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Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: ad6bf71743fb6cc⋯.jpg (18.81 KB,300x300,1:1,sanic.jpg)


So you guys are all really talented and shit, and I wish I could learn from you. The "problem" is that I want to draw in the Annie-Mae and Mango styles. What are some resources for complete retards when it comes to that?

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the "How to Draw Manga" series of books seems pretty legit as far as that goes tbh fam

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File: aedbc3cdcd766bf⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB,448x648,56:81,images.jpeg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Embed very related.

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You're making the same problem all anime fans make - you're trying to learn to draw stylised before you can draw realistically. Learn to draw well before you start abstracting it.

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how do?

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I know this is a very bold step to take and you are likely unprepared for it, but READ THE FUCKING STICKY

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File: c92e6cbed261304⋯.png (893.47 KB,720x540,4:3,Untitled.png)

The problem I have with asking 'artists' for help in learning how to draw anime is that they basically pull pic related on you.

I can guarantee there are artists out there working on actual animes and mangas that can't draw an accurately proportioned person. The problem is that no one will ever tell you how they managed to get where they are.

Real advice, OP.

Find an artist that draws in an anime style you enjoy, and then ask them for advice.

Alternatively, watch streams because you can learn a lot from imitation.

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File: 7dca62c37fb3064⋯.jpg (179.08 KB,700x1011,700:1011,481ddbdac60ab63d8f186bd773….jpg)

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You don't need to be able to draw a perfect men in thirty seconds to draw anime, but you do need a base, or else you'll end up with some devient art tier abortion.

Some people go further and some not as much, but even the drawers of those shitty giant-handed fujoshi mango have at least a small base on reality.

Pic related, the mangaka from tsugumomo, the guy studied a fuck ton of anatomy, and his drawings are amazing.

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File: 6b23ac0259d54be⋯.png (4.25 MB,2000x2000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6a252d45721c46a⋯.png (617.58 KB,701x490,701:490,148558228.png)


>no you don't

but it's animu today is generic and bland as hell, most of it today being just for more porn and child porn.

also getout pedo fag

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Who invited reddit?

Kill yourself moralfag.

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anime is trash. you should kill your self for defending an abomination of art

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File: a5ae11531154ee3⋯.webm (10.81 MB,640x480,4:3,Slayers_OP.webm)


There's more to criticize about the modern state of animu, to be sure. The awful simplicity in designs and backgrounds now, the crappy lighting and shading that plagues even the 'big budget' films, all the cheap outsourcing to korea and india, and that's not even counting all the problems with writing and stories in today's animus. 90% of everything that airs or gets made is a shitty slice-of-life highschool garbage or a shitty slice-of-life highschool garbage with a shitty gimmick, like emphasis on otaku culture, a little fantasy, a vehicle-focus, ghosts, alternate timeline shit, or it having non-human waifus. And the humor is 60% puns. I mean ffs, 90% of animus in the 80s and 90s were just mecha trash, but at least they gave decent to great animation or had interesting characters and stories to make up for their repetitive bullshit.

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You basically have to use a hybrid of different methods. For the basic outline of the body parts you can't go far wrong by following a "realistic" technique - see the loomis books or proko's video tutorials. For the shape of the head I tend to use loomis/proko's method, but adjust the various sizes slightly to match the style of anime/manga I'm trying to imitate. For hands, the best technique is just to study your own. The head-body-legs ratio will vary significantly depending on which character you're trying to draw.


For facial features, though, you generally have to deviate from realism and just imitate the way they're drawn in the anime/manga. Take a screencap and measure everything. Learn to see the image as a flat collection of lines and fills rather than as a 3D projection. I think the biggest problem people have is that they don't know how to look at images and break them down into 2D shapes.

Also, don't bother with drawthreads and don't pay attention to the opinions of professional artists (at least not the elitist faggots who post here). In my experience a beginner artist will be more than capable of generating enough criticism of their work themselves. External criticism - especially the typical "everything you draw is utter shit, read loomis" - isn't conducive to the kind of practice you need to do to get good. If you need to feel better about your work and get motivation to draw more, just browse anime fan-art on deviantart. If you can draw a cube in 3D (even planar projection 3D), you're already better than half of the people there.

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My n*gga

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Why do you feel like slice of life is shit? Is it too subtle for you?

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>>5254 Three fourths of the time that shit isn't anatomically correct either

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File: cb865bb0ad4cecf⋯.jpg (20.36 KB,457x343,457:343,lulz.jpg)


Criticize it directly then instead of making vague generalizations from statistics you pulled out of your ass. Slayers, by today's standards, is garbage. and its story is incredibly shallow. Shows like Flying Witch, on the other hand, is closer to Literature than almost every action anime ever made.

The redditards who cast aspersions on new anime and praise the old haven't lived through day after day of shows like Voltes 5 and Super Pig. The standard of anime back then was much, much lower. The designs, stories, and backgrounds were even simpler. You would know if you lived through it instead of being a retard who compares the best of the old with the worst of the new.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Actually bad retro anime series fall into obscurity, since after a certain point, people forget about shows that aren't memorable to them. Newer crap anime is still fresh in an anime fan's memory, often because they were anticipating the show before its release and were let down. The highs were just as high back then, the lows just as low, and other than there being slightly fewer Chargeman Ken-level aberrations today, the ratio didn't really change.

Also I don't know what's wrong with you, Voltes V is one of the best mecha series of the 70s.

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File: 2ca4c42fb40a287⋯.jpg (52.71 KB,640x480,4:3,1977-voltesv.jpg)


That's the point. It was one of the best, but it still isn't very good. Our standards were much lower back then.

Although there were exceptions, pic related is what you should expect from one of the best anime of the time with regards to background and shading.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are we just posting random anime sh*t now

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>slice of life

I think you mean moe or school life shit nigga


and it's still gay.


fuk off, /a/ weeaboo




No fuk u slayer was an ok show that's still better then weeb shit today

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File: 5c04de6159a6126⋯.jpg (28.17 KB,500x280,25:14,weebshits.jpg)


Slayers is weebshit that is somehow more repetitive than InuYasha.

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Learn to draw from observation, then learn cartooning, and then draw in an anime/manga style.

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>> If you have a problem with child porn you are the problem

Just stop.

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I can't wait to draw little girls getting fucked TBH.

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