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Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: c59efdfec158381⋯.jpg (63.43 KB,750x750,1:1,30830805_849579031896164_1….jpg)


How do you face the burden of oppressive crushing dread when you have a good perspective of just how far you have to go to make your art goals a reality?

Does having those feelings mean that you're aiming too high and far? Is it even a bad thing to do or does it become a bad thing when you are letting it impact your emotional well being? Does stubborn conviction and determination make the way less difficult to tread or can it lead you into bad habits and mediocrity?

How do you break down your path into reasonable chunks and make it work? Is hard work and study enough to make it? What did the people who you aspire to become like do to make it work? Is it a good idea to emulate what you perceive to be the good things they do? Are there resources out there that they had access to that people are simply unaware of?

Are we really gonna make it?

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We have a thread for these kinds of feelerinos but if you want to be all maudlin in your own corner I guess I'll come to you anyway.

>Is hard work and study enough to make it?

Yes and no.

As adults that we suffer for every yard of progress because we're far more self aware than we would have been at age 10-15. I think the fact that I have progressed at all, lazy piece of shit that I am, is proof that anybody that puts a good effort in will have eventually made it. When all is said and done I know a hell of a lot of things now that I didn't back when I started and I'm literally human garbage. That's proof enough to me that anybody else can do it.

>How do you break down your path into reasonable chunks and make it work?

If I could do it all again I would draw for fun as much as I draw for study, that's the important part, but I'd study more too because I don't do that nearly as much as I could either. If I knew the answer to this I'd probably be better than I am.

>What did the people who you aspire to become like do to make it work?

A lot of the people on my 5x5 or whatever were self-taught and somewhat vague on what they'd actually done. They just allude to working hard, which I haven't done so I can't complain

>Is it a good idea to emulate what you perceive to be the good things they do?

In art schools they do many master studies trying to reverse-engineer the work of old European legends, maybe you like the idea of studying someone like Gashi-Gashi or XAXAXA better than Rembrandt, it's the same concept in many ways but maybe a little less generalized for better or worse.

>Are there resources out there that they had access to that people are simply unaware of?

Doubtful. Many of them may have perhaps gone to classes where material was likely purloined from the "canon" of instructional material widely available (instruction is good though for the record, self-teaching isn't for everybody and even if it is, a guiding hand can help), others may have done a lot of it almost exclusively on their own. Every artist has their own story of how they got to where they are, what instructors they had or read if any, what artists they emulated and studied etc.

>Are we really gonna make it?

I still think so, but perhaps it could be rephrased to say that "We All Can Make It" because that's the real truth. It's all I can do to stay positive knowing that I'm a self-sabotaging DAMAGED individual-and many of the people on this board may also be quietly struggling in their own way-but we all can make it, in time.

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Having art goals? You lucky bastard.

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File: fc6ed979f1defe1⋯.jpg (324.43 KB,1008x720,7:5,oh shit.jpg)

I don't think anyone's going to make it, the whole idea is a meme from artists and media, to sell themselves and products. Hard work doesn't exist, you can't do something, when you're addicted to more rewarding things. Life either leads you to consume or create, you can't do both.

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File: 25054bc0c1050c6⋯.jpg (36.25 KB,621x600,207:200,photo_2018-12-28_23-21-16.jpg)


>literally cant exist if you want to want to create

Nothing comes from a void, creation starts with what youve taken in.

Attitude is also very important, dont give into edgy nihilism like this nut.

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I wish I got paid to promote art on anonymous imageboards, anyhow my post doesn't come from edge, but from empathy, I want people to understand when it's actually impossible for them to do what they want to do.

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The only one who can truly know when it is impossible is the individual. And even than it comes down to what kind of goal that person has set in mind. Sometimes I see it as a good thing to measure yourself by your peers while having your sights set beyond, if they can do it than why can't you? If they can learn color, composition, anatomy, or if they can achieve a real measure of success than so can you if you have a mind about your obstacles and a real plan to tackle whats holding you back.

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It just takes effort and time.

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File: b12697a47626020⋯.png (99.94 KB,677x209,677:209,5dc4d520224876c159a3f56a11….png)


Sometimes you just have greater understanding of someones situation than they do themselves, in that case you can easily tell they're not going to make it, I love when in situations like this, even when there's undeniable proof, that people aren't making it in the last few days on this very board, thinking they're doing everything right, but unable to progress further, people like you still have to come out of the woodwork's to spout your spiritual optimist bias on everyone, when clearly it's not as concise as you say.


Don't get me wrong, I don't actually care about drawing myself, I'm doing it for the self discipline, I'm not trying to justify some "laziness". I'm stating from an unbiased point of view, that effort and time, is not the key success, It's making creating art your life, if you have to put effort in drawing, you're doing something wrong.

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File: d3c29fc3e373488⋯.png (264.22 KB,628x361,628:361,QlgCXi1.png)


>if you have to put effort in drawing, you're doing something wrong.

Literally the most autistic thing I have ever heard on this board. If you have to put hard work into something that objectively takes hard work to improve at you're doing it wrong? What dimension are you from?

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File: 6378bb6309f866a⋯.png (211.18 KB,555x650,111:130,shinobi_girls.png)


How long do you think it took to make this? The answer. 2 days of solid work from a professional, and that's not even very long considering.

It is ALL about effort.

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File: b5d0ff94abe3112⋯.jpg (76 KB,500x675,20:27,1463012048155.jpg)


Hard work objectively doesn't exist, it's a human concept people are made to believe means something. It keeps the cogs going.


This persons been on auto pilot his whole life, why do you think everything he draws, looks exactly the same, because changing it takes effort. This doodle of his is as exhilarating to him as a normie enjoying watching cars pass a track a thousand times. He enjoys it as much as anything else.

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You are a fool, if you keep this up I shall not reply to you. Why would he need to change? What is he going to draw Miyabi like this and then Murasaki as a Flemish oil painting? I rather think that would ruin the continuity of the game he was paid to illustrate for. It's clear by his interviews that he does enjoy what he does.

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File: f28d13cb7a48ec7⋯.gif (3.04 MB,385x314,385:314,116f27df76e3ffdb77e47dbba5….gif)




>Obvious baitfag is obvious

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File: cb15a4e1263103d⋯.jpg (293.74 KB,900x900,1:1,1485120019492.jpg)


>You are a fool, if you keep this up I shall not reply to you

Knowledge outside of the general public opinion, is hard to accept, when you've been conditioned for so long. but really, everything I'm saying here is the reality of things, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and understanding the mind only benefits you.

>Why would he need to change? What is he going to draw Miyabi like this and then Murasaki as a Flemish oil painting? I rather think that would ruin the continuity of the game he was paid to illustrate for. It's clear by his interviews that he does enjoy what he does.

This is irrelevant to the argument, I understand he has no reason to change, but he still puts no effort into his art, and you just agreed with me by saying he enjoys it.


Bait, fedora, edgy, opinions you don't accept, really scare you so much you have to hide from them.

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File: 367e8955477a633⋯.png (24.19 KB,1920x1080,16:9,your new desktop backgroun….png)


Not him, but you're right. The artist in question came out the pussy drawing like that and never had to struggle or change because he's always been exactly as good as he is now, anyone that says otherwise regarding their own experience is just making it up because you, an individual who is not them, say so.

Don't be silly.

Maybe you're just being overly fixated on semantics? Art is not "hard work" in the conventional sense sure but it is psychologically draining, especially with the feeling of uncertainty that your time or effort will bear you the super-specific fruit you may want (it probably will, if you're honest with yourself about your investment into it which so few are).

One of my mentors mentions being reduced to tears with boogers coming out and everything because he failed some of his first art jobs, but he went on to have an enduring, if pedestrian, career when all was said and done. When you look at a piece of art, you're just seeing the results, you're not seeing the tears, or the boogers or the carpal tunnel or the "God DAMMIT I did it again!", or the CTRL+Z that doubtlessly accompanied the bulk of any good artist's work on the journey to their present comfort zone.

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Hard work indeed doesn't exist: after all, "find a job you like and you'll never work a day in your life" :^(

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File: e3df5bae4593c28⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB,1500x1466,750:733,85FBC998-1F7B-407F-901A-2….jpeg)


I liked my job (sorta) until my boss turned it into a goddamn prison cell. Knowing he can click over on his phone and observe me and my performance on camera at any time is just all kinds of fucked up and makes me consider quitting just on principle.

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File: b8132b281d7c933⋯.png (252.97 KB,670x996,335:498,1482633514119.png)


>The artist in question came out the pussy drawing like that

He came out of womb and ending up having a great desire to draw women. Anytime he wanted his women to look nicer, he looked up a strategy guide, like anyone does, for any thing they like.

>Maybe you're just being overly fixated on semantics?

Arguments always gets confused because of semantics, when you have a whole lists of words that have many meanings, you can't do much about it. However that fact doesn't change that hard work doesn't exist. Your mentor example doesn't really hold any merit to the argument, his pain is coming from the despair of failing, rather than the "hard work" he does drawing.


The thing about jobs, is that it's like childbirth, or dragging people down to save yourself, you have no choice.

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>Good will hunting I know this strangers life

>Anecdotal philosophical opinions touted as truths

>Not accepting my opinion as reality = hiding from reality

>I thought really hard about it, knowing intensifies

>Using opinions as a nebulous argument goalpost, totally not a fallacy you just can't even my arguments

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Lets not pretend everyone wasn't being conceding against me with the assumption that their opinion that hard work exists is a fact. Though I might admit to spicing things up a little, I know this whole argument is a free will debate deep down, free will not being compatible with things like "hard work", we could all be right implying free will does exist or not.

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OP here, well this got derailed slightly!

Sorry I didn't post into a dedicated thread to begin with, clearly I lack foresight.


You're the real MPV. Good stuff in here that helps more than you may know. Appreciate you guys.

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if trash like that took 2 days, there's somethign wrong. a simple character in a generic pose with no perspective or dynamic or background requirements in a shitty anime style should only take a couple hours tops. even a comic book cover/splash page only takes about 5 hours for someone notoriously slow like Jim Lee, and thats while streaming and talking to viewers about it. That's from concept, thumbnails and erasing multiple times to start over when not happy with it and then inking it. Several characters and a background in 3 pt perspective takes longer from one of slowest artists in industry was done in a fraction of the time this piece of shit generic weeaboo shit took. The "artist" fucking sucks if your 2 day time frame is correct.

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Wow rude.

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