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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: bd2951bce5b6613⋯.png (15.76 KB,434x244,217:122,le second chance man.png)


If you could tell your younger self a couple of things to help learn art quickly and produce better quality, what would they be?

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>be shit when I started

>be shit now

>get a chance to talk to my younger self

>fuck, I don't have anything tell him to make better

I would just tell him to start sooner, and give him winning lottery numbers and the dates they happen.

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I'm possibly the oldest guy here and I think the most important thing that I'd generally recommend (besides not giving up etc.) is to not FUCKING move on from one subject to the next too quickly. I guarantee a lot of my stagnation stems from bailing prematurely when I felt either overly confident, overly challenged or simply bored instead of truly committing things to memory, and while I'm mostly referring to anatomy that really goes for any given kind of study that I've been doing or avoiding this entire time.

Even on days where I work from 9:30 am to 8pm and then hang out with my parents until 10 or so I could probably get a dozen decent studies of specific anatomical features like simple bones or muscles done. However what usually happens is I draw a dozen or more one day, think I have everything figured out and go on to do something else, or even do nothing at all for a few days straight. Then I come back to it to find out that I wasn't as smart as I thought I was when confronted with that same subject seen from outside the realm of an individual study which necessitates a lot of wasteful backtracking.

I estimate I could draw as much in the practical sense over the four years I've currently been drawing in a single year or less, and more effectively too. I am truly ashamed of how few even rudimentary, sketchy portraits I've done and the amount of 10 minute+ figure drawings etc. despite how important these things obviously are.

When I get a bit better I'm going to work on a lesson plan for essentially starting from scratch based both on what I'd learned from other artists and the mistakes I'd made so far and hopefully that will help others avoid the same pitfalls and accelerate their progress. In the meantime I'll have to think of what I'm going to do to proceed myself while keeping everything else in context.


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I'd slap my dumb fucking face, call me a fucktard and force myself to start working on line control and simplifying stuff down to basic forms.

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Never really felt like learning is difficult, my main issue has always been motivation.

I guess I'd tell me that unless I learn to work on stuff consistently even when I don't feel like it or even when I lose interest in art completely, I'll end up not accomplishing much. Then again I've tried many ways to fix myself over the years but it doesn't seem possible.

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draw more

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Break your drawings down into shapes and give them a sense of volume instead of flat bells and rectangles.

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Honestly I couldn't help that asshole. He specifically avoided taking art lessons/classes, since he thought they'd restrict what he was allowed to draw.

I mean, in some loose sense that's true. You're not going to just draw anything you want to, if you walk in to a class. Where he was mistaken was thinking that he couldn't just use those skills to better draw what he wanted to.

If I were to try and reach him anyway? Well

>start naming and pointing to parts of my body

>pull out my sketchbook, and start sketching some of the parts I just named

>sketch out some of the later character designs he'll come up with

>show the improvement he'd make, over time, because of his project

But more than that, I'd explain to him deciding to seriously study art was the best decision in his life, he's ever made, and show him how happy it makes him. And end it on something like

>Look, I was you, I get what you're going through at this point in our life

>but everything about this becomes such a positive force in your life, that if I'm starting to get you to reconsider your approach towards art, please, start studying tomorrow.

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These are pretty good.

I'd point myself toward a few art books too.

I spent a long time trying to draw with "How to draw manga" books

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I spent a long time trying to draw with "How to draw manga" books

Heh. How many times have people like Chris Heart lead kids astray with their crappy books?

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"Circles are your friend you edgelord"

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> If you could tell your younger self a couple of things to help learn art quickly and produce better quality, what would they be?

If you suck at something, break the thing into its components and practice those first before going back.

If your lines are shakey, don't draw boxes, draw lines until your lines are straight, then your boxes will be straight.

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Also, this guy is right, too.

(I'm also old.)

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I'd point a 10-gauge at his face, pull the trigger and erase myself from history.

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l*terally me

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Dont take that 5 yr break away from drawing in your mid 20s….

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Tell him to keep his laptop away from his mom so she doesn't break it (haha, whoops I broke it and I'm too poor to replace it and there was a head crash and it had all your stuff for 3D modeling on it, oh you were probably just using it for video games, if you had a job you could buy a new one.) and send him into a depression spiral for almost 10 years, unable to get a proper job and stuck without a computer good enough to render anything.

Like damn, I take care of all my stuff like they're my own children, high-end tech or not and literally every single thing of mine that's ever been broken was broken by someone else. That laptop going under fucked me up good.

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To not stop out of shame and keep going.

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"Everyone around you is a sheeple, understand that every things been planned to go against your very existence, and that your wild ideas are always the best answer." Not only for drawing per say, but building the creative mind that is required.

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If I'm 10. Don't be so hung up on not having a pen tablet. Straight lines in GIMP is bomb. (My pen tablet doesn't work on Linux.)

If I'm 16. Stop drawing portraits and busts and instead draw full bodies. Bonus points for dynamic angles. Stop agonizing about getting less than <50 views online meanwhile drawing better than most other faggots with 1k+ views. Just fuck every platform.

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>If I'm 16


No one will give a fuck about your fan art of a popular character either no matter how well rendered it is because the crowd you hang around with generally wants porn or pinups. So do more of your own shit.

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+And draw more men because drawing that many women is giving either the pretty boy face to men, or making them androgynous.

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What's wrong with that, homo?

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The moment when you try to draw a burly man, but end up drawing some angel faced hulk?

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>angel faced hulk

That sounds kind of endearing actually, you could probably make a pretty popular character with such a concept; it was enough to make me laugh just reading it. If I ever steal that idea I'm going to come back here and give you the credit (and maybe even money) you deserve.

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Break things down into simple geometric shapes and learn some fucking gesture.

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Break your drawings into shapes instead of melding them together into pieces.

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Break your drawings

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Life would be much better with that constantly being screamed in my head

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The trick is to never do anything

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Focus more on practicing fundamentals than doing free drawings for some /tg/ cunt who will never commission you

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>>10757 here,

Try and not regret the times that you drew for free too much, we've all done it. Doing random stuff-even if it's thankless work for some anonymous jackass-has an intrinsic value that stuffy fundamentals drills simply don't.

I often complain about how I worked hard on an ill-fated "game" for my cousin and his friends who could have easily afforded to pay me just a little bit for my services but I learned quite a lot over that period simply because of the placebo affect of knowing that my work counted for something to somebody else.


Man I used to live on that board for at least a couple years after Dawn of War came out. We had the best and funnest drawfags around.

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Seconding, there's something about drawing for free on an imageboard for someone to appreciate it or not that's not quite found anywhere else from my experience.

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File: 08c4a08056e7abe⋯.gif (835.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,freightmaster-attack.gif)



One thing I liked about the /tg/ drawfags was they weren't drawing at anybody else's direction like so many of us have been persuaded into doing, not ever that I remember seeing anyway. They would more often than not draw something they thought was a cool/cute idea themselves and submit it for the board's well-earned appreciation, and their drawings often became a part of the board's greater cultural zeitgeist.

I feel that specific requests are definitely something to be avoided most of the time. In my case when I was working on my cousin's game I was given mostly free reign so for the most part it was better than honoring a specific, flippant "request", but the only problem was I was still taking part in a dubious transaction wherein several people that were making several times my salary at their day jobs were relying on me to produce work without an understanding of what-if anything-they themselves were doing for free.

Still, in a variety of ways it was valuable experience and it's something you just won't get by drawing anatomical diagrams all day. You have to make personal work regularly and if you don't you're going to struggle to do so just like I do to this day.

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That mentality was killed off those threads years ago. Now it's gib free commission and meme force attempts.

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I concurr, I've rarely had fun drawing specific requests.

I've often preferred shitposting by drawing, such as drawing instead of greentexting, illustrating a misspelling, drawing lewds of some obscure alluring character (particularly fun on /co/ and /v/), etc.

Some requests are definitely more fun to work on. I'm thinking about the ones that indeed give you freer reign.

Was that Freightmaster part of the work you've done for your cousin?

It's pretty neat, I'd think something fun to do with it could be to add some screen shake that follow the movements, especially at the last attack that looks pretty strong.

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>Was that Freightmaster part of the work you've done for your cousin?

Yeah that animation was done years ago, pretty much when I first started drawing after a post-highschool decade of playing Counter-Strike 8 hours a day after getting home from my two jobs. Naturally it's pretty bad but I still have a soft spot for it, along with a lot of the other stuff I did at the time.

As unsavory as the arrangement might have ultimately been in hindsight I'd never drawn more "personal work" before or since.

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I remember those last 4.

That's some good improvement on the first one, there's a really nice sense of form.

>As unsavory as the arrangement might have ultimately been in hindsight I'd never drawn more "personal work" before or since.

It's never too late to go back to personal work. I recently found a nice little thing I could work on and off on completely at random after having sat on my ass for years telling myself I should "make a project already".

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I'd sit down with him for an hour or two on learning to break things down into shapes, applying gesture and line of action to them, shape language and proportions and maybe even perspective. Motor control is always a gigantic must, which is why i'm gonna spend a significant amount of time forcing him to draw straight and curved lines alike.

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I spent a lot of time on motor control and it is useful but I've also been drawing for years and don't have a clue about color and a lot of other subjects. Gotta try and be versatile.

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I've endlessly pored over time-travel fantasies to teach my 5/15 year old self everything I know to a fault, from drawabox-tier simplistic babby lessons to color theory, proper shading, anatomy, gesture, and even fucking mindset. It's became a sickening obsession and I just want to let go already. There's no way I can correct what happened in the past.

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>I've endlessly pored over time-travel fantasies to teach my 5/15 year old self everything I know to a fault

Me too, I think larping like that is part of the subconscious aspirations of fatherhood when you're not among the top 5% of males and are thus all but completely denied the opportunity to win a gf for yourself who isn't a mentally deranged anti-natalist SJW hambeast.

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Have you considered getting into teaching?

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