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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

There's always room for one more person in the circlejerk

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File: 424c249f027b266⋯.gif (1.08 MB,400x224,25:14,flailsneeze tumblr_nycgbiO….gif)

 No.413009 [View All]

One one zero one. Hmm. That'd be thirteen.

309 posts and 279 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 7a42192070d1197⋯.jpg (107.6 KB,422x810,211:405,3427748.jpg)

File: 5497c254100a045⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,600x800,3:4,3428628.jpg)

File: 7f3bbafcfbae31c⋯.jpg (945.56 KB,2480x3507,2480:3507,3434753.jpg)


Obligatory school uniforms. Yummy.

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File: c3783ccf6dcb0bf⋯.jpg (639.71 KB,831x1200,277:400,1502851930629.jpg)

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File: 4d7a21a7b14ef91⋯.jpg (211.23 KB,989x1430,989:1430,1505597427284-d.jpg)

File: f6ecade8daf6773⋯.jpg (162.25 KB,850x1133,850:1133,1505603652114-d.jpg)

File: 928f9eeb3dec179⋯.jpg (431.5 KB,1240x1753,1240:1753,1505652562098-d.jpg)

File: 4a38aede9da3e75⋯.jpg (142.78 KB,1600x1200,4:3,1505671722620-d.jpg)

File: e11badda22e853e⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x1724,300:431,1505787077852-d.png)


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File: 69b7542342b8cee⋯.png (547.16 KB,900x1200,3:4,1505737314334-d.png)

Last one without searching a lot.

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File: 5a8dcab6db4474c⋯.jpg (249.12 KB,679x1024,679:1024,3444446.jpg)

File: 7a4f3ca58203da1⋯.jpg (204.3 KB,849x1200,283:400,3444860.jpg)


Not bad. Artwork is slightly on the weaker side but not too bad!

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I like all qualities of art, they all have their place, and it reminds me of John k Pete's stuff like monsetsu.

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File: 64270e0050f5b23⋯.jpg (365.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,3459560.jpg)


Ahhh, I see I see.

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File: affc360a1f0b72a⋯.png (832.82 KB,1280x1805,256:361,1503872998112-d.png)

Drinking a cold milk tea with captain morgan.

First fucked up hentai manga I ever read was camp heaven, and that style and stuff like that stuck with me.

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Sounds nice ^.^

Porn nostalgia, eh… I only have some oldish 3D porn I like to watch and fap to occasionally. Like 5-8 minute long German vids.

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File: eba278a2e08c509⋯.png (465.41 KB,1024x1128,128:141,1503873200543-d.png)


I don't think I have any porn from the past saved, I just look it up online again.

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Heh, well I didn't have the internets back then so it's not like… well maybe I could find it somewhere but who knows.

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File: fbfe0afe6b801b3⋯.jpg (228.08 KB,1813x2048,1813:2048,fbfe0afe6b801b30730fd37bef….jpg)


Sometimes it takes a bit for me to find stuff based on memory.

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There you go.

Good night Grids.

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File: 43e3c339daa8c17⋯.png (751.61 KB,680x850,4:5,lucy_loud_by_ta_na-db52jtp.png)


Night rumor, hope you have a great nights sleep.

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Why did it die?

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File: 9ee022c86430b49⋯.jpg (146.22 KB,839x1200,839:1200,9ee022c86430b496239498982c….jpg)


has to die eventually

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File: 61e8ac4d06de970⋯.jpg (284.95 KB,1275x1650,17:22,1503290197008-d.jpg)

File: ce32766d78de71e⋯.jpg (318.68 KB,1275x1650,17:22,1503290239555-d.jpg)


But I am still here and still alive.

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File: d79cbd4d980a765⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,700x1000,7:10,1505279513293.jpg)


hard to conversate with one person only here

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File: d95cad313e3f6a2⋯.png (1.06 MB,980x1500,49:75,1505852386069-d.png)

Me and rumor do it all the time, then he goes to bed and the thread dies.

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File: 55e98b28de844de⋯.jpg (359.63 KB,850x1202,425:601,1505482963365.jpg)


gotta be creaive i guess

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File: 42ae4aa84a504fc⋯.jpg (610.17 KB,1200x675,16:9,1505840990048-d.jpg)


Creative for conversations?

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File: ff8d6b6e090d9c1⋯.jpg (732.58 KB,1500x2226,250:371,1505480920259.jpg)


ehh i meant if you were alone here

anyways whas up with you?

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File: 8359bff60f6fec8⋯.jpg (607.05 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838279680-d.jpg)

File: d4778169d6595b9⋯.jpg (706.08 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838313558-d.jpg)

File: 4c1b832dc598559⋯.jpg (811.01 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838356705-d.jpg)

File: 4d487f12503bc65⋯.jpg (710.73 KB,828x1200,69:100,1505838390313-d.jpg)


Oh, you meant a single person conversation, I'll try next time I'm alone.

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File: b6e459ee4c0e97c⋯.jpg (99.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,1503898783358.jpg)


ye so whats up pal?

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File: 85fef36639a4ff7⋯.jpg (191.26 KB,850x1020,5:6,1505830518012-d.jpg)


Just drinking a little bit, watching catfish, it's my secret pleasure.

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File: 0ac216a28001c58⋯.jpeg (2.52 MB,4549x3200,4549:3200,0ac216a28001c581c096383de….jpeg)


sounds like fun then dood

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File: 41b93e515ea78c8⋯.gif (1.9 MB,500x280,25:14,1505772896496-d.gif)


Yeah, it's not bad.

Whatchu up to?

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File: 57da732fe606edb⋯.jpg (235.42 KB,880x660,4:3,1503616660673.jpg)


playing overwatch and chatting with you not much but alright

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File: e57bba3c5615f9f⋯.png (843.33 KB,1200x1600,3:4,1505756822382-d.png)


Oh, how active is overwatch now, has it slowed down at all, I might pick it up in about 6 months when I can put together a gud desktop.

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File: c98b1912f17e562⋯.jpg (195.71 KB,850x1209,850:1209,1501438676959.jpg)


alive and growing as always deffo worth gettin it dood

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File: 2bf8454e240758b⋯.gif (2.65 MB,540x304,135:76,1505754936578-d.gif)


If you say so, I was interested before it came out, but I didn't have reliable internet, and now I want to wait until I have something better than my surface book, it will run it, but I want max quality.

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File: 28c67df9ef1643c⋯.jpg (138.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,1501646251244.jpg)


fun to play deffo worth it

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Coolcool, I'll definitely get it, do you pc?

We could play together once I get it.

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File: e536b6cf94ab739⋯.jpg (118.52 KB,600x450,4:3,1504837951050.jpg)


just remind me then :b

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Will do, who are you?

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File: c429a6d793e3784⋯.jpg (60.8 KB,637x895,637:895,1505479563543.jpg)


im a dude in lewd

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What about steam, you got one?

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File: f5baf6daa96a858⋯.png (752.33 KB,777x1370,777:1370,1503519777485.png)


ye post yours

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File: b6c5eb70dd0133d⋯.png (1.76 MB,992x1403,992:1403,1505771327743-d.png)

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File: 4bcabd6c86dc8e3⋯.jpg (128.49 KB,960x960,1:1,1501168814398.jpg)


noice ill add ya

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Shower time, I'll be back for a bit before bed.

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kk added ya btw see ya later

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File: 778c82e28ae35a5⋯.jpg (42.56 KB,653x500,653:500,1505748449901-d.jpg)

I'm back, it was a nice shower, I scrubbed really good, with extra hot water to try to get the poison oak oils out of my pours.

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File: 4051625fc0bed6a⋯.png (1.79 MB,625x1000,5:8,1504422026792.png)

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File: cd5b17500beca2b⋯.jpg (159.79 KB,920x518,460:259,1505949141212-k.jpg)


I also put some calamine lotion on the spot with rash, poison oak sucks. And I don't even get it that bad.

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File: be42655e88799a5⋯.png (1.09 MB,1800x1848,75:77,1505251195702.png)


sounds pretty comfortable

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File: 76285bd0a3f8f33⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,700x900,7:9,1503831176329-d.jpg)


A latex catsuit with anti itch powder might be nice.

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File: 9843ae370316bab⋯.jpg (126.26 KB,767x773,767:773,1505704264592.jpg)


one can always dream for such bliss

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I'm going to sleep now,

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