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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b82b4c401466457⋯.png (66.77 KB,219x142,219:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e354df10a675079⋯.png (674.69 KB,558x700,279:350,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e8224 No.386511 [Last50 Posts]

Lilim are inherently homosexual mary sues that must be removed for the future of the the Incubus Ethnostate.

Many of u are beta low testosterone males… Only arguing about pointless politic and circlejerk, one must claim his waifu and be strong for the day of the rayp. We will overthrow the Demon Lord and 'Lilims' and establish Incubi Sharia

All /monster/bros are welcome into the Incubus Ethnostate but you must meet certain requirements.

1.) You must be Incubus or in process of Incubization

2.) You must be below 10% Bodyfat and not tw*nk… Only handsome beautiful men to match the beauty of the Mamono womyn

3.) You must be well-versed in combat or ready to learn at least…

4.) No Danukis allowed

5.) Paladins must be willing to become Dark Knight spec after incubize or u r gey! Puritanism for homo

Harem is allowed, optional but looked good if you can be strong man manage, strong man need many womyn produce many childran for heir…

Just because you are man does not guarantee you waifu, maybe chad come tayk it… But why be below chad, become Incubi king like rest of us and colonize conquer all womyn… I promote message to destroy dark age and win, no more worshipping a f*male matriarchal ammit goddess, may be controversial but not good brothers… I have much wisdom u must follow in the path of the Incubus bruders HH

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ef2a5d No.386512

File: e4b3c90228eaf74⋯.png (38.81 KB,745x390,149:78,306f608f-30b8-4e98-8c0a-32….png)


Uhhh, you do realize that if the Demon Lord is overthrown, all monstergirls will turn back into flesh-eating beasts?

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90e701 No.386513

File: 5bf9baa6562da34⋯.png (493.68 KB,988x1400,247:350,ClipboardImage.png)


Danuki lies to keep demon cuck and l*lim in place… succubus take desire of demon lord… if incubus in power (like me, handsome man) all mamono stay mamono, mayb becom better sex

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ef2a5d No.386514

File: 8d8e7550f94c792⋯.jpg (121.92 KB,993x1200,331:400,__dark_knight_and_succubus….jpg)


You can't fool me Chief God, you just want a pawn so you can go back to keeping humanity weak and helpless.

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c92285 No.386515


Here we have non-believer… He posts very sexy dark knight powerful waifu, but he prefer w*myn to be strong rather than himself

U must embrace the incubus mindset and dominate your w*myn, u can become KING

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ef2a5d No.386516

File: b43cc34762af68f⋯.jpg (31.77 KB,400x400,1:1,BixNood_400x400.jpg)

>pidgin English

>insults the mighty Ammit

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread.

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524810 No.386517


we wuz kwaynz

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c92285 No.386518


The Ammit fag is mostly a very weak, effeminate 'beta' male, worshipping monogamy and 'vanilla' romance to the point where he has defeated it's initial purpose and turned into another fetish. Fetishizing innocence much like a pedophile, he is a sad, sad disgrace of a human being.

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ef2a5d No.386520

File: caa36707a3c2baa⋯.gif (345.19 KB,376x355,376:355,get_out_jew.gif)


>monogamy and vanilla romance


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524810 No.386521

File: ab8b7af6f151940⋯.jpg (30.1 KB,500x250,2:1,image.jpg)



We can officially confirm this is an Ammit thread now, right?

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5db994 No.386522

Muh dik as well my fellow ape.

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c92285 No.386523



Ammitfags mad lmao

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ef2a5d No.386524

File: a223ccc2bf038c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.35 KB,800x593,800:593,No_niggers.jpg)


>my fellow ape

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ef2a5d No.386525

File: 8051ec3b69703b9⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,570x591,190:197,0TX4cSv4_o.jpg)


Don't you have your wife's son to raise?

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0d23a3 No.386527

File: 927316db2d2e091⋯.jpg (67.19 KB,736x736,1:1,1511971280881.jpg)

ALPHA♂MALE incubus revolt will overthrow the maou and start a new age where mamono realize submission to a real man is greater than any other pleasure

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5db994 No.386529

So this is the inverse of the beta uprising? All hail saint chad

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0d5a3d No.386530

>No Danukis allowed

You do realize Danukis are our greatest weapon to undo the Jews, right? A monster girl to surpass metal gear, if you will.

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ef2a5d No.386531


It's obviously a falseflagging 3DPD. Anyone who goes against Ammit is a filthy heretic.

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6fd097 No.386532

File: 5f63b3f51867f1b⋯.png (87.93 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0db3177f0918715⋯.png (1020.85 KB,850x1217,850:1217,ClipboardImage.png)

My name is ♂Chad♂

I'm an ♂Incubus♂, a ♂Performance Incubus♂

I like to fulfill ♂Mamono's fantasies.♂

Their ♂Deep♂Dark♂Fantasies♂

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ef2a5d No.386533

File: c984b4b9cedb0fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.95 KB,800x450,16:9,e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae….jpg)

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5c5a4a No.386534

File: bea652f087fa77c⋯.jpg (69.12 KB,818x1157,818:1157,bea652f087fa77c9aca03fb78a….jpg)


>abandoning humanity to be a faglord

I will break you in half.

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ef2a5d No.386535

File: c6ed8c78a8719ba⋯.png (193.76 KB,1860x1058,930:529,366f84d6-8ccf-4255-80a5-7f….png)


You don't understand. The Chief God is basically 3DPD Prime-devoted to keeping humanity weak and dependent on her, so she places limits on humanity. Incubi are humans who have broken free of those restraints.

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94ab8a No.386536

File: a14d5bbafa130a7⋯.png (267.47 KB,597x1014,199:338,romantic.png)

>this thread

You faggots know that maledom and even man-on-woman rape is inherently vanilla, right?

You see, vanilla, as we know it, means natural sex without any modern, degenerate fetishes or inclinations. This not only includes sex where the male is clearly dominant (as is natural), but also male-on-female rape, as rape is widespread in the animal kingdom and has been practiced in some form or another by nearly every human tribe that has ever existed. All of this female-on-male rape fantasies are an inversion and perversion of the natural way and are the product of an extrogen-laced, modern numale mind whose only saving graces when compared to some bitchboy posing mouth agape next to a Nintendo Switch is that he doesn't like getting cucked and is somewhat more aware of the realities of the world (but far from complete, hence his fetish). As such, man-on-mamono rape is vanilla and should be encouraged by a board that claims itself to be such. Whereas mamono-on-man rape is degenerate and proof that no matter how aware they might be of the kikes and the feminization of the modern man, much of /monster/ ultimately shows just how far the average western male has been subverted to their very core desires through the machinations of subversive Jews and big-brained anglo progressives.

Mamono fetishization is inherently fetishization of a woman of a different kind. This is natural for a man, as he seeks to subjugate and colonize other tribes while protecting his own. What ISN'T natural is wanting to be conquered by said tribe instead of the other way around, which is practically cuckoldry by any other name. So anons, will you follow the path of a man or the path of effeminate pseudocuckshit?

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903e27 No.386537

File: 18600575a3c52ae⋯.jpg (122.18 KB,811x1098,811:1098,f27271f2fcedac08e620409887….jpg)

It's by the grace of the daemon Lord and her lilims that we have been granted strength and waifus. You will never supplant her love. The boyim are hers. You've lost your war before it even started.

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ef2a5d No.386538


>rape is widespread in the animal kingdom and has been practiced in some form or another by nearly every human tribe that has ever existed.

Nice nigger argument.

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5c5a4a No.386539

File: ace193b31685e70⋯.png (5.02 MB,2957x1848,2957:1848,ace193b31685e70b236a0e52e3….png)



Fuck OP.

Fuck you.

Fuck incubbi.

Fuck the chief god.

That little slut was BTFO'd by a human, not by some gaylord with cuck horns. Humans improve and adapt, incubbi just suck dick, probably in the literal sense as well.

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43de66 No.386540

File: 87db94a73e08e2f⋯.jpg (29.98 KB,478x600,239:300,478px-Alp13.jpg)


You sure do like those 10% bodyfat incubi son.

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c92285 No.386541


No fatties allowed in the Incubus Sultanate

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ef2a5d No.386542



>gaylord with cuck horns

Wow, it's almost like you didn't even bother to look up the source material.

>Besides genital gargantuism, incubi do not receive (permanent) drastic physical changes comparable to, say, an arachne's abdomen or a succubus' wings and tail, although their eyes may change color due to demonic energy [5] (the source for the eye color change is not canon). They do, however, see away features that impeded their sex lives previously, like corpulence or the general frailties of old age.

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ef2a5d No.386543





Mudslimes are not welcome.

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9dadb0 No.386544

File: 59b81a8c3ad7a45⋯.png (82.47 KB,380x349,380:349,boomer dante.png)


so in the end everyone turns into a boomer wojack, a dante or boomer dante.

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c92285 No.386545

File: 7b81e98b135b57a⋯.gif (260.38 KB,680x433,680:433,qjpj86ge4r511.gif)


Frustration is getting bigger…

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ef2a5d No.386547


>Of course, the monsters have various different preferences for men, and there is such a thing as an ideal man to them, but there are hardly any types of men that they hate. Though they may feel that a handsome man is cool, or cute, it's not in their values to despise an ugly man as ugly. This even extends to virility during sex, which is normally very important to them. It's “wonderful” if a man has a huge tool and is well-versed in sexual techniques, but even if a man is timid and has a small tool, they just think “cute” or “I'll train him.” It is impossible to be excluded from the monsters' interest due to personal appearance or physical performance. Tales of ugly male bandits and thieves, etc. who were charmed after being attacked by monsters due to sheer pleasure and love and then had a change of heart and stopped attacking people are not uncommon. The only ones really hated by them are complete scum who are beyond redemption.

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3238e8 No.386548

Who let you in? You are from reddit. Am I on fullchan or reddit? It is reddit already. And it will be so from now on. No one believes a word you say. Another deformed kike, impotent as all deformed kikes are. There's one of you in every thread. I get it, you've browsed reddit your entire life, you have a tugging in your soul that says "none of this is true." But you're still a fucking moron. You deserve to be shot to death for this post. You clearly do not belong here, and will not for at least another two years, if ever. Lurk two years. You are not intelligent enough to post here. End of story. You fundamentally do not understand what this place is. Go back to reddit. Reported. >>>/reddit/. Viral marketers and redditors came in and turned the thread into India. That fucking reddit styling. Reddit spacing denounces a subhuman. I expect nothing less from a redditor like you. Literal fucking redditors. Tired of faggots like you fucking up every thread reeing about some shit from cuck chan. You fuck up more threads than any new faggot does with your constant bullshit. Look at these pathetic faggots. Why are you butt fuckers even here? You should be on reddit. The easiest way to tell someone here is a total basement dweller from cuckchan, a newfag from reddit, or just a kike shill, is by comparing their posts to yours. I feel like t_d has moved in, a hundred excited magapedes all descending upon us like a plague, patting each other in the back and being 'outraged' when we tell them to kill themselves. The moment your lardass waddled your way into the thread I knew you were gonna say some retarded shit. Great job admitting you support jew paid shills, you dumb fuck redditor.

There, that's it. That's the entirety of this meme website that isn't reddit low IQs slapping faces on random photographs. We lost, congrats, you stupid faggots. I'm pretty sure I'm not even on the smartest chan/imageboard anymore. Holy fucking christ, YOU are the problem. Only redditors and paid jewish shills have a problem with this. Why do you have a problem with it? Mcfucking kill yourself on your way back to reddit.

Keep crying, reddit. If you want to worship nogs, go do it on reddit. What good is leadership when you are a redditnigger that doesn't do what he's told and GTFO? Stop gargling so much soy and cock at the same time. Its not good for you. You deserve this pain. Kill yourself, reddit.

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94ab8a No.386550



Even the civilized societies took part in it, only after kike subversion and effeminization of the modern male did it become truly taboo, be free of the decay of modernity, young beta


Sounds good to me

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ef2a5d No.386551


Who are you even talking to?

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3238e8 No.386553


your mom faggot

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db7a43 No.386554


>Giving up your soul and humanity for some cheap demon puss

>Giving up your soul and humanity to be a pathetic "incubus" (see: Abomination before your family, your ancestors, your nation, and your God/s)


>Insulting Ammit


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ef2a5d No.386555

File: 7a2431a37d69033⋯.jpg (837.97 KB,1707x1731,569:577,1544150868425.jpg)


Ammit is not your friend, cuckchan /tg/shitter.

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6c25d2 No.386556


Trips image shows the truth our waifus give us unlimited power. Who needs sereums or new organs when you become a post human while dicking a qt.

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b55e1a No.386557

File: 501140f4f9b76c1⋯.jpg (548.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,marie says checkem.jpg)

Who would you want your harem of waifus to be in your Incubus Sultanate harem? I'm thinking a Lilim, an Atlach Nacha, and a kitsune


pic related

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ef2a5d No.386558

File: cbe3355d60af701⋯.png (681.46 KB,1306x1849,1306:1849,monogamy snek.png)


>Who would you want your harem of waifus to be in your Incubus Sultanate harem?

None, because I'm not a filthy mudslime.

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b55e1a No.386560

File: 1953a1178a6af5f⋯.jpg (58.12 KB,531x471,177:157,haram.jpg)


Laffir go and stay go

Good taste in snek tho

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18b5fe No.386561



I'll pass.

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5c5a4a No.386562



>liking toddlercon snek

Color me surprised.

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ef2a5d No.386563

File: cdf2fb6de6bc74c⋯.jpg (524.54 KB,1280x1861,1280:1861,04.jpg)


That's a grown woman though.

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c92285 No.386564


Nurarihyon, Demon, Oni, Wolfgirl and >>386514 girl looks dope

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ab9c9d No.386565

How weak are humans on birth again? And we still managed to get beings called "Heroes", who can duke it out with the most powerful creatures in existence. This is proof of our infinite potential. Becoming an incubus is giving up said potential. Why would anyone do that?

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c92285 No.386566

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4ed5e1 No.386567


That doesn't follow how would becoming a incubis give up hypothetical potential?

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ab9c9d No.386568


You'd become something less than human.


The weakness makes us able to overcome it and even overthrow the gods. Rebelling against the heavens is our fate and any proud human should do just that. OVERTHROW THE HEAVENS, OVERTURN THE EARTH

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af0fb9 No.386569

>this thread

Your job is to keep the other side of the political spectrum out if here.

We are under no obligation to entertain a bad guard dog.

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ef2a5d No.386570

File: 1439160033b5f29⋯.png (28.73 KB,1786x307,1786:307,aa60b177-75f0-48af-a428-e6….png)


Because we're not autistic faggots.

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ef2a5d No.386571

File: c2e909fe56d649f⋯.png (28.47 KB,1786x243,1786:243,fc89e471-da2a-48a6-a64d-d3….png)


Incubi are human, you dumb fuck.

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4ed5e1 No.386572


That doesn't fucking make sense. Is it human dna that has the potential? The mind? Soul? If you are going to make such an abstract statement John are going to need to explain.

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ab9c9d No.386573


What the exact reason for our infinite potential is I can not say as I do not know either.


If they were human they would be called human, not incubi.


>not wanting to give up my birthright as a human is me being autistic

Okay then.

Btw I never said anything about not fucking your monster waifu, but you can resist the vile change. You are human after all.

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ef2a5d No.386574


>If they were human they would be called human, not incubi.

Kindgergarteners aren't supposed to post here.

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9dadb0 No.386575

File: 5a6eaae8ab3213d⋯.jpg (243.49 KB,750x728,375:364,fc15a5e970986d72dcbe13aab0….jpg)


>implying you could ever get rid of your humanity.

News flash faggot, you cannot divorce yourself from your experiences. that mark will be forever put on you. Then again atheist reductionist jew philosophy desperately tries to push autistic finality on everything

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34d255 No.386576


If you can't quantify what causes it how do you know Incubi don't have it, that's assuming that they are not humans which I don't belive.

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a3ba5d No.386577

File: 03b1e2522ae1b9c⋯.jpg (8.7 KB,245x304,245:304,1456595191495.jpg)

>mfw this thread

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18b5fe No.386578


>Rebelling against the heavens is our fate

And every time we do that we get completely fucked over for trying.

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c92285 No.386581

Rebelling against God is the epitome of the Aryan Spirit.

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729cf4 No.386582


It's not in the European tradition to rebel or be a slave to divinity. Let the sand people play master and slave.

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729cf4 No.386583


If you are talking about tranceding mundane you are correct. Not following the Jewish god is not the same as full no gods no masters.

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ab9c9d No.386584


Incubi do not have it because they are no longer human. They may have been humans once but they no longer are.


How often have we failed at pretty much everything so far and still we pressed on and succeeded at one point or another? The heavens are just another stepping stone for us and one fine day they too will crumble before us.


Not just rebelling but overthrowing!

Humans may bow to their parents or ancestors but never to anything else. That would be humiliating ourselves. Although some people do get off of humiliation… hmmm.

As a Human you should hold your head high and stay what you are. Of course that is still just what I think. If you wish to become a incubus instead that's up to you. I just don't see any sense in it.

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ef2a5d No.386585


>What makes us human?

>I don't know, but I know incubi don't have it!

That argument may work on your kindergarten classmates, but it won't help you here.

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095671 No.386587

File: 1ba23c75d82c3b4⋯.gif (1017.95 KB,391x270,391:270,Good Lord 2.gif)

>Muh beta males, muh incubi, muh sharia

The thread

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add2c4 No.386588


For some one obssessed with trancedance you seen to have a lack of higher reasoning.

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18b5fe No.386590

File: 2f5da3ee50cc483⋯.png (10.88 KB,225x225,1:1,Thinking Jenny.png)


>Humans may bow to their parents or ancestors but never to anything else

>Biblical God is everyone's ancestor

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c92893 No.386593


Odin as all father, that logic doesn't even work with non abrihamic religions.

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18b5fe No.386594


What's the first god that comes to mind when someone says that we rebel against the heavens?

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a802fa No.386595

File: 019d1d2a6773d3d⋯.jpg (303.53 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,IMG_1522.JPG)

>Order if full of no-fun fags who hate waifus.

>Chief God is a turbobitch.

>Lilim and demon lord are mary sues.

>These incubi chump speak and act like niggers.

>I probably pissed off /monster/'s local goddesses somehow.


I'm going to make my own gods damned demon realm. One full of kikimoras, androids, automatons, gremlins, cursed gun girls, lizard girls who took up the gun, and ship girls.

Then i'll stuff it full of guns. Lots of guns. More guns than I know what to do with, but i'll find a way to do it somehow. I'll make it into a land of /k/-tier autism on overdrive combined with monster girls. It'll be fucking amazing. And if any dumbfuck wants to start shit, we'll shoot 'em while yelling out


I'll even sic out Cheshire/IDW fusions on the rest of the world out of spite.

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554e3f No.386596


I agree with you that people think of the god jesus and the best conductor, my point was it's a stupid statement no matter how you look at it.

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554e3f No.386597


>hero and sucubuss wife overthrow previous demon Lord

>sububuss becomes demon Lord and turn monsters into monster girls

>the powerful children of the fiery like demon Lord are leading armies trying to spread monster girls over the earth.

>theyndobt lose enough so fuck them I'm going to take what their trying to spread and spread it myself but with the nap

This is autism goy just form your own society under the demon Lord. Where do your goals diverge?

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18b5fe No.386598


Fair enough then.

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5e3417 No.386599


>Shitting on the Great JUSTICE even in jest

Heretic niggers leave

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f55630 No.386601


>that spoiler

Jesus christ how horafying

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a802fa No.386602


Did you miss the autism part? It's fun being the wildcard.

Also, I though about it. Onis are welcome too. We need booze and the idea of a slav oni lugging around a DshK to wreck shit with sounds right up my alley.

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0f3a84 No.386605


It's cringe to me to complain about lilims being Mary sues and then describe a marry sue scenario.

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a802fa No.386607


Eh, they may or may not be mary sues. It's just fun to tease them about being mary sues.

10/10 wud bulli

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79e8a4 No.386613

File: a6bb73e26bd82ee⋯.jpg (200.29 KB,845x1200,169:240,kindly.jpg)

>Forsaking the Empra

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421352 No.386614

File: 0bba97718b1be9f⋯.jpg (165.49 KB,416x900,104:225,159a1b7294686ed689240ca885….jpg)


worry not slave to the corpse emperor your wife and your children shall be daemons, even though you reject them they still love you.

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ef2a5d No.386615

File: 68e2dcb3a884665⋯.png (69.41 KB,1852x405,1852:405,3d283f2a-3d9b-4aa8-b1af-61….png)

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5c5a4a No.386618


>implying 40k autists wouldn't pulverize the chief god with a nuclear EFP

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af0fb9 No.386619


Uhh, does attempted assimilation count as starting sh*t? Because this isn't a demon realm…

It's literally hevan.

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e1d43e No.386620

File: 511eda32d3b23ce⋯.jpeg (38.2 KB,640x480,4:3,84429F68-4C04-47E6-A73E-5….jpeg)





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a7a6b2 No.386621


Obeying God's laws made Europe strong and abandoning Him opened the gates to most modern ailements, heathen.

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0d23a3 No.386622

File: 4d9478636de866a⋯.jpg (37.3 KB,823x960,823:960,1517877685574.jpg)


shut up semite

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a802fa No.386623


You know you can say shit here, m80.

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af0fb9 No.386624


I know, I can't physically swear.

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18b5fe No.386628


>I can't physically swear

Why, did your mum put a swear filter on your computer?

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c92285 No.386630


Cringy Slavaboo subhuman

Cossacks are allowed into the Incubus Sultanate for horse warrior culture

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4c5132 No.386631


Be a nigger elsewhere.

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095671 No.386633


>Calls the Slav (Slavs are white you nigger) out on cringe

>Unable to see his own cringe

You are a nigger anon, if not then you are just a wigger

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c92285 No.386636


Don't care pidorashka :—DD

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095671 No.386643


How cute

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e1d43e No.386644


God’s supposed fucking laws being in Europe are why the kikes are in power right now.

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af0fb9 No.386645


I made it a goal to never use profanity for moral reasons. I still keep it out of habit. Yes even in this porn board with political cancer from the white nationalists.

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af0fb9 No.386646


Could you please show your autistic homework?

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a802fa No.386654


You talk like a nogger and your shit's retarded.

Also, you're a reddit-spacing faggot.

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5c5a4a No.386656


>for moral reasons


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18b5fe No.386657


I second that, we need an explanation.

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28508d No.386659


Thing is the OP is a literal mouth breather who probably thinks it's good to keep your wife in bondage 24/7 or some shit instead of doing that shit in the bedroom. Again MGs love their husbands and even the most domming ones would probably enjoy heir husbands taking charge and making them feel powerless. A realtionship is give and take at it's very core.

The problem is male-dom or fem-dom faggots, it's the faggots who exist at the far ends of the spectrum and retards who don't realize this,

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28508d No.386660



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af0fb9 No.386663



I was raised in a conservative Christan home and spent my entire middle school career in homeschool, with little to no involvement in church activities, or homeschool get-togethers. This fracked up my social life. I never fit in with any kind of crowd, so I was never pressured to change that quirk, I came up with various words based on the slagging Transformers mythos (no, I couldn't find any other fans like me because I was a bay-hater after Transformers 2), so I didn't have many friends, and my parents were overprotective and lazy at the same time, don't you form any friendships, but we're not going to get you to any events, either. Even God himself seemed to snub me. Imagine being a good boy and praying for the baptism by fire (all the cool stuff starts happening) only for it to fall upon the 400-pound man wearing only a speedo covered in body hair and tattoos in front of you. I never felt the need to break the habit once formed.

Sorry for the rant.

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dd243c No.386664


Nice blogpost, newfag. Tough shit, but cursing is normal for anyone above the age of 15 and no one is going to take you seriously if you say “frack” when you get into a car accident. Get back to lurking and come back after 2 years and you grow up.

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5c5a4a No.386668


Honestly, it sounds stupid as shit. You'd think you'd pick up cussing from image boards instead of going out of your way to do censor yourself because you're used to it.

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4e8e46 No.386669

File: 68242f04bd2f254⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,700x1263,700:1263,Chamber.jpg)

Mankind and the Mamono will never come to an understanding. This is because they have rejected civilization itself. If mankind possessed bodies as tough and powerful as those of the Mamono, there would have been no need to develop Machine Calibers.

My system is the product of mankind's knowledge. However, we are needed by mankind in order to augment their weak bodies. It can be surmised that mankind advanced their intellect and founded civilization in order to overcome their own limitations.

Civilization itself is proof that mankind stands at the apex of all creation. However, the Incubi have abandoned their human forms, along with their bodily limitations. To merely pursue and satisfy one's well-being and desires as a biological creature, a higher level of intelligence is not necessarily required.

Machine Calibers are the only means for mankind to remain itself.

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18b5fe No.386670


Anon, this is such a pathetic excuse for your strange habit, there are plenty of other people who have had that kind of school life too and they don't censor themselves like little kids, it's alright if you don't want to swear, but censoring yourself by saying crap like frack and slagging? Come on man.

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18b5fe No.386671

File: 940642360622c95⋯.jpeg (65.35 KB,960x540,16:9,Clone Trooper army.jpeg)


Fuck you clanker, you droids stopped being relevant ages ago after you lost to the Republic, now piss off before we sic the clones on you again.

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9aa8b8 No.386672


was there not an anime that had that as a plot point? Also that armor/robot will morph to a monster.

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3238e8 No.386676

File: 8b32ebe399f2c5a⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,540x720,3:4,el willy.jpg)

incubus gang

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d8b690 No.386680


Your innate desire for a god is wasted on a semite volcano demon. Your religion has objectively failed Europe and your conservatism has failed to conserve anything.

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ef2a5d No.386693

File: de1c9779da56934⋯.png (195.45 KB,1701x3074,1701:3074,b0452ecb-9848-4506-8a8d-97….png)

File: d19ed2545ea7187⋯.png (25.35 KB,1863x203,1863:203,d0868891-3ab8-4e76-afd6-82….png)

File: 95b7657270486af⋯.png (61.7 KB,1701x284,1701:284,1538862600219.png)


Hi Spacebattles.

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18b5fe No.386698


>And 8chan

I would have been better off not knowing that these cunts know about us.

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c92285 No.386699

Cyborg fags out here trying to chop off their dongs to avoid getting rayped, pathetic… If mamono rayp u, u rayp back

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6d608a No.386700


Chambers was too good of a character for that shitshow.

God-tier bro.

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9b4579 No.386703


Reported for niggerspeak.

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42270f No.386705


It'd be nice to meet one of these cunts in real life so that we could violently beat the stupid out of them.

I'd say breaking all the bones in their hands and bashing their teeth out with a hammer should get the point across.

Of course this would be wrong and illegal to do, so don't do it. :^)

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983d97 No.386706


I wouldn't worry, it looks like about 9-12 mega autists who literally filled a 200 page forum of just them asking about basic MGE components they could have looked up themselves, then circle jerking about fan theories on them. It would have just been ended here by a 'lerk moar nigger' and a ban.

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ef2a5d No.386724

File: 021a49d94015e3f⋯.png (228.49 KB,1863x1681,1863:1681,13eb2607-1b64-408b-a560-3f….png)


SpaceBattles hates MGE because it offends their left-wing sensibilities.

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18b5fe No.386735

File: 54812b6cf9898eb⋯.png (9.99 KB,255x216,85:72,......png)


>Warhammer 40K fan bitching about "homophobia"

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2d8a76 No.386739


Must be one of fulgrims boys.

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0d5a3d No.386750


MGE confirmed for best setting.

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c92285 No.386787


incubus gang

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ef2a5d No.386789

File: c178ddb5f223f1d⋯.jpg (117.46 KB,500x594,250:297,63182235_p0.jpg)


I went to that forum to see why they hated MGE a lot, and I saw a poke-furry poster post his solution to MGE that isn't genocide: Have them make monster-"people" that aren't

>strictly female even when they're species like echidna

>aren't as sexual

>aren't as "sex = marriage" thinking

And most importantly…

>aren't as monogamous

That's right, the self-proclaimed "crusaders for humanity" think the arguably most human aspect of monstergirls is bad.

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f62b5f No.386796


You know, the reason why western society is so shit now is because we don't give violent beatings to dumb fuck's like said forum poster.

I'm sure bashing his teeth out with a hammer would change his mind or at least make him keep his retardation to himself.

Also, are monster girls fine with men who have violent thoughts if said violence is directed at people who deserve beatings? I know they don't like the whole killing or causing misfortune for fun but, but what about if it's done out of rage and righteous fury?

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e811e3 No.386798


It was specified they don't like sadistic sociopaths, not that that hate violence. I'm sure all monster girls would gush like images falls of you defended her honor by force.

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3238e8 No.386809


incubus gang

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ef2a5d No.386811




It must be very difficult living life when you're only capable of saying two words.

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da826f No.386827



go back to reddit, we Incubus Gang nao

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b55e1a No.386828

incubus gang

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3238e8 No.386832

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e14f02 No.386834

File: 4c810d90ecd2848⋯.jpg (80.62 KB,1200x675,16:9,Rocket Racer's distant soy….jpg)

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3238e8 No.386835

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da826f No.386836

File: 500972d743d79e5⋯.png (3.45 MB,1777x1000,1777:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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3238e8 No.386837

File: 76093d08e9b2748⋯.jpg (23.91 KB,514x526,257:263,el hampa seria.jpg)

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3238e8 No.386838


incubus gang

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983d97 No.386840

File: 73c9271969a338a⋯.jpg (97.2 KB,480x552,20:23,16864184_1407401699317256_….jpg)


incubus gang

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7c0065 No.386841

File: c005059435d7c2e⋯.jpg (521.64 KB,1781x1300,137:100,16.jpg)


incubus gang

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ef2a5d No.386842

Are we getting raided or something?

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9dadb0 No.386843



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da826f No.386844

File: a5fda03983480e2⋯.png (223.47 KB,466x308,233:154,ClipboardImage.png)



incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang

pop 3 mamonos on slave chains

my reptile waifu love cummies

I fuck a mamono i forgot her name

incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang incubus gang

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3238e8 No.386845

hola soy incubus gang

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5c5a4a No.386847



You can't even be a nigger properly.

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e1d43e No.386863

File: 939485f6c13e4c1⋯.jpeg (54.8 KB,300x358,150:179,0C0F707F-79E5-460B-8FCE-2….jpeg)

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5c5a4a No.386865

File: 59312a1c6310547⋯.jpg (775.91 KB,800x816,50:51,59312a1c63105474aba99917a5….jpg)


>"ironically" making "ironic" nigger memes

And this is why the imperium of man will triumph in the end.

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79e8a4 No.386869

File: 3b3d0ea4605147b⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,373x521,373:521,SPESE.jpg)

Battle Brothars!

Spehss Mahrens, todeh the enemeh is at oua doar!

We know oua duteh and we will do eet.

We fight for our honor as Blod Rehvens,

as SPESS MAHRENS, and we fight in the nehme of the Empra!And if we die this deh we die in gloareh, we die heroes' deffs, but we shall not die, no!

It is the enemeh who will tehste deff and defeat!

As you know! Moast of oua battle brothars are shtehtioned in SPEHSS, Pruhpeared to deep strike!

Oua perimeter has been pruhpeared in the even dat oua enehmies should be so bald and so foolish.

We have plehced numerous beacons, allowing for muhltiple, simuln-tehneous and devashtehting defensive deep strikes

The Codecks astartees nehmes this maneuvah Steel Rehn.

We will descend upon the foe, we will ovawhelm them – we will leave none alive!

Meanwhile oua ground fawses will ensue the full defense of oua headkwaters

We are the spehss mahrens! WE ARE THE EMPRA'S FUREH!"

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3292a8 No.386870


I don't know what you did, but I'm enjoying it.

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3b0e7e No.386873

File: f334aa5f52c0871⋯.jpeg (115.82 KB,490x565,98:113,1CDE2126-2105-4B3E-B9C7-9….jpeg)

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0c3f52 No.386875

File: 8d20cdfb5d021b4⋯.jpeg (85.71 KB,600x450,4:3,D8E0AE50-67E8-4DDA-B13F-5….jpeg)

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7c0065 No.386918

File: 22437468c549883⋯.jpg (82.14 KB,515x499,515:499,image0.jpg)

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3238e8 No.386919


ÒwÓ SPWACE MAWINES! Teh enemy is at ouw doow!

We know ouw duty and we wiww do it as bwood wavens tackleglonps ur xeno friend with chainsword as SPWACE MAWINES and wi fight in teh naem of the EMPEWO~ ÒwÓ


As you know UwU most of our bwattle bwothas awe stationed in SPWACE, pwepawred to DWEEP STWIKE!

Owu pewimeter has been pwepaerd in case our enemies wouwd bwe so bwave and so foowish.

We have pwaced numewous bweacons, awwowing for muwtipwowe, simultaniwus and devastwating DWEEP STWIKES! ÒwÓ

The Codwex astawtwes names this manwuve STWEEW WAIN. We wiww deswend upon ouw foe, UwU, we wiww ovewhewm them UwU, we wiw weave NONE AWIVE ÒwÓ! Meanwhiwe ouw gwound fowces will ensuwe the fuww defwence of ouw headqwawters UwU



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45ac06 No.386922



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f55630 No.386924




Who in the blue fuck invited facebook to post on /monster/?

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e14f02 No.386925


This seems more like the work of Mimi, anon.

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3238e8 No.386926

File: da6334a152cc386⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,192x240,4:5,tupac found in serbia.jpg)

incubus gang

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eb8bcb No.386927

File: 89bde2940bd62be⋯.gif (1014.99 KB,500x306,250:153,don't_want_none.gif)

>This entire fucking thread

>Aux only bumplocks it instead of deleting it

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b55e1a No.386928

File: b8073aab8ab6057⋯.png (63.03 KB,995x935,199:187,sam.png)

incubus gang

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3238e8 No.386931

File: 959dd967a07fd22⋯.jpg (99.98 KB,640x480,4:3,sminem incubus gang.jpg)

incubus gang

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b55e1a No.386932

File: b977cdaa3df775f⋯.png (434.6 KB,750x754,375:377,incubus gang.png)

incubus gang

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ef2a5d No.386947

Where the fuck is Aux?

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7c0065 No.386948


part of incubus gang

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ef2a5d No.386949


And now it's been unlocked. God truly has abandoned us.

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a802fa No.386952

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3238e8 No.386972

incubus gang

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da826f No.386973

Reminder the Incubus Warrior ethnostate will be here and you'll all be beta cucks while the incuchads fuck their waifus brains out with huge penis…

And there's nothing you can do about it

Incubus Gang

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3238e8 No.387014

File: 341faacef3783bd⋯.jpg (69.4 KB,750x562,375:281,hownew.ru incubus gang.jpg)

incubus gang

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45ac06 No.387016

I don't get it.

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a802fa No.387018


Cuckchan decided to visit and Aux is being a lazy fuck.

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82c932 No.387021


Why do they think their funny?

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a802fa No.387022



Also, because they are cuckchan rapefugees who think shitting up boards is fun.

If I ever met one of the meme-spewing faggots, I wouldn't have any hesitation in violently beating them.

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5e3417 No.387023



At least they're being decent enough to quarantine the shitposting to a single thread

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e2e97c No.387026

File: 5e5027a67e9363d⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,480x360,4:3,all deez kidz.mp4)


You must be r-select.

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ef2a5d No.387028





Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before his mother finds out and suspends his computer privileges.

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ce66c4 No.387031


>15 niglets


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7c0065 No.387036

File: ed4d1cde97e16dc⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,640x640,1:1,34mp4.mp4)

incubus gang

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5c5a4a No.387039

File: 5e7d6116b1b5354⋯.webm (1.35 MB,1024x576,16:9,1463283127323.webm)


>has 5 kids

>no father

>meets gigger nigger

>decides to have another 10 kids with gigger nigger

>gigger nigger gets arrested

>people donate food

>social services provides rent and furniture


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da826f No.387041

File: 5e41aad13473bbd⋯.png (2.28 MB,911x911,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


In this pic, Average anti-incubus gang poster (right) versus new entry to Incubus Gang (left)

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da826f No.387044

Gang de Incubusa

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da826f No.387045

File: 04168985a363cfc⋯.png (1.06 MB,744x826,372:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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e14f02 No.387051

File: 909abb708a89b53⋯.png (306.88 KB,991x1079,991:1079,Ammit's menacing ass.png)


Ammit is the current demon lord though.

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ea801d No.387056

File: 64dfba21a5f2721⋯.jpeg (102.88 KB,643x489,643:489,D89DA48D-B964-4CAE-9BBE-0….jpeg)

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ef2a5d No.387078

File: 2cdd96aba45a09a⋯.png (195.37 KB,498x780,83:130,monster_vs_degenerate_(fix….png)

>OP thinks being dommed by a monstergirl is the same as being dommed by 3DPD.

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ef2a5d No.387103

File: b454cf3e134a8cf⋯.jpg (95.74 KB,726x520,363:260,monster_girls.jpg)


Monster girls are to human men what human men are to human women.

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fb5f5b No.387129


>implying I don't want to dominate strong monstergirls and make them submit

look at this faggot

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d71d87 No.387182


Fool! The Danuki will just replace the jews and become a more powerful super juden with mamono mana

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d71d87 No.387183



>Not the niggers of Europe

Oh I’m laffing

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ef2a5d No.387184

File: 094d5dabd0f70dc⋯.png (498.97 KB,1100x854,550:427,zmwacYAq_o.png)

3DPD dominating men is unnatural because human women are weaker than men and therefore have to resort to trickery to gain dominance. Monstergirls are stronger than men and therefore don't need such underhanded tactics.

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a802fa No.387186


Eat shit.

You can thank the brits and frogs for interfering in the removal of turks and the krauts who decided to send fucking Lenin over for the current state.

Could've nipped communism in the bud and maybe get rid of some kikes, but no. Enjoy your "victory" with all the diversity and poz, cunt.

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17dbc8 No.387187

File: 57eb7270596025a⋯.gif (584.94 KB,600x338,300:169,57eb7270596025a3fc04f50c96….gif)


>we want to fix it

There's that phrase again.

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095671 No.387188




Blessed Anon



Is that right Jafar?

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ef2a5d No.387189

File: 073d3f2cc901b36⋯.png (73.59 KB,1863x529,81:23,53c2069f-a52e-4058-99ca-ba….png)

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5c5a4a No.387190

File: 9ba882ce0d96d71⋯.webm (1.15 MB,314x222,157:111,MFM relationship.webm)


>monogamy isn't natural

The second a single man became able to support an entire family, relationships with multiple males became practically nonexistent.

Monogamy has been, for the most part of human history, the normal form of relationship (by the actual definition of the word normal), with harems(1 man, 2 or more women) being far behind. Multiple men and one or more women relationships (actual relationships, not counting cucking, NTR,"open relationships", and so on) simply don't work as well because men are competitive and won't react as well to having to share the same woman if they can singlehandedly provide and protect a woman themselves, not to mention the biological implications of not having a guarantee to pass your genes on, the opposite of 1 man harems, because if two guys fuck a girl, only one of them can impregnate her, but a guy can fuck two girls and impregnate them both. Throughout nature there's not a single species that has 1 girl harems except species where a male can't provide everything for a female, like ants or bees. A human male can protect, provide for his wife and kids, so there's no reason to share a girl with other men, hence why it's not common and it wasn't something you'd really see until recently where it became somewhat popular due to purely hedonistic reasons, and not due to actual necessity.

MGQ has exactly that, monogamy being the normal relationship, but for the men who can and want, polygamy is a possibility via bicorns. Even disregarding the fact that it's a literal male fantasy, multiple men relationships isn't in any way required, a monster can safely live off a man and do all she can to take care of him, having multiple might even impact the individual performance of the men, due to the nature of monster girls and human man, the only way to prevent said impact would be to have a girl for each, which simply returns to monogamy.

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ef2a5d No.387194

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5c5a4a No.387195


Shit, I meant MGE.

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da826f No.387197


Constantly blaming others for being in such a shit state is gay, very few slavic nations are good, but those that are do it well. The rest are degenerated peoples.

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ea81a3 No.387203

File: d07172a2a702c58⋯.jpg (80.3 KB,540x720,3:4,el willy incubus gang.jpg)

incubus gang

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0f5da1 No.387205

File: a8592ed5d23c866⋯.jpg (187.66 KB,897x1000,897:1000,1389642162334.jpg)

By the lord, this thread is cursed! Brothers, to arms!

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63bf5f No.387217

File: 7d65141f3401f2f⋯.png (95.08 KB,245x279,245:279,asthmatic_librarian_tells_….png)

>This thread is still up

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b55e1a No.387227

File: 4177848c7716193⋯.jpg (300.94 KB,1601x978,1601:978,Image0.jpg)


Incubus gang

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eca868 No.387235

>this whole thread

My sides. Everyone in here is larping like chuuni motherfuckers.

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f55630 No.387239


They're LARPing … and making a duplicate thread. Here's the original


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da826f No.387240


epic joke bro when you alping?

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872d05 No.387295


Paladindu be usefull for once

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e0ad67 No.387319


It's your nations of backward peasants fault if they couldn't graduate from medieval society on their own. The collossal fuck ups of your kings made communism initially palatable for a big chunk of your population

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7c0065 No.388698

File: df58fc187a8fe83⋯.png (699.31 KB,1185x620,237:124,The-Ritual-Banner.png)

incubus gang

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4e8e46 No.388700


You have been raised up from brutality to kill the brutals who multiply and are legion. To this end Zardoz your god gave you the gift of the gun. The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds and creates new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men as once it was, but the gun shoots death and purifies the Earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill.

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3292a8 No.388702

File: 2f6b49cfe082034⋯.png (Spoiler Image,280.61 KB,640x360,16:9,Memetic_exterminatus.png)

You forced my hand, it would rather be stroking my peen right now

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379681 No.388799

>Not repeatedly impregnating your Hellwan/Cheshire/Manticore/whatever waifu while mainlining holy water to the soft chants of castrated, blind Servitors singing praises of the Emperor, and then dragging her ass through the stars to help you claim the galaxy in Mankind's name

>Not having your Cheshire dick over Tzeentchian cultists for the lels

>Not having your Oni pub-dunk the nearest Ork Nob

>Not running your regiment's supply lines with autism and danuki jewishness



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a3ba5d No.388801

>this absolute crime of a thread is somehow still up

Ah well, /monster/, it was fun while it lasted.

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37fb23 No.388807

>all these LARPers and shitposters

That AMA truly was a bad decision

Also you do know that incubi are demons right? Their nut alone can turn anyone into a monstergirl, what about that screams human?

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ef2a5d No.388810

File: dcb11778b900cce⋯.png (29.4 KB,1786x243,1786:243,d1c566db-a2f3-4182-b78f-34….png)

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37fb23 No.388811

File: 1178f9c969bf058⋯.jpg (49 KB,600x450,4:3,anime.jpg)


>beings of spirit energy

>produces pure demonic energy with their monstergirl gf's flavor

It's almost like they're beings of corrupted demonic energy, really makes you think.

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ef2a5d No.388812


MGE is made for people who A: who don't want to work or deal with the troubles of daily life and B: want a cute and loyal waifu. Such people are generally don't autistically obsess over "muh humanity."

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37fb23 No.388813


Well yeah, in the end the entire purpose of KC making incubi was to make it so your immortal waifu doesn't outlive you. Arguing over it though still is fun even though it doesn't matter in the slightest.

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b55e1a No.388842

File: 6a2d0668a953a2a⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,2598x3543,866:1181,edgy cutie.jpg)

incubus gang

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db9a10 No.388847

File: f7d7dd099dfcb7f⋯.gif (1.83 MB,200x200,1:1,nash.gif)


>He's still at it

The following post has been paid for by the n.W.o

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7c0065 No.388848


incubus gang

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732c67 No.399848

File: be5209950631fd0⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB,300x370,30:37,78EAB7A9-0876-408E-A040-E….jpeg)

Fuck incubus gang. Humanity gang for life yo.

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423d81 No.399850

File: b61bccf8fc17c1b⋯.jpg (287.02 KB,640x640,1:1,peruario en lima.jpg)

incubus gang

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e78c3e No.400041

inCELcubusgang lmao

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344182 No.400054

File: c771461d4139b4b⋯.png (225.87 KB,666x500,333:250,D7QSoIRWsAEB3Kq.png)

Incubus Gang

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711667 No.400055

>This /leftypol/-tier thread is still up.

>You cunts decided to actually bump it.

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423d81 No.400075

File: 8ca6acc905fc6c4⋯.jpg (109.81 KB,1440x2004,120:167,retarded fat mouse kot.jpg)


incubus gang

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133f64 No.400709

bump, get the tranny mod to clean up my post

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9dadb0 No.400721


ok, retard

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031cde No.400725

File: ccfc4f01be9b8ca⋯.jpg (5.04 KB,174x154,87:77,mexicano.jpg)

ganga de los incúbos

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8bd9aa No.400744


>rape is inherently vanilla

/monster/ in a nutshell

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344182 No.400823

File: 1f725304c8f39bc⋯.jpg (119.81 KB,1170x600,39:20,874922_o681d.jpg)

Incubus gang on left, Amm*t cucks on the right

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82a48d No.400824

File: 7d54dcada8d38fd⋯.png (291 KB,577x432,577:432,1536772299769.png)



Sure smells kikey in here…

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