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File: ce28562e224b808⋯.jpg (653.18 KB,800x1764,200:441,l7cwps6i2tx61.jpg)

9ed454 No.104309

Hope someone finds this useful


Made lots of resources about alternate tunings, VSTs for recording, lots of stuff

Website version of the chord chart following tonalities I made:


(You might want to zoom out)

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775bf0 No.104632

File: 829a12ef1757879⋯.png (833.96 KB,1080x1920,9:16,music_tonnetz.png)

Hey guys.

Made this, and just wanted to post it somewhere. (First place i tried (though not my first thought) was Reddit, but they autoshadowbanned my account on creation. Shouldn't have done that.)

There is this libre Android app on Github called 'Hexiano', which is an 'isomorphic keyboard', the concept of which i like. And i also found this libre app called 'Designoverlay', which lets you lay an image over your screen.

So i put those two images together so i can play with the keyboard while seeing some music concepts.

Maybe somebody will find this amusing. Even though, as the name implies, it should be an app on its own.

There are likely many errors and misconceptions in it. Sorry.

Thanks, and bye.

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775bf0 No.104633

File: e0bc7d2e8393a09⋯.png (1.08 MB,1080x1920,9:16,music_tonnetz_transparent.png)


Overlay version.

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