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/mental/ - Mental Health, Illnesses and Disorders

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You are the healing.

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 No.13715 [View All]

Let's get to know each other.

I was diagnosed with severe depression and put into weekly therapy when I was 8 after I started expressing suicidal thoughts. This wasn't prompted by any negative events in my life, and my parents say my behavior didn't ever suddenly start getting worse (aside from telling them I wanted to die instead of just thinking it), which makes me think I was either born depressed or developed depression so early that I might as well have been. I wouldn't be surprised if I was autistic and/or schizoid, too, but I've never been evaluated for those things. Either way, I was NEET for three years after graduating high school, and even though I'm slowly getting my life together now, if someone told me I was going to die tomorrow, I'd think "fuck, what a relief". I don't think I'll ever stop feeling that way.

What about you?

26 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Can you bring yourself to start small?

If you can't do anything for yourself, you would be wise to seek out a mental health clinic (low cost/free) if there is one in your area (I hope so).

If you were my friend IRL, I would try to start slow with you, just having a meal with a sauce packet nearby or something, do that once a week for a month or something, then try using a little bit.

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I'm on the Schizophrenia-like spectrum, diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Reality has a very low intensity to me. It's not like I'm not making the distinction between things being there or not being there. They are just far away, you could say.

I just feel so little. There is no hobby or anything for me to be exited about. I spend a lot of free time watching Youtube videos and drinking tea. It's a pleasant state, not having to think anything or have any problem with reality. Because of how little motivation I have, even small, small things have me drown in stress.

I didn't have friendships in about ten years. I'm reasonably conflicted about that, but it seems that's the way I like it best. Yet it's stressful to be on bad terms with society. How can you not hate us for all the suffering of the Chinese cancer-ridden factory niggers for example, or for driving all of these species into extinction? I don't think that's a healthy thought. I just did not come to terms with other people, sometimes I have a sense of inferiority because of that.

I accept that I'll probably be alive until I die from natural causes, but I don't see how I can feel good about myself. Nothing I could do seems to be meaningful.

I'll end the post here. Have a good day.

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Over the past few months I've found myself being angrier than usual. I'm rarely happy, and it's like my mood goes from angry to sad. It's kind of a joke at my workplace now, 'oh there goes anon, angry as always' and so on. I have bouts of rage, and I've said a lot of things that I don't mean while angry, especially to people I considered close friends or loved. People tell me that I look like I'm about to snap sometimes, and I have supervisors asking me if I'm alright all the time, saying that they are concerned for me and it hurts to be this way. I mean, just the other day I got into a fight with a buddy of mine because he told me I was doing a good job and my head translated that into an insult and I thought he was taunting me. Two people can't be talking and looking in my general direction or I will start to think that they are planning to throw me under the bus. This caused me to break up from two relations in highschool and I've lost friends because of it. People outside of work, and inside of work have recommended I go talk to someone about it, but whenever I mention any of these things to my family I'm told to pray it out of me, or they say I'm full of it.

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I'm here because I don't fully know what's wrong with me and maybe lurking on this board might bring me answers.

For my entire childhood I was repeatedly told by teachers and education professionals that I either had Autism, Aspergers, or was "gifted". I believe that this mostly was noticeable socially. I always had a difficult time finding a circle of friends and fitting in.

I also moved frequently throughout my life, from k-12 going to 9 different schools and living in 15 different homes. This has made it even harder to maintain friendships that I did manage, but on the other hand I can sometimes be charismatic because I've had a lot of practice meeting people.

>inb4 blogposting

I probably won't post too often, but I think its important to mention some of this stuff. I could go into much more detail

Also had a very unstable home life with an abusive parent, and constant separations which were partly responsible for some of the moving I did. When I was 14 I did experience an episode of sexual abuse. (not from parents, unrelated circumstance).

The first time I saw a psychologist I was 9. They diagnosed me with Aspergers.

After seeing a military family psychologist when I was 18- who had a PHD from (((Harvard))) I was diagnosed with General Anxiety- no autism or anything whatsoever.

My own opinion is that I'm somewhere on the 'tism spectrum, based on my inability to socialize when I was young and some of the awkward interactions I still face today, along with my interests which differ from my peers. But I also think that I may be a manic depressive, since I can have spectacular highs where I feel like I can do anything- but then do reckless things that I regret later, but more often I feel like my existence has been a net loss as far as positive/negative experiences and I feel that death could be a relief really.

Another source of pain for me is that I'm homosexual, and really as far as how I feel if I was led down the path of modern "tumblr" gender psychology- I probably would have become a transgender. I never identified strongly with my masculine side outside of strong interests in technical subjects and idealism, but I wish I could be more feminine-like physically and be cared for in that kind of way in a relationship.

I don't feel that I will ever have peace or fulfillment as either a man or a woman. My existence is a contradiction, evolutionally speaking I am an error.

>end of blogpost

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I also think that being ostracized for most of my life for being the way i was or because I was always a stranger in a new place has made me feel unwanted, and this is another feeling that will arise during my low periods.

On an unrelated note, wow sorry for the reddit spacing. I don't post very often even though I'm a long-time lurker. (I remember when this board was relatively active back in 2014/15 post-exodus)

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My brother has psychosis/schizophrenia and I have ADHD and probably some autism.

I think my little sister has it too.

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>traumatized from childhood abuse

>ptsd and DID


>confirmed retard

reality is a distant dream for me and i cant remember 80% of my life it falls away in huge time chunks. came to meet similar minds

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Are you really mentally retarded?

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im just on the autism spectrum, i will be completely ‘tarded after my next break & i get pumped full of drugs tho. im calling it

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Don't you need behavioral therapy, why not try counseling first?

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Alright. Made me have a giggle, so you're off the hook for now

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i like POIENISES and i also like BALLSACKS

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>what brings you here

My interest in mental disorders I guess

>tfw I hoped I had some epic mental conditions but it all just was Asperger's paired with depression

Feels boring man

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stpd/shizophreniform disorder

generally speaking

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Looking for people to relate to. Just came out of a psychotic episode.

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You can be a man with feminine qualities, anon.

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dup btfo

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Might be sociopathic, I am definitely paranoid,

I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder because of our wacky tobacky and shit tantrums that resulted to tearing up a book.

I noticed no difference in my emotions or well being during the year I took meds and the years I didn't.

>Why don't you go back?

Thing is, I am scared of losing my 2A rights. I was wrongfully diagnosed do to my mother's ignorance in parenting.And knowing how the judge favors my mother when it came to my happiness then, I'd rather not.

I was a forced shut in during my school years and still am now. My faggotily are fornters and it angers me, they act all dominant but once there is trouble they cower, they want people to take care of it. Of course, I come from an "absent" father household, my father is a biological male, he is not a man. I wasn't thought the ways of manhood by him.

>Did you ever tried "going outside"?

Yes. I could've been a football player, I was okay socially, It was the household that fucked me over.

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Nothing of value was lost.

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I have severe depression and am going through therapy right now. The little things I built up in my life are falling apart, not that they mattered to begin with. I've been suicidal since third grade, I almost got addicted to cutting but because of a lucky series of circumstances I had to go without cutting for long enough that my urges died down.

It feels like everyone around me is depressed. I go to high school and kids on my bus all randomly overshare how they're depressed and all the problems in their lives. I used to believe there was happiness out there but now that I've actually started to look past myself I can see no one else is happy either. I don't see the point of living, I wish I didn't love my faggotily so I wouldn't feel guilty about slitting my throat in the woods.

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What is that, some sort of italian word?

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I think I have paranoia. Last year was like one long psychotic episode, I failed all my classes because I was too paranoid to go to class, and too depressed to get out of bed. My breakfast consisted of cocaine and a cigarette, then I would walk to the coffee shop and wait for my friends to get out of class. Every afternoon was spent doing drugs while studying for the weekly quizzes, then we would go to a house my parents bought and throw a party. My own thoughts horrify me into shocked silence, and the depression was so crippling I wouldn't even leave my bed for days. To cope with the disturbing thoughts, I tried/try to distract myself with girls/books but it only works temporarily. After the school year and over the summer I started to eat and live more normally, and slowly began to stabilize. I'm back at school now though, so we'll see how long it lasts. I have little to no control over my impulses, I hate drugs and the effects/feeling but I do them anyway. By myself I have partial-control over my problems, but I lose it when other people are around me. I deleted all my social apps from my phone to avoid my friends, but I know they're looking for me. I'm "popular" on campus, but I try to spend as much time alone as I can. I've been able to live and breath alone so far, but its only a matter of time. Halloween is a huge deal, and I have no choice but to participate. The weirdest part about the whole thing is that I have these incredibly vivid dreams with Britney Spears, and I always feel almost normal afterward. She talks to me and helps rationalize my fears, and makes them easier to deal with/think about. I've had the dreams almost every night for the past couple weeks, and I'm feeling better. My depression has disappeared, but the paranoia is still lingering. I haven't told anyone this for obvious reasons, but the dreams really help, for whatever reason

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Sorry for the erratic posting style friends. Insomnia dulls the senses

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I don't know why, but there was something cozy about this post.

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>I go to high school and kids on my bus all randomly overshare how they're depressed and all the problems in their lives.

Stop listening, it's making you worse.

Are there any hobbies you used to enjoy? Can you focus on that instead of listening toother's problems?

>I used to believe there was happiness out there but now that I've actually started to look past myself I can see no one else is happy either.

Because all they share are depressed thoughts, Happiness starts with being happy with one's self.

>I don't see the point of living, I wish I didn't love my faggotily so I wouldn't feel guilty about slitting my throat in the woods.

I think you should give life one more try anon, the environments you are in are clearly affecting you in a bad way.

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>My own thoughts horrify me into shocked silence

Are we talking about homicidal and going postal? or just general disturbing imagery like a loved one going trough a gory torture?

>To cope with the disturbing thoughts, I tried/try to distract myself with girls/books but it only works temporarily.

>I hate drugs and the effects/feeling but I do them anyway.

It seems like you're trying to fill a void.

Any hobbies, anon? have you tried long walks at the park and admiring the scenery?

>I'm back at school now though, so we'll see how long it lasts

This is great anon, I'm proud of you for this.

>I have little to no control over my impulses

You should see someone for this anon if it gets too life threatening

>I lose it when other people are around me. I deleted all my social apps from my phone to avoid my friends, but I know they're looking for me. I'm "popular" on campus, but I try to spend as much time alone as I can.

This sounds like anti social disorder to me anon.

>Halloween is a huge deal, and I have no choice but to participate.

Do you really have no choice? Is it peer pressure because the normalfags want to see you there? You can always say no, anon. make up some story that you're taking care of your foreign cousin.

I don't see how its mandatory unless you're in higher up positions like the athletics department or student council bullshit.

Anon have you told your counselor if you can continue your degree online?

>The weirdest part about the whole thing is that I have these incredibly vivid dreams with Britney Spears, and I always feel almost normal afterward. She talks to me and helps rationalize my fears, and makes them easier to deal with/think about.

This is okay anon, people have different coping mechanisms., sure some might consider it abstract but it seems to be helping you.

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Thanks anon


>Are we talking about homicidal and going postal? or just general disturbing imagery like a loved one going through a gory torture?

No, its more like I "see through reality" and it breaks me. I don't want to go into specifics because its too soul-crushing to think about. I do have random images of myself going postal on family etc. but those aren't as bad as the other thoughts

>Any hobbies anon? have you tried long walks at the park and admiring the scenery?

I play piano mainly, and try to walk while I can. I don't as much anymore as my uni is in a city, and close to a bad neighborhood

>This is great anon, I'm proud of you for this.


>You should see someone for this anon if it gets too life threatening

I might if I fall back into drugs, I can't handle the stress all over again

>This sounds like anti social disorder to me anon.

I think its paranoia because sometimes I'm able to socialize normally, and other times I'm too terrified of people to even respond. I don't really have social problems when I want to socialize

>Do you really have no choice? Is it peer pressure because the normalfags want to see you there? You can always say no, anon. make up some story that you're taking care of your foreign cousin.

I can't say no to a big event, all my friends will be expecting me to be there. Staying behind to do something else is possible, but I would lose social points and people might raise questions.

>Anon have you told your counselor if you can continue your degree online?

I can, but I think I would lose the social padding I have. Without my friends, as agitating as they are, I'd be an outcast. I hate them, but they keep me connected

>This is okay anon, people have different coping mechanisms., sure some might consider it abstract but it seems to be helping you.

Lol, yeah. Can't bring myself to imagine explaining it to a psychiatrist, they'd put me on medication almost immediately.

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>No, its more like I "see through reality" and it breaks me.

Oh, redpill stuff?If you are talking about IRL drama, you can always bring the truth to light anonymously.You might be overestimating the intellect of your peers but reminder that a group of Harvard students were kicked out because they were retarded enough to post politically incorrect memes in a facebook group. Still, it doesn't hurt to be cautious and cover up weak points should certain situations arise.

>I play piano mainly

Have you tried to monetize your talents? There's a guy out there on Youtube that plays anime OPs on the piano.It will be a slow growth most likely though or you can do requests on Fiverr. Do you play Jazz?Have you listened to Ryo Fukui's "Scenery"? It's pretty great.

>and try to walk while I can. I don't as much anymore as my uni is in a city, and close to a bad neighborhood

Have you tried guided meditations? There's a channel called The Honest Guys, they are a nice guided meditation channel. I find it relaxing to have those aquarium videos playing the background while i'm cleaning.

>I might if I fall back into drugs,

Please do.

>Can't skip halloween event or get degree online due to networking

You can kill two birds with one stone: Ask your friends if they want to camp at the nearby state/national park, You can get a walk in some beautiful scenery while developing a comfy future. But it sucks that you have to shitow your problems instead of focusing on them head on. You can get through it anon, you got this.

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>Oh, redpill stuff?If you are talking about IRL drama, you can always bring the truth to light anonymously.You might be overestimating the intellect of your peers but reminder that a group of Harvard students were kicked out because they were retarded enough to post politically incorrect memes in a facebook group. Still, it doesn't hurt to be cautious and cover up weak points should certain situations arise.

No, its more like I notice people's mannerisms and speech patterns and "see them for what they are". Reality seems pointless and biology seems "needlessly complex" all at the same time. Its awful

>Have you tried to monetize your talents? There's a guy out there on Youtube that plays anime OPs on the piano.It will be a slow growth most likely though or you can do requests on Fiverr. Do you play Jazz?Have you listened to Ryo Fukui's "Scenery"? It's pretty great.

I have thought about writing original music, or even converting new music into piano sheets, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll be sure to look at Ryo Fukui, and Fiverr. I'm not familiar with the online communities for pianists, but I'll try to check it out

>Have you tried guided meditations? There's a channel called The Honest Guys, they are a nice guided meditation channel. I find it relaxing to have those aquarium videos playing the background while i'm cleaning.

Yoga is helpful, but there isn't ever enough time to actually allocate time for it. An hour or more long session feels amazing though

>Please do.

I can't stand the thought of someone analyzing and simplifying my thoughts. The idea that I'm the only person who knows whats going on inside my head is comforting to me, on some level. I only want to go if its absolutely necessary

>You can kill two birds with one stone: Ask your friends if they want to camp at the nearby state/national park, You can get a walk in some beautiful scenery while developing a comfy future. But it sucks that you have to shitow your problems instead of focusing on them head on. You can get through it anon, you got this.

I like this idea actually. I'd love to just spend the holiday eating halloween candy and hiking, but my friends are too normalfag. If we end up going into nature, they'll insist on bringing drugs, I'm sure of it. Even if I don't take any, the thought of sitting in the middle of nowhere with mentally impaired people is distressing. Unfortunately, I think I',m stuck spending this halloween doing whatever my friends will be doing(probably house costume parties etc.)

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>No, its more like I notice people's mannerisms and speech patterns and "see them for what they are"

It'd be wise to take advantage of this cursed ability and make sure you're not getting played.

>I have thought about writing original music, or even converting new music into piano sheets, but it hasn't happened yet.

I think you can make a name for yourself if you try the latter. If you can you can gset 30 minutes of your day to do that.

>there isn't ever enough time to actually allocate time for it.

Does school really take much time?

>I can't stand the thought of someone analyzing and simplifying my thoughts. The idea that I'm the only person who knows whats going on inside my head is comforting to me, on some level. I only want to go if its absolutely necessary

I'm just trying to help, anon.

>If we end up going into nature, they'll insist on bringing drugs, I'm sure of it. Even if I don't take any,

Don't become the mule, anon.

> the thought of sitting in the middle of nowhere with mentally impaired people is distressing. Unfortunately, I think I',m stuck spending this halloween doing whatever my friends will be doing(probably house costume parties etc.)

You can always try pitching the idea of going hiking instead of going to a party and doing drugs. Have a little campfire, try ghost hunting. From the way I see it, this auto pilot customs when it comes to Halloween. You should try to sell the idea once you see them again.

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I wanted to see what kind of discussion is made here, and to see how understanding this community is

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Part 1

18yo, Male

I'm an un-diagnosed nutjob, and while I make progress in some areas, I only descend into others

I successfully beat my depression, and no longer even consider the rope. I'm telling you dudes, it's the power within that will save you. My one regret is participating in self harm. I carved fucking "unfunny meme" into my calf, and years later I decided I would try and burn it off, so I heated up a knife and used it to basically brand all of the skin off in that area. Kek, looking back on it that's not the first time I intentionally hurt myself. According to my mother, when I was younger, if I was upset I would smash my head into the nearest solid object until forced to stop.

On the other hand, I think I'm a schitzo. I spend most of my time on /pol/, and while I really do believe there is some kind of international cabal working to obtain world power, I can't help but feel isolated and go into denial about it. Sometimes I feel like I should do something about it, find out who is pulling the strings, but even if I did find them, I wouldn't know how to deal with them.

Background til present day:


>dad leaves

>Mom is broke, but we have awesome grandparents to help us out so we don't starve

>be isolated during all of public school

>le sadface bullied quite a bit

>had my first suicidal thoughts at age 9-10, when I was wandering around the playground as I often did, alone, wandering why nobody wanted to be around me. The thought occurred to me, that I could make the hurt stop if I jumped in front of one of the cars that passed my my school on the regular.

>on top of this, mom meets a dude, who becomes my stepdad for 8 years, who basically traumatises my sister and I to the point where we shared a bed in the room furthest away from my parents room because he scared us so much, that lasted until I was 11 I think

>during this time I actually met my best and only friend in 7th grade, he changed my life

>tfw never been able to pay him back for all he's done, he changed me

>meanwhile, stepdad still living with us

>made fun of alot for being poor

>after years of shit (14yo), I develop an aura of anxiousness, and develop a habit i still haven't broken for many years, where I pick my hair out, which has led to a bald spot in my hairline. During this same time frame, I develop a weird thing where I mouth words or phrases I just said unconsciously. I wouldn't even know I was doing it if it weren't for people pointing it out. These persist to this day

>oil crash happens in 2014, which puts my family out of work

>can't afford to live in town anymore

>have to move cities to find afforgenocidele housing

>live in a ghetto apartment complex for a few years or so

>fucking bedbugs

>a good year or so of waking up at 3AM to the sight of 20 bedbugs running across your body, something you never get used to, not to mention the whole feeling like you're on fire part

>move out to the hicks in a trailer that is just within our budget, been here since

>during this past year, step-dad left, and now I'm watching his son

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and 2

During all of these years, I've slowly progressed as a human, I got better at socialising, I got friends, I have a gf, but most of the time it feels like I'm just putting on an act for everyone. I try to be a loving person, and I truly do appreciate the beauty in nature and life, but I can't suppress the anger I feel for most people sometimes. It's like I'm Buddha one second, and a genocidal maniac the next.

I have a gf and a family that loves me, but I feel like I have more in common with the una-bomber than I do with them.

I want to get a job, and go to school, but I'm in a really weird situation where I'm kind of forced to be a NEET.

My father is a man driven insane over time, to the point where he is potentially violent, but it doesn't matter because he hasn't really been in the picture since I was 3. My mother works from 11 to close at a restaurant, so she's never really home despite this we're still so broke we can barely afford to eat sometimes. I spend most of my time taking care of my 5 year old step-brother, because there's nobody else that can do it. The past 8 years I lived with a mentally disturbed step-dad, who I love to a degree, but also destroyed my childhood with his drunken and violent antics, but he's gone now so that's a sigh of relief.

I would walk to work, but that's pretty hard to do considering I live in bumfuck nowhere and I have responsibilities at home. I would just mow lawns, but I don't even own a lawnmower.

My only hobbies consist of lifting, guns, lurking the le ebin chons, and being overly paranoid. Even sex isn't as thrilling to me as those things

I have trouble staying attached to the here and the now, my mind is always somewhere else, usually conspiring, trying to decipher the bullshittery that is modern day life. For the past 5 days it's been really bad, and it's caused me to seem more distant than usual to those close to me, and somewhat hostile while we're at it.

Potential symptoms of un-diagnosed disorders???





hallucinations (These stopped many years ago though)

incessant picking of my hair

unconscious mouthing of previously said words

history of self harm

history of depression (under control though) and other mood swings

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I'm no shrink, but I'm going to say you have some symptons of PTSD and bipolar ii.

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That's funny, I always thought PTSD was the most pussified disorder you could have, then again I'm very stubborn. Another anon in another thread suggested that I might have OCD as well, but who knows.

I'm perfectly happy living this weird bizarreo life where I know things are a little off, it's kind of fun that way. I guess I could say I've never had a mundane moment.

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I also thought it was pussified, and scoffed at it, thinking "Pffft, I've never went to war, why the fuck would I have it!?", turns out growing up with domestic violence, bullying, rejection and constant stress gives it to you. I grew up in very economically/emotionally/physically unsecure home, shit was fucked.

There is Little PTSD and there is Big PTSD, do research on them, it can avalanche and make you an unstable cunt. I had STPD as well, so I was an absolute fucking basket case, so that made people distance themselves. Reading what you have reminds me of myself, I see me in yourself.

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Just plain old 'tism. Somebody on /v/ said that it would be nice if there was more traffic here.

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>I see me in yourself

we are one

It's a hard pill to swallow. I'm somewhat stubborn in my pride, and I hate admitting weakness, but I guess I have to give it up eventually.


I agree, this is a cozy board Although, I don't want it to have toooo much traffic. More people = more shitty content

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Was diagnosed earlier this year with assburgers. Had an IQ test done at the same time and scored 131. Currently trying to unfuck my life now that I know this, as everything I've tried prior has blown up in my face.I'm 25 and work at a pizza parlor

Not very exciting, I know, but I enjoy the company here.

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What's funny is, I used to feel like this. I would often lurk 4/r9k/ (but before it was shit) because seeing how other people had it worse than I did made me feel a lot better, plus I could empathize and relate somewhat. Problem is, I fell into depression myself, and now I'm here. Funny how that works.

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a friend did. I was diagnosed with high functioning autism and bipolar disorder and a touch of borderline.

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I do a lot of the same things.

>During this same time frame, I develop a weird thing where I mouth words or phrases I just said unconsciously. I wouldn't even know I was doing it if it weren't for people pointing it out. These persist to this day

this is what got me kicked out of a B&N. fuck private companies. they can go to hell.

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I'm a noise musician myself so getting famous is a fool's errand, also not OP

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Bumping this thread.

It's been 4 months since I've posted here, and nothing's changed. I'm still a useless sack of shit who accomplishes nothing ever, I've never had a job, my father disowned me, and I still want this gay Earth and everyone on it to be smacked by a fucking comet.

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23 male with major depressive disorder and mostly likely Schizoid.

I first got diagnosed when i was 16 as a depressive and have been taking meds ever since. Currently unable to enjoy life and planning on working min wage after college (been in 6 years because of continually delaying, forced by parents ofcours) trying to find something with minimal interpersonal interaction. Already know that i dont want to work in the degree that i choose to study.

Also currently trying to escape a south american shithole that i was born into, to live a comfy isolationist life in hopefully a first world country.

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Faggot family

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I have something called General Anxiety Disorder. I can end up in full-blown panic attack at times but I got some Zoloft I take daily for it.

I got back in school in April to learn a better trade. I spoke about it briefly a couple of months ago here on how my job was a dead-end job and it was difficult to go back to school.

While I do have better self control in my anxiety, it can still show up in other ways than a panic attack. I can get emotional and want to cry often. I have the shakes especially on days I return to school/work because of the pressure of thinking of starting another week. I can sweat heavily too.

Also, being a student makes me live in scarcity in terms of food and money since I am paid very little by the government while I go to school full-time and any amount I'd make above 50$, the gov will substract it from the funds it sends me twice a month (roughly 550$ each). It's hard, man.

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Fuck, I meant to say I got back to school in February, not April. Not that it changes much of anything.

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I've been diagnosed with anxiety and shit, I guess I'm just here to see how others are. I don't even want to go to the doctors again, I'm scared i'll probably get locked up

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