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866dfd No.38682 [Last50 Posts]

ITT: We talk about our favorite synthwave artists/songs


It just feels like true 80's/90's movie tunes, it's got that vibe and progression that incites the images of old 80's films in your head

favorite song by him is easily Overdrive, from Redline

mostly becauseo f that sick fucking solo it makes my dick hard

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866dfd No.38686


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866dfd No.38695

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Although the tracks on Ominversal Oscillations took a while to grow on me, they have a fantastic sense of melody. "Payload Specialist" and "Celestial Time Lapse" in particular are standout tracks.

>Cobra Copter

While I'm not that interested in his other releases, The Golden Age has some great material on it. I really like those little vibrato modulations he does.


Although a lot of the songs off Journey are basically indistinguishable, the album has a nice dreamy atmosphere to it. "Dreams" and "Lost in Your Eyes" have simple, catchy melodic leads, although I do think the vocal melodies aren't anything special.

>Palm Highway Chase

ARPNET is pretty damn good, although it was another grower for me. The title track has a frantic feeling that reminds me of the Ocean Palace from Chrono Trigger. "Invisible ARP" has a tune reminiscent of something that Japancakes would have come up with. "Arena" is probably my favorite, with a melody that wouldn't sound out of place in a classic space shooter.

Pretty much all these artists take me back to my childhood of watching old VHS tapes and playing NES games even though I'm le epic '90s kid xDDD, so they'll definitely have you covered on the nostalgic feels if that's what you're after.

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866dfd No.38703

Le Cassette - is very original but soudns so retro

Thomas Barrandon

Droid Bishop

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866dfd No.38706


lol clicked reply too fast

Thomas Barrandon - really nostalgic

Droid Bishop - nostalgic, 80s feels

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866dfd No.38872

File: 1431436264445.jpg (2.11 MB,1000x1000,1:1,cover.jpg)

I'm just learning:

Various Artists - 2015 - Artificial Afterlife Compilation (Net 320)

Good and free download.

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866dfd No.41756

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866dfd No.41758

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866dfd No.41771

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Miami Nights 1984 has some good tracks.

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866dfd No.41772

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>no Perturbator itt

I love these other bands, but nothing compares to Perturbator. Just a monster when it comes to synthwave, and if you haven't listened to Dangerous Days, you need to get on that shit and find yourself in Nocturne City, 2088.

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866dfd No.41774

File: 1432935248870.jpg (144.63 KB,688x384,43:24,tumblr_n78dko9nco1svql1so1….jpg)


Other greats:

>Makeup & Vanity Set

Go listen to Wilderness.

>Mega Drive

Great stuff, borders on chiptunes sometimes, which isn't really my thing, but it's never enough that it drowns out the rest.


Was a bit quiet for a while, back on the block with some new releases though

There are others, but starting off small. Gonna watch this thread with interest to see what you guys come up with.

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866dfd No.41836


Also no carpenter brut

Does GosT - Behemoth fall under synthwave? Because if so that's pretty banging too.

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866dfd No.41846

File: 1433000812865.jpg (150.79 KB,600x600,1:1,Arterial4.jpg)

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866dfd No.41853

com truise

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866dfd No.41856

Is there like recommendation picture for synthwave?

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866dfd No.42069

Noir Deco


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866dfd No.42268


I really like flashworx

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866dfd No.42278

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hood call–ugandan pizza police

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866dfd No.42516

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A couple months ago there was another synthwave thread. One guy never got into the genre, but liked the songs we posted, so I compiled a list of the best new retro wave artist and saved it cos I was so proud:

Going from (in my opinion) best to not the best but still fuggin gud:

Listen to Mitch Murder:




Listen to Lazerhawk:




Listen to Miami Nights 1984:



Listen to Power Glove:



Listen to Timecop1983:




Listen to Nightcrawler:



Listen to Dance With The Dead:




Listen to Kavinsky:



A lot of people would recommend Perturbator as well, but I never listened to him cos of his satanic image (pls don't judge). If you don't mind that, I heard this is one of his best works:



Com Truise is decent, though I'd say he's more chillwave w/ 80's synth elements rather than full on synthwave:



Dynatron also has a decent name. He's a bit more spacey with his tunes:



The only decent New Retro Wave label I can think of is Rosso Corsa Records, which is actually owned my MN1984 and alot of the previously mentioned artists are signed to them, but you might find something I haven't:




New Retro Wave is a youtube channel worthy of a subscription. They'll sometimes bring up exclusives from artists too:



Also, fashion style usually involves:

A varsity/baseball jacket

Maybe a baseball cap

Possibly shades

Kinda skinny jeans? Why not?

A sweetass 87' Corvette

And finally:

Play Hotline Miami

Play Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Listen to both OST's



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866dfd No.43387


I feel like I saw a picture like that once upon a time, but I might just be thinking weird. What would be some good sub-genres to note? Outrun (Kavinsky, Power Glove, et al), Dark Synth (Perturbator, Carpenter Brut, etc.), Synthpop?

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866dfd No.46338


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866dfd No.46823


Dance with the dead is one of my favorite artists. Fav song must be Robeast

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866dfd No.46824

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Thomas Barrandon's Escape From Earth deserves a listen

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866dfd No.46838

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866dfd No.46935

File: 1436896515414.jpg (35.76 KB,260x318,130:159,just2.jpg)

>be me

>compose a progressive rock song

>write it on anvil studio and convert to mp3

>let a faggy friend listen to it

>"is this le synthwave? le chiptune vidya gaym song amirite?"

>my face when

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866dfd No.46948

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The artwork is also really good.

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866dfd No.46991

File: 1436923362564.jpg (162.92 KB,940x400,47:20,check_parsons_dubs.jpg)

>come here for some new recommendations

>I already downloaded the bandcamp freeview versions of pretty much everything listed here

I'm in too deep, aren't I, /mu/ ?

Anybody else pre-order a vinyl version of NewRetroWave's Magnatron?

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866dfd No.47026

File: 1436950524945.png (318.06 KB,540x501,180:167,1436857477939-3.png)


Sounds like your _ got ___ up.

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866dfd No.47027


Wow I'm a retard.

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866dfd No.47035

is anyone gonna upload albums for all these great artists?

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866dfd No.47051

File: 1436966379695.jpg (1018.57 KB,2048x1840,128:115,louis swede.jpg)



This goy is your typical severely autistic /k/uck. Look up his tumbler and jewtube.

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866dfd No.47056

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resuscitating thread

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866dfd No.47057

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866dfd No.47058

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Not really synthwave

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866dfd No.47060

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866dfd No.47061

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866dfd No.47062

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866dfd No.47063

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866dfd No.47069

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866dfd No.47071

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866dfd No.47072

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866dfd No.47092

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This probably does not count as synthwave.

But it's the kind of music it was derived from.

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866dfd No.47572

come on guys bump

this thread is awesome

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866dfd No.47620

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866dfd No.47732

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This or limelight

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866dfd No.47980

File: 1437703040164.webm (3.28 MB,480x360,4:3,max_headroom_incident.webm)

Hey guys, >>46991 here. Out of a random act of kindness, I decided to upload my entire synthwave collection. VHS Head got thrown into the mix, I think it's got an 80s vibe, but one of those video-collage type things. Your thoughts may vary.. Kavinsky will be uploaded on request, but you all should have those albums already. Also included is a FLAC version of NewRetroWave's Magnatron.


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866dfd No.48725


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866dfd No.49829

First time /mu/. Nice thread you got going, have a bump

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866dfd No.49841


This has literally never happened in the history of man

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866dfd No.49844

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So what the fuck is this "slasherwave"?

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866dfd No.49847

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might as well put it here.

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866dfd No.49856

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I've been listening to this guy lately, and he's got some pretty good stuff.

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866dfd No.50389


I've been listening to this quite a bit. Thanks for posting.

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866dfd No.52493

File: 1441309861252.jpg (35.28 KB,400x232,50:29,artwo2868p.jpg)

Can we all agree that MPM was the best musician of these genres ?


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866dfd No.52678

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I have to agree with you, anon.

But does he have any actual release?

I can't find anything and I've searched since 2011.

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866dfd No.52706

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I believe he was part of the Rosso Corsa collective somewhere around 2011 judging from the blog entries on their site and in the comment sections. But no, no releases exist.

I think you could've messaged him directly back then, he seems to have had at least a myspace profile.

2011 was a pretty early time to start. Did you get there same year or earlier?

My first short experience with the genre was in 2011. Found a little track on Youtube (see my attachment). The artist had a few more tracks uploaded but there were no leads to the rest of the synthwave movement. Having no idea what to search for the interest faded. Previously I listened to a lot of geniune 80s synthpop artists. But this sound seeemed like fresh breath of air somehow.

The interest re-emerged after discovering more of the artists around the middle of 2012. Around the end of 2012 I was the most extatic. /v/ had daily Miami Hotline threads which would turn into neo80s threads, watched Drive alone and with /tv/, the sudden amount of musicians previously unknown kept me hungry for more.

Since then I grew to like a few specific artists and MPM was one of them. I can count on others because they still make music (for example Action Jackson). With MPM however it's a more sadder situation.

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866dfd No.52707

Oh and found a new radio station


that's next to driveradio.be

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866dfd No.52726


>watched Drive alone and with /tv/

You're a real human bean anon.

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866dfd No.52836

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I drive

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866dfd No.52905

File: 1441738763730-0.jpg (262.42 KB,500x500,1:1,front.jpg)

File: 1441738763730-1.png (1.61 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Mega Drive - Futurescape -….png)

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File: 1441738763750-3.png (317.33 KB,422x400,211:200,Mega Drive - Hardwired - c….png)





>All this great retro and only one mention of Mega Drive

What board are you guys? Mega Drive got featured in a fucking metal magazine he was so hardcore.

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866dfd No.52933


Since GosT is already pretty close to it, and Perturbator wants his new album more guitar focused, I wouldn't be surprised if that side of Synthwave ends up merging with Metal quite a bit.

Anyways, link to the feature?

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866dfd No.52972


>I wouldn't be surprised if that side of Synthwave ends up merging with Metal quite a bit

You mean something like this ?


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866dfd No.53382

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These guys are pretty good.

Zombie Hyperdrive - Gigawatt (15:48) is great.

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866dfd No.53407

File: 1441895183466.gif (614.82 KB,141x141,1:1,1438846036292-2.gif)

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866dfd No.53500

File: 1441949916371.webm (3.29 MB,915x915,1:1,Anaconda.webm)

Judge Bitch is a pretty great one, who no one talks about. Great layering, great sound and each song has a good sense of progression. My biggest complaint is that he/she tends to use direct samples from movies and the like quite often, and once or twice it really really falls flat (fucking Demolition Man, seriously?).

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866dfd No.53515

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Action Jackson is breddy gud :DD

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866dfd No.53589

File: 1442064642725.webm (5.83 MB,810x298,405:149,Action Jackson – Vice.webm)


He absolutely is. Sadly he removed some of his good older songs from his Youtube channel, but if you're brave enough to go through some dodgy sites you can find them ripped. I attach one of them. I think it's better than that later remix.

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866dfd No.53606

omg I'm so hyped for this music, it makes no sense. It's like my past life loved this music.

I'm saving all these links and I need more. Thank you for bringing all this up to my attention.

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866dfd No.53948

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How about something more sensual?

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866dfd No.53997

File: 1442648757487.jpg (33.25 KB,900x600,3:2,1338506973726.jpg)

This album is actually good. Sounds really fresh which I haven't experienced in quite some time now.


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866dfd No.55287

not too sure if I'd call it synthwave, but Reznyck's latest shit is pretty cool.


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866dfd No.55329

Remute and Dead Astronauts are 2 artists that come to mind, but they aren't strictly synthwave.



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866dfd No.56395


Can you upload some Kavinsky?

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866dfd No.56554


Cheers Anon

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866dfd No.56645

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Where did all the posters go? Any new tunes getting your ears crazy?

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866dfd No.56707

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i could just lie in bed and listen do this album.

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866dfd No.56737

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866dfd No.56739

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The best synthwave music for me is still from Carpenter Brut. They are also amazing live, wish I could be at France to attend one of their shows.

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866dfd No.56745


>loud idiots

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866dfd No.56764


Damn shame, because a lot of the composition is completely different. I'd love to see a live album released.

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866dfd No.56794

File: 1445921897779.webm (3.23 MB,700x700,1:1,Oddened.webm)


Carpenter Brut EP1

Gost - The Night Prowler

Gost - Skull

Perturbator - Dangerous Days

Mega Drive - Haunted/Hunted, Maniac, Vampire Killer

Jasper Byrne - Voyager & Decade Dance

Feel free to add to this list

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866dfd No.56795

File: 1445922094329.webm (3.3 MB,700x700,1:1,Cursed.webm)


Actually meant to post this song, but fuck it, they're both great.

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866dfd No.56800



Yeah, sadly there is no live album. That rearrangement of "Looking for tracy tzu" is rad as hell.

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866dfd No.56812

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u forgot OGRE

my fav track but short as fuck. It seriously sounds like a show tune. tho.

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866dfd No.56901


Just because you asked. Check the Kavinsky folder.


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866dfd No.56909

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866dfd No.56932


I liked this compilation, think one of my favorite tracks is Waveshaper - Crystal Protocol


Another great album, Tropicool and Chimera are favorites


OGRE - 195 is not bad but like you mentioned, the track posted is one of the best, most of the music is a bit too ambient for my tastes.

I am still trying out some of stuff posted here in this thread.

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866dfd No.57074


I think the idea is that it's synthwave inspired by slasher movies and shit.

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866dfd No.57654

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really just letting youtube take over and posting what I like

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866dfd No.57668


>ripping off Terran Trade Authority for one of the worst genres

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866dfd No.57711

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866dfd No.58412

A while back on /v/ there was a really great webm synthwave just called detective.webm does anyone maybe know what that could be?

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866dfd No.58422

File: 1448299904731.png (784.23 KB,622x568,311:284,1343777383203.png)


>one of the worst genres

Get a load of this queer!

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866dfd No.58425

Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread, fucking love it, this is a goldmine

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866dfd No.58472


Every artist sounds exactly the same, this is one of the laziest genres around.

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866dfd No.58474


No they don't. There's the hard-hitting stuff like Perturbator, Lazerhawk, and Carpenter Brut (the popular style, although I'm really not big on it), the more straightforward synthpop of Le Cassette, the synthfunk of SAIR, the vintage astronomy documentary soundtrack type of stuff like Starforce, the Jan Hammer worship of Action Jackson and Miami Nights 1984, among others. Overall, the "synthwave" genre is fun, catchy, and really a breath of fresh air.

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866dfd No.58577

Shit, I never thought I would find you guys…

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866dfd No.58591

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866dfd No.58617

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I get bored with dancy stompy tunes but the slower, more soundtracky ones always get me excited, maybe because there's not really a lot of them. Same thing with vocals in the genre. I think that by skipping vocals many artists or even the genre in general lose possibly more mainstream appeal.

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866dfd No.58618

File: 1448733213164.jpg (129.59 KB,700x700,1:1,a2020957492_10[1].jpg)

Not trying to shill.

Just found out the MPM tribute is out:


Can't say how it is yet, writing as I'm listening.

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866dfd No.58624


Ok, It was pretty dissappointing. I think I expected something else.

The best track though is Plane To 1986 by Rene H. Haven't heard of this guy before, might check out more of his stuff.

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866dfd No.59522

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866dfd No.59768


You failed to break up the harder stuff and the "Outrun" sub group. Lazerhawk definitely straddles the two but notables like Gost and Kavinsky are clearly belong in their respective groupings. What you drive to is not what John Carpenter movie soundtracks are made of.

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866dfd No.59769


>losing mainstream appeal is a bad thing

we're on /mu/. On top of that, mainstream shit has no soul; not even ironic like vaporwave.

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866dfd No.59794

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>87 'vette is car of choice

what about other legendary cars from the era?

>3rd gen Firebird/Camaro

>Fox body Mustang

>Toyota Mr2

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866dfd No.59866

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866dfd No.60318

Why is Com Truise producing same thing he has been doing 5 years ago and HOW did he even get worse at that?

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866dfd No.60658


Post Mega repos

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866dfd No.61010

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Soundtrack from kung fury has some good ones

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866dfd No.61530

File: 1453420414463.jpg (48.32 KB,640x640,1:1,1397480550671.jpg)


To keep the thread bumped; here's one that was posted earlier:


I forgot to add my Tommy '86 folder.

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866dfd No.61548

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>this thread with nary a Dan Terminus album or song

Holy shit, you're all terrible.

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866dfd No.61663


Sounds like generic synthwave #3135184.

No wonder no one posted it.

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866dfd No.61962

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866dfd No.61966

Trevor Something - The Possession

Sung - Way Farer

The Fauns - 4AM (Power Glove Remix)

Tokyo Rose - Need For Speed

The Guest soundtrack also has some good songs.

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866dfd No.62293




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866dfd No.62313

I'm curious, where does Scattle fall into all of this?

Why the hell do I love this one track so much

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866dfd No.62314

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866dfd No.62439

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New dance with the dead album. My favorite track from the album

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866dfd No.62445

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866dfd No.62889


What a week I'm having. First I find a vaporwave collection now a synth one. Best music week ever. Thanks anon!

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866dfd No.63296

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Really digging this album recently, best track off the album

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866dfd No.63536

File: 1456291575751.jpg (81.67 KB,816x931,816:931,1455828389533.jpg)

tfw in 2046 people are going to be making "dubwave", trying to sound retro like the 2010's

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866dfd No.63541


mah nigga

Le Perv and Turbo Killer for FPS all day

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866dfd No.63655


We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

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866dfd No.63875

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Professor Genius - Time Of The Assassins (Steve Moore Remix)

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866dfd No.63879

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Who hype for the new album it is


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866dfd No.63987

File: 1456786800648.jpg (200.6 KB,950x950,1:1,12800311_1032235163517055_….jpg)

Awwww shit new AJ album coming out this week

what a bitching title

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866dfd No.63996

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Out of curiosity, when you hear old synth included 80's songs, what is your reaction, especially if you like the new retro inspired?

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866dfd No.63998

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Being the plebtastic faggot I am it was Farcry 3 Blood Dragon

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866dfd No.64007

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I like it, it's what got me into the '80s revival stuff in the first place (though a lot of the synthwave stuff is way different from how '80s music actually sounded).

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866dfd No.64417

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Is Justice synthwave?

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866dfd No.64431

File: 1457369018494.webm (5.56 MB,1000x563,1000:563,1457338651993.webm)

I go home at 7:30 pm 4/7 days. What are some good, calm night/traveling synthwave tracks? Kind of like Mega Drive's Vampire Killer, lazerhawk's electric groove, or whatever the music that's playing in this webm?

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866dfd No.64433


I would have thought of them as a French house group rather than a synthwave one.

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866dfd No.64573

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Com Truise is built for those types of drives.

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866dfd No.64586



Electro House

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866dfd No.64598

File: 1457507736602.webm (7.64 MB,480x272,30:17,that beat is rare.webm)

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866dfd No.64628

File: 1457559534244.jpg (32.27 KB,502x417,502:417,1397480899213.jpg)


>new Perturbator album

I already have pixel-vixens summoned for a sacrifice.


>May 3rd


>2012 /v/

>first time hearing it was orgasmic

>just as awesome today as it was back then

I've always been a big fan of synth-heavy music though.

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866dfd No.64702

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/v/ is probably the only reason this thread is still alive. I might as well post some Miami Nights 1984.

This should keep /mu/ in the top 25 for a little longer.

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866dfd No.64712

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God damn I Am The Night has some really good tracks. Is there anything like it, preferably not by Perturbator since after giving Dangerous Days a shot and She Moves Like a Knife's preview track I can tell his stuff is a bit too samey for my tastes, even though Dangerous Days has earned some of its tracks on my playlists.

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866dfd No.64915

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>no Sellorekt/LA Dreams

This guy is a neo 80s machine, I swear.


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866dfd No.64952

File: 1457916973190.webm (5.15 MB,700x700,1:1,Catastrophic Orbital Deca….webm)


Dan Terminus is good, if you can get behind his aesthetic, but it's not a must-listen. All of his stuff is pay what you want (AKA free) so I'd say check it out. The mixing is definitely a little low, though.


I'd at least check out Sexualizer before writing Perturb off, it's his only album that really has a different edge.

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866dfd No.64968

File: 1457944688446.jpg (86.99 KB,640x631,640:631,coverr.jpg)


What do you think of my synthwave thing?

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866dfd No.64976

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although it goes full synthwave after a minute or so.

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866dfd No.64977

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>Featuring Lord British

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866dfd No.64978



Droid Bishop and Lazerhawk are the best ones imo

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866dfd No.64988

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866dfd No.65334

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Is there anything similar to Meet Jimmy?

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866dfd No.65396

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That sounds more like Anhalt EBM without bass and beat rather than Synthwave.

Attachment for reference.

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866dfd No.65403

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was kavinsky synthwave?

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866dfd No.65405


>72 million

I never realized Drive or Synthwave was that popular

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866dfd No.65406


is not, that movie is popular no other kavinsky song made it that far.

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866dfd No.65831

I'm only just getting into anything "wave", yes I am a pleb I guess

Carpenter Brut is favorite synthwave for sure. Ep III is best, Anarchy Road is favorite track. All of EP III really just shines on my headphones like no other music

I have a lot of digging to do, which is awesome

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866dfd No.65832


I'm liking Dan Terminus but just started listening

Perterbator was actually my introduction to the genre I guess, but Carpenter Brut blew it away IMO. Perterbator just doesn't shine the same way. EP III from Carpenter Brut is just mastered perfectly or whatever, it sounds amazing on my headphones

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866dfd No.65833

Did anybody else that got into this previously dig chiptunes/cracktros?

>sage for samefagging

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866dfd No.65835

Also there's something about a lot of synthwave tracks that reminds me of music from Frank Klepacki, in particular from Tiberian Dawn soundtrack.

Not sure which song shows that best

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866dfd No.66101

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I've heard about five million remixes of this song; and it never gets old.

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866dfd No.66109


tanks anon

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866dfd No.66390

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866dfd No.66392

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Till this date, carpenter brut is still the best for me after listening to so many artists, something about his music being more layered or it's just his sense of melody.

Looking for tracy tzu and sexkiller on the loose are still my top favorites, something about that melody in those songs just gets to me and lets my imagination run wild.

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866dfd No.66568

File: 1460045852778.jpg (283.24 KB,1200x1190,120:119,a1143206606_10.jpg)


Great collection but where's your Carpenter Brut, Mega Drive and GUNSHIP? ;)

Also for the thread I'm recommending:


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866dfd No.66596


Wow thanks anon. That was a godlike album

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866dfd No.66675

What's some upbeat synthwave like Miami Nights 1984's Ocean Drive or Mitch Murder's Race Day?

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866dfd No.67289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Outside of the vocal tracks(Out of my Mind and In Your Love) I think this is an incredible album.

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866dfd No.67325


I am at the tenth minute and I am loving it

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866dfd No.67354

File: 1461292102942.webm (3.31 MB,600x600,1:1,Hyper Gamma Spaces '16.webm)


>mfw I forgot the Mega Drive folder and never heard of Gunship

And even after downloading some of the flacs from that anon that was nice enough to share them. They'll be up in probably about 5 days or so.

Until then, a remix… by me.

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866dfd No.67367

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Dynatron is your man for any sort of slow,calm business,especially the first half of Aeternus.

>tfw only perturbator has done any sort of collab work with him for one track

On the topic of collabs/remixes,I have to say that picking out each artist's style in them is always a good time.

Remixes are fun,too. The Hotline Miami Remix EP is great, if not just for hearing Carpenter Brut's remixes.

>tfw you will never hear a kavinsky and carpenter brut collab

Feels bad man

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866dfd No.67436

Are there any artists that specifically focus on Faux 80's "Synthwave" crossed over with IDM or aggrotech?

Gotta get me some edgy songs for doing work

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866dfd No.67445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This album's great, particularly Drifting. There's a link for it in the share thread.

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866dfd No.67962

Is there a sub genre of this type of thing? Where there's this slow drum beat with whatever goodness building up in the background?

Similar songs include Waveshaper's Crystal Protocol and Power Glove's Power Core

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866dfd No.67964

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Forgot embed

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866dfd No.67965

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Noir Deco has a few like this, but they are slightly faster than your examples


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866dfd No.68098

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Perturbator new album just came out, how was it for you guys?

I am currently still in the middle of listening to it

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866dfd No.68099

There's a campaign going to make a documentary featuring 25 synthwave artists and the old guards (Carpenter, Vangelis, etc). There wasn't enough exposure, only found out now. Will be pledging but only because MPM is promised to be in this.



Felt that only Diabolus Ex Machina and Venger were good. Others feel like I've heard them already (except for She Moves Like A Knife which I actually did hear before).

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866dfd No.68100

File: 1462569606876.jpg (14.29 KB,242x351,242:351,19.jpg)


Why should we care?

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866dfd No.68101

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If you don't enjoy the music then maybe you shouldn't.

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866dfd No.68102

File: 1462570152354.jpg (37.74 KB,430x696,215:348,1440981843494.jpg)


>responding to bait featuring one of RedLetterMedia

Yikes, man.


>mfw Diabolus Ex Machina

Tokyo Rose dropped an EP two weeks ago, but I can't embed since >mfw.


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866dfd No.68103

File: 1462570757260.webm (5.66 MB,640x360,16:9,Cascade.webm)


I enjoy the music, and fail to see what a pointless documentary will do other than bloat egos, unwittingly create and spread misconceptions about the genre, and invite unwanted attention. Right now, it's big enough that there's a lot of quality artists and varied appeal, but small enough to not get caught up and run into the ground as some pathetic mainstream trend. Synthwave says all it needs to say via its music and album art, and how they intertwine, you try and stretch that essence into full documentary material, and it's doomed to fail.


I've been posting in this thread for more than nine months, asshole.

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866dfd No.68104


> but small enough to not get caught up and run into the ground as some pathetic mainstream trend

It had many opportunities. That never materialized. A documentary isn't threatening your perceived exclusivity of the genre.

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866dfd No.68106

File: 1462571593708.mp4 (6.03 MB,640x360,16:9,Megahit - Shinjuku Cruise.mp4)


We'll see, but it's certainly "another opportunity". And that doesn't change the fact that it will almost certainly be shit, for reasons mentioned above.

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866dfd No.68110



I don't know why but I like this album like so much more than his other work, apart from Miami Disco. I feel like the melodies in this latest album stood out more and is thus more memorable.

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866dfd No.68112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I will embed it.

Fuck this shit is good as well. Thanks for the rec.

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866dfd No.68228

Who do I listen to if I want more Dance With The dead? I already 90% of hteir albums on me

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866dfd No.68326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm digging this album.

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866dfd No.68354


gave it a listen on bandcamp and really didn't like it. Probably his weakest yet imo.

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866dfd No.68428

File: 1463001792145.jpg (48.2 KB,854x721,122:103,eurobeats melancholically.JPG)


There's some banger tracks that manage to reach new intensities and stand out on their own (Death Squad, Disco Inferno, Cult of 2112), and no one can deny how well Perturbator produces technically or otherwise, but overall the album is trapped in a sense of been there, done that. Most of the music is predictable and bland, the vocals tracks combine difficult lyrics and heavy mixing to be astoundingly fucked up, despite Hayley Stewart's best efforts, and the poser faux-satanism is starting to really drive me up the wall. Carpenter Brut and Gost manage to hit some interesting notes along the way, Perturbator feels like he's just doing it to be edgy like the metal bands of yesteryear even though no one cares. We've seen these themes before with Dangerous Days and some of the Protector 101 colab shit, and we've heard this style before with all the bonus tracks he's contributed to over the past two years. It's worth a free download, but absolutely nothing else.

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866dfd No.68487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I guess I am in the minority then, I really like his new album, whereas older albums such as dangerous days or I am the night doesn't sound that good to me. Previously the only work I liked a lot from him is the sexualizer EP.

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866dfd No.68528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.68542

>listening to synthwave

>babies' first arturia minimoog preset begins playing

After having toyed with the vst in the past any simple preset made with it brings me out of the experience. And that distinct sound is too obvious.

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866dfd No.68576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love Vampire Killer so damned much. What is out there that's like it?


What do you mean? Do you mind pposting an example

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866dfd No.68595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The rest of 3:33 has Mega Drive's more horror-fantasy tracks, and Gost (particularly Nocturnal Shift) and Magic Sword have a few songs with similar theming. Somewhat unrelated, Chris Paladin's stuff is also absolutely fantastic, shame there's no downloads for it and paypal's such a fucking kikefest.

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866dfd No.68712

File: 1463415619084.png (565.07 KB,686x641,686:641,1462730875696.png)


This album is fucking amazing. Best tracks explorers and the kid with the silver mask.

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866dfd No.68735

File: 1463440992019.png (1.09 MB,1000x1000,1:1,Molasar - Talismans - cove….png)


Just for you(high-quality premium):


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866dfd No.68751

File: 1463454850204.jpg (17.39 KB,196x189,28:27,crying anime.JPG)


>decryption key needed

Please help anon

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866dfd No.68755


I love Citadel and Monolith myself a lot.

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866dfd No.68764

File: 1463502724830.jpg (108.06 KB,974x974,1:1,tuh3l6j.jpg)

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866dfd No.68767

File: 1463507420133.gif (508.94 KB,440x330,4:3,1463324600046.gif)


Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

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866dfd No.68835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bumping best genre

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866dfd No.68836


>It just feels like true 80's/90's movie tunes, it's got that vibe and progression that incites the images of old 80's films in your head

that sounds like true quality, really deep stuff, this probably brings you really close to spiritual enlightenment and whatnot

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866dfd No.68869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found another great album, man these days lucky that I keep coming across good stuff

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866dfd No.68918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like this album, even though a lot of the tracks sound alike.

Favorite is Combat Ready, for some reason.

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866dfd No.68920

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9pbkn_DuGd0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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866dfd No.68923


neufogs can't embed

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866dfd No.69087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


VHS Glitch - Night On The Dark Hill

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866dfd No.69106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons what are your thoughts about vocals in your synthwave

Is this even considered synthwave anymore? Don't get me wrong, I dig it.

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866dfd No.69118


Eh some songs are alright, like I really dig this track here that I posted quite a while ago:


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866dfd No.69212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.69219

File: 1464458073429.png (1.78 MB,750x1334,375:667,image.png)

Plebs in here giving so much praise for Dangerous Days when clearly I Am The Night is Perturbator's best work

git gud

Also, Uncanny Valley tries too hard to be LOUD so all the mid-range gets fucked

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866dfd No.69240


Anons of 55ch (RIP) made a collection once:

Don't know if i can post torrents here, so fuck me anyways


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866dfd No.69243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Future Vision is pretty good.

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866dfd No.69251


55ch is back up at 55chan.org actually

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866dfd No.69276


tfw was playing Doom II right before watching this.

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866dfd No.69696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dead thread dead genre

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866dfd No.69806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FM-84 dropped an album about three weeks ago, good summertime music.

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866dfd No.69818

File: 1465461308953.webm (7.56 MB,600x600,1:1,Kristine - Kristine - 11 ….webm)

One of my favourite neo-80s tracks.

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866dfd No.69939

Com Truise

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866dfd No.69963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.69975


And here 3 months later it's not out yet! This is killing me, the preview track wasn't that good but I know he can do it.

There's a tshirt out to buy, but I'm not wearing no red commie colors on me. Would've bought if it was any other color.

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866dfd No.69991


that's it I'm putting this album on my playlist for summer holidays

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866dfd No.70156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Note: A bit louder than most albums. Full moon's a great track

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866dfd No.70179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.70318

Is there a /mu/ essentials mega dump of synthwave like we have for vaporwave?

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866dfd No.70332

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866dfd No.70367

Synthwave is the new Dubstep

DnB is to Dubstep as 2000's House is to 2010's Synthwave

Am I wrong, or very wrong?

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866dfd No.70368

File: 1466862608870.jpg (74.58 KB,913x730,913:730,1451533631178.jpg)

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866dfd No.70400


thanks for your addition to society

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866dfd No.70831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



No, he's actually got kind of point there; You can't tell me that daft punk and friends weren't themselves just a little bit 80's.

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866dfd No.71289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This track is actually good horror synth comparable to Carpenter Brut but with cheesy horror sfx. Other tracks on the same album feel too lacking personally. This out stands out.

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866dfd No.71499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lost years new album, fucking good as usual

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866dfd No.71542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is one of my favorite songs atm.

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866dfd No.71546

File: 1469976520302.jpg (33.89 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks-000161075690-2bm9….jpg)



Fucking hell i cant believe someone dropped Molasar ! I have been listening to that nonstop for months from a SC rip. I cant tell you how much i apreciate the flac !

Also if you like Molasar, then you will love Andy Fox - Tempis Fugit. Easily my AOTY. Something about that dark fm bass funk.


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866dfd No.71811

Does anybody know what song plays in that webm with an ayy lmao doing the snake?

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866dfd No.71820


>no idea what song

>doesn't even have the webm that goes with the song

I can't fucking help you.

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866dfd No.72107

Anyone got any idea what song this is from?? unfortunately this is all I could salvage of the song.


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866dfd No.72213

File: 1471562239782.jpg (131.77 KB,500x500,1:1,stranger things.jpg)

I'm fucking cumming in my pants.

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866dfd No.72240

File: 1471656701070.jpg (4.78 KB,145x200,29:40,1469067378404.jpg)


>original soundtrack from artists with real names

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866dfd No.72344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.72346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


meant to post this

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866dfd No.72465

File: 66ae21cf0fa90c1⋯.gif (936.55 KB,500x376,125:94,1448093191364.gif)


Why did I wait so long to download this? Feels like I'm in Shadowrun. Thanks, anon; will add to the collection at some future date.

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866dfd No.72724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>original soundtrack from artists with real names

or you could just think of them as S U R V I V E.



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866dfd No.73537

someone posted this mega link on halfchan /wsg/

have some goodies my friendoes


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866dfd No.73840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Current fav

The rest of the album isn't as good personally

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866dfd No.73908

/r/ing Dance With The Dead's albums, need more in my playlist. Please be kind.

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866dfd No.73974


You are incredibly wrong, all before Synth was incredibly popular, Synth is for /mu/ hipsters.

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866dfd No.73996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









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866dfd No.74032

File: c5e632e22cec442⋯.jpg (656.5 KB,700x1026,350:513,1434053145529.jpg)


>ToS flag

Pretty big faggots over there, huh?

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866dfd No.74034


That cover is MAXIMUM rad.

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866dfd No.74151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

preddy gud track

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866dfd No.74204

Lazerhawk, Kavinsky and Perturbedbuthurtreugeelovingautisticfaggotor are all entry level generic garbage they take no risks, they never improve or change. I am pretty indifferent to the genre but I can appreciate the more unique sounding stuff. But the mainstream shit all sounds the same to me.

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866dfd No.74205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I might as well post some synthwave I have discovered it feels unique and doesn't feel like a 40 second loop over and over like a lot of the mainstream shit that people are posting and like in this thread and elsewhere the song has a noticeable progression and there are layers of different musical things happening, I found it when it had 14 views, it only has eight thousand views as the most viewed video of it on youtube so I guess its fair to say its undiscovered stuff. Enjoy.

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866dfd No.74215


This is very nice. Thank you.

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866dfd No.74218


>Sexkiller on the Loose

Have you listened to Meet Matt Stryker? It's not one of his most well known musical pieces, but it sounds more or less like a more upbeat Sexkiller without slow parts. Definitely one of my favourites, along with Roller Mobster, Anarchy Road and You're Mine.

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866dfd No.74219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

By the way, El Tigr3 is also pretty good as well. Both Heist (embed related) and Die Cosmonaut are relatively unknown, but pretty sweet. She Swallowed Burning Coals is good as well, but everyone and their mother has already listened to that one since it was featured in Hotline Miami 2.

A shame the fucker has uploaded a grand total of 4 tracks. That's right, this post would contain his whole discography if we counted Bleed Them White, which sounds radically different to his other much more aggressive works. I am unsure whether to consider El Tigr3 or Carpenter Brut the champions of aggressive synthwave.

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866dfd No.74225


>"shitposter" (for lack of a better term, even though they were just stating their opinion) comes in the thread and shares his opinion

>clearly makes his point

>bumps the thread

>he is kinda has a point


>he actually contributes to the thread despite saying how he doesn't really like the genre

>contributes an artist that I have never heard of and is actually pretty good

I really respect that a lot, he didn't just shitpost/sage/derail, he put his money where his mouth is and contributed an alternative to what he was criticizing, with a unique artist I have never seen discussed anywhere.

Even our shitposters are quality. I love you guys,

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866dfd No.74230


Holy fuck those views, god fucking damn. How? That is so fucking good holy shit.

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866dfd No.74254


Don't see anything unique about that.

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866dfd No.74268


That song was bland as fuck, nothing unique.

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866dfd No.74273


I really disliked she swallowed burning coals. I never liked that level nor the track itself and I have no idea what people see in it.

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866dfd No.74305


That was really enjoyable, pretty much exactly what you described it as. I can see my self listening to that again.

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866dfd No.74331


Yeah fine


That was acceptable, but fairly bland. Mega Drive might not fit your criteria, but in terms of layering and different musical elements they're pretty good.

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866dfd No.74372

File: ec97847457f1ff3⋯.png (143.03 KB,586x454,293:227,browse_0058.png)

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866dfd No.74382

File: c3308d811976e89⋯.webm (4.5 MB,745x960,149:192,Shocking Dark.webm)

File: 3322176fb7f1598⋯.webm (5.12 MB,745x960,149:192,Witch.webm)

Some of his sound might be too modern for this thread's tastes, but SurgeryHead is fucking tight. We should've been talking about him a year ago.

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866dfd No.74719

File: ecf0d677bd8ee2f⋯.jpg (297.9 KB,720x536,90:67,mitch_murder.jpg)


Pretty sure I need to be making a slasher film now.

Peep that synthwave mega, I'm adding a ton of FLACs to it, including that new Tonebox album.

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866dfd No.74724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Iris i a pretty good synthwave band. usually more downtempo than most synthpop. I like them.

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866dfd No.74726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.74727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.74728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

neros77 channel is good.

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866dfd No.74796

Mega Drive's got a new track out



Sounds good


Also sounds good

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866dfd No.75114

File: 843804136f59f10⋯.png (3.24 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20161122-153842.png)

New GosT released

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866dfd No.75479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is it shit?

Heres more Dance With The Dead

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866dfd No.75491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's good, but it feels more like it's trying to create a setting and a mood/tone, instead of being straight catchy (is the best way I can think of to phrase it) like the first one. The song I posted, which is the first track off the album, is a good representation of the whole album. You still have the strong 4-beat measure formula, but with a bit more of a horror feel to it.

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866dfd No.75870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.75877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pert has a new single out.

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866dfd No.75899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

would Ladyhawke qualify or is she too hipster age?

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866dfd No.75900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


another 80sish song of hers

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866dfd No.75962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can actually get with this.

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866dfd No.76034

File: 57288f89e515731⋯.webm (5.81 MB,700x700,1:1,A Kind Of Space.webm)



The new sound is pretty good and it's admirable how he's continuing to change and improve. It's way too preachy on the whole Satanism thing (particularly in the vocal tracks), and it overuses the long, drawn out samples from whatever old film about a coven of witches around four times too many. Combined with Maleficarium and the second half not quite feeling like a crescendo (especially compared to Behemoth), the album just feels too single-minded. Still a fun enough listen, but for his next project there needs to be a better variety of themes and tones.

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866dfd No.76184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.76272

File: 0de88b86f31d886⋯.webm (3.87 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Stardust.webm)

Emmet Brown's new album was actually pretty sick. The vocals still suck, but it's only one track off the album.

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866dfd No.76702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just found this slightly older track by Highway Superstar. I like such slower bassy tracks.

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866dfd No.77334

File: 58841e9589f92db⋯.webm (3.47 MB,700x700,1:1,Prey.webm)

File: 05f18ce7ed52046⋯.webm (4.15 MB,1142x1200,571:600,Strike Midnight.webm)

So two artists released new albums in late 2016, didn't tag them effectively, and nobody noticed. El Tigr3 dropped Man-Eater way back in November, it's a lot lighter and minimalistic than even his last release, and at times less aggressive. Big problem is that the tone of the song titles and the song themselves are sometimes completely off. Screws the mood up.

Surgeryhead released something on Christmas Eve. Just found about it like ten minutes ago, so I'm still working through it. It's got a lot more experimental elements, the theme's really weird, but it's pushing the Synth/EDM (or EBM or whatever they call it) combinations in this really elegant and catchy way. I dig it.

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866dfd No.77385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>artwork on the Surgeryhead track

That is just amazing. The track is awesome too.

Also, the legend is back!

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866dfd No.77420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dance With The Dead did something

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866dfd No.77422

File: cdf3bd8b760fcd6⋯.jpg (95.26 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1473978393205.jpg)


>MFW anon made this

you dun good man.

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866dfd No.77454

File: 82b3c001352a3c7⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,3076x2944,769:736,tonebox_album_art.jpg)


When I have a spare kbps, I'll upload some more. Most of my new downloads are in FLAC too.

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866dfd No.77518

Some of that genre is too close to club music/house but Mega Drive is pretty neat.

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866dfd No.77519


By that I mean Kavinsky which is just girls night out music tbh

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866dfd No.77521

By the way, can someone hint to a couple of good compilations or mixes?

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866dfd No.77525

When is our lord and savior Carpenter Brut going to release a new EP?

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866dfd No.77536

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866dfd No.77551

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866dfd No.77566

File: 9701b0fcccaba9b⋯.jpg (139.09 KB,1237x1068,1237:1068,cell-phone-martin-cooper1.jpg)


I jammed out their video upload of that for years. Never gets old.

>tfw released in 2012

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866dfd No.77615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What about C Y B E R N ∆ Z I?

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866dfd No.77616


breddy gud

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866dfd No.77617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



this one's good too

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866dfd No.77618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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866dfd No.77621


So after ignoring Surgeryhead for a bit because of the generic edgy cover art I must say this shit is great. Good samples, lots of variety, heavy as fuck, but still synthwave somewhere at its core.

Is there something similar to this?

I listened to GosT but found him to be rather mediocre.

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866dfd No.77623

File: b2bc41ab4774ef5⋯.webm (3.66 MB,700x700,1:1,Ritualizer.webm)

File: fcbdd50b193d7f4⋯.webm (2.64 MB,700x700,1:1,Bulletproof.webm)


Well SurgeryHead himself, obviously. Past that it really depends on how intense you want it and how much general techno/EDM you want mixed in. Gost's most recent album has pretty shit sampling, I'd recommend listening to Skull and S/T because they really fit the bill of what you want. I posted some of both earlier up in the thread before my IP changed.

Satanico Pandemonium by Killer Instinct can be a little loose and it starts off pretty slow, but the second half is filled with dense, fun compositions. His most recent, Rebirth, is just darksynth inspired EDM, Gestaphstein style. I just recently discovered Into The Pale Abyss, which is free to purchase and has some pretty tight sampling mixed with the heavy shit that you wanted.

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866dfd No.77638


Will give those a listen and report back, thank you anon.

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866dfd No.77641



Can someone upload this comp? The torrent is deaderino.

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866dfd No.77829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MPM is back!

Better download before something funny happens again.


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866dfd No.77838

File: c2c300a62fef728⋯.webm (4.27 MB,700x700,1:1,Tuned to a Dead Channel.webm)


All of Kickass Torrent's file database is long gone, I think you might be out of luck.


>Better download before something funny happens again.

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866dfd No.77839

File: f429aac33cd8436⋯.jpg (195.03 KB,898x964,449:482,1397480055961.jpg)



Should've been lurking the thread a little harder. Would've been worthy of an archive I'll bet, MPM and all.



Never fret! The DHT is here to save the day yet again!

http://btdb.in/torrent/KVa9zr7GOZfYxJ5xObOyFNaBl23E4vC6ogA.html I might have to give the Bourgeoise discog an upload, their stuff is awesome.

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866dfd No.77845


This meme makes no sense except for the driving part

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866dfd No.77862

File: 4ea4fe7b71debd4⋯.webm (6.9 MB,500x500,1:1,MPM Soundtracks - Lost Ta….webm)



Well indeed something funny has happened. The album is offline with the profile too! I've grabbed the free download though. Would've paid else.

There are 7 tracks total. All classic ones, Starbeam, DayDreamer, V8, Hot Resort, Spring Break, No Man's Land and the ever more relevant The Story Never Ends!

More tracks were put up on Soundcloud however. Who knows what'll happen with these:


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866dfd No.77863

File: d570f063c1a5ec6⋯.png (144.9 KB,638x385,58:35,960020.png)

Well it seems the MPM returning is quite obscure, a tale with with impostors too!


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866dfd No.78083

Pertubator VS Mega Drive VS Carpenter Brut VS Betamaxx - which is the most hardcore?

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866dfd No.78977

File: aef35e40a20bd84⋯.jpg (14.43 KB,236x310,118:155,746e9ef43b23d9658f80c3b8c2….jpg)

>tfw you listen to Dynatron

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866dfd No.78980



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866dfd No.78981


whoops *GosT

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866dfd No.79121

File: 9e8ddf0e53127b1⋯.jpg (46.95 KB,441x441,1:1,1397480686658.jpg)


>mfw Aeternus

Giant upload to synthwave collection inbound, I finally got better internet.

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866dfd No.79377

Perturbator is overrated as shit here. His first two albums are monotonous garbage, I didn't bother with the rest.

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866dfd No.79593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Betamaxx is best husbando

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866dfd No.79594


Damn right.

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866dfd No.79892

This dude named rodi has some synthwave in this album https://slavrodi.bandcamp.com/album/never-done fairly good stuff.

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866dfd No.80042

File: 545039acfd17baf⋯.webm (3.88 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Ataraxia (feat. Oceanside….webm)

File: beb05af9f3c71dc⋯.webm (2.97 MB,700x700,1:1,The City.webm)

File: a45aa5f6b5192b8⋯.webm (2.94 MB,700x700,1:1,Night hag.webm)

Let's talk about synth.

Although multiple artists before (Volkor X) or since (Scattle) have some degree of prog rock influence, Phantasmagoric takes it to such a degree that you need to actually enjoy prog rock to enjoy it. So if you're part of the whole Phil Collins cult, it's probably right up your alley, but I thought it was just ehh.

Duett's an artist that's been mentioned a fair bit, just not here. So yeah, really really good, fantastically produced, upbeat, catchy and chill synthwave. What you hear is what you get. Also has a new EP out, but I haven't listened to it yet.

Finally, ZARRAD's an artist from Russia with no fans, a bit too much of his own face, and production that's clearly on a tight budget. But his albums are filled with really unique and boundary breaking explorations, both big and small, of what you can do and where you can take the genre without ever fully diverging from a synthwave sound. I think it's something that deserves more recognition and I hope you'll agree.

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866dfd No.80074


Good post, I like all 3. Keep 'em coming, it's the only genre I'm currently really interested in.

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866dfd No.80076

Mega Drive - Data Line

Mega Drive - Pulse of the Streets

It's basically the same song wtf

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866dfd No.80119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saving this thread.

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866dfd No.80937


can anyone help me fix this synthwave torrent?

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866dfd No.81011

I've really grown to appreciate Tesla Boy even though their later stuff sounds more like the Happy Mondays than synthwave but it's still good throwback shit.

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866dfd No.81042


oi did you make this one too? has some artists that I don't think you have


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71e3fb No.81075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5e1498 No.81179

File: 7dd0bd372e4e1d4⋯.gif (1.08 MB,320x240,4:3,7f5.gif)


The "OldRetroWave" folder is a clone of my folder as of the middle of last year; I added some stuff since then. That guy has some awesome stuff up there though, I been looking for that Pluto Odyssey for a while.

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5e1498 No.81180

File: a0ce29ea6b27d17⋯.png (47.97 KB,1614x315,538:105,lelz.png)


Another telltale sign, I accidentally uploaded that a long time ago.

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ff92af No.81334

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12afa0 No.81706

File: 8727585d40c1bac⋯.webm (2.86 MB,700x700,1:1,Mada Yana (pü püápâñpâè) ….webm)

File: 1fdb0b466f3a05e⋯.webm (2.85 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Comforts of the Flesh.webm)

File: e0a1ad7c4eff0a9⋯.webm (3.6 MB,700x700,1:1,Junkhead.webm)

Mada Yana mixes elements of vaporwave with traditional synthwave and a lot of horror synth elements. The end result is pretty smooth and base-heavy, without heavy base. Definitely worth checking out.

I mostly ignored Occam's Laser, assuming him to be another generic synth artist, and his new albums aping Perturbator's stale satanism. Once I realized he was actually doing a full trilogy based off of Dante's Divine Comedy was I enticed. It's effectively put together, the themes are interesting, and there's a solid and genuine attempt to display the spirituality of its inspiration and the metaphysical concepts that entails. Nine Circles is probably the weakest, all the songs have the same general tempo and flow.

And yeah, the new Mega Drive could of used a bit more meat, but is still real fucking good.

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ddb046 No.81753

File: fe9d94ef845a8fd⋯.gif (176.32 KB,447x350,447:350,Cuhlecaim-manticore.gif)

sweet thred. bump with a pic I made for my rpg

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21ccb6 No.82606

I have a very good question to ask: Who is to the synthesizer as Eric Johnson is to the guitar?

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f7f709 No.82608


>Eric Johnson

You mean the synth equivalent of being super overrated and only known by anyone these days because of Guitar Hero?

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deca7c No.82638

Does anyone have any recommendations for music you can just play during the night and lose yourself? Something like Mega Drive's Vampire Killer or Tonebox's Nocturn.

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5e1498 No.82693


If that's the case… David Guetta?


Citymulation for harder music, Future City Record's Blade Runner tribute for relaxed. https://futurecityrecords.bandcamp.com/album/tears-in-rain-a-tribute-to-blade-runner

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a7eadd No.82731

File: 6e8e7a1715f666c⋯.jpg (119.89 KB,700x700,1:1,livebrut.jpg)

Carpenter Brut has a live album coming up on the 30th, there's a preview track of his rendition of Maniac from Flashdance. Took a listen, made me curse my fate of being a burger since all his tour dates are in Europe.


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848508 No.82970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's the whole song live.

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0c2da6 No.83032

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2bdf84 No.83384



I would like their channel if they weren't a bunch of cucks

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2bdf84 No.83385

>nobody recommending ThePrimeThanatos channel


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c81f7f No.83403

File: 1fa3e783c20051e⋯.png (251.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,1497648503610.png)


Hey, has anyone else noticed how unpopular synthwave promo channels are in comparison to monstercat-tier weeaboo edm and future funk promo channels?

Even vaporwave promos get much more. Is synthwave that niche? Did everyone forget about stranger things and hotline miami?

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bd8915 No.83438

File: 04a176cdb134abf⋯.png (83 KB,207x216,23:24,2ff7d02eb90354df47699acdbd….png)


It's because Synthwave was absolutely flooded with low effort trash, and channels like NewRetroWave represent that. The movement isn't dead, just oversaturated because of how easy it is to emulate, and no one really wants to subscribe to a channel that releases the same song over and over, even though its all by different artists.


>polysynth keyboard

>oversampling from 80s sources

>blue grid/purple sky/trans am sun album covers

The only thing keeping Synthwave alive was regular releases of titles that breathed new life into the culture. Compare Hotline Miami and most modern Synthwave, you'll start seeing what it is everyone is trying to emulate.

At least with other electronic genres some artists will try to break out and try new sounds. There's only so many 80s synthesizers we can reuse.

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c81f7f No.83469

File: 17f26f208067359⋯.jpg (49.51 KB,600x608,75:76,1275006237456.jpg)


that's the thing, most of Hotline Miami's music isn't purely Pertur-binjuice or Carpenter Butt ripoffs. I don't think Hotline Miami brought new life to Synthwave, it just amplified the most memorable angry parts (Pseudo 80's EBM) while ignoring the other influences (correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard electroclash, Indie dance/indie disco, frenchy house and chiptune)

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bd8915 No.83571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yeah, Hotline Miami wasn't purely A E S T H E T I C Synthwave like Blood Dragon or Kung Fury's OSTs were, but Synthwave is a big label for a set of subgenres, and most everyone involved got sucked into the label and culture.

The big point is that the culture relied on those big releases in other mediums to help out the musical genre of Synthwave. I just like the sound more than the 80s nostalgia bait especially since I wasn't even alive in the 80s yet I feel said 80s culture is holding it back, because most everything 80s-related has been plundered either by Synthwave, Vaporwave, the original artists coming back, or corporate media re-releasing the old.

The comments section of vid related has a guy pointing out that there are only so many Vector promo-shots he can use before he runs out, and that perfectly captures the current state of Synthwave.

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a53f01 No.83601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The issue is, I don't think anyone doing synthwave has already seriously looked up into Eastern European 80's synth…

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b223f5 No.83725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This isn't really necessarily related to the thread, but can anyone suggest some good Hotline Miami -esque music to me? And I don't want the generic synthbeats or Perturbator knockoffs but something more akin to the whole ost, especially something like Scattle's and El Huervo's music.

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4ecc8c No.83735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


some old soviet good shit

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2031c1 No.84188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The guy who made that song also made this one which is a remix of an existing song that absolutely blows the original out of the water and away in terms of quality, talk such an astronomical level of being cucked.


I dont visit this board often but I just remembered this post and wanted to see how you guys felt about it. I am surprised by how differing the opinions on it are. But thats actually a good thing.


I am glad you like it. Your welcome.


Pretty much this, I mean at the time I made that post, thread IDs were on so he knew both of those posts are me. Pretty good rundown of the situation though.


It was at 8k when I posted it now its at 26k so some people are now enjoying it. I am glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate introducing people to new music that they can enjoy.


You are entitled to your own opinion but perhaps you weren't listening close enough, the song goes through multiple evolutions in the chord progression and different music layers layering on top of each other, and at the time I had listened to way over half of all the songs posted in the thread up until that point and all the songs were a basic static 30-45 second loops that did not change or anything and it just repeated for the duration of all of those songs and it comparatively was more unique then everything else posted. So I figured I would share.


You are entitled to your own opinion, but you didnt provide a counter example to perhaps support your argument. What is less bland then my song, I dont listen to much synth wave but I have yet to hear anything less bland then it? Maybe you can expand my horizons if you give me an example.


I am glad you liked it I thought it was pretty good so I thought I would share.


Eh, I think people are confusing the slow, methodical and melancholic feel for "blandness" but you guys are entitled to your own opinions after all. From what I have heard of mega drive they were not what I was looking for.

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a20456 No.84216


>it's still up

God bless you anon.

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79d294 No.84326

File: b7f95eeddd931b4⋯.webm (2.47 MB,700x700,1:1,Promyshlennyi.webm)

File: 638a56ec0b637c4⋯.webm (3.63 MB,700x700,1:1,Ouroboros.webm)



I feel like the original wave of synthwave that's got nothing but nonstop 80's cultural references is completely dead and devoid of real content, not that that stops NewRetroWave or what have you from beating the dead horse. This has lead to three things.

1: Artists (either partially or in full) diverging from 80's themes and concepts and instead using synthwave to explore new worlds or experiment

>Ex: Dan Terminus, Gost, Magic Sword, Zarrad

2: Artists forgoing any cultural baggage and instead focusing solely on the musical element of perfecting catchy and effective synth bangers, sometimes mixing in elements of more modern electronica.

>Ex: Makeup And Vanity Set, El Tigr3, Tonebox

3: Artists mining from the 90's and maybe the 70's instead, with varying degrees of subtlety.

>Ex: Megahit, Surgeryhead, Volkor X(?)

In a roundabout way this brings me to Vista of Chaos, some fresh darksynth from which may or may not apply to all three catagories above. It's creative, it's menacing, it never stops changing and it never loses pace. Check it out, or at the very least the webms I'm posting.

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6a1c73 No.84425


I dare a synthwave musician to use artwork that doesn't use the color blue, pink or purple.

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6a1c73 No.84426

I dare a synthwave musician to use artwork that doesn't use the color blue, pink or purple.

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90589e No.84433

File: e6a30eb483e4794⋯.webm (3.82 MB,720x405,16:9,alex jones.webm)



No thats my Mega Folder hahahaha, I still have atleast 12gb of synthwave to upload on there

In the meantime come join my retrowave discord server


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90589e No.84434

File: 72dc40699f00c2b⋯.webm (3.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,dark synth 7.webm)



Carpentur brute can go fuck himself, he hasn't released anything new in 5 years

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f9fae4 No.84437


he worked on the soundtrack for Furi, did a track for that shitty documentary thing, and the live album contains some new stuff

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90589e No.84460

File: 9b70b1518baa4d8⋯.webm (2 MB,480x269,480:269,synth guitar.webm)


Yeah mediocre tracks. He's been dickriding the same bassline for years. As for the LIVE album, its just a crappy audio version of Trilogy, the cover of "She's a Maniac" is nothing new

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d5625f No.84467

File: 00c7088c536550f⋯.png (138.67 KB,512x384,4:3,00c7088c536550f01fbf5d41fb….png)


I mean, you said that he hadn't released any new tracks, not that he hadn't released any good tracks.

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90589e No.84544

File: bcc16a515421cf2⋯.webm (3.83 MB,480x270,16:9,Alien (1978) rescored by ….webm)


Come on dude, in the past 7 years what has Carpenter Brute actually released that is NEW? EP1 EP2 EP3 and Trilogy which just includes all of the previous EPs into one album and now a """""new""""" LIVE album? Which, as stated before. is just a crappy audio quality version of trilogy.

Sure Theres a few on and off tracks for fury, the track for rise of the synths documentary for a single shekel to basically fund the documentary and a few tracks for random compilation albums and remixes for an obscure french industrial label?

Even Jay Peau, James Kent, Garrett Hays has at-least released something new and experimental on a consistent basis within the past 5 years, Although I'd accuse Jay Peau to be formulaic in his music rather than being innovative, his new B:Sides sounds exactly the same as Shape without any experimentation whatsoever

As much as I like Carpentur Brute as the next guy, I feel it's necessary to shit on him since you faggots won't stop dickriding him. It's literally babby's first synthwave. Every single FUCKING Synthwave Compilation always starts with Turbo Killer and it's starting to piss me the fuck off


dont get me started on the faggotry that is scandroid

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90589e No.84545

File: bcc16a515421cf2⋯.webm (3.83 MB,480x270,16:9,Alien (1978) rescored by ….webm)

File: 43e5f752c53116e⋯.webm (3.67 MB,720x405,16:9,Retrowave-HD 2.webm)


PrimeThanatos can go fuck himself, low effort trash

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90589e No.84546

File: 2d9e1d522465166⋯.webm (1.94 MB,200x150,4:3,dancing with the pepe.webm)


Anything from the 2009-2013 era I've classified as "old" retrowave…proto-retrowave if you will….even though synthwave came from the 80s.

Reason being is that edm artists from that time were still rediscovering and experimenting with synths and basslines. most of which may mostly sound a bit off and out of tune, after listening to most of what in that folder, albeit its 10x better than half the trash people aremaking today with LE 80S MUSIC XDDDD

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d5625f No.84557

File: d996ee583095892⋯.webm (3.05 MB,700x700,1:1,Crossroad.webm)


>you faggots won't stop dickriding him

Says the guy linking a fashwave discord, a subgenre where 90% of the artists dickride either carpet brut or perturbator.

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90589e No.84574

File: 41658305009f00a⋯.webm (3.9 MB,720x405,16:9,GosT -Arise (feat. Kriist….webm)


except we don't dickride frogs u faggot.

the french have produced some of the greatest turds in the scene by far

go back to listening low energy dubstep trash

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5832da No.84578

File: e52c8a7b6bf6619⋯.jpg (521.74 KB,1090x1078,545:539,e52c8a7b6bf6619e952b1bc797….jpg)





>samefagging with discord in subject



>not Brut


>complains about Brut being the most popular and thus overused artist in the genre

>posts GosT, Brut's bitch buddy, who sits roughly three rungs under Brut in popularity

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90589e No.84580


keep using meme arrows to shill ur big daddy brute nigger

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b694e1 No.84582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scattle recently released a new single, though it sounds borderline something else than synthwave in parts

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a2735a No.84609

File: aa8a7d51c9d5180⋯.webm (3.5 MB,700x700,1:1,Triptidon - Dead Alert.webm)


keep using your barely-literate posts to shill a middling discord


Ever since Scattle went back to his older synthwave style he's been pretty middling. The production's just isn't as good.

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90589e No.84614


carpentur brute is nu-wave trash get

a better taste

and its not shilling dumbass

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aa4e49 No.84661

No synthwave infographic yet?

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a93466 No.84662

File: 2b4b0763954448c⋯.png (147.81 KB,233x216,233:216,1390818684000.png)


God bless you all for not reporting it.

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657fbb No.84684

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cougar Synth released a few tracks several months ago. This one has a nice mellow feel to it.

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a2735a No.84799

File: b5379996ea7fa34⋯.webm (4.55 MB,700x700,1:1,Windows彡96 - Heroin.webm)

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ba2b4e No.85069


lol why are you hating on Brut?

I know it's entry level into the genre because of it being featured in HLM2 but that's how this genre got the reach it did. That and they are arguably one of the best artists of the genre.

To me there is no other artist that gives that same feeling and that makes me go back and listen to them time and time again.

If you have any others then by all means do share them. I'd love for you to prove me wrong.

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0ab7e2 No.85152


Brut is just popular, stop thinking having a contrary opinion makes you smarter


What are you thinking?

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7749cf No.85207


How so?

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96effc No.85355

I can't believe this thread is still alive

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a93466 No.85664

File: 842b4fad95a9bfc⋯.jpg (29.89 KB,450x335,90:67,jN5TM.jpg)

Peep that first MEGA collection, fam. Magnatron 2.0 added to the NewRetroWave folder

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df9ccd No.85670

File: 8a8e9139b5b9b9d⋯.jpg (224.67 KB,1000x1000,1:1,serveimage.jpg)

Currently listening to


Lazerhawk, Dynatron, Waveshaper, MOON, Carpenter Brut. I generally don't prefer my synthwave to have lyrics, but I make the exception if the singer is Le Cassette. Just something about the voice I guess, I can't really explain it.

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8828e9 No.85682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's something obscure but with superb production value. It feels there's a group of people who don't try to advertise themselves through common synthwave channels.

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a2735a No.85763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Synthwave heavies are all revving up for a lot of music this fall, it seems.


Dan Terminus's new album comes out on November 10th. Seems like it'll be using more subdued, old 16-bit computer sounds, which makes sense, as he's done a couple reworks and remixes of that kind of stuff on his soundcloud. Seems alright.



Perturbator has an EP coming out and yeah it still sucks. He's layered some more modern elements on top of it, but the core synths are still the exact same from Dangerous Days back in 2014. And the vocal track is just terrible. Hell, when was the last time you heard vocals in a synth/darksynth album that isn't trash?


Mega Drive's new project still keeps his trademark sound, but breaks away from synthwave and digs deeper into the glitchhop, chillwave and weird electronic vibes Seas of Infinite had. But there's also a new single (embedded) that sticks more to his guns. Very fun stuff.

El Tigr3's also got a new album in the works, but nothing to show for it yet.

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4eabe0 No.85771

File: 6c0b962b49ca9e2⋯.webm (2.06 MB,720x405,16:9,ammo dangerous.webm)


>lol why are you hating on Brut?

The dude can't even mix his tracks properly without blasting my ear drums, get fucked, not to mention he is also a dumb frog

>I know it's entry level into the genre because of it being featured in HLM2 but that's how this genre got the reach it did.

I once saw a comment on a playlist on youtube exclaiming "lol i had to put the volume down on one of carpentur's tracks because it couldn't stop peaking, guess carpentur is a genius XD"

Kill yourself. Please

>That and they are arguably one of the best artists of the genre.


>To me there is no other artist that gives that same feeling and that makes me go back and listen to them time and time again.

Then you have shit taste

>If you have any others then by all means do share them. I'd love for you to prove me wrong.

Literally every other top of the range darksynth producer in the scene retard, stop acting so smug, nigger.

See Pertubator, Gost, DWTD, Dan Terminus, Vulta, educate yourself faggot


Go fuck yourself

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a2735a No.85772

File: f027c07d8f2d5f5⋯.webm (3 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Toxic Roulette.webm)


>The dude can't even mix his tracks properly without blasting my ear drums, get fucked, not to mention he is also a dumb frog

I think you spelt Brut there when you meant to spell Perturbator.

Oh yeah, Megahit also has a new album coming out tomorrow. It's not gonna reinvent the wheel, but it sounds good.

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5c3b3e No.85857

File: 1e95787394aa851⋯.webm (3.91 MB,512x288,16:9,1500114708153.webm)


>I think you spelt Brut there when you meant to spell Perturbator.


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cd9452 No.85951

File: a5d6a5941399e52⋯.jpg (31.54 KB,568x320,71:40,[laughs in Miata].jpg)


>tfw you will never be this butthurt over other peoples opinions

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5d01ee No.85955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full song from the new Dan Terminus, instead of just a teaser.

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fc2502 No.85966

File: 2306cc14786ed1c⋯.webm (3.96 MB,700x700,1:1,Dana's Vision - NewRetroW….webm)


>tfw you will never have such a rudimentary and shit taste

In the mean time Pertubator released a new Quasi Industrial-Darksynth album, lets see what Carpentur Brut has released??? oh thats right, nothing

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fc2502 No.85967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This sounds amazing and I'm extremely happy with the new direction that Perturbator is moving in. It still has his unique style, but it doesn't sound like the stereotypical synthwave that everyone's rehashing over and over again these days. I also love that he's moving away from the bright neon and cliche imagery. This new solid black-and-white theme is wonderful, and it actually makes the music feel heavier and darker.

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11cf25 No.85973


I was pleasantly surprised with his new album. The melodies he made surpassed his previous work. When I first heard Vantablack and TPD, I was very sceptical about the whole thing. I haven't really liked both of the songs, but after listening to it a few times, I started to enjoy it. How he moved to a new "genre" was refreshing. The grittiness and rawness. Damn. Plus the small details in his songs were amazing. He really outdone himself. Favourite tracks are Tainted Empire and Corrupted by design. /blogpost

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69838f No.85977



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5d01ee No.86003


It's not AOTY material by any measure, but a massive improvement over the blown-out nothing that was Uncanny Valley. He even actually switches up his synths on tracks like Corrupted by Design.


It's been moving away from neon for a long while, y'all fashwave niggers are just way behind the times.

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0b716c No.86026


fashwave is future goy. we don't use neon music, we use darksynth to give a sense of apocalyptic dystopian

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6abe34 No.86409


This is gay as hell wtf

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19175c No.86447


>low-effort trash

what do you mean? All the crappy artists he allows to publish on his channel?

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34c6fb No.86457

File: e101ff468029753⋯.webm (10.44 MB,640x360,16:9,XTD - Reflection.webm)

Any good up and coming artists and albums I should torrent or is all the new stuff crap that we've heard 2 years ago?

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37661c No.86467

File: 8fd513c030e42e0⋯.webm (3.99 MB,700x700,1:1,Voces.webm)


Uhhh, Vista of Chaos was really good, that guy's synth stuff in general, really. Mega Drive's new album was good. Gost's b-sides were way better than his a-sides. Darknaut's pretty cool, although he's pretty outside the realm of typical retrosynth.

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a2a51a No.86491

File: 52d543694c07ecf⋯.webm (3.99 MB,640x360,16:9,playtime.webm)


No the music is fine, but its low effort trash because all he does add LE 80S BAPORWAVE XDDD IMAGE over the track and does fuck all otherwise, its tryhard.

Literally all the Synthwave promoters are trash, including NewRetroWave, they all do the same dumb shit of using a static 80s image for their aesthetic, which is not enough to sell the music or be visually engaging.

Why don't you add some motion into the videos for fucks sake. Pay some fucking basement dwellers for a VJ Loop or add your own Audio Spectrum. Heck, even the shitty futurefunk promoters always use a looped GIF of some 90s anime and they receive well over twice as many views, compared to NRW.

Its no wonder Synthwave, as a scene has received less interest over the latter months (and trust me, its dying) whilst other electronic music promoters such as Monstercat receive a constant audience on a daily basis.

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6abe34 No.86496

Why is "fash wave" always dire and monotonous as fuck?

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d54009 No.86498


When has anything "fash" not been dire and monotonous as fuck?

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a2a51a No.86506


because the music has always been post apocalyptic/ dystopian and justifies non senseless violence, well at-least the music which has been appropriated is

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6abe34 No.86507


Yeah ok but it's usually like one loop going on for 6 minutes

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37661c No.86511

File: 0523da92e11bcb6⋯.webm (4.31 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Death Laser.webm)


I feel like you could use it as a jumping point for critique of the alt-right and /pol/ at it's current state, and a lot if it's valid if you come from the right positions, but really all you need to know is that they can't program synths for shit, and generally they lack creativity. They're running synth patterns that would be kinda weak in 2013 and pretending it's acceptable for 2016 and 2017. Most of it is made more as an extension of a stale meme than as music.

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a2a51a No.86527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Literally one artist producing "fashwave"


Yeah i guess, thing is,is that he isn't going for that distinct post-apocalyptic dystopian cyberpunk style though, hes going for more of a future "fashy" sound because "the future is fash", rather than vid related which perfectly encapsulates what fashwave is rather than the gay "futurefash" genre


>i feel


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37661c No.86535


Either way it's shit dude. Joseph Retrostein is shit.

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a2a51a No.86536


better than being an obscure-shitter and listening to music from nobody has ever heard from

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a2a51a No.86538


>implying he makes his own tracks

Yeah okay your just a faggot, back to leftypol with you goy. Fashwave is /ourgenre/ and your just mad we poltards culturally appropriated it like we do with nigger culture.

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349a1d No.86539


How many more incorrectly-used buzzwords can you fit into your post to pretend to be from /pol/, Schlomo?

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a2a51a No.86542


it takes a shlomo to know a shlomo, shlomo

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0de28f No.86590


authentic 80s style!

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4e01e4 No.86623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



good taste

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c15496 No.86692


>and trust me, its dying

Its already dead, the only thing that's left is leeches emulating what was successful two years ago.

Is that really such a bad thing? Let it die. The good stuff is still going to be there and its obvious we are well past the point of having any meaningful additions to the scene.

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222df5 No.86736

File: 9b32c35e0a45e90⋯.webm (3.59 MB,640x360,16:9,1500114550323.webm)


>Its already dead, the only thing that's left is leeches emulating what was successful two years ago.

The synthwave scene, yes, the darksynth scene, no.

We were making good headway and great strides into the genre, with each dark-synth album getting released, out-doing the previous album. It was truly a cold war arms race, which ultimately lead to IMO, the greatest dark-synth album of all time and that is Vulta's Nabla 1, truly no other darksynth album can compare , In response to this, Petubator released Uncanny Valley which, if not, is twice as good. This was the climax.

Darksynth as a genre was truly were the magic and research was getting put into, with each Synthwave producer experimenting with sounds ie Laserpunk and Dance Wtih the Dead, but alas, you have the dreamwavefags complaining that the music "ISN'T STICKING TO ITS 80S ROOTS" or "HURR DURR SOUNDS LIKE DUBSTEP" or "THE DARKSYNTH GENRE IS OVERSATURATED" Whilst shitting out the same low effort trash everyone has heard before a million times over.

2009-2013 was the appropriate time where you can make dreamwave. People where getting sick of listening the same dumb EDM over and over again, as a result, many EDM producers started to experiment and create dreamwave. Of course natural selection comes at play and after 5 years of evolution and the genre naturall evolved into Synthwave/Darksynth. The only natural progression for dreamwave is to move onto lofi chillwave such as HOME or Melancholy.

Dreamwave -> Chillwave. The same should be with Synthwave -> Darksynth. However I believe the scene is regressing, and as a result, The scene is dying. Earlier this year Lazerhawk released a dreamwave album, which, in my honest opinion, was extremely lackluster and didn't warrant the attention that it got, if anything, its the most overrated album this year. Then of course you have Leechers such as Scandroid who is just some 40 year old greek fuck with a shit tonne of capital at his disposal creating remixes of remixes of his own tracks lmao, This was the final nail in the coffin

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7b322a No.87185

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8d37d No.87209


Carpenter Brut still remains my favorite, first artist I discovered.

If you want something comfy, FM-84, Crockett, Juno Dreams, and Phaserland are great.

If you want something darker, ALEX, Sonic Mayhem, ORAX, Raydar, HEYZ, and Tonebox are good.

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626658 No.87239

What is the logical endpoint of synthwave? An accurate, honest 80s attitude and sensibility but no explicit retro elements? Like Drive as opposed to Hackerman, for example.

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8df823 No.87453

File: be7ae830bfe64f5⋯.webm (3.59 MB,1200x1200,1:1,M0LLYM1LL10N$ モリーの何百万人.webm)

File: 311e7bebac58b0c⋯.webm (3 MB,1200x1200,1:1,While My Chainsaw Gently ….webm)

File: 9b978e764254c6a⋯.webm (3.4 MB,1200x1200,1:1,The Industry Standard.webm)

In this month/whatever on synthwave. Let's talk about synth.

JK/47, Cyberpunk:

Outrun style stuff mixed with a little bit of Future Funk, but played off each other very well, and avoiding the aesthetic pitfalls of either. Songs build over time and everything has more complexity than it initially appears.

Mega Drive, Sleeper Street:

Big pivot from his cyberpunk/sci-fi styles to an obvious horror tribute. Some unexpected influences like Silent Hill, instead of just John Carpenter John Carpenter. Slower, heavier, more atmospheric, building a lot off of heavy sub-bass. Really great stuff, the dude's just fucking talented.

Finally, STRNGR, Human Error (A and B):

Hard Darksynth mixed with other genres like EDM and Industrial without completely shitting the bed like Surgeryhead's newer albums. Big variety of styles and genre infusions, but always ruthless, catchy and robotic.

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16067b No.87459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Haven't seen anyone post The Midnight's new EP yet so here it is.

A little darker than Days of Thunder and Endless Summer imo.

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1deba2 No.87640

Is there any plan to put a synthwave chart together? Vaporwave is a meme powered by one song and it had a giant fucking bunch of pixels get strung together for it. Why not do one for the good shit?

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b4c7ce No.87733


Do you imagine it to feature albums? There is a number of artists who have not released anything remotely close to albums. Should the chart be split to albums and musicians in this regard?

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b4c7ce No.87737

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feels like Blade Runner.

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a98d42 No.87754


I think splitting it would be best. Maybe also have a section specifically for one-and-dones who literally released one single then completely disappeared.

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9526e2 No.87938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This shit has been on repeat since I found it, I love it. I'm looking for more that has this synthwave with rock influence vibe. I'm so fucking hyped every time it plays.

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63139e No.88137

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't know how natural the transition is, but there seems to be a vein of electro industrial coming from the artists. It may not be as numerous now.

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e077c2 No.88148

File: c6165a1d8ff19ba⋯.jpg (215.99 KB,1197x1200,399:400,I'd make a webm but it's t….jpg)

File: 69c90ca66bb8f30⋯.webm (4.62 MB,1200x1199,1200:1199,woob - 79 Million Adversa….webm)

File: aef03fd1e592dc6⋯.webm (2.83 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Error.webm)


I think the trends currently are prog-tinged synthwave with really long track lengths (Automated Refrains, God Complex from Perturbator's new album, 2121 by Maniac), electro-industrial like you said with a heavy cyberpunk vibe (woob, The New Model, STRNGR), and albums mixed with vaporwave/weird internet shit for extra punch and flavor. It's certainly better than the "satanism, horror movies and shit tons of distortion" rut synthwave seemed to be stuck in in 2016.

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840b81 No.88509



more dark stuff?

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093f29 No.88514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Idk, would the last Les Discrets album count? He went from blackgaze to a more electronic style for the record that came out earlier this year.

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63139e No.88530

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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43fad2 No.88536


You know for something that was just dropped, no context or explanation, this shit kicks ass.

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5994f4 No.88919

File: 4a88ce161da0129⋯.jpg (114.24 KB,995x359,995:359,russs.jpg)

File: 69dd2cc35d23a8a⋯.jpg (5.16 MB,1635x7690,327:1538,Synthwave Chart Final.jpg)

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5e5dab No.88921


>no betamaxx

>no mega drive

what a useless list

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5994f4 No.88924


>no mega drive

It's right there the second you open it you numbnuts

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43fad2 No.88980

File: 925c78a3c6c79a0⋯.png (474.72 KB,664x576,83:72,YES BLOODBOURNE YES.png)

File: 69a3df25d231516⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,326x184,163:92,YES YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES.mp4)

File: 7b7f4399b29311e⋯.jpg (23.58 KB,301x267,301:267,yes.jpg)

File: c7cc23154daaeb7⋯.jpg (41.42 KB,494x423,494:423,yesuba.jpg)


I don't have enough of these to express my thanks. Well done anon. Top notch shit right here.

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90db9a No.88991

File: eb985858722d607⋯.webm (11.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Hentai, Antidepressants a….webm)

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9526e2 No.89091



I'd buy you a beer if I could.

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039d85 No.89174


>if you're excited by Ready Player One you should kill yourself

The hero nobody asked for.

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3c87a5 No.89556


Literally has nothing to do with that post

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ce429d No.89561

File: cde00deeaca6c10⋯.jpg (35 KB,386x430,193:215,david bowie sees a vidja.jpg)


did you actually read the chart u dumb ass?

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fb6740 No.89589


I dont read credits at sll.

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fb6740 No.89590

I dont read or watch any credits at all

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ce429d No.89609

File: da54c74c7cb88a5⋯.webm (4.48 MB,1200x1200,1:1,The Glowing of Gunner All.webm)


Well then there's no reason to harangue other people when you're the one being a retard. Apologize to that anon.

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7d148a No.89624


Yeah I don't think people who carries a gun, or owns several, is a cuck. You can be buff as hell. You ain't bulletproof.

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63139e No.89625


That post is over two years old, anon…

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ca33d8 No.89791


can someone make a repo of all these albums??

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02bae3 No.90294

File: fbfa24f49492e98⋯.webm (9.77 MB,700x700,1:1,fbfa24f49492e98ab5dff9514….webm)

Cannot get enough of this song. No idea who's it by though. Any ideas?

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517470 No.90311


Someone sourced it in a /v/ webm thread ages back. It's Jupiter, by Hubrid & Billy mays.

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4960df No.90583

The Synthetix fm blog is shutting down for good. For me this is semi-important because the blog was a great filter for new tunes, a lot of the albums that were getting brought up resonated with me. I shared a number of songs in this thread too.

The farewell message is a honest one, nothing pompous.


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10b537 No.90729

File: 6265b97da7946a7⋯.jpg (104.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


>first album - between okayish meh

>second album - awesome

>third album - hit and miss, and satanic imagery in artwork for no obvious reason

Applies to both Perturbator and Lazerhawk. Why do synthwave artists apply satanic imagery by their third album?

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10b537 No.90730


>Plebs in here giving so much praise for Dangerous Days when clearly I Am The Night is Perturbator's best work


>Also, Uncanny Valley tries too hard to be LOUD so all the mid-range gets fucked

tbh all of his releases are mastered very agressively (especially "She Moves Like a Knife"), a wonder they are as listenable as they are

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c83bcb No.90760

File: 5e37dadbe4d6105⋯.webm (5.7 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Syncro.webm)


Makeup and Vanity Set went all new wave for their third in a trilogy and it was pretty good.

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39aebf No.90763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cd1aab No.91165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b24c5 No.91265

File: d13c9e50bd185f2⋯.jpg (90 KB,640x427,640:427,gtr.jpg)

File: c9137af66fa3f13⋯.jpeg (101.7 KB,1920x1080,16:9,supra.jpeg)


i used to think these cars were silly but then the internet came to life and I realized these were muscle cars too just japanese.

I want to have my own r34 skyline and ride around japan with>>53382playing

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aea16b No.91339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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27cb10 No.91350


It's pretty good. I was annoyed at how much the John Carpenter and french electro aggression has waned in favor of uh, hair metal, but it's just the first in a new trilogy, and near the end they start weaving it back in. Beware the Beast fucking sucked though, total flatline.

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492a46 No.91353


Beware the Beast didn't sound like synthwave at all, more like some kind of 80's rock

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14b26e No.91356


Like I said, hair metal. Cheerleader Effect on the other hand, was pretty fantastic. Made me give Ulver's later albums a second chance, and I'm so glad I did.

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78758d No.91363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>no results

what the hell is wrong with you people?

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14b26e No.91367

File: fd025671e7e4248⋯.webm (4.23 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Acts Of Violence.webm)


#1: Although his work contains some synthwave influence, it's almost entirely industrial metal/chiptune

#2: his music sucks and I really don't like him

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aea16b No.91387


Is it a new trilogy?? I didn't know that, but yeah last few tracks were more what we were expecting.

I get what you mean with Beware the Beast, especially with that male voice they used in the verses, sounded like someone dad doing karaoke, but I thought the chorus was ok.

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6241f4 No.91388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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555a79 No.91449



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f9c56e No.91571

File: d7612a3b64832ec⋯.webm (4.4 MB,1200x1200,1:1,POWER.webm)



Here's a pastebin of bandcamp links, everything else you'll have to figure out yourself. Best I can do.

P.S. the new Lazerpunk is a banger

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61f716 No.91717



Here's what I've cobbled together: https://mega.nz/#F!qWwz3SDJ!RiGiCMbFdT7HN70A3VogYg

There's some issues in that there are around 10 albums that are just Bandcamp rips from Bandcampdl, but the rest are MP3 320 or FLAC. I also haven't listened to all the albums so I haven't personally vetted most of these. If anyone has better versions feel free to upload them and I'll update it eventually.

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fd1663 No.91718

File: 6e8aa6096a91127⋯.jpg (82.42 KB,451x558,451:558,__fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou….jpg)


Fucking thanks man, amazing work.

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edb5b2 No.91722

File: 291ccf98c0d7b44⋯.jpg (45 KB,542x347,542:347,18a60cf38a844adb637de44411….jpg)


>the folder name has the format in them

You're the best

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854ac4 No.91729

File: 3d7bb0be80473b8⋯.gif (2.91 MB,266x176,133:88,dance2.gif)


You're a boss for doing this.

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2b7d61 No.91919


>not all of Scattle - Visitors, Magic Sword - Vol. 1 is 'decrypted'

Please anon, do not bait me or I will return to the DHT and Russian sites

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aea16b No.91920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This shit fucking slaps

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61f716 No.91921

File: 0da193b5f13d753⋯.png (16.17 KB,895x180,179:36,Scattle.png)

File: 1c2473176cb7143⋯.png (40.52 KB,759x484,69:44,Magic Sword.png)


Here's the contents of both if you're feeling spooped. Dunno why they're undecrypted.

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56a160 No.92688


damn, it's been a long ass time since i saw this thread. i'm still happy it's up thank you

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b7796d No.92714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e60458 No.93129

File: 10c17abf3cea5ac⋯.webm (3.07 MB,1161x1200,387:400,SARRK - Panic Free Suffoc….webm)

Bumping this thread so people stop making new ones on the same topic without checking the catalog

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4a2ae3 No.93134

Bumping this thread to keep it alive


VHS Head is amazing.

I know I'm replying to a 3 year old post but just wanted to get that out my of system.

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79c21d No.93614

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

We've reached a singularity.

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412674 No.93804

What are some good acts that are close to synthwave but are not really part of the scene and don't indulge in shameless 80s worship? Or maybe just synthwave acts leaving the boat.

I'm thinking of stuff like MAVS, pilotpriest or even older stuff that was classified in the horror synth, chiptune or progressive electronic genres for example.


This song is killer. I wish Grave Pleasures was more like this.

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e04e59 No.94163

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3fcf0f No.94216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The best

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5294cc No.94330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone knows sauce or at least what they're saying?

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4a2ae3 No.94389


Sorry, I couldn't provide you any source to your vaporwave video with 14 views that you forgot to post in the request thread

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0d8c01 No.94479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>A month and a half left

I'm more optimistic for this than of any videogame

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5294cc No.94487


I did but no one answered so I came here

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8c4883 No.94505


Good shit.

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8c4883 No.94508

File: 9b4197a5dff9980⋯.png (650.05 KB,1165x1075,233:215,9b4197a5dff9980a2aba806afa….png)


That album art is sick and so is the music.

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e04e59 No.94509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So this is a thing.

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7d1143 No.94514

File: 4a16ff3f0db8b92⋯.webm (5.37 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Street Mech.webm)


The improved (or just better mixed) live material sounds good but the visuals are hella gay

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f9d76a No.94516


I know this comment is four months late, but I still like Beware the Beast, definitely not Synthwave but would consider it neo-80s

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16d328 No.94521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

idk if it counts but

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59554e No.94650


Honestly, I've been fine with the song as well, so long as I listen to it when I'm on an '80s kick and not when I'm going through my Synthwave albums.

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42973a No.94696


probably some cover of Alan Parsons Project - Old and Wise with sidechain, uploaded to an obscure soundcloud

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f4257c No.94738


Well they are french, so gayness is expected. Just like the nigger was.

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f4257c No.94739



>Imagine making instead a fake concert instead of using a real one as advertising

>Imagine "dancing" like you are at an EDM festival at a Carpenter Brut Concert

>wearing ear defenders

>no mosh pits

There's a reason France is no longer France.

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5294cc No.94759

File: 6f90a0553538c98⋯.png (439.5 KB,627x502,627:502,ClipboardImage.png)


I've looked left and right for covers of Alan Parsons Project - Old and Wise but didn't manage to find this particular version. If anyone could halp I'd be really grateful

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f4257c No.94811

Feedback is greatly appreciated:


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a75803 No.94835

File: 660932f1303d3bf⋯.jpg (349.44 KB,1200x1130,120:113,a0503567536_10.jpg)

Just released this synthwave album on my net label:


Deus Ex inspired, if anybody is a fan

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e5bde2 No.94890

File: feada04e95b65c5⋯.jpg (128.75 KB,1014x702,13:9,sedfghjk.JPG)

The genre's dead guys, pack it the fuck in.

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d0567f No.94893


The genre died in 2015. Only morons kept listening to it after then.

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e68c49 No.95036



Seeing all these parisian hipsters make me sick in the stomach.

I never liked his ironic attitude (see his use of Celine Dion during his concerts), he seems like faggy dude overall.

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087b6e No.95111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hipsters will ruin every subculture, everything you love will die in your lifetime.

Embrace it

Also, new demo for Loved to Death sounds like a disappointment, especially after B Sides was a return to form.

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ac722c No.95137


Gunship and Carpenter Brut is good regardless if more people like them or not.

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396ee7 No.95147



There are some people who care about the music and aren't just going to drop it because of fickle social reasons. You shouldn't care one way or the other what autists and trendhoppers are doing.



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2fcb9e No.95155


Satanic scare in the 80's kinda gripped America for a few moments.

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e04e59 No.95388

File: 41de6031bfbc926⋯.webm (9.66 MB,640x640,1:1,jupiter.webm)

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a0614d No.95415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So Morch Kowalski a guy I've been following because of his Half-Life remixes released an Outrun EP this summer and I think it's pretty neat

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fcc206 No.95491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm loving The Midnight right now

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5aa967 No.95534

File: 1058500a2c4166b⋯.jpg (230.09 KB,1439x736,1439:736,synthstyles.JPG)

This blog highlights all the different synthwave styles out there. It's a good start for newbs. https://synthwavestyles.blogspot.com/

Also get the giant chart from the same guy https://www.reddit.com/r/outrun/comments/85vgby/synthwave_essential_album_chart_ver_30_update/

He said an updated one should be out in August with a 2nd additional chart. Hopefully it will happen.

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5aa967 No.95535

File: f753b3618114f29⋯.jpg (25.19 KB,320x320,1:1,shredwave copy.jpg)

File: d0386e8f2afe465⋯.jpg (52.98 KB,320x320,1:1,Chipwave.jpg)

File: 65340a217dc2081⋯.jpg (60 KB,320x304,20:19,freshwave retror b.jpg)

File: 4333bd148a58d74⋯.jpg (28.39 KB,320x319,320:319,r.e.d.m. copy.jpg)

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cb70fd No.95551

File: 7913fec025bd059⋯.webm (5.19 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Electronic Snow.webm)



>spacewave sweatwave sexwave shredwave

Fucking retarded tbh and my chart is way better. But what can you expect from a filthy r*dditor.

>"my brony bookmarks" on website

>darth vader

You're making me cringe anon please don't ever post this garbage again.

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6a9260 No.95553

File: 04c0e654c94a0f6⋯.png (9.64 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Al Bob Bidwell - Another S….png)

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931b8d No.95568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Dance With The Dead

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f230c1 No.95664


Huh. Didn't know they had one in the works.

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79c21d No.95728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well shit.

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4cb9d4 No.95729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If anyone hasn't heard it check out the Patlabor 2 OST. More vapor than synth, but still captures that '84-'93 feel very well

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8c4883 No.95737

File: cce5ada312484f7⋯.png (187 KB,699x510,233:170,approve.png)


The Midnight is dope

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cb70fd No.95740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you like that then check out this album. It's based off the themes of Patlabor 2 and it's got some fantastic synths and saxophones.


Really annoyed this isn't a new Gost single or something. The track fucking sucks tbh.

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fa70a5 No.95743

File: 5a7c220f200d0cb⋯.png (2.07 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb70fd No.95761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Well, I got what I wanted anyways.

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208c5e No.95763


Fuck yeah, homeslice.

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fa70a5 No.95775

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cb70fd No.95789

File: be2badf9a3109ea⋯.webm (2.82 MB,1161x1200,387:400,Ride The Knife.webm)


Not even remotely synthwave, and more insultingly, a song titled "Distortion" has absolutely no distortion in it. Fuck you.

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fa70a5 No.95899

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fa70a5 No.95904

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3fa55f No.95914




Learn to embed you thundering cunts.

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adf0c3 No.96009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c4883 No.96022


One of their best albums, but Home is great in general.

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ad7aee No.96040


They have a new LP coming out this month. Sept 25, I think.

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b584b4 No.96056

Changing it up a bit with some aussie music cuuuuuuuuunts


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43fbaa No.96405

File: 1f6ca2655077bde⋯.png (132.12 KB,316x307,316:307,1f6ca2655077bdeb6057627841….png)

File: d321ea646e2f8ec⋯.jpg (386.69 KB,1200x1200,1:1,a2303897260_10.jpg)

>The Midnight released a new album


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d04299 No.96409


Sweet. Gunship's new one will come out next week too.

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6c47aa No.96574

File: ff677b94cc7ef62⋯.jpg (156.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,cover.jpg)

New Gunship is out. It's pretty good.

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3c0a17 No.96763

File: 74ec14072b53917⋯.webm (3.79 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Huntress.webm)

New El Tigr3 came out a while back, and it's pretty fucking amazing. Pure, no frills synthwave with fantastic production. Check it out.

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8c4883 No.96828

File: a7ba770ac168b03⋯.png (56.69 KB,499x507,499:507,Screenshot from 2018-10-16….png)

File: 9caf14aab32dbf5⋯.mp4 (802.98 KB,480x480,1:1,laughing_parrot.mp4)


Careful with them.

>Name your latest album "Kids"

>donate to a company who's main business is aborting them

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fd3dad No.96830


Musicians are largely leftists. It's par for the course. As long as they're relegated to arts, it's all fine. It's when they have the temerity to pass laws that's the problem.

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dc0c71 No.96832


>fetuses are kids

They're homo either way, though. Artistically inclined people are some of the biggest faggots on the planet.

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8c4883 No.96834

File: de52eef9f82aefa⋯.jpg (75.36 KB,768x593,768:593,de52eef9f82aefa24b5a73ee77….jpg)



Shame to. The Midnight are pretty talented.

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6d7af9 No.96839

Most of the shit in this genre is low effort crap. It\s gonna be dead by daylight, just like vaporwave, electro swing and whatever else meme genres have been around past 10 years.

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dc0c71 No.96849


It sounds hipsterish to say, but I almost think it would be a good thing to have a smaller scene. The problem with a style of music being popular is that it leads to oversaturation and a bunch of bandwagon-jumpers and trend-hoppers trying to get in on the action.

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476823 No.96857


Small quantity doesn't imply quality. That's now how humanity works.

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dc0c71 No.96862


No, but it means the audience would skew more toward a small group of autistic music fans than a bunch of twelve-year-old memers.

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3c0a17 No.96879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Perturbator did a collab with HEALTH. This fucking slaps.

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8c4883 No.97127


Nice, gets me a bit pumped.

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c66a51 No.97210



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a304b1 No.97323

Can't find the new Perturbator albums.

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a304b1 No.97375

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d3bb56 No.97973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this song makes me teary eyed

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cb70fd No.98060

File: 547bf081a740fb2⋯.webm (3.76 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Hex Girls.webm)

It's been a slow few months for synthwave, but something I've been waiting on for a while is here to close the year out. Storm King, Sever the Hands. His fusions of synthwave and rock/metal are absolutely fucking unrivaled, no one even comes close.

Check him out, and uh, Merry Christmas.

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5f7664 No.98243

File: 29a4c31c435333a⋯.png (14.86 KB,640x640,1:1,Beard_squilliam.png)

I found something other enthusiasts may like


Basically a web radio inspired by Hotline Miami, pretty cool.

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28c8ed No.98343


Well that's a surprise, have this now playing for over two hours in the background, doesn't seem to get boring yet.

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4dc79c No.98582


So that's the genesis of Marilyn Manson (who founded his band in the late 80s) and the likes?

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4dc79c No.98583


Who invented and spread the cringy meme that the 80s were all about blue, pink and purple?

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82a887 No.98588


This. Everytime I see an artist with these graphics, i think tourist with a midi out for shekels.

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dcb968 No.98599


Thanks man, been listening for less than half an hour and already made a few amazing discoveries.

I was expecting mostly Carpenter Brut and Perturbator rip offs, but so far there has been a huge variation each track.

Very nice.

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4e5ab4 No.98609



I agree. The neon stuff has never really done it for me.

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4d002b No.98804

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I don't know whether Forest Swords belongs in this thread.

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3c0a17 No.98819


Not really at all. Pretty much entirely a mix of dub and psychedelic. Which is similar to Sun Araw, who was in Hotline Miami, but that doesn't mean anything in terms of actual musical content.

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4dc79c No.99032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cuck me Amadeus

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3c0a17 No.99059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Perturbator sounding fine. Very post-punk/new-wave sound.

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28c8ed No.99420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still getting goosebumps after all those years. Not quite as strong as back in 2012-2013 but compared to majority of what comes out these days MPM still evokes something fundamentally deeper.

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1d032e No.99425

File: c7b5f08ae3eeb8e⋯.png (115.07 KB,225x225,1:1,inghost.PNG)


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8d2d56 No.99467


What the fuck is FLA doing anymore.

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3c0a17 No.99484

File: d46b9612c0be257⋯.webm (3.93 MB,1200x933,400:311,Mega Drive - Suppressor.webm)

Encoder, new Mega Drive EP. No big changes to the formula, just a reminder he's got by far the best sound design in town. The bass in some of these tracks is just breathtaking. More than ever you get the sense he's composing a cyberpunk world all his own.

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4dc79c No.99598


That's quite dissapointing given that Warmech was pretty good (especially for what it is, i.e. a game soundtrack album).

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28c8ed No.99745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New ventures outside of the typical space/horror/dreamwave music really give me hope the genre probably isn't as wasted as the surface level stuff suggests. Anons, please share tracks that borrow from the 80s rather than from synthwave itself.

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f63184 No.99748

File: 14ba25e6e1371e4⋯.jpeg (83.13 KB,490x490,1:1,image.jpeg)


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72817e No.99770

File: 9a1f1613fc0475c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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72817e No.99771

File: 2c7a17e093fa932⋯.png (1.09 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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72817e No.99772


oops, wrong pic

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72817e No.99773

File: ea381a4bb9c4d4a⋯.png (1.72 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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72817e No.99774

File: adba76b21aa77e4⋯.png (1.64 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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72817e No.99775

File: 5931502f9134ac0⋯.png (1.43 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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72817e No.99776







Ok, for whatever reasons the thread I made took several minutes to appear, but it is live now, so you can continue with these posts over there. Thanks, and have a nice day! https://8ch.net/mu/res/99769.html

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f4addf No.99939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can someone help me identify what genre this song belongs to? I really like this track and I hope to find more just like it. It seems kind of synthy so I'm posting it here but I don't quite know what it is.

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c4ad03 No.100122

File: 585a4ae159b385b⋯.png (1.22 MB,1262x699,1262:699,ClipboardImage.png)


Sehr Gut

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72817e No.100215


Reminder bump

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672416 No.100240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How do I speak what I want to speak in English?

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7a33f9 No.100258



Never heard about it before. I've been listening to his tracks on youtube and as you say, it's fucking excellent. I wish someone would rip his track and make a clean compilation of it so I can listen to it when I'm not in front of the computer.

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ff70e6 No.100307



I've been playing internet detective and apparently the guy has depression and think his music is shit compared to others so why bother.

I guess I'll keep listening to my shitty youtube to mp3 rip. It's really a pity because his stuff is really good, very atmospheric, there's more to it than "dude the 80s lmao", you can feel he's not trying.

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6c1563 No.100317


>I've been playing internet detective and apparently the guy has depression and think his music is shit compared to others so why bother.

Yeah, I read the same thing.

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28c8ed No.100405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87d9ca No.100672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of Knight Rider..

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21cc3e No.100797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

good video, shitty singing

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cb70fd No.100810

File: 0b05892a64a77ac⋯.webm (3.41 MB,1186x1175,1186:1175,ALEX & TOKYO ROSE - Dange….webm)

Delicious, finally some good fucking synthwave

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daf7d7 No.101095

Does anybody have the tracklist for this collection? Some digging yielded this:

>Just saving some spots 0:00 SurgeryHead - The Dead 3:29 7:54 11:28 17:27 23:53 REZNYCK - Chevrolexomyl 27:36 REZNYCK - Ebolada 31:48 Invsble City - Johnny 35:25 Invsble City - Neon Crusader 38:59 Invsble City - Cyber Chris† 42:49 Invsble City - Solar Warden 46:12 Invsble City - Bitten 49:38 DAKARIUS - Cityscape Gone 55:57 DAKARIUS - Night of the Sociopatch

But I wanted to know if anyone who is/was in his discord got the title for all of them, especially the one that starts at 7:54.

Reverse audio searching hasn't worked.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZoG1M3sxMA [Embed]

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daf7d7 No.101096

File: cd52b5485af5ef0⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB,640x360,16:9,EZoG1M3sxMA.mp4)


Here's the specific clip

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59915b No.101579

File: 754118a2eae1c44⋯.webm (12.32 MB,640x480,4:3,CougarSynthMemories2.webm)

New track by Cougar Synth. Added a vintage skating video to cheer it up.

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0d2b03 No.101582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79c21d No.101866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>ctrl-f "battlejuice"

>0 results

Plebs, all of you.

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a49037 No.101873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wouldn't mind these two doing an entire album together.

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217702 No.101905

Love me some carpenter brut, Hang Em All is amazing

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a606f2 No.101912

File: a6789ccb567c40c⋯.jpg (659.71 KB,1197x1200,399:400,a1643784745_10.jpg)

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6b270a No.101922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a77f06 No.101994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does anyone else feel music that's produced more like an 80s hit doesn't really sound like synthwave? This one packs a good punch but I couldn't really list it next to Flash Arnold or Sellorekt or even Duett.

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60f7e5 No.102008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Synthwave is largely a hybrid of '80s-style music with more modern forms of dance music. The more dystopian or cyberpunk-inspired synthwave music strikes me as a lot more contemporary in feeling, and personally I'm not really into that. I like the prettier, more nostalgic-sounding music or stuff in the more authentic style like you posted. That one sounds like it's inspired by Stock Aitken Waterman productions from the mid to late '80s, and I'm glad that people are learning to appreciate that style considering how much flak it's been given over the years.

Link related might be a pretty modern-sounding track, but those optimistic major-key arpeggios remind me a bit of the ones Loverboy used in "Working for the Weekend" back in 1981.

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44840d No.102068

Been searching for Magic Sword Legend EP and so on, hoping for the full discography and it's pretty unavailable as far as I've found.

Can any anon help me out?

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3c6e10 No.102133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Mega Drive, fuckers. 199X AD coming soon. It slaps

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98c252 No.102676

Bart h2 04 8>>38682

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8e8907 No.102681

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Waking this thread up from the abyss!

Post cool tracks you found during this slumber.

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2372e8 No.102689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's this style of synthwave called? I like the fast intense synthwave kind but this reminds me the most of 80's radio music.

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a79742 No.102691


Perturbator is my shit, but I prefer "The Uncanny Valley" With its Cyberpunk aesthetic and just harder hitting tracks like "Neo Tokyo" and "Disco Inferno" "Humans are such easy prey" is good shit tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP1C-W8A69s&list=PL7W6DFzK2LNsIukZo1jKkyrzeCod4Svzi&index=2

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8e8907 No.102693


Sounds like italo disco and HiNRG with some outrun styled leads. Don't think there's a subgenre in synthwave though.

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2372e8 No.102694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ace Buchannon is underrated


>italo disco

That's a lot like what i was looking for, thanks anon. I also liked iamMANOLIS

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8e8907 No.102711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That's a lot like what i was looking for

Then you need to check out Vincenzo Salvia, A literal italian who writes italo disco for the synthwave era.

>I also liked iamMANOLIS

Manolis totally knows how to make a track super-sensual. He's truly a gem of the scene.

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b85eef No.102817


>Face Me

10/10 track

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00b9a6 No.102902


Your doubles bespeak truth and it does indeed slap.

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8e8907 No.102931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So they actually did finish the documentary. Looks pretty sweet, and it definitely sounds like there are some conflicting opinions given in the interviews. Honestly, with the production going very low key around the end of 2016 I didn't expect them to finish the doc at all. There are still posts in this thread that I made about the fundraiser over 3 years ago.

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17c495 No.102932

File: eadc8f18936e919⋯.jpg (53.15 KB,589x680,589:680,EDJpJmuWsAIbOoY.jpg)

Gost released a new album in november and it was all bad darkwave goth rock marlyn manson-esque shit and I didn't even know it existed until today

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8e8907 No.102935

File: 909423eed17296e⋯.webm (2.58 MB,500x500,1:1,mpm_archive.webm)

File: 0bd4a0cea9a0a3a⋯.webm (3.64 MB,500x500,1:1,mpm_showdown.webm)

Another thing happened during the downtime:

MPM posted 3 of his short archived demo tracks and a full length unreleased track. Attaching all of them.

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8aee76 No.102994

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8aee76 No.102995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8aee76 No.102996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lets try that again

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697146 No.103486

File: 90dd8a6c4e86da5⋯.jpg (90 KB,900x900,1:1,index.jpg)

Just finished watching the documentary. It genuinely feels nice to see all the artists from around the globe give their take on the scene and the music as it is and talk about the influences. Most of them I only know from their handles on soundcloud or youtube titles so seeing them have an unassuming physical shape is quite a wonder. My personal surprise is MPM, I didn't think he would do it, his personna already tried to escape the internet before a few times, so him voicing out something seemed almost out of fantasy world.

John Carpenter's narration is the bomb and, along with the synthrider scenes, gives an air of quality that the interviews by themselves don't really carry often enough. The synthrider also helps the documentary to attain a cinematic charm that the soundtrack roots of the genre echo.

What I'm not happy is the structure of the documentary, the way it tries to make up for the lack of continuity makes some of the interviews feel forced to me. Said progresion is also hurt by ocassional odd pacing in the edit.

Some of the information, mostly in the second half of the doc, is very surface level and unlikely to educate anyone. I think it was an error to try and showcase history of electronic music through the lens of the artists when it sounds like they didn't really talk about that in depth at all.

Lastly, though the interviews had to be edited down, the rest of the material could really appear in some other form. I'm certain each subject could get a separate video issued featuring just them as it's more than likely that more stuff was shot or interview taken.

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de38e7 No.103933

File: baacecd39ba5456⋯.webm (5.43 MB,1144x480,143:60,rots_mpm.webm)

Here's from MPM soundtracks bit from the above documentary.

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