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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 774e61aef2da13c⋯.png (916.05 KB,674x882,337:441,Cthulu.png)

File: 1a4411f2d49887b⋯.png (831.38 KB,1000x1545,200:309,Doppel the Nyalarthotep.png)

File: 70c3bfd43269649⋯.jpg (684.15 KB,1000x953,1000:953,Chiyo the Shub-Niggurath.jpg)

File: b1cb61e53b316dd⋯.png (582.95 KB,661x800,661:800,Shantak.png)

File: 066f9a9dc5a2607⋯.jpg (211.02 KB,850x1202,425:601,Shoggoth.jpg)

bd691f No.284045 [View All]

All Lovecraftian monster girls. Elder gods, Outer gods, aliens, demons, mutants, zombies (reanimator) and the like.

246 posts and 288 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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99bdb9 No.374930

File: 619d0c0e0c56d9a⋯.jpg (143.2 KB,800x600,4:3,Necronomicon.jpg)

>this thread

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260aa1 No.374941

File: 44ecbe396933c2f⋯.jpeg (54.78 KB,354x512,177:256,A2D33CF2-6FFF-4036-957B-4….jpeg)

File: e9ce909810f9aa1⋯.jpeg (605.51 KB,1007x1432,1007:1432,3C3C7701-593E-44C8-89D3-5….jpeg)

File: 2d1f1ef67eb2f2b⋯.jpeg (545.3 KB,805x1138,805:1138,9B4567EB-299C-4B55-863A-1….jpeg)


That’s not how you spell best girl

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6017dd No.374947



Funny way of spelling Mero …

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14eac6 No.374951

File: 4a7d6e7c87cbfda⋯.jpeg (911.26 KB,1280x1900,64:95,B05212FE-4BAD-4CE2-85E6-F….jpeg)



>at all acceptable

This isn’t the kind of eldritch horror I was hoping for.

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e7abdc No.374957

File: 8c5cabad7006202⋯.jpg (39.87 KB,428x695,428:695,NANI.jpg)


>Get injected with shoggoth goo

>Die a horrible painful death by being slowly poisoned while your body's immune system gets mind raped

>She can't even make her goo leave your body unless it bursts through your skin or sweat it out in time before you pass out

Thanks nurse

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14eac6 No.374964

File: 6c0bd7bc4064a8f⋯.png (206.24 KB,357x615,119:205,CD1C381C-6591-41BC-A387-AE….png)


>he isn’t already a mass of slime that looks like a person

>he can’t stand having a bit of the one he loves in his system

Your flesh is weak, your mind is weak and you will not survive the coming flood.

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7d2c1d No.374965

File: 39b551f9e81bb44⋯.png (739.25 KB,1327x629,1327:629,Shoggoth.png)


Fa/tg/uy detected.

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14eac6 No.374966


Don’t spoonfeed newniggers.

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e6641e No.375017

File: 3a27f90c8d4581a⋯.jpg (126.81 KB,665x1024,665:1024,nightwatchernw.jpg)

File: e1ba00713da09bb⋯.jpg (143.44 KB,684x1030,342:515,nightwatcherse.jpg)

File: efc2d7cc138fea9⋯.jpg (102.86 KB,663x1024,663:1024,nightwatchersouth.jpg)


I know technically it isn't Lovecraft but I'd like to see a monstergirl version of The Night Land.

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0e4b79 No.375460

File: a5eecc9ddaa4bce⋯.png (620.48 KB,826x1800,413:900,533dde29ab4bdc5fbcf7a7a61c….png)


so how do Shoggoths reproduce?

do they need their masters help or can they just puke one out?

are Shogs born fully functional or do they need to be raised?

How do they regard their parents?

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1a267e No.376064

File: 49aedeb963aad34⋯.png (91.49 KB,744x914,372:457,1540986910274.png)

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77126d No.376065

File: 8a9bc33b3da76e3⋯.png (158.81 KB,341x247,341:247,ClipboardImage.png)


>This form is able to have intercourse with both wives at the same time.

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b713c2 No.376075



>Get a harem consisting of a night gaunt, wendigo, Atlach-Nacha, mindflayer, and shoggoth.

>Get all four transformations at once and have the shoggoth cover over you like some sort of insanity cape.

>Become the Lovecraft special.

>Have sex with your entire harem at once.

>Everyone within a hundred miles or so goes insane.

>One day as you're filling each of your wonderful wives in a manner that would make men cry, you think of something really fun to do.

>Fuck it, let's invade wonderland and make it Lovecraftland.

>What could possibly go wrong?

>You find the nearest portal and shamble on through.

>Not even the (previously) smug faggotcat can comprehend you not even begin to think of how to mess with you.

>For shits and giggles, you open up on of your tentacle polyps, wrap it around her head, and show her the universe.

>Huh, you never seen a faggotcat get unfaggoted before.

>A little tentacle pops out of your maw and takes a photo while saying "Neat!"

>Oh well, time to carry on.

>You crawled, slither, creep, and shamble all at once across the land towards the biggest city your many eyes can see.

>All while continuing to do lewd things to your wives.

>Oh and picking up gifts and souvenirs for them.

>The land warps in your pathetic and even the wonderlanders are losing it. lel

>When you finally reach the city center, you form yourself into a giant profa e figure to all that is holy.

>Then, you have the most loud, squishy, ear-raping, sanity-crushing one man orgy with your wives at once.

>The sheet blast of your horrific yet consensual defilement spreads through the land in a dark wave.

>The skies tear asunder and the heavens weep.

>The earth warps and quivers.

>The inhabitants both try to claw at their faces and masturbate at once.

>At the crescendo of your nightmarish act, the world as the wonderlanders know it mutates forever in your image.

>A single figure, the Queen of Hearts, crawls out of the wreckage of the city, her lower body dren he'd in her juices.

>She barely whispers, yet you hear her.

<"W-what do you call that act of yours?"

>You chuckle a horrid gurgling chuckle that slithers through the air before opening all your thousand maws and shout out


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f9fae4 No.376076


I chuckled

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77126d No.376077

File: d6caf5899c35004⋯.png (1.37 MB,1000x1400,5:7,d6caf5899c35004f70ebc02849….png)


God damn it, anon.

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71e0f2 No.376092


Got me you fucking faggot

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976028 No.376097

File: 2f99916070b1956⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1208x1015,1208:1015,1484553246681.jpg)


God dammit

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91dec7 No.376110

File: 7d7ed5440dfebfc⋯.png (65.58 KB,309x467,309:467,04D0A19F-1CEA-4E68-ADD8-77….png)

File: 22e969c16e295e6⋯.png (1.27 MB,960x960,1:1,BE212FD0-AA41-40D3-903A-76….png)

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33d665 No.376132


>KC gives the go ahead


time to get this drawn up

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39beb4 No.380419

What would traditional shoggoth food be like? Besides some nice chowda

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695277 No.380436


Depends, what are some of the available fish of the Antarctic sea?

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e56c0d No.380440


I bet she can make a mean seal steak

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14eac6 No.380446


Albino penguin might make for a good holiday bird.

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e56c0d No.380447

Traditional shogg cooking would be pretty paleo as they would not have access to grains.

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8a56be No.380951

File: 17c3e18a686d2d4⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,525x700,3:4,Cthulu's feet by Scottblai….jpg)

I want to fuck Cthulu.

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e6641e No.380952

File: 9158963cea3c56c⋯.jpg (87.62 KB,600x852,50:71,illithid.jpg)

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fc20c4 No.380975


Didn't know you liked Zoidberg.

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d946cc No.380976


zoidberstina no

dont post actual monsters or you will sent back to tumblr.

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490d82 No.380995


Cthulu's legs are sexy. I want to lick her feet.

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e9228b No.380996




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fa080f No.381006


Should monster girls have feet this sexy?

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513e8d No.381012


Yes. All of them should, in fact.

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9f0197 No.381077


Is there anythig that hasn't been made into an anime girl yet?

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6c63aa No.381079


I know for a fact the number 257, and a potato have never been made into anime girls

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6c63aa No.381084


Uh. An ironing board then?

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3a417e No.381085

File: cef5a04a6325364⋯.jpg (188.52 KB,688x1000,86:125,Cthulu.jpg)

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18f3ec No.381086


We shouldn't have this thread go more off-topic than it already has.

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3a417e No.381087

File: 462808ad068cd59⋯.png (1.82 MB,992x1403,992:1403,ClipboardImage.png)

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593e28 No.381900

nobody has mentioned zombies here since the OP, should they be posted at >>373781 instead>

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d9fc18 No.382397


This thread is for girls that erode your sanity as well as your body. I would suggest Undead Thread.

>>288856, Since Basically

Autistic Zombie :lich

Classy Zombie: wight

Oral Fixation Zombie: Ghoul

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14eac6 No.395964

File: 768374a7d9ee323⋯.jpeg (207.17 KB,800x800,1:1,BD93F515-E39A-4B3A-AF47-F….jpeg)

File: a476552866b29b6⋯.png (688.96 KB,1968x2386,984:1193,288150BE-AC98-493B-9083-84….png)

File: 96b7252f3e6a957⋯.png (1.72 MB,1090x1219,1090:1219,23798B17-A9AA-4951-89B3-A2….png)

File: 2decea368b1112f⋯.gif (3.25 MB,700x707,100:101,AB277710-A28D-4C6C-A4DD-62….gif)

File: c810f25d7894feb⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1060x1500,53:75,DB025704-821F-4539-9C51-7….jpeg)

Haven’t seem much attention given to shogs lately.

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14eac6 No.395966

File: 0e967e46ec27e44⋯.gif (10.22 MB,533x640,533:640,DC48A444-F366-4439-A6F1-4B….gif)

File: 980a921ad5ce3bf⋯.jpeg (194.74 KB,884x1280,221:320,1F8E81E6-37CB-42FC-917A-0….jpeg)

File: 826b67cb01729e2⋯.jpeg (61.96 KB,1115x652,1115:652,791A2B48-2606-4AB3-9FDA-7….jpeg)

File: a2ca9d39f64d154⋯.png (2.76 MB,1536x2048,3:4,B4AC52E0-7A50-4833-BD74-75….png)

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3aecd8 No.403491

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7f7fa3 No.403523

File: dcc8b0955910f72⋯.jpg (185.15 KB,700x1061,700:1061,tekeli.jpg)

There's a light novel called 'Uchi no Meido wa Futeikei' which has a shoggoth maid. I know of only the first chapter being translated somewhere.

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ee0a5d No.403548


Chapters 1 and 2 are translated on Baka-Tsuki.

Here's the novelupdates link if anyone wants it: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/uchi-no-meido-wa-futeikei/

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ed68c6 No.404369

File: 73d5d63004c03a9⋯.jpeg (143.32 KB,600x848,75:106,dtlp1.jpeg)

File: f8297bafbd9be78⋯.jpeg (155.21 KB,600x848,75:106,dtlp2.jpeg)

File: 9a07f09e39aa58e⋯.jpeg (155.39 KB,600x848,75:106,dtlp3.jpeg)

File: 85fc67b59b602ad⋯.jpeg (146.94 KB,600x848,75:106,dtlp4.jpeg)

File: 4b4d8a907b0e5a9⋯.jpeg (164.62 KB,600x848,75:106,dtlp5.jpeg)


sorry for year late but here you go!

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14eac6 No.404431

File: a9d01576611659f⋯.jpeg (137.29 KB,600x848,75:106,093FAF10-9F89-4ADF-A706-8….jpeg)


Thank you translation anon. I actually forgot a page.

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2d49f2 No.404552

File: 4b36a58018a32e4⋯.jpg (67.24 KB,454x432,227:216,tearofjoy.jpg)


thanks anon


see pic

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5ef0fe No.404577

File: dfa5a8b8d599d09⋯.jpg (188.31 KB,1200x873,400:291,MOE cthulhu.jpg)

File: 31d1efcfff07b88⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,749x1200,749:1200,MOE hounds.jpg)

File: 7ab80a14c5d60d0⋯.jpg (149.18 KB,755x1200,151:240,MOE elder things.jpg)

File: ceb1ee2e0a115e4⋯.jpg (148.7 KB,760x1200,19:30,MOE Shaggaoth.jpg)

File: 7d5907ce969f138⋯.jpg (145.62 KB,767x1200,767:1200,MOE night gaunts.jpg)

I cant believe no one has posted it yet

Best book about lovecraft monster girls

Moe Moe Ctulhu Encyclopedia

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7f7fa3 No.404594


>Hound of Tindalos coming out of right angled corner of the room

Very nice attention to detail.

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