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File: 2e79023865049cb⋯.png (33.18 KB,534x466,267:233,Dear Artists.png)


and by extension, moral rights? Should artists really have custody of their art even after it's exchanged? If so, why? I honestly don't think the guy in pic related is wrong at all. Sometimes when artists put annoying signatures in the middle of the focus of the pic that I like, I'll open up an image editing program and relocate it somewhere off to the side so it doesn't clog up the focus, is that really so wrong?

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That guy's a fag and I wouldn't work for him not because I disagree with what he's saying but purely based on his standoffish, self important attitude which is no doubt a product of the incurable mental illness known as autism. The guy likely has no followers of note (or didn't until he made this gay viral post anyway). Who gives a hoot?

His "promotion" is worthless and he probably solicits commissions from teenage girls with the money he finds between his couch cushions. As long as he'd disclosed his terms from the beginning there is no issue here, though.

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Also as an addendum what you said you're doing isn't so bad. I think IP needs some rudimentary protections (or else it would be impossible to work as an artist to begin with) but it can go too far sometimes. In certain cases what the guy in the op pic is describing is completely normal (i.e. keeping artwork made on commission under personal lock and key) but what he's doing is spiteful and faggy. Even hollywood movies have huge half-hour credit rolls deficated to the artists and other staff despite the fact no one in the theater gives a shit. To purposefully omit that sort of thing is being a grade A fucking faggot, period

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I'm not going to delete and edit this post because that's too damn funny

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I don't disagree with him in principle, if you paid for the work you can do what you want with it in every way but say that you made it. But it's really not that hard to ask "hey, can you make your signature inconspicuous? thanks" any artist would oblige.

But the thing is, artists should stay the fuck away from this double O dipshit because his attitude is a giant red flag to anyone who wants to work with him- especially considering he thinks the artists somehow feel entitled, instead of you know, him. He's just like those people who see artists as being their slaves and not providing a good, except he has begrudgingly accepted that he has to pay for it.

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Holy shit, what a faggot. You just know his eyes are too close together or too far apart. Too bad he’s mostly correct, but for what seems to be self-entitled, retarded reasons. Barring any terms in the upfront agreement, the parties don’t owe each other anything after the work’s been completed and payed for. The commissioner now owns it. Obviously, if you turn around and reproduce the art for profit or marketing, that’s a different and potentially litigious situation. I'd sure like to know what art this entitled shit commissions.

As far as OP’s addition: I think most artists know not to make their signatures too big or intrusive on commissions. Your talking about stuff they did to get shared around, so they want the sig front and center. And no, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you cutting down or relocating the signature before you save it to your personal fap folder. (It’s a little autistic it bothers you enough, though.)

>screen name is dramarising

Just likes to stir shit, I bet.

>blog is currently hidden behind password


What are the odds OP is the guy in the pic?

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It's a little hard to say. To take the apple example, it's like the apple company drawing their logo onto the apples with a permanent marker. You know they do it, yet you bought the apple anyway and now are complaining about it. Reasonable apple companies won't do that, so you should buy from them instead.

As for whether you should be ALLOWED to remove the signature, then of course you should. That doesn't mean the artist has to give you that right, but that also means you don't have to buy from such a shitty artist. There's countless people you could commission from, so don't commission from entitled piece of shit artists who want to own the thing you bought from them.

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>blog is currently hidden behind password

What're you talking about? I can see it just fine.


>What are the odds OP is the guy in the pic?

Zero. If you reverse image search the pic in the OP you would find it's years old.

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Aw, I recognized the format as tumblr, and dramarising.tumblr is password protected. What you posted leads back to dramarising-replacement.tumblr. mea culpa

>Zero. If you reverse image search the pic in the OP you would find it's years old.

I did do a little more digging after posting and found it lead back a few years and seems to be centered around some browser based dragon raising "game" with a side of tranny drama. Closed the window and got on with my life.

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