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File: dd19fcd14a201f7⋯.jpg (235.64 KB,1052x911,1052:911,Screenshot_20201103_103910.jpg)


>sandu pro (((lgbt)))

How can you vote for her.

she seems like some Macron for poor people.

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File: a01a1b1d780fcb6⋯.jpg (280.81 KB,1080x925,216:185,Screenshot_20201103_104427.jpg)

Also how will Moldova stay together as a Nation if you only do Romanian identity politics?

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Globohomo usually votes for pro-western candidates all by themselves Sandu never stated such positions he's just making shit up in a desperate attempt to mobilize the gagauz + russian speaking population who are his traditional support base and win back those 3% difference from Sandu.

Having said that, i'm not going to vote in the second round. This "west vs east" dichotomy in moldovan politics is really fucking stupid and should disappear forever.


Moldova is an ethnic powder keg ready to explode at any time. It's only a matter of when and how.

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File: 103adb6d65d5219⋯.jpeg (115.41 KB,1124x1052,281:263,410D91AB_9A5B_4415_A6BC_7….jpeg)


Having eu gibs and slow globalhomo shit that everyone rejects anyway is better than having a russian asslicker in power


Based moldova is romania


Based I'd love to ethnically cleanse some transnistrian communist subhumans and mutt Slav 56%ers with no national identity

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if only you knew how bad things really are.

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once your country goes globohomo there will be nothing Romanian or Moldovan left.

t. German

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it's a frog being boiled in water of global homo as opposed to being under a literal Russian plant.

besides anything that makes it easier for this meme country to cease to exist is good in my book, be it EU integration or whatever. Dodoff was pretty keen on the loldovan nationalism

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id rather be under North Korean control than to be a EU puppet.

If at least Romania would be a powerful souvereign Nation.

But it is just a puppet getting eu money in exchange for giving up National values. And half of Romanians live in Spain and Italy anyway.

God I fucking hate this.

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Russia is literally the worst thing that happened to Europe. North Korea would be actually based

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Russia isn't the one supporting children cutting their genitals off. You're delusional.

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No, but they aren't based nor are they redpilled. It's a muslim filled decrepit mafia state.

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Your claim is that they are the worst thing that happened to Europe. You are delusional.

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Yes. All of their neighbors hate them for a reason.

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Стильные советы по подбору необычных луков на каждый день.

Мнения экспертов, события, все дропы и мероприятия.


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