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File: 22bae576a9e1645⋯.jpeg (7.99 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 7844440ef53789a6f9bfb0358….jpeg)

6b5f3c  No.116121 [View All]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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72 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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6b5f3c  No.116223


IKR? VERY. 19 on board, 2 killed, (17 treated for injuries).. they were turning onto Highway 17 BTW..

Spoopy indeed.

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6b5f3c  No.116224


Last night all kinds of stuff was going on from Ambulance or ? there to no guard to? it was weird, some were talking about it all night.

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6b5f3c  No.116225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b5f3c  No.116226

File: 6ea1cae3ee3f6de⋯.png (726.77 KB, 906x982, 453:491, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: e55349a0f981857⋯.png (163.01 KB, 478x706, 239:353, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: c7dc2e50d6536ad⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1772x1266, 886:633, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

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6b5f3c  No.116227

File: 2895a6ab5352dee⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 626xf5.jpg)

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6b5f3c  No.116228

File: bc1bfdb216ac4f1⋯.png (377.31 KB, 916x1030, 458:515, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) What a ridiculous country Pakistan is. And they have nuclear weapons. What physicist would stoop so low? The leading villain was the late Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, also infamous for selling nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya and Iran.


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6b5f3c  No.116229

File: d5b905ba17f65d0⋯.png (179.03 KB, 902x1016, 451:508, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) In the Geneva code and protocols and also the DOD LAW OF WAR.. its states that illegal foreign occupation must have take place for one year (January 20,2021_ January 20,2022) ,,.before the Military can activate counter measures and Rightfully restore Power to the 3 levels


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6b5f3c  No.116230

File: d19aa16ab4948bd⋯.png (859.15 KB, 904x818, 452:409, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

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6b5f3c  No.116231

File: 90a2767bb1e3c7b⋯.png (819.9 KB, 902x1054, 451:527, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 753c479d832318a⋯.png (33.73 KB, 492x272, 123:68, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) Snow, high winds and single-digit temperatures won't stop Service members from several states and partner forces from participating in some of the best arctic training during exercise #NorthernStrike. Cold face

Rightwards arrow https://go.usa.gov/xtjdE


9:04 EST (Corrected)




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6b5f3c  No.116232

File: e334dfae9c4b5ae⋯.png (1.73 MB, 922x1622, 461:811, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 9f968282f308ddc⋯.png (108.39 KB, 476x608, 119:152, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 2dfc345879ea01f⋯.png (763.06 KB, 1816x882, 908:441, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) Better stand at parade rest for this NCO!


11:46 EST (Corrected)


Expand your thinking.

The ‘date’ vs ‘actual’.

Iran next.

Trust the plan!



Do you believe in coincidences?


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6b5f3c  No.116233

File: 8ca4a0627ebb778⋯.png (138.17 KB, 904x874, 452:437, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

RichardGrenell (Twatt) Trump stopped the Russian pipeline from coming online.

Trump got NATO members to increase their spending obligations.

Trump got the Germans to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Biden hasn’t even nominated an Ambassador for Ukraine.

Read more, Sara.


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6b5f3c  No.116234

File: 9590614d66b34ed⋯.png (669.91 KB, 902x964, 451:482, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

RNCResearch (Twatt) Biden says a nuclear power — like Russia — invading another country “hasn’t happened since World War Two.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 while Biden was vice president…


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6b5f3c  No.116235

File: a7c4b4dde14d71a⋯.png (1.84 MB, 914x1760, 457:880, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 787e986d6454184⋯.png (66.3 KB, 488x482, 244:241, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) "The path of a warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path."

- Richard Strozzi-Heckler



12:03 EST (Corrected)


Mack is naming names.

Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).


The ‘Standard’ Hotel.

Helicopter crash.

All related.

Future will prove past.


Feeling ok today?

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?

Tick TOCK (LLC).


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6b5f3c  No.116236

File: 6f323e67a9aa5ed⋯.png (284.53 KB, 892x1350, 446:675, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)


Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees.

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6b5f3c  No.116237

File: e30bf65e66a5977⋯.png (64.06 KB, 918x396, 51:22, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

GeorgePapaD (Twatt) Biden’s approval rating is just north of 30%, Harris’s is 22%

80 million votes


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6b5f3c  No.116238

File: 85bfeb33bef6606⋯.png (891.71 KB, 916x1096, 229:274, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: cd0c270c88e0163⋯.png (33.7 KB, 480x248, 60:31, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 93ed4d7a4508efe⋯.png (608.46 KB, 2078x1784, 1039:892, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) Arctic warriors doing what Arctic warriors do!

USArmy (Twatt) Training in the Cloud with snowSnowflakeSki and ski boot


13:52 EST (Corrected)





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6b5f3c  No.116239

File: fa81907f9372c48⋯.png (917.4 KB, 910x1112, 455:556, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: 8ef4f05e7442df1⋯.png (130.68 KB, 482x684, 241:342, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) Ready to join the #ArmyTeam?

The #USArmy is offering its largest bonus ever for new recruits with up to $50,000 available to qualified individuals who sign on for a six-year active-duty enlistment.

Learn more Rightwards arrow http://spr.ly/6019KEsBJ


18:03 EST (Corrected)


How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections from domestic & foreign criminal actors?

How do you utilize the Russia Russia narrative to knock out decades old election corruption?



Why are D’s opposed to cleaning up voter rolls?

Why are D’s opposed to imposing VOTER ID LAWS to further safeguard our elections?

Why oppose basic ‘common sense’ methods that are currently deployed WW?

Logical thinking.




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6b5f3c  No.116240

File: 6d105adf65fe922⋯.png (255.68 KB, 906x756, 151:126, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: d7d33d482be7002⋯.png (100.69 KB, 482x844, 241:422, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

PapiTrumpo (Twatt) As you gather together today for the March for Life, I am

with you in spirit!


17:32 EST (Corrected)



>Who has authority to launch a missle?

Q said unauthorized, so…



Given CoC process to launch what does this tell you?

CLAS removal WASH minutes after.




Specific reason for the reminder.

Everything stated has a purpose.


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6b5f3c  No.116241

File: 0f7bc1846295d6a⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 6275lp.jpg)

Notables are NOT endorsements

@ Dinner NOTE


>>116133, >>116161, >>116163, >>116165, >>116166, >>116169, >>116170, >>116171, >>116172, >>116174, >>116180 (You) DJT (Twatt) RIP Meat Loaf. "I would do anything thing for love" What a guy, what a performer.

>>116145 (You), >>116146 (You) VIDEO: Jan 17 2021 - Juan O Savin w/ Spaceshot76 - Jan 20th Legal #Marker > Next Phase Is Arrests (RUMBLE)

>>116175 RTnews (T.me) British Court to Decide on Possible Assange Extradition Appeal on Jan 24 - WikiLeaks

>>116176 Disclose.tv (T.me) NEW - Israel, where many received 3rd and 4th boosters, reports 69,104 new Covid cases. The country has the highest daily cases per capita globally now (JPost/ToI)

>>116177 General Flynn (T.me) In The Next 24 Hours, Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed!!!

>>116178 General Flynn (T.me) Here's an interview discussing what I call, "11 Big Wins for America!!! Incremental Victories and Reasons to Celebrate"

>>116179 Donald J Trump (T.me) My phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia was perfect, perhaps even more so than my call with the Ukrainian President, if that’s possible.

>>116180 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) FROM THE DESK OF DONALD J. TRUMP Donald J. Trump 01/21/22

>>116183 Nate Burroamo (T.me) Guess who is celebrating their 17th Wedding Anniversary this coming Saturday?

>>116184 Disclose.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees.

>>116185 RTnews (T.me) NATO rejects Russia’s demand to withdraw troops from Bulgaria and Romania (AFP)

>>116186 RTnews (T.me) Ripping Down History: Roosevelt Statue Removed From NY Museum

>>116187 RTnews (T.me) Psaki: WH administration has notified Congress of the US’ intent to deliver Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine

>>116188 RTnews (T.me) Baltic states say sending anti-tank, anti-aircraft equipment to Ukraine “in case of possible Russian aggression” (AFP)

>>116189 RTnews (T.me) Biden: "I was kidding Pat earlier, I said, 'I may need a job!'"

>>116190 RTnews (T.me) New Russian Hypersonic Missile Almost Combat-Ready

>>116191 RTnews (T.me) US Bombing of No-Strike Dam: Target Nearly Killed 10k Syrians

>>116192 Anon discovers possible secret entrance under old church.

>>116193 Police frequency ( T.me) More than a dozen FBI agents raided Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar's home in connection with the Azerbaijan probe.

>>116194 General Flynn (T.me) Michigan is the most corrupt state in the United States and it starts with corrupt establishment political leaders at the top.

>>116195 CombatLVL (T.me) Covid vaccine mandate for NHS staff could be ‘paused’ by Government over fears 70,000 workers would be sacked.

>>116196 Daily Honker (T.me) Freedom of Information Act request reveals communications between FBI & Pfizer about Project Veritas

>>116197 Tommy Robinson News (T.me) Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin announces that almost all coronavirus restrictions in Ireland will be lifted from tomorrow.

>>116199 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Enjoy Your Beautiful Freedom Fiesta Weekend with Your Friends and Family, Patriotos!!! Life is Absolutely Precious. ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MOMENTO!!!

>>116200 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Meat Loaf was a great guy-got to know him very

>>116201 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BEST GOVERNOR EVER!!! LOVING THE NEW AD!!!

>>116202, >>116204, >>116205, >>116206 PappiTrumpo (Twatt) WE WILL MISS YOU, AMIGO!!!

>>116203 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOM!!! RIGHT ON ANDERSON'S FACE!!!

>>116208 GeorgeGalloway (Twatt) The same people who lied to you about #Iraq, about #WMD, about #Libya and the Viagra-fuelled army there, about #Syria, are lying to you again about #Ukraine. And a disturbing number of you believe the lying liars all over again. What’s wrong with some people? #Russian

>>116209 (Twatt) His complete lack of curiosity is on display.

>>116210 (Twatt) Syria has officially joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Syria used to be part of the original Silk Road, especially the ancient cities of Palmyra and Aleppo.

>>116211 SaraCarter (Twatter) Former President Trump was right on Afghanistan, American energy, southern border, North Korea, Iran and holding China accountable -the failure of the Biden admin this past year has put not only the U.S. at risk but has put the stability of the world at risk.

>>116212, >>116213, >>116214 (Twatt) IranFlag of Iran-ChinaFlag of China-RussiaFlag of Russia hold a joint navel war-game.

>>116215 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LOVE MY DC STREET WARRIORS!!!

>>116216 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) No one: China: BRING BACK COVID BUTT TESTING!!!

>>116217 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Laughing at Joe about to get rootered by Xi x's 3

>>116218, >>116219, >>116221, >>116223 (Twatt) RE: Marine rollover crash: CAMP LEJEUNE — The U.S. Marine Corps has identified the two men killed in a tactical vehicle rollover near Jacksonville, at the intersection of North Carolina Highway 210 and U.S. Highway 17.

>>116220, >>116224 (T.me) White house front door hangin wide open all day. Currently open just

>>116222, >>116225 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) So let me get this straight, I am being investigated in Georgia..

>>116226 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOOOOOM!!! RE: Texas Judge blocks Biden federal worker vaccine mandate nationwide

>>116228 (Twatt) What a ridiculous country Pakistan is. And they have nuclear weapons. What physicist would stoop so low? The leading villain was the late Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, also infamous for selling nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya and Iran.

>>116229 (Twatt) In the Geneva code and protocols and also the DOD LAW OF WAR.. its states that illegal foreign occupation must have take place for one year (January 20,2021_ January 20,2022) ,,.before the Military can activate counter measures and Rightfully restore Power to the 3 levels

>>116230 WendyRogers (Twatter) Feds

>>116231 USArmy (Twatt) Snow, high winds and single-digit temperatures won't stop Service members from several states and partner forces from participating in some of the best arctic training during exercise #NorthernStrike. Cold face

>>116232 USArmy (Twatt) Better stand at parade rest for this NCO!

>>116233 RichardGrenell (Twatt) Trump stopped the Russian pipeline from coming online.

>>116234 RNCResearch (Twatt) Biden says a nuclear power — like Russia — invading another country “hasn’t happened since World War Two.”

>>116235 USArmy (Twatt) "The path of a warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path."

>>116236 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees.

>>116237 GeorgePapaD (Twatt) Biden’s approval rating is just north of 30%, Harris’s is 22%

>>116238 USArmy (Twatt) Arctic warriors doing what Arctic warriors do!

>>116239 USArmy (Twatt) Ready to join the #ArmyTeam?

>>116240 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) As you gather together today for the March for Life, I am

>with you in spirit!

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6b5f3c  No.116242

food and PT break.

Be on a bit later.

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20ffe9  No.116243


Im too old

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20ffe9  No.116244

File: cc49930350b5234⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, B9199B11_5C8C_47BC_AC8E_25….png)


Thanks Tom have a good break ur a good Bo

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6b5f3c  No.116245

File: b71e3354e5358d6⋯.jpg (32.31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, b71e3354e5358d6d341ccbaea8….jpg)


appreciate it!

Went out to feed and water chickens, WHOLEY FUCK its bitter cold.. where you walk and everything crunches under your feet..

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6b5f3c  No.116246

File: 106a8aba02a7a16⋯.png (838.02 KB, 898x1038, 449:519, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) UK PM Boris Johnson was spotted late last night SOBBING in an empty parliament amidst reports he's been seen "talking to angels" in an agitated state. MPs close to Johnson say his personal hygeine has become a problem; and he's having difficulty with basic communication.


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6b5f3c  No.116247

File: 1489191c6dc57de⋯.png (681.47 KB, 940x862, 470:431, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) Press Release: On The Eve of Washington March, COVID Declaration

Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World


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6b5f3c  No.116248

File: ef63ef57312a20a⋯.png (78.43 KB, 904x402, 452:201, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

JulieHall (Twatter) During my time in the Air Force as a Colonel, we solved issues at the lowest level possible. Our government should be the same way, giving power back to the people.


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6b5f3c  No.116249

File: a36ee9b07907a9e⋯.png (595.73 KB, 910x864, 455:432, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) Just over one year ago, Biden put thousands of hard-working men and women out of work with the stroke of a pen, and his policies have only gotten worse since.


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20ffe9  No.116250


I live in Akron we get 20 below zero here sometimes. People wonder why Ohio people are so mean. Were just as kind but yea not many smiling faces this time of year. Plus fuck Joe Biden!!

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20ffe9  No.116251


Brandon….fuck off!! Kek

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6b5f3c  No.116252

File: ba0402725577201⋯.png (1.08 MB, 902x1038, 451:519, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

LuaraIngraham (Twatter) So long, Boston ‘burbs. Trump warned of this, which was the Obama HUD’s dream:

Massachusetts will punish suburbs that don't allow apartments near transit.


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6b5f3c  No.116253

File: a3974adb0d80264⋯.png (2.01 MB, 940x1498, 470:749, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

LauraIngraham (Twatt) In cold dreary January, they still came by the tens of thousands to march for life. The longest running annual protest in American history.


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6b5f3c  No.116254

File: 9ed90791e2875be⋯.png (477.62 KB, 912x914, 456:457, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

LauraIngraham (Twatt) Rising inflation tightens squeeze on consumers - ABC News


Chicken feed is up a WHOLE lot. This time last year ~$13.xx 40# bag, ~$16.xx 50#, now ~$16.xx & 20.xx

So if FEED is up, bet your ass Meat and Eggs and all is up also.

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6b5f3c  No.116255

File: e698ed27e4c30a3⋯.png (615.5 KB, 900x944, 225:236, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: f0ad0383b7d9e11⋯.png (57.76 KB, 478x390, 239:195, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

File: cbb3b46f73f2389⋯.png (583.72 KB, 2096x2474, 1048:1237, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

KANSAS (Twatt) For 366 days of the Biden Administration, we’ve been on our back foot.

We need to execute deeds that demonstrate American resolve.


18:23 EST (Corrected)


The BILL that opened the door for TWITTER, FB, GOOG, etc. to CENSOR & CONTROL.


Think Russian bots.

Think Foreign propaganda.

The more you know.


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6b5f3c  No.116256

File: f724a4868383df9⋯.png (90.32 KB, 486x752, 243:376, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)




The movie Splash has that actor Tom Hanks in it



Splash = Missile time of flight is expired or missile destroyed; target or bomb impact.

Fox Three = Simulated/actual launch of active radar-guided missile


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6b5f3c  No.116257

File: 392b48f9444f816⋯.png (605.21 KB, 918x744, 153:124, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

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6b5f3c  No.116258

File: d90d54331dfe393⋯.jpeg (170.98 KB, 349x448, 349:448, A00AB236_2EA3_4578_83D3_A….jpeg)

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6b5f3c  No.116259

File: 3338654d6698642⋯.png (1.4 MB, 912x1522, 456:761, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)


PapiTrumpo (Select all squares with the real president) 3 x hugs (( 0 DELTA w. USArmy >>116239))


18:03 EST (Corrected)


((Same as >>116239 ))

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6b5f3c  No.116260

File: 66ed5341ba74498⋯.png (617.17 KB, 906x918, 151:153, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

TomFitton (Twatt) Pelosi is protecting Omar…


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7fa5ee  No.116261


Cold War Bomb Shelters, not all of them were marked, not even on maps. Mayor and staff can't cower with Common Folk ya know

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96c5c4  No.116262

File: 7a2bfbf3ea8d012⋯.jpeg (110.89 KB, 868x431, 868:431, download_14_4.jpeg)

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7fa5ee  No.116263


Done told ya, and Iranians are in it as well

The entire Russian Fleet is getting sent out to show the World how pathetic NATO is (budget went to Social Programs, Canada bought German Leopard IIs because surplus Leopard Is were so effective at keeping the Americans out and they were on sale since Domestic Production Capability is ZERO anyway)

Ivan got you all by the balls, squeeze whenever Ivan wants, and nothing you can really do about it but whine in the UN. Ivan also knows being a Member of the Security Council that Unanimous Vote is required and not voting against themselves, so "bombarded by marshmallows" like before.

Whine on Media, cry, screech. Ivan got you and Putin knows it. NATO knows it. Joint Chiefs may have a clue, not confident in them for many years personally.

Honest, "We shall send the Fleet" and Shaft Bearings finally break where no repairs will work again. "We shall send Airborne" and the planes are broke dick for the lucky ones and an old MiG-25 can take out a last four by itself. Talk about "Junk Wars" because has a lot more to throw at you from old Soviet doctrines.

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7fa5ee  No.116264

>>116263 (me)

Ooops, meant to include this with the rant, posted before:


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6b5f3c  No.116266

File: da63567869b8091⋯.png (1.56 MB, 908x1472, 227:368, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

This photo is very sad now. RIP Bob Saget and RIP Louie Anderson. Both good friends that will be missed.

Louie Anderson Died today also.


Gilbert next????

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487d05  No.116267

File: e3a5812b6f82a9f⋯.png (2.19 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 82AB0D0C_37E6_4D7C_B7DA_DE….png)

Go Q win!! Doit white hats! I see shit getting done. Its all in code and hidden in plain sight. Putin and President Trump are friends. Biden is not president hes a fake fraud fat phony jelly belly soft gripped dipshit with a rubber mask on. I see things are going to get better once he's booted out. I see the workers all over the city working in the manholes. They got the whole streets blocked off so nobody can see. All in glowing places too. Right where there would probably could be tunnels. There the work crews are. I never seen so many. Plus I seen National Guard in downtown before all the construction street workers really started tearing shit up hardcore. Where did all the money come from? Why only on the sidewalks? Manholes? I believe in the plan and I know all I have to do is my little part (important) the big lifter Army guys doing the rest. I know Q team will make this World right. What else is there to do here. Real Murican here with you. Thanks Tom for the beefy filled bread and decodes.

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cc5aae  No.116268

File: d001f8e229b154e⋯.png (365.14 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 08516B7D_4575_48E5_8F8D_9C….png)

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6b5f3c  No.116269

File: fd76a61f51e1395⋯.png (1 MB, 906x1446, 151:241, Screen_Shot_2022_01_21_at_….png)

(Twatt) Oh great. Lab monkeys are on the loose in Pennsylvania now


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217b4e  No.116270


Yep. Were in clown World. Honk!

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6b5f3c  No.116271

File: 853d009baad89d0⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB, 600x334, 300:167, FJjvRA5VQAcn5If.jpeg)

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>116133, >>116161, >>116163, >>116165, >>116166, >>116169, >>116170, >>116171, >>116172, >>116174, >>116180 (You) DJT (Twatt) RIP Meat Loaf. "I would do anything thing for love" What a guy, what a performer.

>>116145 (You), >>116146 (You) VIDEO: Jan 17 2021 - Juan O Savin w/ Spaceshot76 - Jan 20th Legal #Marker > Next Phase Is Arrests (RUMBLE)

>>116175 RTnews (T.me) British Court to Decide on Possible Assange Extradition Appeal on Jan 24 - WikiLeaks

>>116176 Disclose.tv (T.me) NEW - Israel, where many received 3rd and 4th boosters, reports 69,104 new Covid cases. The country has the highest daily cases per capita globally now (JPost/ToI)

>>116177 General Flynn (T.me) In The Next 24 Hours, Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed!!!

>>116178 General Flynn (T.me) Here's an interview discussing what I call, "11 Big Wins for America!!! Incremental Victories and Reasons to Celebrate"

>>116179 Donald J Trump (T.me) My phone call to the Secretary of State of Georgia was perfect, perhaps even more so than my call with the Ukrainian President, if that’s possible.

>>116180 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) FROM THE DESK OF DONALD J. TRUMP Donald J. Trump 01/21/22

>>116183 Nate Burroamo (T.me) Guess who is celebrating their 17th Wedding Anniversary this coming Saturday?

>>116184 Disclose.tv (T.me) JUST IN - Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees.

>>116185 RTnews (T.me) NATO rejects Russia’s demand to withdraw troops from Bulgaria and Romania (AFP)

>>116186 RTnews (T.me) Ripping Down History: Roosevelt Statue Removed From NY Museum

>>116187 RTnews (T.me) Psaki: WH administration has notified Congress of the US’ intent to deliver Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine

>>116188 RTnews (T.me) Baltic states say sending anti-tank, anti-aircraft equipment to Ukraine “in case of possible Russian aggression” (AFP)

>>116189 RTnews (T.me) Biden: "I was kidding Pat earlier, I said, 'I may need a job!'"

>>116190 RTnews (T.me) New Russian Hypersonic Missile Almost Combat-Ready

>>116191 RTnews (T.me) US Bombing of No-Strike Dam: Target Nearly Killed 10k Syrians

>>116192 Anon discovers possible secret entrance under old church.

>>116193 Police frequency ( T.me) More than a dozen FBI agents raided Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar's home in connection with the Azerbaijan probe.

>>116194 General Flynn (T.me) Michigan is the most corrupt state in the United States and it starts with corrupt establishment political leaders at the top.

>>116195 CombatLVL (T.me) Covid vaccine mandate for NHS staff could be ‘paused’ by Government over fears 70,000 workers would be sacked.

>>116196 Daily Honker (T.me) Freedom of Information Act request reveals communications between FBI & Pfizer about Project Veritas

>>116197 Tommy Robinson News (T.me) Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin announces that almost all coronavirus restrictions in Ireland will be lifted from tomorrow.

>>116199 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Enjoy Your Beautiful Freedom Fiesta Weekend with Your Friends and Family, Patriotos!!! Life is Absolutely Precious. ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MOMENTO!!!

>>116200 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Meat Loaf was a great guy-got to know him very

>>116201 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BEST GOVERNOR EVER!!! LOVING THE NEW AD!!!

>>116202, >>116204, >>116205, >>116206 PappiTrumpo (Twatt) WE WILL MISS YOU, AMIGO!!!

>>116203 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOM!!! RIGHT ON ANDERSON'S FACE!!!

>>116208 GeorgeGalloway (Twatt) The same people who lied to you about #Iraq, about #WMD, about #Libya and the Viagra-fuelled army there, about #Syria, are lying to you again about #Ukraine. And a disturbing number of you believe the lying liars all over again. What’s wrong with some people? #Russian

>>116209 (Twatt) His complete lack of curiosity is on display.

>>116210 (Twatt) Syria has officially joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Syria used to be part of the original Silk Road, especially the ancient cities of Palmyra and Aleppo.

>>116211 SaraCarter (Twatter) Former President Trump was right on Afghanistan, American energy, southern border, North Korea, Iran and holding China accountable -the failure of the Biden admin this past year has put not only the U.S. at risk but has put the stability of the world at risk.

>>116212, >>116213, >>116214, >>116263, >>116264 (Twatt) IranFlag of Iran-ChinaFlag of China-RussiaFlag of Russia hold a joint navel war-game.

>>116215 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LOVE MY DC STREET WARRIORS!!!

>>116216 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) No one: China: BRING BACK COVID BUTT TESTING!!!

>>116217 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) Laughing at Joe about to get rootered by Xi x's 3

>>116218, >>116219, >>116221, >>116223 (Twatt) RE: Marine rollover crash: CAMP LEJEUNE — The U.S. Marine Corps has identified the two men killed in a tactical vehicle rollover near Jacksonville, at the intersection of North Carolina Highway 210 and U.S. Highway 17.

>>116220, >>116224 (T.me) White house front door hangin wide open all day. Currently open just

>>116222, >>116225 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) So let me get this straight, I am being investigated in Georgia..

>>116226 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BOOOOOOOM!!! RE: Texas Judge blocks Biden federal worker vaccine mandate nationwide

>>116228 (Twatt) What a ridiculous country Pakistan is. And they have nuclear weapons. What physicist would stoop so low? The leading villain was the late Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, also infamous for selling nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya and Iran.

>>116229 (Twatt) In the Geneva code and protocols and also the DOD LAW OF WAR.. its states that illegal foreign occupation must have take place for one year (January 20,2021_ January 20,2022) ,,.before the Military can activate counter measures and Rightfully restore Power to the 3 levels

>>116230 WendyRogers (Twatter) Feds

>>116231 USArmy (Twatt) Snow, high winds and single-digit temperatures won't stop Service members from several states and partner forces from participating in some of the best arctic training during exercise #NorthernStrike. Cold face

>>116232 USArmy (Twatt) Better stand at parade rest for this NCO!

>>116233 RichardGrenell (Twatt) Trump stopped the Russian pipeline from coming online.

>>116234 RNCResearch (Twatt) Biden says a nuclear power — like Russia — invading another country “hasn’t happened since World War Two.”

>>116235 USArmy (Twatt) "The path of a warrior is lifelong, and mastery is often simply staying on the path."

>>116236 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees.

>>116237 GeorgePapaD (Twatt) Biden’s approval rating is just north of 30%, Harris’s is 22%

>>116238 USArmy (Twatt) Arctic warriors doing what Arctic warriors do!

>>116239 USArmy (Twatt) Ready to join the #ArmyTeam?

>>116240 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) As you gather together today for the March for Life, I am with you in spirit!

>>116246 (Twatt) UK PM Boris Johnson was spotted late last night SOBBING in an empty parliament amidst reports he's been seen "talking to angels" in an agitated state. MPs close to Johnson say his personal hygeine has become a problem; and he's having difficulty with basic communication.

>>116247 (Twatt) Press Release: On The Eve of Washington March, COVID Declaration Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World

>>116248 JulieHall (Twatter) During my time in the Air Force as a Colonel, we solved issues at the lowest level possible. Our government should be the same way, giving power back to the people.

>>116249, >>116251, >>116258 (Twatt) Just over one year ago, Biden put thousands of hard-working men and women out of work with the stroke of a pen, and his policies have only gotten worse since.

>>116252 LuaraIngraham (Twatter) So long, Boston ‘burbs. Trump warned of this, which was the Obama HUD’s dream:

>>116253 LauraIngraham (Twatt) In cold dreary January, they still came by the tens of thousands to march for life. The longest running annual protest in American history.

>>116254 LauraIngraham (Twatt) Rising inflation tightens squeeze on consumers - ABC News

>>116255, >>116256 KANSAS (Twatt) For 366 days of the Biden Administration, we’ve been on our back foot.

>>116257 (Twatt) Boom!! VIDEO = GOOD video, Doc left major Med to self practice, treating Covid patients outside of Vax or ventilators

>>116259 PapiTrumpo (Select all squares with the real president) 3 x hugs (( 0 DELTA w. USArmy >>116239 (You)))

>>116260 TomFitton (Twatt) Pelosi is protecting Omar…

>>116266 (Twatt) This photo is very sad now. RIP Bob Saget and RIP Louie Anderson. Both good friends that will be missed.

>>116268, >>116269 100 lab monkeys in truck accident. Some missing

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Post last edited at

6b5f3c  No.116281

File: 56af5daef2232e8⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1508, 621:754, 81205AD5_3CD7_4391_BA84_A….jpeg)


Bidon has to project on Russia, cause Putin came into his Ukraine, and took Crimea without a single life lost.







Locked, and not as loaded as Hunter was

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6b5f3c  No.116338

File: e56ec06df49417d⋯.png (635.23 KB, 898x1100, 449:550, Screen_Shot_2022_01_22_at_….png)

File: d8d893772c93a5c⋯.png (664.67 KB, 528x1708, 132:427, Screen_Shot_2022_01_22_at_….png)

USArmy (Twatt) The Future Vertical Lift Program is committed to the development of critical combat systems, ensuring Army Aviation maintains vertical lift dominance over enemy forces in future Multi-Domain Operations.

#ArmyModernization Strategy Rightwards arrow http://spr.ly/6017KB1rS

#ArmyTech | #FVL


21:04 EST (Corrected)


>>2909418 (Q lb)

>[Free Speech Systems LLC]

[ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]

^^^ 12 spaces ?




Follow the picture.

"Jerome Corsi who I outed as a Mossad asset/agent in a 1997 sting operation in London. Corsi and Piper Jaffray broker Brad Ahmundson were integral to a fraud that took Minnesota investors for $1 million that the FBI refused to properly investigate. Instead, agents sought to portray me as responsible. Corsi is named as the author of several best-selling Israeli psy-ops books, including Unfit for Command (2004), Atomic Iran (2005), Minutemen (2006), The Obama Nation (2008)."


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