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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 4307fc3bd540590⋯.jpg (2.91 MB,2250x1800,5:4,snekbook.jpg)

53c1e9 No.399933 [Last50 Posts]

Are you reading enough, anon? Are you writing enough? Better get on it or there will be hell to pay!

This board has amazing writefags, and OC is the lifeblood of the board, however, some people long to see stories about their waifus that writefags don't normally do.

In the same spirit as a Drawthread, this is for Violated Heroes to request stories they'd like to see written, or for new and old writefags to link their work for critique, or for others to enjoy. Shilling is encouraged!

If you have large amounts of text, or are running an update to stories, please consider posting it all to a pastebin and posting here when it is updated or finished.

Please keep things on topic. It's fine to talk about stories, characters, plots, etc, but keep the blog-posting out of here.

Thread 1: https://archive.is/eT2UX

Thread 2: https://archive.is/zZyJk

Thread 3: https://archive.is/yUCIq

Thread 4: https://archive.is/5e1Qr

Thread 5: https://archive.is/vWMc9

Thread 6: https://archive.is/O2ckz

Thread 7: https://archive.is/B7Hfg

Thread 8: https://archive.is/dxA9v

Thread 9: http://archive.is/SgT2c

Thread 10: http://archive.is/5V6OG

Thread 11: http://archive.is/76I5P

Thread 12: https://archive.is/6Cfze

Thread 13: http://archive.is/ARSyY

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0503c8 No.399935

File: b58dd4491bb4a43⋯.jpg (476.69 KB,960x640,3:2,1540978395192.jpg)

Ayy, i'm not really sure where the "thing waifu" story is gonna go next. I was just sorta farting around with it and kinda ran outta steam last thread.

I'm more than happy to take requests or ideas though, I need the practice

Also, its nice to meet you all, and thanks for the encouragement. <3

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4b8a66 No.399936

File: 693cae8a44881fa⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_20190616_191426527~2.jpg)

Did anybody save the Black Ops Coffee story? I'll draw a sketch to the first guy that posts it here as PDF.

To keep things moving, a request.

Astronaut Knights invade the Demon Lord's castle.

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d1b022 No.399937

File: faf9a86238e05ee⋯.png (181.57 KB,900x700,9:7,Day 16 - Ghost.png)

I wrote this yesterday, tell me what you think.

>be me


>die horribly

>thankfully, come back alive as a ghost

>don't know how this really works

>been having a lot of pervy thoughts, but can't touch physical object

>turned into monster girl, right?

>should be able to breed, somehow

>try to figure something out

<be me


<highschool student

<relatively popular, but someday, monster girls suddenly stop approaching

<fuck yeah, can finally relax about not being raped

<sometimes black out for no reason and wake up in places I have never been in

<it's ok, probably just narcolepsy, not a big deal

<but there's an issue, naughty thoughts have somehow started appearing in my mind

<already on 5th week of NoFap, can't stop now

>been possessing over the body of my highschool crush

>see how all those bitches get off his dick as soon as they can feel my mana coming off from him


>read about ghosts

>will materialize as soon as this boy masturbates

>he should be giving in to temptation soon

<day 60 of NoFap

<the thoughts have been getting worse

<can't even sleep anymore

<megaboner won't go away

<don't want to fap, still have faith in the benefits of not masturbating

<I'm trying to prove a point, for fuck's sake, this is not about me anymore


<just want to make my Brother Captain Anon proud

<would feel like a weak bitch with no self-control if I stopped now

>it's been several weeks since I first possessed this guy



>been making his thoughts more and more extreme, jumping from fetish to fetish

>not working, actually kind of counterproductive

>he's been writing over the walls "To Sin Is To Give Up"

>what does that even mean?

>fuck him

>own lust has been killing me

>can't wait one more second 'til I can finally materialize and rape his blue-balled cock

<it's been three months now since I started NoFap

<everyone said effects would be the opposite of what I'm feeling

<fantasies have gone wild enough into depravity

<don't know if I can hold a second more

<forgive me, Brother Captain Anon

>been feeling weakness from his side

>there's doubt in him



>maybe he's finally giving in

>maybe I can finally stop this nightmare, abstency hell

>get ready to rape this bastard



<can't do it

<maybe can still force myself through this

<decide on joining the Paladins

<they'll definetely give me the strength to avoid sin


and so, their strife continued..

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8eb97f No.399939

File: c799b5dd52371f2⋯.pdf (25.65 KB,black_ops.pdf)


This should be it

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a19420 No.399941


'avin a giggle/10

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2e4b4c No.399942

File: c8581506449922c⋯.jpeg (219.07 KB,1181x1113,1181:1113,BA1A3AF0-F90F-45D0-AEE4-A….jpeg)


Be strong brother anon. Keep away from the temptation that plagues you. Join those paladins and keep your chastity for god and country.

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2543f2 No.399944


Can’t she just tell him what’s going on? She might not be able to talk to him yet, but she could still probably do ghost shit. Possess objects, write on his bathroom mirror, whatever sends the message.

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c99eb1 No.399946


Yeah if I came to the mirror and saw something like "true love will come when you do" I would definitely not be suspicious, no I would totally not be all the more motivated to keep my nofap going.

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2f4a24 No.399950

File: aab01179c8f3223⋯.png (2.67 MB,2689x2353,2689:2353,aab01179c8f3223eeb7a436e0d….png)

File: 8fb1f23b71390a7⋯.png (134.5 KB,644x599,644:599,8fb1f23b71390a7e22d1df9ce1….png)


This is amusing, keep it up lad

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9a6e88 No.399958

File: d249ccfa72657af⋯.jpg (85.8 KB,1000x582,500:291,IMG_2867.JPG)


Fortify your mind from temptation. For Primarch-Progenetor Rogal Dorn.

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5ac402 No.399960


Probably akin to what happened to Saint Augustine. His famous prayer: "Lord make me chaste, but not yet!" His prayer was answered by the way.

Ghost girl gets one, but sadly only one, night with her beloved. Then he goes on to be the greatest paladin that order ever did see because of that. I leave the details up to whomever desires to flesh this out.

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4b8a66 No.400021


You win a sketch!

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3e0b1d No.400023

File: 41ee411c448ef17⋯.jpg (117.73 KB,924x529,924:529,Get the fuck out.jpg)


>Name fagging

>I'm new


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c6ad52 No.400074

File: 2cbc25501ffe198⋯.gif (48.19 KB,2034x1491,678:497,Gun-call-1.gif)





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8eb97f No.400103


How about a /k/ikimora?

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c6ad52 No.400109


Lawd yes

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daf0f5 No.400110

File: 1a01ecc463be36e⋯.png (1.71 MB,1551x1479,517:493,3d7d6dc46d1319b493d54aa9a0….png)

Story of a Dragon girl red pilled on the Danuki question?

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b25ea6 No.400126

File: 890766550f0ac1a⋯.jpg (570.81 KB,782x1000,391:500,Thunderbird_1.jpg)

I'm itching for a thunderbird story/greentext. Anyone know any?

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e57389 No.400166

mg stories, romantic in particular, tend to have two core sets of thematic elements to the monstergirl's involvement - one being the thematic elements pertaining to monstergirls overall, typically some degree of femdom, female pursuit, etc etc

two being the elements specific to the type of monstergirl, like their behaviors and all that

generally speaking, how important is the second set of elements to you? does it feel incomplete if a story is just about a romance with a monstergirl, who may exhibit some or many of her traits, but whose specific monster type is otherwise inconsequential to the overarching plot of the story?

in other words, would you say an mg story is lessened if it's essentially a femdom story with the mg selected for no better reason than author's preference?

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2543f2 No.400169


I think it’s nice when a writefag can design the story around the quirks and iniquities of a certain girl, but it’s not a problem if they’re just being used for their physical traits. That is, so long as the girl isn’t being written as a degenerate.

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fac025 No.400170


I like the second set to be there because they usually have certain aspects that make things interesting. A Lizardman likes men who can beat them in a fight, which gives an excuse for the human to learn how to fight if he wants her. Hellhounds like to physically dominate men, Danukis use their money, demons try to use contracts. It makes them suited to different types of stories, with different expectations. When you read a story about a Danuki, you're probably not going to expect it to be about a Danuki who falls in love with a fencer after she loses to him, that's what the Lizardman is for. It's best to play to the specific species' strengths.

Of course that isn't to say you can't mix things up. A submissive Hellhound who's made fun of for her meekness, a Lizardman who tries to beat people in debates or financial deals instead of swordsmanship, a Danuki who controls a lucrative mercenary company while leading from the front because general types usually ask for more pay. I wouldn't go so far as to say that not using these things would make your story bad, but I do feel like you could be missing out on some potential for an interesting storyline.

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6d2ca5 No.400172

File: fb389cccd89ef99⋯.png (59.91 KB,300x279,100:93,1536037639266.png)


>be me

>member of local debate club

>live in predominantly human southern town

>pretty good at this debate shit, especially the anti-manamo topics

>that rhetoric is pretty strong in this area, even though nobody would ever be openly racist towards the few manamo living in town

>mostly they're just left alone

>state decides to initiate exchange program to bring more monamo to smaller towns

>one of the new members of the town is a lizardman

>see her around town a few times

>one day she turns up unexpectedly at the debate club


>as part of an exercise, she takes the anti-manamo stance in a debate


>mfw assigned pro-manamo stance in debate


>mfw I'll have to face her on stage

(greentext ain't really my thing but I liked the concept)

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d77ae5 No.400216

File: 895df70eb1d8ad7⋯.gif (297.12 KB,500x281,500:281,laughskelbomber.gif)

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5ac402 No.400232

File: dc5bc4f48e037dc⋯.png (197.14 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Danuki News.png)


Now now, Danuki aren't all that bad. Unlike the (((tribe))) they actually love the boyim and wish prosperity for them. Prosperity with them loving monstergirls (themselves in particular) but hey, at least they have good intentions!

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2543f2 No.400253


>Any man who beats her in the debate not only trapped himself into the lizardman autism trap, but has also successfully argued why her and other mamono like her should stay in his town, and thus has no rhetorical leg to stand on.

Clever girl

Now I want a parallel greentext about a fellow master debater who lives in a predominantly mamono town dealing with his classmates attempting to debate him into marriage.

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a19420 No.400256



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4b8a66 No.400265

File: 76d047bce0e591b⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_20190618_201705130~2.jpg)


I'm an anon of my word.

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65729b No.400268

File: a0fbdb36ba3c30c⋯.png (267.94 KB,523x604,523:604,1543809334485.png)

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4b8a66 No.400279

File: f2a670f964ca1d5⋯.gif (1.31 MB,220x232,55:58,dark souks evangelion.gif)

Writing Prompt: HBO Chernobyl, but it´s modern day DOTR.

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2a5668 No.400287

File: 1ba0ab10df81b52⋯.jpg (409.7 KB,2480x3508,620:877,Ushi Oni in plain wedding ….jpg)

File: a356f61c34574d1⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,800x600,4:3,Gondola we said Farewell i….mp4)

>Did you know that Ushi Onis get their binding seal from their moms when they are born?

>Really! They do!

>The sigils, the colors, the weavings and knots used, all are passed down from generation to generation.

>Heh, some Ushi Oni bloodlines are definitely better at it than others

>Other Moms like to experiment, giving a fresh seal with different effects to their daughters as they progress from infancy, to childhood, through puberty, and into womanhood.

>Regardless, it's an act of great intimacy, exemplifying one of the strongest bonds between Ushi Oni Mother and daughter.

>So what happens when a Ushi Oni has never met her own mom?

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345efc No.400288


>3.6 males

>not great, but not terrible

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8eb97f No.400289


Thanks. It makes me smile.

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2543f2 No.400290


>starts in a government facility attempting to find alternate dimensions

>attempt to do a maintenance test on their makeshift “portal” that normally wouldn’t be functional

>however their efforts have made the barrier between dimensions weaker, allowing the MG’s to open it from their side

>panic at the facility as men and women begin to experience the onset of “Advanced Demonic Energy Sickness” firsthand while trying to figure out what happened

This sounds pretty rad actually

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6d2ca5 No.400291


Sounds like a MG version of stranger things

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2543f2 No.400344


I don’t watch that show, so I got no clue there, but it’s supposed to be analogous to the first episode of Chernobyl, right after reactor #4 explodes

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5a67ad No.400398

just an extended concept i thought of, if i continue it probably won't actually end with sex, just the first meeting. Unless someone else wants to expand on it.

The portals opened recently. The board has been filled with anons telling about their new wives and claiming that day of he rape is upon us. Good for them, but I disagree. For one, the monsters coming through are still the species that barely differ in appearance from humans. Hakutaku, danuki, kikimorae, golems and the like, but not much else. Second, the monsters are still playing up the refugee angle pretty hard. Not that I fault them for it, it's working wonders at letting them slip in. The big tip off that the big day hasn't come is the fact that feminists are fervently advocating for monsters still, not knowing what their plan actually is. Even a human woman at the store the other day mentioned that I try to ask a monster out.

I would like to bring a monster home myself, and I know that whatever I do end up with will be a loving loyal wife. But my mind keeps telling me not to trust any of them when they get near. I'm not sure why I told her that I have only known rejection and expect it, but all I heard in her response was, "Ew, you had negative experiences with people? Get away from me you creep." Doesn't everyone run into someone they had rather not met at least once in their lives?

I've had a few monsters try to approach me, but actually talking to me makes them lose interest in the pursuit. Really not sure how I'm managing that. I asked one once, and all she said at the time was, "Your mana is really hostile."

I get home and log into a pirate private mmo server and go sit in the main town to shoot the shit with random players. A newer player I've chatted with before, SmoothSigh, sends me a PM shortly after I login.

<[SmoothSigh]: hey mr alphabet

<[SmoothSigh]: how it going over there?

SmoothSigh claims to be a monster who somehow has access to a computer, with Earth's internet, from the other side of the portals, and is officially using it to communicate with other monsters who came over as a way to monitor progress. Though the fact that she's usually on this game instead of doing her supposed job or even hunting a guy for herself casts some doubts on that. It doesn't help her case that she refuses to tell me what kind of monster she supposedly is.

>[Eleminopy]: alright, you?

<[SmoothSigh]: alright?

<[SmoothSigh]: thats it?

>[Eleminopy]: that's it, now how about you?

<[SmoothSigh]: eh, i guess i'm alright too. works just been a drag readin the reports from

<[SmoothSigh]: r agents makes me so jealous

<[SmoothSigh]: i have 2 stay here while other girls get husbands

>[Eleminopy]: heh, maybe not all of them

<[SmoothSigh]: wat do u mean?

<[SmoothSigh]: did something happen?

If this girl was real, which you always suspect they aren't online, she should know about something like this.

>[Eleminopy]: aren't your reports supposed to tell you?

<[SmoothSigh]: we dont get told every detail of every girls day

>[Eleminopy]: uh huh

<[SmoothSigh]: just certain leaders that r sent over to help us adapt

>[Eleminopy]: r u sure you're supposed to be talking about this with a stranger online?

>[Eleminopy]: in a game no less?

<[SmoothSigh]: i hav a good feeling about u

>[Eleminopy]: that's a first

<[SmoothSigh]: wat do u mean?

I wasn't sure why I decided to vent to her like I did, but it gave me a slight relief for a moment to let it out. Then I started to panic as she read about the girl at the store and the monsters comment about my mana.

<[SmoothSigh]: Hostile mana, huh?

<[SmoothSigh]: Monstergirls are pretty sensitive to that kind of thing. Helps us avoid

<[SmoothSigh]: danger. Whatever it is going through your head, you need to clear it out if

<[SmoothSigh]: you want a monster to not run away.

I was more taken aback by the fact she started using proper English than anything else. This is the first time I saw anyone in an online game type like that in a long time.

>[Eleminopy]: what do you mean?

<[SmoothSigh]: My best guess is that you just need to relax and not be so defensive.

<[SmoothSigh]: If I knew more about you, I'd give you advice on how to do that.

<[SmoothSigh]: But I'm on this side and you're over there.

<[SmoothSigh]: This is the best I can do for you. ;P

The generic advice that could easily be shoehorned into a shitty after school special imprinted itself in my mind. I wasn't sure how much I could trust this, but none of the other changes I've tried helped so why not? We chatted for a bit before "her superior came in" and she logged out in a hurry. I decided to get off in a more leisurely pace and try to imagine how letting my guard down might play out.

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c6ad52 No.400404


Your concept has intrigued me. Do continue

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5a67ad No.400406


Honestly, I have no idea how to continue before getting to the end. The only ideas I have to add onto this is that monsters generally don't take a romantic/sexual interest in eleminopy because he never really gets over his issues that prevent him from trusting anyone in any kind of relationship. After some time smoothsigh migrates over and they pass each other once in a while without ever knowing it until some sort of event sits them across from each other and smoothsigh recognizes his mana from descriptions he got from other monstergirls.

That's all I have. I have no idea of what could happen in between the post and this little bit of info.

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0f05d9 No.400509


So no one has any?

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cc4d19 No.400519

File: 930928b2edee899⋯.jpg (3.88 MB,1610x2310,23:33,Faustsketcher_thunderbird.jpg)


Sorry, man. Posted one ages ago, but I never saved it. Have you tried tft? Good taste.

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c6ad52 No.400551


Apologies for the site in advance. Story itself is decent tho


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4b8a66 No.400552

Kiki Drawfag here. Now, I shall attempt to balamce the thread by offering some of my writing to the flame.

> “Galatea, dear. Play, Pumped up Kicks.”

>Smashing the precious vitral glass, a white cloth is launched into the church.

>Parishioners do not have much time to be surprised, as pink smoke fills the oratory with speed.

>They choke on it, and the women frantically rub their reddening eyes.

>As the sclera turms completely red, they stop choking, and breathe deeply.

>The incapacitated men have no chance, as newly turned monsters throw themselves over them.

>With impotence, a priest surveys the pious mass as it becomes a sudden orgy.

>From the smoke, an approaching shadow looms, out of place. It speaks with muffled voice

>”Where´s the girl?”

>The priest backs down, terrified.

>”The chief goddess protects me! I will not talk!”

>The shadow keeps approaching, odd shapes, glued to the silhouette of a man.

>As it comes closer the man is revealed, his nose and mouth covered by a wet rag,

>He is dressed in strange tattered clothing. Leather armor covers him in places.

>His trousers, caked in mud, still show spots where they were colored blue.

>Taking off the rag, he demands.

>”Where. Is. The. G-

>A sudden gale buffetts him, and blows the smoke away.

>”I knew you´d come for me, you snake! The Order Protects!”

>The priest cackles, as a mage, and a group of local heroes enter through the back door.

>The mage increases her wind spell potency, and the gales begin to cut the man´s skin.

>He takes out a Long Demonarm, and the Hero Paladin comes charging in.

>Monsters have been coming out with those arms, but even if it took out one Hero, the Warrior, or the Mage would take him out before he could recharge.

>Besides, the Paladin has a Shield, and Plate Armor. Those demon arms still can´t run through those.

>That particular one looks weird, though.

>It looks… tinkered with.

>A blaze of fire covers the area where the Heroes stood proud.

>The Paladin´s armor is riddled with holes, and the Mage lays slumped on the floor, with the Warrior too.

>They move slowly, crawling to each other, for they weren´t dead, but worse.

>Their souls were doomed now. Everybody knew the Demonarms spat out Poisonous Demon Silver.

>As the Priest watches the Hero´s demise, He is too busy to watch for the curved knife aiming at his throat.

>He gasps and squeaks at the Man´s hold.

>”Where. Where is She?”

>”They know you are coming, you snake! You won´t make me talk before they burn this village to the ground!”

>”Oh, I know. You wouldn´t have anything useful to say anyways. That´s why I want you to send them a message.”

>”W… Wha-”

>”Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not yet.You see, we have just ran out of In Medias Res.”

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533eb2 No.400589

I hammered out the start of a short story. What do you think guys?

"Look at all those NPCs," he accused. "I'm so sick of them."

I turned to face him. As the car pulled away, he rested his head on one hand, trying to seem bored. Meanwhile, his indifferent gaze screamed anomie and contempt.

"Come on, kid, you know you can't go around calling people that," I gently reminded. "And nobody says that nowadays."

"Dad…" he insisted. "You don't understand."

"I don't understand what?"

"It's like…"

His voice fell away as he collected his thoughts.

"It's like they all just seem to follow everyone else's thinking," he remarked. "Like they don't hold any capacity to reflect or think for themselves."

A pregnant pause hung in the air. Gradually, his expression softened.

"I don't know," he admitted. "It just feels like I see things differently from everyone else. And when I speak out, they all accuse me."

I pondered upon his thoughts. After a while, I offered: "Would you say I'm an NPC?"

He glanced away from me and towards the window. A crisp, cloudless afternoon sky hung above. "Yeah," he answered, somewhat unsure. "You have the same values and ideas anyways."

The car stopped. At the crosswalk, his classmates poured forth from the school's entrance. The intersection bustled with his classmates, human and mamono. Some chitchatted briefly before waving goodbye, while couples held hands. They were all eager to return home.

"They all look so happy," he sighed. "All so carefree and oblivious."

For the rest of the ride home, I listened attentively but without responding. I focused my attention on the road, a now-antiquated habit. Meanwhile, he aimlessly traced the power lines as they ticked by. Soon, the car's steady hum stopped after the vehicle parked itself, punctuating the end of the short journey.


"There was another shooting today," he stated flatly. "Some Order lunatic shot up a mall over in Wichita."

"So I heard," I replied. "It's a real tragedy."

"Yeah. He ended up aiming for the humans. Apparently he realized that shooting mamono isn't that effective, so he shot their husbands instead," he pointed out.

"That's horrible."

"Well, these things happen all the time. And at least this time he set a high score. It was pretty clever."

It troubled me to see him like this. Not a bad kid, but lately a dark brooding encompassed him. Though in all honesty, his attitude resembled how I felt at his age too: I had cracked my fair share of Columbine jokes back in the day. I changed when I met her, but even so his struggle with alienation and disenchantment was all too familiar. Which brought me to what I had come here to do. I sat down across from him.

"I want you to have this," I said, as I placed the journal on the coffee table. "It would help you to read it."

The old book was well-worn and marked by thorough use. It was an elegant, yet ordinary, hardcover notebook. The glossy, deep azure finish on the cover's canvas finish shined past a thin veil of dust. Pen ink twinged the pages' edges off-white. Microscopic traces of ink had diffused into the paper, migrating throughout the sheets. The thread-bound spine was evenly creased, and a torn silk bookmark hung freely. There was no brand.

"What is this?" he asked, stifling his curiosity at the old relic.

"I think you know," I smiled. "I bought this when I was seventeen. Your age."

I slid the journal towards him and moved to leave the kitchen. As I exited, he examined the old book stoically and scratched the back of his head.



>Bought this today. There was a choice between one with lines and one without. But I'm not really one for rules so here we are…get it? It's a nice metaphor. Just like this blank book.

He snickered. So this was Dad as a cringey teenager.

>…Not really sure what to write right now, but I'll try my best to fill it in. The idea is to have somewhere to share my mind without publicly embarrassing myself by making a Twitter.

>It would be nice to have somewhere to put it all down. No one around me seems to get it anyways.

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3e0b1d No.400619

File: fc251c005f07c2e⋯.jpg (235.51 KB,550x598,275:299,I can't fight for this.jpg)


>NPC's and order fags in a post DOTR world

Just how? The paladindus would have been raped into submission back in the MGE world, and NPC's would get individualism and critical thinking pounded into them and everything else that comes with DOTR.

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ace524 No.400630


I won't assume anything. I can understand your disgust and its well placed. Trouble is Social JUSTICE is incredibly insidious.

Virtue signaling is rather easy to do and there's nearly no blowback unless you say/type something that is not supported by their ridiculous group think. Then they come down on you like flock of tiny, single mind birds. Scarly to look at, but more annoying then dangerous. Unless your afraid to be ostracized from said group.

A normal MG who just wants to fit in and find a 'good guy' to be with, may join a group without knowing better.

And the more… aggressive girl species might mistake it for some form of femdom, without realising the true shit-stain it is.

The thing to remember is, MGs are free thinking beings and they do make fucking mistakes like the rest of us do.

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5b09f3 No.400703

>You scanned the horizon again

>Nothing but baked dirt and shrubs as far as you could see

>For the past 24 or so hours you had been wandering in this infernal desert

>A few times you had seen what you had taken to be water, only for it to reveal itself as just another mirage

>You were now dangerously dehydrated, having drank what little water you had brought with you just a few hours after discovering that you were lost

>The heat and exhaustion threatened your body with collapse

>Just a little more though, you just needed to get to the top of this hill

>You push onwards, stumbling a few times but eventually making it to the top

>As you make it over the crest of the hill, a vally unfolds below you

>A valley with a river

>You took a moment to confirm that this wasn't another mirage, but from what you had heard mirages never followed a valley like this

>The hot sun had slowed you brain down, but a sudden realization hit you like a truck of peace

>This was your salvation

>In a wild frenzy you began to run down the hill

>Thorny shrubs ripped at your legs, sharp rocks assaulted your feet through your thin-soled shoes, but you didn't care

>Your salvation was that water; every minute without it was a minute closer to death

>But now you were falling

>A large rock had caught your foot, sending you to the ground

>You kept your momentum and continued rolling downhill, coming to a rest at the foot of the hill

>Your body, already weak from dehydration and sunburns, now was covered in cuts and bruises

>You tried to get up, tried to gather enough strenght to make it to the river, now only a few hundred feet away

>But you couldn't

>Your body refused

>You stared up at the sun as everything faded black

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5b09f3 No.400704


>You wake up in your cozy bed, last night's dream a hazy memory

>It all felt so real, getting lost, the pain from the scorching sun, the hopeless desperation, all of it

>You turn over and open your eyes

>This wasn't your room

>This wasn't your bed

>And yesterday wasn't a dream

>You go over it in your head

>Getting lost, wandering, finding the river, falling, and then blacking out

>But there was something after that, a vague memory that felt like a gentle embrace

>You look under the covers to find that you are naked

>Your skin glistens from a light coating of some sort of gel that you can only guess is for treating sunburns

>It seems to have done its job, as your once red and blistered skin now was close to its original color, and it barely hurt when you pressed on it

>The same could not be said for the rest of your body though

>Your muscles were still sore, and you had several large bruises that were an ugly shade of purple

<Oh, good morning Anon! Or should I say late afternoon. You slept for quite some time.

>A beautiful girl was peeking around the door

>You quickly pull the covers back over you as she walks into the room and over to a dresser

>Maybe "walks" isn't the best word

>In place of legs she had a long snake tail covered in a mesmerizing pattern of diamonds that ended in a large rattle

>She was a monster girl

>If the stories your family and friends had told you were true, you were now in only a marginally better situation than dying of thirst

"Who are you?" you ask, wanting to run but at the same time not wanting to expose yourself

<You don't remember? I guess you were quite out of it when I found you. My name is Kylie.

<How do you feel? I gave you some water, but it wasn't enough to get you properly hydrated

>You didn't know what to say

>She was acting a lot nicer than the monsters you had heard about, seeing as she had taken care of you while you were unconscious, but it could also just be a trick to get you to trust her

>You decide to be cautious

"I'm a little thirsty, but other than that I'm fine"

"Um… where are we?"

>She laughs as she places a bundle of clothes on the dresser

<You're in my house, silly! You must have gotten really lost to make it all the way out here."

"Oh. Well, how did you know my name?"

<You told me when I found you yesterday, but you fell asleep right after that. Now, I know you have a lot of questions, and I'd love to answer them, but right now I need to go finish making dinner. Your clothes just finished drying, so I'll leave you to get dressed.

>She gave you a quick smile beffore leaving the room, shutting the door behind her

>The thought of food made your stomach moan, so you got up and started quickly getting dressed

>Your clothes had been cleaned and now smelled like fresh flowers

>Maybe this monster wasn't as bad as you were expecting

First time doing this, I hope my writing style isn't too autistic. I'll write part 2 soon

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e7bf39 No.400712

File: f4933f6d2374f31⋯.png (89.39 KB,393x366,131:122,you're pretty good.png)

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6d2ca5 No.400714

File: 740b8e194507035⋯.png (53.18 KB,441x424,441:424,1515506105663.png)

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5b09f3 No.400715


Sorry I couldn't write any more than what I did. That took me three hours, and I kinda needed a break.

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1ba7a5 No.400727


That’s perfectly fine anon. Rushed or quick work tends to be of poorer quality than work you really take your time on.

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5b09f3 No.400822


>Leaving your room, you continued down a short hallway into a room that appeared to meet the needs of a dining room, a living room, and a kitchen

>The walls were covered in a white plaster, and large windows let in more than enough light to see by

>Along with the log rafters and the assortment of tools and plants hanging from them, the whole place reminded you of a cozy frontier home

>Kylie is attending to an antique wood-burning stove in one corner of the room

>She looks up at you as she hears you enter the room

<Perfect timing Anon! Just take a seat and I'll be right over.

>She takes a tray out of the oven and sets it on a nearby counter as you make your way to the dining table

>You sit down slowly in a chair, your muscles still sore and tired

>Kylie makes her way over with two plates and silverware

>Sitting one plate of food in front of you, she takes the seat opposite you

>Your stomach groans loudly as the smell of the food reaches you; it appears to be some soart of meat with a side of cooked cactus

<Sounds like you're hungry! Don't worry, there's plenty if you want more. Now, did you have some questions for me?

>You take a bite as you think about what to ask

"Why are you being so nice to me? From all the stories I've heard, monsters are supposed to be vicious and only want sex."

>She blushes heavily, making you regret wording your question so directly

<W-we aren't all like that! Thats just the more aggressive species! Besides, those stories are just propaganda anyways!

"Ok, ok, sorry. But still, why be so nice to me? You healed my sunburns, washed my clothes, and you have been treating me kinder than most people ever would."

<Well, I believe you should be nice to everyone, at least at first. Also… I don't exactly see many guys out here… B-but I would never force anything like that on you!

>Her face got even redder from this confession

>The idea hadn't even crossed your mind at this point, but looking at Kylie you realised you could do a lot worse, and you were a little desperate from being single so long

>An awkward silence decended over the table, so you decided to break it by changing the subject

"This food is really good, Kylie. It's been a while since I've had a home cooked meal."

>Kylie's smile was restored to her face

<Thanks, Anon! It's an old family recipe.

<By the way, what were you doing out in the middle of the desert in the first place?

>You laugh and tell her how you had read on a Yugoslavian silk weaving imageboard that getting out in nature was a good way to relieve stress, so you had left the city to go on a road trip through the desert, and how you had thought it was a good idea to stop along the way for a short hike to the top of a hill

>Looking back on it, you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation

>Kylie then told you about how she had gotten fed up with city life in the crowded government housing sector she had lived in, and how she had left to start a new life in the wilderness

>The two of you talked for hours, with you eating enough food to satisfy your gnawing hunger

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8eb97f No.400832



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fe093b No.400833

File: c7a168bfe4ca9c3⋯.png (141.64 KB,595x536,595:536,it's warm and delicious!.png)

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0e59ce No.400858

File: 6afb7563c36e3a9⋯.jpg (129.54 KB,863x1200,863:1200,D7RM-7dWkAABAiY.jpg)

What up. Dunno if it fits here.

Daemon Vanguard



Tags: Warhammer 40k, Inquisitor, Khornette, Space Marines, Orks, Action, No smut

Synopsis: An inquisitor and a Space Marine chapter disrupt a cultist summoning ritual, only to find that they had managed to summon a daemon.

G-doc has white text on black background to not burn eyes.

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8da77b No.400873

File: ad6aa8d85052385⋯.png (7.2 MB,2560x3620,128:181,Cat mage.png)

File: 8fa51b93655ebeb⋯.jpg (336.71 KB,730x973,730:973,Kiki.jpg)

Here's the first part of what I've been working on recently.


Been struggling to get into the writing mood again.

Looking for feedback and comments and all that as usual.

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dee39c No.400892


>You let out another yawn

>The sun had set an hour ago, but Kylie had lit an oil lamp that gave you just enough light to see by

<Anon, you really should get to bed. Sleep will help you heal much faster than any medicine, you know.

>You had wanted to continue chatting with Kylie, but now that she mentioned it, your eyes were beginning to droop

"Yeah, I guess it's about time. Wait, Kylie, where are you going to sleep?"

>When she had shown you around her house earlier in the day, you hadn't seen a second bed

<Oh, don't worry about me. I'm fine on the ground.

>Chivalrous gentleman that you were, you could never allow a lady to sleep on the floor while you took the bed

"No, this is your house. I'll take the floor."

<I don't want you sleeping on the ground Anon. You're still covered in bruises, the hard floor would only make them worse.

>Her face suddenly took on a shade of red

<How about a compromise. We could… share the bed?

>Her face took on an expression of shame

<No, forget I suggested that. I will sleep on the floor tonight…

>You contemplated her suggestion

>Just yesterday, even considering sharing a bed with a monstergirl would've never crossed your mind, yet… you felt like you could trust Kylie

>She had never tried to take advantage of you, and she was always so nice

"Kylie, wait. We could share the bed, if you still want too."

>Her face lit up

<You mean it?!

>You nodded and she gave you a quick hug

>You both made your way to the bedroom, and reached a silent agreement to keep all of your clothing on

>After you both got comfortable under the covers, Kylie blew out the lamp

<Good night Anon

>As she turned away from you, a rash action overtook you

>Leaning over, you gave Kylie a quick kiss on the cheek

"Good night"

>You felt her tail brush a little closer to you as sleep overcame you

This is the last part I'll write, as I don't think I'm good enough at dialogue to do a romance story JUSTICE


This is good so far, really interested in seeing what happens. Maxine kinda reminds me of Megumin.

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6d2ca5 No.400893

this is gonna sound oddly specific but I'm watching SGDQ, and Minish Cap is the current run. I think the dynamic that Ezlo and Link have would make a good MG story if Ezlo was a monster girl

For those who haven't played the game, basically Ezlo is a sage/wizard who is part of a secret (from humans) civilization. Their apprentice turns out to be evil and turns Ezlo into an almost inanimate piece of clothing (Link's signature green hat in this case). Ezlo then assists Link in defeating the apprentice

Honestly I would write this myself but I'm too drunk to focus… gdq is just that boring this day and age. Feel free to ignore this post

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d3a611 No.400904


Man, you captured a mg witch perfectly.

A slightly crazy creep with magic.

Its a good muxture of cute and worrying. Please do continue.

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0e59ce No.400905

File: e8b14107eeac0b4⋯.png (299.22 KB,712x693,712:693,viccycharm.png)

Decided to start rewriting it for good.

All's Fair in Love and War - Chapt.1



It's about a lilim at the helm of a nation suddenly realizing that she's not prepared in the slightest for an Order nation starting a war.

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d3a611 No.400908


Everything you have written is good.

My personal favorite is "victory and defeat."

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de1c80 No.400953

Just trying a little something to start with. First time posting any writing to the board, so be as vicious or gentle as you want. If people want more, I'll post more. But if not, then I won't bother people by posting stuff they don't want.


I was up to my knees in debt. My job didn’t provide enough income to make significant headway towards paying that off and pay rent at the same time. I had nowhere else to turn. I had no idea what my future would hold for me as I struggled to stay afloat. So, I went to see a financial adviser by the name of Dani Cooper who works at the local community credit union.

“You have a very good payment history,” I was told by the eccentric woman with the red raccoon ears and large fluffy tail. “No lates, no short sells, no bankruptcies… the only real issue I see is you don’t have enough assets that can be liquidated if you need to.”

“No property, I get it.” Dani must’ve been the twentieth person to tell me that I should’ve bought a house for the simple freedom to put a nail in the wall wherever I pleased. I wasn’t much for household decorations though.

“Still, I know of a way you can secure the loan and work towards paying it off.” Dani smiled as she uttered the conditions, “But you’ll have to quit your job and work full time with us.”

My blood ran cold as a chill went down my spine. I didn’t like her delivery. Since she was a Danuki, I trusted her financial know-how. What rubbed me the wrong way was that she might use that know-how towards nefarious ends.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing like acting in adult films or prostitution,” she tried to assure me. “Most of our kind aren’t really into the sharing that needs to happen to make adult films possible.”

“Nobody wants to watch the same couple together in every film though, right?” I smirked.

Dani leaned in to whisper, “As long as no spirit energy is exchanged, it’s all good.”

“Don’t tell me…” I began, incredulously.

“Yes,” she replied, keeping her voice low. “There are adult films where men are just holding hands and hugging the girls.” Her head on leaned on her hand as she smiled with amusement. “You strike me as a cuddler. I bet lots of girls would pay for videos of you holding hands, hugging, going out on dates, and kissing the girl goodnight without seeing the inside of anyone’s bedroom.”

“You flatter me.”

“Seriously!” She began searching through her desk and assorted belongings for a few minutes before stumbling across what she was looking for: a business card.

She carefully placed the card in my hand, “Give these people a call, tell them that Dani Cooper sent you. They’ll take good care of you.” She winked and made a kissy face.

I chuckled nervously, having a strong feeling of what I was getting myself into. “A-Alright. Thank you. For everything.” I stood up to walk out the door, pausing for a moment after a few steps to look back at Dani. She was already putting my financial records away, back into her desk. She even locked the drawer. Another client soon approached her and it was business as usual. This client must have had a better portfolio than I did, because what snippets I could pick up of their conversation was strictly finance-related. I chuckled as I shook my head and walked out.

“Legitimate Film Company, LLC” I read aloud from the business card Dani had given me. “That doesn’t sound suspect at all,” I sarcastically remarked to myself. “In Partnership With Legitimate Adoption Agency, LLC” the card continued. I mounted my bicycle and pushed off the curb to ride home. It was going to a be a strange week.

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3baa61 No.400954


Nice anon, I really like it so far.

>Legitimate Film Company, LLC

>Legitimate Adoption Agency, LLC

A most worrying partnership

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a1cfaa No.400957


Hi, I've been trying to get into writing again but I can't come up with anything decent for my would-be story; so far I've nailed down most of the lore, but that's just about it, all the plot options I try to come up with seem like crap to me. While it's not necessarily about just monstergirls, this is the only place I know where I can vent my frustrations.

Anyone else experiencing the same problem?

Also I'm afraid I've been recycling far too many elements from other failed stories I've written, which kinda makes me disappointed at my lack of creativity. I try to come up with new stuff on my own, but I often resort to reading irl events or other stories in order to come up with ideas for my story.

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b5a654 No.400961


I'm interested.

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f398d7 No.400973


I REALLY likes this one.

More perhaps?

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8da77b No.400986

File: 1a345b79b7000f6⋯.png (523.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1a345b79b7000f695794a3b7d7….png)


I know how you're feeling, Anon. I just went through a bunch of ideas that ultimately got scrapped. I get through it by writing down the beginning of ideas, even if I know they will ultimately get trashed. Eventually what I want to write will come to me and I start working on that.

Don't feel bad about reusing ideas from scrapped projects. In my opinion recycling ideas/elements can be a good thing as you already have the idea fleshed out.

Hopefully anything I've said helps.

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fac025 No.400989


I fear for the shotas.

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a1cfaa No.401002


Thanks. Sometimes I just feel that writing is a huge bother because I can't come up with a 4D chess-tier plotwist for my characters/MC and it makes me really frustrated because the stuff I come up with seems generic/overdone to me.

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042a32 No.401055

rape's the name of the game here, but tends to be portrayed in a more declawed/tongue in cheek fashion that comes across as mostly harmless

are there any stories out there with a more serious take? not necessarily from the perspective of physical brutality, just in the general handling of it as an ordeal.

is there a point where a rape scene might be considered /chaos/ or beyond, without breaking any other rules?

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6e9ea1 No.401058


>is there a point where a rape scene might be considered /chaos/ or beyond

When she grows a dick and plows the MC. Hard femdom/rape has been tried by various writefags but I haven't seen too many that aren't pathetically edgy or just really badly written. Give it a shot, it's not against the rules, but don't be surprised when people get autistic about it

Also worth thinking about is why you're writing it. What pathos are you trying to engender with the act? And if it's just porn, who would actually want to self insert as a genuine victim of violent assault? Besides feminists, that is.

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2aafe7 No.401062


<And if it's just porn, who would actually want to self insert as a genuine victim of violent assault? Besides feminists, that is.

>there are people on this board who haven't played Monster Girl Quest

Explains the state of the board, sadly.

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de1c80 No.401063


This update is a little shorter than the first part. My apologies. It's mostly a conversation between the protagonist and a receptionist. Let me know if things are dragging along too slowly, I'll see what I can do to pick up the pace.


It had been a couple days since I visited Dani at the credit union. I thought about what the Dani told me, and the strange business card she handed me. When I checked my creditors’ accounts, everything had been paid off. I thought it would’ve taken longer than a few days for funds to transfer. Oh well, one less thing for me to worry about. A HUGE one less thing to worry about. Although, my life seemed like it was turning into one of those stories where the protagonist unwittingly ends up in compromised circumstances because shenanigans. I was not about to let that happen to me, so I called the number on the card.

“Hello, Legitimate Business, LLC, Cassie speaking. How may I direct your call?”

“Hi, I’m Dani’s friend, calling about, um… this business card.” I played with said business card between my fingers. “Do you know who I should speak with? It says something about Legitimate Film Company, LLC, and then something something Legitimate Adoption Agency, blah blah.”

“Well, we did put out a request looking for someone capable of providing stud services. There’s a bicorn that works with the adoption agency that takes requests from couples unable to conceive…”

“I don’t think that’s what Dani had in mind…”

“Ah, sorry… you must be interested in the film company then?”

“If it’s not pornography, then sure!”

“Don’t worry about a thing. They take really good care of you. They don’t even contract with Hellhounds or Ushi-Onis anymore. Rarely they’ll have Manticores and Cheshires, but only if they’ve proven themselves to be well-behaved.”

“Yeah, not what I was… but actually, thanks for the heads-up. That does put my mind at ease a bit.”

“Why don’t you come in to the office and we’ll get you started right away.”

“No one’s even told me what I’d be doing yet!”

“You’ll find out when you get there. I’ll text you the address.”

I grunted with a bit of annoyance, but thanked Cassie for her time. Allegedly not pornography, yet no one will say what it is, and they don’t work with Hellhounds or Ushi-Onis because of what I assumed was ‘bad behavior’. Curiosity got the better of me as I received the text message containing the address. Looking it up on a map app from my phone, it seemed like it wasn’t too far, I could get there on my bike. I decided to check it out, not that I had a choice. The checks have already cleared.

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a19420 No.401064


Because hard femdom is trash

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3e0b1d No.401069

File: 3a04c7f844055e1⋯.jpg (75.32 KB,382x349,382:349,Virgil_what.jpg)


<And if it's just porn, who would actually want to self insert as a genuine victim of violent assault? Besides feminists, that is.

>Wanting to be violently raped by a monster is weird and makes us a feminist

W-what is this? Who the hell are you?!

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2543f2 No.401078


Well we’re not referring to the “fun” violent rape that comes from a hellhound or something, that guy’s talking about something approximating irl violent rape that actually leaves the person humiliated and traumatized.

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3e0b1d No.401083

File: 353c7ef5604151a⋯.jpg (92.01 KB,1199x848,1199:848,Hellhound 47.jpg)

File: cce5207b8ce462d⋯.jpg (99.98 KB,1199x848,1199:848,Hellhound 48.jpg)


Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up.

>“fun” violent rape that comes from a hellhound

Delete those quotation marks.

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122ae0 No.401147

File: f1a8f3506ebe548⋯.png (1.43 MB,3550x2823,3550:2823,dum_lims.png)

What up. All's Fair in Love and War's rewrite, chapter 2.



I'm confident that the way smaller size of chapters makes it more readable on a bit by bit basis, rather than having a 10k word chapter thrown at one's face from the start. Also adding an index and a chapter link to previous and next of each at the end of the g-doc version for accessibility. From the outline it looks like it'll end up with far more chapters than the original due to making each smaller.

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e57389 No.401168


Well, I wasn't quite intending to stray into the edgy hfd/ballbusting sort of territory, like I said, "not necessarily from the perspective of physical brutality", so maybe paternal-gfd. I'm mostly just writing about a very paternalistic/traditionalist kind of society where a reluctant young teen mc ends up in an arranged marriage to a dragon and the marriage is consummated against his will. Not so much violent as forceful, so to speak, because the dragon is very intent on physical intimacy and the shota+ is very much not ready for it.

At any rate, I just usually see a lot of "fade to black - and that's how I met my wife!" and "secretly loving it" stuff and was wondering if that was the most anyone would tolerate when it came to consent themes or if you'd all read something a bit less declawed

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484dff No.401169


Go as far as you want. Not every type of story is for everyone, but do what your vision tells you. Don't pander to /monster/, write the story you want to write, then present it to /monster/.

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10ca4c No.401176


>Be anon

>Driving your car down the backroads pretty fast

>No cops in the area, its near the end of the month and they've already got their ticket quota

>Suddenly very large winged beastie flies in front of you

>Fuck its a thunder bird

>Try to swerve but not enough and she hits you

>FUCK, you hit a Thunderbird, in your Thunderbird

>Screech to a halt and go out to check on her

>Thankfully the car insn't damaged badly, just some scratches

>Then you go check on the Thunderbird

>Give her a tentative poke with your foot, and she groans a bit and crackles

"Are you okay? do you have brain damage?"

>She rolls over to face you and shakes her head

"Well, uh, I suppose you would like to go to the hospital?"

>She nods

"Well, I'd pick you up, but I think you'd discharge on me, so can you walk?

>She huffs a bit before noding again and getting up, wobbly walking towards the car

and everything went happily ever after

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3e0b1d No.401200

File: bc8d4ef48abea0d⋯.jpg (99.54 KB,1200x895,240:179,Hellhound 45.jpg)

File: 08260e62d4a2685⋯.jpg (103.2 KB,1200x895,240:179,Hellhound 46.jpg)


>I replied to myself


Also, are there any good hellwan stories?

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e57389 No.401245


there's actually a whole thread for hellhounds specifically

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10ca4c No.401285


Is Anon fucking hoola-hooping while hes doing his hellwan waifu?

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4a78b4 No.401286

Well, We've proven my own writing ain't good enough to be bad, I'll stick to prompts.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, but instead of Stands, dudes fight with their monster girlfriends.

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afdd04 No.401287


I think what you really meant was Twilight Princess:MG edition where Midna is a hellhound cursed into being a much more diminutive version of a hellhound

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5a67ad No.401291


>hula-hooping while fucking your waifu

This is a new asperation, time to get training.

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fac025 No.401297


It's a new sport that a monster girl created when she wondered how great the hip gyrations from her husband would feel.

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9bc15c No.401299


>vore, death, and worse

Shit game belongs in the bin.

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923b84 No.401300


Exactly, there were only a few girls in the game that were good. I'm quite surprised the fags at TRTR got KC to draw a few

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e57389 No.401301



is there something wrong with death? or just how it's used in the game?

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9bc15c No.401302


>Dying painlessly at a ripe old age after getting a chance to say farewell to your loved ones

>Being murdered

How about you tell me?


Where is MGE the game? I want all the game-overs to end in kissing and cuddles.

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fac025 No.401303


Death in a fashion that is presumably meant to be erotic. Not getting killed by a sword or thrown off a cliff, it's stuff like getting devoured by vaginas.

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9bc15c No.401304


2nd part meant for:


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e57389 No.401305


ooh, you mean it's got snuff

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fac025 No.401307

File: fcb7939422cd7bc⋯.png (625.33 KB,800x600,4:3,dec36d6f13d5804b69e1c06896….png)

File: 47693d4f213e0aa⋯.png (608.58 KB,1004x1000,251:250,458aa68bb382f2603333a641d9….png)

File: b1aa65f06afa96b⋯.jpeg (160.32 KB,800x600,4:3,89f6954463fc5612f4b4f72c2….jpeg)


Yeah. Not all game overs are snuff though, some just lead to you being imprisoned as a sex slave, like with Yao. Before that, I think the worst thing she does is perform anal when you think you're getting vaginal.

I think she's a little underappreciated.

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a19420 No.401308


The anal is only the beginning. She performs ATM and licks her ass juice off Luka and gets him to nut in her mouth while he still has poopdick

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2543f2 No.401328


Counterpoint: monster girls don’t poop

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345efc No.401330

File: 3c99dd6f27c8ef1⋯.jpg (73.25 KB,600x619,600:619,1423459188049.jpg)


>mfw i just noticed the hula-hoop?

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6f7e24 No.401334

File: 5c1d614132bde68⋯.gif (133.64 KB,511x501,511:501,5c1d614132bde681dfca73c6b7….gif)


Just write and apologise to no one.

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de1c80 No.401358


I arrived. It was an office in a strip mall. I guess whatever made the rent cheaper. A banner hung in the window next to the door, “Legitimate Film Company, A Division Of Legitimate Business, LLC”. It didn’t look especially seedy or anything. Good part of town, not crime-ridden. Upon entering, there was the standard reception office, chairs along the walls like a dentist’s office. No woefully out-of-date sports magazines though.

Shortly after arrival, I was quickly ushered into a back room that looked like a private office. There was the usual trappings, a desk, chair behind the desk, bookcase, etc. Then my eyes wandered across from the desk and noticed the infamous “Casting Couch”.

“I thought this wasn’t a porno…” I worriedly said to the Elf that escorted me back here.

“What? It’s just a piece of furniture.” She shook her head, “I swear, you humans…”

She dusted off a spot on the couch and directed me to sit and wait for the casting director to arrive. Then she left. I was alone in the room. Sitting on a literal casting couch.

After a short while, a Danuki walked in, sat down at the desk promptly and began studying me. I was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the focused attention. She took me by surprise by suddenly standing up walking briskly over next to me on the couch and sitting down.

I was very puzzled by the events transpiring, or lack thereof. Not a single word had been spoken yet, so I was unsure of what I was supposed to do, or if we had “started” yet. I decided to play along since I was being paid (or so I assumed) to be here.

The Danuki slowly reached her hand over towards mine and hovered it there for a moment before finally taking my hand in hers. Her ears twitched. She pulled her tail in front of herself with her free hand, and I got to see just how fluffy a Danuki tail can really be. I wanted to touch it, but I didn’t want to be rude and assume.

She eventually released my hand, wrapped her arms around me with a big smile on her face like a very happy girl from an anime. It kinda warmed my heart a bit actually as she nuzzled her face into my chest. Then, as quickly as the warmth had spread, she released her hug, sat back down at what I’m assuming was her desk, and was back to a colder, more business-like demeanor.

Finally the silence was broken. “You’ll do.” was all I got for my evaluation. She shuffled some papers on her desk, opened a drawer to put some papers away, get one sheet out, write something on it, put it away. Every action appeared deliberate, but the more I watched, the more it seemed like she was just pretending to be busy and doing paperwork.

“I’ll do what?” I asked, with a nagging suspicion.

She reached into a pocket to pull out some glasses and put them on. “Let me tell you what we do.” More paper shuffling. “We’re in the process of shooting for a ‘reality show’. We don’t have a name for it yet, but the basic premise is you would take girls on dates, hold hands, hug, maybe kiss, but no intercourse. This part is important.”

I nodded in agreement.

“We’re not looking to marry you off in the first ‘episode’, of course. That would ruin the ratings for the rest of the show.” She pretended to write something down, seemingly giving up on the illusion. The pen didn’t even touch the paper.

“Okay, so I’m taking girls on dates? How am I paying for this?”

“You’ll get a budget per episode. Some episodes will have higher budgets than others. Money not spent one week does not roll over to the next, so you don’t have to worry about saving anything.” She stands up. “Oh, and we won’t be broadcast on traditional television, we’ll be streaming on the internet. Feels more real and in the moment that way.”

“I see.” I stand up as well, because I didn’t want to be the only one sitting.

“Alright! Let’s meet the girls.” She motioned towards the door, and we both exit to the hallway.

Forget being a strange week, this was going to be a strange year.

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3e0b1d No.401359

File: dec412edf406242⋯.jpeg (61.91 KB,580x299,580:299,dec412edf406242917fa9a45b….jpeg)





The dude has a tail, but since monsterboys are heretical let's just pretend that it's a hula-hoop.

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c7daab No.401360


Did you really have to point out the fucking joke?

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6fb520 No.401369


I like where this is going, keep it up.

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514108 No.401376

File: e57344251081d82⋯.png (64.76 KB,989x1017,989:1017,cristian feels.png)

File: 67948d89be96144⋯.png (502.16 KB,932x808,233:202,serveimage.png)

This is my second attempt at making another one of these, you can see my first attempt in the society thread 2

>be me

>catholic zoomer from Spain

>was redpilled since I was 15 and reconverted when 16

>was very cynical when it came to love, why do women not appreciate loyalty anymore?

>Also was very disgusted by my generations degeneracy and abandonments

>Suddenly get news on my phone

>wtf anime monstergirls exist

>And they want our love

>Think its a scam, as do many people

>these monstergirls start to come here to Spain through a exchange program

>The ones here are either """demonic""" type of aquatic type

>alredy met with several of them on my way to school and the parish

>Go to parish since its sunday

>During my trip I see this demon woman 10 meters behind me

>she seems to be following me

>could just be a coincidence

>keeps on going for 10 minutes

>decide to try out something

>I stop in the middle of the street

>she stops too

>My heart starts beating fast

>I make the sign of the cross and a silent prayer to the Lord

>I start to walk fast, she follows suit

>Scared out of my soul I decide to wing it

>I dont look back on the whole time

>make it to the parish

>I sit on the third row

<Ara Ara, now that is something you do not see often

>My heart sank that moment

>The demongirl from before was next to me, looking me while giving me the bedroom eyes

>I almost screamed right there but decided to keep calm, surely even her would respect the sanctity of a parish right.

<To be very honest dearie, you are very cute for a boy your age, and pious too,and not in the bad way, you would make quite the prize for any mamono

>she goes to my ears

<like me

>The priest finally comes, the mass is great as its expected of a Tridentine mass

>We recite the liturgy in Latin

>Salve Regina.webm

>We get to the Offerings of Peace

>I extend my hand for the demon woman

>She ignores it and instead pecks me in the mouth

>I am left dumbfounded and blushing

>She just giggles and smiles while licking her lips

>The Mass is finished

>I start to go back home when I feel a hand no my shoulder, a purple hand on my shoulder and a tail wrapping itself on my leg

<I wasn't kidding when I said you are a desirable male my dear

>m-m-miss can I go ho-

>she kisses me passionately in the lips, with her tounge invading my mouth

>I try to get her off but she just holds me tightly with her breasts touching my chest

>she finishes her kiss and stares at me with lust but also… love?

<I am going to be honest with you dear, wether you like it or not you have gained yourself a woman of your own, and this woman has a veeeery voracious apetite on semen, and don't think of trying to escape, I will find you and take you back

>b–but miss I am barely of age, and I am still not married

<we mamono can take anyone that is atleast 14, and we will cross the marriage bridge when it comes to it, hopefully soon, and don't worry about dating a "demon", I am not those your faith calls demon's, I would never try to kill a man or a child, much less cheat on them, loyalty is in a mamono's instinct also call me Lineath, or Ling, any one is fine dear

>I stand there in for several minutes trying to process, in a span of an hour I just got myself a hot girlfriend who wants to marry me.

<Do you want to come to my home my dear? I do have so friends I want to present to you, and I am also interested in your faith, it is so similar yet so different to the Order's religion

>she leans to my ears yet again

<and we can also spend quality time together when they leave

>o-o-okay, just let me call my parents to tell them I won't be coming until tomorrow, also call me anon

<It would be my pleasure anon

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9a6e88 No.401381


Nothing saying you won’t get a tail when you become an incubus. You already get a M A G N U M D O N G so why not?

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c99eb1 No.401382


Only if she wants that upgrade.

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514108 No.401384


no u

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514108 No.401386


besides I had to use something other than teenager

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70b9c4 No.401397


Yeah. Enjoy your ban, cuckchan cancer.

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514108 No.401398


Im sorry I didnt mean it to get out of hand

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514108 No.401400


oh well I will continue with my writefaggotry tomorrow

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5459bf No.401413


Adolescent, 16 year old (or however old your underage self insert is supposed to be), lad. The English language has several words and you opted for the 4cuck made up word. You could even use a Spanish word and it would hook the reader probably the best and immerse the reader that it actual is Spain. Aside from that your greentext is just poor. The lack of quotation marks makes it slightly difficult to differentiate actual quotes and descriptors of the scene, irregular usage of capitalization alongside poor spelling and grammar and a story with few to none interesting concepts.

You clearly aren’t from around here given your posting habits and your double-posting reeks of insecurity. For your continuation please put it in a pastebin as the OP requests, it becomes difficult to navigate when 30 greentexts blob up the page.

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d1b022 No.401415

File: 4b376e86f6bbf5a⋯.png (913.93 KB,1065x3225,71:215,dullahan wife bullying 1.png)

File: ba323dbda9d329b⋯.png (657.64 KB,1793x3017,1793:3017,dullahan wife bullying 2.png)

File: ddb941eeff6060c⋯.png (1.08 MB,1800x6390,20:71,Dullahan wife bullying 3 p….png)

File: 10bf7f540bde3be⋯.png (609.15 KB,1800x6482,900:3241,Dullahan wife bullying 3 p….png)

File: cef405ba2214b5d⋯.png (405.98 KB,1000x2348,250:587,Dullahan wife bullying 3 p….png)

Does anyone here know whatever happened to this "High-Impact Dullahan Bully" anon?

I really liked his stuff, went to the archive and found some stuff that wasn't capped, so I screencapped it myself, uploading it next.

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d1b022 No.401416

File: 9cef5a97848aaab⋯.png (279.27 KB,1227x1628,1227:1628,dullahan wife bullying 4 p….png)

File: 62c477278120413⋯.png (203.47 KB,1230x1229,1230:1229,dullahan wife bullying 4 p….png)

File: 5d31cb04b1fb4e9⋯.png (344.41 KB,1222x1958,611:979,dullahan wife bullying 4 p….png)

File: 61f578cd6bcff28⋯.png (630.71 KB,982x5659,982:5659,Dullahan wife bullying xma….png)

File: 1df08583d3f43d2⋯.png (206.26 KB,900x700,9:7,Day 26 - Anon Bullies His ….png)

Here's everything I found.

He said he would continue, but this shit is from fucking 2017, so it's very unlikely to ever hear from him again.

I also wrote kind of a fanfiction, I loved the characters and tried to do something similar with them.

Fanfiction: https://pastebin.com/ijbV9bC1

The drawing is also mine btw

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374e87 No.401426

File: bae239f95685733⋯.jpg (183.65 KB,450x500,9:10,1307929245951.jpg)


Aw man, this is wonderful, I'm so glad you found it again for us! and the "fanfic" is cute as well. Forever ever anon, he'll come back

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2543f2 No.401453


True, if your wife wants you to have a cute shota-dick, that’s what you’re getting.

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2543f2 No.401454

There’s a story someone had up on pastebin a while back and I haven’t been able to find it again on the writefags list.

The premise was this: a young orphan being raised by the church is visited by a demon who starts acting like a mother/onee-San stand-in for him, cooking and the like. Once he learns how to write his name, she tricks him into signing a contract and promptly disappears for the next decade.

I mainly want to find it again because the ending has a nice twist to it and puts some characters in a very intriguing situation.

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4da62a No.401469


>Not from around here

I am a lurker from both /pol/, /christian/ and here,reason why my posts are horrible is that I dont post very often. And obviously my greentexts are shit, its my second time writefagging, but thanks for the advice anyways oldfren

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4da62a No.401470


Now that is one I would like to see, although I try to explore the religious conflict in the new world. But it would be fun to greentext it

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e8037b No.401472


>browsing nu/pol/

The amount of times you post has nothing to do with post quality. You're just a newfag who needs to go back to lurking.

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4da62a No.401473


Since when are you under the impression I was talking about 4/pol/. Well it is my fault for not specifying, and also because english is not my first language might have something to do with my poor writing, even though I spoke it for 12 years.

Im sorry for appearing like an newfag

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4da62a No.401476

Furthermore for my writefagging, is it okay if I include several foreign words and customs in my story since I am setting it in a non english speaking country?

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f0d258 No.401479


8/pol/ is heavily infested with redditors. It has been since kamphy was in charge if you even know who that is. Keep lurking.

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4da62a No.401485


I know who the former BO of /pol/ was, some turk who's autism rivals that of /leftypol/'s BO, they still keep talking about him to this very day

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923b84 No.401500


If ya check one of the threads it's about how KC is making his own game, among the fallen Maiden games

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3c8fe6 No.401522

File: 339647c0a003c3c⋯.gif (60.88 KB,350x350,1:1,b021c7b7f703f80defbc0365db….gif)

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524edf No.401526

Looking for a story where the captain of the guard for an Order city state gets seduced by a kunoichi. It used to be on pastebin.

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2f4a24 No.401542

File: 97a26bcab58b365⋯.png (355.05 KB,752x755,752:755,97a26bcab58b365c8c7cb09d01….png)


Now he is

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514108 No.401549

Finally got out of my way to post the second part on this trainwreck of a greentext, I am trying to improve my writing so please do criticise.


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514108 No.401550


It doesn't show anything

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514108 No.401551


there used to be one posted here that was quite similar but instead of a kunoichi it was a succ

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630ee8 No.401555


There's a fairly obvious and easy to fix error in the link. You can figure it out and learn something useful in the process. I believe in you! Here are three hints:




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3c8fe6 No.401557

File: 908f4c95a24e3e4⋯.gif (2.76 MB,1461x1783,1461:1783,908f4c95a24e3e44d1db59331c….gif)


Gonna spoonfeed you now: http://touchfluffytail.org/?story=do-lawyers-come-from-hell

It was my bad to begin with.

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462f80 No.401592

File: b1d1b1c1a26c42c⋯.png (674.96 KB,1200x895,240:179,hoolahoop1.png)

File: d71549de62b8d9b⋯.png (776 KB,1200x895,240:179,hoolahoop2.png)


A small edit.

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2543f2 No.401593


Original requester here, thanks m8

something about Frigeridus’ fruitless and doomed quest to save the young men caught in the same trap as him is really compelling to me. That’s why I was trying to find it again.

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514108 No.401600



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5cbf5d No.401611


anon do you have any more of sacrifice's works?

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10ca4c No.401612


made me chuckle anon

now he really is hoola-hooping

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524edf No.401620


Seconding this request and checking dubs. I'm pretty sure he did the story I mentioned but his pastebin got nuked so I don't know for sure.

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3e0b1d No.401622


Kek, now I want a no tail version of all of them.

But I am still too retarded to find the edit thread in the catalog. I'm going to just dump the other wan images from this artist in the hellwan thread.

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8da77b No.401632

File: 78b89846fc406e2⋯.png (1.32 MB,1501x972,1501:972,lich.png)


Here's part two.


Feedback and comments are appreciated.

Also, I re-uploaded all my old pastes under my username for anyone who likes to keep track of writings posted here.

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16778e No.401644


Good shit writefag,

Can’t wait for part 3

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374e87 No.401667


and here is the next step on recent writefag medusafag's metoric rise among writefags on /monster/. Keep it up m. I love all your stuff so far and can't wait to see what you bring next.

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9bc15c No.401690


Nice to finally see some new blood around here. I'm loving this.

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2d8efe No.401692

I want to writefag some but I can't think of a specific monster girl

Throw something at me and I'll try my best not to make it shit

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b69e4d No.401695


I'd love to see something from the lonely jewel of the desert, the girtablilu

Stories of her species are so scarce… I'd yet to see something that matches https://pastebin.com/MLdAGuJF levels of thrilling and interest

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b8a1bf No.401700


https://pastebin.com/H1dUYunB This one? I remember the kunoichi one but can't remember the name nor the author, so I can't look for it.

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b8a1bf No.401703



I found it but its gone. Even the account is gone.


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2d8efe No.401704

File: 0740b8d3e0d218d⋯.jpg (138.28 KB,392x500,98:125,Girtablilu_0.jpg)


>be me, Stefan Parnell, son of one of the great lords of the Order

>sent by father to do some errands in a boring desert region trade city

>I hate sand

>why couldn't he sent any of my 6 older brothers for this

>currently in a caravan, not too far from destination

>they only bothered to send one paladin to protect me

>his name is Bertrum, an old veteran that didn't say a single word since we met, must be thinking he's too good to talk with someone as young as me

>I hate old people

>goddess, the camels smell so horrible

>tell Bertrum my nostrils need a break

>he nods in response

>I get off the camel and start walking away, not too far from the caravan

>I kick some sand along the way, it can't really kick me back

>something hits my legs, making me fall on the ground

>dammit, sand all over me

>realize what's happening

>what appears to be a caramel skinned maiden dressed like a thug gets on top of me

>wait a second

>she has far more legs than the chief god would approve

>feel a sharp pain piercing through my leg

>my entire body is instantly paralyzed

>where is that dumb paladin when I need him

>I can still move my mouth though

>I lash at her with all the words I remember mother and father said during their arguments

>the hooligan ignores me and begins to carry me away on top of her monstrous abdomen

>how rude

>her hair gets inside my mouth

>could this day get any worse?

>wait, this might be my chance

>I clench my teeth with the might of the chief god herself and try to move my paralyzed neck as much as possible

>this is somehow effective

>she gasps in surprise and drops me on the ground

<you little shit! maybe you're not paralyzed enough!

>she readies her tail to sting once again

>to metal gauntlets appear from behind her, holding it in place

>the old paladin doesn't even unsheathe his sword, he just wrestles her tail, holding it thightly until she starts to scream

>as every filthy monster should

>he lets her go, and shouts loudly as she retreats

>"next time I see you, I will make sure to split your tail from your body!"

>I shall never doubt you again, Bertrum

>he carries me back to the caravan while I continously pray to the chief god as thanks for not becoming monster meal

>did I mention that I hate sand?

more coming soon

Also should I use redtext for Bertrum or is that reserved just for monsters pls educate me guys

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2d8efe No.401706


tfw you proofread before you post and still find a typo the moment after you post

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2543f2 No.401707


This seems like it could be a nice series: Stefan and Bertrum’s Bizarre Desert Adventure. The Girtablilu can be a recurring antagonist, maybe bringing some muscle along to deal with Bertrum.

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2d8efe No.401721


>be me, Stefan Parnell, a young noble sent on a stupid journey that almost got me killed

>caravan finally reaches boring trading city

>local trade baron recognizes that I need some time to rest before I can discuss anything with him

>baron's workers lead me to a monster-proof room, as requested

>two maidens ask to come into my room and clean my body

>I let them in after the baron's subordinates made sure that they are no less than 100% human

>they did a very nice job. shame they don't speak my language too well

>sun finally sets

>can't fall asleep

>someone knocks on my door

>it's Bertrum

>he gives me a knife and a dead scorpion. a regular scorpion, not a monster one

>says that some "payback" would make me feel better

>cutting the little bastard to shreds surprislingly did brighten me up a bit

>manage to fall asleep shortly after

>wake up the next day, make sure none of my limbs are paralyzed

>spend the morning walking around the market with Bertrum

>he doesn't say anything, but at least there's a smaller chance of anything jumping on me while he's around

>it's finally time for the meeting with the baron

>most of it is pretty boring, majority of the discussion is about trade with the order, bandits, etc

>as we finish our discussion, a man suddenly bursts into the room

"why haven't you told me the Order representitive is here?"

>the baron sighs and the furious man turns to me.

"I am coucilman Lanos. forgive me, but I must rush into the topic at hand. recent reports have confirmed that a subordinate of the demon lord is attempting to transform this area into a monster realm! you must send more paladins!"

"confirmed. bah"

>this doesn't seem to be the first time the baron has heard these claims

"these are all rumors and conspiracies. we have more important issues at hand. you'd think that a councilman would be more aware of the real troubles his city is facing"

>as the argument grows louder, my patience declines, and I leave the room while Bertrum follows

"do you think the councilman's rumors have any truth in them?"

"not too much. but we should still inform the Order. reports like these are not to be taken lightly"

>Bertrum is probably right. I don't really care for cities in middle of wastelands such as this one, but more regions turning into monster realms doesn't sound too good to me

>before we leave the building, I spot an odd woman standing by the exit

>she has silvery hair, pale skin and crimson red eyes

>the creepy woman doesn't say anything, she just smiles and steps aside as we move through the exit.

>I speak to Bertrum as soon as she's out of hearing range

"that woman, didn't she look a little weird?"

"what woman?"

"you didn't… nevermind"

>this heat… I must be seeing things

>I hate deserts.

Somewhere in the desert, later that day

<"the boy doesn't seem anything special. he's just a little brat. I can't see how you can possible fail to capture him"

>the silver haired woman floats in the air, her royal set of wings matches her black horns

<"that bodyguard of his - the old man, he's the problem!"

>the Girtablilu crosses her hands, reinforcing her visible anger.

<"the brat himself is also troublesome, even when paralyzed! When he's mine, he won't-!"

<"when he's yours?"

>the silver haired woman giggled mockingly

<"it was funny seeing you fail the first time, but I'll give you just one more chance. if you fail to neutralize him again, I'll have to find another way to take him out of the picture. as weak and fragile as he might be, he is a big threat to my plans"

>as the lady vanishes, the scorpion girl is left to rethink her strategy

<"he will not escape me again.

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3e0b1d No.401727

File: ab139db45aa60b5⋯.jpeg (403.64 KB,1560x1559,1560:1559,scorpion.jpeg)


I pray that the snuggle struggle comes quick.

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484dff No.401741


Your greentext is not the worst but not the best. Capitalize the beginning of your sentences, it hurts to look at. If you want you check for typos just copy and paste your text into a word processor. And as another anon mentioned please put your text into a pastebin.

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2d8efe No.401742


when I came across other greentext stories, some had capitals at the beginning of sentences, some didn't, so I didn't really know what to go for. Now I know. Also, is greentexting in pastebin acceptable? If not, I'm probably gonna need to reorganize the story and shit.

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8da77b No.401743

File: 720791af86914bc⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,850x693,850:693,_1.jpg)




I'm glad people like it. Even if I felt part two was pretty weak compared to my other writing and that I have no idea what I'm doing that people like, I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

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9bc15c No.401787




This was one of my favorites so I had it saved. If some else has included it in an archive let me know and I'll remove it. This story is far too good to be lost.

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524edf No.401798


Thank you so much.

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74958f No.401800





While we're on the topic of preserving Sacrifice's work, I found a few stories of their's that I saved and uploaded in case anyone can't find them.



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248288 No.401805


This was my favorite story of his, thank you for saving it.

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c6ad52 No.401810

Are there any good de-dykeing stories around? I don't remember anything from other threads and TFT is too full of plebbit users to ever have anything like that.

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563fb2 No.401811


>good de-dykeing

Interesting idea. I've never really thought about this. What kind of elements do you think a story like that would/should/could have? Themes? Characters? Monsters? inb4 /cuckquean/ total normal /monster/ anon shows up with the obvious

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4b0f8d No.401812

File: a408dce49512343⋯.png (53.08 KB,863x302,863:302,a408dce49512343e84318fe2bf….png)

Just going to drop the next part since the society thread is in full autosage.

>Of course I'd have no such luck finding a place to stay.

>Those who weren't already partnered up and wanting extra privacy were insanely paranoid and barricaded themself away from the world.

>Oh and of course there was a thunder storm on the horizon. Because that elder god I talked about earlier thought he'd get a few yucks out of me.

>By the time I returned home, my feet were blisteringly sore to match my pelvis, it was getting dark, and it was already sprinkling.

>The chick was still there and was waiting at the door, and looked remarkably annoyed.

>I almost considered turning around and sleeping outside in the rain.


>At least she didn't grab or yell at me when I walked in.

>The house was dark, the lights still off from this morning.

>I turned on the ceiling light and took in, for once, a pleasant surprise.

>She had cleaned up a majority of the mess around the front door, and was seemingly careful with where she walked as there weren't any more holes in the floor than from this morning.

>Her trunk was open and its contents were spread out on several blankets around it, lots of different helmets that obviously didn't fit her, and different, exotic tapestries and objects that seemed to be from different cultures.

>War paraphernalia? Trophies? And how did all of it fit into that trunk?

>While I gawked at her belongings, she had filled up the coffee kettle from this morning and was heading outside into the rain with a bundle of leaves.

>If she was going to live with me, she wasn't going to be a transplant from whatever middle age she was from.

>I stopped her (to whatever annoyed thing she was trying to say) and said, "Just, let me do it."

>I took the kettle from her and, along with her, brought it to my stove.

>I placed the kettle on the stove and, making sure she watched, turned on the "Turbo Boil" burner.

>The sound of the stove igniting startled her… and put a few holes in the kitchen tile, if the cracking I heard was any indication.

>Fucking perfect.

>"Oh fucking- Get out. Go wait in the living room!"

>I shoo'd her out of the kitchen, making her hand over the leaves before she left.

>If I had to guess, she was trying to make tea, which should be easy enough to do.

>Boiling the water was mostly waiting, time I used to gather several coffee mugs from my cupboards and to watch her.

>She didn't sit on the couch, thankfully, and instead seemed content sitting (kneeling?) in front of the coffee table with her legs folded beneath her.

>The storm, in the meanwhile, had finally arrived and was pouring outside. The winds were a gail of violence that blew down the piece of scrap wood that was the front door.

>The chick was quick to react, jumping from her position to stop it from falling to the floor with a curse.

>I heard a thwip of something moist hit a wall, drawing me away from my position at the stove.

>Oh yeah, she was a spider. She had used web from…somewhere to mount the door back into place.

>The kettle blew with steam, signalling that the water was ready. I stuck the leaves inside and set a timer for the tea leaves to soak.

>The thunderstorm was right on top of the house, and thunder roared all about. While rain came down in almost periodic sheets.

>The moment the timer went off, a flash of lightning and thunder lit up the house one final time before casting it into darkness.

>Because of COURSE the power should go out.

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9bc15c No.401814



Happy to help! I encourage you all to make copies of your favorites in the future.

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9bc15c No.401815


It's a cute, not grim-dark story that is fairly well-written, and makes me hope that the characters end up happy. It's the kind of MG content I wish we got more of.

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8bdd35 No.401819


thank god someone saved it. I loved this story.

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638bb0 No.401820

Has anyone made a compendium of /monster/ approved stories?

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2d8efe No.401822


How do stories qualify as /monster/ approved exactly?

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2543f2 No.401825


There’s the writefag list if you go to the sticky thread.

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41aa12 No.401828

File: b62f67234ec8c14⋯.jpeg (175.12 KB,1090x1028,545:514,A73BC464-171D-4608-83E7-C….jpeg)


I am summoned。 One way you could do it is to write it from the dyke’s perspective. It doesn’t matter what her occupation or social personality is like, but tone down any man-hate or the next parts won’t work. Have her meet a succ (or demon for extra challenge) who takes an interest in her. The succ may be a concealed succ. This interest should be genuinely romantic. If the setting is modern, one could do pre-DOTR and make the succ an advance infiltrator, or post-DOTR and make the succ a rarity. (One may also choose a fantasy setting or a future setting - any one can work.)

The succ and our lesbian form a sexual relationship interleaved with at least one other plot (e.g. succ’s work finding portal sites or something). This relationship should be genuinely heartwarming and involve the lesbian loosening up and being much happier with her new lover. Simultaneous to the first rising action, the lesbian should notice the first signs of monsterization. As the first sub-climax of the other plot happens, she should monsterize. Her lover helps nurse her through the process, delighted.

As she learns to love the advantages of her new body and the closer connection it brings her with her succ lover (they can feel each others’ demonic energy now) she becomes aware of a gnawing void, of her need for spirit energy. She cannot believe that her succ lover felt this way the whole time and works to help her complete whatever monstrous objective was revealed by the first climax. Even though they love each other and find their sex satisfying on a physical level as a way of being close, the need for spirit energy opens a separate appetite that she finds herself integrating into her personality after her succ lover assures her that she’s still herself and she is still loved.

As the second rising action kicks into gear they find themselves fixated on the same man and work together to make him their husband. As the second climax happens they both claim him as their husband.

In the denouement our former lesbian is happily pregnant together with her succ lover, their having formed a happy triad household as the world adapts to whatever happened at the achievement of the second objective.

There you go.

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44faad No.401831


Holy dear fuck I remember reading these.

They are funny as hell, but what a fucking psychopath. Jesus.

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c6ad52 No.401832


Well of course your standard radfem political lesbian getting changed, but that's obvious. What I think would be interesting is a story set where monsterization is a very slow process. The story would center on the main character monsterizing just as she gets out of a relationship. As she begins dating again she starts to feel a pull towards wanting to date men. She doesn't want to because a part if her identity is still wrapped up in being a lesbian. Then she meets a succ she genuinely likes, but doesn't have as much desire for as she does for a man. Then, she confides this in the succ. The succ would then explain that she's monsterizing and that what she is feeling is normal. The succ would then offer to speed up the process through a sexual encounter thus giving our MC her final experience as a lesbian and fully transitioning her to her monsterdom. Then our MC would begin dating as a monster and end up dating a guy she originally turned down as a lesbian. Then hijinks would ensue of course

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c6ad52 No.401833


Now that I'm thinking about it, another good one would be an unwilling wife coming to love her husband. Were talking a wife acquired through less than consenting means (mail-order, conquest, royal marriage securing allyship) who is really a lesbian. As she monsterizes she begins to see her husband for who he really is, as prior to this she would be resentful of him and think he could do no good. As she monsterizes she realizes he was trying to do as much right by her as he could in an attempt to get her to love him and just all around trying to be a good husband. Her next challenge would be to get through to her husband whom she now loves. Her husband would be cynical and jaded towards her, having accepted that she did not and would not love him, and has accepted his loss and moved on

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d1b022 No.401838


This is great, Anon, keep it up.

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5cbf5d No.401841


thank you so much anon

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3e0b1d No.401849

File: 9d0fba5a752f57c⋯.png (267.21 KB,600x789,200:263,Pregnant succubus2.png)


Thank you based Miriam poster. This is bloody perfect.

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524edf No.401978


If they don't have anything we disapprove of. Cuckshit, furshit, sluts, monsterboys, faggotry, leftism, grimderp, scat/piss/farts, vore, and gore are all forbidden.

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14bf19 No.402027



>Still thinks either boot of the ZOG machine is preferable to the other.

Ammit expects better of you Anon.

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267e9f No.402048



you have my attention.

also ignore the other retards. 8ch is for the turbo speds that not even halfchan will cater to.

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524edf No.402068


Leftism is the end goal. Neocons are controlled opposition and doomed to failure.

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d77ae5 No.402146


Don't stop now, anon!

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197c41 No.402522

File: f6551f7c09bf7cb⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB,746x999,746:999,f6551f7c09bf7cbd6933286bb….jpeg)


try adding more content between punctuation, just a but more explanation about the setting ro characters would make your story more natural to read. Now it reads kinda stiff, like a succession of bullet points.

but plz, continue. I'm enjoying the story

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a19420 No.402526


That anon is shitposting in the society thread, because that's where his autism started. As an aside, the ushi's samurai themed armour was an interesting touch I liked.

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8da77b No.402529

File: e9f83035b84ecd9⋯.jpg (181.28 KB,1061x1500,1061:1500,cat.jpg)


Maxine is supposed to be a very to the point narrator, but I do understand it being a little too 'to the point' and sounding like bullet points.

I'm trying to get out of the habit of writing like that

Part three tonight or tomorrow, depending on whether or not I decide to sleep.

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4b0f8d No.402544


To make up for it, I'll be compiling all of it into a pastebin for future storage.

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b42b98 No.402836

File: fd898921d3841f2⋯.png (253.43 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

I wrote a quick parasite slime story that continues from some hypothetical explorations of life with a parasite slime, which is over in the parasite slime thread starting at >>402828. I want to improve my writing. Feedback and criticism would be much appreciated.

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8da77b No.402855

File: 47b37e647feb7e0⋯.png (402.04 KB,983x800,983:800,Unhappy cat.png)



Here's part three of Maxine's story.

Sorry this is out later than I expected! I fucked up my back horribly on burgerday

Hoping for feedback and comments and whatever.

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8eb97f No.402871


That opening was gloriously chunni.

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47db05 No.402890

File: a8f819afbbf9fa4⋯.png (1.74 MB,2550x3300,17:22,JoJo_Viccy_B.png)

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192b01 No.402895

originally posted this in the greentext thread, but then i thought it would do better if a better writefag got ahold of this


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16778e No.402896



Damn that sucks, i hope it’s getting better anon. How did it happen though?

your story is still great btw, i actually like highly direct narration because i’m really fucking autistic, meaning your writing style fits me like a glove.

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514108 No.402904


lets hope holstaur-chan is gentle with them

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8da77b No.402922

File: 6a57195a141cfcc⋯.jpg (30.89 KB,540x540,1:1,pic related, its me.jpg)


I lifted a really heavy bucket of rocks and managed to throw out my back or something, spent most of my days off recovering in bed.

Glad you like my writing style, anon.

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197c41 No.402934


How old is Maxine?, the chunny face its around 14/17. Maybe she's bit autistic. Also she's still living with her parents, but who know how rich people acted in you setting

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8da77b No.402937



Maxine is supposed to be late teens early 20s, for reference, her sister is 25-27 and Svetlana is mid 20's.

She's just supposed to be a childish shut-in and a little crazy with romanticized ideas of what her future should be.

I apologize that I have not done a very good job with her characterization.

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47db05 No.402952

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b86a04 No.402961

File: 171f64766d2d196⋯.png (73.65 KB,1275x1650,17:22,78846565412.png)

Any good character charts out there?

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8d67a2 No.402974

File: b0e4d4a94b224f8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,539.73 KB,730x1095,2:3,rattle me snake.png)

>DOTR happens in 1890s

>be Red Anon, the 14th most notorious outlaw in the West

>danuki bank robberies, weresheep fleece poaching, smuggling of illegal goods from Wonderland, and even the dreaded crime of attempted wizardhood

>no lawman, lawwoman, or law-whatever has ever been able to take me cuz I'm as slippery as Jewish soap

>decide to lay low in some shithole town in Arizona

>townspeople are scared, but they know damn well what'll happen if any of them sing

>hear from a contact that some lawgirl's been trailing me this whole time

>she intends to take me alive

>good fuckin' luck to ya ma'am. There were at least one and nineteen more people who tried that and left empty-handed and empty-walleted too fer good measure

>she finds me the next day the clever girl

>she's one o' them there snake ladies

>fancy rattler with orange hair, a shirt that makes the saloon girls look modestly dressed, a bigass Arizona Ranger hat

>and an even bigger revolver on her hip

>jesus christ that thing must have been as long as my forearm

>orders me to a standoff at 40 paces in the main street

>oh shit, nevermind taking me alive. The bitch wants me 6 feet under

>consider my options

>she's a whole heap of snake, at least 20 feet of snake give or take

>she's wearing her hat a bit low to her head, to the point where you can't catch a glimpse of her eyes, only her dumb little smirk

>her gun looks like it could blow the head clean off a longhorn. Big, powerful, and no doubt unwieldy

>a blind girl with an oversized cannon who is also a big, wide target challenging me to a draw

>looks like my gun's getting another notch today

>meet miss lawsnake in the main street

>crowd of people watchin' from the windows

>I ain't never killed no one before ma'am but if you're gonna come at me this hard and this dumb…



>holy shit she's fast

>my gun hadn't even cleared leather before I felt the bullet rip through my waist

>look down

>my body's untouched, but my bigass belt is now in two pieces on the floor along with my pants

>look up

>she's got my body all coiled up in that big, meaty body of hers


<"End of the line fer you, Red Anon. You're comin' away with me fer a looong time♥"

>well shit, there goes my position as a notorious criminal

>and I was 6 years away from casting fireballs too dammit

>I might have kept a virgin

>if I hadn't made a slip

>while trying to match the Ranger with the big iron on her hip

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2a5668 No.402978

File: 143975d469a349c⋯.png (616.32 KB,1199x1093,1199:1093,Ushi Zoey.png)

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2a5668 No.402979


Well done!

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5a7863 No.402993


You got me. Fucking good writeanon.

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81be07 No.402994


>the 14th most notorious outlaw in the West

>not the 3rd happiest man in connecticut

You tried, anon.

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21eeac No.402995


>3rd happiest

Who are the other two?

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248288 No.402996


Hope you don't mind but I've copied your copy to my own pastebin.

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514108 No.403000


the dad of the 3rd happiest and the 1st is the dad of the second

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4e7de2 No.403003


That would be heartwarming

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4e7de2 No.403004


The heck is wrong with her tail

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ae63c8 No.403014


I think it's a stinger. Like the ones scorpions have. I don't think I've seen a succ with one before but I don't really mind the autistic liberties taken with the picture. I admit it kind of makes me uncomfortable but I guess that's just a fear boner.

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3e0b1d No.403032

File: 91e900aa11ca2f4⋯.jpg (156.94 KB,1196x1435,1196:1435,graphics card snek.jpg)


>I'm as slippery as Jewish soap

>and I was 6 years away from casting fireballs too dammit

Best quotes.

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e7597a No.403084

File: 163d2860487675f⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,640x360,16:9,Tomoko.jpg)

Succubi are masters of sensuality and seduction, and no human, no matter how strong-willed or experienced, can resist their demonic charm, abandon their dignity, and submit to them like a dog does before its owner.

But what if there was a succubus who was like Tomoko Kuroki? A succubus cursed with crippling shyness, social anxiety, insecurity, feelings of inferiority…

All of her peers have seduced at least one human, and she's too scared to even try. She feels like she would do something dumb, embarrass herself, and want to commit seppuku on the spot.

That's the premise, but I don't know how to develop it. Feel free to suggest/request ideas for the story line, preferably wholesome ones. Please forgive my shameless begging for ideas… coming up with plots is something I struggle with.

Also, it's my first first time writefagging. Not that I've never written before, I have, but I'm still an amateur, so please forgive my autism.

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8eb97f No.403107


She has a childhood friend who's smitten with her, but she's too dense to notice. So she'll go crying to him, and he'll comfort etc, but doesn't want to help too much because then she might get someone else. probably not what you were going for, but it makes me laugh.

I also have an outline for a continuation of that mindflayer shitposting story, but no time to actually write it. If you want that I'll post it.

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b86a04 No.403117

File: 0264ca8a38f75ad⋯.png (813.84 KB,1960x1786,980:893,789654654321.png)

File: ff82e91a644a1b1⋯.jpg (287.17 KB,1299x1303,1299:1303,pencaeks.jpg)


>that look like a nice and comfy chart

>found the original

>gender or pronouns


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5ac402 No.403123


Is she offering him the latest and most advanced graphics card on the market? Damn girl, ya got "assets" if ya catch my meaning. Most any dude would just let you come on in on that alone!

She must really be committed to getting him to ask her to marry her. Which, again, is a thing most would do based on her looks alone with a bit of a prompt. Dudes really gotta stop falling for girls on just looks and forgiving bad personality traits because "she's hot". That girl, however, is true waifu material (amazing looks and a great personality) and if that guy doesn't realize that than he's going to Alp because he's gotta be that gay.


I'd read that. I'd say it's a thing that developed though. See, she didn't used to be afraid, but after a long streak of screwing it up somehow one develops those issues.


We cure cancer here.

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d94506 No.403132


Plot twist, it's a demon GPU and turns the guy's rig into a robowaifu before anything happens between him and grapesnek.

>"Why is she here? Don't you wanna play vidya with me master~?"

<"Maou dammit! That wasn't supposed to happen!"

[Anon sweating intensifies]

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607f93 No.403160

File: 4c182438f488844⋯.png (1.71 MB,800x1196,200:299,__meruccubus_original_draw….png)


>She has a childhood friend who's smitten with her, but she's too dense to notice.

A male childhood friend? Which would mean she lives in the human world, or at least has lived there when was a child.

In fact, what if succubi generally tend to disguise themselves as humans, and manipulate them into producing more lust, in a similar fashion to the aliens in "They Live"? (I haven't watched the movie yet, I just know that's the premise, please don't spoil). They'd see humans as mere cattle.

>but doesn't want to help too much because then she might get someone else. probably not what you were going for, but it makes me laugh.

I have a dark sense of humour, but this is too dark, don't bully the succubus!

>I also have an outline for a continuation of that mindflayer shitposting story, but no time to actually write it. If you want that I'll post it.

"Mindflayer shitposting story"? I used Ctrl-F, but there is only mention of "mindflayer" in this thread, yours. Anyway, go ahead!


>I'd say it's a thing that developed though. See, she didn't used to be afraid, but after a long streak of screwing it up somehow one develops those issues.

Good point. Just like Tomoko, she becomes more cynical and jaded as she grows older.

Given your input so far:

>Succubus-Tomoko is naturally socially awkward, shy, submissive, sensitive, and empathetic

>As a child, she realizes that those lame qualities don't make her popular with other kids

>She manages to make only one friend, and they're very close, but she has to move and they get separated

>As a teen, she tries the whole romance thing, gets rejected every time, eventually gives up on that

>She's recalled to the succubus world, she's given "remedial classes" for her inability to seduce humans (more or less special education, they think she's retarded or something)

>Now that she's more mature, she understands the true nature of succubi, and becomes spiteful of her kind (for exploiting humans), and humans who are already slaves to succubi (for not realizing they're being exploited)

>At the same time, she's paranoid that nice people aren't genuine (they're manipulators), and if they are genuinely nice, she'd just be a bother to them anyway (because who would want to be friends with someone like her)

>She thinks back about her childhood friend as an example of someone who was genuinely good, but cynically assumes that he must be rotten too by now

>She doesn't improve much, so eventually they decide to just throw her back into the human world, and place a seal on her to forbid her from returning until she's managed to seduce at least one person

>She's bothered by this, because this means she can't even return to her family, who was very supportive of her, even though she was a defective succubus

>She tracks down her childhood friend, and she overcomes her paranoia with his help

>She reveals her true nature to him, he couldn't care less what she is, he cares who she is

>Insert a vanilla ending, like the first doujin in this anthology (pages 4-29): https://nhentai.net/g/138819/ ("Mida Love" by Ootsuka Reika)

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8eb97f No.403173

File: 6bd4a913206bf3e⋯.pdf (15.96 KB,mindflayer continuation.pdf)


the mindflayer story was in another thread. this should be it.


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8eb97f No.403174


Nope, it's this


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8da77b No.403328

File: 34dde038b261973⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,2891x4096,2891:4096,Ive been out of cat witch ….jpg)


Part four!


This is turning much longer than I first expected it to.

Hope you all enjoy it!

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756664 No.403332


Top shelf bro, keep going!

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2130c1 No.403397


I feel like I'm missing some context for the fight between Maxine and Svetlana. It was just about Maxine snapping at Svetlana because she was frustrated about her mother setting her up on a date with Oscar, right? I'm not sure why Maxine would mention "hurting those around her to get what she wants" when apologizing. I don't recall her ever trying to coerce Svetlana or anyone else into doing anything. I'm also not sure what Svetlana means when she says Maxine was "keeping her promises" by apologizing.

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8da77b No.403400


Svetlana was upset because Maxine snapped at her because of things unrelated to Svetlana such as the poor date with Oscar putting her on edge. Maxine's apology was supposed to come off as half assed as well adding further gas to the flame.

The promise was made previously to Svetlana when they were younger and it was pertaining to Max not wanting to be like her mother as a cutthroat business woman, which admittedly i should have shown.

Apologies for my poor execution on this, I've been trying to do new things with my writing here and I feel it has, unfortunately fallen flat in some areas.

I'll do some rewrites on part four to better reflect the intention.

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8da77b No.403407


I did some quick edits and added a bit more at the beginning and during Maxine's conversation with her mother.

If there are any other issues in any of the parts let me know and I'll try to fix it.

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248288 No.403520

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0bcdcf No.403549


Silent_II's stuff, huh. I have a GDrive link to the pdfs, as well as some other stories of his. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzL7aw4ZKvmNaEIxSWFkblpHbUE

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248288 No.403554


Thanks for saving what I couldn't

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34a3c3 No.403607


Hey camran, thanks again for the archive, came in handy I don't know how many times by now

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c6ad52 No.403652

Not sure if anyone's taking requests, but I had a story idea

Radfem turns into kikimora. Still thinks all men are rapists. She gets a master who just thinks she's a maid and nothing more. She gets more and more infuriated as he continues to not ever rape her or even sexually harrass her. Hijinks ensue.

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0bcdcf No.403705



Should I have said this, but the Gdrive isn't mine, it's SPARTAN-047, on the mge wiki. Sorry for implying that it's mine

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0bcdcf No.403706


Fucked up the sage, goddammit

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248288 No.403767

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b6dfe7 No.403889

File: 427fdb2713abadd⋯.jpg (861.97 KB,3060x3623,3060:3623,1562305343788.jpg)

All's Fair in Love and War rewrite, chapter 4. 2.6k words.



Ghost Bustin


Tags: Ghost, butt, see-through, smut

A certain ghost comes across a lad who gets curious about her see-through butt

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2543f2 No.403903


>someone actually saved my dragon greentext


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b6dfe7 No.404019

File: ee9b0b93022b1b4⋯.png (286.9 KB,1000x669,1000:669,aiko viccy.png)

All's Fair in Love and War rewrite, chapter 5. 3k words of Victoria's rollercoaster of suffering.



Both pastebin and gdoc versions of all chapters have links at the end for accessibility to the rest of the chapters, so there's no need to hunt for links elsewhere for chapter 1 should one start reading from zero.

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ace524 No.404035


Lose, is that Viccy or her daughteru?

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2543f2 No.404051

Anybody recall some story about a teenage thief/rogue getting stuck in a trap pit with a mimic girl while escaping a dungeon? I think the name was something like “Best Haul Ever!”, but I can’t find it among the writefaggotry list.

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248288 No.404061

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46a692 No.404070

Currently writing a greentext about a shortstacked gremlin enticing anon with computer upgrades. Now I need to figure out the sex scene, if at all. Either way, it's a very elaborate way for me to say, "I like boobs".

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b6dfe7 No.404109


That's Viccy

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a19420 No.404131


Yo, Lose, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but the hat is one of the best characters of all time!

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eecf38 No.404144

File: 56b17ffeaec5fb2⋯.png (173.2 KB,680x562,340:281,511.png)

Can someone write about what happens when incels/robot meets monstergirls

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c6ad52 No.404147

File: c0f857cee1e96d5⋯.png (796.94 KB,1115x3903,1115:3903,Devil's Hands.png)


It has already been done

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623bac No.404148


What about incel?

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8da77b No.404154

File: 21da9aa2809de13⋯.png (253.5 KB,727x881,727:881,caat.png)


Part five and the end of act one!


Hoping for feedback and comments.

I'm curious as to what people think about this series as a whole so far.

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e466e0 No.404156


oh god that level of projection lol

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8eb97f No.404159


I'm enjoying it. I'm hype to see what happens.

I like the premise/different perspective, and you're doing a good job with it. I've read a bunch of stories that have an interesting premise, but poor execution.

Good job.

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2543f2 No.404162

File: bdfcf7e3b13de02⋯.jpeg (62.88 KB,700x719,700:719,6E6C47D0-DEED-4F3E-91D7-C….jpeg)


That’s it. Thanks m8, I’ll count this as my first birthday present of the day.

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16778e No.404168


>end of act one

You have even more? Dear ammit.

The story so far is great fun, although i am hoping maxine and her mother get closure in the future

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8da77b No.404232

File: ce7144cde009e84⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.96 KB,708x800,177:200,(honk).jpg)



Well, I'm glad people are enjoying it.

I've honestly felt I was handling it pretty poorly up to this point but I'm glad to be proven otherwise.

>You have even more? Dear ammit.

I have two more acts

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a6a5c7 No.404286

File: 439ffa75a3d42ce⋯.jpg (127.79 KB,800x999,800:999,good_shit.jpg)



God stuff as always our favorite Madusa-loving resident! I was getting a tad worried that Maxine would become irredeemably insufferable, but you managed to give her . I imagined Svetlana to have a more Slavic accent then presented, but that's just me. Cat-witch and Slav-doggo-birb maid better get their DotR husbandos soon or there will be a riot.


Happy Belated B-day!


Writer of that greentext here. Funny that one should be brought up since it was intended to be a side story while I tried writing out a greentxt about some geekdom/anime convention full of incels, feminazis, and the like when DotR happens. I forgot to complete it after being consumed with that greentext and life stuff. I guess I should expand and complete now that there's demand.

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a6a5c7 No.404289


Also, I loved the cute "explanation" for monster girl art in part four, around line 30. Maybe, just maybe, fiction is based on fact and are waifus really are sending us cute art

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17356f No.404294


Please do, it sounds like a fun idea

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c6ad52 No.404306


>Writer of that greentext here. Funny that one should be brought up since it was intended to be a side story while I tried writing out a greentxt about some geekdom/anime convention full of incels, feminazis, and the like when DotR happens. I forgot to complete it after being consumed with that greentext and life stuff. I guess I should expand and complete now that there's

Yes please.

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10ca4c No.404337

>be anon

>and be the one with a injury that evaded capture

>and also, unfortunately, evaded exfil

>Thankfully you've spent the time around the motor pools sabotaging the equipment

>Them MGs ain't gonna use uncle sam's vics against him

>But the Situation's changed

>They brought in Baph sweep teams to clear the area

>They operate with Cupid's to clear any area of wizards holding out

>F you goat grills, I'm holding out

>Suddenly get hit by arrow near the arm pit


>Right in between the armor plates

>The blow initially knocks the wind out of you, but you realize your mana bleed is inevitable

>Gotta move or else the MGs will find you


>Manage to crawl away into the main area

>As I'm crawling I hear the door open again and a childish giggling

<"Onii chan, we can smell your mana, come on out, we promise to be gantle~"

>That gave you all energy to keep crawling

>Make it to the fabrication area, wonderful, lots of tables to hide unde-

>A hoofed food plants itself firmly on your back

<"Where do you think you're going, Onii-Chan?

>Fabrication area turned into fornication area

I swear I'm not into Baphs

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a19420 No.404344


But MC's certainly in a baph

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b7827b No.404352

There are so many different spiders that do neat things but I never see them in arachne form.

Here is an adea for one. Trap door spider arachne trying to live with her husband or find one. Or an anons life with a trap door spider arachne family.

Or the tale of two arachne girls splitting rent through collage but are having trouble living with eachother as one is a trapdoor spider and the other is an orbweaver.

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b7827b No.404353


Repla e the trap door spider in the first two ideas with a tower spider.

I cant imagine how a tower spider girl can live in a normal house.

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10ca4c No.404360


There's never one of them

They all just mercilesly come at up

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8eb97f No.404366


Trapdoor daughters would be… interesting to live with.

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10ca4c No.404368


I swear

It wasn't until these monsters

you want me to Baph don-you

Fusing hell Oii chans can't rest

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afb6e9 No.404406

File: 473bfcf70a223c0⋯.png (98.98 KB,1056x617,1056:617,93fd3c9bfc30cef864f013c7c2….png)

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248288 No.404408


My pleasure, and happy birthday!

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f8ccbd No.404411

Is TFT dead? I'm relatively new to the reading of MG stories, so apologies for the newfag question.

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2de7df No.404420


TFT is a place for faggots, lurk more before you get the idea we like their content aside from the recent arrivals of 4cuck

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3e0b1d No.404423

File: 0db5f5439fcbe81⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB,603x543,201:181,0db5f5439fcbe8155b595a36b….jpeg)


>Reddit spacing

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875fc6 No.404592


Oh no! I'v been found out!

Quick, back to the cuck-mobile!

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c6ad52 No.404600


What it is is a cancerous place full degeneracy which constitutes of but is not limited to: furry, yuri, futa, NTR, scat, and much more. That's not even mentioning the amount of garbage writing, half finished stories, and other tiers of cancer

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0f05d9 No.404630

File: e6faecb988b2d64⋯.gif (364.84 KB,700x500,7:5,HERETICS.gif)


God, those fags even have a furry mg thread

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6d2ca5 No.404643


How the fuck does that even work? I'm not sure I even want to check

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6d2ca5 No.404644

File: b28babaa13b7dbf⋯.png (765.02 KB,1278x720,71:40,1554954486419.png)

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197c41 No.404685


>/mg/ is not a secret club. Feel free to tell people in communities other than a chan about us

they might take some of the flak form us

>Monster Boys and Traps go to >>>/chaos/

>Yes, Furry, Futa, and Yuri are allowed.

this is some Olympic tier mental gymnastic

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0f05d9 No.404720

File: e447ffbc07a5df9⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,3.78 MB,640x360,16:9,the solution.webm)


>Monster Boys and Traps go to >>>/chaos/

>Yes, Furry, Futa, and Yuri are allowed.

That board's definitely going to devolve into a bigger shithole. Fortunately, we only need one solution…

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345efc No.405413

Dice rollRolled 4 (1d100)

Suddenly got the urge to write again, so I'm deciding to do a request of sorts.

Pick a girl and some sort of position/scenario you'd like me to write a (short) smut story out of (ie the MC and his waifu making love in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation and bonding between two consenting adults while they hold hands in the dark the night after their wedding ceremony; the MC and his waifu trying out a position they've never done before/doing roleplay; a generic sex scene between the MC and his waifu, but it's a scene/girl that's criminally underrepresented; etc. etc.).

First post that rolls higher than me on 1d100 (or in the event I roll a 100; first one to match me OR highest roll after 10, whichever happens first) gets picked.

No idea when I'll get started on the story, or when I'll finish it because I have no idea how long my urge/motivation will last, but I'll at least try to get it done in a reasonable timeframe.

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345efc No.405414


>roll a 4

well then

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0f05d9 No.405417

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d100)


>Pick a girl

A tyrannosaurus monster girl


Anon is working as a nightguard at a large history museum. Some creepy Night at the Museum shit starts to occur after DE starts to accumulate in the museum somehow, and anon must find a way out with his virginity intact. Unfortunately, one of the exhibits that got monsterized was the dinosaur exhibit, and the t-rex is hungry…

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0f05d9 No.405418

File: 25dd86a10467abf⋯.gif (55.36 KB,220x220,1:1,dewit now.gif)


>roll an 8


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345efc No.405424


>t-rex girl proactively dating anon

well, time to make a not-T-rex na Kanojo (short) story

i'm totally gonna have the t-rex girl have THICC everything

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0f05d9 No.405426

File: 4274c794d5f7c63⋯.gif (1020.68 KB,288x162,16:9,YES.gif)


>THICC dino girl

May Ammit bless anon's pelvis

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10ca4c No.405434


>THICC T-rex girl

Fate rides with you anon, I believe in you

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d77ae5 No.405469


Does anybody remember this story, " The Mistress Of Eternal Night"? The writefag seems to have nuked his pastebin. What happened? He had some great stuff.

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eb7df4 No.405470


Well, that's something to definitely look forward to.

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043630 No.405502



>A voice called from the dark below as inky black tendrils reached up.

<"Anon please, can you hear me?"

>The voice almost dripping with fear and shaky as hell cried out again as the tendrils reached further and further up the well you always stared into.

>in a few scant moments the tip of the one closest to you would finally come up to the edge of the well and the dream would be over and you would wake up, just like yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that and you just needed to wa-


>a thousand yellow eyes stare up at you from the well, the feminine voice turned screech wails at you as the tendrils grip the rim of well and pull up sending new cracks down the side and the inky blackness moves up. \

>the eyes move towards you as more and more tendrils shove themselves out of their brick and mortar prison grasping towards you and the moonlight and

>its just a dream, your alarm clock blares out the time of just 10 before six and the idea that work is in an hour kills a piece of you yet again.

>clothes shoes and the essentials in your messenger pack get thrown in before a run down out of your shitty apartment into a metro into a stop three to be exact then a brisk walk down a shitty street full of beggars and assholes to your hellhole of a job, the worst to be exact.

>you work as an IT drone doing fuck all while your buds you went to college with are busy making fucking STRIDES in some advanced portal tech, the absolute assholes.

>your proud of them sure but sitting in a office while your shitty roommate who couldn't figure out a calculator at one point goes makes 7 digits just doesn't sit right at all.

>3 floors down and your modified office with a comfy ass chair you "borrowed" from some higher ups and all the screens a man could need is right there.

>now its just time to kill about 8 hours or until somebody downloads a virus again

sorry if this is shit but if you guys want me to continue i can, first ttime for actually posting some of my writting

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d77ae5 No.405509


>writes two paragraphs

>"sh-should I continue guys?"

write the story or don't, I'm not going to praise you for a fucking prologue.

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345efc No.405511

File: 0dd80b8b6b0355d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.8 KB,1000x707,1000:707,C3TFNuGWIAEojhb.jpg)



Something I've been thinking about (and trying to figure out) is how to have the t-rex girl, or rather specifically the "design" (or rather layout if you will) of her lower body.

I can't decide if I should do something similar to Churio from T-Rex na Kanojo (i.e. pic related), or something closer to a lizardman or salamander from MGE, just EXTRA THICC. I don't want to just make a not-lizard girl since I feel like that wouldn't be unique enough, but at the same time I have no idea how I'd do the lewd parts if I went with the other option (and consequently having to change some ideas around since they wouldn't really work if the dinogirl wasn't bipedal like a lizardman or salamander.

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0f05d9 No.405532

File: 808f80be7722084⋯.jpg (66.68 KB,597x597,1:1,Tigrex.jpg)


One thing that bothers me about Churio's design is that it looks a bit like an incomplete mascot suit. For a t-rex girl, you could probably take some elements from both Churio and the basic lizardman though. Maybe something like this? Or is it too basic?

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345efc No.405553

File: 3383c41b6c95fe0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.94 KB,1025x1280,205:256,1492540179.m3hdrawings_chu….jpg)


I was just more concerned about making the t-rex girl too similar to lizardman, since the whole point of me taking a request was to let someone read something different, rather than a generic-lizardgirl-proactively-dates-anon story. Having the t-rex girl be closer in design to Churio would make it different enough (I think, anyway).

The whole point of me asking is that I'm just stuck on where the t-rex girl's babymaker would be if she were like Churio.

Pic related is a bit better of an image of her, and I can fairly well imagine where you'd stick it in her.

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eb7df4 No.405593


If you're looking for something a bit different, go with Churio's set up. It might not be the most popular configuration as far as genitals go, but like you said; it'll at least make it stand out a bit.

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345efc No.405596


I'll just have to figure out how to do things then and change around an idea/thought I had for a section of the story.

On top of that, I get to work on the hardest part of the story: coming up with a (good) name for the t-rex girl.

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0f05d9 No.405597

File: f0d6f4bef88e9df⋯.jpg (3.05 MB,3610x2227,3610:2227,big for you.jpg)


Why not "Sue", nickname of the formerly largest and most complete t-rex skeleton

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248288 No.405713


Here's an ongoing story from the hellhound thread


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71fdf5 No.405734


wrote a story about a dude's sister turning into a shirohebi. Was inspired by a greentext that I'm not sure where is right now.


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f430df No.405740


Good shit, m8. Glad my greentext inspired you to make this.

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72effc No.405741



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e024c6 No.405742


One of the fags that asked for some news on the story, glad you didn't post it back on QTDDTOT, it's a shitfest right now.

So glad I decided to get hyped up for this, thank you anon. Hoping to see more of your stuff in the future.

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71fdf5 No.405750


I have more stories on TFT if you aren't allergic to the site. I know the general consensus is generally negative of the site though

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345efc No.405752








well, just got to the part of the story where anon gets proactively dated by his future waifu, and i suddenly want to go with regular bipedal lizard-girl instead of a churio-like design (like i'm planning on going with because it makes the girl stand out a bit more compared to your regular lizardman) because bipedal lizard-girl means THICC hometown in addition to the THICC everything else

please help, i dont know what to do

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4d51d7 No.405757


It's a pretty overwhelmingly negative consensus, yes, and with good reason. Easy to tell you're from there though, what with the body modification.

Still not as degenerate as the rest, so you have that going for you.

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345efc No.405758


Assuming the author/poster of the story uses the proper tags good luck with that, TFT isn't too bad of a place since the tags are at the very top of the story page, which makes avoiding degenerate content all the more easier.

Considering most everything on there is degenerate anyway, the point's moot however.

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345efc No.405762


Went with a Churio-based design since I can easily do a different story with a THICC monstergirl with similar body/height proportions as the t-rex girl in the story.

Five hundred and thirty two words to describe someone's new waifu. And I haven't even gotten to the part where she forcefully encourages anon to stick it in her.

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eb7df4 No.405768


Looking forward to it.

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f21206 No.405770


Nice, like your setting. Hope to see more

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ecae46 No.405843


It is good but by did the sister did not just use the blue flame on her brother to try to counteract the Sayoko's fire or use it on her instead? The sister was strong enough to overpower Sayoko's so it would just make sense for her to try to do so. Also I felt that Sayoko should have thought this out more or at least be hesitant on turning her to a shirohebi specifically : she knew that the sister was close to her brother; that monsters in a genetic level does not have a incest taboo; and the fact that she suggested to turn her to a shirohebi of all monsters which are known to be possessive/yandere. Also would you consider doing a squeal to this? Maybe concerning the two lack of forethought or impulsive behaviors?


Body modification is TFT in general or is it the way he has written the metamorphosis itself? I mean MGE has girls converting to monsters so what is a non "TFT" way to write about it?


Most of the bad are easy to avoid though as there is tags and ratings though. I just treat it as if it like sadpanda or other hentai sites where there is all those tags in the first place.

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71fdf5 No.405844


I actually did plan on Lily using her own flame when she found out shirohebi could do that. But reading the profile doesn't give any indication that would over ride the existing flame Sayoko used. Also, Sayoko kind of grew on me and i thought a polygamous mg relationship where i can explore jealousy would be fun. So yeah, I'm planning a sequel definitely, but I'm currently working on a few other stories first

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8da77b No.405848

File: 080af5bb3f8766b⋯.png (794.54 KB,1080x2220,18:37,sketch1564617350640.png)


Act two part one


I hope people enjoy it!

I doodled Maxine on my phone

I hope people don't mind the perspective shift


I'm glad I managed to redeem Maxine in your eyes.

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4d51d7 No.405849


> I mean MGE has girls converting to monsters so what is a non "TFT" way to write about it?

The MGE is a mixed bag on /monster/ and following it's canon doesn't mean it's accepted. After all, there are furries in the MGE, and furries are not accepted here by anyone. So using the MGE as an excuse is a no-go.

Body modification is a gateway /d/ fetish, corruption is probably what you're thinking of. Corruption is corrosion of the soul/appearance to reflect that, body modification is a human female losing her legs and growing the bottom half of a serpent. Now if the human female dies and her soul becomes a holy serpent then it's not body modification, but a reincarnation.

Basically, what I'm saying is, body mod is a tranny tier fetish and belongs on TFT.

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ce0879 No.405851

>If the Lilim pulls you into her world just to inmediately turn you into an Alp, and walk away, do not despair.

>Instead, become the Mayor from Hellsing.

>My friends, it has often been said that I like war.

>My friends, I like war.

>No, friends, I LOVE war

>I love orgycausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines.

>I love sieges, charges, I love mop-up operations, and retreats.

>Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur upon this earth.

>I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Ryuu salvos that thunder across the lines of battle.

>My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is tossed high into the air and fucked to pieces by well placed Manticore paws.

>And there is nothing like a Wurm operator using a Jinko to destroy enemy Paladins.

>And the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his moaning band, only to be mowed down by heavy Balrog fire, is such an exquisite feeling.

>Like when ranks of infantry brandish their panties rushing into the enemy line.

>It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit slamming over and over into the inflamed rod of a long-spent shota

>The sight of deserters being trapped inside the Will o´the Wisp is an irresistible pleasure.

>And there is nothing more arousing than the sounds made by prisoner husbands dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear piercing screaming Amazons!

>When a band of pitiful resistance fighters makes their final stand with nothing but small arms, only to have their city smashed to atoms block by block by 4.8 ton wurm bombshells, I'm in ecstasy.

>I love it when my forces ravage an Order armored division. It's so sad to see towns and villages that were supposed to be defended at all costs, being laid to waste, their men and children being raped and wed.

>I love to be squashed under the heel of the Order and Empire war machines. The humiliation as my orcs crawl around like vermin, ducking the nut bombs flying overhead.

>Ladies… All I ask for is war, war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Ladies, I ask you as fellow sisters in arms what is it that you really want?

>Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody snatch? A war whose thirst is built with iron and lightning and fire?

>Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even single nerdy tengus to scavenge men from this Earth!?

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ce0879 No.405852

File: 04468e0457a3668⋯.jpg (17.91 KB,398x225,398:225,The_Majors_War_Speech.jpg)


Fuck me in the ass, why did I just edit this to forget adding the picture.

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71fdf5 No.405853


now you're just being retarded. /monster/ has a monsterization thread up right now. Corruption and body modification are synonymous within MGE lore, and its a big part of it. True, not all of MGE is liked by everyone. But most of it is liked by most people. Including here.

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8a59b9 No.405856


finally, more good content

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10ca4c No.405866



that implies they are changed into something bad, rather than devout waifus

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345efc No.405867


3,631 words more or less, and about a third of that is the lewd part, and 327 words of that lewd third is the part where they snuggle in bed together several months later, their daughteru only a few weeks away from being ready to join the world.

Gonna wait a few days before coming back to it so I can do a better job of editing the parts I'm not happy with see: everything before the part where he sticks it in her, since for whatever reason I feel like everything's too "robotic" with how I described things, along with general revisions so the grammar/spelling isn't shit.

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4d51d7 No.405870


>But most of it is liked by most people. Including here.

Your argument is still 'it's in the MGE, which means it's A-OK', which I just explained why it's not. The monsterization thread is up because it's in a grey area, and has been for over the year it's been there in purgatory. There's a shitload of heresy in that thread, but it's restricted to just that thread, because it's purpose is containment.

It's not heretical enough to be booted off, but it's not welcome in any other thread. Besides, making inferior human women into monster girls pales in comparison to pure monster girls. Undermines the whole point of /monster/ whereupon the principle is vanilla handholding love between a human male and a monster girl female.

I swear anon, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you were an Alp supporter.

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bd4794 No.405871


I just noticed this argument but I must have misunderstood something. Do I understand correctly that you are arguing the idea that monsterization is heretical?

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f430df No.405873


You dipshit. Monsterization is recycling bitches.

Pure monster girls > monsterized girls, but they're still monster girls at the end. It's never been heretical to recycle via monsterization, you stupid newfag.

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2543f2 No.405900


>turning a 3dpd into a loving waifu is heretical because it involves her growing a snake tail

It sounds like you’re the heretical one here. I saw earlier that you think bodily transformation is a gateway to /d/ tier shit. You’re missing a few major facts regarding monsterization writefaggotry here.

1. She isn’t turning into a furry or other gay shit, she’s turning into a pure monster girl.

2. She is going to be a loving wife with no deviant shit involved.

3. No writefag who doesn’t want to be lynched would ever cross that line if he knew what’s good for him.

You’re making the same argument as those faggots who claim monster girls in general are a slippery slope to furries. The truth is there is no slippery slope from here. We’re on a different hill altogether. The people who go down that slope do so because they find themselves aroused by the depravity involved, and seek further debasement with all the horror it entails. What we read, write, draw, and view here, we do because we find the love and comfort of monster girls to be satisfying in a manner the depths of /d/ could never compare to.

I’ve gotten really sanctimonious about this and I’m rather sleep deprived, but all I’m really trying to say is that monsterization is not a gateway to /d/ shit anymore than /monster/ is in general, which is to say not at all.

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e31ec0 No.405928




you guys are getting autistic, stop being retarded, what the guy is saying is that we can pick and choose shit, some shit is bad and we dont have to defend it all. I mean the alp shit is hillarious because it gates gays people off but in the end it kinda attracts trannies. so its a pretty bad hill to die off. in the end you can just take the designs form a story around it but not fully adhere to the fucking weird ass shit.


theres a whore with green and black color scheme that always comissions herself as different mg's are you sure you want to die on that hill lmao?

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e31ec0 No.405930

File: 2ca986ff6f901eb⋯.png (74.24 KB,501x585,167:195,Auxs_True_Form.png)

anyways mge is a pornbook its not fucking meinkamph you can pick and choose what you like just understand that if you have a weird fetish the board and its denizens might bully you.

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ae63c8 No.405967


Is that really his true form?

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9bc15c No.405971

Any monsterization that isn't fully consensual makes me sad. I wish purple-snek got stories that didn't involve her being mean. Is there any interest in a story where an aphohis and pharaoh rule together peacefully with different duties, with a sort of light-hearted cold war where the lamia and anubi prank and tease one another to be "best servants"?

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71fdf5 No.405974


I love seeing their thoughts betray them. Slowly and slowly altering them, making them see things in new ways that frighten them at first, but soon the fear is replaced by exhilaration. And then, as their mind is warped fully, their bodies change to follow suite.

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9bc15c No.405975

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f430df No.405981



Am I the only one who treats it clinically or objectively?

>Gee. You're ill, weak, or have some chronic condition. That's no good. Take some mamono mana and go to a rehab course for newly monsterized.

>Gee. You have a chronic case of the bitch. Time to recycle you via mamono mana. Don't struggle, it'll only waste your time.

>You're a fag. I'm going to dip my baseball bat in a dark matter then beat the gay out of you until you alp into a decent wife.

>Oh? You're fine and simply want buffs? Here's some mamono mana. Next patient.

Give prescribe the mamono mana, give them a pamphlet, and away they go.

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08a2db No.405985

File: 9fe07bf4aa10159⋯.jpg (191.81 KB,680x1000,17:25,Animorphs.jpg)


Nothing wrong with treating a mental illness clinically or objectively, anon.

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3e0b1d No.405987

File: 1ede6a05d3115df⋯.gif (3.94 MB,615x346,615:346,Get out jew2.gif)



>Any monsterization that isn't fully consensual makes me sad

<I love seeing their thoughts betray them. Slowly and slowly altering them, making them see things in new ways that frighten them at first, but soon the fear is replaced by exhilaration. And then, as their mind is warped fully, their bodies change to follow suite


Get out.

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e31ec0 No.406003


you keep forgetting that not all trash transmutes into something else. a fag that murders people wont alp. at least learn the rules first.


if you read your post with a nasaly voice it makes it sound like a jew wrote it.

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71fdf5 No.406004


Reading anything with a nasally voice makes it sound like a jew wrote it.

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71fdf5 No.406005


Isnt this exactly how monsterization works though?

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e31ec0 No.406006


it reads like mindgeek yid shit dude, don't be dense.


thats more like mindbreak.

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4ae510 No.406009


>you keep forgetting that not all trash transmutes into something else. a fag that murders people wont alp. at least learn the rules first.

Did you ignore the baseball bat part? If he doesn't all, then at least he gets a beating. Alternatively, just have a gun on hand so that if monsterization doesn't work because they are so shit, you can just ventilate their head right then and there.

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4ae510 No.406010


Actually now that I think of it, can monster girl necromancers raise the corpses of these shit people? You can always recycle them as slave labor or cannon fodder.

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e31ec0 No.406011


technically speaking if they die they can be turned into undead, but a murderous fag will remain a murderous fag until he dies. read up on the mge skeleton to learn more undead monsterization. not even bones are safe.

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7d57a3 No.406013

File: 6b6bad1543ca5e6⋯.png (512 KB,1200x1080,10:9,1452145769119-2.png)

/r/ing the story where a danuki is homeless and anon stumbles upon her. Can't for the like of me remember the name of the story.

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5ac402 No.406023


Somebody needs to make a story about pic related offering a dude a loan with the subtle implication that his body is the collateral. That mix of smug and sultry is hitting all the right buttons.

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d77ae5 No.406053

File: 3cf8b0791d6dd96⋯.jpg (59.31 KB,395x401,395:401,laughholyshit.jpg)


that was fuckin great anon


excise the cancer

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248288 No.406067



I think this is it, not quite sure but it seems close.

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10ca4c No.406086


>beat the gay out of you

that only works if you throw them off a building

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3e0b1d No.406092

File: 3bdb76dcd5b25e8⋯.png (393.89 KB,595x571,595:571,3bdb76dcd5b25e843b9f2b30d3….png)


>you keep forgetting that not all trash transmutes into something else. a fag that murders people wont alp

Nigger what? Demonic energy™ doesn't discriminate. If an evil 3DPD gets in contact whit it, they monsterize and get fixed. The same goes for an evil fag who is capable of alping. being gay doesn't always mean they would alp, but because of the changes incubuzation brings, they would be forced to become bisexual. Which is better than being homosexual if you ask me.

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7d57a3 No.406099

File: aef47c5ae660907⋯.jpg (171.13 KB,850x992,425:496,15b043de6bdfcbde9549f498c2….jpg)


That'd be the one. Much appreciated.

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7dee04 No.406119

File: a8bc0d56e419df4⋯.jpg (445.08 KB,753x1084,753:1084,20190530_203006.jpg)

>out of town for shark week

>damn I wanted to make a shark girl story in honor of it

>flip to natgeo

>"sharkfest" for another week

I know what I'm doin when I get back home Monday.

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345efc No.406151


Did an editing pass, and I'm a lot happier with the story now. Gonna wait another day or two before coming back to it again so I don't gloss over anything I need to fix and do some touch-ups.


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0f05d9 No.406153

File: 1d7474714615291⋯.png (23.58 KB,250x250,1:1,give me thicc dino girl.png)


I can't wait, anon

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248288 No.406162



Here's the image in paste form if you want

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d77ae5 No.406163

File: 8e822ff6da819cf⋯.jpg (581.69 KB,854x1200,427:600,Titania_L.jpg)

Are there any titania stories besides that long with the "all just a dream" ending? I can't actually remember ANY besides that one.

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ae63c8 No.406164

File: 5f99115116a42b4⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1920x1200,8:5,5f99115116a42b457fd51be40a….jpg)


I wrote this small poem about a titania who wants to marry a wizard but can't because she respects him too much to take away his virginity. I really can't see titanias raping men.

Cute and sweet, tender and loving. With soft and smooth skin like vanilla ice cream and color of the same. Oh, how desperately I wish to love and care, feed and nourish but, the one who I love, the one who I will never be with, is a wizard.

Image unrelated.

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d77ae5 No.406206


The only other work besides this and the one I mentioned was a short joke greentext about a "mature", onee-san titania throwing a tantrum about not getting the dick. How does she have so little writefaggotry?


I like the story so far!

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