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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 648398304f4e21a⋯.png (368.87 KB,1140x1708,285:427,hounded.png)

File: 607c2acb43e07bf⋯.png (91.02 KB,1528x1105,1528:1105,VCOM 1.png)

File: a06cc3e8fd7af9f⋯.png (135.91 KB,1375x1124,1375:1124,VCOM 2.png)

File: 32924b64bb36b0b⋯.png (23.94 KB,830x510,83:51,danukis.png)

File: 7a2572e0eaf558c⋯.png (187.55 KB,958x1241,958:1241,big girl.png)

ad57cb No.378675 [Last50 Posts]

You know the drill. Write 'em, post 'em, read 'em.

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ad57cb No.378678

File: b2c03e332fbff24⋯.png (362.99 KB,1774x790,887:395,how to fuck a manticore.png)

File: 8c4fd9648aa6b65⋯.png (54.59 KB,1659x719,1659:719,elves.png)

File: dca1a1fd48bb512⋯.png (96 KB,1486x514,743:257,domestic abuse.png)

File: fc2557ff42045d1⋯.png (147.7 KB,1271x357,1271:357,lamiadream.png)

File: de5ea9ebe6370b0⋯.png (246.07 KB,1199x1336,1199:1336,guerrera.png)

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e00d35 No.378745

Need some feel good ones, sex not necessary. I cant write for shit, can you bros help me out?

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a7d3d5 No.378747




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3f15fa No.378749

File: 539e24edb20fba1⋯.png (135.53 KB,1529x993,1529:993,Succubus_with_a_fetish.png)

File: c93d796d4c177ae⋯.png (243.06 KB,1602x940,801:470,I AM A WARRIOR.png)

File: aa34ab48513e842⋯.png (138.08 KB,1233x841,1233:841,Wood Elves are very attach….png)

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ad57cb No.378759

File: 5bdf212ce07ff71⋯.png (802.15 KB,1470x4385,294:877,cuddleslut.png)

File: c285f16e544b9ce⋯.png (39.17 KB,753x285,251:95,ocean husbando'd.png)

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e53069 No.378770


>first one

Jesus fucking Christ, that's lewd. Gave me a full fucking mast straight away.

Also, considering 3DPD feels the equivalent of 75% of the pleasure from the vagina on her breasts, would fucking a manticore's tailpussy, actual pussy and breasts at the same time drive her fucking wild?

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cfa01f No.378783

File: d86a3612ff2b2b1⋯.jpg (57.72 KB,620x451,620:451,39.jpg)


>vagina on her breasts


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ba4b3a No.378787


breasts is vagina

tail is vagina

hair is vagina

boobs is vagina

even vagina is vagina

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019274 No.378789


I think he meant “as her breasts” though I’m curious where he got that number from

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e00d35 No.378817



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bf5f43 No.378834

File: d6fe9022213be43⋯.png (227.59 KB,1138x1906,569:953,Bark and Wan.png)

File: a4fb6b0dc09751c⋯.png (702.16 KB,1122x6356,561:3178,Emergency Alert.png)

File: 3f11a9ca0b3c98d⋯.png (125.48 KB,1113x684,371:228,Monkey Paw.png)

File: f2fe186f4e7483b⋯.png (312.36 KB,1126x1170,563:585,Maid Kikimura.png)

File: cdbea9680fa984c⋯.png (198.38 KB,1123x1092,1123:1092,Monkey Paw 2.png)

From last thread

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bf5f43 No.378835

File: 735ddd88514d9e2⋯.png (277.07 KB,1136x2274,568:1137,Spaghetti Girl.png)

File: c0f857cee1e96d5⋯.png (796.94 KB,1115x3903,1115:3903,Devil's Hands.png)

File: b17e6cccd8fba27⋯.png (177.22 KB,1126x1973,1126:1973,Dragon Friend.png)

File: 75d4ea3ab89cba3⋯.png (123.08 KB,1136x1148,284:287,Fluffytail.png)

File: 0f7dd4cb9b16546⋯.png (303.4 KB,1148x2961,164:423,VCOM.png)

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bf5f43 No.378836

File: 0d1f5792c18cc50⋯.png (335.58 KB,1023x1221,31:37,Helping Brother.png)

File: 8fe4416cf784ec1⋯.png (610 KB,1119x1583,1119:1583,Knight of Long Table.png)

File: e581926da6dc327⋯.png (169.17 KB,999x642,333:214,Shoggoth.png)

File: da20fb5a7b4b548⋯.png (297.86 KB,752x1481,752:1481,Bully.png)

File: 648398304f4e21a⋯.png (368.87 KB,1140x1708,285:427,Hellhound.png)

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bf5f43 No.378837

File: 7a2572e0eaf558c⋯.png (187.55 KB,958x1241,958:1241,Big Girl.png)

File: 7f0f4ea22242e31⋯.png (395.41 KB,1140x3368,285:842,Fireworks.png)

File: 6b48ceeca6c89eb⋯.png (380.34 KB,1122x2890,33:85,Hip-Hop.png)

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019274 No.378844

Archive of the last thread


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c8392c No.378866


>My first ever greentext got screenshoted and shared.

I feel something strange, something good , guys, what is this feeling?

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2205a7 No.378868

File: a5c1227f10d2147⋯.jpg (107.59 KB,1000x999,1000:999,LiveWithThePain.jpg)


It feels good now but then you realize all the typos or grammar errors you made. Or worse, you think of a better way to end the story

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e53069 No.378869

File: 51940858073aa3c⋯.png (315.3 KB,416x418,208:209,ClipboardImage.png)


>the cute ending line you wrote didn't sound as good as it did when you wrote it

>PLUS grammar mistakes

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2205a7 No.378883

File: b5aeeb1e021b0b3⋯.png (217.8 KB,895x1068,895:1068,Sad Times.png)

>Be me

>Your average bully anon

>Get put in groups by teach

>Still get put in group with smartest student, Pris

>She's an automaton

>I used her as my go to "Study partner"

>And by "Study partner" I mean I used her like a free mathway account that can show me the steps

>Working on it in class while I just mess with her

>Flicking rubber bands at her, kicking the underside of her chair, etc.

>I've always wanted to get a reaction out of her, to see if robots dream of electric sheep

<"Anon, please stop"

>It's always in this monotonous voice that you would expect from an answering machine

>No inflection, no tone change, no emphasis, just a constant baseline voice


>Realize I've been going about this the wrong way

>She's a robot, meaning everything to her is through 1's and 0's

>She might know what cold is, but will never feel cold

>To her she's just an outsider who observes, never able to experience

>And today I plan to break that and see if androids do dream of electric sheep

"Hey, Pris, how about we go work in the library? I mean it's much quieter, so we can work in peace"

<"Affirmative, anon"

>We pack up our stuff and head to the library

>Or that what I was telling her at least

>In reality I was leading her to an unused classroom that I stole the key to

>But, to be fair, it does connect to the library

<"Anon, in 1,040 days, 4 days, 3 hours and 42 seconds I've spent in this school I can say with 99.99% accuracy that this room is not the library."

"Geez, you fuckin' think?"

<"Anon, according to rule 34, section 12 of the school's code 'Cursing is prohibited'"

"Well you never tattled on me before-"

<"Actually, Anon, I have reported your actions to the faculty 2,268 times."

"You what!? Wait, how come I never got in trouble then?"

<"All female faculty members told me that 'He probably likes you' and male faculty members were to busy with female faculty to talk after class time"

>Memories of the time I walked in on Mr. Johnson getting a tail wank from the manticore janitor causes me to close my eyes in attempt to no recall it again

>But the image is still there, forever burned into my mind

>Well the fact still stands that she fuckin' tattled on me

"You know what? Let's just work on the fuckin' project. Can you grab me some extra printer paper from the closet?"

>She nods slightly and walks into the closet




<"Anon, I regret to inform you that there is no printer paper-"

>I slam the closet behind her, locking her in

<"Anon, what are you doing?"

"Automaton N6FAB21416, recite your baseline"

<"A-anon, please don't call me that."

>I peak through a crack in the door and I can see her ever so slightly twitch when I call her by her serial number

>Time to really put her to the test

"Do they keep you in a cell? Cells."

<"Anon, I refuse to… to take part in this test"

"When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells."

<"Anon, please stop. This is dehumanizing"

"Well you're not human are you?"

>Did I just say that out loud?

<"Anon… w-why wo-would y-y-you say that?"

>I start hearing light sobbing

>I dun goofed

>I might be a bully but I don't bully people emotionally, just physically

>Okay I try to keep emotional bullying a minimum, but still

>I open the door and Pris just falls to the ground still sobbing

"Hey… ya aight?"

>I shake her a bit in some attempt to maybe console her

<"Anon, do you know what it feels like to be an… an automaton?"

"That you can't actually feel anything and that-"

<"That's a lie, Anon. I can feel everything, why else would someone even make love to one of my kind?"

"Fair 'nuff. But then why are you so emotional over being called not a human?"

<"Because, Anon, I'm not… and that's what hurts the worst"

<"To know that I'll never be able to compare to a flesh and blood woman"

<"Not able to provide the same emotional love and support, due to the stupid programming that makes all of my kind severely autistic. Not able to bear the man you love with all you stunted emotion's child and watching him grow old and die while you still remain"

<"And unlike undead we can't extend his lifespan indefinitely to match ours, and unlike demons we can't host a contract binding his soul to us for all eternity, securing a pleasant spot in the afterlife together."

<"eventually our lover will die, and we'll be left alone; with only memories left"

"That's… kinda harsh…"

"You wanna go get ice cream?"

>Pris looks up at me, tears still in her eyes

<"That sounds… satisfactory"

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724af1 No.378900

>Be 8 year old Kiki

>Mama went off to go run errands so I'm with Papa on his day off

>Lunch time comes around and I get hungry

>Papa offers to make me something, and chuckles when I tell him I didn't know he could cook

>He says he can make me something "special"

>I follow him to the kitchen, where he pulls out a bowl full of a dark red liquid with something floating in it

>"What's that, Papa?"

"Chicken livers!", he says with a big smile

>My eyes go wide with fear as I watch him shake the bowl of slimy insides floating in the blackish red stuff

>He chuckles again and tossles my hair and leads me outside to the fire pit

>One by one he pulls out one of the livers and places on a grate thingy before starting the fire

>Once the fire settles, he adds some spring onions and puts the thingy on the hot coals

>When he sits down next to me I loom up him.

>"Are those really livers, Papa?"

"Yup! They're good for ya"

>He laughs when I frown

>I'm really not looking forward to trying these, but Mama always said you never waste food

>After a bit, he flips the livers over, cooking the other side

>He heads inside and grabs a plate once he says they're done, letting them cool off

>He grabs one and holds it out for me to try

>My hand shakes as I grab it and bring it to my face

>The whole time he's looking at me with a big smile

>I sniff it, it smells good! Like smoke, savory onions and sweet cherries!

>I look at the liver, then at Papa, and he gestures me to take a bite

>Nervously, I do

>I blink a few times and take a few more nibbles while Papa shoves a whole one in his mouth

>It's sweet, crispy, smokey and savory, something totally different from what I thought the slimy looking things before would taste like


>"Yeah! Where'd you learn to make these", I ask, tail wagging on its own

"I found the recipe when your mom and I first met. I wanted to impress her and I thought it would remind her of home

>I grab another liver and shove it into my mouth when I see Mama open the back door

>I run over to her with my mouth full of food and give her a big hug, and she hugs me back

<"Oh? You made her those chicken livers I love so much?"

"Yup! And there's still plenty for you, dear"

>Mama sits down next to him and kisses him on the cheek

>I grab another one and hop onto her lap while Mama and Papa talk, it's a good day.

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4db98b No.378918



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e72b13 No.378921

File: 9199a6f15d7cbdc⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,700x799,700:799,d5g7slh-21efaead-4a66-411f….jpg)

>Be me, Human Fighter level 4

>On watch in some dense forest while the party gets their rest


>… …

>I really should get a hobby…

>By her Radiance it has only been 20 minutes

>Decide to past time by whipping out my die and rolling it a few times

>Roll a 19

>I hear a light humming noise, looking up I see a feint blue glow far off into the woods. I get a strange feeling that it’s beckoning me towards it

>Not sure why, I just do

>Look over towards my party, they all seem to be deep in their sleep, or meditation… whatever that Elf does

>They’ll be fine here, the wizard put up an alarm spell after all

>Leave our little camp and head towards the light, it’s a bit of a trek

>After a few moments of walking, I finally pass by some shrubbery and get a good look at the source

>It looks like a Fire Elemental, but her flames are blue. She’s resting up against a tree but leaving no trace of damage

>Her eyes flicker open as she tilts her head towards my direction, does she see me?

>Her expression turns lewd as the elemental girl swing her back towards me, she bends forward, her hands against the tree to help her balance

>Looking back over her shoulder towards me, she wiggles her hips to and fro, pleading for me to come closer

>I mean… why not? Our wizards keeps babbling on about how I should “Never trust a monster, they’ll use you for their own sexual pleasure.” I feel like I’m the only human that’s okay with a monster’s bottomless pit of lust

>I push past some small bushes between us and swagger over… Goddess I look like a tool

>I reach out to grab her sizable ass, she’s radiating a warm, comfortable heat. Just as I’m about to grab her, she vanishes, her leftover glow dimmers to nothing

>Boy did I fuck that one up, and I didn’t even get to first base

>Hear a high pitched giggle echo to my right, I look over and see the blue flamed woman standing around 30 feet away

>She’s pushing up her handful sized breasts with one arm while the other combs through her flickering hair

>She gives a wink and gestures me to come closer again

>Uhh… okay…?

>Go towards her again, reach out to grab her mammaries, about to touch and poof, she vanishes

>What the fuck is she doing?

>Another giggle, looking over I see her in the distance again

>She takes her leg and does a standing split against a tree

>Fuck do I want to get a closer look at that

>This goes on for a while, I wanted to stop a while ago and head back to camp but holy shit does her poses get more and more suggestive. I’m kinda just here now to see what she does next, the last couple of gestures she did looks like they would have broken some bones if a human performed them

>Reach out to grab her again, she’s floating mid-air with her heels over her head and her hands pulling open her cunt to reveal her surprisingly wet and fleshy insides

>This time I actually touch her, but just as quickly as it came it’s gone again

>She vanishes once more, looking around I don’t see her anywhere. That is until a moan echoes above you

>Looking up to see the girl lying on a branch, looking down at me and FURIOUSLY masturbating, three digits are knuckle deep in her pussy while she pinches and twists her nipples

>This is new, does she want me to climb up? There’s not a lot of support for the both of–

>I hear a wolf girls howl in the distance followed by several more

>The ground begins to shake as I hear my pelvic doom stampeding ever closer

>The elemental woman lets out a quivering moans and laughs one last time before dimming her glow, I can barely make her out through the leaves




>Sun rises over the mountains

>Can’t even see the camp yet and I can already hear that Elf bitching and moaning up a storm

>push past some bushes into the clearing and see the party

>The Elf, Wizard and Dwarf give me a quick, pissed off stare, the Elf even opening her mouth to shout my ear off before they all give you looks of disgust, confusion and worry

>All my armour is gone, my clothes are torn to shreds, scars cover most of my exposed skin and worst of all, I’m covered head to toe in indescribable juices

<Wha- Anon what the fuck happened? *sniff* *sniff* and why do I smell regret?

>I just limp past her, over to my bed roll and fall face first into a coma

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c4e2f9 No.378968

>Be me, just some guy walking.

>Few months later, found that I'm not a guy all along and that I'm actually a ghost living in the manliest armor everyone has seen, in short Living Armor.

>Why didn't I notice that sooner? Because the mamono kept chasing me and I don't have the time to remove the armor until they got the helmet out of my head.

>Everyone immediately went WTF.

>Realizes I have no idea what a Living Armor does and that I have no clue of what I'm going to do next.

>The mamono became friends and then they begun teaching me.

>Years later…

>Heard the Lescatie is conquered and I decided to look forwards to meeting my friends who joined that conquest…


>When I arrived, I saw some corpses of mamono. I saw my friends's faces among them.

>Realizes no one cares about the corpses as they are too busy fucking each other up.


>MFW I've won and usurped the Demon King many years later.

>Then suddenly I woke up.

>"Anon, you fell asleep again." said the Fox Waifu.

>WTF is wrong with my head?

>Friend Shoggoth decided to get one of her friends to look on my head.

>Turns out my existence is unstable and that I'm falling apart.

>Slowly pieces of the armor dies off even when feeding time.

>At my last year, I am sitting on the bench in the forest with my mamono friends crying.

>I smiled at them one last time before saying these words. "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around, and desert you…"

>le dead- jk. Turns out when Living Armors dies, they turn into full ghosts.

>Shrugs about it before deciding to haunt or prank people instead.

>TBH the Lescatie conquest didn't happen for some reason.

>Then I realized something.

>I immediately woke up.

>Dream of a dream. Dreamception.

>MFW still a mamono but a fluffy fox girl.

>I'm touching the fluffy tails… ALL THE FLUFFY TAILS other than mine.

>Everyone is weirded out by my obsession but they shrugged about it.

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f260dd No.378983


>this machine learning-tier mess

…Tay? Is that you?

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019274 No.378984


Tay is forever lost to us anon. Microsoft shall pay for their crimes

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e00d35 No.379471

I hate to beg but please for the love of god i need wholesome greentext. I cant write for shit but I need my daily dose of happiness.handholding is greatly appreciated

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2d008f No.379486


Hey, it's the Christmas season. Have a gift.

<"Hey, hey. Hey, Anon, wake up."

>a soft, scaled hand shook your shoulder

>a groan escaped your lips as you attempted to return to the sweet land of dreams you were inhabiting

<"C'mon sleepyhead, you'll miss the good part."


>you cracked your eyes open for a moment to see the bright light of a TV screen a few feet away

>the colors flashed by a little too quickly for your sluggish brain, so you closed the lids shut again

"Five more minutes…"

>the soft, warm pillows on which your face rested were beckoning

<"Oh no you don't. You said that when the movie started and now look where we are."

"But I've seen it a thousand times already."

>well, maybe not a thousand

>but Christmas movies were a yearly tradition, and there are only so many of them

>but the whole thing was really just an excuse for drinking eggnog and cuddling at this point

<"Hey. Hey. Hey. Come oooooonnnnn~."

>incessant light jabs from a small claw repeatedly pressed on your cheek

"Fine, fine."

>you opened your eyes more fully this time, again greeted by the glow of the TV

>it was at a strange angle, sitting on its side like that

<"Goodmooooorning, sleepy."

>the voice sounded from somewhere above you

>above you?

>another clawed poke found its way to your cheek as you turned to face your darling dragon

<"You looked comfy down there, so I let you stay that way."

"It was pretty comfy."

>you gently squeezed the soft thighs your head was resting on

<"Tsk-tsk. Later. The movie's almost over."

>you grudgingly complied, instead sliding your hand over to hers and grasping lightly

>lightly, your thumb ran across her scaled knuckles, occasionally bumping against a small diamond ring on one finger

>the two of you stayed like this, enjoying each others warmth even as the credits scrolled by

Is this what you were looking for?

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019274 No.379504

>be blind anon

>sitting on park bench

>feel the warm spring sun and a breeze across my face

>hear some faint music

>someone playing an acoustic guitar

>grab my cane and slowly feel my way to the music

>when I reach the person playing the music I hear them stop

>a soft, feminine voice asked

<“Can I help you sir?”

>”I was just listening to you play. Do you mind if I have a seat?”

<“Sure, go ahead.”

>she pats the seat next to her and starts strumming again

>i just sit there and listen for a while

>she eventually slows and tells me she has to go

>”You are quite good miss. Will you be here tomorrow?”

<“I come here almost every day to play. Most people just ignore me though.”

>”That is their loss then. What’s your name?”

<“Allie. My name’s Allie.”

>”That’s a beautiful name, for a beautiful lady.”

<“Aren’t you blind? How can you say I’m beautiful ?”

>”I don’t need to see a persons face to know they’re beautiful Miss Allie. Anyone who can play music so sweetly must be beautiful.”.

>she seems to hesitate for a minute

<“What’s your name?”


<“Thank you Anon. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

>”Have a good day.”

>hear her footsteps slowly fade away

>sit there and think for a few minutes before getting up and walking home

>it’s not far, just up the road from the park.

>next day get up and walk to the park

>sit on a bench until I hear the guitar again

>get up and follow the music

<“Good morning Anon.”

>”Good morning Miss Allie. Do you mind if I have a seat?”

<“Not at all. Have a seat.”

>she slides over and pats the space beside her

>we don’t say much that day

>I just sit there and listen to the music

>it brings back happy memories

>around 2:30 she has to leave

<“I’ve got class today.”

>”Will you be here tomorrow?”

<“Yes. Playing helps me relax before class.”

>”Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

>hear her walk away as her footsteps fade away

>I sit there for a minute before going home

>we repeat this routine daily for a year

>at first we don’t talk about much

>just say hello and ask how the other is before she starts playing

>she didn’t seem to want to share much

>but she started opening up after a while

>at first it was just little things

>she’d go into more detail about her day than just “it was fine.”

>then she would tell me about what happened in her classes

>more time passed and she talked about why she was in college, what her dreams and her aspirations were

>she wanted to be a music teacher, get married one day, and have a family

>the way she described it all was as beautiful as her music

>though she always seemed to hesitate about something

>I didn’t push her on it

>she’d tell me when she was ready

>I didn’t talk much

>not much to say about me really

>but I enjoyed hearing her talk

>as much as I loved hearing her play

>I didn’t care what she looked like

>to me she was the most beautiful person on Earth

>one day as we were about to part ways I suddenly asked her a question

>I still don’t know why I did, it just came over me

>”Would you like to get some coffee Allie?”

>she froze for a moment and started stammering

<“I uh…well…um I gotta go.”

>she ran off without another word

>”Allie wait!”

>her footsteps fade away

>I was confused. Why’d she run off?

>I waited there an hour in case she came back

>she didn’t

>I went home

>tomorrow we can sort out whatever happened

>I woke up around 10 and went to the park

>I sat down on a bench and waited for Allie to start playing so I could say sorry

>I waited

>and waited

>and waited

>she never came

>she never came to the park again

>I thought I heard her walk past me once

>I called out her name but the only answer was the empty wind

>I gave up after that

>I was alone again

>just like beforeI

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019274 No.379505

>be Allie

>I ran all the way to my apartment

>He was playing with me

>just like everyone did

>he would get my hopes up just to crush them

>nobody thought she was beautiful

>after all, who could like a kitsune without tails?

>I was a freak, and everyone knew it

>I was curled up in a ball in the corner

>I stayed that way for a long time

>eventually I had to get up, I had to restart my routine. Just avoid thinking about it for a while

>moping in self pity wouldn’t get me anywhere

>I didn’t go to the park for at least a couple weeks

>when I did go back I needed to apologize to anon.

>he always listened to me play, thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world

>he listened to me talk about my life without judging me or saying my dream was crazy or that I wouldn’t achieve it

>he even encouraged me at it

>all he did was ask me out for some coffee, and I ran away from him

>As I left my apartment I knew I owed him an apology

>but when I got to the park he wasn’t there

>I still played on the same bench as I usually did. I hoped he would hear me and we could talk

>but he never came

>I played day after day hoping he would come back and I could apologize

>but he never came

>I was alone again

>just like before

2 months later

>be anon

>drinking away my problems

>no family or friends to speak of

>any family I cared about was dead, and the ones that weren’t dead were a bunch of abusive and backstabbing bastards

>and the only person I could call a friend ran off and never wants to see me again

>I somehow managed to screw up again. Just like always

>I’ve accepted this is my lot in life

>alcoholism isn’t the worst way to go at least

>”Bartender! Another drink please.”

>he raises an eyebrow at me but fills up my glass regardless

<”Ease up on the drinks there buddy. You’ll miss the music.”

>”Music eh? Who’s playing?”

<“some college kid. Trying to pay her way through. She’s a pretty good musician.”

>”I’ll think about it.”

>the bartender nodded and walked off to check on the other patrons

>I wasn’t sure I wanted to listen to any music

>it just made me unhappy now

>but I stayed for some reason

>there wasn’t anything better to do anyway

>the bar started to fill up

>I slowly nursed my drink as I waited

>eventually I heard the player step up on the small stage

>I ordered another drink

>I was still somewhat sober and had decided I didn’t want to remember tonight

>then she started playing

>at first I thought I was imagining it

>some kind of hallucination

>but I recognized that voice

>that sweet and beautiful voice

>I recognized the sounds of that guitar

>I wanted to cry

>I almost shouted her name

>but then I remembered

>I wasn’t going to force her to deal with me

>I’ll just listen for a while

>at least I could hear her sing

>I found out she played on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

>So on those days I would come and listen to her play

>every week, without fail

>one day after Allie had left, I decided to head home early

>I had left the bar and was rounding the corner when someone knocked me over

>trying to find where my cane went and spouting off apologies as I did so

>the girl who knocked me over was also saying she was sorry as she helped me up and grabbed my cane

>then she paused


>I froze

>”I’m sorry for whatever I said at the park to upset you Allie. I’ll leave you alone now.”

>she seemed surprised at my words

>then she hugged me and started crying

<“No I’m sorry anon. I got scared you were getting my hopes up and you would just leave me or hurt me cause I’ve got no tails.”

>I didn’t know what to do

>I thought she didn’t want me

>I hugged her back

>”I dont care about tails Allie. I told you before you’re a beautiful lady. Anyone who can play music so sweetly must be beautiful.”

<“I felt horrible afterwards, and I tried to play for you but I couldn’t find you and I was terrified I would never get to say I was sorry for doing that to you.”

>she just kept babbling and I wasn’t sure how to handle this

>I just hugged her and patted her back

>”it’s ok”.

>she just needed to be held right now

>we stood there holding each other for a while

>”I missed you Allie.”

>she sniffled

<“I missed you too Anon.”

>she kept hugging me

<“hey anon?”


<“do you want to go get some coffee with me?”

>I looked at her

>”it would make me the happiest man on Earth Allie.”

>she let me go and kissed me

>her lips were soft like velvet, and her breath smelled like peppermint

>when the kiss ended I just stood there

>I wanted to remember this feeling

>as we started walking I felt Allie grab my arm, and intertwine her hand with mine

>her hand was smooth and gentle

>it felt nice

>I never want to let he go

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019274 No.379506


This greentext was gonna be a lot shorter, but it kind of took on a life of its own. Hope you like it

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ad57cb No.379522

File: e81b6848af08104⋯.jpg (108.59 KB,850x812,425:406,Manticore_3.jpg)


>something's going on

>something in the vicinity of your crotch

>something that threatens to force you out of the land of dreams and into the waking world so eagerly escaped from

>you have a pretty good guess what it is

>"Hnnn… wha…?"

>your inelegant groaning speaks of a valiant effort to return to sleep

>your effort, sadly, fails

>you open your eyes

>and come face to face with your manticore gf

>she smiles as your eyes meet

<"Go back to sleep, baby."

>"Wh… what are you doing?"

>a cursory glance under the covers reveals - yep.

>your woolen trackpants are at your knees, your boxers with them

>and - yeah, that's her tailpussy around your dick

>her petals are gently moving over you, keeping you at full mast while only barely getting you closer to finishing

>manticore smiles again

<"I'm making love to you, silly."

>you sigh

>"Do you have to do this right now?"

<"Why not?"

>"Because we were… making love last night."

>you crane your neck towards the electric clock at the bedside

>it reads 4 a.m.

>"We just finished three hours ago."

<"I know, but you looked so peaceful, I just had to touch you a bit…"

>"And wake me up?"

<"Are you angry, baby?"

>you sigh again, the exhalation escaping your nose and fluttering her mane fur

>manticore smirks, but doesn't apologise

>she doesn't stop tail-fucking you, either

>soon enough, you're getting close

>then she stops


>manticore has a pensive expression on her face

<"I was thinking, you're right. I shouldn't do this to you."

>you groan

>"Well, at least finish it."

>she smirks again

<"Oh? You want this now?"

>some noise between a sigh, a growl and a whine can be heard behind your closed lips

<"Ask for it."

>"Fuck you."

<"You already are, silly."

>can't stop a snort of laughter -that really doesn't help your case

<"Ask for it." she repeats

>"Finish me off." you mumble

<"You'll have to ask nicer than that~"

>"I hate you…"

<"No you don't, you love me. Remember?"

>thinking on this for a second, you realise she's right

>doesn't stop another sigh


<"Please what?"

>now comes a sigh like the last breath escaping from a deflated balloon

>"Please let me cum in your tail. Happy?"

<"Mmm, very~"

>she smirks wider, and a couple of forceful strokes of her tailpussy later you're all the way there

>she stares into your eyes the whole way through

>she doesn't let either you escape her arms or your cock escape her tail afterwards

<"Was that as good for you as it was for me, baby?"

>"Not sure, I was asleep for most of it."

<she giggles

>"I really wish you wouldn't wake me up early like that."

<"It's not that bad. I milked three loads out of you before you woke up."

>into this sigh you pour your entire soul

>she laughs and pulls you in close

>your face meets her soft mane fur

<"Love you baby." she says from above you

>"Love you, baby…" you mumble from within her mane, the haze of sleep already returning

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e00d35 No.379590


Thank you writefag, Merry Christmas and handholding to you too

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e00d35 No.379592


I loved it man 10/10

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e00d35 No.379593


Not bad, not bad

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8208c4 No.379671

File: ff55498deb210be⋯.png (39.84 KB,400x400,1:1,1453084723953.png)


Very cute. Thanks Anon.


Why is sleepy sex with manticore the absolute best?

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853557 No.379821

File: bcf0c9c1373ff54⋯.png (466.38 KB,700x750,14:15,7fbf304dae548d6c00394b1f80….png)

>Be Wizard

>Spend 4 hours attempting to learn Feeblemind

<Mate, I don’t think this is working

>Your personal Familiar sits cross-legged on the grass in front of you, drawing shapes in the dirt with her claw

I got this, it’s just the finger work I need to practice

<Pfft, couldn’t of said it better myself

>You attempt the spell again, pointing towards your Familiar

>She still sits there, resting her head on her hand

<… Nothing…

>How the fuck do they expect you to bend your fourth finger in that direction??

>You notice that it’s getting late, the setting sun gives the world around you a calming orange tint

>She lets out a cute little yawn

<Dude, you’ve got plenty of spells to pacify a bitch, what do you need this one for?

Well, you know how our cleric is a pacifist, right?


Right, so, in theory, this spell should shut him up

<I… don’t think he’s that keen on purposely turning dudes retarded

No no no, I’m gonna to use it on him

<Oh, well, shit dude, be my guest

>You concentrate again, mouthing the incantation

>You attempt to cast Feeblemind again

>Your Familiar’s eyes go wide, mouth agape as her head rolls lazily of her hand

>Oh shit, you did it, you finally di-

>She quickly snorts before throwing back her head in laughter

<H-ho man, I’m just fuckin’ with you

>You slam your spellbook shut, fuck this

<We done?

>She jumps up to her feet, stretching her arms to the sky

<Can we grab something to eat on the way back?

Oh, like you need any more food, tubby

>She pouts

<Of course I do, how do you expect me to produce this much mana if you’re not gonna give me any of YOUR energy?

Because MY energy is what keeps me an all-powerful master of spells

<Yeah, “Master of Spells” really describes the last couple hours with you

>You pat her head

Alright, fine. You can pick a place when we get back to town, but nothing over ten gold


Twent- I’m sorry, who’s the master here?

<I dunno, you tell me, Master of Spells

Gods, I have so many regrets with you

<Don’t act like you don’t love me~

>You cast teleport on the both of you

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0fce05 No.379842

>once upon a time der was a manstergirl

>she fownd a boy

>"pleasse dont raep me munstergirl!" he said

<"tooo bad boy!" she seaid

>then thay had secks

>then they got murried and lived happly ever after


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79eb3c No.379844

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96d833 No.379847


>11/10 would bang

Your story was pretty good too.

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33905b No.379849


Bestselling wurm book right there.

10/10 would read again.

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9b3c6d No.379850

File: a1927ae2830adae⋯.png (397.26 KB,643x1079,643:1079,wat-03.png)


<Pfft, couldn’t of said it better myself

>couldn't of


For a master spellcaster, you sure have shit grammar.

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17b063 No.379894

File: 43b18f1ef871823⋯.jpg (23.61 KB,665x574,95:82,47b.jpg)


Fuck me, I've heard and pronounced it like this for years but I was never corrected on it

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89900d No.379897

File: 1e94001d5473a04⋯.png (680.23 KB,620x877,620:877,bookwurm.png)



The correct pronunciation and spelling is "couldn't've"

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2205a7 No.379926

File: aff89692e784553⋯.png (656.75 KB,744x745,744:745,TheVoid.png)

File: 180804776a1c527⋯.jpg (43.26 KB,202x192,101:96,YandereShoggy.jpg)

File: f0d5f4aef4a457b⋯.png (487.8 KB,898x1540,449:770,CowTits.png)

File: 2cd2f32bb3c883f⋯.jpg (254.53 KB,1054x1200,527:600,Sabbath.jpg)

>Be me


>Specialized in ice magic because ancestor must've fucked a glacies

>Master my specialty of cryomancy and basically everyone in the village is paying me to freeze food for them and give them ice

>Make a killing with the butcher with a side lemonade business on the side

>Even manage to get tax cuts by claiming I'm a wizard

>Day comes when I get a knock on my door

>Open it and see a tiny goat girl and rabble of similar little girls behind her crowding my front door

"Uhhh, is it Halloween already?"

<"Nope! We're here because we heard a wizard lives here"

>Oh hell no, I am not giving these kids free lemonade

>I did it last time then everyone was sending their kids to get free ice

>Had to lie and say that my magic causes autism, they didn't know what it meant, neither did I, but it scared them enough to never send them back

"Well… you're speakin' to 'em currently"

>The girls squeal behind the main goat girl and urging her to "ask him"

>The main goat girl hushes the others down before turning back to me

<"I, Lilly, would like to invite you to join the Sabbath Union as a part of our "Onii-chan" project"

>Now I've never heard of an "Only chan" but I have heard of a union, the raccoon bitch who brings us foreign goods always complains about it, while hiking up the prices on her goods at the same time

>I don't trust they poofy tailed thief, but what I do trust is the price of my pornography has gone up exponentially

"Ya think I'm that stupid? As if I would join your Sabbath Union, and pay your extortionate guild fees which won't ever be used to serve me, or defend my rights in a court of law. But instead be used to economically enthrall the market, preventing any competition."


"Get out of here, ya fucking commie scum"

>I slam the door in their tearing up faces

>Come to think of it, what the hell is a union anyway?

>Go back to bed and reading my shitty picture books written in the dialect of moon elves

>Hear another knock at my door

>For God's sake

>Open the door again

>This time a bunch of women with those stupid pointed witch hats, who look way older than me, are standing there

>The lead this time is some witch cosplayer with tits big enough to make a dragon lose her crown

<"We saw how you dealt with those Sabbath cutting boards, and think you would make fine addition to our Mages' Guild"

"Now wait a second. Aren't guilds the same as unions?"

<"Well, there are some certain similarities-"

"Get the fuck out of here ya fuckin' commie, and enjoy your hunchback from carrying those udders all day"

>I slam the door again and go back to reading my backwards encyclopedia of Zero-G Juggs

>I can't even finish another page before I'm interrupted again

>This time I open my door and a swirling black mass of void awaits me

>A venue of cosmic horrors materializes out of the swirling cosmic

>I think I've seen the one that's leading them, it seems to be some sort of slime girl that's going through her edgy phase

>Or in this case, her goth maid phase

<"We saw how you turned away those… lesser beings. We can share with you the true nature of the universe; the infinite malignity of the stars"

>Notice that the leader slime girl is tracking slime everywhere

>Yeah… no

"I can't even read, besides your a slime who knows what dirt twigs 'n shit you picked up"

<"I-I'm sorry"

"I told ya to fuck off"

>Slam the door in her face

>Hear screaming and an apocalypse going on outside

>What in the Goddamn?

>Open the door again

>It looks like the fucking stars themselves went apeshit on my town

>Glowing crystals dot the buildings, some even exploded only to rearrange themselves perfectly then blow up again

>Fireballs scorching the sky, then summoning down a tornado of flame

>Arcane sigils forming in the air, then exploding with violence that would make a hellhound say "Calm down"

>See Sabbath Union and Mages' Guild are having a magic fight

>Welp, there goes my property value



What are you talking about? It's obvious that Wizard Anon Feeblemind spell worked.

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8208c4 No.379962



It's "couldn't have"

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6930b5 No.379963

File: f4136d35e8e6a83⋯.jpg (497.79 KB,1065x1381,1065:1381,C3Rp5mCVcAAD7v_.jpg)



It's coodendove.

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3a0966 No.380055

I'm not sure whether to make this a one-shot or not, but here's a greentext for future farmer anons and Dixieans alike.

>Be me, Anon, happily married to my qt snek waifu.

>We live on my family's farmland here in Dixieland in the same shotgun shack my great-grandfather was born in, working the land, as he and my grandfather once did.

>This land is beautiful, unbelievably so. Green meadows flowing up and down hills and valleys; mixed forests of pines, oaks, cedars, sycamores, and willows; rows upon rows of cornstalks, wheat, cotton, sunflowers; pastureland full of cattle, horses, mules, goats, and pigs, given shelter with a couple of lean-to's and great old trees; and our house, securely protected by two acres of yard and a log fence around the perimeter.

>When I first inherited the house, the house had fallen into serious disrepair. My grandfather was in pretty bad shape for the last couple of years, arthritis and all that, and my grandmother had died the year before he did from metastatic lung cancer. I've given all my eulogizing for their funerals, so I'll be content with saying that they were the toughest two folks I'd ever known, and I'd known quite a few.

>The wood was all rotten, water was dripping on down through the roofing, and there were quite a few holes in the flooring, whence came crawling out all sorts of creepy-crawlies. The furniture was old and decrepit, but there were still a few good bits here and there. The CRT TV, which had been there since the 90's, had a shattered screen, and rats were using it as their lair. Books, VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs were still shelved somewhat neatly, but many of them suffered from damage of one sort or another. The bed, however, would have been immaculate were it not for the rat excrement all over it.

>I rediscovered quite a few things, like the leather chair I helped make with my dad and grandpa back when I was still a little sucker, and the old manuscripts for the grand novels I planned and wrote when I was an angsty teen, full of stupid cliches and barely legible, but grammatically perfect.

>My waifu and I began our work almost immediately, cleaning up all the trash and crap, exterminating the pests like an Imperial Commissar, removing all the rotten wood, and plugging up the holes for the time being, all in the first day.

>Throughout the rest of the month, we fixed everything up, putting in a new steel roof; an all-new white oak and walnut flooring; pine interior paneling and supports; cedar exterior paneling; and sheets of plywood to bridge any gap and add support to the flooring and paneling.

>As soon as that was done, we got to work with farming, planting crops and scraping together what money we did have to buy a few animals, including a good workhorse, chickens, and two pigs, a hog and a sow. We took the horse to plow, the chickens we took for meat and eggs, and we let the pigs breed until we had a good size herd forming from them.

>We bartered, traded, bought, and sold, for the last year, until we ended up with the prosperous farm we have now.

>Now, as I sit on a little checkerboard blanket, picknicking with my waifu, her belly bulging with our child, I think of all the hard work that my ancestors and I went through to build up this little slice of earthly paradise, I smile.

>I would not trade this quiet, content life for the world.

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e00d35 No.380064


I love it when a story ends with a happy, pregnant waifu

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f27002 No.380066


That's how a story should always end, unless it ends with her having given birth, in which case that's even better.

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11d680 No.380122

There should be a rocky/creed themed story with some karate kid

>guys getting bullied

>actual bullying

>one day he tries fighting back

>gets his shit kicked in

>after his assbeating is over he takes whatever money that wasn't taken from the bullies

>and buys a local gym membership

>almost instantly he starts training

>after a while he tries boxing tournaments

>as a way to test If hes ready to fight the bullies or not

>he loses his first fight, but his fight attracted the attention of a manamo

>manamo decides to coach the guy

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9b3c6d No.380148


>buys gym membership

>not pestering the local cranky paladin to train him

Christ, if you're gonna do a karate kid story, do it right. The teacher has to either be an old waifu-less paladin, or something like a, what's the firemouse called again, hiinazumi? Yeah, something like that.

Maybe the paladin was married to a hiinazumi, and that's why he's ao good at martial arts, but now she's gone and he's sorta lost himself

Maybe anon is a mg even, just to put a spin on it.

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b1843e No.380257


There it is, the perfect story,maybe we should also throw in a romance subplot

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15e7f6 No.380275

File: cc8e670268b5185⋯.png (3.67 KB,300x168,25:14,index.png)

File: e8c338a976c32ca⋯.jpg (9.74 KB,540x309,180:103,2224219_0.jpg)

>Be monster girl

>No DOTR happened, a bunch of ships that came from the stars showed up and said world belongs to them now.

>DL may be stupid strong, but can't really do anything to ships that can fly and shoot nasty lights, so she forced to surrender.

>Now world belongs to an 'Amazon'?

>Have to work at warehouse now since robots took all the farming jobs.

>Sign that hangs over the warehouse says 'Arbeit macht Boxen'.

>You would have killed yourself by now if only Amazon wouldn't claim your corpse, resurrect you and then deduct the suicide attempt off of your pay.

on the offnote, I've been playing a lot of stellaris recently

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019274 No.380281


whats your favorite government and ethics type?

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ca73a7 No.380283


>Still living in Cucklanta instead of the New Old South with qt pi hellwan wife and children with a comfy farm and farmhouse

Oh how I wish I was in the land of cotton….

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15e7f6 No.380287


Usually, I stayed with fanatic materalist/ xenophobe. But with the new expansion out, I've been playing has the megacorps, which I made Amazon with literal wage slaves and the church of scientology.

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019274 No.380290


Interesting. Usually I go xenophobic with either fanatic authoritarian or militarist. The Intelligent trait matches fanatic materialist for the research speed and I like the extra influence from authoritarian and decreased cost from militarist is nice

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15e7f6 No.380292


My main thing was to try to out tech every by having fan materalist + intelligent, essentially having double research and then start going down the synth ascension. Too bad robots got nerfed because the one dev managed to become a mid-game crisis.

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019274 No.380293


i soured on robots back before they brought in the contingency. Having the risk of all your robots forming their own splinter empire was not something I wanted to deal with. Been wary of them even after they changed the crisis. Though doing fanatic materialist, intelligent, and the brain slug event if you can manage to get it would give you an insane 30% research speed as well as an extra 10% unity iirc. But you do miss out on the psionic stuff with materialist

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15e7f6 No.380296


**It's not like your locked out of psionic if you do choose materialist, it's just harder to get the tech then if you were spiritualist. The robot rebellion thing was only an issue if you didn't give your robutts free rights, which was something I always did. Although I can understand the contingency.

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019274 No.380427


I usually have my robots equal rights as well but it seems just about every other empire did not. There were constant uprisings that I had to deal with. You’re right about nit being locked out of psionics i just prefer to not have to worry about it

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424396 No.380560

File: bea2b3557c8d543⋯.jpg (228.92 KB,913x1019,913:1019,1291873494451.jpg)

>You were never one for a real job.

>Didn't like the idea.

>Adventuring guilds were also kind of stupid.

>45% cut on anything you make?

>So you stuck to the notice boards.

>Jobs that weren't prestigious enough for the guilds.

>Anything from slaying giant rats to helping fix fences at a farm.

>Something caught your eye this time.

>The writing was messy but legible, the note lower on the board, you almost missed it.

>"Partner Wanted: Inquire at Stinky Don's Tavern, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, third table in the back.

>That's very…Vague.

>But for some reason, you're interested.

>Its as professional as a town job poster can be.

>So you dabbled around town until the town clock struck six, and then headed to the tavern.

>You entered to the usual, people eating and drinking. It was quieter, nobody was really all that hammered yet. Mostly just people talking about jobs, guild or otherwise.

>You took a look around, making sure to go to the right table before you make a fool out of yourself.

>There it is, third table in the back…

>There was someone sitting there, that must be the client.

>You approached.

>”Hi there.” You greeted the person. “I'm here about the job.”

>”Oh!” A feminine voice exclaimed.

>She stood up straight and lowered her hood. You noticed her hands first, clawed and covered in dark brown fur.

>You were taken aback for a moment when the woman lowered her hood, two cat-like ears with fur matching her hands popped up and wiggled.

>Her hair was a low ginger, short and cut off to the neck.

>She looked back at you with bright amber eyes, her pupils slit against the light of the tavern. Against the lantern light, you noticed her face was dotted with freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

>And a tail with matching color to her ears and hands swayed gently through a hole cut in her pants.

>She wasn't tall, up to your chest in height. A lithe body, her graceful form hugged by her black outfit and equipment belt.

>The girl stares at you as you say nothing, her eyes trailing off for a moment before she spoke again. “What? Never seen a Grimalkin before?”

>You had to think for an appropriate reply. “I just wasn't expecting to see someone like you…Out here…I mean.”

>”Not going to be a problem, is it?” She asked.

>”No! No, of course not.” You assured.

>”Well, good.” She smiled. “Sit down then.”

>You sat down across from her, the grimalkin stretched and reached into her satchel, drawing a rolled map.

>”I'm Merle, by the way.” She introduced herself, you told her your name and sat down.

>”So, what job do you need done?”

>”Job, -we- need done.” She corrected you.

>Merle rolled out the map, it seemed to be some kind of building.

>”You're not robbing someone, are you?”

>”What's that supposed to mean?” She asked. “This is a layout for a dungeon.

>”A dungeon?” You asked. “Out here?”

>”Yeah, its been lost for some time.” Merle said with a smile. “Which means it has some goodies.”

>”You actually think someone would leave valuables in a dungeon?”

>”Well.” She pointed at the large room at the end of the map. “I have a hunch something is there.”

>”Why?” You asked, with obvious justification.

>”Well for one the dungeon was built by Ruenthal the Mad.” She stated. “Second, the dungeon was built in secret, so I doubt anyone else has been down there.”

>You lean back and cross your arms, thinking on it.

>”You in?” She asked. “I'll give you a cut if you are.”

>”Alright, fine.” You agree.

>”Cool!” She rolled up the map. “We're leaving tomorrow, first thing in the morning.”

>Merle offered you a hand, you took it with a shake.

>You weren't ready for the pads on the inside of her hand…

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424396 No.380561

File: 1b12f8527ea2d95⋯.jpg (495.26 KB,747x1000,747:1000,1370976065355.jpg)


>The dungeon was just as Merle said.

>Torches were extinguished, stagnant air. The place was abandoned.

>Well, except for the security.

>You held up your side of the bargain, it was a good thing you came with a club.

>The horde of skeletons swarming you would have probably been a problem without it.

>Lots of bone hands slapping you in the face. You're pretty sure one of them called you a fuckboy.

>”You're doing great!” Merle yelled out as she picked the locks keeping you out of the treasury.

>”Yeah, thanks!” You called back.

>You managed to smash your enemies to pieces, leaving only a single skull to shout abuse at you before you kicked it down the hall.

>”Whats taking so long?” You asked, catching your breath.

>”Almost…There.” Merle reassured before you finally heard a loud click.

>The giant locks fell to the floor and the stone door opened with a loud hiss.

>”There, see!” Merle stepped back.

>You pulled the door open while she pushed, you noticed that Merle's ears constantly twitched and moved as she pushed.

>She halted in place and took a single step forward into the vault, followed by another, slow and planned, single step.

>Her ears moved around and she scanned the room.

>”Hold on…” She said.

>She noticed something on the ceiling, her cat-like pupils narrowing. Without hesitation, she reached into her pocket and drew a large, rubber ball. She tossed it once in her hand before throwing it into the room.

>The weighted ball landed on a tile with a loud thud, followed by a click. Suddenly, two javelins fired from the holes in the ceiling, bouncing off the tile that the ball landed on.

>”Hey, look at that.” Merle looked over her shoulder back to you with her fur-covered hands at her side.

>”Guess the skeletons were just to lull you into a false sense of security.” You said, stepping into the room, but staying behind her.

>”Gimme a bit.” Merle told you. “There's probably more…”

>Merle was right, the place was covered in traps.

>Poison gas, flamethrowers, a switch that made both sides of the floor rise up and crush you.

>But she disarmed them all. Or at least, you hope she got them all.

>”You've been doing this for awhile, huh?” You asked.

>”Since I was a kid.” She answered. “Never was one for settling down.”

>”Settling down?” You stopped.

>”Don't worry about it.” Merle waved her hand as she examined the large safe in the center of the room.

>With a wiggle of her fingers, she reached behind the safe. You heard a click before Merle withdrew her hand with a strange wire in between her fingers.

>”Bomb.” She stated bluntly.


>”Yeah, bomb. Don't worry about it.”

>Merle tossed the wire and took a knee, she pressed her ear against the safe and slowly began to turn the dial.

>After a few seconds, you heard the sound of a lock releasing, Merle suddenly beamed with excitement.

>”This is it!” She said ecstatically. “We're going to be real wealthy after this one, my friend!”

>Merle opened the safe and looked inside, her grin immediately being replaced with a disappointed frown.

>She reached inside and drew a vase. “Oh.”

>”Just oh?” You asked, leaning against the safe with your arms crossed.

>”Well, guess he wasn't called “The Mad” for nothing.” Merle sighed and stood up with the vase in hand.

>”Let me see that.”

>Merle handed you the vase. “I almost feel like smashing it…”

>You looked it over, there was a stripe of gold at the top and bottom, but nothing really all that noteworthy. Except…

>”We could probably still get some cash for this.” You said.

>”What, really?”

>”Yeah, this isn't a vase from Ruenthal the Mad's kingdom. This is from the Zhitang Dynasty, one of Ruenthal's many…Many enemies.”

>”Zhitang? Really!?” Her ears suddenly perked up and her tail began to wag.

>”These are hard to come by.” You explained. “Probably actually worth something.”

>”A warrior scholar, huh?” Merle teased. “Color me impressed.”

>Merle took a step back and stretched. “So how does 50/50 sound to you? I'd have smashed it if you didn't come along.”

>”That's as fair as it gets.” You agreed.

>”Come on. Lets go load this thing off on some sucker.”

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424396 No.380562


>Merle wasn't happy with the take, looking at the meager sack of coins in her hand.

>”Only five hundred…” She complained.

>”Five hundred isn't bad for a single vase.” You stated, looking at your own sack of two hundred and fifty coins.

>”I thought I'd be rich after this.” She sighed and put her coins away.

>With a deep breath and a stretch, she turned to you.

>”You know we make a good team. What with my genius and your muscle.”

>”I'm just the muscle?” You ask.

>”Don't worry about it.” Merle reassured. “But what do you say becoming my employee?”

>”I'm fine with just business partner.”

>Merle laughed and then offered a hand, which you shook. “Sounds fine by me.”

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7267ae No.380568

File: 940282c73d0c54b⋯.jpeg (49.09 KB,631x625,631:625,68BA251B-9170-4CA4-AFB1-0….jpeg)



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71eb18 No.381042


T. Alan Watts

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29702f No.381337

File: 592a8d3cde0fa14⋯.png (514.48 KB,892x1052,223:263,efacf69c5718690f53ffb2f2db….png)

File: b49346e34c1ba0c⋯.jpg (8.47 KB,192x183,64:61,1540903477557.jpg)

>be me

>write smut/erotic fiction as a job

>sells well with mamono and shit

>use a throw away name so my more clingy fans don't find me

>do most of my writing at my girlfriends house

>I come up with most of my material thanks to her

>the only thing my girlfriend knows is that I'm an author, not the subjects I write about

>she would never let me live it down if she figured it out

>decide to break off temporarily from a series I've been writing to try something new so nothing gets stale

>of course, I already have the next story in the series finished, ready for after the one-shot is released

>trying to come up with the new story before the deadline

>danuki boss will cut my pay again if I miss another one

>three trashbags worth of paper thrown throughout the room, all filled with ideas that never beared fruit

>should probably type this out on a computer

>eventually give up and start banging my head on the desk

>gf walks in with some tea

<"writers block?"

>just nod my head

<"don't worry, I'm sure after some tea and a nap, it'll come to you.~"

>decide to take her advice, mostly cause I haven't slept in 2 days trying to finish this on time

>end up with my head on her lap as I doze off after some tea

<"let's see what you have down so far"

>wake feeling refreshed

>the feeling of rejuvenation is cut short by the feeling of horror as I look up to see my gf reading my latest work for the series I put on hiatus

>her face is beet red, and she looks like she's drooling a bit

>damn, I know monsters like my work, but I didn't think they liked it that much

>she notices I'm awake and immediately tries to compose herself

>"I can explain everything!"

>she just runs to her room

>follow her while trying, incoherently, to explain myself

>she pulls out multiple books from under her bed

>literally every book from the main series I've been writing

>including some limited edition ASMR CDs I've heard my boss mention

<"I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd find it weird that I liked erotica…"

>"I didn't tell you because I'd thought you'd find it weird or creepy that I wrote erotica…"

>came fully clean with her after that

>needless to say she was speechless, in a good way, surprisingly

>she actually found it flattering that she was the main inspiration for her favorite works

>has me autograph everything

>have to give her multiple reasons as for why I shouldn't spoil the series for her

>let her get a head start on the new book, though

>mfw my gf actually likes my perverted ideas

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29702f No.381340


>mfw I tried to keep the girlfriend vague so people could insert whichever mg they liked into the spot, but instead it makes it look as though the girlfriend is /human/

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c3b2eb No.381341


Such is the hard lot of a writefag. You want to cast the net as far as possible for /monster/, but not too far outside. In my opinion picking an MG is always better, as it opens up the story to finer details and gives the characters depth; a nameless, faceless, unidentifiable character is not much of a character at all. The exercise of restricting yourself in the context of the story is also great writing practice. You can pick the MG first and write to best emphasize the girl, or you can start with a vague outline and pick the MG that best fits, and continue from there. Keep it up though, you have a good grasp on what would make for an interesting story.

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1c5ce0 No.381344


I have a favorite girl, a bunch of others I like, and some I dislike. As long as the story isn't about the latter category, I don't really care about the species of the girl.

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ba4b3a No.381345


>mfw I spin a figurative roulette when I need a species

>mfw I have no face

polite sage for being a non contributing twat

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019274 No.381368


Which girls do you dislike onibro?


What all do you have on the roulette?

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1c5ce0 No.381376


Vamp mosquito, devil bug, matango, humpty egg, the siths, shogs, anything that ends in a harem, and anything that ends with you getting turned into something nonhumanoid. Pretty standard dislikes for the most part.

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019274 No.381414

>be 16 year old anon

>taking my little sister to the park

>she can be annoying at times but I still love her

>dad said she needed to spend some time outside

>”she’s going to turn into a troll if she keeps hiding in her room all day”

>personally I didn’t see the problem with it

>I spend all day inside helping mom in the tailoring shop

>but I guessed it couldn’t hurt to get some fresh air

>besides, I might get lucky and meet a girl

>so I agreed to take Abby to the park

>it was a really beautiful day

>people were enjoying the park

>a man was listening to a woman play the guitar

>and a group of kids were taking turns on a gameboy

>and…my sister was was hanging upside down on the swings

>”what are you doing Abby?”

<“what does it look like I’m doing?”

>”there’s no need for attitude sis, why are you upside down?”

<“because I want to be.”

>”Ok, but why do you want to be upside down?”

<“I just told you why. Now leave me alone.”

>”can you tell me what’s wrong at least Abby?”

<“no. Now go away.”

>”alright. I’ll be sitting on that bench if you need me.”

>I walked off and left her to do…whatever it is she wanted to do

>she has been acting weird lately

>especially around mom

>whenever mom brings up her helping in the tailors shop she gets agitated

>she would find an excuse to leave the room or change the subject

>she’d go hide in her room for a while afterwards

>I don’t know why she does, She’d be a natural at it

>maybe it’s just hormones or something

>she did turn 13 a few months ago

>but something told me that wasn’t what was bothering her

>until she said anything about it I couldn’t help her

>all I can do is wait until she’s ready to tell me

>after about an hour Abby came up to me and told me she wanted to leave

>I was a little surprised

>I had expected her to stay all day

>I was actually a little relieved she didn’t

>though she did have a small request

<“I want to make a stop on the way home”

>”stop where?”

<“I’ll show you when we get there”

>she wouldn’t say anything else about where so I gave up asking

>I’d just have to see where she stopped

>”lead the way little sis”

>I gave a small half bow which got a little smile out of her

>that was good, hopefully she would be back to normal once we got home

>as we walked and got closer to home I started to wonder where she could possibly stop

>of course my mind went to the worst possible things I could imagine

>when we were about a block from home she finally stopped and went inside a store


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019274 No.381415

>to my surprise, and eternal relief, it was only a paint shop

>though I was confused

>why would she come to a paint shop? She wasn’t an artist

>the smell of paint, ink, and modeling clay met me when I entered

>Abby was talking to a middle aged man at the counter

<“has my package come in Mr. Robert?”

>”Yes it has, let me go to the back and get it”

>the man, Mr. Robert, went into the back room and left me and Abby alone

>”what did you get Abby?”

<“I bought an art easel. I’ve been saving up my allowance.”

>she seemed rather proud of that statement.

>”I didn’t know you liked art, are you any good?”

>at that moment Robert decided to come back with the package

>”Is she good at art? That’s like asking if the sky is blue! If you listen to my wife she’s the next Sandro Botticelli!”

>”that’s high praise indeed”

>of course I had no idea who that actually was

>Abby seemed to realize this and rolled her eyes at me

<“come on, let’s go before you embarrass me”

>Robert laughed at that and told us to have a good day

>we waved goodbye and went home

>when we got home I wanted to see her work

>Abby was reluctant, almost embarrassed, but she relented and let me into her room

>she kept her drawings hidden under her bed

>but Robert wasn’t kidding, she was good

>and none of that abstract, postmodern crap

>this was real art

>granted most of them were landscape or scenery but it was really good

<“I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I hate it when mom just assumes I’m going to be a tailor.”

>”have you told her?”

>Abby fidgeted a bit and hesitated before answering


>”well let’s tell her now.”

>I grabbed her hand and pulled her down stairs

<“wait a minute now, what if she gets angry or something?”

>”she won’t Abby.”

>mom was in the living room when Abby and I came downstairs

>she looked up when she heard Abby struggling and saw the drawing in my hand

>I showed it to her as Abby just put her head in her hands

>mom just looked at me with a quizzical expression

<“this is nice sweetheart, where did you get it from?”

>I nudged Abby a bit, and she lifted her head up

>”tell her Abby”

>she was a little hesitant but took a step forward

<“I uh- I drew that”

>mom smiled and said that it was excellent before abby continued

<“and uh, I want to be an artist. Not a tailor”

>that made mom pause for a minute

>Abby put her head back in her hands and waited for the freak out she knew was coming

>mom surprised abby by hugging her

<“sweetheart why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

>Abby seemed shocked for a second before she started crying

<“I was scared you would get angry and that you wouldn’t support me”

>mom just kept hugging her and patting her head

<“sweetheart you’re my baby girl. I’ll always support you. Whether you’re an artist or a tailor I’ll never stop loving you”

>Abby started crying harder and hugged mom tighter

<“I love you mom”

<“I love you too sweetheart”


pls rate

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890e7d No.381417


There was no monster girl in it. Was the little sister slowly turning into a leanan sidhe?

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f260dd No.381418



wholesome, but pretty generic, also no MGs?

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019274 No.381421



They were both Arachnei have committed ultimate shame as a writer. I forgot to describe one of the main characters

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e00d35 No.381559

Ok, I'll try my hand at greentext stories, ive only evern made like one but fuck it, right?

>be me, just a broke college kid who's got a pretty good idea of what i want to do

>its about 2 in the afternoon on a Saturday when the DOTR happens, and im just walking calmly on a nature trail, like an oblivious idiot

>hear some trees creaking but don't hear any wind, and the brids are still singing, so there is nothing I have to worry about in terms of large animals or rabbid druggies

>approach a grove of birch trees and get my knife out

>collect some fungus to use for tea, and a few small branches for kindle

>immediately after that hear noise

<what do you think you're doing?

>turn around

>see no one

"Who's there? I was getting some kindling."

>no response

>grab a branch on the ground and make my way to a barren patch of ground, where i usually have fires

>get the fire started and hear the same voice again, this time panicked


>i was getting pretty annoyed at this point so after i put it out i stood up

"Ok come out and let me see you, this is getting old."

<alright, just keep the knife away

>then she stepped out from the trees, as if she was part of them, and based on her attire, she probably was

"Well that wasn't so hard, see-"

>roots from the ground are wrapped around my ankles, and are pretty tight

>grab my knife, but i have another root get to my hand before i can

>immediately after that another is around my left hand

<did you think i would let you go so easy?

>thorny branch tears my shirt and half of my pants off

<you took my wood, now i get yours


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e00d35 No.381560


8 years later

>sitting in cabin with my pregnant dryad waifu

>we have 6 children and another on the way

>i work as a conservationist and with the help of my wife, Anastasia, we have done more for forestry efforts in the last 5 years than any individual has ever done before

>life is good

Feedback appreciated

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4c4dc6 No.381579

File: 08cb915b007dce3⋯.jpg (52.57 KB,1913x809,1913:809,donitsitytyn benis.jpg)

File: f344c1613baf18f⋯.jpg (302.95 KB,1280x1836,320:459,26.jpg)

File: 94febb721b1011e⋯.mp4 (17.91 KB,500x332,125:83,393d54a9.mp4)


<you took my wood, now i get yours

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e00d35 No.381612


I had to

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5877d6 No.381790

File: 1b51ce18693cc94⋯.png (909.62 KB,1118x6410,559:3205,Emergency Alert.png)


Sorry. Only just realized the end of Emergency Alert was cut off. Fixed.

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e00d35 No.381989

>be me, 20 something year old single guy who rarely goes out appart from the occasional gym trip

>wake up in the middle of the night to the loudest noise ive ever heard

>fire alarms are going off, and theres smoke starting to flood my room

>get out as fast ass possible and go to the stairs

>I live on the third floor of my apartment, so the only mamonos that bother me live on my floor

>hence why i dont leave much

>as i get close to the stairwell, i see there is fire down below, so that option is out

>wait what is that?

>theres a lamia girl hanging on to some pipes about 12 feel below me

>she cant move her tail up any further, so shes stuck

>oh shit gotta think gotta think

>dont think and nearly fall hopping over the rail above the stairwell

>hanging onto the top isnt close enough, gotta get further

>climb down a bit and get near the pipes

>hook legs into the space between the pipes and the wall, good thing im skinny

>now for the hard part, and its not cooling off here

>lean upside down in the most painfull but effective way possible

"Grab my hand! Use your tail!"


>she swings

>and misses

"You gotta get my hands, we dont have much time!"

>lots of smoke, but good ventilation so i can still breath

"I've got you, and i wont let go. Not until we are safe."

>she swings again

>shes got me

>pull up enough tail to wrap around my arm and try to pull her up some more

>its not working too great, but it is slowly getting her out with the help of her tail

>grab her by the waist and move her above me

>legs stuck

>pain nearly unbearable

"I can't get free! Get out!"

<I'm not going to leave you! You said you wouldnt let go!

>she wraps snake half around me, and tries to pull a bit

>nothing but more intense pain

>shit everything is dark, too much smoke inhalation

>last thing I hear is a loud poping noise

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e00d35 No.381990


>wake up in hospital, freakout a bit before realizing

>feel hand around mine as i see her

>that lamia woman I saved

>she hadn't been sleeping well, and even I could tell

>notice cast around her left arm

"Why didn't you just leave me? Look at what happened to you."

<im alright

>stretch my legs

>somethings not right

>look under blankets

>right at the knee, both legs are gone, and are wrapped in bandages for now

>look back at her

>she's crying, and holding your hand tightly

<Please… I-I'm so sorry.

>reach up

>wipe away her tears

>she is obviously shocked by this act of compassion

>bring her close

"I'll forgive you, if you tell me your name."

>with a few tears in her eyes she looks into mine, still surprised

<Maria. My name is Maria

>smile and shift to get up

"Maria, thank you, for saving my life."

>kiss her

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e00d35 No.381992


>the next few years were a blur of interviews and requests for more

>we were "star struck lovers" said one local station

>some guy even approached us for an opportunity to be in his book about the "Trials of Love" or something like that

>we turned him down, of course because we were about to add a new chapter to our own book

>after the incident with the building, I'm up for anything

This is the second length greentext ive made so I would appreciate some (you)s

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e00d35 No.381994

File: f65b13626d3f152⋯.jpg (37.04 KB,640x480,4:3,f65b13626d3f152533fbcb9013….jpg)


Fuck im a stupid nigger I forgot to add the part about her being pregnant

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29702f No.382024


It was still, nice. Just proof read before you post.

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2362d5 No.382367

>Be a Succubus.

>Flying home from the grocery, giggling to myself.

>My husbando has been really stressed lately, but won't tell me why, so I got some things together to make one of his favorite meals(he's so sweet, he says almost anything I cook for him is his favorite)

>I land in front of the door, but instead of the TV blaring, I hear him shouting and swearing.


>From the way he's enunciating his curses, he's trying to take his frustrations out on his punching bag in the garage.

>I shut my eyes and breathe in deeply, it must be bad.

>I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter and steel myself.

>"Rotten! Stupid! Motherfucker!"

>I knock on the door before opening it, and there I see him, covered in sweat and wailing on the bag.

>There isn't any technique to his strikes, no timing, just raw punching.

>He punches the bag a couple more times, shouting incoherently and throws off his gloves, his knuckles are raw.


>He pants and looks up at me, exasperated, and forces a weak smile.

>"Hi, Kelly"

<"Can you tell me what's bothering you?"

>He sighs and breaks eye contact, his steely blue eyes looking down at the ground.

>"It's….. ah don't worry about it. Did you find what you needed at the store?"

<"Dear, please don't change the subject, you've been brooding for days and I don't like seeing you this way"

>"And I don't wanna bother you with my problems"

>I bite the inside of my lip a little to give myself a chance to temper my words. He's still angry and I don't want to feed into that.

<"Alright… Well if you wanna get cleaned up, I'll get started on dinner. I'm making spaghetti!"

>"Cool", he says, grabbing a nearby towel and following me inside.

>I can't help but grimace after he walks past, we've known each other too long for him to easily fall for my ways to get him to let his guard down, not easily anyway.

>It hurts, but not because I think he doesn't trust me.

>I knew he was stubborn and proud when we first met, but he's still the man I love, and he knows that as his wife I won't stop trying to help as best I can.

>But I have to wonder if it will ever be enough

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890e7d No.382380

File: 3288fb9388d333a⋯.png (449.69 KB,1796x2577,1796:2577,Sanic the Hedge-Knight.png)

Does anyone have a proper version of this that includes the OP pic and the spoilers revealed?

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906c8d No.382388


…go on…

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2362d5 No.382409

>After browning the meat I add in the tomato paste and red wine, to get the sauce really going.

>My husbando is busy taking a shower after he was done wailing on the punching bag.

>I bite my lower lip and stifle the urge to strip down and join him there, less I leave the stove on and burn dinner or set the house on fire….. like I almost did the last time.

>Of course, he's takin his time, letting the steam build up as the hot water runs down his skin, loosening up the muscles underneath as he scrubs every part of his being…..

>I snap out of it when the timer goes off, letting me know to add the oregano and other spices

<If this meal doesn't cheer the poor guy up, I don't know what will/

>Oh wait, yes I do.

>My ear twitches when I hear the bathroom door open, and I can smell the soap he used as he gets close.

>"Smells good", he says, looking over my shoulder.

>Damn, he's completely dressed.

<"It will be ready in about forty minutes, dear"

>I part my lips slightly and bat my eyelashes, hoping to get a kiss, but it never comes. He just smiles at walks away.

>I don't get it. Is it normal for guys to just avoid people who care about them when they're upset like this?

>By Reitia, the men of this world are strange.

>I sigh to myself once more and focus on finishing our dinner.

>Forty minutes later, I drain the pasta, pull the garlic bread from the oven, and plate it all up.

>It's too bad my favorite apron is hanging out to dry, I get so terribly hot in the kitchen, and I prefer to just wear that. I love the look on his face when serving him his meal like that.

>"Oooh, that looks good", he says as I bring it into the living room, where he's already prepped the miniature tables.

>I take my seat right next to him on the couch after setting down our plates, watching excitedly as he takes his first bite.

>The old Human saying is true, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

>He smiles in deep satisfaction, quickly shoving more spaghetti and garlic bread into his mouth.

>"Delicious", he says, lips covered in sauce.

>Seems like dinner was just the trick to calm him down.

>Or so I thought, as his phone blares his awfully annoying text message tone, he visibly tenses up.

>"Damn it", he curses, standing up, taking what remains of his garlic bread with him as he picks up the conversation with whomever is on the other end.

>I whine quietely to myself and nibble on my own food, trying not to listen to him get more and more agitated as the conversation keeps going.

>It's going to be a long night, and not in a good way.

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2362d5 No.382411




oops. wiring while drinking has it's drawbacks I guess

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906c8d No.382504


Well you've got our attention

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2205a7 No.382566

>be me

>Preteen anon

>Just made 50 dollars from mowing lawns for everyone in my neighborhood all morning

>Mom tells me to save it for when I really need it

>Dad tells me to go spend it on whatever I want

>Mom is all angry at dad for not teaching me the qualities of frugality

>Dad calls mom a greedy danuki

>Mom suddenly storms off upstairs angrily

>Dad just realized he fucked up, he ushers me out of the house and tells me not to come back till later tonight

>He says he's gonna "Apologize" to mom

>Wonder what to do with all my dosh

>Then it hits me

>No it literally hits me

>The next door dragon girl, Daphne, sidelined me into the freshly cut grass

<"Anon, there you are! My mom just gave you my allowance, so now you have to pay me it back"

"Wh-what? But I worked for it, it's my money"

<"But my mom was supposed to give me it so I could go to the candy store"

>That actually seems like a pretty good idea

"Fine. I'll go with you, but only because I wanted to buy myself something anyways"

>We start walking side by side down the sidewalk till momma dragon peeks her head out of the door

<"Now remember, Anon, I want her home by 10"

>I feel butterflies in my stomach and my face turned red

>I look over to see Daphne equally red

<"Geez, mom, it's not a date. I'm just getting my money back!"

>Daphne's mom looks smugger than cheshire cat who showed the boys of our class through the /ss/ maze

>I was one of the only few boys to make it out unviolated

<"Then why don't you just ask for your money back?"

<"S-shut up, mom!"

>Daphne grabs me like a stuffed teddy bear then soars into the air like Apollo 11

>I close my eyes and hold onto Daphne for dear life

<"Uhhh, Anon, you can let go now…"

>I open my eyes and see we're at the mall

>A flock of harpies squawk and chuckle at me

>Fucking bird brains

>I hop off of dragon express, only to be taken on dragon taxi as Daphne grabs my arm and practically drags me off my feet

>We stop in front of the most glorious candy store I've ever seen

>The best part is that everything is done by weight, and you can try before you buy as much as you like

>But after checking the fine print under the sign I see there's an exclusion for dragons

>This is further enforced as the p'orc shop owner gives Daphne a glare

>We go through the store shoveling everything we see and try into plastic bags, then tossing them up to the scale to be weighted

>Caramel filled sea salt chocolate, white chocolate covered pretzels, caramel cubes, sour gummies, truly the works, we even some cream sodas to go along with everything

>While the cashier is ringing everything up I look back to the lolipop section and see a baphomet and other really young monster girls

>They give me a wave but I know better, that's how they got some of us in the /ss/ maze, pretend to be little girls then bam you're some loli cosplayer's big bro

<"Alright that'll be 20 dollars"

>I nearly spit out the cream soda

>I don't remember even grabbing that much stuff, most of it was 80 cent to the pound

>I look at all the stuff we have an notice Daphne did some of her own shopping

"Daphne, you do realize that your mom only gave me 5 bucks, right?"

<"Well… it's too late to take it back now, besides I don't mind sharing with you"

>I hand over the money to the cashier and we fill our arms with the bags of sweets and head off

>Daphne shows me corner in furniture store we can eat

>We start digging in like hyena's

>By the time we finish I'm practically in a food coma, but Daphne is energetic as ever

>She grabs me from the chair and starts dragging me to the Macy's


>I try to break free from her grasp but the food has taken it's toll and I'm too tired

>Mfw I'm forced to watch her try on different clothes

>Mfw It's just like being stuck with my mother

>Mfw she wants to buy everything

>As we leave with what bags of candy we have left and enough clothes to stockpile the salvation army for the rest of the year

>Just as we get home and I'm done dropping off her clothes Daphne grabs me by the wrist before I leave

<"Uh, Anon, I was wondering if you'd want to go out again, tomorrow"

"Sure thing, as long as I don't have to watch you change clothes for 4 hours again"

<"Well if you didn't wanna come then you could just say so!"

"Okay, bye"

<"Wait, Anon! I didn't mean-"

>I leave and go home to play my Super Nintendo

>Dad is still "apologizing" to mom

>Daphne is at my door demanding to be let in

>Comfy life

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03b938 No.382568


>anon with a danuki mom

>bullying a dragon

Good stuff.

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997f4d No.382873

File: 9b18fc6dd295112⋯.jpg (185.04 KB,1304x529,1304:529,1546382869267.jpg)

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019274 No.382877


What the fuck

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991ea0 No.382884


>Dressed in one of my Husbando's white collared shirts and bright scarlet undies, I lay waiting for him on our bed.

>If this doesn't cheer the poor guy up, I don't know what will!

>I can hear him muttering under his breath as he walks up and down the hall.

>I swear I've heard him mention the names of his parents a few times, which sends a sinking feeling down my gut.

>I haven't known them that well, in fact they failed to show up to our wedding.

>I avoided asking about it too much out of respect, as he gets…. well, like this whenever they come up.

>Oh… Kelly, you've got your work cut out for you tonight, now don't you?

>I hear footsteps approach from down the hall and I get back into position, lying on my side, showing off my legs Mrs. Robinson style.

>Husbando opens the door, looking very tired.

<"Well, hello honey"


>He just falls onto the bed, face first into his pillow

>Succubuttcharm.exe has crashed

>I bite the inside of my lip to suppress the urge to scream

<"Honey? Are you ok?", I ask, nudging his shoulder.

>He groans and turns over onto his side to look at me, frowning.

>"I'm breathing, aren't I?"

<"Please don't be sarcastic. I wanna know what's troubling you"

>"Don't worry about it", he says as he forces a smile.

<"I'm your wife, it's my job to worry about you"

>"I thought it was to honor and obey me"

<"It would be a dishonor to let you stay so upset"

>"So stop asking and I won't be so upset", he says, the tension in his voice more than evident.

>I sigh and sit up, my own frustration growing.

<"Honey, I know you like to fight your own battles, but I want to help you. If you just tell me-"

>"Kelly, you wouldn't understand", he cuts me off.

>"Now why wouldn't I understand?", I ask, gently pushing him onto his back and crawling on top of him.

>I smile softly and tilt my head to the side, my tail sliding down his leg to tickle him.

>He jumps just a little and bites his bottom lip.

>I mentally breathe a sigh of relief, my charm can still work tonight.

>I lean my face in closer to his and dig my fingers into his tense shoulders.


>"The… the divorce", he mumbles, averting his eyes.

>My heart falls into my stomach as he says that.

<"Oh… your mom and dad?"


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42d091 No.382894


Interesting twist. Now, I can think of two possibilities the divorce was caused by. One is interesting, the other generic and boring. I'll reserve my judgements for now.

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70c442 No.382941

File: 1867e1c3acc0ad2⋯.jpg (270.22 KB,1367x629,1367:629,1867e1c3acc0ad2eda16655472….jpg)

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2205a7 No.383351

File: 73822d1ea52b9ca⋯.jpg (16.74 KB,500x281,500:281,Speedwagon.jpg)

>Be me


>Have fraternal twin dhampir sis

>Looks sorta like an androgynous mixture of mom and dad. While I just look a lot like dad

>If you didn't know better you would've thought she joined the sabbath or something, but her height betrays her in that aspect

>Mom tells her she's just a late bloomer

>We're 18 already so I'll just take it mom was saying that to make her feel better

>Mom and dad are out so I decide I'll cook something to be nice, since sis is starting to realize mom lied and she just lost the genetic lottery really fucking hard, instead of ordering pizza

>Plus I have no dosh

>Luckily we have some New York strip steaks ready for the grill

>I cook them rare just the way my sister likes them

>I would leave the cooking to the maids but they were out of kiki zombie meidos, so we just got regular, and they're not that good at anything really

>Call her down but she isn't answering

>Not about to eat dinner alone with the zombie maids

>Getting frustrated I knock on her door


>Let myself in and see the room is pitch black besides the a dim light coming from behind some curtains

>When did she set those up?

>Pull away the drapes and I see sis trying on my clothes in front of her computer, while streaming it

>She even has contacts in to hide her red irises and a medical mask to hide her face

>What in the goddamn?

>Suddenly it all makes sense: the numerous packages she's been getting, the fact she always has money of her own, my missing clothes

>She's been pretending to be some prancing fairy faggot pretty boy, getting desperate monsters to donate her moolah

>Luckily she doesn't notice me

>Just as I'm about gtfo sis says something very interesting

<"Well, gals, the stream's coming to an end, but I've got a special present for you. Some pics I took while I was sleeping with my bf"

>She parades herself as a pretty boy fag, I thought monster girls were supposed to hate gays

>Then I notice sis's username, "AlpIn321"

>Makes sense now

>She pulls up photos while still wearing wearing the medical mask and contacts, resting on some guys chest

>But at least sis found a boyfriend or just broke into some poor guys room and forcibly took those pictures, at least she left the guy's face out

>Huh, that's weird. The guy in the pics has the same birthmark on his left pec as I do-

>No… she didn't

>I try not to believe it but, the final picture ruins it all

>No one else I have ever met on this world has the same worn and faded Sam Raimi Spider-Man 3 pillowcase as I do

>I withdraw cooly to my room as I start packing everything up

>I guess I'll go see if mom's wight boss's invitation to spend a week at her house while I mull over the marriage proposal is still open

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241cc0 No.383355


>Not barging in and ruining her entire quasi-faggot career

You should stop this before she starts turning into a reverse Tik Tok thot and starts doing the Hit or Miss meme.

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53bec4 No.383360


>not bullying your sis on livestream

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74611d No.383371

File: 317735d32829e0b⋯.gif (649.11 KB,480x270,16:9,317735d32829e0b15c30341e37….gif)


>I guess I'll go see if mom's wight boss's invitation to spend a week at her house while I mull over the marriage proposal is still open

I n e e d a story about this

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42d091 No.383372


The prompt sound excruciatingly boring. If you can do it and make it work, then I'll happily eat my words.

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74611d No.383379


You might be right. I just wanted wight stories.

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2205a7 No.383381

File: 542ee2f91a696f5⋯.png (351.38 KB,693x800,693:800,Wighty.png)


Ask and yee shall receive

>Be me


>Left house after fraternal dhampir twin sister started dressing up in my clothes and taking pictures of us together while I was naked to get sweaty lonely MGbux, while claiming us to be a gay couple

>On my way to mom's boss's house

>A wight who's been so eager to get into my pants, that she told me and my mother

<"He should marry someone who'll treat him right, like me!"

>This was when I was about 10 years old

>While mom was eager to climb the corporate ladder, she isn't eager to sell off her own son to the CEO for a promotion

>Manage to avoid roving bands of hellhounds looking for some dick, and the odd car asking me I wanna hop in with them, even juking the shit out of an oni so hard I'm pretty sure her ankles broke

>Stand before the address she's been constantly texting me everyday since I turned 18

>The place is its own compound, house is big and that's saying the least, she has her own tennis court and pool

>Work up the courage after hearing a number of howls coming from the hellhounds

>I ditched them once I don't think I can do it again

>Ring the shit outta the buzzer and hear an angry woman answer it

<"What do you want!? I thought I told you nuns I'm not some spirit trapped in this realm!"

"It's Anon"

<"Oh, sorry, honey, let me just open the gate for you"

>Her voice went from venomous to sweet so fast I got auditory whiplash

>Gate flies open and I hurry in before the nig-hounds get me

>Notice plenty of purple flowers with white splotches shaped in a skull on each flower along her walkway, recognize them from elementary

>Dragon girl from my class ate one on a dare and well… at least we didn't have to worry about her breathing fire anymore

>Just noxious gas

>Knock on the door, only for it to open by itself

<Come in~"

>Take a deep breath then enter

>Feel a shiver go down my spine as the temperature drops 12 degrees, Fahrenheit you fucking commie

>The inside to say the least it very gaudy

>Glass chandelier, pristine white carpet over a laminate floor, marble coffee table, flat screen, cozy fireplace, white couch covered in the grandma plastic wrap

>I take seat hearing the plastic wrinkle under me

<"Be down in a second~"

>Turn on the TV and see it was set to Romeo and Juliet

>Expect Juliet was a monster girl in her mid thirties and Romeo was basically a shota

>Then it gets the sex scene and I realize this was porn

>Turn of the TV as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs

>She's wearing a tight low cut dress, on both ends leaving not much to the imagination, while holding a bottle of wine and two glasses

>She sets down the glasses pouring some for each of us

<"So, Anon, what brings you to my humble abode?"

>I decided to leave out the fact that I was driven away by my sister's crossdressing pyramid scheme

"I… wanted to know if that offer still stands"

<"And which offer would that be, hm?"

>She's just being smug at this point

>Ah, well, anything to escape my sis

>I take a swig of the wine knocking it back fully

>Memories of the time mom's relatives, related by the vampire curse, or blessing on who you ask, thought it would be funny to let 15 year old me drink some of the unnatural terroir of the house vintage

>Just one sip of the forbidden tannin gifted me with dizzying glimpse of the hibernating horror the resided deep within the earth, and it wore a maid uniform

"The marriage offer"

>Her eyes light up like a Christmas tree, and I can practically hear her heart finally beat again

<"Excuse me for a moment"

>She goes into the kitchen as I can hear silent squeals of joy, and her feet stomping around

>She returns as soon as she left sitting down even closer to me, stroking my thigh then suddenly stopping

<"Does your mother know about this?"

"I'm my own adult aren't I?"

>I knock back another glass of wine to accentuate my point

<"You're right, besides she won't be angry if she finds out a year or 5 later, right?"

>I take another sip on she eagerly fills my glass up again

>I feel surprisingly light headed, and suspicious

"You didn't drug the wine, did you?"

<"No, why would you ask that?"

"Well how come I feel tired all of a sudden"

<"Probably because it's 20% alcohol and you just knocked back about 3 and a half glasses"

>Jesus, am I that much of a lightweight?

"Aye, fair enough"

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2205a7 No.383382

File: 01e0d58334b4bbe⋯.webm (320.25 KB,640x360,16:9,Fiddle.webm)


<"Well, how about we consummate our l-love in my room?"

>She helps me up and into her bed

>Just before she's able to plant a kiss on my lips I notice something

>Her laptop is on, and she's watching a stream, or a recording of a stream

>But not just any stream, my sis's stream

>The one that played earlier tonight, she must've missed it and is watching it now

>She notices me staring at her laptop

<"Oh, sorry about that, just an archive was a watching-"

"You do know that's my sister right?"


>Her face goes wide

>I take a deep breath and prepare to lay it out on her

"My sister has been pretending to be boy, since most likely the start of her streaming career and has been scamming girls, like you, into thinking she was some boy getting pounded behind from her bf waiting for the day he'll alp after taking it in the ass enough"

<"M-my god… I touched myself to those photos of her and her boyfriend"

"If it makes you feel better I was the guy in the photos, she took them while I was sleeping"

>She breathes, a sigh of somewhat relief

<"I guess that makes it a bit better, but still… all the money I donated"

"How much?"

<"35,000 dollars…"

>I nearly spit up the wine onto her pristine sheets

"All time!?"

<"No… this month"

>She buries her face into her hands trying to hide her shame


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ad4e29 No.383391

>Be me, drunk anon

>Generally terribly messy but blessed with the most honest and loving fluffy kiki maid to ever walk this earth.

>Seriously, she's far too good for me, but I digress

>Kiki waifu has been getting restless as of late as we have been 'seeing' each other enough lately to expect 'results'

>Due to being a poorfag, I've been saving up the neetbux for a sapphire ring that matches her eyes

>We have been doing many lewd things like hand holding and snuggles since she first offered to clean my room and things have progressed from there

>Since that fateful day, I've wanted to show her how I really feel but all the love in the world can't buy her a ring

>When the day finally arrived and I presented the ring, all the money in the world was nothing compared to the smile she gave and the 'Yes!' she uttered to me

>As the ceremony wound down and the day came to an end, only the consummation of our official vows and our love for each-other remained

>Day turned to night and wedding became honeymoon as the stars came forth to witness our union and the boundless love we shared for each-other

>Our lovemaking began as inquisitive and quickly dissolved into passionate and eventually into the purest of vanilla love as she begged for my love and to make a family

>I was happy to oblige and nine months late, I held our squalling twin daughters in my arms. They took mostly after their mother but they had my hair and one had my eyes

>Since then, we had two more daughters and lastly, a son. One in a hundred chance and the finest man we could hope for.

>Every now and then I think back to the days were the only mess was my own and when the only sounds were those of my own voice

>We spent new years with our 5 children watching the fireworks and considering our resolutions for the new year

>After putting the children to bed and finishing a wonderful bottle of red, I asked her if she thought 5 children was enough

>All she could do was blush as I promised that 5 was not enough and that we would fill the house with the sounds of laughter and the pitter-patter of little feet

I know it isn't much but expect an old cheshire thread to rise from the grave some day soon

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9b3c6d No.383405


>35,000 dollarydoos a month

>From a single source

>Not counting all the others

Jesus christ, if I wasn't desperate for a waifu myself, I'd fucking get fit and start streaming for mgs as a e-manwhore. That kind of easy money isn't exactly something you say no to so easi-wait. … THE LITTLE BITCH PRETENDED TO BE GAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS A BICORN AND ALP THREAD???

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74611d No.383413

File: 55b6d86bf648f6d⋯.jpg (104.28 KB,353x550,353:550,Christine Novel Cover.jpg)



Breddy good.

Could Christine work as a mg? Maybe as some kind of Tsukumogami or spirit. The personifications you can find on deviantart are pretty much cancer though…

>no yandere car waifu to chase you down while blasting 50s rock

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43ba5e No.383415


>Car spirit girls

I have to confess, I find the idea of the spirit of my motorcycle emerging and becoming my ghostly biker babe waifu incredibly appealing

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79eb3c No.383417

File: 07de04e396fc7c1⋯.png (310.03 KB,718x465,718:465,1412114399863.png)

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74611d No.383426

File: 9a4228ad40c0faf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.29 KB,1024x624,64:39,nyaa.jpg)


But i don't wanna fug truck-kun.

Would you brake the law to get pulled over by a neko cop car?

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ba4b3a No.383430


>no massive sleeper on the back

>wanting a cablet as a waifu

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2205a7 No.383431

File: 733eedf91fe9fb2⋯.jpg (53.23 KB,800x450,16:9,AHHHHHH.jpg)

>Be me

>Big sister yeti

>Little bro wants to go out and start a lemonade stand so he can buy a birthday present for someone

>Mom jokes about how he must have a little crush to me and my dad

>Little bro huffs and puffs before putting everything we'll need into a wagon

>Mom tells me go with little bro to make sure he stays safe

>Don't try to argue because you can't argue with mom

>Me and little bro walk all the way to the beach then set up the stand

>It even has a crudely made sign and adorable lemon table cover

>Hours pass and business is surprisingly going good

>I guess since the only other store here sells water at 7 dollars a bottle, and we're selling solo cups for a dollar each

>Help little bro with the math since he can't do money worth shit, and I don't want some cunt cheating him out of money

>Suddenly I notice Anon from first period

>Oh, by the Monster Lord's tits, I've had a crush on him since I was 7

>Little bro just ran out of lemonade, so we we're going to pack up anyway

>Tell him I'll just be a second and not to talk to any strangers

>Walk up to Anon and manage to stammer out a greeting

<"H-hey, Anon"

>"Oh, hey Susie, what're doing here?"

<"J-just selling lemonade with my little brother"

>"That's nice of you. So, anyway, we we're just about to leave for a party and I was wondering if you wanna come?"

>Oh finally, I can confess my love for Anon at the party and I'll love my V card

<"S-sure, just let me make sure my little brother can get home safe"

>I turn around and see the lemonade stand is gone, along with little bro

<"Uhh, I'll just be a moment. Please, wait for me"


>Anon shrugs his shoulders unceremoniously as I start running around frantically looking for my little brother

>Just then out of the corner of my eye I notice an ara~ ara~ holstarus holding my little brothers hand with the lemonade wagon trailing behind

>They walk past a formation of rocks into a hidden alcove

>If mom found out I let some old monster /ss/ little bro I'll never hear the end of it

>I run as fast as my fluffy feet can carry me

>Just as I get past the rocks I notice even more ara~ ara~ monster girls

>Then I notice there's other kids here

>Then I notice there's older men here

>Then I notice the kids look a lot like the varying monster girls here

>Then I realize that that these women are all from mom's gardening club

>And are all married

>Little bro turns around noticing me, then the holstarus

<"Hey, Susie, how's your mom doing?"

>I breathe hard like a centaur that just outran the glue factory

<"G-good, I was wondering if you could maybe, perhaps, kinda, take my little brother home for me?"

>Little bro goes off to play with the other kids

<"Sure thing, honey, ya know I watched ya kids when you and your brother still took baths together, I even still have some old photos on my phone. Do you wanna see them?"

>Creeped out by the fact she has pictures of me as toddler and little bro as a baby bathing together aside

<"Thanks, Mrs. H"

>I look one last time before leaving and see little bro sneaking up behind a holstarus his age and grabbing her horns

>Truly a master of love he'll be

>I turn back and run to were Anon was and notice a hellhound grabbing him the wrist trying to drag him off

<"C'mon, Anon, let's just go already!"

>"But I promised Susie to wait for her"

<"Do you honestly believe her, Anon? She's probably just trying to make you wait till there's barely any people here so she can kidnap you"

>I fell the rage build up inside me as I clench my fluffy paws

>I will not be cucked like those cunts in the fucking /HOUNDED/ threads


>The hellhound turns around


>My fluffy paw connects squarely on her nose breaking it hard enough that I could hear it snap like a carrot

>Anon looks at me then the hellhound

>"Susie what the fuck!? That was my sister!"

>My anger is suddenly replaced by embarrassment as my face goes redder than the flames on the heckhounds face

>I run away all the home, manage to sneak inside and lock myself in my room

>Cry and scream into my pillow

>Don't know how I'll even show my face at school


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79eb3c No.383441

File: a1e06f3c365628f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,375.33 KB,827x1200,827:1200,killdozercomic.jpg)


What are your thoughts on bulldozers?

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74611d No.383449

File: 19dea2aabddb9df⋯.webm (122.29 KB,640x360,16:9,19dea2aabddb9df5f492d1936….webm)

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0512ab No.383459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Your town will never be destroyed by a sex deprived Killdozer-girl mad at the new anti rape law passed by the town council

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0d65b4 No.383471


No item is safe from you degenerates.

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906c8d No.383473


These love stories are the entire reason im on this board

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29702f No.383478

File: 898efd06c71b71f⋯.gif (3.24 MB,355x185,71:37,b78.gif)

File: ca5d12d216d50c8⋯.png (342.73 KB,500x679,500:679,tumblr_phpjbyD53r1ufr296o1….png)

>be me

>only virgin in my grade

>not in my whole school, mind you. Otherwise I wouldn't have been a virgin for long

>doesn't stop some girls from trying

>especially this one tsurara onna named michelle

>she constantly leaves me little ice "flowers" in my locker

>in reality, they're just traps

>when I first got one, some other guy grabbed it and started teasing me about it

>not even 5 seconds and he plopped on the floor in the armadillo position going on about how someone's waifu would date chad or whatever

>he gets carried away by the nearest nig-hound, something about "warming him up"

>big tiddy ice weeb has more tricks up her sleeve though

>sitting in class one day when suddenly she takes the seat in front me

>she scoots the chair all the way back to my desk and positions herself to face me

>look towards the front to see if the teacher is seeing this only for my view to be obstructed by a large pair of wings

>Michelle convinced the dragon in our class to act as wing girl heh

>she then forms a rather large icicle and puts it in her cleavage

>she then squishes her tits together and starts to suck the tip of the icicle while pumping her assets up and down

>doesn't break eye contact with me for five minutes straight

>had more lecherous flirting before, so this shit seems like vanilla to me

>but then, she takes it one step further

>she starts to really work the tip in her mouth and putting more mana into the icicle so it gets bigger

>within 3 minutes she slowly removes the tip of the icicle from her mouth with a wet pop and reveals a little caricature of my face on the tip


>Holy. Fucking. Maou. That's the kind of technique that would make a lilim blush

>she doesn't stop there, she shakes her tits a bit more and some powdered snow shoots out from the tip of my ice head and all over her face and rack

>the succubus behind me has to excuse herself to the restroom

>other students around me who can actually see this are stunned with either shock or amazement

>that's pretty impressive

>while I'm still sitting there in awe, she uses the opportunity to quickly throw the icicle at me, painlessly phasing it into my chest

>clever girl

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241cc0 No.383494


>Hellhound sister of a similar age to you

God that must be a nightmare appearing in public

>people don’t normally see you in public with sister

>one day your car breaks down, so you and her take the bus to school

>walk into school with hellsis

>everyone’s looking at you bug-eyed

>some of the mgs are fuming and glaring daggers at your sister

>split off to talk to friends after giving sister a goodbye hug

>friends look at you like they’re seeing a ghost

>”what’s wrong guys? Is there something on my face?”

>friend speaks up

>”well first of all, you’re walking as though you have an intact pelvis, which is basically impossible given the circumstances.”

>”I don’t follow”

>”well the only way a hellhound could be so calm like that is if they just completed some sort of sex marathon. You should at least be sore.”

>gears start turning in your head and you make the connection

>picture sister trying to fuck you

>Westermarck kicks in and you begin gagging with revulsion

>”Jesus Christ no, I’d rather be shot.”

>friends look like they’re doing advanced mental trigonometry simply trying to understand what’s going on

>begin trying to explain the situation

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27cba5 No.383550




There are other implications that you have missed, like the fact that there can be a market for BL and reverse traps. For the former I could understand as it would be a novelty as there would be little gay men in the MGE world but the latter I have a harder time understanding, as the pure bisexual monstergirls like the bee, wasp and plant girls are pretty much like both of the sexes features and the regular succubus does not mind doing girls either. I guess the amazon, angel and Valkyries would be the main viewers as they may be less comfortable with being attracted to girls or they may have a hard time with men in general. Another implication would be that that the dhampir may had alped in the womb not as she has boyish features including a lack of breast. Imagine knowing that you could have been a guy with the genetics of a hero, having a winning lottery ticket for genetics but you somehow been born in the wrong/faulty womb and become a boyish looking dhampir instead.

I also sort of want to know about the shoggoth that the guy had seen due to being drunk that one time and what happens if they meet again.

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42d091 No.383598





Here the post for my WIP greentext about Brother Captian Anon. Another will be up tonight probably.

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2205a7 No.384136

File: b45f4bc87ea5d94⋯.png (383.57 KB,852x1043,852:1043,Vamp.png)

>Be me


>Meet qt3.14 vampire at blood donation

>Really hit it off

>Manage to go on a few more dates with her

>Says her mother really wants to meet me and my parents

>Her mother must be really old fashioned if she wants to meet my parents

>It's even weirder considering we're both adults

>Write it off and call dad telling him to be ready

>We get to gf's house, it's in an undead gated community

>Hurry inside because the ghouls are sizing me up and I don't want the graveyard succ from them

>Undead kiki maid shows us to the dinner table

>Gf and her mom look absolutely stunning, but something seems off, namely the fact that they look nothing alike

>Gf has brown hair, her mom has blonde. Gf has softer facial features while her mom's are much more sharp. Gf's eyes are more of an auburn while mommy vamp are blood red and pierce right through you

>Dad then asks the million dollar question

>"So are you two related?"

>Stare daggers at dad

<"No, I adopted my daughter an odd 22 years ago, and once she was old enough I offered her the choice to join me"

>"Why adopt? Don't you have a husband?"

>Table goes quiet

>Zombie kiki maids pour gf's mom another glass of wine, at least I hope it's wine

<"I'm… afraid not, I could never find the time. You think that when you're immortal that you'd have all the time in the world, but you forget that chances still pass you no matter how much time you have"

<"But enough about me, are you married?"

>Gf is staring daggers at her mom now

>"No, I'm a widower. My wife died when Anon was still 3 years old"

<"It must've been tough, to be alone for so long… not to mention having to raise him all by yourself"

>Gf's mom leans over and lays her hand on top of my father's


>"Yes, it was. I tried to get the neighbors to help, but our first nextdoor neighbor was a kitsune who had a thing for young boys… and the other was an alp who thought it would be funny to dress him up in a dress"

>What now?

>"The third was across the street an ushi-oni household, it was good for a time, but they had a daughter who played a little to rough with Anon, and may have broke his arms… and legs… on multiple occasions"

>Remember that from my middle school years, my limbs still ache from what she did to me

<"You know I've got some stories of my own, like the first time my daughter drank blood"

>Gf grabs me by my shoulder and carries me off

<"You know, mom, Anon said he was tired, I'll show him to his room"

>Vamp mom looks smug af

<"Yes, "His room""

>Gf drags me upstairs as her mom calls out to her one last time

<"Oh, and one more thing: please make sure to clean the sheets in the morning"

>Gf throws me onto her bed, slamming and locking the door behind her

>Straddles me and starts moving her face closer to mine

>Prepare myself for a kiss and close my eyes

>Feel sharp pain in neck, that gradually stops hurting

>She sucks my blood till I start feeling woozy, try to tell her to slow down but it's no use

>Vision goes blurry as what remaining blood I have goes to my soldier downstairs

>Can barely remember what happened but I know she rode me like a mechanical bull from how my pelvis hurts

>Gf manages to wake me up middle of the night telling me she hears a bed creaking

>And it isn't ours

>Gf helps me to my feet was we walk towards the sound

>See door ajar and we peak through

>Our stomachs drop in unison

>Manage to hold back wretching as I see dad on top of gf's mom, while her mom's legs are wrapping around my dad's waist

"Anyways, kids, that's why your mother and I are brother and sister"

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986be0 No.384187


Based dad

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26950f No.384192


All according to keikaku.

TN note: kekikaku means plan

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f1cff0 No.384203


>single mother adoption


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15e7f6 No.384368


Vampires will convert human women if they believe them to be worthy.

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54c55c No.384372


not if you give the adopted child some more self-made brothers and sisters

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a35f0c No.384462

Does anyone have or know the name of the green text story where anon wakes up drunk in a park, then his hell hound girlfriend calls him, he then makes a whole bunch of puns?

I've been looking all over fluffytail but can't find it.

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dd36ab No.384822






Next batch of these damn things. Might have missed a few. Enjoy the autism.

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8af91a No.385518

File: 7f71c03dd4db3d1⋯.png (2.36 MB,1160x6775,232:1355,Brother Captain Anon.png)

Made my own

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8af91a No.385522

File: 0d4e9f1a0f98dcb⋯.png (3.35 MB,1160x6775,232:1355,V2.png)


Version 2. Those models in the other one are perfect.

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7267ae No.385525

File: 82fc763098c015b⋯.jpeg (101.77 KB,656x893,656:893,C5A8C38A-7555-4185-AE54-F….jpeg)


Why are you screencapping an unfinished story?


I just realized the mom began hitting on anon’s dad the exact moment after he said his wife died, and his dad had zero hesitation to bone the vampire after this.

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8af91a No.385526


Merely collating what has already been written.

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7267ae No.385527


Why not just do it after the story is actually finished so you can just fit it in a single image

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986be0 No.385534


Well iirc he was intending to transfer the story over here from the other thread, so I figure he wants to give new readers a chance to get up to speed first.

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7267ae No.385537


The author literally linked to the story in this thread.

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9a31e3 No.385539

>You are setting on the couch next to your manticore wife.

>The movie has just finished and you are snuggling in companionable silence.

>Lean over and kiss her forehead.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

>She looks up at you with a wry smirk.

<"Hmm, that sounds ominous"

"When we started dating, why did you do it like that? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you did, but it was hardly the traditional way for a manticore to do things."

>She looks down at the ground, pensive.

"If you're uncomfor.."

<"No, no. It's fine."

>She sighs.

<"You know how my mother treats my father, right?"

"Oh yeah. That's a stereotype if ever there was one."

<"Yeah, now imagine growing up like that."

<"Even when I was a child, my father was the sweetest thing on earth. He helped me with everything, fixed the things I broke when angry, consoled me when upset."

<"He did all that without complaint, or even appreciation. Mother… Mother made him suffer. She would keep him drugged-up for days straight, suck him dry and keep sucking for hours just to watch his agony. I found out later that every time he comforted me she would beat him for making me soft."

<"Heh, I suppose he did make me soft."

>She kisses you on the cheek.

<"I swore that I would never act like that. That I would only take a husband if I could do it without the violence and drugs. Even if it meant I was alone forever."

>She moves to sit on you lap facing you.

<"And then you, my wonderful lunatic, walked into my life. You were smart, cute, sarcastic as all fuck. It was through Eros had deigned to make the perfect man for me."

>She kisses you, deep. When you finally pull back she giggles.

<"You know, on my own, I never would have work up the courage to ASK a boy out. I mean can you imagine that? A manticore ASKING a boy on a date?"

>You can imagine that quite well actually. Especially given that's exactly what happened.

"So what changed?"


>You shouldn't be surprised, but.


<"MmHmm. She cornered me in the lockers on day…"


>You're staring at you locker fuming.

>You want to have Anon as you boyfriend but you swore you wouldn't just assualt people.

>Problem was, that's what manticore's DID.

>You could maybe follow him around and protect him, but it's not like had enemies.

>Or maybe…


>You spin to the diminutive kikimora in the locker next to you.

"What the fuck Beccy?"

>Rebecca (Beccy or Bec) had been your friend for years.

>It wasn't like her to be loud, or confrontational, yet he she was having just slammed a locker shut and giving you a stare somewhere between exasperated and pissed off.

<"Just ask him."


<"Just. Ask. Him. The. Fuck. Out."

"Bec, I'm a manticore. We don't ASK…"

<"No, you slam boys into the wall and tail-fuck them into coma. Would you rather go that route?"

>You flinched.

>Bec rubbed a hand down her face.

<"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. But seriously though, find somewhere private, sit him down and say 'So, I've got these movie tickets would you to go with me?' or 'There's this restaurant I've been wanting to try out, if you want join me I would very much enjoy it.' Or something!"

>She gave an exhausted huff.

>You stared at your locker for a while.

"You know what Beccy? You're right. Next time I have him alone I'll ask him to go out with me."

<"Thank fucking Eros."

"Speaking of boyfriends, how are you and James doing?"

<"Great actually."

>She looked around and her smile became somewhat lewd.

"I cleaned his bedroom on the weekend."

>You stared her.

"Holy shit, Bec."

>She went slightly red, but held you gaze. Her smile grew wider.




"His actual bedroom."

<"I know! Right!"

>She leaned in to kiss you again.

<"So, that's the story of how a manticore ended up ASKING a boy to go to Stereosonic with her."

<"Did you have any further questions? Oh, husband of mine."

"Tail-fucked into a coma?"

>She goes bright red and starts looking anywhere but you.

"Could you actually do that?"



>The lewdest grin in mamono history.

<"Shall we find out?"

So, I wrote a thing. It's a short thing, but I haven't written green in long enough that it makes me feel old.

Criticisms, grammar fails, demands for Sudoku?

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6f73b3 No.385541


I'm gonna say this as someone who is not fond of manticores at all: that's the best fucking manticore story I have ever read, and I wouldn't mind going out with her myself, so good fucking job, anon. Good job. Now write some other story, I'd like to see what you come up with next.

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efe90d No.385542


Well, now I'm going to have to do another I suppose. Any requests?

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6f73b3 No.385543


Well, since you're asking, I'll just toss you a bunch of ideas. Have fun.

>The average day of a married inari.

>An angel nursing her husband's headache.

>Lovesick gremlin stumbles across mecha obsessed boy.

>Rocker raiju and her bassist boyfriend.

>Annoyed automaton and her battle against the coldhearted captcha.

>Superheroine bunnygirl falls in love with a not-so-villanous villian (in a saturday morning cartoon style).

>Heroic Hakutaku harrassed by heinous hieroglyphs, anonymus architect archives solution.

>A detective cyclops tracks down her soulmate.

>Flustered oni professes love to bro-tier jock, tummyrubbing follows suit.

>Musclebound magical girl oni has her secret discovered, hijinks ensues

>Color crackin' kraken spills ink whenever near her male model.

>Thunderbird cuddled by husband during heavy thunderstorm, comfy times all around.

>An alp adventures across the Alps.

>Grungy goblin finds faith.

>Alcoholcs Anonymus, but it's arachnes addicted to coffee, blames barista husbands.

>Gnome groundskeeper noms little man.

>Samurai Sharkgirl saved by suave sushimaker.

>Lich and her husband battles for highscore in vidya.

>Suicidal Crusader callously challenges pacifist Chimera, confesses comfort in her loving arms.

>Horror movie about man with multiple arms, horrificly headpats innocent college monsters. Nerds and jocks team up, forms friendship in face of fatality.

>Sulky sandworm is grounded.

>Chinese Cancer can can-can.

Pick whichever one you like if you need inspiration.

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43ba5e No.385545

File: 23c4ccd0f87a1de⋯.jpg (73.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,comf.jpg)


>Kiki is happy with her boyfriend named James

>MFW my name is James

It's a warm, fuzzy feeling you can't get from "Anon"

I know that wasn't the point of the story, but still.

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03ab63 No.385550


Most James I've know have been good guys. I'm glad I could give you some warm feels and hope you find a kiki who will clean your bedroom for you.


>So much alliteration

Thankyou for your suggestions, hearken now unto Writefag's faggoty writing.

>You groan at the pressure of the magic job on your crotch.

"That's fucking cheating."

<"Oh, and Hilde fucking isn't?"

>"Ring out!"

<"OK, fuck this, let's play something else."

>She dumps the controller and bends down into the cabinet bellow the tv.

>Being dead the weather doesn't really effect her so she's taken to wearing a tanktop and panties, pretty much at all times.

>Fuckin' unf!

>You're still hard from the magic-job and the butt swinging around in front of you isn't helping.

"You're still cheating."

<"But of course, lover mine. You don't expect a misstress of the Dark Arts to play fair do you?"

>She giggles, you groan.

>Suddenly pauses, turns to face you with a smirk.

<"Shall we make a wager?"

"Hmm, what do you propose?"

<"I have this new spell I've been DYING to try out."

>For fucks sake.

<"If I win, I cast the spell on you. If you win, I tell you what is does first."

>You stroke your manly stubble, pretending to consider it.

"This hardley seems an equitable bet."

<"Pfft, you aren't going to win any way. Why does it matter?"

>She's playing you anon. Playing you like a fucking fiddle.

"And what makes you say that?"

>She holds up the game.


>SS Bros fucking Brawl.

>She's right. You've never beaten her in that.

>You sigh and brace yourself for what is certain to be an interest night.

"Confrimed for Brawl."

>She squee's and set up the game.

>Returning to the couch she sits in your lap, grinding her cute butt into your erection.

>Whatever, not like you were going to win anyway.


>Your pretty sure this is best you done yet.

>Your losing, because lich-butt on penis, but you're not having your arse handed to you.

>So your feeling pretty good about youself.

>Your wife has also started focusing on the game.

>Normally how these things go is constant teasing, distraction and giggling.

>Maybe your getting better at this.


>You both stare at the screen.

<"No fucking way."

"No fucking way."

>You won. By a single death in the last match, but you won.

>You honestly don't know what to do right now.

<"Ahem, so Anon."

>You turn away from the screen.

<"I know we already agreed to the bet, which I will hold if you want I'm not trying to weasle out of it."

>Suuuuure, honey.

<"But, well. That was the best game you've ever given me. If you want a propper reward, I'm more than willing to work something out."

>Hmm, this could be an amazing oppertunity.

>You gave her shit for her whole 'Misstress of the Dark Arts' thing, but she was good at it.

"The spell you were going to cast on me. What does it do?"

>She blushes and grinds into your lap a bit.

<"Oh, not much. Just a Hex to make you addicted to my arsehole. You would've had to fuck it every couple of hours or get a pretty nasty withdrawal."

"How long does it last."

<"Four days? A week max."

>You bend around and kiss her.

"Well, we'd better clear our calanders then."

Honestly, not feeling this as much as the other one, but I wanted to get something out for you guys before I went to bed.

With that. Goodnight Anon's. May you dream of horny waifus and headpats.

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e9ad62 No.385552

File: c359afcbbaa3667⋯.png (15.61 KB,211x221,211:221,c359afcbbaa36678846aebf85e….png)


This is fine.

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7559a9 No.385560



I liked the first one better. The manitcore as written is a much more believable character. She sounds intelligent, capable of introspection, and empathy. All contribute to a healthy and long lasting relationship. This is a great departure from usual things I see where people write monsters exactly as they appear in MGE (horny NPCs who use men as a source of cummies in a sense). Keep it up.

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7267ae No.385563


Overall you are pretty good. It’s a bit refreshing to see a universe which isn’t entirely sunshine and rainbows that still has a good ending. There are a few spelling mistakes or malapropisms that you might want to put into some sort of grammar checking program or proofread your writing.

>You are setting on the couch

>as you boyfriend

>it's not like had enemies.

>yet he she was having just slammed

>but held you gaze

For the second one there are some more spelling mistakes and you should learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”

Also I wouldn’t use asterisks for actions/noises but would use italics or a full sentence instead.

Grammar and language aside, not bad at all.

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194d7f No.385568


Man if I were the husband, I would've paid her back in spades for her abuse and maybe learn her a thing in humility. Nice heartwarming story.

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c65001 No.385634

File: a52007ebe0760a7⋯.png (626.22 KB,1280x1037,1280:1037,latest.png)

>A deep sigh escapes my nostrils and I finally open the door after facing it for what seemed like centuries

<"Welcome home! I didn't think you'd come home this early, so dinner is still…"

>"Sorry, I'm not hungry, I'll just go to sleep"

<"I… I see…" she looks at me with concern in her eyes, but without any will to fight, "go ahead then."

>I let myself fall down the bed like a bag of stones, the pillow breaks my fall. I close my eyes and let the fatigue take over.

>Something wriggles its way under me, lifting me up and awaking me from my sleep.

>Fighting against the heavy eyelids, I open my eyes and stare at my wife.

>She slowly lowers me over herself, being as careful as if I was made out of glass.

<"Bad day" she says, as if reading my mind, or perhaps my expression. I let my head plop down onto her beasts as if letting out a non verbal confirmation.

>One comforting sharp claw gently traces its way down my back, the feathery wrist pulls me closer to her body and the two furry legs partially wrap themselves around mine in a full body hug.

<"Sleep" she says, caressing my head with the other clawed hand and completing her embrace with two soft wings, covering my entire body.

>The eyelids grow ever heavier and I stop fighting, only raising my head slightly to let out one last sentence.

>"I love you"

>Fatigue bests me again. The last thing I hear is a content sound coming out of her as the embrace tightens slightly.

First time I tried writing in present tense so it sounds kind if awkward. Not exactly a complete story, just a cute idea I had based on a dream

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906c8d No.385637


Not bad

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986be0 No.385645



Griffons need more love

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9b0e37 No.385648


Good one, Anon.

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407df6 No.385649

File: 50b26a4b1f9d709⋯.gif (1.47 MB,680x680,1:1,demon_girl_contract2.gif)

I dunno if it's really nice to re-post stuff that I've written, but if it's the thread for it, well… I should probably just write more.

>You've struggled to come to terms with it.

>You know the gist of it, but it still aches to consider.

>You don't remember the how or the why.

>Just the panicked phone calls.

>The tear stains she left on your shirt as you got the news.

>How she's spent the week whimpering, hurting and weeping on the couch.

>How you didn't pay attention when she first started complaining about migraines.

>How she couldn't sit down without wincing in pain.

>The first night you discovered she'd started sprouting wings.

>The rush to the hospital, that look the doctor gave you.

>Your girlfriend's turning into a monster. A mamono.

>It's hard not to feel responsible, somehow.

>That you should've noticed everything sooner.

>You could've saved her this pain, maybe.

>If only you'd just figured it sooner.

>You haven't left her side nearly the entire week.

>Not when she clings to you like the only solid rock in the storm.

>Not when she teary-eyed and sobbing begged you not to let her go.

>Not when she confessed she's terrified you'll leave her for this.

>That you won't love whatever she's becoming.

>That she's scared she'll hurt you or scare you away.

>Every day you've felt her change beside you.

>Her curves have swelled enough the college hoodie you let her borrow looks form-fitting.

>You have to mind the tiny growing bulge of a spaded tail every time you sit down.

>Black has started bleeding into her sclera, her skin a grayish pale.

>You couldn't stop apologizing the time you squished her wing against the sofa.

>The sound she made haunts you still.

>She's stopped smiling because she's ashamed of her fangs.

>She can barely use her fingers as the claws grow out.

>The pointy protrusions she calls her horns are achingly sore.

>You've tried to not think about how they're growing out of her skull.

>You just make sure to hold her close, always.

>Pity comes naturally whenever you put your hands on her.

>Making sure to massage all the tender spots. Every protrusion, every nub, every inch of skin she sheepishly asks for.

>Guiding chaste little kisses along her scalp. Working out the tension in her trapezius muscles with kneading hands. She's stiff as a rock.

>Rubbing her temples for her, minding the horns. Ice-packs down her lower back to try and numb the growing pains. Ibuprofen doesn't help.

>Staying close like this is the most you can do.

>She doesn't say it, but she's struggling.

>It's started seeping into her mind, clouding her thoughts.

>She doesn't know whether to see you as her boyfriend or prey.

>But you're the only thing that calms her down.

>The only thing she can focus on besides the pain.

>The soothing whispers, your hands sneaking under her hoodie to touch her skin. That smell only a lover recognizes.

>Her body wants to pin you to the floor and ravage you.

>But she can't do anything but ache.

>It's driving her mad.

>You didn't let her apologize when she clawed your shirt open.

>You joked that chicks dig scars. She didn't laugh.

>Somehow she's managed to fall asleep, awkwardly sprawled out on her front. Her head's resting against the armrest.

>You'd get her a pillow, but you don't want to wake her.

>She spent her last waking moments begging for you to touch her.

>Clumsily you adjust, minding wings and tail as you squeeze in next to her.

>Arms looped securely around her torso, lying face to face. One of your hands reaches up to run your outstretched digits through her hair.

>The doctor said the transformation took a week to finish.

>It's almost up.

>Maybe you're a little scared of what you'll wake up to, but you're not going to let it go.

>You're not going to let her go.

>No matter what, she's your girlfriend.

>And you want the first thing she wakes up to be a reminder that her boyfriend loves her.

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407df6 No.385650

File: db89e0049e30b10⋯.png (2.32 MB,2048x1151,2048:1151,db89e0049e30b100c4c0dd4597….png)


>You lost track of how long you laid there, watching over her.

>However long you slept it wasn't enough. Your body reminds you how much it aches as soon as you groggily open your eyes.

>Stray rays of morning sunlight sneak through your living room windows. It's still early in the morning. Far too early.

>You try to close your eyes and drift back to greedily sneak in a few more minutes of shut-eye before tending to the girl in your arms, but something stops you.

>You didn't roll up in a blanket last night.

>You try to be smooth and shift to feel for her presence. She's still lying next to you. She hasn't left.

>She's breathing softly, seemingly at peace in the dreaming world. Slow, steady breaths.

>But you're bundled up in something. She couldn't have slipped away to fetch a blanket without you noticing.

>No, it's… her wings. Wrapping you up like a loving shroud.

>Those are her fingers- no, her claws wandering up your spine.

>Suddenly it dawns you that she's grown taller than you, busy nuzzling you under her chin.

>How her chest presses against your collar instead of your ribs as you hug.

>Her tail is lazily drawn across your legs, possessively pinning you down at her leisure.

>Not that you'd try to move even if you could.

>You're more than content to reciprocate, holding onto her for as long as she wants you to.

>Mere minutes pass before she begins to stir awake, her arms tightening around you to squeeze, to make sure you're still there.

>You are. Quietly she runs her lips through your hair, leaving a chaste peck on your scalp.

>There's a husky, stygian echo to her whisper as she asks if you had a good night's sleep.

>You nod against her, and she runs her hand down your back in approval.

>There's a kind of confidence in her smile she's never worn before.

>Surefire, certain. Genuine. Almost as warm as her naked body against you.

>Somehow she managed to rip out of your old hoodie overnight, but you don't mind. Not in the slightest.

>She notices you don't mind, soliciting a knowing chuckle rumbling up from her chest.

>You sheepishly stumble to excuse it as just morning wood, but she hushes you with a finger to your lips.

>Her lips brush against your ear, her breath hot as she whispers that it's okay. That she understands.

>That you must be so pent-up over not getting any all week long.

>You make a final attempt at token resistance, but your words are lost to her kiss.

>It's only right she rewards you for being there for her, she insists.

>Her eyes are so dark yet gleam with unrestrained hunger as she moves to straddle you.

>Her hair falls down in long tresses, framing her growing grin as her gaze follows her hand.

>Down your front, drawing a line from your navel to your groin, your erection shamelessly bulging in your boxers.

>One of her claws catches on the hem - and tugs, coaxing them off.

>It's hard not to blush at the sound she makes as your cock is finally freed, tip already slick with pre.

>It's hard not to gasp as it throbs under her touch, your body squirming beneath hers as she comes to rest on top of you.

>Pressing her heaving chest against yours, peppering your jawline and chin with kisses as she strokes. Prepares you.

>All her little 'thank you's and 'I love you's slowly melt into a vague blur of affection before she retracts, her wings stretching out in full.

>You're ready, and she's hungry.

>It's not your first time, but she still threatens to push you over the edge as soon as her pussy clamps down on your dick.

>Your breath hitches, your heart skips a beat - but she's not going to let you go so easily.

>Despite that instinct to just squeeze you dry every action, every shift she makes is slow and deliberate.

>Making sure your eyes never stray from hers, that your hands are clasped tight.

>That she has your adorable, flustered face right where she wants it as she rides you.

>That you get the message that this is not for the sake of that unfamiliar hunger inside of her, but for her. For both of you.

>For how you still love her despite the kind of monstrosity she's become.

>Ultimately it's less for the sake of pleasure and more for the sake of feeling her close again.

>Like a snapping cord you cum inside her, panting and gasping for air as she leisurely spreads herself on top of you.

>Quietly coaxes every last drop out of you with a body so strangely familiar to her.

>Lets you revel in the feeling, to give into her.

>Spent, you collapse still quivering into her waiting arms.

>Neither of you say a word as you recover.

>You don't have to.

>All she wants is to see you smile.

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2205a7 No.385674

File: be083e96beb226c⋯.png (936.7 KB,1189x1250,1189:1250,1548777241367.png)

>Pharaoh finally chooses her childhood friend, aka slave, as her husband

>They have a son together

>Clearly the gods must've blessed them

>Pharaoh wants to go to the temple of the sun god to thank her personally

>Takes her son and husband because she couldn't bear being away from them

>Traveling on the Nile when crotchety crocodile girls attack the boat

>Pharaoh commands them to stop, but that made everyone on the boat stop

>Navigator couldn't steer them out of the way of a rock

>Hits the hull and destroys the room containing their son

>Shit storm as Pharaoh commands everyone to start searching for her son

>Pharaoh's son safely floats down the river

>Crocodile girls miss catching him

>Smoothly glides around the rocks

>Surfs the waves till he reaches a dingy shack on the coast

>An old apophis marred with scars, each one signifying a failed attempt at the throne, notices the basket

>She picks up the baby and instantly knows it to be that bitch's son, from that stupid pendant he's wearing that has the Pharaohs family sigil on it

>Contemplates selling the baby off to lamia nomads, but decides she'll play the long con

>She'll raise him as her own and endear him to herself and marry him claiming the throne

>Years go by as she cares for him

>She protects him from that little lamia slut that would no doubt steal her son away

>Runs off the Girtablilu assassins

>Though she thinks those are more for her

>Finds a genie lamp and wishes for a present for her son instead of power and other generic wishes

>Even betrays her sister who tried to persuade her to ransom him off

>Years pass and he becomes a fine young man

>Can't bring herself to look at him as anything more than her son

>She takes him to the city where the Pharaohs palace is

>Her son wonders why she cloaks herself

>They stop right before the steps and she tells him the truth and hands him the pendant

>They hug and she slithers off wiping away tears from her eyes

>Just then her son grabs her arm then starts dragging her up the palace steps

>Begs him to stop but to no avail

>Shows the guards his pendant and they freeze up letting them pass

>Come before the Pharaoh and her husband still mourning this as the day they lost their son

>Pharaoh demands to know who they are

>Shows his pendent off and Pharaoh bursts into tears hugging her son, kissing him on the cheek

>Pharaoh wishes to thank the hooded figure, but must know her identity so she can properly

>Son pulls down Apophis's hood

>Guards are at the ready

>Just as the Pharaoh is about to give the command her son stops her

>Demands that she be allowed to live here and not be sent to that shack

>Pharaoh can't believe her son would trust her

>Mother knows best, and the best thing is to be rid of this purple usurper

>Hubby steps in and listens to his son, calming down his wife

>Though she wants so desperatly to banish her to desert the Pharaoh relents

>The welcome home feast for their son is extremely awkward

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019274 No.385696


Pretend to be something long enough and you eventually become what you were pretending to be. Good stuff writefag

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0b7db7 No.385778

>Day 1

>was watching the news today, some Japanese scientist finally did it.

>the madlad opened a portal into the MGE universe

>they still don't know how he did it

>looks like japans being overrun pretty quickly

>a lilim came over, she's dressed like a roman larper, still a looker

>it's hilarious to see new anchors reacting to this

>/monster/ is going crazy

>the world has shut off contact with Japan

>lets see how that goes

>Day 2

>looks like mermaids washed up in California today

>Los angles was hit pretty bad

>succubi flew over to china

>the sabbath is taking both Korea's

>this is going quickly

>Day 3

>dark purple clouds appeared over California

>lads on /monster/ talking about moving to California

>desert monsters appeared in Vegas

>only a few states from me

>at least I'm in the sticks

>Day 4

>Red Queen showed up in Times Square today.

>looks like the east coast is gonna be hers

>the EU is in damage control

>wonder how long that is going to last

>there is definitely a purple cloud over Arizona

>Day 5

>Dragons landed in England

>Mexico is overrun by Californian succubi and alps


>Canada is being attacked by the demon queens military

>larper is leading it

>putin and trump came out in support for the monsters

>so did most religions

>they are just happy that the monsters are marrying people

>angels didn't hurt

>Day 6

>I just heard wings outside



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986be0 No.385780


>the sabbath is taking over both Koreas

I don’t know how I feel about Kim getting overthrown by lolis

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8f8cdf No.385786


You forgot

>Day 7

>Madagascar shut down their port

happens every time ;_;

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e53069 No.385798


To be fair there's talk of Kim being a puppet and a lover for his sister since they were young.

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997f4d No.385799

File: 90f5b3474b98785⋯.png (124.48 KB,939x723,313:241,PA_on_Firedog.png)

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57acdf No.385805

File: 5021103487a4fc8⋯.png (695.65 KB,960x720,4:3,Angry Reuenthal 1.png)


>Killing a god-tier waifu

Orderfags shall be placed on suicide watch after they lose it all!

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979aa5 No.385860


nice bait n' switch

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979aa5 No.385861

File: 5f0596f328ec6b6⋯.gif (8.58 MB,650x276,325:138,laugh.gif)

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019274 No.385876


Wait what?


That’s…not what I was expecting

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e53069 No.385881


>Wait what?

I don't have the post saved, but what I remember is

>they both went to a college in some place(either europe or america) and students said they were both really close

>Kim once got a gf, but someone misteriously died (either the girl herself or her family) and they broke up

At the very least Kim fucks his yandere sister, so pretty much nothing will change there on the DOTR.

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2bf972 No.385902

File: 3085b75ed5e4836⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,300x257,300:257,1428171544024-4.jpg)

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15e7f6 No.386000


>The demon invasion grinds to a halt and turns around has soon they've heard the news of Madagascar, claiming "Well, this was a waste of time."

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997f4d No.386007

File: ae128090367cfcb⋯.png (28.84 KB,300x250,6:5,derp paladin.png)


You don't understand. There's a line in MGE that said monsters think of nothing but sex, therefore anything that depicts otherwise is non-canon. It doesn't matter what KC says, or how much content there is contradiction my theory. They're all wrong and non-canon. Monsters are evil. We need to kill them all. For the Order!

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ba4b3a No.386009

File: 26e957fb0623625⋯.jpg (8.67 KB,181x255,181:255,400 thousand keks.jpg)

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ebc172 No.386073


What's DotR?

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997f4d No.386074

File: d72d7a9bb6aef95⋯.jpg (226.58 KB,850x1114,425:557,Sample_6232e33c961082afcfd….jpg)


Day of the Rape-the day monster girls come to our world to save us from 3DPD.

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a22d4a No.386078


Rape is such an ugly word, I much prefer proactive consummation.

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e53069 No.386079


It's just pre-consent sex.

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03b938 No.386478


You fucking son of a bitch.

You motherfucker.

I shouldn't be laughing this goddamn hard but here we fucking are you goddamned cunt.

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cee7ba No.386640


I don’t get it, is this supposed to be a reference to Plague Inc. or something?

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e2a54f No.386665

File: 2035b218d562cd9⋯.jpg (118.35 KB,750x1000,3:4,2035b218d562cd9ae1ddb7fe96….jpg)


>plague inc.

Your age is fucking showing newfag. That, or you are retarded.

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019274 No.386678


>he’s never played pandemic

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0b7211 No.386701


I borrowed this one: Superheroine bunnygirl falls in love with a not-so-villanous villian.

It evolved beyond the usual Greentext medium. https://pastebin.com/a8ukwH4a

I hope you like it, even though I could've done better in terms of Saturday Morning Cartoon atmosphere.

Oh yeah, I'd like to write an ending too, but which one do you prefer?

Villain end: The Count Vice introduce his new Evil Partner in crime: Lethal Lazuli.

Hero end: Lago Lazuli teams up with the unexpected Count Valor.

Neutral end: MG North's newest super couple is a little odd. But they're madly in love, that's for sure.

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42b766 No.386704

File: c70430dd5bf404b⋯.jpg (559.68 KB,776x1054,388:527,1482016415808.jpg)


There are things deserving of a nuclear holocaust, and then there are things deserving of holy fire. You decide.

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3a7596 No.386707


What was posted and how murderous should I be feeling about it?

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cee7ba No.386718



No, I’ve never played it or even heard of it, and I much less doubt me not knowing the existence of one relatively obscure game constitutes me being a newfag, so one don’t you stop with the knee-jerk baseless accusations before you derail the thread, ok?


Villain End

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614947 No.386719

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d6)


Roll a six sided dice and find out yourself. I could like either of them. Good job writing it. A little confusing with all the arrows, could use a more description of people, but I enjoyed it. Fuck it, I'll do it for you. 1/4: ending A. 2/5: ending B. 3/6: ending C.

funny, I decided to pop on over to /test/ to check if I could roll dice properly, and I found a random christmas story about Atlach-Nacha

>Checkup with Greilia

Holy shit, it's you. You posted that story in the Sabbath thread. This one was fucking great! 100% boner inducing.

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0b7211 No.386728


Thanks a million for the comments.

Especially the Grelia one, this one got no reaction whatsoever, my paranoïa was screaming "you fucked up so bad, no one's commenting!"

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b2812e No.386738



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b5c67e No.386777

File: a147616de8027c9⋯.jpg (46.9 KB,541x800,541:800,Blade_white_rabbit.jpg)

File: 515d819fc7d192d⋯.jpg (435.46 KB,800x800,1:1,7298411998cdc218ecd7173c40….jpg)


No problem. Now go write that ending, and check my trips of rabbit's luck. I believe in you.

That maid story was a fucking riot. Elves are lewd as fuck

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997f4d No.386848

File: e70456457260727⋯.png (2.5 MB,1182x1863,394:621,1548528274656.png)

>All I wanted was a boyfriend, not 1000 not a bunch of sluts not money none of that. All I wanted was to be loved, yet no one cares about me I'm 27 years old and I've never had a boyfriend before and I'm still a virgin, this is why I'm planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I'm ready to die and all the boys the turned me down is going to make it right by killing as many boys as I see

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e53069 No.386852

File: 8c07585afef9565⋯.jpg (328.88 KB,769x1028,769:1028,8c07585afef95658acf6ee638c….jpg)


Some of you are alright, don't go to school tomorrow.

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986be0 No.386864


I feel like it would be very difficult for most mamono to become an incel when rape is an accepted method of husbando acquisition.

I suppose the more subtle girls like holstaurs or mermaids could fuck up, but nobody gets to friend zone a hellhound and leave with an intact pelvis.

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7267ae No.386866

File: 90c8e9199e50279⋯.png (98.95 KB,650x650,1:1,72C15901-65A2-49CC-A487-AD….png)





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e53069 No.386867


>but nobody gets to friend zone a hellhound and leave with an intact pelvis.

>not being a man and a half

>not being the densest man and a half

>not telling your hellhound friend how much you like her for being direct and fun, accidentally guilting her into not doing anything shady like sleeping drugs

>not taking her rape attemps at play wrestle invitations and rolling around on the floor with her until she gets tired, winning in the end

>not taking her confessions as jokes like tomo-chan haha, I love you to, you're the best bro I could ask for

>not having underwear, pillows, clothes and other random objects of your room disappear one day and suddenly appear again weeks later completely cleaned

>not having her room smelling like pure sexual frustration from your density

It's like you don't even try to not understand girls.

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6930b5 No.386868


Kinda makes me wonder if some monster girls would have a fetish for guys with harem protag level density.

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e53069 No.386874


That'd be /monster/ version of fujoshis

>group of awkward girls discussing in the back of the glass

>"h-here's the doujinshi I made of anon going nandatte at my confessions"

>"What are you talking about? Anon is obviously the kind of guy to think you're saying you love him as a friend!"

<"You three are still writing those cuck comics?"


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997f4d No.386877

File: c812e13adfe80c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.64 KB,509x580,509:580,image.jpg)


We have a name for "men" like that.

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1d7048 No.386893

File: 88fca4130ac51c3⋯.png (128.54 KB,376x374,188:187,jailallgays.png)

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890e7d No.386920



Monster girls going after harem protags is their equivalent of 3DPDs going after bad men. While 3DPDs think "I can change him" about the man they go after, monster girls think "I can corrupt him" about the harem protag they go after.

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997f4d No.386943

File: 6713c27e6eb23b2⋯.png (29.72 KB,1873x291,1873:291,cb6dfdd8-7f1b-46d6-9354-9e….png)

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986be0 No.387005


>tfw male dwarves are an endangered species in mge

Feels bad, I want our bearded brothers by my side in the endgame when the DL makes viable sons a thing.

I do still kinda like that KC made Elves and Dwarves non-monster races like humans

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f15d9e No.387809

File: 9fcfe65d8d6a98c⋯.gif (2.6 MB,500x278,250:139,Stylin on Fags.gif)



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890e7d No.387813


The absolute state of /mgg/.

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997f4d No.387816


It's probably just a troll-/mgg/ has no more tolerance for 3DPD than we do.

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42b766 No.387819


>Wants to “bro” it up with his future mate

What a literal faggot

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424396 No.387821

File: d9b02ae7dc0ed67⋯.jpg (54.29 KB,676x581,676:581,1542995850122.jpg)


MGE has a horrible case of Japanese writer syndrome. But other than that, its alright.

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b76b62 No.387850


say my magic causes autism

My sides

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e53069 No.387859


>he doesn't want to bro it up with his tomboy wife

What a fag.

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71bc65 No.387861


Tomboys and other "manly" women are for fags in denial.

I bet you want your wife to go to town on your ass with a strap-on.

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b8572e No.387862

File: 80a4388cf9bdb3e⋯.png (80.45 KB,1334x787,1334:787,Nurarihyon.png)

55e5fb is a weak baiter and all "he" ever will be

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e53069 No.387885

File: 41a4dd6e2fec227⋯.png (202.81 KB,500x689,500:689,0c972e4c4d72f4da8ef8a438ae….png)


>if your wife does any form of physical effort you're gay

Is your wife a fat slob or are you starving her again?

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895fe2 No.388238

This came to me during a sexual meditation session. I need to share this.

>your wife is snickering and excitedly rubbing her hands in the background.

>you push the button on the video camera for a few seconds, a red light turns on.

"There we go,"

>you sit your naked ass on the bed, slightly incredulous that she wanted to do this.

>your wife is a black-haired rabbit-girl, it's been her idea for the past week to do this.

>She's wearing nothing but a top hat and some black stockings.

<"Welcome! to the magic show! for this show, we're going to make things disappear, and make another thing, appear out of thin air!"

>you have mixed feelings with this whole little show, even if it's just you two (you hope it's just you two) seeing this.

<"for our first trick, we make this human cock disappear!"

>She gives the head of your cock a tentative lick before sucking it up like a straw.

>She tried to make a slurping sound as she did it, but failed when she got halfway down.

>after swirling it in her mouth, she goes back to her silly showmanship.

<"juft lrrk duht, wh mmmdt uh hmnmn ckkk dffuhprrr" she mumbles, despite the mouthful of cock.

"blah blah what?"

<"Yuu knrr whht uhm tagkn abat" she tries to say, still sucking your cock.

after taking a few minutes of cock-drinking, she pops off.

<"There we go! the human cock has reappeared!"

>she gets up and puts her hand on the side of her torso, like one of those superhero poses.

<"For our second trick, we make these two human fingers, disappear, and reappear!"

>she looks up at you, as she puts her foot on the bed, exposing her modest bush and wet pussy.

<"Anon? your fingers please."

"yes ma'am," you say as you dip your middle and ring finger into her pussy.


>you push your fingers in and out of your wife's pussy, stroking her G-spot with the tip of your fingers.

<"Ooooh, yeah! keep on doing that, dazzle the audience! make it disappear and reappear so fast they don't know what's happening!"

>you keep going for a few minutes.

<"Honey, honey! stop! soon, but not yet!"

>she's whispering, trying not to sound too loud for the fourth wall.

"I thought you wanted to get off,"

<"if we're gonna make this work, I gotta cum when you do"

>you pull your fingers out of your wife, you want to go to town on her, but she wants to do the theatrics.

<"thank you,"

>back to theatrics, thus, normal volume.

"You're welcome,"

<"For this final trick! we make a baby appear in my womb!"

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895fe2 No.388240


>she turns to you.

<"Anon, would you like to be the guest star for this trick?"

>You look up to her mischievously grinning face.

"Of course,"

>this is so dumb, but it's kinda fun.

<"Alrighty then!"

She pushes you onto your back, and then gets on top of you in a spooning position,


>she strokes herself, then your throbbing cock.

>she pushes the tip up to her labia.

>the warmth of her wet flesh compulses you to push your hips towards her.

>her fingers guide your cock inside her warm, wet depths.

<"Oh yeahhh~ <3"

>you squeeze and fondle her breasts as you penetrate her pussy.

<"Just like that! just like- oh!"

> your cock slips out for a second, she takes hold and guides its back into her warm pussy and you continue your rhythm

<"Keep going! just like that!"

>you feel your cock building up, you're gonna cum.

"I'm close,"

<"oh shit! Me too! fill me up!"

>you plant your feet into the bed and push your hips upward

>ropes of cum eject from your cock as your rabbit-girl wife milks it for all it's worth

>after a few minutes of afterglow, your wife, pulls out, rolls off you and gives a cheesy, sexy pose for the camera.

<"Annnnnnd, there we go! Now, this trick takes nine months to work, but rest assured, a human baby has appeared inside me!"

>Your wife snickers, and turns to you with a shit-eating grin.


>you shake your head and smile back.

"That was so stupid,"

<"It was totally worth it!"

>she gives you a quick, cute kiss.

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638d53 No.388255

File: 9e3b6b15cf1e687⋯.jpeg (32.34 KB,500x375,4:3,images.jpeg)



That was fucking cheese… yet somehow kind of adorable.

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1c8207 No.388263



Absolute fucking quality right there, Anon.

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890e7d No.388265

File: 5abcaa8e4f5a05c⋯.png (45.3 KB,820x570,82:57,Tewi dream.PNG)



Reminds me of this.

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895fe2 No.388275

>>388255 (checked)


Many thanks! This was cheddar cheesy, and written on a time crunch at the time, but it was too much fun to keep cooped up in my head. I've been working on a larger project that's more deserving of the writefag thread, but I've been wanting to do some other projects, so I'm not sure if I'll do any other writefaggotry after that. Honestly, I feel like I'd rather be a one-hit-wonder than a one-trick-pony.


That anon had a second dream about Tewi the night after, and it was a glorious, magical fuckfest.

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890e7d No.388278


>That anon had a second dream about Tewi the night after, and it was a glorious, magical fuckfest.

He did? Could you post it?

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895fe2 No.388280


I wish I could. I don't have it, try looking or asking around the rabbit rabbit rabbit thread. Sorry I can't be much more help.

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890e7d No.388288

File: 277c784a371f830⋯.png (222.39 KB,1204x1606,602:803,Tewi Dreams.png)


I asked and Tewi delivered.

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895fe2 No.388289

>>388288 (checked)

bueno. I needed that too, many thanks!

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ca929b No.389012


HNNNNNNNGGGGG its so wholesome

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ca929b No.389110


>starting a loving family with your waifu

sometimes life is naught but pain

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5507bf No.389355


<annoyed automaton and her battle against the captcha

>Be an automaton

>and be trying to purchase some rather lewd lingerie to surprise anon for your anniversary

>but there is an immovable object to your unstoppable force

>This thing called a captcha

>ever since you came to this human world and

>ahem, "proactively dated" your husbando, its been a fucking curse

> This

>This Captcha

>You begin sweating again, how on earth could these knuckle daggers invent a security system so robust

>you've been staring at it for hours and it continues to rack your brain

>"Solve the captcha"it says but there is nothing there

>Curse these humans and their defense against machine takeover

>Your IQ is in the thousands, there is no way you should bother your husband with this code


>It's teasing you, asking to prove you arn't a machine

>You try another random amount of letters

>Failed, again

>Why is online shopping so rage inducing

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979aa5 No.389359


>finally solve the captcha after hours of random input

>real human bean starts playing

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199abd No.389382

>At the local IDPA Carbine match with my cursed gun Waifu

>A lever action 44-70 probably isn't the best gun to do simulated room clearings but it's always fun and my Raifu gets bored with punching paper.

>We made 3rd place, not bad for a course designed for semi autos and quick mag changes.

>probably would have been 2nd but I teased her loading gate before the long range part.

>She always pulls a bit to the right when hot and bothered.

>Got a cabelas gift certificate plus bragging rights

>Raifu was quiet after the match.

>Usually she's giddy after blowing through so many rounds but today she something was wrong.

>I gave her a hug and asked her if she wanted to talk about it.

>Turns out she was being bullied by the 4th place cursed rifle.

>She called her a fudd, asked her what she was doing outside of a museum. Asked how she could please her husband with such a gaping big bore

>Remember that Raifu, AR-15 with far more tacticool accessories than sane or necessary, carried by a whip thin short kid in a black vest with enough pockets to make Rob Liedfield blush.

>in monster girl form she looked like a MILF in a "I'm trying too hard" vinyl skirt with far too much jewelry.

>I dubbed her "ARA-15" and her husband Mall Nijlett.

>I tried to cheer her up, remind her that I wouldn't want any other gun, wife or gunwife

>say things like that rifle's shota husband has to buy her love with accessories

>had to be tiny to even fit in her .223 bore.

>Nothing helped.

>Time for the backup plan

"Wanna go innna woods this weekend?"

>She instantly cheered up. Nothing better than the promise of hiking through the forest, fresh game stew and outdoor head pats.

>Gives a good reason to use the Cabela's gift card too

>Have to promise I'd set up my harpy boss on a date with one of my friends to get the time off without advance notice.

>That's probably going to cost me but it'll be worth it

>Got a new two person sleeping bag and enough bullets, powder and primers to load a few hundred rounds.

>Special ordered something for her too

>delivered to work so it'll be a complete surprise.

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199abd No.389384


>Friday comes, get up early and head to the state forest.

>Pick a direction and walk till we find a nice camping spot.

>Pause briefly to bark a squirrel and grab some wild onions.

>Dinner's gonna be good.

>Small clearing next to a cliff, great view of the mountains.

>Nothing like a mountain sunset.

>Start a fire and set up the tent while gunwife cleans the squirrel and prepares the stew

>Cuddle up next to the fire with a full belly. Give her the special present

>Custom tooled leather shell holder with our initials embossed inside of a heart

>Her face lights up and she gives me a huge hug. All thoughts of the match completely gone.

>Damn it feels good to make her happy

>Next morning. Rehydrated eggs and instant coffee

>Sometimes it's not the cuisine, it's the company.

>Go for a leisurely hike

>Supposed to be an old lumber camp around here, complete with an ancient steam engine

>Sing "donkey riding". Raifu joins on the chorus.

>Raifu'll take care of any bears who come along but better to not meet them than to have to spend half the trip talking to the game warden

>Hear a familiar voice

<"Hey anon! fancy seeing you out here"

>Turn around. It's the mall ninjlett and ARA-15 from the match

>Way to ruin the trip.

>ARA-15 is giving my Raifu the same look as a cat gives a caged canary

>Raifu is ducking behind me, trying to disappear into my back

>Mall Ninjlett is clueless, keeps rattling on about how this is the first time this deep in the woods

>talking about how good MRE's are and he doesn't know what the troops complain about

>and this is how my romantic weekend mission to cheer my Raifu up ends.

>Mall Ninjlett asking where we camped, hoping to join us

>Debated just shooting him. Probably a bad idea.

>Hear the sound of something big in the woods, see something large moving in the distance.

>Mall ninja is oblivious.

>looks like those ray bans don't give situational awareness.

>Raifu notices as well, I grab her, thumb the hammer and try and get a large tree between me and whatever is making the ruckus.

>Huge feral Ogress springs through the bushes, roaring "Husssbannd!". Charges straight for the Mall Ninja

>Mall Ninjlett is a halfway decent shot, I knew some of the rounds connected but the thick skinned demon didn't notice

>Ogress knocks ARA-15 aside, picks up the kid with a bellow of "New Husband"

>Shoulder My Raifu and take a snapshot at the Ogres's back. 430 grains of hard cast lead, 3500 foot pounds

<Enough to stop a charging cape buffalo

>Not enough to break the skin of a full blood Ogress, but enough to leave a hell of a welt.

>Ogress turns around, plant a shot right between the eyes

>Bullseye. Ogress stumbled back, dropping Mall Ninjlet. Flip the lever, put another round in her tit.

>That made her sore. Ogress decides to cut her losses and run.

>ARA-15 runs to mall ninja, pulls her into her bountiful bosom.

>Mall ninja too shocked to say anything, cut off by Double D's anyways

<"Y-you saved my husband!" ARA-15 says. "After all I said to you?"

>My Raifu gives her a soft smile, but with a glint of cold iron in her eyes

<"No one, not even the meanest poodle shooter deserves ogress netorare" she said

>Mall ninjlet hightails it out of there with ARA-15 not far behind. Doubt they will go inna woods anytime soon.

>Raifu and I hiked on, holding hands.

>Can't say we parted with ARA-15 as friends, but I get the feeling she learned to respect gunwives in all actions and calibers.

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5507bf No.389392


>About how good MREs are and he doesn't know what the troops complain about

Where did this meme of MREs are bad come from?

Sure if you're out at NTC and its the only thing you eat for 3 weeks they get old, but seriously they arn't bad

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019274 No.389394


My dad told me why when I was a kid and asked the same question. I want to say MREs used to be bad in the 80s or 90s. That or it was how difficult they could be to pass can’t remember which

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5507bf No.389397


>hard to pass

maybe its just me then cause finding a wadi every day with a wag bag and shit bucket was how I greeted the day

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53bec4 No.389402


They're ok. Could be better, though. French and Italian ones are top tier. US ones had some infamously bad ones to get the reputation. Veggie omelet, four fingers of death, and I think the chiken a la king was pretty shit too.

The US ones are also filled to the brim woth sodium, and give you unholy post-constipation shits if that's all you eat for a while.

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5507bf No.389408


>veggie omelette

true,true, that one always did smell like vomit. that and if you're a veggie-head joining the army just what the fuck are you doing.

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5507bf No.390059

>End of the world holy shit

>Or at least that's what it felt like

>You were on the run ever since they appeared

>Monster girls appeared everywhere and began proactively dating all available males

>Instead of waiting around to have your door broken down, you ran

>But you picked up a gang of them on your tail

>Riding mad max style in any vehicle they could cobble together

>You had to take a brake to sleep, and you knew they'd be on you soon

>Taking your jacket you decided to take a gamble

>Rubbing it all over yourself, spitting on it, making a mana footprint on it

>Their dust in the distance, a passing train is your only hope

>You throw your jacket on it and run and hide

>They pause briefly at your location, and you can hear them

>"I can sense a mana spike here, but it goes on"

>"He's a human, he cant go forever, he must have rested here"

>"We have to keep moving after him"

>Their vehicles take off and you wait a bit before stepping out and looking in the direction they went

"huh, can't believe that worked"

>Suddenly a pair of fuzzy arms wrap around you from behind

>A soft sigh, a slight nibble to the ear, and a head rests on your right shoulder

>"It didn't"

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c25ca0 No.390098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d374d0 No.390289

File: f3b0845ea988447⋯.png (527.59 KB,916x663,916:663,Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at ….png)



>Anon, a mechanic who can see the machine spirits of vehicles or has a shop on some special location that makes them appear, has to deal with their shit while he repairs the cars they belong to

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71f7ff No.391369

>Be hanging out in the park

>have a bag of chocolate coins I picked up from the store since they reminded me of treats I'd get as a kid

>Modeled after some old European currency or some shit

>Thinkin I'll stick 'em in the freezer when I get home

>Suddenly, something slams into my stomach and sends me on my ass

>"Ow, damn it!"

>Look down at whatever the heck hit me

>It's a little Dragon girl, tiny wings flapping furiously as she tries to get at my bag of chocolate coins

>"Uh… Kid? These aren't-"

<"Hmph. You best give those to my little sister, else you'll have me to deal with, Human"

>Turns out the tiny Dragon wasn't alone, her big sis was with her

>Not much in the way of a chest, maybe Bs at the most, but nice long bright red hair, golden scales, and a butt to die for.

>Oh, and her eyes were emerald green.

>"Uh… See the thing is"

<"Look, bub, you really want to anger a pair of Dragons? Just hand over the coins and everything will be alright"

>Not in the mood for getting my ass kicked so I sigh and let go of my back of shiny chocolate coins,

>The little sister Dragon is absolutely ecstatic as she flies around her sis, who smiled and nods with overwhelming smugness as she turns to walk off.


>Well at least the kid is happy.

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4286d2 No.391596

File: d8e52a06a986c9d⋯.jpeg (13.97 KB,275x183,275:183,images.jpeg)


she is going to need every gasket on that belt

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5507bf No.391601


>Be Anon hanging out in a similar park, on a similar bench, but in a different universe

>But also eating a delicious bag of chocolate coins

>A shiny faux gold foil housing a delicious dark chocolate treat underneath

>Suddenly a small dragon girl slinks up to me, thinking I don't see her but peripherals catch all

"You can stop sneaking little one, I can see you"

>She frowns and comes in front of you

<"I want that gold mister"

>She huffs

>About to explain to her what they are when you notice

>Her balance is a bit off, her scales have an unusual gleam and one eye starts to go lazy

>Its a mannequin!

>Just then you catch a faint glint and the sound of rushing air.

>Kicking the doll away you backflip off the bench right as it practically explodes

>You land a safe distance away and through the settling dust a feminine figure swaggers towards you

>She carries a chunk of the bench with her and is chuckling slightly

<"How observant of you to recognize my cleverly disguised trap"

>She reveals herself as a dragon, powerfully built and honestly pretty stacked

<"But seeing as the trap failed, Looks like I'll have to take you down the old fashioned way"

>You adopt your patented fighting stance as she cracks her knuckles

<"Seeing as how you avoided my first attempt, I'll give you a choice."

<"Cooperate and you'll be able to walk tomorrow, resist and well, I'll have to carry you back to my lair"

>Raising your arms you respond with

"enguarde, I'll let you try my Flustered style"

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5507bf No.391602


>She charges forward with a surprising amount of speed and you gracefully side step

>Being sure to give a light and graceful caress of her right breast as you pass

>She turns around, a blush appearing on her face

<"What, what did you just do?"

>From your stance you turn one of your hands up and beckon her towards you

>Her anger eminent she roars as she charges you again before trying a downward slam

>Another quick sidestep and you are able to land 3 light pats on her head

>She staggers back, getting redder in the face

<"How dare you humiliate me like that"

>She jumps at you and starts swiping like a madlass, your style allowing you to evade and deflect her blows

<"I will"

>another swipe

<"Grind your pelvis"


<"To dust!"

>A huge and heavy double claw down-strike succeeds at only making an opening for you

>Thrusting your hand forward in knife hand stance, your blow strikes true

>She freezes her face a mix of shock and disbelief under a burning red blush, your hand firmly against her reverse scale

>A small trickle runs down her leg as she shudders gently


>Her arms fall to her sides and she stands up straight, eyes dejectedly staring at the ground

>You remove your hand and dust off your clothing

"Your movements are brutish and lack style, you perceive that your strength will make up for finesse and precision"

>Turing away you gather your coins

"You are wrong"

>She seems to mull it over a bit in her head before a determined look overcomes her face

<"Then I shall practice, then I shall defeat you, then"

>Her eyes narrowed as she stared you down

<"I shall claim you"

"So be it"

>Then you both went your separate ways

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5507bf No.391603


probably going to write a squeal in the near future

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986be0 No.391604



For a moment I thought you intended to write out the sound of a squealing girl or something

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5507bf No.391650




Fug meant to write sequel

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58b15f No.392280

File: babeb5ea497bff7⋯.png (73.14 KB,1873x419,1873:419,bdb76111-5b9e-48ad-9a28-db….png)

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5507bf No.392791

>Be anon

>And be bored enough that the good idea fairy has visited you

>One construction montage later, at there it is

>A lawn chair with hydrogen balloons, a fan, and a shit ton of water balloons

>Time for some aerial mayhem!

>Drifting at a comfortable height you use the fan to steer and propel your craft through the air

>Time for your neighbor to get it, but stealth was key so unfortunately you couldn't blast "Ride of the Valkyries"

>That and you didn't want to accidentally summon real Valkyries with the song of their people.

>She was out back, laid out on her deck suntanning.

>Getting into position, you let the first barrage drop.

>Even at this height you couldn't miss.

>She was an Ushi-Oni and took up a sizable portion of the desk

>They hit home, drenching her in ice cold water and startling her from her nap/sunbathing

<"AHHH, Who the fuck was that!?"

>She yelled, shooting looks back and forth, but not UP!

>Another barrage hits home

>This time she does look up and glares daggers at you


>You're too busy laughing to pay attention to much else

>But the sudden sound of balloons popping gets your attention, fast

>Something whizzes by you and wipes out 4 more balloons.

>And at this point you start a very slow decline

>You look down as she rips another chunk of the deck railing off and hurls it up towards you

>Bringing the fan to bear you mostly avoid it, as it only pops one.

>You turn the fan to high, desperate to get clear of her yard before you descend too far.

>Tragedy strikes as the next piece of deck rail nails your fan, breaking off one of the blades

>Which then proceeds to slice through 3 more balloons.

>The imbalance and high oscillation spin you a bit before you are forced to drop the fan.

>At this point you are not going anywhere but down

>Its a slow, ominous decent. You merely cling to the chair and dare not look down.

>The chair slowly drifts down and lands right in front of a quite perturbed Ushi-Oni.

>Arms crossed, tapping her first leg on the ground, a sickeningly smug look on her face.

"Uh, no hard feelings right? It was just a prank"

>She effortlessly lifts you out of the chair

<"Just a prank?"

>She starts to chuckle before outright laughing

>You nervously join in

>Suddenly she pins you to the ground, flashes you a grin before ripping off her seal

<"So is this"

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5507bf No.392792


>Its later in the evening, sun is waning fast

>And the smell of grilling food wakes you from the exhaustion induced slumber

>Peeling yourself out of the human shaped indent on the ground you stagger over to the grill.

>A more cheery Ushi-Oni hands you a pretty much entirely meat kebab and a large glass of water

>You mumble thanks and dig in

<"Don't be such a baby"

>She playfully chides.

>Huh, her kindness is unexpected, but welcome

<"Besides I need you to recover as best you can"


>She looks over to you with as sultry of a smile she can muster

<"We've got all night to burn"

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602e5b No.392835

>Be looking for my missing wife, with a Cheshire looking for her missing husband

>Found a lead in a feminist-run sorority party

>This house party in this dump of a place.

>The house had a kikimora, but the owner had other ideas

>Said Kiki was sitting in the main room inflated into a sphere, a tortured look on her face as she desperately reaches for a feather duster.

>I listen to the others as they had done similar things to some poor kikis, leaving them helpless as the house gets dirty around them,

>Or worse a Roomba 8s cleans around them.

>I try my best to hide my bubbling rage, as they talked about doing the same thing with men who expressed concern.

>They were also talking about finding a way of bursting them.

>I found collected enough info and found a good excuse from the party.

>A friendly Cheshire had put phenoptheline in the “pot brownies”

>Aperently, she just found her husband in the basement, my Kiki wife as well.

>The chesire came back with two Armalites and hands one to me

>”All the other kids with the pumped up kiks better run better run.

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c28e7a No.392866


Motherfucker you had be going there for a moment. A+ bait. Good job.

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602e5b No.392881


At what point did you stop?

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890e7d No.392882

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's been a really long time since I've seen a new lyrical ending greentext on an imageboard. Good work.

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986be0 No.392919


Kek, 10/10 worth the inflation cringe

Dobson genocide when?

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1d7048 No.392944

File: 4aba0f003e20070⋯.jpg (43.32 KB,583x583,1:1,I'm calling the police.jpg)



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15daae No.392950


Are you lost, f/a/g?

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069729 No.393125

It's been ages since I've written anything plz no bulli

>Eamon woke to the sounds of birds outside his window. Rolling back the covers, he swung his legs over the side of the still-warm mattress and felt around for pants

>The cold tiles were a sharp reminder that winter was fast approaching. He made a mental note to buy a new rug after the last one vanished somewhere

>As his hands closed around the familiar material of his old jeans, he noticed that the stitching around the waist was unraveling

>Seemed like a new pair of pants had to be added to the list too. After locating and pulling on his slippers, Eamon headed for the bathroom to wash up

>Having washed up and brushed out his shoulder length hair, he reached for the last thing he needed to complete the morning ritual

>The soft and well worn strip of cotton that he wore as a blindfold to protect his useless eyes. It served to keep dirt and other unpleasant things out

>Having been born blind, the doctors told him that the nerves in his eyes never developed, possibly due to his mother's particular… vices

>He'd learned first-hand that his eyes terrified people, even his own mother. Well, that's what the other foster children said

>They all told him to cover them up and they all agreed that his eyes must have been why his mother put him into foster care since he was 6

>At one point he overheard one of his foster "parents" mention his mother. They said many terrible things, one even called her a whore

>Eamon found out what that meant a few months later when the foster "parents" he was staying with got into other one of their fights

>It was an almost daily occurrence, one that Eamon found almost mundane. That was until the woman began to take her anger out on him

>She blamed him for why her husband ignored her and why she had less money to spend on food and things she wanted

>One day the man came home early to catch her in the act. Eamon hurt all over from her beatings and he could feel the hot blood pouring from his nose

>He heard the man yelling something incoherent before the woman cried out in pain and ran out of the house sobbing. She never came back

>The very next day, a woman arrived from some government department to take him away to an orphanage until a new foster "family" could be found

>He spent the next 10 years in and out of various foster homes before the government proposed a new and very controversial law

>The law of combined foster care and adoption between human and mamono families. A lot of people were against it, Eamon even heard about riots on the TV

>Being as new as it was, the Department of Families, a recent addition to the government that proposed the bill, called for volunteers to partake in a "test phase"

>A few hundred carefully vetted foster families would be given the chance to look after children of different species. Human and mamono, mamono and human

>Considering how the great majority of human families had treated him, Eamon signed up immediately. He figured that it couldn't really get any worse than it had

>After a day in limbo waiting for confirmation, the time finally came. He sat in the waiting room while his custodian from the Department fetched his new family

>He had been told about them but with a new family of mamono, he was extremely nervous. He was tracing old scars on his hand when he heard it

>The sound of something very long and very heavy being dragged over the carpet. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he hid his hands as the door opened

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ed1d0e No.393127


Im intrigued

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8e6aa9 No.393147


>The dragging sound fell silent the second the door opened. Who or whatever was in the doorway had stopped moving

>Eamon stiffened slightly as he felt it's gaze upon him. It's sheer presence almost made him cower with fear

>The silence was deafening until the dragging sound began again. In the confined space, it sounded like a waterfall

>Two sets of footsteps followed the thing into the room, barely audible over the sound. A man grunted as he pulled up a seat

>The door was shut and the Department officer took her seat and adjusted what sounded like papers and cleared her throat

So now that we are all here, I would like to make some official introductions. Mr and Mrs Shore, meet Eamon Moss

Now, for sake of fairness and personal reasons, quite a lot of information was withheld by each party. Including your species, Mrs Shore

Mr Moss was provided a questionnaire with regards to his likes and dislikes to determine a suitable match that would achieve maximum cohesion

In turn, you two were provided with a description of Mr Moss' personality from his current and previous liaisons within the foster care system

That being said, the most important thing to remember is to not judge a book by its cover, so to speak. At the end of the day, it's all up to you

<My husband and I came to a similar agreement before we signed up to be part of this trial. An open mind is critical to acceptance

>Eamon was quite shocked to hear her speak. Mrs Shore had a soft, calm voice with equal measures of kindness and warmth

>The sound of a composed and honest person was not quite what Eamon was used to. It soothed most of his nerves but not all

>She also seemed to put a lot of emphasis on some parts of her pronunciation, especially words containing an s sound

>His internal analysis was cut short when she asked him if he had any questions for her or for her husband

>The most obvious question came up first but he managed to word it as to not come out rudely. He simply asked what species she was

<Well, I'm actually a subspecies of lamia. I'm what's commonly called a medusa, or gorgon, depending on who you ask

>Oooh she was half snake! No wonder she made that sound when she moved. Come to think of it, he did remember a question about snakes

>There was something else about snakes and medusae he felt as if he had forgotten but he was soon distracted by what Mr Shore was saying

>The gruff sounding man had asked if Eamon would shake his hand. His reason being that you could learn a lot about a man from his hands

>Such a seemingly harmless gesture was not what Eamon expected. It meant that they would see his hands. Not good

>Eamon's hands were a roadmap of little scars, mostly from clumsiness and accidents but others, well, others were inflicted with intent

>His hand made it to the edge of the table before he stopped. Once again, he felt Mrs Shore's gaze lock onto him and causing him to flinch

<… Who hurt you?

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979aa5 No.393155


this story has me interested, keep going bro!

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1d7048 No.393164

File: 1adaed1819fd3da⋯.jpg (205.28 KB,695x919,695:919,Medusa extra art.jpg)


Very good. Proceed.

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8e6aa9 No.393221


>The atmosphere in the room shifted from hopeful to tense in a heartbeat. The air temperature seemed to drop a few degrees to fit the mood

>Eamon's hands shook as an internal war raged. On one hand, he desperately wanted to reach out but he wasn't sure if he could trust them just yet

>He heard Mrs Shore shifting under the table as a cool pair of hands enclosed his own. His hand jerked from the contact but he couldn't pull away

>Her grip was firm but gentle and he could feel her fingertips tracing his scars, only to stop at his knuckles. Ah. She found the cigarette burns

>Despite being years old, they still ached when his hands were cold. They were the marks left by a cruel and vindictive man who enjoyed hurting others

>Eamon's voice had deserted him, but Mr Shore must have recognized the scars and what they meant. His gruff voice was dangerously low

>He told his wife what caused the little white circles and then turned his terrible voice onto the DoF woman. He asked her if she knew about Eamon's mistreatment

>The woman was clearly shaken and her voice wavered as she tried to give what sounded like a per-prepared explanation but soon fell silent

>A low hissing had drowned out whatever she was trying to say. The sound was dripping with malice and intent. The DoF woman whimpered as a rattling sound began

>It sounded like a dozen tiny beads in a jar but infinitely more terrifying. Eamon knew this feeling, this dread. He always felt it, just before the violence began

<Who. Did. This. To. Him?

>The DoF woman choked on her reply as the rattling and hissing grew to a cacophony

<How was this allowed to happen!? Who is responsible!? This boy has seen more hardship in a decade than people seen in their entire lives!

<How was someone that vile even considered for foster care!? You were supposed to protect this boy, not throw him to the wolves!

>Mrs Shore's barrage had reduced the DoF woman to broken sobs and and half mumbled replies in between her begging for mercy

Please Ciri, love, calm down. You're scaring the boy. He's been through enough already, he doesn't need to be afraid of us too

>Mr Shore's voice seemed to sooth the enraged serpent, as the sounds she made soon faded and fell silent. All that remained was her panting and the DoF woman's sobbing

Sorry you had to see uhh, hear that Eamon. My wife can be very… emotional when provoked but she is right. This kind of abuse should never had happened but it did

Some people are complete scum and you know that better than anyone. I'd heard bad things about the old foster care system but I didn't really believe it. Or didn't want to

But those days are behind you now and my wife and I are here to make sure they stay behind you, if you'll let us. We aren't going to force you

>Eamon was quite surprised. He'd never met a foster parent that put things so plainly and actually mean every word. This guy sounded like the real deal, no doubt about it

Where do I sign?

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c1797d No.393232


I'm hooked.

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1d7048 No.393260

File: a8b8b8996f5cc6c⋯.jpg (116.75 KB,1009x1087,1009:1087,medusa ss.jpg)



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96ad0c No.393671

File: f1c2c0a4ac558a5⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,450x329,450:329,warehouses_1.jpg)

File: c87dc04bfdd22ed⋯.jpg (41.45 KB,407x750,407:750,android girl.jpg)

File: 545138bf910b531⋯.png (428.41 KB,483x640,483:640,do not fist.png)

>2XXX, an age after the advent of android girls

>A large warehouse and manufacturing complex in nowhere, the Midwest

>Andy's All-purpose Androids, a factory and distributor of top quality android girls

>Out in the yard, mechanical maidens sat, walked and chatted, waiting for someone to come and assign them a function

>They talked about new advancements in their industry

>They practiced various functions they might be given based on questionnaires filled out by customers

>And most importantly, in their processors

>They wondered who their new operators might be, what they'd be like, if they were nice

>Each day, one or two of them would be picked up by some person to fulfill some duty

>They would board a truck or car to cheerful, hopeful, and perhaps just a little jealous cheers from their friends in the yard

>And off they would go to their new, exciting destiny

>Today would be no different

>Andy, the man who owned and operated the plant, walked into the yard

>All the hustling and bustling of the android ladies ceased, their eyes on him

>Would today be their day?

>A pin could be heard dropping in the anxious silence that hung in the air


>The red LED's under the synthetic skin on the cheeks of one of the girls gathered around lit up bright as she scrambled to pick up a roll pin that had fallen out of her overclocked heart

>E11A was easily flustered in tense moments like these

"R0-1! M-LE! You're up, girls!"

>The two mentioned were ecstatic, their sturdy, frilly dresses fluttering as they jumped for joy

>Groans of disappointment as well as exclaiming cheers of well wishers echoed in the warehouse

<"Aww, Lucky!"

<"Oh, congratulations guys!"

<I hope your new operators are nice!"

<"Send data on all the fun stuff you do!"

>Both girls ran excitedly to Andy and then out onto the shop floor, eager to meet their new operators

>In the foyer was a tall, weathered man in his early 50's

>Andy led R0-1, nearly vibrating her bolts loose in anticipation, to him

"Mornin' miss! Heard you were lookin' for some work!"

>His tanned face crinkled in a wide, honest smile as he shook her diminutive mechanical hand in his rough, strong one

>He explained that he "Weren't as young as he used to bein'" and that farm work was getting rough, even with his young son helping out

>He would need her to run combiners, move hay bails, that sort of thing

"I hope it's not too much, miss. It's hard work, but it's honest, and you'll be more'n welcome in mah family"

>R0-1 was nearly leaking optical fluid in her happiness

>Heavy lifting was well within her design perimeters, and she had always longed to play in the fields she saw beyond the yard

<"N-no, not at all! I'm looking forward to serving you"

>The paperwork was signed, and she hopped into the farmer's old truck with glee as she was sped off to her new adventure

<"And? What about me?"

>M-LE's eyes were wide with wonder at what her assignment would be, seeing R0-1 taken off to the big wide world filling her with ideas about what amazing things she might get to enjoy too

>The front door opened, and another man walked in

>M-LE looked to her operator, and felt her hydraulic pump sink

>This man was nothing like the first, doughy, pale, wearing a trench coat and fedora over cargo shorts and moistened t-shirt

>She could smell him before the particles even reached her olfactory sensors

>Andy also sensed the trouble in the air, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly

"G-…good day m'lady"

>He spoke with a wet, breathy voice, winded despite his short walk from the parking lot

<"O-oh, good morning sir! I hope I can serve you well! What will my function be?"

>The man looked everywhere around the room other than at the two people in front of him

"Oh.. this and… uh.. that… heh…"

>He did his best to get a gauge of her various assets without looking like he was leering, in his mind

>He failed magnificently

>M-LE had heard about this sort of thing from the refurb girls

>They did their best to keep a strong face, but the memory reprogramming could only do so much

>Poor things still got a rather distant look every time they saw small horses and traditional Japanese weaponry

<O-okay, well, I'm sure it'll still be a lot of fun working for you"

"Heh.. yeah… it sure will be"

>The two walked to the poorly maintained sedan that belonged to the man, empty Hill Condensation bottles falling out as M-LE opened the passenger door

>Andy was deeply worried, but the man had paid after all

>She would be fine, right?

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11f075 No.393674

File: d89639317774823⋯.jpg (146.51 KB,553x602,79:86,1a3a4f40c4a53ea25583f422cb….jpg)


>No basic human decency background checks on buyers

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96ad0c No.393675

File: 63f3d988be87e79⋯.png (79.63 KB,680x524,170:131,do not fist 2.png)

File: ccc104a4960caa0⋯.jpg (135.86 KB,540x960,9:16,arm.jpg)


>2XXX, an age after the advent of android girls

>2 weeks later

>At a nearby farm, R0-1's new home, things were going well

>The farmer's wife was immensely relived to have some help around the rustic farmhouse, washing clothes and cooking meals

>She was initially concerned about the strange synthetic girl, but the two had become fast friends owing no doubt to the girl's excellent work ethic and good nature

>The farmer's two young twin daughters were endlessly amused by R0-1's ability to rotate her head 360 degrees, delighted as only children can be with their new play mate

>They had quickly re designated her "Rowen", like her original serial number, which the whole family easily adopted

>The farmer found his life much easier with another strong hand besides his son to help with all the work that was necessary around the property

>His son was equally glad to have help, and judging by his sideways glances at the attractive machine, perhaps more glad still

>The farmer would have to watch those two, if Rowen's blushing face at the attention was anything to judge by

>He couldn't blame the boy though, thinking of the beautiful old Ford Mustang he had lovingly restored to pristine beauty that rested in the safe haven of his shed

>Boys will be boys, with their machines

>Rowen was happier than she believed her circuits were able to express

>The family she had been adopted by were warm and friendly, she had plenty of good work to do, and still time left over to wander the lovely plains that made up the farmer's property, and his son was… well…

>Everything was as good as all involved could hope they would be

>As the farmer laid down beside his wife after another less-hard-than-before day, he sighed contentedly

>His new purchase… no, new addition to the family had been a wonderful decision, not one single downside

>There was only one thing that puzzled him

>In the manual that Rowen had come with, there were a great number of warnings

>Use this oil, don't exceed this weight, etc.

>All of this was well and good, but

>On the first page where all the warnings were, with their universally understood pictures so cheap spic workers would understand was a picture of a hand caught in gears

>The farmer, being familiar with farming equipment, knew that this obviously meant "Don't get your hands in the machinery, dipshit"

>That was clear to him, but what was odd was the words beneath this image

>"Do Not Fist Android Girls"

>The farmer knew that these warnings were usually printed because SOMETHING had happened in the past and the manufacturers then needed a stop gap for lawsuits

>Rowen was cute and all, but she was still ultimately a piece of heavy machinery

>Who in God's name would be so retarded?

>Several towns over…


<I-I'm so sorry! I told you to read the manual, sir!"

>M-LE was presently half naked, and coated in blood

>Androids don't bleed red, so the viscera that painted her certainly wasn't hers

>The overweight, neck bearded man had not had the foresight to read the manual

>He had acquired his android lady friend for one purpose, and one purpose only, and no stupid book with it's diagrams and recommended settings would get in the way of his 30 something year old manhood

>He had not given her a new, personal name

>he had not taken any interest in her design or abilities

>He certainly did not heed her knowledgeable warnings

>He only wanted to play out his degenerate fantasies, and there would be no stopping him

>As M-LE cowered and cried in the corner she had pulled herself into, as far as possible from the vile, bad smelling man and the tattered remains of his once functioning arm, she couldn't help but wonder

>Why didn't he listen? She had reminded him several times during, as her safety programming demanded

>Why didn't he read the manual? Most of her orifices were deep enough to accept appendages less than a whole arm

>And finally, as his blood flowed less and less and his eyes glazed over

>Would the type of man who bought a refurb girl be wiser?

Read the manual, Anons. If not for you, then at least for her.

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60be16 No.393676


>Fists android girl anyways

Welp that'll learn the fedora tipping fag lel

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e9ad62 No.393682


GG I hope M-LE finds a good home to some thrifty individual who takes care of all their possessions.

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55a929 No.393706

The trials and tribulations of wish-granting fairies.

>First day on her job.

>As a wish-granting fairy her job is to assist those most troubled and help alleviate their pain.

>The average wish granting fairly lasts less than a week. The turnover rate is atrocious.

>Her first ticket, she glanced at page 1 of the details "Middle-aged man. Chronic depression. Emotional state- dire. "

>Supposedly adults were some of the easiest tickets given their proclivity for material items and a better understanding of what they want in life.

>She arrived. In her mind, the spiel she had been practicing all morning flowed as well as it could have "Hello! I'm Minty! Your wish-granting fairy!"

>After a brief explanation of the situation, the man nodded. "Alright, So I can wish for anything then?"

>"There are some stipu-"

>"Can you wish me out of existence?"

>"Eh- w-what?"

>"I've made a lot of mistakes and I don't really want to bother remembering them, so if you could remove me from this plane of existence that'd be great." His eyes had a defeated look to them.

>Minty shook her head, he was asking for death in so many words "I can't do that,"

>She thought for a moment "How about a wish to get rid of your bad memories?"

>He shook his head "That just leaves me to find them again. I wouldn't want to discover that kind of past and suffer through it once more." His expression soured "Can't I just wish for another life then? One where I don't remember anything I've done in this one?"

>She nibbled on her pinky. That wasn't part of their wish catalog of sorts. She tried to redirect his desire to a wish that was easier to grant. "How about a wish to become rich? Or maybe a movie star? What did you always want to be as a kid?"

>He shook his head "You're not listening…" he covered his face with his hands and loud sigh filtered through his palms.

>She bit her lip "I'm sorry, this is my first day, I'm trying my best."

>he nodded and smiled "I understand. I guess there is something I've wanted for a while."

>"Oh!? Great, what'll it be?"

>"I was a big fan of Westerns as a kid. You think I could get a Colt single action army?"

>"That's a…"

>"A gun. I've always wanted one of those."

>wish granted. A ticket ticker rolled over. First one for the daily quota.

>The man gave a genuine smile, "Thanks Minty." He gave her a thumbs up.

>"Make sure to rate your wish granting experience on our website! You'll get a free Dave and Busters coupon!"

>The man paused for a moment "Uh s-sure. I'll get right on that…"

>"Have a nice day!"

>He nodded and waved goodbye.

>Off to next ticket- "Young girl. Car accident. Emotional state dire "

>" dire again? are all my tickets dire?" She flipped through her ticket list "Dire, dire, dire, CRITICAL, dire, dire, CRITICAL…" it just went on and on.

>Some of the critical tickets were more than a month old.


>Can't worry about that now, just one ticket at a time.

>She arrived at a hospital's ICU room. "Hello! My name is Minty! I'm your wish-granting fairy!"

>The girl was laid up in bed. Various tubes and machines sustained her mangled body and a gang of stuff animals kept her company.

>She explained the situation "…so how about it?"

>No response from the child. She seemed utterly detached from reality.

>A text from her boss "When you get done with that ticket check in with me, we gotta review that first ticket you did." She tucked her phone away approached the girl.

>Minty leaned over the girl and patted the girl's head. "Having trouble deciding sweetheart? How about a wish to feel better? We can get ya up and walking in a second, how 'bout that?"

>The girl began to weep "I want- I want my mommy and daddy back."

>The context clues came together fairly quickly.

>A simple I can't do that wouldn't be appropriate. Minty winced and tried to redirect the question but she couldn't find the right combination of words to fix this kind of problem. She'd revisit this ticket later.

>"Whelp, here's my number, whenever you think of a wish just give me a call alright?"

>the girl continued to sob.

>Policy wise she was required to say "happy birthday" since it happened the girl's birthday but she decided now was maybe not the best time.

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55a929 No.393707

File: 17624700aff3d60⋯.png (Spoiler Image,204.81 KB,500x410,50:41,wish granting fairy.png)


>Back at HQ

>A plump frumpy looking fairy spoke matter of factly. "Yea, that guy killed himself."

>"WHAT!?" Minty covered her head then covered her mouth in disbelief "Oh god! But he looked so happy when I granted the wish…why?"

> Her boss continued "Yea, whenever it's an older male asking for a gun, rope, knife, razor blade or anything else they could conceivably kill themselves with you don't want to grant that wish. Suicides caused by wishes do not reflect well on our metrics so take care when granting your wishes to that sub group."

>Minty nodded, trembling.

>Her boss continued "…at least he left you a good review."

>Minty checked her phone to read it.

>Minty was kind and courteous, granted the last wish I'll ever need. to the right he ranked her 5/5 stars. She trembled having read his final words.

>Her boss snapped her fingers "That's all I got for you right now, good luck out there."


>267 wishes later

>"Hello! I'm…awww shit" Another graveyard. She let out a sigh. Seems like all the CRITICAL tickets one month or older were like this. She marked it as invalid like so many others and moved on.

>Circles had started to form under her eyes and occasionally she found herself sharing the same expression as the first person she'd granted a wish for.

Pray for the wish-granting fairies. They have it rough.

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890e7d No.393708

File: 21b5a846ab25a3f⋯.png (517.35 KB,600x450,4:3,ABSOLUTELY MINTY.png)



This was something alright.

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55a929 No.393711

File: 32d058d3efbe657⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.29 KB,800x450,16:9,coming or going.jpg)


Sometime later, after becoming a veteran wish-granting fairy

>210537 wishes in

>Young man. Severe depression. Emotional state- CRITICAL

>The ticket was only 7 minutes old.

>Minty is running up a flight of stairs.

>She arrives at the door for her ticket out of breath. The door is locked.

>Promptly, she kicks the door open splintering the door frame.

>The kid was in the process of hanging himself. fuck

>She runs in, throws a knife from a quick release tab on her belt, and baseball slides to catch the kid after the thrown knife severs the rope he was hanging himself with.

>"Hello you little shit! I'm Minty-" He was foaming from the mouth. She noticed an empty pill bottle on his dresser "- and apparently, you don't fuck around huh?"

>She immediately began performing the Heimlich maneuver while jabbing the tip of her fairy wand down his throat. Her proficiency in this technique would be admirable if the situation wasn't so dark.

>The kid vomited up his impromptu suicide cocktail.

>She patted him on back "Good job!"

>Minty cleared her throat as the kid is still coughing up remnants of the deadly mixture "So, do you only hang out in your room or what? Anyway, I don't have all day. I'm here to grant you a wish." She wriggled her fingers and clapped her hands together. Breathing through her teeth she questioned, "Whatcha got?"

>The kid is staring at her in disbelief at her utter lack of empathy for his situation.

> She removed her knife that was now embedded in the wall. "I got a wish for you, how about new door?" She gestured his door that was now hanging by a single hinge.

>Somehow her humor got through and he cracked a smile.

>"You should be thankful, at least I didn't catch you jerking off. Choking your chicken is one thing but doing it while choking yourself, well, it's hard to tell whether you're coming or going then, right?"

>Minty made finger guns at him and evoked a laugh from the kid. There was hope.


>She checked his review

>"She was nice, but she took her time coming to grant my wish."

>While sharpening her knife on a whetstone she thought fucker only gave me 3/5 stars? Maybe I should have let him finish…

A little extra for the (you)'s. You either do well as a wishing fairy or not at all.

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d374d0 No.393722


>becomes tacticool bad joke craking anti-sucide fairy

solid story

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890e7d No.393723


What does Minty look like?

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d9197f No.393725

File: dc47b657dcad4b4⋯.png (12.41 MB,2150x3000,43:60,ClipboardImage.png)

hopefully (you) think imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

> fucking faeries

> what idiot put them in charge of granting wishes in this plane of existence?

> so typical of the realms of light

> always with the good intentions but no pragmatism

> as usual it's up to the nether realms to actually get shit done

> it took an epic legal fight but one of the big girls at the Iron Gate finally got demons into the wish granting bureaucracy

> time to show the flitting little meat condoms how it's done

"I just don't want to live anymore! Why can't you understand that!?"

> your faerie partner looks like she wants to die even more than he does

> poor girl just wants to help him

> "Please, you have so much-"

"But that's what I want!"

> "No! Think about-"

> you hold your hand up to stop her

< "What my associate means to say is that we aren't allowed to kill you. Directly."

> wave your hand and an illusory image of a genuine WWII era 1911 pistol appears

> just like the one he always wanted as a kid

> you wink broadly at him

> "But what if you were to ask for something you genuinely wanted instead?"

> watch the realization dawn in his eyes

> smile guilelessly and offer him a contract and pen

> the contract is on a "parchment" clearly made of some diabolical creature's skin and is covered in unwholesome looking runes

> the pen's corroded metal frame constantly seems to shift subtly to momentarily reveal leering faces

> the man hesitates at the sight

> really wish you could make the contract implements look a little less intimidating but rules are rules

> besides, emotionally distraught people are terrible at making rational decisions

> and reading comprehension

> have to give your partner a very scary look to prevent her from opening her stupid mouth and queering the deal

> but he finally goes for it

< "Very good sir, a pleasure doing business with you."

> the contract disappears in a puff of sulphurous smoke to be replaced by a battle worn pistol

> it's the real deal, over a hundred years old

> that last part's important

> it takes all of your willpower not to snicker sinisterly to yourself

> can't help a final quip before you grab the faerie and leave, though

< "I'm sure your wish will bring an end to this unhappy phase of your life."

> faerie is so mad it looks like she's going to explode, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID?!"

> just gesture for her to look through the window

> can see the man being mounted by a cute girl wearing Marine Corps Women's Reserve uniform

> the item spirit came to life the instant he touched the weapon

> she's crying, hitting him, and yelling something about not wanting her master to die

> doesn't take long before he's completely focused on trying to comfort her

> she blushes and shyly asks if he'll also… you know…

> "give her regular maintenance"

> finally indulge in some good old fashioned diabolical laughter

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d9197f No.393726


> ah, hospitals, you do so love hospitals

> places of both healing and passing on

> but more importantly, places of desperation

> whistle "Let's Make a Deal" theme to yourself as you and faerie head to the girl's room

> give the faerie a chance

> injured girl is inconsolable, just wants her parents back

> faerie just looks heartbroken

> time to step in

< "There is a way you can be reunited with your parents."

> pull out an ugly looking kris with a polished obsidian blade

> give the girl a significant look and offer her the knife

< "You'll have to do this yourself."

> by the way, did you know that a berserk faerie can be contained in an overturned drinking glass?

> it takes a while for the girl to nerve herself up to do it

> hope faerie doesn't run out of air before the girl makes up her mind

> girl finally makes her decision and plunges the dagger into her heart

> in an instant the knife greedily sucks up the virgin girl's life energy and releases it in an explosion of magic

> you pose dramatically

< "Let's all have a round of applause for Demon Zombie Momma and Undead Incubus Poppa!"

> everyone just looks at you in absolute confusion

> whatever, they'll figure it out

> heh, judging by the way Momma's looking at Poppa and rubbing herself she knows what she needs

< "Hey kid, your Mom and Dad just flew in from the morgue and boy are their arms tired!"

> now unnaturally pale girl just stares at you

> everybody's a critic…

< "Anyway, take good care of your phylactery kid."

> Momma is now rubbing Poppa

> he is visibly responding

< "Er, you may want to give your parents some privacy for a bit, kid. They'll need to, uh, 'recharge' after their ordeal."

> Momma's making little panting noises now despite not technically needing to breathe

> grab girl and faerie's glass and leave before this gets awkward

> hear a distinctive zzzzzzzip

> more awkward

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d9197f No.393728


> faerie angrily shakes her grilled tomato and eggplant sandwich at you

> "You can't just solve everything with sex and marriage!"

< "I think you mean to say that I shouldn't. Because, you know, I can. Obviously."

> faerie gives you a dirty look which you try to ignore by focusing on your pulled pork wrap

> have to admit, faerie knows the good take out places around here

> "And you totally fabricated the paperwork on this one!"

< "Hey, my culture cherishes creative record keeping."


< "Sounds kind of racist against undead to me."

> if looks could kill the stare faerie is giving you right now could put you in the mausoleum you're picnicking on ten times over

> pretty sure you could win a staring contest with faerie but you're contractually obligated to look at something else at the moment

> you're kind of impressed actually

> not too many recently deceased would have the sheer balls to haggle during their own seance

> pretty predictable that she had plenty of time to regret pushing away potential husbands as she slowly died alone

> quite understandable that she'd want to not just find a guy who actually wanted her but to be the kind of girl he deserved

> what you did not expect is that she was secretly an exhibitionist who demanded an audience for her first time

> that's why you're eating lunch as a freshly created Will-o-the-Wisp fucks her new husband's brains out on the cemetery grass in front of you

> you have to admit, it is pretty hot

> still really irritates you though

> you're supposed to be the one adding riders to the contracts dammit!

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55a929 No.393735

File: c8df1f46149a1e5⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,478x352,239:176,internally.jpg)


she didn't have a choice. Either git gud or go home.


depends on when you see her during her time as a wish granted.

> 13-year-old Minty

>Young bubbly fairy girl full of hope and dreams.

>"I'm gonna be a wish-granting fairy just like grandma!"

>Her parents wince at the notion but encourage her regardless "Well, follow your dreams sweetheart…"


>First day being a wish-granting fairy.

>Frilly dress, pretty wings, high heels. She has the proper wish-granting fairy look.

>"I'm gonna make a real difference!"

>Her fellow fairy coworkers give each other sideways glances having more reserved outfits and sullen expressions.


>ticket 12- young woman. Severe depression. Emotional status- dire

>She was in the bathroom.

>"Hope I'm not interrupting your b-"

>There's a girl in the bathtub, both of her wrists had been slit and she had that thousand-mile stare

>Minty covered her mouth from the ghastly scene. She went to check her pulse.

>Too late.

>damnit "It was dire…I was supposed to have more time…" It was just like tickets 5 and 8. They're marked dire but it was already too late for her to do anything.

>Ticket status changed to invalid


>Ticket 159 marked [invalid]

>Minty rocked back and forth. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Another Critical case. He lived alone and didn't have any friends. He'd been dead for over a week but no one even knew yet. She was the first to read his suicide note.

> In all the tickets she'd worked on in the past week maybe a handful had a resolution that wasn't absolutely terrible.

>The best she could hope for was talking with someone whose life wasn't completely destroyed and convincing them there was something left to live for.

>By now the fantasy of what this job was had been eroded for her. It was no longer about granting wishes which often did little to fix the person's underlying problem. Rather, it was about giving people hope.

>She'd run out of hope. It doesn't get any better than this. Every day she would eat shit. That was what this job was about.


ticket 3,219

>"If you're wanting to jump you better do it head first."

>The kid was startled by her advice and curled around the flag pole next to the ledge of the building.

>"You're only 2 stories up. There's a good chance you'll live. It'd be pretty shitty to have to burn your wish on fixing a shattered spine."

>Minty was wearing some leggings and sweat top, wings folded back, hair short with some dark shades to hide her tired eyes. She no longer rocked the dazzling fairy getup. It was off-putting for most anyway.

>"W-who are you!? "

>She patted the concrete bench on the terrace she was seated on as if to say ''Come over here and I'll tell ya' "

>The kid's dad was dead and his mother abused him. Pretty bog standard ticket.

>"Don't worry, things will get better, I promise."


>Ticket 33,401 [invalid]

>"Not fast enough this time."

>She cut him down from the rope he'd hung himself with like so many others before him.

>A sad smile crept on to her face "Bet you wish I got here a little sooner."

>She sat him down and called it in. He was so young. What a shame.


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55a929 No.393736

File: 64c39e8518838d6⋯.jpg (53.73 KB,709x805,709:805,snek gurl.jpg)


>Ticket 110,583 [invalid]

>a snek girl buried her face in Minty's bosom and sobbed.

>She wasn't here to grant a wish for the snek girl but she'd wished she could.

>Snek girl's boi, the ticket holder had been forbidden from seeing her by his parents and they'd told him they'd send him off to a private human only boarding school for pursuing someone like her.

>He took another option. It was a selfish one. So selfish she found it hard to lament his loss. It didn't make her feel any less sad though.

>If only I'd gotten here sooner.


>Ticket 111,322

>She dragged the snek girl from the river. It was that same one from a few weeks ago.

>"Jumping off a bridge huh? How original. Good thing I put a tab on your ass." The snek girl was shivering and whimpering on the bank.

>"…and after all that talk about how suicide wasn't the answer." Minty smacked the snek girl across the face for breaking the promise she'd made to her those few weeks ago.

>She reluctantly granted her a wish after the fact.


>She kept a first aid kit handy in a fanny pack. Embroidered on it was the message "Keep on truckin' ". There were times when having one would have made a difference. She always made sure to be ready since you never know exactly what a ticket will hold.

>No more fancy heels like when she began. Now it was running shoes in the event she had to really book it.

>She kept a fairy wand handy as a memento from nicer days.

You could write a whole melodrama about wish-granting fairies.


It's definitely a different flavor from what I'm doing. I didn't even consider a romance element although there are all kinds of love stories you could weave out of

>girl visits sad and depressed guys and offers to grant them a wish.

Law of numbers will suggest at least one will say "I wanna fug". Unless you make the fairy girl really ugly. I like the premise of the fairy girl growing more stoic through the constant suffering and sadness she endures every day at her job. What's more, is you have the repetition element where she sees the same mistakes being made over and over and it gradually hardens her heart. I don't even know if she could love anyone else since she'd be so devoted to job.

Over time she'd have to learn to laugh at the morbid nature of her job. If not, that's the kind of existential sadness that cripples a person over time. She'd be one needing a wish after a while.

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55a929 No.393737


*when you see her during her time as a wish granter

and probably a few other typos sprinkled in there somewhere. A sage for my myself.

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986be0 No.393741


I kinda figured this saga would end with her snapping and boning the next near-suicide victim

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83983b No.393744

Gonna throw my hat into the ring as well with this wishgranting fairy.

>Minty appeared in the room with a small poof. How friendly this time, she thought.

>Her client this time was a very generic man in his early forties. Typical lifesituation, lived alone.

>"Hey there. Name's Minty, I'm here to grant you a wish."

>The man looked up at her from his bed, a tired, puzzled expression on his face.


>"Wish. Granting. Fairy. That's me," she said, interrupting the usual hail of 'who are you, how did you get in here, I'm calling the police', etc. "Now make a wish."

>Probably another suicider.

"Ok. There's a little girl next door. Make her stop crying."


>"I think something is wrong with her family," the man explained, running a hand through his brown hair. "She keeps crying. I hear her parents yell at each other once in a while too. I wish the little girl would stop crying, be happy instead."

>Well, that was a new one for Minty.

>"Ok. I'll… I'll see what I can do," she said, her short hair bobbing in tune with her nods.

>"Thanks." The man laid down again, trying to go back to sleep.

>Minty wasn't very shocked at what she found next door. Overworked parents, daughter suffering from anxiety, that sort of thing.

>Well, one selfless wish had to be fulfilled.

>First, some luck for the parents. The father would find a sense of calm. The mother would focus more on home. With some more freetime on their hands, they spent that time with their daughter.

>Now the girl wouldn't cry nearly as much, and her parents found some passion again. Nearly a year later, a new type of crying filled the house, one that can only come from newborns.

>But in the meantime, the man did something rather out of character for himself.

>He walked by an animal shelter. And on a whim…

>He adopted an old, tired dog.

>The man, having always wanted a dog of his own since he was a boy, fed the dog, walked it, petted it, kept it warm and safe.

>The dog, a large Bernese mountain dog, was quite happy.

>It didn't take long before shed fur was all over the floor.

>Sadly, it passed away two months after it had been adopted.

>The man was sad, but also glad he had been able to give the dog some happiness.

>With nothing else to do, he walked back to the shelter, and adopted another dog. A pug.

>The pug was also old, but was also missing a leg.

>The man played a lot with the dog, rubbed it's belly, patted it on the head.

>The dog passed away in its sleep after three months.

>The man buried it next to the first dog.

>He was determined to give old dogs a sense of happiness.

>The third dog he adopted was a toller retriver, with a pink nose.

>The man and his dog passed by the couple next door, the wife now heavily pregnant. Her husband was supporting her down the stairs.

>The little girl was very happy, her little pigtails bouncing with each step.

>By the time the newborn child was born, the man had buried his third furry friend.

>As usual, he read it an euology, then headed for the shelter.

>But the shelter was empty.

>The owner of the shelter explained that some rich old lady had barged into the shelter and bought every animal in there, determined to appriciate them.

>It was in the papers and everything, a whole five pages.

>The lady owned a lot of land, and had turned it into some kind of animal paradise.

>Pictured were servants walking dogs, brushing cats, feeding and playing with the animals.

>The man could only smile at the absurdity.

>That day, he made himself a simple dinner, showered, and tucked himself into bed.

>"It's been a while. How are you doing?" said a young, tired voice.

>He rolled over, looking up at Minty.

>"I remember you. I wasn't aware I had made another wish," he responded.

>"Really? Because I have a ticket here with your name on it. So, make a wish."

>"Any wish?"

>"Almost any wish," Minty corrected, poking his forehead.

>"Alright then. I wish…" He made a loud thinking noise, staring up into the ceiling.

>"I wish you'd find some happiness in your job for once."


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55a929 No.393759


>heavily pregnant


How did the guy discern that Minty was sad with her job? As far as "wish rules" go I don't think she could grant a wish for herself. If a ticket was wishing for her to be happy or acquire some benefit it'd probably be a company policy for her to turn it down. Your ticket example seems pretty selfless and not selfish so he'd probably be willing to wish for something good for someone else. His request would certainly warm her heart I think.

Not every ticket would be "dire" even it was rated as such but I didn't even delve into such scenarios. I like the concept of the system being overburdened and understaffed that >>393725 touched on albeit the theme was a little more slapstick than mine.

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5507bf No.393770



gonna stop you there brah

can barely keep my self from crying remembering my first dog man

>Mans best fren is an understatement

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d60332 No.393777

File: 68d2ecc401fd85a⋯.png (55.23 KB,787x355,787:355,bb9041b6-3c06-4d41-9256-5d….png)

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986be0 No.393791


Now that I think about it, hellhounds and their combination of retard strength and obstinacy makes them the perfect anti-ntrfag mg. Nobody can break her will or mind, and short of a conventional army, there is very little that can restrain her physically, aside from a stronger mg like a wurm or something.

It’s already nearly impossible to ntr most mgs, but I think with a hellhound it’s legitimately impossible.

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ea27b1 No.393799

File: cf7636774a77737⋯.png (38.31 KB,274x390,137:195,too far.png)


>Has three kids with guy

>He still tries to have her gang raped

Faggots like this don't deserve waifus

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886539 No.393801


handbanana hellhound is hillarious.

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286af0 No.393805


dubs of truth right here

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442eb1 No.393806

File: 0ae51d5a097270e⋯.jpeg (36.64 KB,288x252,8:7,62D82F93-B886-4B7E-BB0A-2….jpeg)


Fucker that’s what he wants. He wants the ultimate cucking. If that waifu stays with him he gets what’s coming to him, the one thing he doesn’t want, a single partner that will only ever be with him.

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49c523 No.393808


It'd be much faster and more efficient to snap his neck and call it a day.

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d60332 No.393819


Prolonged suffering>quick death

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3436b5 No.393821


Then shoot him in the gut and let him bleed out. The point is a loving waifu is wasted on scum like him.

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602e5b No.393827

File: 5a5acd14795e7cc⋯.jpg (26.21 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

>Be practicing my sexual liberation, before picking up my divorce papers to show him.

>Come home to find a neat house and dinner cooked.

>Honestly, he must be emotionally manipulating me, the bastard.

>look at the way he acts heartbroken at the news, it's practically wife beating to the courts.

>Now just strike myself over the head with a club, and call the cops.

>Make sure to place it by him.

>It took some talking to the hellhound cop before she took him away.

>I'll have to report her for internalized misogyny and victim-blaming.

> “Strike angles” my beautiful butt

>Fast forward to the day before the proceedings end

> The Danuki lawyer is doing wonders getting his assets.

>Most of his half is going to his lawyer anyway.

>And she's my lawyer's sister!

>Also, that's what it took to get her on board

>I didn't want the money, I just want him ruined.

>One of his emotionally manipulating crying sessions almost got to my lawyer though

>I had to remind her that men don't have real feelings.

>The next day when I was getting picked up by her she was singing something in Russian, it reminded me of that falling block game.

>The lyrics apparently translating to “my box is so light and the strap doesn't cut into my shoulder, and all my sweety took was a turquoise ring”

>So she met someone last night, lucky her.

>My husband dropped his emotionally manipulative act

>One of the things he had to give up was his nice car

>I would have had it destroyed, but my lawyer wanted it for her “sweetie”

>Waste not want not I suppose.

>I go to her office to drop off my payment

<”Oh, could you take the sign off for me?”

>I take the sign off

>Her new sign has my ex-husband's last name on it

> My ex walks in with his lawyer, my lawyer hands him the keys I just gave her

<”It may be a bit used, but it should be satifactory, sweetie.”

>His lawyer hands me lawsuit papers


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ae3641 No.393845

File: 4709895c606341e⋯.png (1.15 MB,720x2377,720:2377,Danuki Divorce Lawyer.png)


nice. capped

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60be16 No.393848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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453181 No.393851

File: 6300efeee100d4a⋯.png (90.37 KB,550x497,550:497,ClipboardImage.png)


This is truth. Danuki may sometimes resort to trickery, but they are true monster girls and always do so in the name of JUSTICE.

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cb75cb No.393876

File: 55e20144b1c286a⋯.png (1.68 MB,3480x3508,870:877,Minty.png)


Welp, whatever this is

Can't say I haven't tried

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1d7048 No.393878

File: c44492078d4c98a⋯.png (717.76 KB,1293x1407,431:469,HD jew.png)


This is my jam!

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5c9f81 No.393879


Top 10 destructive forces of nature.

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be8f35 No.393898

File: 8fceee032494107⋯.png (221.78 KB,678x623,678:623,8fceee032494107b8ef2708566….png)


i wonder, why not give the dude one of those clone potions. that way he can be both the bull and the cuck, and be monogamous to his waifu

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979aa5 No.393901


>cucking yourself

i will only allow this is the ntrfag gains the memories of the clone who cucks him

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3e9e6e No.393902


Or you can douse the guy in gasoline and burn him alive.

Burn the clone potions too and whoever makes them.

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d60332 No.393905


>Burn the clone potions too and whoever makes them.

So, burn Kenkou Cross?

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019274 No.393908

File: 1344cabd892dfee⋯.jpeg (161.69 KB,1296x1382,648:691,159AAB04-20F7-413E-ABF2-B….jpeg)

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d60332 No.393910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>merely causing him physical harm

>not placing him in a lifelong personal hell where the thing he wants is constantly dangled just out of his reach

Filthy casuals.

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eb2e2c No.393922

It's been a while and I got nothing better to do.

>Work for a quack of a lich who thinks Marie Shelly wrote a DIY manual and not a cautionary tale.

>Actually made a business out of making "Made-to-Order Brides" for people with far too much money and not enough sense.

>A very successful business.

>She's actually making enough get her hands on the technology to grow cloned body parts in giant tubes instead of getting them the "traditional" method.

>Now that I wasn't spending most of my time "obtaining resources", I've been made to do her bidding in other ways.

>Namely help the doc's latest creation go from a drooling, unresponsive, wheelchair-bound pile of meat to a fully functional thinking being.

>Actually easier then it sounds as all the software is already there so to speak.

>Just need to stimulate the mind until the subject is responsive, check to make she's firing in all cylinders, and then get her ready for shipment.

>Put in a room full of artsy-fartsy paintings, play some classical music, read some stuffy old books aloud until the girl's eyes light up and she's able to answer simple questions.

>Don't even need to worry about them trying to have their way with me since that part of their brain seems to be slower to wake up than the rest.

>If that was intentional or not on my boss' part or not, I'd never know but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

>I had just finished putting the latest subject, a towering hodgepodge of an ogre, a kikimora, and a sahuagin, into a shipping crate for the delivery guy to pick up when my boss had called for me over the facility's loudspeakers.

<"Oh Anoooooooon, please come to my lab~"

>Oh god she's using that overly cheerful sing-song voice, what does she want to do to me?

>I mentally prepare myself for whatever nonsense I'm about to be subjected to as I approach her lab and push open the double doors.

>My withering gaze turned to the short yet full figured lich dressed in a two-sizes-to-large lab coat that trailed along the floor behind her as she walked across the lab to meet me.

"This better not be about you wanting to get into cosmetic surgery again."

>She scoffed at me as she adjusted her opaque cokebottle glasses.

<"I don't see why you're against it, our test client's procedure went off without a hitch!"

"You gave the man a horse dick."

<"He wanted male enhancement! Besides, his wife was more than happy with the results."

"His wife's a centaur and won't be split in half by it."

<"Bah, you're no fun. This is why you're still a bachelor even in this glorious day and age!"

>Resisting the urge to find something heavy to beat her over the head with, I decide to change subjects and actually ask her what she wanted me for.

<"Ah, yes! Anon my boy, you have been such a good assistant to me. Having taken to your duties as well as a hoard of maggots would take to days old roadkill! Such dedication and zeal has allowed me to focus on my work and clean out our backlog of orders! Meaning that we officially have no other projects to work on!"

"Does that mean I'm fired?"

<"Heavens no Anon! Far from it! I wanted to reward you with a well-deserved vacation! It is close to your birthday is it not? What better time then to relax for several weeks!?"

>The turn of events had me mildly shocked, having expected another hairbrained scheme or perhaps an ill-advised experiment to contact the old gods again.

>But certainly not a pleasant surprise like this.

"That's… actually really nice of you. I don't know what to say."

>Looking rather smug now, my boss grabs a hand full of my shirt and pulls me towards the other end of the lab.

<"Ohho! Yes, I am such a generous employer! But my kindness does not end there! Oh no! I have a gift for you as well! The one thing a bachelor like yourself well and truly needs!"

>That's when I saw the tall rectangular shipping crate, one that was like the many countless ones I've seen before.

>Only it had a pink bow nailed to the top of it.

>No, she did not.

<"Oh yes I did! What better gift to give a lonely man…"

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eb2e2c No.393923


>She let go of my shirt and ran towards the crate, throwing open the lid and letting it slap loudly onto the tile floor.

<"Then the gift of love!?"

>My boss' "gift" to me appeared to simply be a Holstaur, whose height made her giant breasts level with my face but was perfectly normal otherwise.

>Her stitching was minimal and nearly unnoticeable with no patchwork skin tones in sight, just uniform pale skin.

>She was clearly the same quality as the girls made for those who shelled out the serious money.

>While I was less than thrilled with getting a Build-A-Wife for an early birthday gift, I could have foreseen far worse results.

<"Hehehe! I know how much you looooove big breasts Anon! After all, I've caught you glancing at mine in spite of feigning no interest in me~ Ah but unfortunately such love could never be, for I am ever faithful to my own late husband! Thus I made you your own love with even bigger breasts!"

>Winching at the revelation that she spied me taking quick glances as her black tank top tried to contain her assets, I quickly tried to change the subjects as the woman in the crate started to wake up from all the noises.

"So… what parts did you use exactly?"

>Hopefully just innocent gentle non-pelvis grinding parts.

>An homunculus' personality was often the sum of its parts, and wilder combinations could have some very "interesting" results.

<"Ooooh curious are we~? Sadly I didn't have as many parts on hand that were ready in time for your birthday so I had to use what was laying around! The bones and sinew of a wrym! The blood and organs of an Ushi-oni! And the brain matter of a Shirohebi!"

>My face went as white as my boss' lab coat.

>Of ALL the combinations she could have picked to stuff into this cute cowgirl package it was that!?

<"But enough from me, I should get going so you two can have some alone time together! I'm going on my own vacation to Tahiti with my husband so we can celebrate the day he arose from the grave! Though I never did find my beach towel… oh well I'll get another one there!"

>Before I could protest, before I could plead with her, before I could flee, that insane little lich vanished from the lab with an awfully timed teleportation spell.

>The icing on this disaster cake was the shower of confetti and ribbons that fell from the ceiling after she left, the party favors also contained the bright red beech towel my boss forgot to pack which drifted down onto my head just as the cow printed bone destroyer walked out of the create.

>I accepted death as I heard her growl loudly and the room took on a hot blue glow.

I've wanted to do a non-green text version of this one day, but for now have this.

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019274 No.393927


A moment of silence for anons’ poor pelvis

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5507bf No.393937


>Holstaur body

Okay, at least its not a minotaur

>Bones and sinew of a wyrm

Oh my, how uh, daring

>Blood and organs of an Ushi-Oni

I think you should really consider this being one of the things you can do, but shouldn't

>Brian of a Shirohebi

The time has long since passed where science has gone too far

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d60332 No.393938

File: 6be58b6ace58937⋯.jpg (127.05 KB,1024x718,512:359,20180916-123828-7c1bad92-4….jpg)


>Brian of a Shirohebi

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5507bf No.393940


oof great movie

I love my spelling skills

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26950f No.393941

File: e8a14c57fe35b03⋯.png (48.78 KB,435x231,145:77,1535561049749.png)

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c0c23b No.393945


Well it made me smile. I'd like to see it finished.

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d60332 No.393947

File: 69c0783ee3dfdbf⋯.png (651.55 KB,1499x1480,1499:1480,d56e4cae-c6b5-44f0-b036-47….png)


Clones created by Doppelganger potions maintain a unified consciousness and will so that every clone experiences every other clones' thoughts, actions and sensations as their own. That goes against the whole point of cuckoldry, which is watching people who aren't you having sex with your waifu.

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cb75cb No.393948

File: 4065e78949d4b3f⋯.jpg (5.73 KB,300x168,25:14,tasteful.jpg)


Beautiful, hope to see the story version

Science has no limits

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8208c4 No.393960

File: c117c28135763cd⋯.jpg (55.51 KB,720x480,3:2,1433379042172-2.jpg)


>Danukis doing what Jews do, but with less unapologetic evil.

If only. If every Jew were to be struck down, and replaced with a danuki, clown world would evaporate in a week.

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071cf0 No.393963


Instead of just jewing you put if your lonely they will Jew you for your cock. They would still control all of the banks.

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5507bf No.394018

File: a9dc24233a75ba8⋯.jpg (143.62 KB,1024x718,512:359,Brian exposed.jpg)


you made me do this anon

this is all your fault

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5507bf No.394033

>You've heard of times when there was sudden, but <gentle> invasions of monster girls

>But not in this universe

>It started off slowly, with minor incursions cropping up here and there

>Strike teams moving in and sabotaging, grabbing intel, and in some extreme cases, a snatch and grab for POWs

>And as it turns our your outpost's number just happened to come up

>The minotaur had kicked in the door, grabbed the other guy in the room and tossed him into the hall way

>The awful sound of animals fighting could be heard

>Perhaps you two trying to hold the door shut wasn't the best idea

>She charges and you let off two shots before taking a jab with the bayonet, her armor catches the rounds.

>The jab misses and she grabs the barrel and gives it a hard twist, causing it to clatter to the ground

>Picking you up she roughly throws you against the wall.

>Scrambling to pick up the rifle she gives the barrel a hard stomp, bending it.

>You look at it for a second before gazing up at her with slight bewilderment.

>A light kick from her breaks the rifle from your grip again and before you can get up a booted hoof gently presses you back

>She leans in a bit

<Don't move from this spot, or I'll break both your legs

>You simply nod, take off your helmet and start shedding your armored vest. At least you can chew of defeat in comfort

>The sounds of fighting getting fainter and more sporadic.

>She doesn't stop you and instead goes to rummage around in a file cabinet.

>Not paying attention, back turned, an idea forms

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5507bf No.394035


>As quietly as you can you pick up the rifle by the barrel and sneak up to her

>You give the back of her legs a hard whack, sending her to her knees with a yelp

>With some effort you get your arm around her neck, knee into her back, and try to fold her down

>Despite her size and strength advantage the surprise attack works, and you sink the hold before she can get you off

>A low moo escapes her as she goes unconscious and becomes limp.

>You let her fall and get to work

>No telling when she'll wake up, and she is going to be pissed.

>The door is slammed shut and you barricade it by tipping over a shelf in front of it, jamming a bar in the handle, and locking it

>Next the file cabinet and all documents tossed into a nearby trashcan, no access to pyro, but there is kerosene

>Was for the grill out back, but now its for the documents in here. secret docs, torched.

>You look back at the Minotaur, still asleep. At least you hope so.

>Then the Hard drives from the two computers were pulled, you ran some dinky little magnets from the whiteboard over them

>Meh, into the fire they go too

>The burning trashcan would have set off the alarms by now, but they had cut the power and you placed it near the open window

>The smell of smoke still attracted some attention, and you heard a banging on the door

<Hey I can smell smoke, what the hell's going on in there

"Go away, no one's home"

<The fuck, Hey there's still one left on the loose in here

>Should've just stayed quiet

>Start writing out every detail of the raid you can remember

>But the banging means you don't hear her get up

>And the light from the window means she doesn't cast a shadow

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5507bf No.394036


>Your spider senses tingle and you roll to the side as she swipes at you

>Running to the door, willing to face what's outside, but oops its all blocked

>Frantically you grab at the bar and unlatch it

>Then a sturdy arm reaches under your left armpit and her hand rests on your chest

>Something soft presses against your neck and a chin rests on the top of your head

>Her other arm reaches around the right one and her hand closes around yours and re-latches the bolt

<Its fine in here, I just have something to take care of

>The knocking stops

<Alright Kara, keep it quick

>Her right arm moves under yours to her other one on your chest and she effortlessly lifts you up

>You just hang there like dead weight, grimly accepting your fate

>She /tenderly/ lays you down in the middle of the room and straddles you

>A second or two goes by as you stare at each other

>Her, a smug and shallow smile. You, desperately trying to stay stoic, her previous threat echoing in your mind.

<You remember what I told you earlier?

>A short nod is all she gets

<Well, don't worry, I wont break your legs

>She pulls you up to her, into a big firm hug and gives your a ear a brief nibble before whispering

<I'm going to break you in half

>She lets you fall back to the floor

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5507bf No.394038



>An hour later she comes walking out back behind the outpost where the rest of the strike group was

>Your limp, and if no one knew any better, seemingly lifeless body over her shoulder

>Her approach gets their attention and most seem amused by her additional cargo

<Didn't know this was turning into a prisoner grab Kara

>One of them joked

<Well, sometimes something comes along that is too good to pass up

>It gets a laugh out of the group

>The Group leader settles them down and lets them know its time to head out

>One of the group, a hellhound makes her way over

<If he's that good Kara, you gonna share him with the squad

>Kara responds by headbutting her, sending her flying a few feet

<Fuck off, he's mine! get your own

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d0cfc3 No.394115

>be a Large Mouse

>met husbando when he was on a vacation trip through the portal

>we're getting married in a few weeks

>learning as much as I can about his world in the meantime

>watch documentary on medieval history and food

>apparently it was believed that almonds increased sperm production

>think it's funny, but also really want to get pregnant as soon as possible after the wedding

>make a note to buy a big bag of almonds

>buy the almonds on next grocery run and come home to find him just returning from the gym

>he says hi and asks what's with the almonds when I unpack the groceries

>don't want him to know the real reason why because it's embarrassing

>stammer out that I thought they'd just be a good snack for him

>he shoves a handful in his mouth and pats my head

>my cheeks are crimson as he walks off to shower

You gals think this will work or am I being retarded?

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0412b2 No.394140

File: 19ad9b0e41e0e7e⋯.png (201.53 KB,900x900,1:1,Carlita Cheshire.png)



> harem denied

I see you are a man of culture as well.


Now that's what I call almond milk.

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8e6aa9 No.394147


>The necessary paperwork was all over and done with rather quickly, almost as if the DoF worker wanted to be rid of them as soon as possible

>As a signature was not really viable for him, the government had given Eamon a little seal as proof of consent on legal documentation

>From what he could tell, it was about the width of his thumbnail and covered in little lumps and lines that would form a unique impression with ink

>With the last form stamped, a sense of finality settled onto Eamon's spirit and he took comfort in that feeling. Things were finally turning around for him

>His new foster parents informed him that they would be heading to his new home for some lunch and to help him settle into their home

>Mr Shore offered to help carry his bag to the car but Eamon politely refused. Yes he was blind but he was far from incapable

>The autumn air nipped at his ankles and made him wonder how his new foster mother handled the cold, being cold blooded and all

>After reaching the car and listening to the sounds of Mrs Shore load herself into her apparently modified seat, they soon departed

>The roar of the engine startled Eamon more than a little but the voices of his foster parents helped to distract him

>They tried their best to describe their house to him and the things they passed on the way there but they seemed to struggle with a few things

>Like if Eamon asked what a particular thing looked like and they tried to describe it using colours. Eamon only understood them as a definition

>After what felt like no time at all, the car took one final corner before coming to a halt. Once again, the sound of flowing serpent was all Eamon could hear

>The sound seemed to go on and on as Mrs Shore unspooled out of the vehicle. Judging by the sound, she was a dozen feet long at the very least

<Well Eamon, I'd like to say "welcome home" but I guess you may not quite feel that way, at least not yet. Still, I would be very happy if you did consider it home

>Her soft voice was filled with sincerity, so much so that Eamon felt his heart clench. Climbing out of the back seat, he managed a single step across the curb

>A single step, right into the waiting arms of Mrs Shore. Eamon jerked in surprise but was quickly smothered by the woman's seemingly bottomless cleavage

>Despite her cool skin, she seemed to radiate warmth and motherly affection, something Eamon was not particularly comfortable with but a little couldn't hurt

>What surprised him the most was that he was basically a stranger to her and yet she was practically treating him like family already

>Eamon wondered if all mamono women were like that, or was it because she had already had children of her own and knew how a mother behaved

>Well, was supposed to behave, anyway. With her embrace growing rather stuffy, Eamon drew back as far as she would let him

>With her hands behind his shoulders, Eamon was quite surprised to feel something brush against the end of his nose. Then again under each eye

>Suddenly they were everywhere, on his neck, in his hair, his ears, everywhere. The gentle caresses were almost ticklish but somehow not

>The touches seemed to abate as Eamon raised his hand to try and determine what was actually touching him without being too forceful

>His hand closed around something long and slender, like a very smooth rope. He felt Mrs Shore twitch at the contact, which suggested that they were part of her

>Whatever it was writhed in his hand before it looped around his wrist and drew it towards Mrs Shore.There seemed to be a whole bunch of the little things

<Well girls? What do you think of the new family member? I'm sorry Eamon my hair snakes are usually much more docile but they seem to like you quite a lot

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26950f No.394163

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e53069 No.394174


>not activating them beforehand

You fucked up.

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5507bf No.394326


>Harem denied

such is the lust betwixt man and minotaur, especially if he is able to subdue her in a scenario. she might take that as a measure of his man hood and breed with him forever upon it

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5507bf No.394453

>The gun battle echoed through the square

>He laid there, hit but sitll all full of piss and and vinegar

>hes shot all to hell but still moving

>You approach him, expecting the worst, but he calls out to you

"Law dog, you gotta get to me please"

>He laid there holding himself like a kid on a playground than a seasoned outlaw

>he half smiles at you as you approach

>Tears in his eyes he pulls an old photo from his waistcoat

>Its a worn old photo and it has a lamia as its front feature

>His arm shoots out and pulls yous close,

>He cocks the hammer back on your pistol

"Finish what you started law dog"

>He's almost crying now

"I wanna see her again, feel her again

>Biting your tounge you squeeze

>you can almost hear him breath thank you

>and you'll go to town a hero

>and you'll be the best man

>and you'll be the one to recount the tale

>and you'll be the one ultimately going to bed alone

>you're fine

>you're fine

>you're fine

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55a929 No.394465

File: 131fb7771fbd050⋯.jpg (335.59 KB,812x2048,203:512,1539880848727.jpg)


Thanks for the OC. I didn't even realize you'd done it till I scanned through the thread. I hadn't even given much thought to her appearance. I just know she'd look a lot different from when she started vs when her heart hardens from the prolonged exposure to her job.

Show me your interpretation of her at ticket 6 vs 600 vs 6000 vs 60000 or however many versions you want. That'd tickle my pickle.

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986be0 No.394480


Is this a dream sequence for that cowboy/lamia story?

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d69b08 No.394502


>cock in exchange for a stable, prosperous and technologically advancing world

It's a sacrifice I'm sure many men are willing to make.

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5507bf No.394647


I think I goofed on this one guys

Ever since writing it I can't help but think about big thicc Minotaur raider

And her gentle snuggles, firm hold, placid demeanor, loving attitude

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d374d0 No.394650


The one time I tried writefagging was because I had the opposite problem. I couldn't get something out of my head so I wrote it but hated writing it and didn't like the result as much as I hoped. I haven't though about it since.

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0969b2 No.394757

File: 564f008c8fecd97⋯.png (484.7 KB,640x476,160:119,564f008c8fecd9736c5e4e7a9b….png)


>Danukis doing Danuki things with JUSTICE

Absolutely worthy of headpats. Deserving of love, handholding, and at least 12 pregnancies.

Holy shit modern women are perma-fucked if DOTR happens.

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d60332 No.394899


>Burn the clone potions too and whoever makes them.

But if we burn Kenkou Cross, then who's gonna make new MGE profiles?

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ba3700 No.394909


>Brain matter of a Shirohebi

This curiously scares me as I'm rusty on that lamia but if I'm correct don't they have some sort of telekinetic or psychic ability as well being fucking hardwired to adore their mate in a yandere aspect? I know the last one is a stretch but I know it's a seriously strong desire.

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5507bf No.394953


>She gets home from work

>Opens the door with a heavy sigh and sheds her backpack

>Practically ripping off her boots she goes the the couch and lays down

>You walk up to her

"Rough day at work?"

>She just nods with a low mooooo

"Well dinner will be ready in 15…"

>Suddenly she grabs you and pulls you to her chest on the couch

>She holds you in a firm grip and sighs,

<15 mins will be fine

>You just lay there, content with your honey just holding you close

why are monstergirls such a NEED

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3d8e9f No.395188

File: 8aa837a6933309e⋯.png (606.56 KB,1883x2942,1883:2942,85697242-319b-470c-b0c7-43….png)

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5507bf No.395350

inspired by >>395222

>Be anon

>And you've finally finished your back-yard rocket launcher

>Time to test it out

>So you set up a camera to record your glorious victory

>A dragon was flying by way in the distance

>You train the rocket on her look back at the camera, give a V for victory hand signal

"Remember, subscribe to pewdiepie"

>With a loud thump the rocket goes soaring to its target

>It takes about 3 seconds, but you see the small puff as it finds its target

>Yes it puffed, you were using a chalk warhead, you weren't trying to murder someone

>Fist pumping in satisfaction you turn to the camera and begin to brag

>Not noticing the small figure in the sky turn towards you and begin approaching at a frightening pace

>The whooshing noise gets your attention way to late and she's the one that scores a direct hit this time

>She causes you both to roll a bit, knocking over the camera

>The last shot of you its gets is you getting dragged out of frame

>The next few hours was just a shot of the lawn with the sound of




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1d7048 No.395357

File: e5aed3c7d0794f8⋯.png (59.52 KB,1877x328,1877:328,I need you to fix the econ….png)


Ah, I see that faggot has been at it again.

Where was this transpiring exactly?

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3d8e9f No.395360


>Where was this transpiring exactly?


Take a guess.

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ba9723 No.395364


What kind of pounding? Head-breaking or hip-breaking?

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99e309 No.395373

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51acb9 No.395384

anyone got any yandere greens

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2011ad No.395391

File: b664e9be4954eec⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,810x752,405:376,b664e9be4954eeccbf17a11e06….jpg)


There's is a couple in both the crazy chicks thread and the actual yandere thread, but I here's an idea that got stuck in my head. Hopefully it floats your boat.

>be me

>one of the last chuckle fucks whose avoided getting raped in my class

>reason why me and a handful of other guys chose to avoid pelvic matrimony was out of principle

>and the scholarships that have been made for virgins is starting to stockpile some sweet college dough due to lack of virgins recently

>monsters obviously take this as an insult or challenge instead

>so much so, they've even sent fake letters to us saying we were eligible

>only Phil was dumb enough to fill out the application inside without reading it first


>but it hasn't stopped there

>recently, some cupid has been shooting these arrows from the roof tops

>much faster than the usual cupid love arrows

>also filled with a lot of demonic energy

>any monster hit will immediately jump on the male who was also hit

>have the luxury of almost being one of those guys

>as I'm getting ready to leave for the day I feel the infamous arrows knock the wind out of me

>hear a girl scream and something like glass break immediately after

>my friends help guide me home while I keep my eyes shut to play it safe

>kept feeling like I was being watched and followed

>had my friends keep an extra eye out just in case

>got home later than usual that day

>still can't shake that feeling

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2011ad No.395398


this second part is told from a female perspective, just incase you're confused

>be me

>been testing a new kind of love arrow

>well, more like a love bolt since its on a crossbow but who cares?

>took me, a gremlin, and a cupid a long time to perfect

>now we are firing the first bolt out of the testing phase

>imbued them with my own demonic energy just in case

>but the cupid in the group wants one of her friends be the first to fire the new arrows and snag her a husband


>the crossbow, aptly dubbed "the matchmaker", fires a bolt every second up to 10 bolts

>but for this we only loaded 2

>she takes aim and fires

>oof, knocked the wind out of one cutie

>as we were confirming the target being hit, a teacher busted down the door which scared the cupid with the matchmaker

"Hey! What're you kids doing up here!?"


>in her panicked state, she quickly drops the matchmaker

>the second it hit the ground, it misfires and breaks the specially designed telescopic sight

>as I'm flying away, my wing keeps bumping something

>of course its the misfired bolt

>as I'm looking for a place to dump the evidence, my eye catches the previous target


>did I mention the target was cute?

>I'm extra glad we had designed the bolt

>the demonic energy isn't to make them horny, its so the monster target can find their new husband

>just follow the single man that has the same energy your bolt has; also helps that the bolt has a tracking rune

>in this case, I just have to follow my own energy

>But that will have to wait, gotta get out of here

Couple hours later

>cannot get that guy off my mind

>cannot even go to sleep

>try reading a random book off my shelf to see if that helps

>picked out last year's year book

>maybe reconnecting with some old friends will ease my mind

>take out my phone as I flip to my class last year

>see the picture of the guy from earlier

>"Y. Anon"

>spend almost the entire night just entranced by his picture

>at around 1 in the morning, decide to go find him

>followed the energy of the rune along with my own demonic energy

>find his house and peek into the window where the energies most potent

>he is sleeping

>would sneak in, but don't have the heart to disturb his sleep so I stick with watching

>the way his face is so peaceful

>how his chest raises and lowers with his breathing

>even his little snores

>I'm so glad my new husband is so cute

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c1797d No.395439

File: c48b2febe1be62b⋯.png (436.76 KB,671x1200,671:1200,hellshark.png)



Continue, or Hellshark shatters your pelvis.

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51acb9 No.395477


where is the link

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7267ae No.395478


Read the thread.

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2011ad No.395487

File: ced4e39af3856ac⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2480x3508,620:877,68902156_p0.jpg)


Don't really have any idea how to progress the story other than leave it with that, but here's a nother idea that you might like

>be me

>have been friends with /fit/ bro for years

>me, him, and other friends are swimming in a lake during spring break

>everyone is having a great time, everything is peaceful

>until I hear /fit/ bro grunt

>turn to him and see he's being dragged to the water by some hairy appendage

>run to save /fit/ bro, but I'm too late as he's quickly pulled under the waters' surface

>everyone stares in horror or shock at what we thought was some lake monster devouring our friend until he floats back up to the surface

>now has the fluffiest life vest clinging to him like a kid holds onto a toy

>turns out a bunyip was swimming in the lake way before we showed up

>was way too shy to make her presence known

>this is until she saw /fit/ bro

>after introductions, she refuses to let him go more than a couple feet away

>her tail wrapped around at least some part of his body at all times

>everyone, including /fit/ bro, shrugs it off as typical lamia clingy behaviour and that she'll learn to control it

Weeks later

>have not heard from /fit/ bro for a while

>thought it was just some honeymoon phase until I brought it up with my sister

<"that's a little weird, even for lamia type mamono"

>decide to heed her warning and visit /fit/ bro to check up on him

>ring his door bell

>no response

>hell, I didn't even hear it go off

>decide to knock instead

>after waiting for 5 or so minutes, I hear a shuffling behind the door

>"/fit/ bro? Is that you? Are ya okay , man? Its been weeks"

>he slowly opens the door, somewhat dishevelled

>he is still /fit/, but definitely lost some muscle mass from not being able to go to the gym

>turns out his new bunyip gf is so paranoid about a nother monster taking him away from her

>so much so, she placed a couple energy detection runes at the doors and window, and did most of the cleaning and house care so no devil bugs sneak in

>reason why I haven't been blown across the street is because I don't have any demonic energy on/in me

>I try to explain that this is a toxic relationship, but /fit/ bro insists she's a regular girl who just has some self esteem issues that they've been working on

>she wouldn't even let him answer the door during the first week

>decide to trust him and play a little catch up as well

>after a couple hours of talking, /fit/ bro has an idea that might help his girlfriend realize that nobody will take an already claimed man

>as he is telling me the plan, I can't help but grin so much, a Cheshire would be jelous

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2011ad No.395488

File: 1020f978ad7a708⋯.png (498.18 KB,803x655,803:655,1020f978ad7a708ef3c9784b87….png)


>stake out /fit/ bro's house until I see his girlfriend leave to get to her job

>after about 5 minutes, head to the front door and knock 5 times, loudly

>almost immediately, /fit/ bro let's me inside

>phase 1: we do any chores that need to be done inside the house

>afterwards, we set up his bedroom with an assortment of monster novelties

>manticore spines, potions that increase semen and sperm production, LOTS of water, etc.

>phase 2: have /fit/ bro wear these jeans that make him look like one of those models you see in the mall, of course going commando underneath

>have the pants sag a little, even with a belt, to add effect

>also give him a thin tank top that is essentially form fitting

>after a couple minutes of making sure nothing is gonna fall out, /fit/ bro set out to do lawn work

>just trimming some hedges, some minor repairs to his fence, stuff that would make him work up a sweat

>sure enough, some monsters that are passing by stop and stare

>married monsters look for a second before shaking their head and moving along

>single monsters practically set up bleachers to watch

>none of them dare make any moves other than an occasional whistle

>well, none except some bicorns I had to shoo away with a shovel

>other than that, my scent also kept the more orderly monsters focused on me if they got a little to hot and heavy

>just sprayed them with the hose

>bros before mamonos

>after a couple hours of this, /fit/ bro's girlfriend is back from her job

>phase 3: I quickly go grab some ice tea that was made in phase 1 while the "audience" begins to slowly dissipate

>make it back in time and place the glass in her hands as she stands there watching /fit/ bro hose himself off after he mowed the lawn

>/fit/ bro notices his girlfriend standing there with the tea

"Awww! You shouldn't have, my little fluffyip!"

>I do my best not to chuckle as I make my exit so /fit/ bro can bring it home

>/fit/ bro chugs the tea then goes in for an overly loud romantic kiss in front of the 2 or 3 monsters still watching

>he then pick up his girlfriend and runs inside

>wish the bastard godspeed as I tell the everyone else that the show is over

>start walking back home when I bump into someone

>look up and see its a jinko that was in the crowd

<"I think I might need some lawn care myself~"

>the way she is eyeing me up tells me she doesn't mean her actual lawn

>mfw I realize me and /fit/ bro essentially created a new roleplay fantasy for monsters

>mfw the jinko makes me water her garden bed

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019274 No.395495



Good stuff writefag

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51acb9 No.395496


is the rest finish or not?

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54ed2d No.395501


I kinda stopped because life happened and I couldn't continue. I'll post again if enough interest is shown.

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c1797d No.395503


Please continue.

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9f9f50 No.395504


Interest is being shown right now, Brother

We are in need your never-faltering hands and purpose, please come back soon

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019274 No.395508


>Brother-Captain Anon is alive

We request a status update battle brother

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b2a584 No.395509

File: d740936bd921c49⋯.jpg (126.53 KB,300x370,30:37,HERETIC DETECTED.jpg)


I am interested brother

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c0c23b No.395515


Have some more interest.

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2011ad No.395516


We must see this through til the end, brother!

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b60578 No.395517


Here is some more interest.

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5507bf No.395518



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c1797d No.395519

File: 6626f9dbd72f388⋯.jpg (152.55 KB,800x800,1:1,JERUSALEM.jpg)


Do not hesitate, brother. Your people call for you.

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eaf46b No.395525


Nigger are you serious? Post more, Son of Dorn!

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54ed2d No.395530

File: e8f964fa8c7b023⋯.png (1.68 MB,1688x6816,211:852,IMG_3302.PNG)


>Be me, Brother-Captian Anon of the Imperial-


>Fists. Proud-


>Son of-


>Primarch Rogal Dorn

>Be slowly pushing through hoard of Zombies

>The snow plow, more of a Cow Catcher, at the front of my truck assists greatly

>"Not street legal" is what my police officer comrade said when he saw it

>but he plays Eldar

>The zombies weakly flail at the reinforced steel and double layered plexiglass

>Nothing short of a shaped charge could breach this moving fortress

>watch as a hooded woman with pallid skin floats towards my side of the truck, tome in hand

>she stops scant inches away from the door


>No emotion, not a request


>her eyes narrow marginally

>one of her hands drifts towards the door handle

>not even trying to hide the motion


>her lips thin

>she floats in front of my truck

>Tome in hand, she begins to recite foul magics

>a circle of purple runes appear before her


>gently press hand onto the horn


>her concentration is lost immediatly

>the circle of runes fizzles out

>pedal meets metal and I push through what remained of the hoard

>limbs sprayand bodies fly to the sides

>a head, severed from her lower half impacts my windshield



>flick on wipers

>head remains, licking the glass


>give her a spray of wiper fluid

>now lubricted, the head is tossed to the side

>watch in rear-view mirror as they quite literally pull themselves together

>the undead witch is sat on the ground, eyes wide

>some of the zombies, obviously smarter than the most, comfort her

>the rest wave farewell as I speed off

Kept you waiting, Huh?

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ed1d0e No.395531


I was expecting actual day of the rape before this to be continued

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c1797d No.395532

File: 4274c794d5f7c63⋯.gif (1020.68 KB,288x162,16:9,YES.gif)

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ab9b10 No.395536

File: 4fcfa7183242db3⋯.png (67.45 KB,384x387,128:129,yes please.png)

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019274 No.395537

File: 8b0a37a116cf6e9⋯.png (98.97 KB,315x263,315:263,35D0266E-88AD-4B66-9AF7-A8….png)

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54ed2d No.395539

Did ya'll really like my shit that much?

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b2a584 No.395544

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0b6ebe No.395546

File: eef89a87f5de64d⋯.jpg (51.6 KB,396x462,6:7,heil-yes.jpg)

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2011ad No.395560

File: d121cd7a6e8004d⋯.gif (422.16 KB,512x512,1:1,1549859521493.gif)


Most certainly

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5507bf No.395562

File: 294cc9e0fe2f60f⋯.jpg (164.27 KB,750x1003,750:1003,jazz.jpg)


MFW he returns

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1d7048 No.395570

File: 4f5a65282de03e8⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,800x529,800:529,military police.jpg)


>I don't have any demonic energy on/in me

Oy vey, is this boyim SINGLE?!

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1d7048 No.395571

File: c10395d6714e286⋯.gif (1.44 MB,1733x2000,1733:2000,3f9a8a97ff87378bcd0b2df907….gif)



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675e3c No.395578


>be me

stopped reading right there

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bc751a No.395580


Dude, I'm just waiting for the Saiga 12 with a bolter cosmetic upgrade firing rubber slugs. Better remember your bolter drills brother.

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54ed2d No.395587


Rubber slugs would kill a person just as a metal one would. Bean-bags however…

thanks for the idea.

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019274 No.395588


>complaining about be me

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241cc0 No.395594


C’mon now, he’s already about to get JINK’D at the end of the greentext

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ba9723 No.395595

File: 0fd4f1bb35bbcb6⋯.png (200.69 KB,320x240,4:3,0fd4f1bb35bbcb68bf292607d4….png)


>stopped reading right there

Stopped reading right there.


I don't even play or follow WH40K and I think your stuff is hilarious.

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9f9f50 No.395648

File: e07678f96080c2a⋯.jpg (185.88 KB,1000x429,1000:429,10626ff9fe7df374edfcd01451….jpg)


You've done a great deed, as expected brother.

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bc751a No.395654


Rubber slugs and even plastic bullets have been used as riot munitions in the past. Generally they are very light and use reduced powder loads to keep velocity down. They are also sometimes hollow to allow for crumpling once they strike a target. Remember, it's call Less-Lethal and not Non-Lethal for good reasons.

And by the warp I'm looking forward to Battle-Brother Anon reciting litanies of hate as he blast's his way to his father's fortress. The fortress of a Greybeard of unknowable wisdom and resovle only matched by the Primarch.

Wondering if an Iron Cage reference is gonna be made.

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54ed2d No.395657

File: 0e38fef22d2703e⋯.png (156.68 KB,1800x657,200:73,IMG_2368.PNG)


>Be me, Brother-Captian Anon of the Imperial Fists. Proud son of Primarch Rogal Dorn

>Truck wheel has finally given out half way to fathers house

>Pull over onto the shoulder of the road

>thick woodlands to either side

>foreboding to be sure

>unbuckle myself and climb into the back seat

>retrieve abackpack, a gun case, and a regular case

>Exit truck with items and place them on the tailgate of my truck

>open regular case first

>Pull out specially ordered ballistics vest along with shin-guards, knee-guards, full face helmet, and other nessicary armor

>naturally, all yellow

>I wear the Imperial Fist with pride

>next, I strap the back-pack on

>all the necessities

>water, MREs, and Imperial Infantrymans Uplifting Primer

>limited edition

>last but not least, the gun case

>press thumb onto fingerprint reader

>the cases seal pops open with a hiss of displaced air

>open the case and gaze upon my pride and joy

>my weapon

>Saga 12 gauge, fully automatic, shortened barrel and removed stock for compactness, angled fore-grip, custom iron-sights, and custom yellow paint-job

>a weapon fit only for True Warriors of the emperor

>take up the weapon and inspect it

>all functions as it should

>retrieve six magazines of rubber slugs and bean-bag loads

>no blood shall be spilled today

>take out GPS and enter the coordinates to Fathers house

>grimace as I review my options

>I could continue on the road, extra time would be spent getting to the destination, however it would be safer

>or I could cut through the woods, cutting down the time spent walking nearly in half, but exposing myself to whatever manner of monster lurks within the woods

>father had said to make all due haste

>woods it is

>load a magazine of rubber slugs and chamber a shell

>The Emperor Protects

Another one should be up later tonight. I have some free time.

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bc751a No.395658


Purging with my Kin plays off in the distance

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54ed2d No.395669

File: b8c3e9ab46fa305⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,400x394,200:197,IMG_3309.JPG)

I forgot it was winter. Continuity errors, Ho!


>Be me, Brother-Captian Anon of the Imperial Fists. Proud son of Primarch Rogal Dorn

>be marching through the thick underbrush at an acceptable pace

>much noise is made, but if anyone is around to hear it

>let them come

>come to a small clearing in the woods and allow myself to take a knee and rest

>take a generous sip from my faithful canteen

>danger sense tingling, however I continue to act casual

>it was an eventuality for this to happen

>an expected outcome

>I am being hunted

>rise to my feet once more and proceed at a low jog

>an hour passes, nothing of note

>however it has become clear that I am being followed

>the dead silence of the forest and the occasional rustling of bushes is a dead give away

>I reach another clearing, larger than the last to be sure

>the half a foot of snow covering the clearing is dotted with animal tracks

>nod to myself

>a defendable position

>no places for my stalker to ambush

>plant feet into the snow and wait

>for as long as a son of Dorn stands, they shall go no further

>time passes, and eventually the stalker relents

>from the dark of the woods, firelight appears

>a woman appears, bronze skin and scales line her form

>a long tale with fire running down its spine waves back and forth casually as she walks

>the snow at her feet melts as she swaggers into the clearing, long blade in hand

>she rests the blade on her shoulder, chin held high as a ring of melted snow steadily grows around her

>I keep my firearm lowered but ready for anything

<"Hail, Sir Knight, ''tis nice of thou to find such an appropriate place to speak."

>I grimace behind the mask of the helmet

>my silence goads her on

<"Oh? No words? I see. Well, my intentions are simple. I challenge thee to a duel. Let us cross blades and decide which of us is to be the better."

>my eyes narrow and my grip tightens

"If I refuse?"

>a coy laugh springs from the throats of the woman

<"Twas not a request, Sir Knight. Ready thine self."

>of course

>the woman brings the blade of her sword to bear and I raise my rifle

"This is your first and only warning. Cease and desist. Leave me or risk harm."

>the woman laughs, the fire on her tail flaring

<"So sure of thine self? Quaint. Have at thee!"

>the woman charges, blade raised


>the rubber slug flies out of the barrel slow enough to just early follow

>the woman brings the flat of her sword up to block the rubber missile

Klank thump

>the rubber slug slams into the blade

>the opposite side slams into her face, halting her charge briefly

Krak krak krak!

>feet firmly planted, I fire off three more shots before he closes the distance

>she weaves out of the way of the first and deflects the second

>but the third hits home in her gut with the sound of a heavy slap

>the woman falls to a knee ten meters away, gasping for breath

>she lets out a quiet groan of pain

<"Ffffu-… T-'twas a lucky blow. A solid hit nonetheless."

>she rises back to her feet, a glint in her eyes

>she points the long blade towards me, a wicked smile gracing her lips

<"It will take more than that, however. Now, draw thine blade so we may-"

Krak Krak!

>the woman twists her body to avoid the incoming projectiles, but suprise slowed her

>however she was still pretinatitally swift

>the first slug clips her shoulder, but the second lands solidly

>the blade clatters to the ground and the hand swiftly clutches her right breast

>her shrill scream echoes through the winter woods


>she rolls, hands still clutching her injury

<"What the fuck!? You shot my tit! Why!?"

>I do not answer

<"You were supposed to draw your sword a duel me! Not fucking shoot my tit, you asshole!"

>she glares from her prone position

"I do not have a sword."


>the woman slowly regains her composure and rises to her feet once more

>her off-hand tightens around the handle of her sword

<"aaall right asshole. I'm gonna go over there and-"


>her eyes widen, but it is far too late

>with a meaty thwack, the rubber slug hits home on the other breast

>once more the blade falls to the ground with its owner

<"You hit the other! Why!? Why did you hit the other!?"

>I did not intend to

"I did not intend to."

<"Horse shit!"

>the woman, at a loss for words, lay on the ground and clutches at her aching breasts

<"Fucking asshole…"

>I turn away and jog onwards

Someone get the "Meaty Thwack" meme and put a pic of Dorn over Jamie's face.

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2011ad No.395673

File: ce8e722a4fd61f5⋯.png (398.16 KB,500x481,500:481,ce8e722a4fd61f5fd242193062….png)


Here ya go

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2011ad No.395674



didn't see the last part about the editing, but I suck at editing either way. So, there's the pic for those with some editing prowess

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bc751a No.395676


Loving it, loving it so much I may bring a Slanneshi daemon from the warp!

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26950f No.395680

File: eafcb24ab95eca5⋯.jpg (62.2 KB,1024x576,16:9,1536205773332.jpg)


>You were supposed to draw your sword a duel me! Not fucking shoot my tit, you asshole!

Good to see you back, Brother-Captain!

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5507bf No.395779


>The first firing duel with a salamander ends well

"Brother you best hope she doesn't come for you in your sleep

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e87868 No.395780

File: 41ed9c45e4b2b64⋯.png (387.07 KB,338x443,338:443,dorn's meaty whack.png)




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5507bf No.395784


Be careful the salamander might take this as a measure of manhood

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dbeb16 No.396014

File: f5c39159b62aa76⋯.png (1.28 MB,1822x5150,911:2575,foxwaifu.png)

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0b6ebe No.396016

File: e84d9e32a60f3cb⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,294x295,294:295,crying leo.jpg)


fuck, i hope he gets to see his dream waifu again

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890e7d No.396031


Unfortunately, the guy later claimed she was just some human landwhale that had astrally projected herself into his dreams.

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019274 No.396049


How did he find that out?

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890e7d No.396051


Supposedly astral projection of his own or some shit.

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846eb8 No.396053

File: 7c91cb88d2867bc⋯.jpg (13.65 KB,200x238,100:119,7c91cb88d2867bcb047ce9bc44….jpg)



>he got catfished in his own dream

Even the realm of our dreams isn't safe from 3DPD.

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019274 No.396054


>3DPD dream stalkers are now a thing

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ba9723 No.396055



So Nightmares earn a living protecting every man's dreams from the 3DPD?

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54ed2d No.396067

File: 322903e69886dc3⋯.gif (2.84 MB,250x255,50:51,IMG_2327.GIF)


>got catfished in his own dream

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c1797d No.396142

File: d233a280a6cf615⋯.jpg (102.31 KB,1024x860,256:215,18ps27.jpg)


Can't wait for the next episode.

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5507bf No.396224

>Be at a karaoke bar with friends

>The drinks are cheap and its fun to see the mix of humans and monsters sing

>Especially later in the night once everyone was feeling really good from the booze

>It wasn't too long into the night when one of your friends made you a proposition

>You go up and sing the song he wrote on this scrap of paper, and he pays your tab

>The inner Danuki rubs its palms, a free night of drinking for singing a stupid song? fuck yeah

>Without giving it much thought you shake on it and he hands you the paper

Artist: Nirvana

>Psssh, easy

Song: Rape me

>….uh oh

>Your friends crack up as they see your smile deflate, advertising you read the song title

>Keep calm, there's nothing to worry about… as you scan around the bar

>The VIP top balcony section had been totally reserved and you see a clique of dragon girls giggling and sipping champagne

>At another table a Minotaur and an Oni were engaged in an arm wrestling match, their respective groups cheering them on

>Two Ushi oni's were at one end of the bar talking with each other while at the other end a lonely looking Jabberwocky stirred a drink

>One of the booths that had an extra table pulled up to it had a pack of Hellhounds playing drunkquest

>Quietly resigning yourself to your fate, you approach the stage

>Time to start a lust riot

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769120 No.396253


anon is fucked

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1d7048 No.396283

File: 6fbe464019f120f⋯.jpg (14.25 KB,320x320,1:1,Sad cat1.jpg)

File: 372b5812b837dc5⋯.jpg (27.15 KB,750x439,750:439,Sad kot7.jpg)

File: 766a5be8e173554⋯.jpg (64.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,Sad kot6.jpg)



Why must it end like this!?

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8e2e8c No.396611

I've looked around for a bit through the 3 greentext threads on the board rn and I can't find any anubis greentexts aside from the wholesome one with the money launderer mc. If a kind anon could direct me to some I'd be very grateful. Sorry in advance if it's right in front of my nose, still very much a newfag here

Polite sage since request

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656524 No.396750


i vomited a little

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769120 No.396819

reminder that i love all you anons who post greentexts

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5507bf No.397254


Thanks anon, even though I do nothing but shoddily thought out one-shots when drunk its nice to know people enjoy it.

may your waifu claim you on DOTR

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f13e7c No.397306


I love it!

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5507bf No.397463


thanks fren i enjoy letting loose with random oneshots

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c4cbe5 No.397466


Those are the best kind IMO.

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f13e7c No.397649

File: 7e68ed74604c40b⋯.gif (1.64 MB,400x400,1:1,aqua cry.gif)

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644c87 No.398510

File: 5cf20cd62489241⋯.jpg (816.5 KB,1651x3747,1651:3747,dragon-1.jpg)

From the dragon thread

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8cd444 No.398878

File: 3ec34beb3d2c2e8⋯.png (4.82 MB,1160x9658,580:4829,Brother Captain Anon.png)


V3. And yes, you kept me waiting.

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659beb No.400934

File: 230587cfc10febc⋯.png (880.31 KB,1957x515,19:5,RQE1lvO.png)

>working on car

>waifu helping, of course

>it's what shoggoths do

>"Alright, I'll need a half-inch, a flathead, and maybe a five-eighths for this"

<"As Master wishes," she says with a smile

>two wrenches and a screwdriver form and separate from the homogenous slime of her tentacles

>feels a little bad I'll never use my tools from before she showed up anymore

>the purplish "steel" handles and "rubber" grips of hers feel much better in my hands though

>get down and slide under the car, tools in hand

>unscrew the wire terminals on the solenoid (already disconnected the battery)

>loosen the bolts holding the starter to the transmission

>"I've got it off, do you have the new one?" I ask, setting the old rusty starter motor aside

<"Yes, Master," she responds, immediately appearing beside me holding the shiny part

>kinda unnatural how that happened, but I take the starter and put everything back together

>did she get closer? her breasts are pressing against me now

>she has a pleased expression on her face as I tighten down the fasteners with her tools

>but the rest of her eyes seem to be glaring a bit more than usual

>after a successful test, I shut the engine off

>shoggoth is sitting next to me in the passenger seat

<"Why must master perform such a menial task that I can take care of?" she says, dejected

>"I enjoy doing it."

>her expression lightens

<"Ah, but I can please Master more," she says with a grin

>hit the remote to close the garage door for some privacy before she pins me down

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659beb No.400936


Should also add that this is my first /monster/ greentext and one of my first ever greentexts, so tell me if I fucked up.

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5507bf No.401145


bretty comfy and cute anon, keep at it and pretty soon you'll start to naturally brainstorm /monster/ related little quips to entertain yourself and the masses.

>at least until DOTR

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55a929 No.401170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<We've run this test multiple times with various mamano species and the result are almost universally the same. Take a look at our income inequality exercise.

>two catgirls, sisters.

>The camera transitions to the older one, Jessie, who is somewhat of a delinquent. Extroverted. Easily excitable.

>"They said there'd be free food and they'd pay me to eat it. How could I turn down that offer?! They paid me an extra 50 to get my sister in on it. Talk about easy money!"

>The camera transitions to the younger one, Jennie, polite, easygoing, introverted. A very subdued nature.

>"My sis said there would be free food… I figured it was a prank but she insisted…so here I am?"

>as per typical testing procedure the test subjects are placed into the test chambers and the necessary test parameters are explained to them.

>simply "ring your bell to receive food"

>The test chambers are seperated by plexiglass so each of the subjects can view one another during the test. Facing outwards there's an opening large enough to allow an arm though.

>The test begins

>A $3.99 back of potato crisps are open.

>Jessie rings her bell first. "Bring on the grub bub!"

>a single potato chip is placed in her outstretched paw from our test overseer wearing latex gloves.

>"choice! Keep em' coming!"

>Jennie rang her bell. A large platter of expensive sushi is unveiled valued at 19.99. They hand her a piece of the sushi and she eats it politely.

>Jessie notices the different option "Woah! hey ho! Lemme get somma' dat!" and she starts smacking her bell again and extending her arm in the direction of the sushi. ding ding ding

>they hand her a single potato chip.

>"uhhh, I want the sushi." She flipped her hand around and the chip falls to the floor.

>meanwhile Jennie rings her bell once and they hand her another piece of sushi through the little arm hole. She looks like she's enjoying it.

>Jessie starts rapidly beating her bell "dingdingdingdingding'' "HEY! Sushi! Give it to me now!"

>they hand her another potato chip. She immediately threw it to the floor in disgust.

>pan back to Jennie, again, a single bell ring grants her another piece of sushi. Jessie has a clear view of all this- a look of disbelief on her face.

>Jessie cautiously rings her bell once. "See, one ring for sushi right?"


>She gets another potato chip. She stares angrily as she crushes the chip.

>Jennie gets yet another slice of sushi after ringing the bell once.

>Jessie starts punching her bell. It's pulverized. She doesn't even bother sticking her paw out when they offer her a potato chip "AAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!"

>Jennie rings her bell once more. It's the last piece of sushi and it's gingerly handed to her.

>Jessie sticks her arm out of her feeding slot with a nervous look "Sis, please…at least give me the last one…"

>Jennie shrugs and attempts to pass it to her sister.

>They're just out of reach.

>"J-just toss it…" She's licking her lips

>Jennie nods and tosses it up into the air…

>slide-whistle noise

>it bounces off Jessie's arm and lands on the floor with plap

>perfectly cut scream

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62bed1 No.401207

File: de3b96079bd4739⋯.png (525.01 KB,1474x1220,737:610,Wizards try to get Anon to….png)

Is there anything else like this? Maybe even a sequel.

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c8bc62 No.402865

>be me

>watching a talk show on tv

>features a lilim as the host interviewing multiple celebrities and shit

>half way through the show, there's a segment where they get pay back agaisnt people who buy tickets and don't show up

>they strap a camera on a single monster and release em onto the no-show's house

>near the credit roll of the show there's a phone number where you get tickets for the show live

>if you're caller 69, you get free tickets

>eh, fuck it why not?

"Congratulations, you're lucky caller #69!"


Couple days later

>welp, this is a neet's worst nightmare

>outside of my comfy zone, people everywhere, basically threatened with home invasion and rape

>struggle to fit in and not be noticed

>half way through the show, and it is actually alot more fun in person than i thought

<"now, for one of my favorite segments, the no-show show!"

>there it is

>sitting through essentially a 5 minute horrow show, the lilim turns to the audience

<"well, aren't you guys lucky you kept up with your apointments?"

>even though she was looking at the audience as a whole, i could still feel her eyes burning a hole through me

<"now then, as you know, I have interviewed multiple celebrities and internet stars, but I would like to take a moment and reconnect to the people that make this all possible…"

>the danukis?

<"you guys!"

<"more specifically, somone from the studio audience!"

>practically go deaf from the teenage mamono fangirling behind me

<"lucky caller 69, come on up~!"

What do /monster/?

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986414 No.402916

File: a0ded49538a3313⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,500x618,250:309,laughing bastet.jpg)


>the danukis?

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5507bf No.403089


Try to play cool, act like nothing is wrong, don't spill any spaghet, and mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you're probably about to loose your shot at wizard powers

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38ab9d No.403095


But why would you call to get tickets if you didn't want to go?

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051fba No.404365

File: 2f13e24e8f48bc2⋯.jpg (166.35 KB,601x500,601:500,PC Operating Procedures.jpg)


Neckbeardia Blood Ravened this greentext, so be ready for what that implies.


Also please come back and post more, Brother. We must know if Brother-Captain Anon's father is okay!

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0969b2 No.404570

File: 52dcb8e5a27b5c3⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Rimworld - Everytime_a_doo….mp4)


And the faggot who did the voice acting thought that "ara ara~" were fucking roaring noises.

>for all the newfags here, this is what it's supposed to sound like

>all the monstergirls were supposed to sound relatively human, not like animalistic retards who sound like they gargled hot coals and need a bag of lozenges

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949abf No.404785


I kept going back and forth from thinking it was text to speech to real speech, a lot of it seemed so weird and stilted.

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f13e7c No.406054


shit, where do I get the shambler background picture like the one on the left?

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bf9f96 No.406385

does anyone got any greens they like to share

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e7ec63 No.406608


Did Brother-Captian Anon ever continue/finish his epic?

In any case, I collected all posts and put them in a pastebin, and archived said pastebin.

Thanks for the great read.



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bf9f96 No.406635

File: e6bb46472087242⋯.jpg (344.65 KB,1868x933,1868:933,mantis.JPG)

File: 6351bb538320036⋯.jpg (202.63 KB,1843x601,1843:601,mantis_2.JPG)

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ba39fc No.406732

File: 3d3a73d1f44c9a5⋯.jpg (271.98 KB,800x950,16:19,Fda1f1cf54a8f5b562a5e0435d….jpg)

There's this green I'm looking for, about a Kikimora maidbot in some dystopian futuristic city, she and her owner escape the city together to get out into wildlands.

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94d764 No.406775


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