about peace with the Druids lad?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:09:18 c4d59b (23) No. 122397 >>122452
>posting Holo
Good lass
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:09:27 cfa478 (51) No. 122398 >>122400
I shall inform my attack bums not to assault thee, fair maiden!
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:10:13 e2ca08 (60) No. 122399 >>122418 >>122421
I can't prove it lad. I had no idea the original filename had any significance.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh I'll never live this down. I wish I'd picked any other Link picture in that folder.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:10:16 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122400
thankee kahndly good sir
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:10:23 c4d59b (23) No. 122401
>the Britons were black even before the Roman conquest
That's a new one
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:13:04 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122403 >>122406 >>122407
*wins £70 on a scratchcard*
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:13:31 e2ca08 (60) No. 122405
Link me this doujin, I have to see what horrors my name is associated with now.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:13:44 41491d (103) No. 122406 >>122408 >>122410
spend it on another or the same chinky prossie
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:14:18 81f0ca (19) No. 122407 >>122409
lucky lad
almost makes scratch cards seem worth it
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:14:34 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122408
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:15:26 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122409
ive probably spent upwards of £5k on them and won back a bit less than £4k by my reckoning, but they are fun.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:15:44 c4d59b (23) No. 122410 >>122411
>encouraging prostitution
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:16:35 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122411
>demonising the worlds oldest profession
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:17:05 cfa478 (51) No. 122412 >>122413
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Have some sexy young lasses as a symbol of peas x
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:17:45 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122413 >>122416
they better be 18 plus, bucko.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:18:22 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122414 >>122425
why are galaxy ripples so fucking nice?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:18:32 1808f7 (88) No. 122415 >>122425 >>122428
May our boards prosper together in peace
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:18:45 cfa478 (51) No. 122416 >>122417
>eighteen plus
I think you mean sixteen plus lass
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:19:18 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122417 >>122419
dont start this again lass
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:19:59 1808f7 (88) No. 122418 >>122421 >>122422
I'm an innocent, lad, lass. I have no idea what the name of the doujin is. Pig by shindol, it's why the filename is "pig"
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:20:11 cfa478 (51) No. 122419 >>122420
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >tfw Dorset is standing outside my window playing this from a stereo over his head
Sixteen is the true AoC lass
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:21:17 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122420 >>122423
>true aoc
its the legal aoc, certainly
*strings you up alongide the other nonces*
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:21:29 1808f7 (88) No. 122421 >>122424 >>122429 >>122430 >>122545
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:21:35 e2ca08 (60) No. 122422
>exhentai.org isn't responding
Did they change the address or something.
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:21:57 cfa478 (51) No. 122423
*breaks free from the string and does acheeki daunce*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:22:04 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122424
should have put it in a spoiler :^)
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:23:01 81f0ca (19) No. 122425 >>122426 >>122427
because they fill the empty space inside you
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:23:24 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122426
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:23:41 81f0ca (19) No. 122427
I would hav put the st ar trek theme on again but I cba
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:24:15 cfa478 (51) No. 122428
*kisses you in NOTGAY*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:25:01 41491d (103) No. 122429
why would you post it in the first place
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:25:56 1808f7 (88) No. 122430
>Ends with Ganon crushing link's head
Fucking hell that pissed me off smh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:27:50 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122432
que? tu es muy muy loco
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:27:53 c3ea94 (45) No. 122433 >>122434 >>122436
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:29:39 1808f7 (88) No. 122434 >>122435
Yeah smh. guess it had "snuff" in the tags but I wasn't prepared
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:31:35 41491d (103) No. 122436
why did you start that conversation
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:32:09 1808f7 (88) No. 122437 >>122439
>A snuff film, or snuff movie, is "a movie in a purported genre of movies in which a person is actually murdered or commits suicide"
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:33:07 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122439 >>122441
oh right that sort of snuff >tfw feel patronised now
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:33:46 e2ca08 (60) No. 122440 >>122442 >>122443 >>122452 >>122454 >>122545
These are mostly not my fetishes, please don't get the wrong idea.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:34:20 1808f7 (88) No. 122441
I would have preferred it to have been your kind of snuff rather than the other kind tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:34:56 41491d (103) No. 122442
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:35:01 1808f7 (88) No. 122443 >>122444 >>122449 >>122451
You're making it worse, lass. Now you're going to have to tell us your fetishes.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:35:31 41491d (103) No. 122444
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:36:39 9cb6f5 (37) No. 122445 >>122446 >>122447 >>122448
people i think might be dead:
eugenia poster
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:37:14 41491d (103) No. 122446
eugenia poster has a real life
the other two could actually be dead.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:37:14 1808f7 (88) No. 122447
How long have they been gone?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:37:52 c3ea94 (45) No. 122448 >>122450
Bo is off to Greece right?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:38:30 c4d59b (23) No. 122449
You already know he's into BDSM
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:38:33 1808f7 (88) No. 122450
He's having another holiday?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:38:33 e2ca08 (60) No. 122451 >>122453 >>122455
I don't know what to say now. If I don't tell you then you're going to think the worst of me.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:39:18 cb86ed (32) No. 122452
she's a nice waifu lad
hope not haha
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:39:20 41491d (103) No. 122453 >>122459
quit while you're ahead
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:40:06 cfa478 (51) No. 122454 >>122464
*gets back to roots*
We know that you are a good lass, lass.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:41:24 1808f7 (88) No. 122455 >>122459
But what if I think worse of you if you do tell me? don't worry
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:43:19 1808f7 (88) No. 122456 >>122458
>the swole-left
who /afraid/ here?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:45:28 cb86ed (32) No. 122458 >>122461
i-is that the person who has to get injected with nutrient shots?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:45:29 e2ca08 (60) No. 122459 >>122460 >>122461
But I'm already not ahead lad.
That's always a risk, aaaahhhh. You may ask whether I like things if you want because I don't want to volunteer that information myself.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:46:26 41491d (103) No. 122460
>But I'm already not ahead lad.
Just stop for gods sake
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:46:52 1808f7 (88) No. 122461 >>122463
>You may ask whether I like things if you want because I don't want to volunteer that information myself.
I think it's best we keep it to ourselves, it's a private matter tbh
not sure
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:48:04 cfa478 (51) No. 122462 >>122464 >>122468
*watches you all from the bushes*
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:48:22 e2ca08 (60) No. 122463 >>122465 >>122466
That's a relief, thank you lad. Please don't think badly of me.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:48:46 41491d (103) No. 122464 >>122465
>posting white """"women"""""
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:50:11 cfa478 (51) No. 122465 >>122467
I do not think badly of you lass.
>posting oriental """"""""""women""""""""""
*throws up*
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:50:34 1808f7 (88) No. 122466 >>122469 >>122472
You're actually worried, lass? Don't be
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:50:48 41491d (103) No. 122467 >>122470 >>122471
white """"""women"""" aren't human
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:51:12 1808f7 (88) No. 122468 >>122471
Those are some cool whatever it is she's wearing on her legs
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:51:33 41491d (103) No. 122469 >>122485
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:51:49 1808f7 (88) No. 122470 >>122473
I wish monkeys and gorillas would leave us alone
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:52:38 cfa478 (51) No. 122471 >>122473 >>122487
*laughs at you in a patronising manner*
>tfw no interdimensional leggings
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:53:06 e2ca08 (60) No. 122472 >>122473 >>122475
I thought I'd stepped on a landmine of accusations for a while. Nobody wants to be thought of as a pigfucker.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:54:36 41491d (103) No. 122473 >>122474 >>122476 >>122480
Buttmad hiwhite women detected
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:55:49 cb86ed (32) No. 122474
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:57:34 c4d59b (23) No. 122475 >>122480
>Nobody wants to be thought of as a pigfucker
Yeah that's why he lost the referendum.
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:57:57 cfa478 (51) No. 122476 >>122478
*licks lips*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:58:41 c4d59b (23) No. 122477 >>122489
Thought that was a lass from the thumbnail. Got me all excited.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 20:59:44 046f45 (1) No. 122479 >>122484
I MUST do this.
How can I do this too?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:00:16 e2ca08 (60) No. 122480 >>122481
That's true, it can ruin the most powerful people.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:01:03 41491d (103) No. 122481
we al know he's a boy
jhust stop
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:01:44 c4d59b (23) No. 122482
>posting her again
Foul demon! Why must ye tempt me?
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:01:46 cfa478 (51) No. 122483 >>122486 >>122490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122478
>He thinks he can have a bum off but knows not that Chinese bums are basically not even bums
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:02:11 c3ea94 (45) No. 122484
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:03:32 1808f7 (88) No. 122487 >>122494
>interdimensional leggings
Is that how you escaped?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:04:33 1808f7 (88) No. 122489
>assuming her/his/whatever's pronouns
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:04:40 c4d59b (23) No. 122490
Bums at dawn it is
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:05:50 41491d (103) No. 122492
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:05:58 1808f7 (88) No. 122493 >>122495
I think he needs a double dose today
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:06:49 cfa478 (51) No. 122494
Yes, but the daemons would not let me go without metamorphosing. Now that the old BumBum has died they will watch me vigilantly smh
*bedazzles you*
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:08:39 1808f7 (88) No. 122496 >>122500
reminds me off pic related
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:11:18 1808f7 (88) No. 122498
>Youtube allows this on youtube for educational purposes
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:12:06 cfa478 (51) No. 122499 >>122501 >>122502
Who /despondent/ here?
*respects you as a person*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:12:21 41491d (103) No. 122500 >>122503
you're a psycho
what aare you implging
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:13:46 1808f7 (88) No. 122501
not right now tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:14:01 cb86ed (32) No. 122502 >>122505
have you been on an inner journey through your shitposting?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:15:54 e2ca08 (60) No. 122503 >>122504
I do like a struggle sometimes.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:16:22 41491d (103) No. 122504
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:16:44 cfa478 (51) No. 122505
I realised what was truly important in life. And that is bumbums.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:16:50 41491d (103) No. 122506 >>122507 >>122508
white women are pure evil tbh
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:19:15 e2ca08 (60) No. 122508 >>122509
You mean angelic.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:20:07 41491d (103) No. 122509
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:20:07 cfa478 (51) No. 122510 >>122511
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. What the fuck is in that lift as 6:40 lads?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:22:18 41491d (103) No. 122512
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:23:46 e2ca08 (60) No. 122513 >>122548
>SA posting cuteboys now
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:24:10 1808f7 (88) No. 122514 >>122515 >>122516 >>122517
now that I am home I can finally enjoy a nice warm shower um I mean unpleasant cold shower of course
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:25:03 e2ca08 (60) No. 122515 >>122530
You shouldn't be ashamed of luxury lad, enjoy yourself.
▶ yaboi 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:25:41 8b821a (11) No. 122516 >>122530
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:27:21 cfa478 (51) No. 122517 >>122530
*watches you through the window*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:28:19 39a8bb (35) No. 122518 >>122520
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:29:49 cfa478 (51) No. 122520
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122518
I meant this one smdh
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:36:00 cfa478 (51) No. 122522
Scritch scratch scritchedy scratch snitchedy snitch and snitchedy snatch
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:37:34 41491d (103) No. 122523 >>122525
when qwill neo styop promoting gauism
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:45:16 e2ca08 (60) No. 122525 >>122528
It's not gay, it's completely heterosexual.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:45:57 41491d (103) No. 122527
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:48:41 1808f7 (88) No. 122528 >>122531
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:50:17 cb86ed (32) No. 122529 >>122531
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:50:47 1808f7 (88) No. 122530 >>122536
Hyaaa~ pervert!
Feels so refreshing. Had limited time and hot water at my uncle's place tbh
Hey lad
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:51:13 e2ca08 (60) No. 122531 >>122532 >>122534
Astolfo is a ladykiller and a manslayer.
Sorry lass, I shouldn't post things that explicit.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:52:52 1808f7 (88) No. 122533
>tfw mummy changed my bedclothes while I was having a shower
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:53:52 1808f7 (88) No. 122534
Can't help being attractive I guess
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:54:18 cfa478 (51) No. 122536 >>122538
Don't worry lass, I only saw everything
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:57:59 202ce7 (12) No. 122537 >>122539 >>122540 >>122542
Evening Laddos.
I have been in an hyperbaric chamber for a week, is everybody well?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:58:23 1808f7 (88) No. 122538 >>122541
But I was covered in bubbles… most of the time. Hope you didn't snap any pictures
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 21:59:38 1808f7 (88) No. 122539 >>122553
I'm good lad. Just came home from a short holiday. Vanlad thought you were dead so this is good news
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:00:36 41491d (103) No. 122540 >>122553
what happened lad
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:01:16 cfa478 (51) No. 122541
*giggles erotically*
▶ yaboi 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:02:07 8b821a (11) No. 122542 >>122553
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:09:40 0a7b38 (58) No. 122545 >>122546 >>122549
shit's weak tbh lads
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:11:12 e2ca08 (60) No. 122546 >>122547 >>122551
What kind of sick twisted doujins do you read then?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:13:19 41491d (103) No. 122547
probably as bad as you
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:15:48 0a7b38 (58) No. 122548 >>122550
lmao he got the pic from me but yes it's pretty funny
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:16:17 1808f7 (88) No. 122549 >>122554 >>122559 >>122561
night lad
Didn't bother me until she got her head crushed after being used and then begging for her life.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:16:45 1808f7 (88) No. 122550
goodlass planting the seeds
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:17:34 0a7b38 (58) No. 122551
lad this is literally shit for kids
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:17:40 81f0ca (19) No. 122552 >>122555 >>122556 >>122557 >>122558 >>122561 >>122565 >>122570
night lads stop being absolutely degenerate gay homo nonce fag weeaboo smut peddlars tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:18:10 202ce7 (12) No. 122553
>I'm good lad. Just came home from a short holiday.
Nice. I find coming home is almost as nice as the holiday itself.
>Vanlad thought you were dead so this is good news
I should have checked in.
I decided to take a week off to focus myself and set goals, away from the Internet.
*Gives you a fashy open palmed wave*
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:18:38 41491d (103) No. 122554 >>122557
what the fuck is wrong with you
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:19:06 0a7b38 (58) No. 122555 >>122558
yes i approve of this message
night sweetie
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:19:49 c3ea94 (45) No. 122556
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:20:19 1808f7 (88) No. 122557
Night lad. We're all moral here so don't worry.
What did I do?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:20:22 41491d (103) No. 122558
night lads
agree tbh
>posts hentai in response
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:20:23 0a7b38 (58) No. 122559 >>122560 >>122562
really? oh didn't catch that. didn't read either.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:21:32 c3ea94 (45) No. 122560 >>122564
Did you not see the snuff tag? I mean you know about Shindol's art right?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:21:34 cb86ed (32) No. 122561
glad I didn't read it smh
night lad
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:22:12 1808f7 (88) No. 122562 >>122567
Oh. Sounded like you did
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:22:29 41491d (103) No. 122563 >>122566 >>122567
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:22:29 0a7b38 (58) No. 122564 >>122568
>Shindol's art
>Did you not see the snuff tag?
what tags? didn't see any violence either
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:22:42 202ce7 (12) No. 122565
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:23:15 39a8bb (35) No. 122566 >>122571
>discussing snuff doujins
Man I thought I was a degenerate.
Wassup bud
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:23:25 0a7b38 (58) No. 122567 >>122571
skipped through i mean, cba to read this size 2 text
ya think?? kidding lad what's wrong dear?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:23:30 c3ea94 (45) No. 122568 >>122574
The artist of that doujin? Tbh that's a very "entry" Shindol doujin.
Link dies at the end wew come on read it before you critique it.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:25:07 39a8bb (35) No. 122573 >>122581
Night fam
have you been masturbating son?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:25:06 0a7b38 (58) No. 122574 >>122580
I've looked through the pages until the end. I need closer looking to even notice her dying.
If it's not violent from the go it hardly ever catches my interest tbh.
night pal
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:25:25 1808f7 (88) No. 122575
I asked you a question, lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:25:52 0a7b38 (58) No. 122576 >>122581
Good ngl i have the feeling that you need it.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:26:14 202ce7 (12) No. 122577 >>122579
Lads….. Can someone give me a summary of what’s going on with the Rothschild’s and Anderochrome?
I-I don't understand what they are doing.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:26:48 cb86ed (32) No. 122578
night lass
lad nooooo..
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:26:51 39a8bb (35) No. 122579 >>122588
Something something jews
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:27:19 1808f7 (88) No. 122580 >>122585
>If it's not violent from the go it hardly ever catches my interest tbh.
but why
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:27:30 41491d (103) No. 122581 >>122582 >>122583 >>122584 >>122585 >>122588
that isnt what i mneant
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:28:10 39a8bb (35) No. 122582
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:28:19 cb86ed (32) No. 122583
why did you do it?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:28:44 1808f7 (88) No. 122584
you need help, lad
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:28:51 0a7b38 (58) No. 122585 >>122586 >>122587 >>122589 >>122591
nah you got me the wrong way tbh
i didn't look at the tags but this was hardly "snuff". you ain't seen snuff dude. If i read snuff, I want fucking snuff. not this pissy shit.
what is it you pussy tell us
▶ yaboi 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:30:09 8b821a (11) No. 122586 >>122590
lass why so edgy tonight?
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:30:30 39a8bb (35) No. 122587 >>122590
>everyones acing edgy recently
I think I mustve missed something tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:31:26 202ce7 (12) No. 122588
Oh I see. Yes, yes of course.
Lad, please do not.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:32:00 1808f7 (88) No. 122589
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:32:46 0a7b38 (58) No. 122590 >>122592 >>122593 >>122594
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:32:54 c3ea94 (45) No. 122591 >>122595
Well if you can find this one you can read it.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:33:50 39a8bb (35) No. 122592
youre an odd one dafty tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:35:48 cb86ed (32) No. 122593 >>122595
what he did before
▶ yaboi 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:36:14 8b821a (11) No. 122594
i have no clue what you are on about
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:36:56 0a7b38 (58) No. 122595 >>122598
thanks for sharing i guess
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:37:02 c3ea94 (45) No. 122596
Lad noooooooooooo
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:38:44 39a8bb (35) No. 122597
Ooooooooooooh I get it now. Well lad I think you shouldn't but it's your life
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:49:16 cb86ed (32) No. 122598
dont wanna say smh he can if he wants
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:51:37 39a8bb (35) No. 122600
There are people you can talk to about this right? Theres probably facilities paid for by your work.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:53:10 0a7b38 (58) No. 122601
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:54:32 202ce7 (12) No. 122602 >>122603 >>122604
Forming a happy relationship with a lass might help. Be careful seeking professional help (I’m not saying don’t), most shrinks are just there to get you hooked on pills that you do not need
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:56:10 cb86ed (32) No. 122603
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:56:56 41491d (103) No. 122604 >>122605 >>122607
>Forming a happy relationship with a lass might help
im not sure i can do this
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:58:40 39a8bb (35) No. 122605 >>122606 >>122609
I think you just have to find the root cause. You could do some self searching, read some self help or…. I'm recommending it but maybe psychedelics
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:59:07 39a8bb (35) No. 122606
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 22:59:08 202ce7 (12) No. 122607 >>122609
Everyone who has been single for a long period thinks that. If you meet someone you like, it will happen.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:00:10 c3ea94 (45) No. 122608 >>122609
I've Worked with Refugees for Decades. Europe's Afghan Crime Wave Is Mind-Boggling.
>"mind boggling"
Well it's one way for this to happen.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:04:53 41491d (103) No. 122609 >>122613 >>122618
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122608
I dont think I can make it happen
The recommendation that you are not making is possibly a good idea, but I don't have any means of acquiring what you're not recommending
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:15:33 41491d (103) No. 122610 >>122611
i dont know why ive started again
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:17:01 53741b (30) No. 122611 >>122612
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:18:02 41491d (103) No. 122612 >>122614
why would you wan t to seer thaty
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:21:11 39a8bb (35) No. 122613 >>122616
You shouldn't use the deepweb. Hidden wiki is definitely to be avoided as there are might be links to websites to make purchases. Incidentally, plants and other natural stuff is probably better for Epiphanies ect. Unrelated I'm told you can purchase seeds for said plants online, and mushrooms grow in fields in this country. Definitely don't look into it.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:24:21 53741b (30) No. 122614
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:31:21 202ce7 (12) No. 122616 >>122618
Theoretically speaking the best bet would be to walk into a brick and mortar headshop and buy a spore kit with cash would you not say? Psilocybin consumed at a sensible dose could help I agree. One could even just take a weekend trip to Amsterdam and keep it fully legal.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:37:24 202ce7 (12) No. 122617
Heh, I love the bald facedness of the yellow man. It's a shame they lost their innovative abilities century’s ago.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:42:52 39a8bb (35) No. 122618
Yes in the strange and ill advised hypothetical scenario that I was seeking drug-based therapy a head shop would be a great place to start. There would probably be a bunch of kits for different plants or fungi. I would probably be able to ask the counter for advice too. A trip to amsterdam would probably also be an interesting move. Whichever one I stuck with I'd be looking out for "Entheogens" and naturally I'd research the different ones available to me. Naturally I'd research before taking any said entheogens I'd look up proper doses and possibly guides to make sure I have a good trip.
▶ Anonymous 07/30/17 (Sun) 23:47:42 cb86ed (32) No. 122619
wtf I love the imperium now
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:00:13 41491d (103) No. 122620 >>122621 >>122622 >>122623 >>122624
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:02:45 53741b (30) No. 122621
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:06:36 39a8bb (35) No. 122623
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:19:41 cb86ed (32) No. 122624
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:25:14 202ce7 (12) No. 122625
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:35:21 202ce7 (12) No. 122626 >>122627 >>122628
Going to the shop to get some soda water.
Night all.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:36:24 cb86ed (32) No. 122627
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 00:48:50 39a8bb (35) No. 122628
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 08:40:30 e2ca08 (60) No. 122631 >>122633 >>122635
Lad please stop cutting.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 09:54:09 d7035a (16) No. 122633 >>122636
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/31/17 (Mon) 10:32:13 cfa478 (51) No. 122635 >>122636
Will you just be my friend again lass ?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 10:47:20 e2ca08 (60) No. 122636 >>122637 >>122638
Please try harder, it scares me.
Why should I trust you.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:00:02 d7035a (16) No. 122637
>Please try harder, it scares me.
It's not that bad
▶ TheBumBumKing !ChU2gR8wvI 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:09:05 cfa478 (51) No. 122638 >>122641
>Why should I trust you.
Smh. I shall earn it, m'lass.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:13:57 bff450 (4) No. 122639 >>122640 >>122641 >>122643
>wake up at 6am to get to the immigrant fuck thing
>reach destination
>ask random guy at some desk that I have no idea where I should go but I have [state my issue]
>oh sorry we don't do that here you'll have to go to [building two streets away] right down there k byebye
>reach that building too
>closed on mondays
how was your day so far lads
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:19:14 c3ea94 (45) No. 122640 >>122642
You're really not having any luck with this are you?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:21:24 e2ca08 (60) No. 122641
>wake up at 6am to get to the immigrant fuck thing
Please do not fuck the immigrants.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:21:36 bff450 (4) No. 122642 >>122644
third time's a charm
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:23:54 39a8bb (35) No. 122643 >>122645
I'll tell you when I get out of bed
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:25:00 d7035a (16) No. 122644 >>122645
When does this need to be sorted for
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:32:11 bff450 (4) No. 122645 >>122646 >>122650
before CDU change it in their new program implemented in November
even better before September so I can vote in teh election for the party of my choice.
how's you doin babe? did mumsy find any worrying evidence?
livin the life i see
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:44:14 d7035a (16) No. 122646 >>122648
Is there anyone really worth voting for in jerryland?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:46:07 0282a9 (12) No. 122647
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Morning, lads
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:55:09 bff450 (4) No. 122648
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 11:59:24 0282a9 (12) No. 122649 >>122650
>tfw you realise people who are better at detecting patterns are better at detecting pattenrs
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:11:01 39a8bb (35) No. 122650 >>122651
You better believe it kid. I might get drunk later too, but that's yet to be seen.
Ok I'm gonna get out of bed now.
This is why when we're all mixies there will be world peace
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:12:16 0282a9 (12) No. 122651 >>122652
>This is why when we're all mixies there will be world peace
Can't wait to become Brazil
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:15:23 39a8bb (35) No. 122652
Same tbh. Just remember to bring condoms
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:20:18 e2ca08 (60) No. 122654 >>122657
I can't imagine how difficult it would be to sew an accurate union jack from scratch.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:21:46 d7035a (16) No. 122656 >>122658
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:22:51 0282a9 (12) No. 122657
It's a lot of work but I doubt it's that hard
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:23:27 0282a9 (12) No. 122658 >>122661
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:29:39 e2ca08 (60) No. 122659 >>122663
>worst korea
>fat acceptance
Why am I not surprised.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:32:01 d7035a (16) No. 122661 >>122662
They're usually not humans
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:33:00 0282a9 (12) No. 122662
Like all gooks. I don't get it
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:33:54 0282a9 (12) No. 122663 >>122665
Wasn't it run by some kind of SJW cult as well? I wasn't really following that stuff tbh
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:39:14 e2ca08 (60) No. 122665 >>122666
Yeah, they have a very popular ultra-feminist political movement out there that encourages women to abort male babies. They also have that shadowy cabal of elite women running the whole country from behind closed doors. They're also taking the lead for pushing black acceptance in asia too.
If North Korea gets one clean shot before they get regime changed then I hope they take it. The last thing we want is South Korea spreading it's ideological poison to their neighbors.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:43:33 0282a9 (12) No. 122666
Worse than I thought. Based American values
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 12:59:08 0282a9 (12) No. 122667 >>122668
Maybe best Korea is only "starving" by worst Korea standards?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:02:18 e2ca08 (60) No. 122668 >>122669 >>122671
Why are there so many of these lad. Has it really become a popular fashion so quickly?
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:03:11 d7035a (16) No. 122669
Nothing K*reans do is supposed to make sense.
They're the taigs of asia
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:15:06 53741b (30) No. 122671
American imperialism smh.
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:20:20 e2ca08 (60) No. 122673 >>122674
That's clearly a nip and she's cosplaying as a boatslut.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:23:43 d7035a (16) No. 122674
it's harder to find pictures of chinkys on the internet
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:28:45 53741b (30) No. 122675 >>122677
>no proof of it so you have to refer to a film
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:29:12 3f1b96 (9) No. 122676 >>122678 >>122679 >>122680
Anyone know if the BBC licence fee checking people can make you let them into your house? My tv is broken and i dont use it. But if the guy sees a tv siting there they might try to hit me for a fine.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:29:13 d7035a (16) No. 122677
based white """"woman"""""
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:32:05 d7035a (16) No. 122678 >>122681
No you don't have to let them in unless they have a warrant (which they will never have)
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:32:20 81f0ca (19) No. 122679 >>122681
they can't come into your house no
just tell them you don't use it to watch cuckovision and that they need to piss off
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:32:33 c3ea94 (45) No. 122680 >>122681
Tell them you don't use it and it's broken.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:34:48 3f1b96 (9) No. 122681 >>122690
Thank god, the idea of being forced to pay money for bbc leftist propaganda that i dont even watch was rustling me badly
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:36:18 53741b (30) No. 122682 >>122683 >>122684 >>122686
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Just when Sonic couldn't get any more autistic
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:37:24 d7035a (16) No. 122683
I think they've realised that no child actually watches it any more.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:40:58 cb86ed (32) No. 122684 >>122685 >>122690
what have they done to my childhood heros
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:44:31 53741b (30) No. 122685 >>122688
>mfw they gave Sonic blue arms
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:47:33 39a8bb (35) No. 122686 >>122687 >>122694
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122682
>The writing in this show
The world we live in is so funny. So much wacky shit going on all at once.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:51:19 53741b (30) No. 122687 >>122694
>they want the DA community to draw EggmanxShadow art
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:52:08 cbb1c4 (1) No. 122688 >>122689
he need to find the LORD
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:55:12 53741b (30) No. 122689
I think this one is ironic
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:57:27 e2ca08 (60) No. 122690 >>122691 >>122692 >>122693
If they're persistent then the quickest way to make them fuck off is to start filming them and asking questions. It seems they're told to avoid being filmed in case they break the law or make false statements that embarrass their superiors.
You should be proud of them lass, there's dozens of clips from Sonic Boom where the characters make strikingly un-PC jokes. It's hard not to run into these at the moment because there are threads about it on most of the top boards. I've started torrenting the show to see for myself.
Sega are the heroes we deserve.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 13:59:13 53741b (30) No. 122691 >>122705
>there's dozens of clips from Sonic Boom where the characters make strikingly un-PC jokes
Like what? Hard to believe with that clip tbh.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:02:20 39a8bb (35) No. 122692 >>122696
>right wingers will watch pure shit if it acts red pilled
I wonder if the TV people have figured this out yet
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:03:34 2339c6 (5) No. 122693
Is that the frog influence? they seem to be a little less PC than average
bet it isn't as good as Sonic X though smh
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:04:00 53741b (30) No. 122694 >>122713
kek. Looks like Eggman has been doing some pricking himself
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:04:54 3f1b96 (9) No. 122696 >>122713
I dont see how they can avoid noticing it. But they also know that tv audiences dont like race mixing etc, but that dosnt stop them and never will.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:05:22 c3ea94 (45) No. 122697 >>122700 >>122703
does it matter that much?
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:05:40 53741b (30) No. 122698 >>122704
think that's a joke not like it's beyond them though tbh
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:06:21 8b821a (11) No. 122700 >>122701
its about time!
are we /existential/ now?
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:07:12 c3ea94 (45) No. 122701 >>122704
Nah I was talking about the sonic stuff
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:07:12 8b821a (11) No. 122702
lad its art you uncultured faggot. checked.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:08:30 2339c6 (5) No. 122704 >>122719 >>122723
The ozone layer was decimated by the thousands of nuclear tests performed in the 21st century, and has been replaced with an artificial layer which must be constantly replenished with chemical substances via planes 24/7 in any populated areas.
This is a FACT.
I knew that haha… smh I got troelled
then donate some (you)s you greedy lad
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:08:41 e2ca08 (60) No. 122705 >>122706 >>122707 >>122709 >>122710 >>122715
Here's a few I've seen.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:10:18 53741b (30) No. 122707
Top kek. Why the fuck is such blatant politics in Sonic?
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:10:45 e2ca08 (60) No. 122708
I guess anyone would regress to shitposting if their fulltime job was writing stories for a Sonic cartoon.
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:11:15 8b821a (11) No. 122709
holy shit this is actually not that bad
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:11:10 2339c6 (5) No. 122710
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:11:57 53741b (30) No. 122711
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>122706
Top kek they're actually making political commentary. What the fuck?
>that CWC reference
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:12:13 53741b (30) No. 122712
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:12:41 39a8bb (35) No. 122713 >>122714
Sonic fans are so creative.
True. Funny how unprogressive progressives are. They'll lose profits, competitivity, and culture all for the cause of the mixing pot. They'll have us wallowing in shit if they win tbh
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:14:54 3f1b96 (9) No. 122714 >>122716
For them controlling the narrative and pushing their political aims is more important that audience enjoying their shows or making themselves money.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:15:32 39a8bb (35) No. 122715
The fact they even touch on those social issues makes it Pozz'd still imo. But the first and last jokes made me chuckle
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:22:27 39a8bb (35) No. 122716 >>122718
I really despise them for that. It's so destructive, but just for destructions sake. They want to control because they're power freaks and ego-trippers and they want to destroy everthing efficient and beautiful. Perhaps because efficiency and beauty are beyond them? Literally evil people anyway. At least the villains they believe in want to destroy the world for personal gains.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:23:16 53741b (30) No. 122717 >>122722
>There are many kinds of privilege besides white privilege: cognitive privilege, for example. We now know that intelligence is not something we have significant control over but is something we are born with. We are living in a society in which success is increasingly linked to one’s intelligence. … Thus, the accident of having been born smart enough to be able to be successful is a great benefit that you did absolutely nothing to earn. Consequently, you have nothing to be proud of for being smart.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:25:12 3f1b96 (9) No. 122718 >>122722
The hatred of beauty is a really noticeable thing, you see it in all their art and media. They are anti-aesthetic.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:32:28 21eb86 (3) No. 122719 >>122720
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:38:26 e2ca08 (60) No. 122720 >>122721 >>122723 >>122724
>gay chemicals in the food
>gay chemicals in the water
>gay chemicals in the sky
None of us can escape lad.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:39:03 21eb86 (3) No. 122721
There aren't gay chemicals in my syringes
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:42:03 39a8bb (35) No. 122722 >>122725
Well at least they admit intelligence is natural and not based on the amount of "education" that a person has had. Now if they'll just mix cognitive privilege and white privilege .
It's very true. I'd say it was just crab mentality but sometimes I wonder if there's more to it. Perhaps it's because aesthetics aren't nihilistic enough for them, or because they inspire.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:43:37 39a8bb (35) No. 122723
I thought nukes didn't exist
live underground nigga
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:45:11 2339c6 (5) No. 122724
there's simply nothing we can do, we should just let it happen
UNLESS you go to Infowars.com RIGHT NOW where we have a special deal on all air, water, and food filtration devices
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:46:46 3f1b96 (9) No. 122725 >>122726 >>122727 >>122728
i think its the whole post modernism thing and the idea that beauty is not transgressive enough to be "real" art.
BTW if you want a great book on right wing aesthetics and where they are found these days look up and read "Pulp Fascism" Its a really good read without being too academic or anything and analysis from Conan to batman. Its a top quality book on the subject and its on amazon.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:52:06 53741b (30) No. 122726
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:52:32 53741b (30) No. 122727 >>122729
Oh, it's Bowden's book
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:54:04 39a8bb (35) No. 122728 >>122731
That's a good shout. The idea of beauty can be pretty exclusionary.
Thanks for the book recommendation lad I'll check it out. I've really wanted to get into art recently.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:54:36 3f1b96 (9) No. 122729 >>122734
yeah, RIP, he has a great writing "voice" if you know what i mean.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:56:58 21eb86 (3) No. 122730 >>122733 >>122735
vanlad's reccomendation of st john's wort has worked out tbh lads
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:58:06 3f1b96 (9) No. 122731 >>122732 >>122733 >>122741
Not to spoil too much of the book, but his theory is that right wing aesthetics have been keep out of high culture by (((gatekeepers))) , and have been pushed into low culture like the pulp fiction of Conan the barbarian, which actually had super right wing ideas and themes in it, like anarco-primitive and will to power type shit, the idea that culture is a corrupting force that the barbarian Conan rejects etc.
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 14:59:13 3f1b96 (9) No. 122732
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:02:23 39a8bb (35) No. 122733 >>122735
don't misuse your newfound power lad
Interesting. You can't get rid of rightwing aesthetics so instead just dumb it down and leave it to the plebs. Will check it out lad, cheers.
▶ 22st !!iBoyRe9MEU 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:04:38 53741b (30) No. 122734
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:04:48 8b821a (11) No. 122735 >>122736
wait whats going on?
did he take something?
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:05:41 39a8bb (35) No. 122736 >>122737
Yeah it was st johns wort. I think it's an anti-oestrogen
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:07:23 8b821a (11) No. 122737 >>122738
whats with he spoilers? So is it like an oestrogen blocker?
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:08:50 39a8bb (35) No. 122738 >>122739
just making a joke tbh. Yeah I think it's a herb that has oestrogen blocking properties.
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:09:48 8b821a (11) No. 122739 >>122740
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:13:13 39a8bb (35) No. 122740 >>122742
▶ Anonymous 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:15:52 c3ea94 (45) No. 122741
>black and tans aren't actually black and tan
▶ yaboi 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:16:08 8b821a (11) No. 122742
thankyou for the links
▶ Neo !!ppdWMK9Np6 07/31/17 (Mon) 15:19:48 e2ca08 (60) No. 122744