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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b82b4c401466457⋯.png (66.77 KB,219x142,219:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e8224 No.386511 [View All]

Lilim are inherently homosexual mary sues that must be removed for the future of the the Incubus Ethnostate.

Many of u are beta low testosterone males… Only arguing about pointless politic and circlejerk, one must claim his waifu and be strong for the day of the rayp. We will overthrow the Demon Lord and 'Lilims' and establish Incubi Sharia

All /monster/bros are welcome into the Incubus Ethnostate but you must meet certain requirements.

1.) You must be Incubus or in process of Incubization

2.) You must be below 10% Bodyfat and not tw*nk… Only handsome beautiful men to match the beauty of the Mamono womyn

3.) You must be well-versed in combat or ready to learn at least…

4.) No Danukis allowed

5.) Paladins must be willing to become Dark Knight spec after incubize or u r gey! Puritanism for homo

Harem is allowed, optional but looked good if you can be strong man manage, strong man need many womyn produce many childran for heir…

Just because you are man does not guarantee you waifu, maybe chad come tayk it… But why be below chad, become Incubi king like rest of us and colonize conquer all womyn… I promote message to destroy dark age and win, no more worshipping a f*male matriarchal ammit goddess, may be controversial but not good brothers… I have much wisdom u must follow in the path of the Incubus bruders HH

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e14f02 No.387051

File: 909abb708a89b53⋯.png (306.88 KB,991x1079,991:1079,Ammit's menacing ass.png)


Ammit is the current demon lord though.

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ea801d No.387056

File: 64dfba21a5f2721⋯.jpeg (102.88 KB,643x489,643:489,D89DA48D-B964-4CAE-9BBE-0….jpeg)

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ef2a5d No.387078

File: 2cdd96aba45a09a⋯.png (195.37 KB,498x780,83:130,monster_vs_degenerate_(fix….png)

>OP thinks being dommed by a monstergirl is the same as being dommed by 3DPD.

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ef2a5d No.387103

File: b454cf3e134a8cf⋯.jpg (95.74 KB,726x520,363:260,monster_girls.jpg)


Monster girls are to human men what human men are to human women.

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fb5f5b No.387129


>implying I don't want to dominate strong monstergirls and make them submit

look at this faggot

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d71d87 No.387182


Fool! The Danuki will just replace the jews and become a more powerful super juden with mamono mana

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d71d87 No.387183



>Not the niggers of Europe

Oh I’m laffing

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ef2a5d No.387184

File: 094d5dabd0f70dc⋯.png (498.97 KB,1100x854,550:427,zmwacYAq_o.png)

3DPD dominating men is unnatural because human women are weaker than men and therefore have to resort to trickery to gain dominance. Monstergirls are stronger than men and therefore don't need such underhanded tactics.

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a802fa No.387186


Eat shit.

You can thank the brits and frogs for interfering in the removal of turks and the krauts who decided to send fucking Lenin over for the current state.

Could've nipped communism in the bud and maybe get rid of some kikes, but no. Enjoy your "victory" with all the diversity and poz, cunt.

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17dbc8 No.387187

File: 57eb7270596025a⋯.gif (584.94 KB,600x338,300:169,57eb7270596025a3fc04f50c96….gif)


>we want to fix it

There's that phrase again.

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095671 No.387188




Blessed Anon



Is that right Jafar?

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ef2a5d No.387189

File: 073d3f2cc901b36⋯.png (73.59 KB,1863x529,81:23,53c2069f-a52e-4058-99ca-ba….png)

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5c5a4a No.387190

File: 9ba882ce0d96d71⋯.webm (1.15 MB,314x222,157:111,MFM relationship.webm)


>monogamy isn't natural

The second a single man became able to support an entire family, relationships with multiple males became practically nonexistent.

Monogamy has been, for the most part of human history, the normal form of relationship (by the actual definition of the word normal), with harems(1 man, 2 or more women) being far behind. Multiple men and one or more women relationships (actual relationships, not counting cucking, NTR,"open relationships", and so on) simply don't work as well because men are competitive and won't react as well to having to share the same woman if they can singlehandedly provide and protect a woman themselves, not to mention the biological implications of not having a guarantee to pass your genes on, the opposite of 1 man harems, because if two guys fuck a girl, only one of them can impregnate her, but a guy can fuck two girls and impregnate them both. Throughout nature there's not a single species that has 1 girl harems except species where a male can't provide everything for a female, like ants or bees. A human male can protect, provide for his wife and kids, so there's no reason to share a girl with other men, hence why it's not common and it wasn't something you'd really see until recently where it became somewhat popular due to purely hedonistic reasons, and not due to actual necessity.

MGQ has exactly that, monogamy being the normal relationship, but for the men who can and want, polygamy is a possibility via bicorns. Even disregarding the fact that it's a literal male fantasy, multiple men relationships isn't in any way required, a monster can safely live off a man and do all she can to take care of him, having multiple might even impact the individual performance of the men, due to the nature of monster girls and human man, the only way to prevent said impact would be to have a girl for each, which simply returns to monogamy.

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ef2a5d No.387194

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5c5a4a No.387195


Shit, I meant MGE.

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da826f No.387197


Constantly blaming others for being in such a shit state is gay, very few slavic nations are good, but those that are do it well. The rest are degenerated peoples.

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ea81a3 No.387203

File: d07172a2a702c58⋯.jpg (80.3 KB,540x720,3:4,el willy incubus gang.jpg)

incubus gang

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0f5da1 No.387205

File: a8592ed5d23c866⋯.jpg (187.66 KB,897x1000,897:1000,1389642162334.jpg)

By the lord, this thread is cursed! Brothers, to arms!

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63bf5f No.387217

File: 7d65141f3401f2f⋯.png (95.08 KB,245x279,245:279,asthmatic_librarian_tells_….png)

>This thread is still up

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b55e1a No.387227

File: 4177848c7716193⋯.jpg (300.94 KB,1601x978,1601:978,Image0.jpg)


Incubus gang

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eca868 No.387235

>this whole thread

My sides. Everyone in here is larping like chuuni motherfuckers.

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f55630 No.387239


They're LARPing … and making a duplicate thread. Here's the original


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da826f No.387240


epic joke bro when you alping?

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872d05 No.387295


Paladindu be usefull for once

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e0ad67 No.387319


It's your nations of backward peasants fault if they couldn't graduate from medieval society on their own. The collossal fuck ups of your kings made communism initially palatable for a big chunk of your population

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7c0065 No.388698

File: df58fc187a8fe83⋯.png (699.31 KB,1185x620,237:124,The-Ritual-Banner.png)

incubus gang

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4e8e46 No.388700


You have been raised up from brutality to kill the brutals who multiply and are legion. To this end Zardoz your god gave you the gift of the gun. The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds and creates new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men as once it was, but the gun shoots death and purifies the Earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill.

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3292a8 No.388702

File: 2f6b49cfe082034⋯.png (Spoiler Image,280.61 KB,640x360,16:9,Memetic_exterminatus.png)

You forced my hand, it would rather be stroking my peen right now

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379681 No.388799

>Not repeatedly impregnating your Hellwan/Cheshire/Manticore/whatever waifu while mainlining holy water to the soft chants of castrated, blind Servitors singing praises of the Emperor, and then dragging her ass through the stars to help you claim the galaxy in Mankind's name

>Not having your Cheshire dick over Tzeentchian cultists for the lels

>Not having your Oni pub-dunk the nearest Ork Nob

>Not running your regiment's supply lines with autism and danuki jewishness



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a3ba5d No.388801

>this absolute crime of a thread is somehow still up

Ah well, /monster/, it was fun while it lasted.

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37fb23 No.388807

>all these LARPers and shitposters

That AMA truly was a bad decision

Also you do know that incubi are demons right? Their nut alone can turn anyone into a monstergirl, what about that screams human?

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ef2a5d No.388810

File: dcb11778b900cce⋯.png (29.4 KB,1786x243,1786:243,d1c566db-a2f3-4182-b78f-34….png)

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37fb23 No.388811

File: 1178f9c969bf058⋯.jpg (49 KB,600x450,4:3,anime.jpg)


>beings of spirit energy

>produces pure demonic energy with their monstergirl gf's flavor

It's almost like they're beings of corrupted demonic energy, really makes you think.

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ef2a5d No.388812


MGE is made for people who A: who don't want to work or deal with the troubles of daily life and B: want a cute and loyal waifu. Such people are generally don't autistically obsess over "muh humanity."

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37fb23 No.388813


Well yeah, in the end the entire purpose of KC making incubi was to make it so your immortal waifu doesn't outlive you. Arguing over it though still is fun even though it doesn't matter in the slightest.

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b55e1a No.388842

File: 6a2d0668a953a2a⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,2598x3543,866:1181,edgy cutie.jpg)

incubus gang

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db9a10 No.388847

File: f7d7dd099dfcb7f⋯.gif (1.83 MB,200x200,1:1,nash.gif)


>He's still at it

The following post has been paid for by the n.W.o

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7c0065 No.388848


incubus gang

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732c67 No.399848

File: be5209950631fd0⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB,300x370,30:37,78EAB7A9-0876-408E-A040-E….jpeg)

Fuck incubus gang. Humanity gang for life yo.

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423d81 No.399850

File: b61bccf8fc17c1b⋯.jpg (287.02 KB,640x640,1:1,peruario en lima.jpg)

incubus gang

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e78c3e No.400041

inCELcubusgang lmao

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344182 No.400054

File: c771461d4139b4b⋯.png (225.87 KB,666x500,333:250,D7QSoIRWsAEB3Kq.png)

Incubus Gang

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711667 No.400055

>This /leftypol/-tier thread is still up.

>You cunts decided to actually bump it.

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423d81 No.400075

File: 8ca6acc905fc6c4⋯.jpg (109.81 KB,1440x2004,120:167,retarded fat mouse kot.jpg)


incubus gang

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133f64 No.400709

bump, get the tranny mod to clean up my post

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9dadb0 No.400721


ok, retard

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031cde No.400725

File: ccfc4f01be9b8ca⋯.jpg (5.04 KB,174x154,87:77,mexicano.jpg)

ganga de los incúbos

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8bd9aa No.400744


>rape is inherently vanilla

/monster/ in a nutshell

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344182 No.400823

File: 1f725304c8f39bc⋯.jpg (119.81 KB,1170x600,39:20,874922_o681d.jpg)

Incubus gang on left, Amm*t cucks on the right

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82a48d No.400824

File: 7d54dcada8d38fd⋯.png (291 KB,577x432,577:432,1536772299769.png)



Sure smells kikey in here…

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