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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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Moved to 8chan.moe/loomis

We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 0be6041ece5c456⋯.png (46.86 KB,1000x1462,500:731,Template.png)

File: 1f7005cbba32774⋯.jpg (709.51 KB,1000x1462,500:731,Influence Map.jpg)

File: 51e1ecc5b827e28⋯.jpg (201.43 KB,874x1002,437:501,Knight and Grill.jpg)

File: fec870f62a22df7⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,735x960,49:64,Vampire Princess.jpg)


Post 'em, boys. Include some of your work as a bonus (if you want; don't be embarrassed).

Hard to believe I haven't allowed myself to improve since these drawings were made (which are at most recent a year old) but I simply haven't drawn for most of that time either so, you know: you get what you heckin' deserve.

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I wish to make one then I realize most of my influences are hentai artists.

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This isn't a worksafe board so it's no big deal, in the rules it's asked if you're posting something really hard core to spoiler it out of good etiquette but it's not something anyone's going to get banned over.

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