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Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 61b91e293a0a925⋯.jpg (4.27 MB,2117x3597,2117:3597,Keisine.jpg)


Best inspiration places? Who is one of the better mentors? Ideals for kaiju designing? Proportions go like? Any help guys? Also pic is done by one of my friends

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How long have you been drawing? You look like you've only been doing it for a few months. Getting the basics of art done first might be the best thing to do.

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File: 4cfdb4df364673b⋯.jpg (138.28 KB,1080x1920,9:16,CANCEL CARD.jpg)


Not my drawing, my friend drew it, he's younger than me, I need to fucking practice drawing at all, this is just a presumptive thread for advice on who is best to take into mentor, if you were wondering this is my current drawing skills

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File: 55bc278898e5b3c⋯.jpeg (22.19 KB,474x474,1:1,th.jpeg)


I'm hardly the best person to be giving advice, but I believable in this. Understanding 3D space is the most important thing. Then you just look at stuff and draw them. What I mean by this is, I'll see a lot of beginners draw construction lines for a head or something, but what they draw doesn't conform the to axis of their lines. They may think they understand, but they don't even fully grasp the point of what they're attempting to do. It's because they don't understand the shape, they're still looking at it as something 2D. I can't point you to anywhere and tell you that "for sure this guy is going to make you understand" I honestly think that when it comes to drawing, expirience is the only real teacher, and that every person puts pieces of the puzzle together in a different order. I will say this though, perhaps think of drawing as if you're making a sculpture or pouring paint on an invisible object as if to reveal it's true form.

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Best program to use for starting out with 3d but actually 2d type art?

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Pencil and paper.

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Where do I obtain the paper in mass, other than toilet paper

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File: e3699d5c103c27f⋯.jpg (903.18 KB,1078x1328,539:664,Vulpere.jpg)

File: 8b55e8b6497d810⋯.png (2.77 MB,1813x1197,259:171,RAZROSHTE.png)

File: 92607457e3f9e01⋯.png (811.82 KB,1672x1840,209:230,ZLinketh.png)

To answer the question in the OP, you just look at real flora/fauna and combine it with other shit.

All I do most of the time is incorporate different animal parts as I draw. Generally, you should have a good understanding of anatomy for this to work well. Of course, you should also consider the kaiju's role as predator or prey and fit natural defenses and abilities in accordance with that.

Here's some of my monsters. Hoping to use them in a webcomic I'm brainstorming.

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Where the fuck do I find flying torso man who's bottom half is platform in real life

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File: 0c5fb9521a3bde7⋯.jpg (42.16 KB,728x410,364:205,Caltiki.jpg)


Also I am going for showa style shit for literally everything, any advice for that? Any ideas for how to achieve the sometimes stupid look to those designs such as this?

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oh yea finding parapaligic bodybuilders, I forgot about that shit

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You obviously aren't looking hard enough.


For drawing with a stylistic design, you require more of a fully realized concept. Do as I recommended before (draw spontaneously without a plan, going with the flow), but sketch very lightly. Then, once you have a general idea of what you are drawing and how it is positioned, start detailing in the style you desire.

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try to find some parapaligic bodybuilders for insperation?


That will be tough, but seems achievable

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Posting bump

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