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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

There's always room for one more person in the circlejerk

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File: 871a6ed2419b304⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,793x793,1:1,37b2aaa3355c598f908ca94288….jpg)

 No.410370 [Last50 Posts]

just cause bit is being lazy ill make the new thread ~

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File: e918b8cd7803931⋯.jpg (40.3 KB,300x281,300:281,703.jpg)


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File: 6ac19a998a69396⋯.jpg (15.3 KB,311x267,311:267,alicemonmusu20140620.jpg)


Oh. I keep forgetting I still gotta beat GR1. Horizon was fun as fug. It got NG now so I might play that again someday. People till play on ps4?


Sorry ;-;

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File: 404b563842b9d3d⋯.png (299.28 KB,482x610,241:305,1501810069781.png)


praise me for a job well done!

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File: dc5a559715b0937⋯.jpg (46.07 KB,300x426,50:71,676.jpg)


Yes yes, I am in luck. No hospital bills for me.

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i still need to get GR2

i'm waiting for horizon's DLC to come out so that i can replay it

i think, idk

i'm waiting on good internet

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File: 3db9cace2bf24f4⋯.png (971.23 KB,853x1200,853:1200,C_tpObwVYAEgT1g.png)


Good job!


Implying I would of let you go to one



If it was on pc it would be $30 by now! Oh didn't know you played it.Do you know when the dlc is coming?

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File: 5f7d1eb0d776ff3⋯.png (139.21 KB,392x292,98:73,5f7d1eb0d776ff32e53cb98b04….png)

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File: 5a84ef9888b3d64⋯.png (167.11 KB,476x465,476:465,1493675122578.png)


Must be in a good mood

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probably looking in the wrong places desu

physical is like 40$ everywhere as far as i know

digital is always overpriced, except during sales

i think october or november? i forget.

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File: 8eb2c0d617a2d3a⋯.jpg (135.38 KB,743x1080,743:1080,1453938595076.jpg)


good mood bit is best bit

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File: 94d42453d236b6f⋯.png (2.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,20170805205049264.png)


Well things must of changed recently. By the time I finish the 1st it will probably be $30 lol. Sadly it wasn't on sale during the latest ones, Sony sucks at those! Physical is the best too! Oh that isn't bad hope its good and maybe with no robos


I meant you!

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File: 580fdd4b8c48fb9⋯.gif (859.66 KB,600x338,300:169,1478688619282.gif)


such a nice sweet bit!

gotta get that cranky mask off sometimes !

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File: 48367af68dee8e4⋯.jpg (42.9 KB,300x383,300:383,375.jpg)


I'm sure we could find a reason for such a thing.

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File: cdbefa9312856ba⋯.jpg (154.9 KB,610x863,610:863,tumblr_ngugvtSDoF1ric7swo1….jpg)


After I get a bf or gf, until then the mask is glued!


Your wounds will heal on its on

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File: b58c654e80ee443⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,300x169,300:169,20 (2).jpg)


But will they really?

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File: 7f3917b6fecbe84⋯.gif (2.2 MB,415x470,83:94,uno.gif)


*own. Also yes. If not then uh I might be able to dump your body near a hospital

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not sure, i just remember checking amazon a few weeks ago and seeing it for 40$

physical prices drop pretty quick, which is nice

the last major sale was pretty nice, though! got battlefield 1 for 23$, and could've gotten titanfall 2 for 20

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>pretty sure i've cleared like 80% of the third dungeon in a day


i'm gonna have to leave it open just to be able to grind money

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File: 502ba5ff3ae8ab5⋯.gif (331.99 KB,400x300,4:3,1496943270209.gif)


Oh I see them now, good good. Hope it stays that way. Quick is 7 months?! Nuh uh! TF2 has a pretty nice story. I guess I was mainly looking for exclusives that were on sale

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that's pretty quick, desu

digital games lose price even slower

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Kinda defeats the purpose of anonymous image board, doesn't it?


>DO NOT hit on or be sexual with the minors on my board.

As an 18+ board where you can post unspoilered lewds, shouldn't minors be banned on sight?

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File: 0355601004c3278⋯.gif (214.11 KB,500x281,500:281,tumblr_nqefwtnKNf1qa94xto2….gif)


Im new to the console stuff again, last thing I played before getting my pc was the 360 and ps3. I would of gotten GR1 physical but the prices ;-;

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>come to a new board

>first thing you do is complain about its culture


>got GR1 physical when it was 30$

weep …..

i want to get a ps3 but i never quite get around to it

there's a lot of exclusives and i have a massive library of PS+ games

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File: 7a52d74d2ec753d⋯.jpg (475.03 KB,760x1200,19:30,Red Zora.jpg)


So you admit it defeats the purpose then?

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File: b6ca06c549897b6⋯.jpg (82.82 KB,500x523,500:523,97fc0ef19f0515dadd4d8c4e2f….jpg)


i mean, geez, you could at least wait one or two posts before making me lose all interest in talking to you

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File: b5a459520f73d75⋯.png (220.8 KB,319x649,29:59,I'm fine.png)


No, I'm impatient.

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File: 010ec53927c8de2⋯.gif (2.62 MB,460x270,46:27,2.gif)


Lucky ;-;. Still got mine but its hanging out upstairs. I'll just use the ps3 emulator when then comes. I might get plus someday when I start using my ps4 more, hopefully games dont get delayed

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idk, i don't have a laptop that can play anything, and ps3s are pretty cheap

PS+ is pretty decent sometimes! like i got killing floor 2 a while ago, and now it's just causse 3

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File: 9cf505bdbf632c4⋯.webm (76.76 KB,640x360,16:9,new target.webm)

Hello lewdies.


Woah, new person? Did you stick around, mr. Namefag sir?

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File: e4f2464b9295cf8⋯.jpg (258 KB,553x618,553:618,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)

Good morning. Surprised theres people here.


Hi rumor

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File: d90878d7ad87776⋯.webm (67.15 KB,112x116,28:29,Eliphas - impossile.webm)


Hello Chainaboy. Well, it's just past noon where I'm at, so there. What time is it yonder? Half past seven, or even half past six? How'd you sleep?

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File: 934d6642d6ad9df⋯.png (1.24 MB,1494x1476,83:82,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….png)


Its 4:30am here. I slept ok. Got like 4 or 5 hours.

What are you doing today?

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File: 49d39fe34b84d43⋯.webm (87.53 KB,640x360,16:9,speak up 01.webm)


Woah. That is kinda hardcore. Yeah I got almost 6 myself.

I don't know. Might attempt to visit grandma the second time. What about you?

How's your back feeling?

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File: 800208d3e4adcf7⋯.jpg (859.78 KB,1424x1900,356:475,1432447486502.jpg)


I always sleep like that. I used to have bad insomnia and would get like 2 or 3 a night so this is nice.

Good luck!

Its ok but I just woke up so we'll see how it goes today.

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Yeah, I vaguely remember you saying that you can't sleep for full 7 or 8 hours. I think. And it is enough, you don't feel sleepy or tired?

Thanks! I feel very lazy about it to be honest. M-might leave it for some other day.

Fingers crossed! I'll have my imaginary massaging oil on standby just in case.

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File: 7b654b455e07010⋯.jpg (22.57 KB,425x572,425:572,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I'm tired all the time.

Yeah I mean she might not be in today either so you shouldn't even feel guilty!

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Oh, rip ;~; Do you drink coffee, say? Or black tea.

W-well, she almost definitely will. So I do a little bit! I hate doing things ot of guilt though.

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File: 50bc1371345f993⋯.webm (4.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,coffee cowfee 50bc1371345….webm)

>tfw this didn't want to post

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…but it did now! Whyyyy…

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File: 9e4c908dc8b9c15⋯.jpg (591.03 KB,1255x1324,1255:1324,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I drink a lot of soda and tea to stay awake. Not good for my heart!

Shhhh lie to yourself

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File: bac3af68a7027ee⋯.webm (4.02 MB,640x360,16:9,Spec Ops - The Line - Tru….webm)


But oda is bad for you! Clutters your stomach and is super bad for your teeth! Oh does it do bad stuff to your heart too? o: See, just one more on top of already numerous reasons to give it up!

I don't know if I can. Got any compelling lie?

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*soda, obviously

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File: 879299acbe7da29⋯.jpg (171.36 KB,550x778,275:389,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Its the only way I can function though.

Ummmmm you are feeling a little sick!

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File: 5435bf442325955⋯.jpg (37.23 KB,300x246,50:41,835.jpg)


Caffeine and lots of sugar = bad for your heart.

Not that caffeine is outright bad, but of course accumulating a lot is no good. Then combine that with lots of sugar!

But time for death.Sleep.

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Just the soda! You can pick up more teas to stay awake and function, and just plain water to stay hydrated. What sorts of teas do you drink?

W-wait, don't make me believe that! Then I'll be sick and…. oh, my stomach feels bloated. And ow, my foot!


Makes sense.

Good night Motley, you bad boy.

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File: cb2727515a2b13e⋯.jpg (155.43 KB,800x912,50:57,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Maybe. Soda is tasty though.

Mostly cheap black teas high in caffeine.

There you go! Thats the spirit!

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File: 4b9b167bc87886e⋯.webm (4.68 MB,320x180,16:9,Erman Erim - Hypnagogia (….webm)


It is, at least cold, but hell, not worth it!

Hmmm, I see I see. Bagged teas yeah?

But I dun wanna hurt!

Woah, pantsu, indecent.

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File: 17cbfa990af6f2d⋯.jpg (227.42 KB,800x1111,800:1111,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Yeah lipton I guess. Or off brand.

Are you the one I talked about my sorta boyfriend with?

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We have those here too. Aha, that must be one of the few instances outside of some super popular brands of products.

I think that would be me, mhmm. About how you should figure out how feels about stuff, whether flirting with Kyoko would be nasty cheating, and you said you are both straight so… Any developments in that?

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File: eddedd9150727e0⋯.jpg (417.6 KB,758x775,758:775,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Yeah we lewded for the first time the other day and hes being extra flirty now

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Woah, nice. Makes sense he would be.

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Er, I mean, gay!

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File: 6489fc45ce944c3⋯.jpg (194.03 KB,480x640,3:4,1432495487859.jpg)

Going to go to work now. See you rumor!

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Dang, blueballed! Alrighty, have fun. Hope to see you later.

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File: d11b4c1c2adca62⋯.jpg (25.64 KB,235x251,235:251,IMG_20170712_054930.jpg)


Why can't they bring Dragon's crown to ps4 ;~;

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Well I realized a moment ago that unless you have the short shift, we won't really get to talk, Chaina. That might mean you won't even read this, unless you check posts from when you left onward. Probably not. Feels strange talking to myself.

Somebody post, damnit.

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File: 2c9de563cafb490⋯.jpg (820.94 KB,1200x900,4:3,1462981096929.jpg)


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File: 02416f7dd776bb7⋯.webm (4.36 MB,320x240,4:3,Black Mountain - Stormy H….webm)


There you go! Hello boobman! How have you been today?

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File: 3c8bcb5e91e178a⋯.jpg (79.32 KB,600x791,600:791,3c8bcb5e91e178aeda9fc92949….jpg)


been alright taking it easy and stuff


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File: 3535b260af3e866⋯.png (414.44 KB,800x1119,800:1119,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….png)


I actually did have a short shift today.

What did you do without me rumor?



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I feel ugh :(

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Mhmm, pretty comfy myself. Visitted grandma, walked the dog, now sitting here shitpostin'. I think I'll go get me some tea.


Wooo! Comfy. So, how does it work, do you get a few long and a few short shifts every week? In a regular fashion?

Struggled! I did visit grandma after all. It was kinda nice, so I'm glad I didn't convince myself that I felt sick. Not to mention I would be feeling sick now!

How has the work been?

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File: d72d1944a0efcca⋯.jpg (118.05 KB,531x700,531:700,1500111072861.jpg)

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File: 1910769c3d8af3d⋯.jpg (335.53 KB,826x877,826:877,1501794632763.jpg)


nice sounds like a nice time

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File: 5ab221be0dc7a4d⋯.png (563.42 KB,1280x720,16:9,1426098500056.png)




No usually I work 10 hours but we were over staffed today so my boss sent me home early.

Thats nice. Did you eat cookies there?

And shit as usual.


Say more things

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File: 6a50f2ef456b56d⋯.jpg (911.46 KB,2034x2148,339:358,1499758350338.jpg)

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idk. I'm lonely and depressed :/

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File: 075593f05f79c84⋯.jpg (206.42 KB,540x800,27:40,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


That I'm amazing and the best and stuff like that.

Also what you did today


Well just stop that

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File: a9b31e37ed0947f⋯.jpg (79.59 KB,850x1016,425:508,3PiDKM1.jpg)




Mhmm, was nice enough! Yuss yuss.


Rats. So unless there's extra people, you work 50 hours a week?

Hmm. I ate two open sandwiches (or uh, whatever those are called… when you don't have two slices of bread, only one). And a blueberry cakething.

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File: 3c1db2d40230500⋯.png (242.63 KB,415x1000,83:200,1501254811291.png)


browse the internet and thats it



good good nice image too!

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File: f62038f3ae3915e⋯.jpg (62.69 KB,850x725,34:29,1462145862593.jpg)


Yeah. At least I'm making money I guess.

Yeah open faced sandwiches. Close!

Sounds yummy. Hungry myself but don't know what to eat.


Woke up early this morning, didn't do much then, went to work, now I'm here.

What websites do you use?

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But if I kill myself, Pandora would be sad :(


Hello nice person

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File: 614436d9bbbb10b⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,640x728,80:91,1499877814231.jpg)


sounds like a blast

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File: 9f187d78a5cdef3⋯.png (426.22 KB,1445x1075,289:215,1432579763276.png)


Well then take him out with you



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File: 65bdbff4942117d⋯.jpg (75.1 KB,698x960,349:480,65bdbff4942117d883b28ae8e5….jpg)


Mhm! 's from my fit folder.


Damn, but 50 hours a week u_u Poor soul. On the other hand you are going to quit so, maybe that's good.

Pretty close, y-yay!

What option have you got? Could always go for the ultimate weeb food and make ramen.


Jeez x: You doin' better? There's people to talk to, don't feel alone!

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File: c83e27405648a10⋯.jpg (212.89 KB,850x1159,850:1159,1499620289669.jpg)


dont really browse a certain website regularly do go to /d/ and /c/ on 4chan most days

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Pandora is a girl and I don't want her to die :(


I need someone to cuddle and kiss :(

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File: 74d37fb718a35ae⋯.jpg (466.31 KB,957x1500,319:500,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I had ramen for dinner yesterday though!


>browsing 4chan in current year


No he isn't.

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File: 7dbf37205b25878⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,564x663,188:221,1499894795579.jpg)


not like any other place is less of a shithole than 4chan is

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File: 43a0f05db3fa63b⋯.jpg (196.76 KB,818x1157,818:1157,43a0f05db3fa63b7b8d0047f1b….jpg)


I suppose Miri is sleeping?


Rats! What a pickle. So tell me what your options are! And stop drinking that soda you baka!

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File: 1274e70df768742⋯.jpg (46.86 KB,609x701,609:701,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Thats why I don't browse the internet at all.


Ummmmmm mac and cheese, chicken sandwiches but I ate that for breakfast, ummmm I don't know!

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File: b4d4f0591906efb⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,682x1200,341:600,1500243960575.jpg)


ehh i aint doing anything better so i feel might as well not do so

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Don't be mean to her :(


Yeah :/

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File: 40a4898bc560edb⋯.jpg (83.1 KB,640x800,4:5,1209442_1652481178348830_9….jpg)


Go do a little fridge and pantry reconnaissance then!

What about veggies?

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File: 80345c9bdd4e76d⋯.jpg (43.58 KB,350x450,7:9,1499993915185.jpg)


>didnt see your resposne


post more from said folder

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File: a9d372e7aef67fc⋯.jpg (143.03 KB,700x806,350:403,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


What else do you like?


Too late


Veggies are gross!

I have canned foods, some tv dinners, cereal.

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File: 717a3ccdd07ed0b⋯.gif (499.23 KB,300x250,6:5,1424550401378.gif)

>tfw in the university city now

>bus stop is a five minute walk away and grocery store is even closer

Plus since I'm sharing an apartment with someone who doesn't drink, I'll kinda have to cut down even more! Which is good and/or sucks, I suppose!

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File: 9c6554a719db656⋯.jpg (78.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,1432521561784.jpg)


Hi skandi, its been a while

Who are you living with?

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File: c08610f056a98a4⋯.jpg (417.25 KB,676x1000,169:250,1499906285678.jpg)


video games i suppose

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File: 69ad73c1d90789c⋯.jpg (91.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,69ad73c1d90789c68c94174044….jpg)


I wish I had video games to play ; ;

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File: 067913997e1dbd4⋯.jpg (128.73 KB,850x1063,850:1063,067913997e1dbd43f6baf00f61….jpg)

File: dd3832668f32b50⋯.jpg (142.55 KB,1600x1280,5:4,cuddle 1467257948851.jpg)


Gotta settle with us strangers then o:

Here, have a melancholic huggle.


Hue. I am!~


You have to learn to live with them though! Have any pickles or carrot or bell pepeprs at least? Just something to supplant your tv dinner with.


Hello, sounds comfy!


Wew, neat pic o:

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File: 1d133b1c1b2ea6c⋯.png (2.44 MB,1200x1500,4:5,1498385222922.png)


rip you


nice keep em coming!

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File: b4f0c94798a008a⋯.jpg (452.74 KB,800x800,1:1,sk1426890959967.jpg)


Just a friend! I'd obviously have preferred it to have been master, but he's still stuck in the US!


It is, at the moment! We'll see how it goes! Plus I'll be dragged along on hikes and stuff, so my legs will hopefully go from Good+ to Great

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File: 1262a1b7bc849f5⋯.png (486.84 KB,621x741,207:247,1431558618226-1.png)


Tv dinners come with mashed potatoes! Thats a vege!


Suggest something!

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File: 6ca766d87aefbef⋯.jpg (83.16 KB,595x842,595:842,1500145065349 (2).jpg)


in games?

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File: 7bf3ac80ada09a7⋯.png (666.97 KB,821x1280,821:1280,r7s3v5j951wx.png)


Is he a fag? Are you worried you will cheat on your boyfriend?

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File: 781228b20203f60⋯.png (608.4 KB,700x806,350:403,ClipboardImage.png)


bully :(

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You are sweet~

Can you come over and visit me?

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Coming they will be kept!


>Good+ to Great

Ho ho, nice ^.^ Cutting down on drinking is going to be okay for you, I think, mm?


Nope! Doesn't count. Just like ketchup. Fresh veggies and fruits is where it's at, go git some you fake hetero weeb!

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I am just being polite, silly girl!

I don't think that'd be a good idea. I am awkward and besides I won't really be able to take a day off. And on top of that a friend of mine would be mad that I went to Germany without paying him a visit!

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File: 67e805f3ca0bcdf⋯.jpg (65.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,1432488467593.jpg)


Only people who deserve it


Are you telling me that french fries and ketchup doesn't count as two servings of veges?

And I don't want to spend any money.

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File: 8c6c8726eaf4c80⋯.png (308.49 KB,847x1200,847:1200,1500920176880.png)

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File: 41c3bd5d4c94825⋯.jpg (45.33 KB,333x333,1:1,sk1426890959415.jpg)


I was extremely confused for a second, since obviously master is a fag, but the cause of the confusion is that I'm sharing the apartment with a she! No chance at all that I'll cheat.


Hopefully, at least! Or I'll fall down a mountain and die!

Well sure, getting drunk every Friday and Saturday still isn't good, just 'cause it's better than doing it like five or six days a week.

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That's right!

Oh, I kinda hoped you had some at home. Fruits maybe?

Hey. Hey hey. If you don't have vidya, we could play gamebooks some day! Though someone would have to turn the dice on. Odd, I am pretty sure Magi turned them on back when, but now they're gone!

Idk if that's something you'd enjoy but it's worth asking.


W-woah, don't be so pessimistic!

Indeed. Reducing it down to zero to one drunk time and one tipsy time would mean you'd still have enough fun times, methinks, and much closer to healthy!

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I'm awkward too so I don't mind~

Can't you have some holidays? If your friend is nice he can come too. I'm alone for 10 days :(


She only deserves lots of love

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I like that hair

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File: 2d5ecfdca9f551a⋯.jpg (24.17 KB,400x489,400:489,__mirakurun_and_yoshikawa_….jpg)


Ew gross, its going to smell like vag all the time


Whats gamebooks?



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File: ddaa9ff01ca7eeb⋯.jpg (559.78 KB,800x800,1:1,1499518301363.jpg)


cute yes

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File: 8789ac8ae95f77f⋯.png (234.13 KB,600x424,75:53,sk1426890959513.png)


I-it was a joke! It's a crazy mountainous area!

I prooobably won't get properly drunk very often at all, tbh, unless she's gone for whatever reason. It's a small apartment, and it's awkward to be actually drunk around sober people!


Uh, it hasn't been a problem as of yet!

And weren't you supposedly straight?

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idgi :/

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File: 2713fb02e473805⋯.jpg (54.71 KB,1051x972,1051:972,1467752336005.jpg)


Straight boys can have boyfriends damn it!



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File: b753b07b6135171⋯.jpg (909.08 KB,1920x1492,480:373,1332804776452.jpg)

File: 3268e562ce43862⋯.jpg (571.71 KB,755x1157,755:1157,000-01 Shamuntanti Hill Co….jpg)

File: 50d98e677887654⋯.jpg (575.58 KB,1412x1150,706:575,013.jpg)


Yes, indeed!


Not really :-/ Two other people are having them for the next two weeks.


It's like choose your own adventure type of thing. Except they are books.


Oh. Was hard to tell!

Woah, well there you go. Well if you guys don't sleep and have PCs in the same room…

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I'm so lonely :(

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File: 8a37703fe2fa0a4⋯.jpg (149.91 KB,700x859,700:859,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Ohhh those. Haven't seen those since I was a kid.

Mom brought home food so I'm good after all!

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File: 3676e0f843df3f2⋯.png (241.27 KB,460x460,1:1,sk1426890959587.png)


Straight boy who hates vaginas and has a boyfriend?


I mean, I could potentially fall off a mountain, but I didn't mean it seriously!

I sleep in the living room! And it's a tiiiny place, so there is no actual door between the bedroom and the living room, it's just like behind a corner with a wall. Uhm. A sleep alcove!

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File: 711048aa1e0b39a⋯.gif (222.15 KB,480x270,16:9,blinking.gif)


Vaginas are disgusting. But I'd still fuck them.

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hugg gloomy

just filter chaina, he's not worth talking to desu

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File: c5fc026de73b2a2⋯.jpg (831.05 KB,1000x1459,1000:1459,1335992713913.jpg)


R-rip :-/


Yeah. I haven't played them in ages, but I have "hosted" this one for people in the past year. And last week I bought three new ones! In Czech unfortunately so I cannot scan them. Though I would want to beat them before hosting them anyways.

Yay, you are saved from the tedious work of making yourself dinner! Whatchu going to have?


>Straight boy who hates vaginas

This much makes sense tbh.

Now you're just confusing me more!

Woah, I see. I guess that would make it pretty hard to get shitfaced.

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File: f8768f8279bfc09⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,300x300,1:1,img/works/7/6213/0cdb1fecb….jpg)


good girl~


morning, rumor

how you doing?

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File: 9cb0cf9f8bbbb9e⋯.png (312.28 KB,600x785,120:157,__funami_yui_and_yoshikawa….png)


That'd be really fun! You should do that again some time.

Chicken sandiwiches!

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File: 8874415c8065dae⋯.jpg (87.8 KB,587x972,587:972,c7cc5d7846bfc2cd20afcc267c….jpg)


Evening Miri. I am well, thank you. And you?


Yay, I'd love to! ^.^ I need to ask Bit to enable dice rolling.

Sounds nice enough! Be sure to skip the soda though >.< Not that I really have any right to tell you what to eat and drink and do nad stuff but I'm still kinda serious in that request.

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File: 14481679d5d9198⋯.jpg (90.04 KB,750x750,1:1,sk1426890959879.jpg)


… Well, I mean, I guess I agree, but I just call myself "bi" instead.


Well sorta, but to be a straight male you've gotta at least like them a bit.

I'm saying it's hypothetically possible, but I won't try to do it!

Very! Though drinking a bit is still completely possible.

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File: 225befa6c96cddd⋯.gif (309.06 KB,460x351,460:351,1432360325459.gif)


>Oh no someone won't give in to my delusions better bury my head in the sand!


Well I'm on the tea right now so

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File: a168d48fd67faf4⋯.png (724.14 KB,723x1104,241:368,e9ae5e63e40a4834976f4349a3….png)


i just got up, probably going to play more persona 5

what are you up to?


hey scanty

how've you been?

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File: f2d9dbe71287632⋯.jpg (259.88 KB,595x811,595:811,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Yeah well I'm straight so.

What are you doing today skandi?

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File: 63b41c4319a67c1⋯.png (335.38 KB,474x617,474:617,sk1426890959592.png)


Hello, Panda. I've been fine! University is starting up in ten days, and I'm heeella nervous about how it'll go.


>"i'm straight" is muffled by mouth full of cock

Nothing! I got up at 4:30am to catch my plane, so I'm getting to bed now.

Goodnight eberinyan!

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File: 2d71532bb3ea4fa⋯.jpg (72.7 KB,706x1000,353:500,1466142114658-4.jpg)


Nuh, you don't! You can just tolerate them. You know, something like how in the victorian era, women were taught to judge sex as something dirty that you just have to suffer through as part of your duties.

Ofc you won't, that would be dumb!

Yeah. Let's hope you'll learn to appreciate that light buzz even more than now ^.^


Mmm, good. That's now though, but will it be tea when I get back home from work tomorrow?!

Ah neat, I had that pic.


Ah, I see I see. I really ilke that pic by he way. What sort of character is it? I'm just shitposting and eating lentil soup.

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File: b0be6314b28b5d1⋯.png (1.78 MB,1000x1459,1000:1459,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 527178434958c32⋯.jpg (538.1 KB,839x821,839:821,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Plane to where and why?


Where do you work again?

Yeah tea but only because I'm out of soda

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File: 28ee313ec57f28a⋯.png (147.51 KB,500x475,20:19,transalani.png)


nini scanty


it's just one of the premium skins for alani

lentils are supposed to be a pretty cost effective food

i dunno, i'm probably going to have to start budgeting tightly

i just woke up so i'm still tired af



but cute i guess

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File: e55db0a06d51719⋯.jpg (47.56 KB,682x960,341:480,79774810423573edabfa03e9c3….jpg)


Not the worst. Though the cock is twisted in an odd angle.

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File: a7760365f75956f⋯.png (468.9 KB,682x960,341:480,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah idk I suck at editing ._.

I should go to bed

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File: b6c41b614e50bd9⋯.png (99.78 KB,658x1214,329:607,alani_by_konnuu-da655xn.png)



nini though, qt

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Oh boy, good night Skandiboy!



I don't think I mentioned it before, hmm. A small small company that retails various plastic products, including lots of disposable stuff used in gastronomy (so like, plastics forks and knives and plates and cups). But more importantly, produces plastic bags and PE foam sheets. I'm technically an e-shop admin, but practically I'm a bitch who stands in for almost everyone when need be, except for the drivers and the workers in the workshop.

Don't touch the soda when you get it!


Who si Alani?

Possibly. I don't rightly know.

Oh. Well, look into them. They are also healthy and I think they fit well with transwomen diet.



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File: d9c0c76ec544d98⋯.png (611.32 KB,600x846,100:141,alani_by_skerrus-da41k36.png)


alani's the girl from battleborn who i post 24/7!

she's a water monk who can charge up a one shot heal by hitting enemies with projectiles

and has a bunch of aoe skills

i'm not too sure about that, i dunno, generally we don't need much in the way of protein

apparently ketosis (that is, low carb high fat) works really well, because you burn your old fat faster and put on girl fat

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File: 0e8f904c9070da5⋯.png (185.6 KB,500x666,250:333,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….png)


Ooooh do you make good money?

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File: c45980509246f39⋯.jpg (534.2 KB,848x1200,53:75,bd449e019b5aff3ab47dbe04e4….jpg)

File: f25b151686b922c⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,311x600,311:600,c18b47ffd9c435d93128d22eac….jpg)


I know you post her 24/7! I just never remember who she is, where she is from, and suchlike.

>she's a water monk who can charge up a one shot heal by hitting enemies with projectiles

>and has a bunch of aoe skills

See, that makes it all slightly more memorable, I think.

Hmm. I thoguht it goes well with soy and stuff? I am not sure.

And you would use lentils in that, eh?



On top of that, I am pretty weak and fragile for some of the work in the warehouse, which I have been doing a good bit in the recent months.

So how about you? You mentioned you worked in a food chain, do I remember right?

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File: 9ff3078b14c8a57⋯.png (275.44 KB,691x919,691:919,__kaname_madoka_and_yoshik….png)


I work at a walmart.

How tall are you!

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File: 35d33cdb92c7afb⋯.jpg (23.42 KB,480x480,1:1,13118308_461769847350586_2….jpg)


ah, right. i figured you just thought that skin was a different character, at first

and yeah, she's pretty fun to play, but i was always awful at her

i'm not entirely sure, i'd have to look it up

i know beans are usually pretty high in carbohydrates, so i assume lentils are similar

i had to stop ketosis because it was a bit too expensive for me

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Yeah, but what do you do there?

About 176cm / 6'9". I'll tell you my weight too if you tell me yours! And how tall you are. To make it fair.


I figured it was a different spin on the same one.

Hehe, I see I see.

Hmmm. Well if it is cost effective and you are going to have to keep your budget under check, you might as well.

Oh, well shucks.

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File: 87e069bf38d3747⋯.jpg (35.31 KB,286x250,143:125,224.jpg)




Really trying to confuse me here, huh?

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File: f4c403dfb337b6a⋯.jpg (160.79 KB,570x869,570:869,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)



YOU ARE A GIANT!!!!!!!!1

I'm 5'5.

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File: b9639dc1a5ae3be⋯.jpg (64.58 KB,1024x576,16:9,anime_belly_button_by_asdf….jpg)


Uhm, yeah, 5'9", silly me!


N-no, I counted wrong, added one foot! >_< 5'9'', 129 pounds.

Waaah, you're adorably tiny! No wonder you ahve a boyfriend!

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yeah, it's just a premium skin, the first one i actually liked!

i actually own it

yeah, right now i'm just relying on carbs and idk, trying to put on weight i guess

if i get food stamps again i might try ketosis again


this is what you get for talking to europeans!

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File: fb3b4a1c3e546e3⋯.jpg (148.83 KB,668x1034,334:517,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I hate it. I can't reach anything ever!

And I weigh like 115

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File: d9e207e00410fa5⋯.jpg (30.81 KB,300x223,300:223,164.jpg)


That's more like it!

How can you be considerably taller than me, but not be able to lift and weigh less than me!?


Especially Czechs.

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File: 2b0f9e361fa4473⋯.png (2.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Battleborn_20170216235559.png)

forgot i was going to post this desu

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Mmm, mmm!

Yeah. Gotta put on those pounds in all the right places.

Fingers crossed. o:


Yeah, no kidding. Dang, you're whole 10cms shorter than me o: I can't even imagine it properly. Got to have people help you out a bit.

I guess that's kind of similar to me in terms of proportion.

You still haven't told me what you do!


I aporogize Motrey-sensei!

'cause I am super thin, duh.

>Especially Czechs.

Woah, no bully!

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File: 9a5b463ed6259ca⋯.jpg (158.13 KB,731x1000,731:1000,__mirakurun_and_yoshikawa_….jpg)


I wish I were gay cause I bet I'd get lots of guys hitting on me being this tiny.

And I run cash registers most days unless my boss needs me to stock then I want to kill myself ; ;

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File: eb5b15982889e27⋯.jpg (47.8 KB,340x282,170:141,243.jpg)


It's all right. I don't know what teachers call their students in Japanese so rip.

Calling me fat? ;-;

Just a little?

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Probably, yeah. Well you can turn gay. Believe in yourself, you can make it!

Ahh, I see I see. One of my stand-in jobs when the lady behind the cashier desk has a day off or gets sicks or something. I'll be doing it for a whole week the week adter the next, probably.

Hehe, get tired quickly?


I don't know either. I can call you senpai and you would call me kouhai.


If that's how you wanna play it!

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File: b330625d2672ee1⋯.png (1.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1431936932258.png)


I don't want to be gay!

I have to lift things constantly and it hurts

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File: 67a8d7bbf9e5bb3⋯.jpg (40.28 KB,300x291,100:97,16.jpg)


Sounds good to me, kouhai.

See, now you're playing the bully. Now tell me how to get thin!

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File: 87c0347e4038a84⋯.jpg (58.06 KB,640x833,640:833,6dca4429e50d5399d913c1cd83….jpg)


so what are you up to now?

i'm just playing persona 5 and being depressed again.

telling gloomy she should sleep~

i'll probably eat a quick breakfast soon

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But then you could be with your boyfriend forever! And maybe start trapping. Just a thought!

Mhm. No fun being a weakling!


Woah I didn't say you could do that! I meant, hai!

That was the idea! Got even for your bullying. Have sup/inferior genes, depending on your POV. Also I don't think you're fat, jeez.


Still on with the beer. Shitposting. Listening to more Old Norse mythology / language stuff.

Oh jeez. Quite the routine you got yourself there.


Sounds like a plan.

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File: eddedd9150727e0⋯.jpg (417.6 KB,758x775,758:775,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I'm already with him forever though.

I'd like to get /fit/ but I'm a sloth

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old norse mythology / language stuff?

i don't drink, but i could really use a hit of lsd right now desu

or, when i calm down a bit, since obviously you don't take it when you're depressed

she's going to sleep now, i guess, i dunno

but yeah, need to wash my pills down with something

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File: 101673d93486fda⋯.jpg (39.89 KB,300x322,150:161,178.jpg)


I thought you did though?

This vicious cycle must stop. It's too late, you already said it. It will be on my mind all day now.

Anyways I should probably run to the grocery store before it's too late. See you later.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That would be gay though.

Mhmm, I can relate. Being smol is cute though so you need not worry about it too much, I think.


Yeah. Vid related.

Woah. I bet that shit is expensive too though.

I wouldn't know. Probably.

Hmm. Bad girl tbh. Train her better.


Yeah I think I did.

Woah. What have I done?! I didn't know!!

See ya later.

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File: 129442db2f66b9e⋯.jpg (321.92 KB,1139x1708,1139:1708,1431501151516.jpg)


I do like being cute at least

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File: 8ee2c179be33139⋯.jpg (140.06 KB,708x1000,177:250,8ee2c179be33139d4784751ed1….jpg)


You sound/ed like it, mhmm. Notwithstanding the occasional rude/mean stuff.

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oh, geez, i have almost no interest in language

i always want to keep learning russian but i never have the motivation to

maybe i would if i had adhd meds

lsd's not too bad, microdosing it helps with my adhd though, so i kind of need it. i think i can get it for like… 4$ a tab? so not bad at all

>train her better

that's not how our relationship works!!!!!!

bad rumor

you should be spayed

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File: 2bba995f79c3ad4⋯.jpg (617.49 KB,723x1024,723:1024,__funami_mari_and_yoshikaw….jpg)


Some people get the naughty me, some get the nice. Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.

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File: 7c9d1421146b3ce⋯.jpeg (512.68 KB,850x1081,850:1081,7c9d1421146b3ce33c0840e3a….jpeg)



Oh yeah, you did mention Russians living there before.

Oh. Interesting. Hmm, I guess I wouldn't be surprised if it was cheaper than med-meds.

Well maybe it should. Would give the girl a lot more direction I bet!


I guess so. Still others get the whole.

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File: 0e8f904c9070da5⋯.png (185.6 KB,500x666,250:333,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….png)


I do bully some of my friends a lot I guess

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yeah, i keep seeing people from the russian church while i'm shopping and it's annoying

but usually they don't notice me

well, i adhd meds are more cheap because they're covered by insurance, but i haven't found a doctor to prescribe them to me yet!

the problem is we're both really anxious neets

our relationship worked way better when we were a trouple, but she dumped us

so now we just end up making eachother more depressed with our instability

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File: 760f5d469dc2602⋯.png (557.29 KB,908x1284,227:321,760f5d469dc2602e42bccb2a37….png)


Poor guys. Might be hard to be your friend sometimes, huh.

I must confess I get offended somewhat easily, sometimes. When bullied persistently about something. I hope you'll be / remain gentle.


Heh. I guess it might.

The bastards. Have you not been properly diagnosed with it?

I realize.

I have to admit I have a hard time believing that. Very few people, in my opinion, are willing to share like that.

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post more like this

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File: 887bad3db460089⋯.png (318.44 KB,599x990,599:990,30f629d4a5b761d05128cd7a2a….png)


What kinda things can I bully you about?

Err I mean not bully you about!

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i think i've been diagnosed, idk

the doc at the psych ward told me i have it

but the doctor i was seeing was a dick about it and i gave up on him and the antidepressants he'd precribed me

that's probably because you mostly know guys?

straight people / men seem to have issues with needing monogamy

whereas an absurd amount of lesbian / bisexual trans / cis girls are poly or at least somewhat open

my theory is that feminine friendships are far more 'open', and often border on romantic, and you just kind of end up… loving a lot of people

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File: 1cb1b0e87ea7e4c⋯.gif (1010.79 KB,640x480,4:3,335331.gif)


>like this

What's that mean? Tight fitting clothes? Cleavage? Boobs?


I think it would be kind of against my interest to tell you!

Bunch of things!


Might wanna check then . _.

Ah, I see.

Well that much is true.

Well it seems pretentious among unstraight men too. Maybe lesbites do it better.

Well girls can do lots of gay stuff without being considered lesbian at least. And don't get shit for it. Unlike Chaina!

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File: 3535b260af3e866⋯.png (414.44 KB,800x1119,800:1119,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….png)


Tell me! You can trust me, I haven't even bullied you at all!

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the big island has a massive deficit of doctors and it's really hard to find anybody.

idk how i'd check anyway

i think another thing is… when guys / straight people want something "extra" they'll just slut around or have affairs

but the way girl libido works you kind of need emotional connections to really feel things

so it's like, just slutting around isn't nearly as rewarding, so forming more relationships just works

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tight fitting cleavage

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N-no! >.< Maybe at some later point.

Hey hey. How was / were the sandwich/es?


Oh. That kind of makes sense I suppose.

Me neither X3 With some of the doctors, presumably.

Well I dunno. Maybe. It's kind of… with guys, some of the time the slutty and the emotional coincides in strange ways, I think.


Give me a minute or two then. Lewdie~

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File: 4727cba64c34151⋯.png (188.89 KB,742x647,742:647,1425447322612.png)


They were ok. A bit bland though. I want booze!

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Oooh, neat ^.^ What sort of booze do you enjoy?

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File: 8eb4fd9f94f737d⋯.png (1.08 MB,848x1200,53:75,8eb4fd9f94f737d881fe6b9d95….png)

File: 6414e1749cc2891⋯.png (1005.3 KB,875x1350,35:54,6414e1749cc2891c1098211a6c….png)

File: 285513da950bbc9⋯.gif (226.18 KB,255x255,1:1,285513da950bbc913caa3b17bd….gif)


I feel like I got most of those off you, rats! >.<

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look harder!

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File: a38a3772e98f5cf⋯.jpg (230.71 KB,700x834,350:417,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


Sweet girly drinks mostly

The fruitier the better!

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I am doing what I can! I just don't remember which I got from you and which not!


F-fug. Please specify or give examples.

Fruit for fruit!

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File: 3bbb0a3197ac6f1⋯.jpg (122.9 KB,729x1181,729:1181,1498869097981.jpg)

File: a9a78c172279601⋯.jpg (2.66 MB,3200x2400,4:3,1499293670495.jpg)

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File: 95397c2ae0f8fb5⋯.jpg (486.21 KB,800x800,1:1,1466614081826.jpg)


Rum and cranberry juice with sprite is the best. Screwdrivers obviously. Really any fruit juice/soda/rum/vodka mix really.

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noice keep em coming im too lazy to browse image boards for images atm

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File: 004bf7b7b6c462e⋯.jpg (98.58 KB,640x800,4:5,1b18dca284fedc5a3a8f048920….jpg)

File: d8a0c9b99fabe24⋯.jpg (43.31 KB,600x771,200:257,d8a0c9b99fabe2448702654b4d….jpg)


Aha, the first one sounds pretty neat. I don't usually drink those to be honest. I do like some girly liqueurs though. Or some of these low alcohol sour apple thingies.


Hehe, I will try!

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File: aef459874c61059⋯.jpg (151.85 KB,403x771,403:771,__mirakurun_and_yoshikawa_….jpg)


I love apple ales so much. Better than beer by miles.

What kind of girly liqueurs?

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ya better !

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File: 16469e08af7c3fe⋯.jpg (334.37 KB,850x637,850:637,1351372565154.jpg)

File: 47c1c4e568010ee⋯.jpg (249.21 KB,960x800,6:5,1351380080840.jpg)

Overflowing too much, the first pic?


Aha, I wouldn't know about that…. not sure I had any ever! Though speaking of apples, I enjoy ciders a bit.

Hmm, you know. Creamy ones. Like Bailey's. Admittedly I haven't had any in a long time. Don't get the opportunity. Either drink with friends which means beer 80% of the time or wine the remaining 20%. Or with mum which is similar, just more like 50/50 I guess.


I'm working on it, not even taking a break!

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File: 075593f05f79c84⋯.jpg (206.42 KB,540x800,27:40,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)



If someone wanted to molest me they would only have to put a bottle of baileys in front of me and I'd get wasted.

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blah, /lewd/ crashed and i forgot to reload it

i dunno, most gay guys i met were either just slutty without caring about much for anything but sexual, or monogamous

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File: e17767cbbc46ae8⋯.jpg (81.76 KB,376x980,94:245,246277999f7ca4728cd895dc68….jpg)

File: 0f92cafac902639⋯.jpg (114.53 KB,354x750,59:125,1355843037023.jpg)


Woah, neat! And Ooo, oooh! I forgot a seasonal thing. Which is both super manly but can be pretty girly. Around Christmas, mead becomes a thing. Somertimes you can get it in grocery stores, not quite all year round but close enough, I guess. But around Christmas, there are fairs and you can get mead at lots of these stands. Including bottles. God damn that stuff is good! And it can come with lots of different flavours. Mead flavoured with almonds, cloves, hazel nuts, cinnamon, lots of things!

I'm noting it down. Don't tell anyone else.



Yeah I'm not saying they're not.

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yeah, so i dunno

it just seems like girl on girl relationships are more romantic, but that romance is a form of sluttiness

guy libido is more focused on the more… immediately obvious, sexual aspects, while female libido is far more emotional

so what you up to?

i spent an hour sperging at my ex girlfriend, blagh

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File: db66a1265208142⋯.jpg (625.58 KB,1536x2048,3:4,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


I've never had mead before but have always wanted to try it. That the honey booze right?

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>but that romance is a form of sluttiness

Mhmm, but what I was saying is guys have something like that too. There's this thing when you imagine something romantic and then get hard and have to fap. And then feel confused and guilty that you have defiled such a precious, tender thought with lewdness. It's a different way of mixing the two I guess.


Yessir. Super manly because people used to drink it in the middle ages. And would even mix it with beer, which is more rare today I suppose. But as I said, some of it is pretty sweet, especially the flavoured varieties. So drinking it feels fruity in a good way.

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File: 93cd39fd528c856⋯.png (1.08 MB,1206x1918,603:959,1432566088023.png)


I'd probably like it a lot. Let me come over and try it!

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>defiled such a precious, tender thought with lewdness

>not being girls and partaking exclusively in slutty lewdness



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fuck, i meant p.ure

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File: bbd9dd802a904a8⋯.jpg (801.89 KB,1000x1500,2:3,bbd9dd802a904a8aa647adfd6a….jpg)

File: bfa585e3934323d⋯.jpg (76.87 KB,564x797,564:797,168b3533e05cc483048c29a343….jpg)


It sounded like you might, yeah.

Sure thing! Around Christmas. Well actually there might be mead bars in places. I visitted one once, though I have no clue if it still exists. Was in a different city.

Ah, welp. Sad as it is, I need to go to bed now. Half past midnight, I'm getting up around 6am. Have a good day and a great night.


Pffft! You're the one to talk, perv!

Yea anyways. Gotta bolt! Good night Miri. Enjoy the day. And fix your sleep schedule!


No probs. I will have to be going soon though. As in, right about now x: Good night boobposter ^.^

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File: 259637e9ed2dbce⋯.jpg (304.08 KB,800x800,1:1,__mirakurun_and_yoshikawa_….jpg)


See you rumor! Thanks for talking to me all day

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File: 25ba214055d58db⋯.jpg (2.27 MB,2896x1944,362:243,1500225164389.jpg)

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nini rumor

i woke up at 9 am! my sleep schedule is fine

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File: 145e824f1d30146⋯.gif (248.55 KB,500x281,500:281,tumblr_nvrjiljej61uo77uno2….gif)

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File: cfc1948c7b40a5d⋯.png (220.15 KB,347x451,347:451,1502023946133.png)

I am durnkkk!

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File: 80cf45dca424633⋯.jpg (205.73 KB,2048x1464,256:183,IMG_20170806_132420.jpg)

ban drunks

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File: cfc1948c7b40a5d⋯.png (220.15 KB,347x451,347:451,1502023946133.png)


Bn me!

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File: 6a8fba168a587e9⋯.jpg (327.01 KB,960x800,6:5,1500741105481.jpg)


go to bed young man you are drunk


go to bed young man its late and youve been playing video games all day!

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cute dead empty

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File: 5a81b0616848a36⋯.jpg (67.81 KB,719x659,719:659,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)

What should I do

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Give me pity! My back hurts.

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Oh, unless you have a day off, you've probably gone to work some two hours ago. Rats.

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That's a cute suckiesuck :3

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It is, isn't it ^3^ Hullo.

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File: dfa804417f1e89a⋯.jpg (151.79 KB,1600x900,16:9,wink kXN5fBk.jpg)


How's it goin'?

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I'm sleepy and now I'm all alone, but I have lots of sweets, so I won't starve~

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File: 7fd815a368540db⋯.gif (717.72 KB,500x280,25:14,coffee stir bx5ssaok.gif)


Aha, I see. Well, they'll at least keep your cravings checked if nothing else ^.^

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I crave for cuddles :(

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File: dd3832668f32b50⋯.jpg (142.55 KB,1600x1280,5:4,cuddle 1467257948851.jpg)


Me too.

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Pls come here >.<

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I can't. I'm not sure I want to. We barely know one another, Gloomy.

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File: 7d78d580092873b⋯.png (907.81 KB,1200x858,200:143,ClipboardImage.png)


>tfw nobody likes me :(

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I'm sorry. I'm fine talking to you and stuff, but I won't travel to another country for someone I barely know!

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But we could cuddle ;__;

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File: 358dae034566a4c⋯.jpg (130.38 KB,800x800,1:1,1499860037192.jpg)


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I know >.<


Shush you! Nice pic though~

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And kiss? >.<

Kurumi a cute

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You're Miri's gf! I don't want to kiss people's gfs. Same reason I would feel iffy about cuddles. I don't want to be popping boners.

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You can become our bf :O

And boners are cute~ :3

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File: a06da66edac3080⋯.gif (423.47 KB,500x281,500:281,titbump tumblr_ncxyw7IjjL1….gif)


I don't want to. That's not how relationships work for me!

W-well I agree with that.

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But she's cute :O

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The character in Lewdie's pic?

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Yeah but especially Miri :O

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File: cc67c6c0a8cfdcf⋯.gif (179.93 KB,500x281,500:281,brushing tumblr_m3slnyyER4….gif)


Oh, hehe. I mean, fair enough. Doesn't mean I love her, mmm?

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Blegh I made an edit of that gif, but It looks like shit, so I don't bother posting it ._.

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File: cce95ae26baa288⋯.webm (5.98 MB,540x360,3:2,1502131485004.webm)

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File: 2ec899705aaa69c⋯.png (805.85 KB,1280x800,8:5,dildo screen-shot-2011-11-….png)


Aww, sorry to hear your efforts were in vain. Here, have an easier one!

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File: e7d1aaba8e41b29⋯.png (958.03 KB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


This wasn't easy at all :(

I spend so much time on this – I need to go to bed already ;__;

And yes. this is the proper way to hold an ice…

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File: f8768f8279bfc09⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,300x300,1:1,img/works/7/6213/0cdb1fecb….jpg)


>i <3 miri

omg that is so adorable you sweetheart

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Woah, sorry o: I thought you would add your favourite tongue!

Good night Gloomy.

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Also I like what you did to the posters, hihi~

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*snuggle cutie*




Goodnight Rumor friend~

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Sweet dreams.

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hey rumor

how you doing?

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Heya Miri. I am okay, how about you? Actually I am a bit tired.

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were you up all night again?

i'm just playing persona 5 as usual

what you up to?

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Nigga I work, ofc I wasn't!

Work was tiring though, and I just finished a beer which often makes me feel sleepy.

I see. Just talking to people, listening to that Old Norse stuff and cropping gamebook pics. Same old, really. Except I met a Czech person on a discord server. So that's far from same old, actually.

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but you were awake all night a while ago!

for some reason i got timezones mixed up and thought it was morning there. :|

i got woken up a bit early by a phone call, don't judge me

what gamebooks are you doing now?

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Yeah, that was between saturday and sunday though!

Ehe, welp.

I ain't judging.

Still Sorcery! 2 close to finishing it.

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oh, right

i forget days

geez, does it really take that long to crop them? how many pages are there?

i'm gonna make breakfast i guess

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File: f2c7c81b68ce3c6⋯.jpg (81.84 KB,652x460,163:115,022 (hints).jpg)


Aha, yeah. It happens. It's the NEET lifestyle!

Well it's not about the pages, it's about the references. The way I want it is have a single pic for every reference. Plus, I also want two versions, one plain and one with hints, for when the reference offers you to cast a spell, for reasons. The rist part had 456 references. The second part 511, 31 of which offer you to cast a spell, so additional 31 pics which I also need to edit (such as this one).

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File: de5f484b2f77800⋯.jpg (214.71 KB,482x520,241:260,happy appou.jpg)

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No looking!

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File: d65ec89e97f681c⋯.gif (766.87 KB,500x517,500:517,tones.gif)


I'll look wherever I please.

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geeeez that is an absurd amount of references

do you post them, ever? i only remember you doing them here

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Is that right? Where do you please atm?

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Hehe. 400 is the usual amount for Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. This series is slightly bigger, partially to compensate for the spell I am sure. You cannot cast any spells whenever you want, you have to choose when asked, and there's always 5 choices leading to another reference. So since there's 31 references that offer you to cast a spell in the second book, that means there's also 156 references which describe the effects of casting (or attempting to) of those spells.

Well yeah, i posted one here back when. I would do so again but Bit has to activate dice again.

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File: aa7ce4c73884afa⋯.gif (972.88 KB,400x300,4:3,my dick.gif)

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File: 30963675f0b8b2e⋯.gif (2.92 MB,400x225,16:9,finger 9c441e06969d352c1e0….gif)


Mmm! Is it quite the sight?

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File: 5a75454ea34ccb3⋯.png (1.26 MB,884x969,52:57,nina thumbs up.png)


Of course.

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you should do another one here

but yeah, i think i'm gonna head off

head off as in 'just play persona 5' because i'm kind of gloomy rn

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usually when i'm feeling moody i just stop posting without saying anything but that's kind of rude desu

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File: 2619b924db10296⋯.jpg (49.83 KB,500x556,125:139,i really want to see you n….jpg)


Subtle enough?


As I said, need the dice.

See ya Miri!

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File: 25ae9d29e1b1ed6⋯.jpg (53.5 KB,621x539,621:539,IMG_0036.JPG)


Wawa bwo suck my dick

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File: 695c74dae9cf405⋯.jpg (11.19 KB,195x226,195:226,leaving.jpg)

Good night lewd bits.

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File: eb613e216ae0d3e⋯.gif (1.54 MB,230x230,1:1,242.gif)

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lewd boy

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omg futaba may be the best part of persona 5 yet

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File: a7886ab9cdf7081⋯.jpg (212.6 KB,970x1000,97:100,1499723524548.jpg)


*steps on you*

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File: 4e5d49ec8150f74⋯.jpg (731.84 KB,1000x1500,2:3,f6aace3d8acb8e9306c1d29f08….jpg)


Nuh uh


Ree dont start spoiling stuff! That is where I stopped


Sounds painful

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i didn't spoil anything

i just said that part is good :^)

go turn your ps4 on, gay boy

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File: aa730af36c1ecae⋯.jpg (112.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1501021450903.jpg)


i gotta bully the stinky smelly neet bit!

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File: fbf7d961edec176⋯.jpg (74.7 KB,768x1024,3:4,782216296fc127da361cbc136b….jpg)


I didn't say you did just a warning ;-;. I will..maybe tomorrow. I gotta be in that mood to play current things ya know? Same thing with anime too.


I dont smell! Bully the Fins!

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File: f93ca7ff155ace0⋯.jpg (76.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (2).jpg)


smell like smelly neet


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File: 1ba971cf4b18038⋯.gif (138.67 KB,480x270,16:9,beepp.gif)


What does a neet smell like?

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stinky toes and semen


>maybe tomorrow

bit, my boy, you'll never achieve great finns with this kind of thinking!

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File: 6f87ef1f75ff249⋯.jpg (61.19 KB,800x450,16:9,DETohm-UIAABEsE.jpg)


Semen sounds right no stinky toes here!

I dont understand! I'll beat the game soon though I promise ;-;

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File: fa50de6325be362⋯.png (520.19 KB,900x900,1:1,1502039107439.png)


like you do, mix of semen sweat and piss bottle

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File: d8e39108965b2ad⋯.png (368.1 KB,600x720,5:6,CNp4ClQUYAAJfIq.png)


Bathroom is connected to my room so no piss bottles here! Oh so your favorite smell?

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File: 99df24501b51704⋯.png (275.37 KB,853x800,853:800,1501393194097.png)


yes cause that means thats a person i can bully just like you!

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don't you just hate it when you're walking to the kitchen and you get your life energy sucked out of your dick

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File: be961701d34123c⋯.jpg (599.61 KB,1000x965,200:193,1500490951870.jpg)


Well you're out of luck!


You might need an exorcist

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File: e4f2464b9295cf8⋯.jpg (258 KB,553x618,553:618,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


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File: 5b31ef92bbad6ac⋯.jpg (483.58 KB,850x637,850:637,sample_213395752188337c552….jpg)

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File: 39980b18d6edd24⋯.gif (1023.6 KB,242x227,242:227,P4h2wIt.gif)


you are like the essence concentrate of being a stinky smelly neet

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File: 8291cce91ef98e8⋯.jpg (150.78 KB,849x1200,283:400,DBEOhbsUIAAU1tf.jpg)




Youre the one getting your dick sucked my ghost


You're just smelling yourself! I gotta send you back to the doggy house

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File: 99e1bfdb2999ccf⋯.png (109.11 KB,512x512,1:1,1500986446983.png)


i showered today i smell perfectly fine!

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File: 17f5224a42e35e3⋯.jpg (339.99 KB,613x841,613:841,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)



How are you doing bit?

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File: e608bbdfd00b349⋯.jpg (433.22 KB,1200x975,16:13,DGdQq4IUMAA_0eu.jpg)


After you fapped 5 times today that shower is ripped


51%? Doing fine just watching some rp stuff on twitch. How about yourself familam?

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File: dd0fe8fbe6c214b⋯.jpg (452.16 KB,850x637,850:637,sample_e90257cbe0323c699f8….jpg)


not a ghost

a tentacle monster

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File: 99e89a509112e61⋯.png (636.71 KB,750x1205,150:241,1501247592187.png)


>he thinks i fap

im not you bit i dont fap 5000 times like you do a day

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File: 714d8ba2e25ed4f⋯.png (233.28 KB,345x287,345:287,Hmm.png)


Those are hard to get rid of, you're fucked and literally


Oh your bf does it for you? I only like 1-2 a day now thank you very much Satan

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File: c45980509246f39⋯.jpg (534.2 KB,848x1200,53:75,c45980509246f39e7db1b9c22f….jpg)



100 to 200 times?


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File: 81baada73268878⋯.jpg (196.33 KB,888x1000,111:125,C7nP_x3VMAITz3G.jpg)


I don't believe you. I dont want my dick to fall off so 1-2 sounds better

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File: 5cfe4936556e698⋯.png (3.09 MB,1634x2246,817:1123,Unsomnus-Mercy.png)


im sure your battle hardened dick wont fall off from such times

im sure you do it so much that it got thick skin or something

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File: 4d0297940758c55⋯.jpg (512.19 KB,673x1201,673:1201,__yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_….jpg)


More like 0%!

I'm tired and just got off work. Have nothing to do

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File: 93088219c4462cc⋯.png (1.03 MB,2048x2048,1:1,58441191_p0.png)


Its normal damn it! Plus you'll be shooting blanks and will die


You just said sometimes! Should go to sleep then, sounds like the perfect time to anyway

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File: 032193c14efc478⋯.jpg (113.95 KB,800x836,200:209,1499976081806.jpg)


dying what he loved doing

rip bit found dead in his computer chair choking the chicken

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File: 6b53eb7dec8f1ca⋯.png (1.94 MB,2300x4912,575:1228,64118642_p0.png)


And you'll die suckin one. What a way to go tbh

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File: 2d5ecfdca9f551a⋯.jpg (24.17 KB,400x489,400:489,__mirakurun_and_yoshikawa_….jpg)


Why do japanese girls think its ok to spread their vag stink with fans all the time.

I probably will in a bit. Just want to catch up on net stuff first

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File: 1492ac841f29f17⋯.jpg (43.89 KB,800x800,1:1,1501974494117.jpg)


no need to project titty bitty its ok anyway you do is alright as long as it has some dignity

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File: 131b508a52b8ac2⋯.jpg (116.27 KB,1047x960,349:320,Cugw7fsWcAYGNuH.jpg)



I know that feel. Missing a day feels weird then you gotta catch but only if you care that much about it anyway


Aw you're saying the same thing I said to you like a week ago. Enjoy your dick suckin but dont overdose on us now!

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File: 1849c85fa4faf29⋯.jpg (295.54 KB,1200x1600,3:4,wallhaven-156201.jpg)


its ok bit no need to say such stuff i understand your position just dont let your peepee fall off <3

but anyways im off to bed take care of your self and stop the chronic masturbation

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File: 7dee5b792a669a5⋯.jpg (45.72 KB,600x525,8:7,CG4zG03UAAAaR8D.jpg)


Enjoy the fap pit lover

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File: fadb65166caefbb⋯.gif (748.92 KB,500x281,500:281,1501918868838.gif)

No posts for an entire day?

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File: 59ea1fc0450d627⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….png)

oh no wait

its a new day

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File: 3d2eedc276d5376⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,340x319,340:319,154.jpg)

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it's 6 pm you mainlander


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File: f4935d0d96f702f⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….png)



I saw 08/07 and then 08/08 and was confused

its their fault for not making it clearer


what day is it there? I wanna go back to hawaii I loved it when I went

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the seventh

it's 6 pm you nerd

hawaii's okay, don't like living here though

i'd like to move to the mainland asap desu

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File: 80152316d739927⋯.png (885.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….png)


I wasnt sure if you were ahead or behind went to maui 7 years ago, it was nice

I miss the atmosphere more than anything, its much slower paced feeling

I live in a piece of shit city for snooty bankers and its awful

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File: e70deabd32b9599⋯.jpg (44.27 KB,300x311,300:311,85.jpg)


Maybe you're just dumb! :^)

Anyways, got things to do! Don't die now.

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aaaaa i got caught by the fucking captcha


i mean, we're pretty close to the US, so the time zone couldn't be that bad

i don't like the local culture much at all, and the infrastructure is bad. good health insurance, but doctors hate the place because it pays too little

i just want to live anywhere but here

somewhere with actual people

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File: e6d24bd00c20248⋯.png (942.55 KB,1280x720,16:9,[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….png)


just a little! take care, I don't plan on dying


I wanna live in a city city or somewhere with good nature

suburban places are a stupid mix of bleh

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i just want to live in a town or city or anywhere that's not me

"aloha" culture is cancerous and nobody lives here

like, at least on the mainland people could drive to see me or vice versa

can't have depraved tranny orgies when i'm stuck on prison island

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File: 88c1918ff6de4a3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,[mudabone] Hidamari Sketch….png)


do other aloha trannies not exist? they should build a tunnel underwater connecting hawaii to the rest of the us

I'm gonna sleepu, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day

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i've met like one irl but she ghosted me because i was with my roommate who is.

he's nice, gives me a free room, but also really weird

tl;dr he talks about being trans when he basically just got on blockers because a sugar daddy wanted him to


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File: 344b227bdd09268⋯.jpeg (33.61 KB,510x520,51:52,344b227bdd092680d9895370f….jpeg)

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File: 0a102ff31dce679⋯.png (272 KB,510x520,51:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 8b1c8b99de809e4⋯.png (160.74 KB,500x484,125:121,o49vq8iR4u1ul1udao1_500.png)

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File: e5540fd5a77cd9d⋯.png (194.9 KB,500x484,125:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: f8768f8279bfc09⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,300x300,1:1,img/works/7/6213/0cdb1fecb….jpg)


>gloomy on the right

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File: c82f9bc28d36281⋯.png (4.52 MB,2000x1937,2000:1937,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 8620533b2011e10⋯.jpg (70.43 KB,1200x763,1200:763,C6x6Gf8WkAAXeZ5.jpg)


you're getting creative with these

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If you look closely you see it's a stock photo of a butterfly with the watermark still over it

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….. how did you turn my 300x300 pic into a 5 mb file ._.

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File: 87bd968d94b8693⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2000x1937,2000:1937,img/works/7/6213/0cdb1fecb….jpg)


I just took the original instead for better quality~

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File: b8c0dfedb3bbccb⋯.png (55.84 KB,798x419,798:419,ClipboardImage.png)


My screenshot tool uses png as default. I could change it to jpg to make it smaller, but sometimes I also want to copy transparent things :S

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transparent is good~

jpegs distort image quality

and yeah, i guess i didn't find the original

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File: febd5446cdd68f2⋯.png (11.89 KB,128x128,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm glad to help

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Neguse Negest

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File: b058b805ba871f8⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,247x226,247:226,hey guys.jpg)

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File: 540b0297d79e6ca⋯.png (232.81 KB,454x430,227:215,expecto patronum.PNG)

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File: 8e2c05fde041310⋯.jpg (13.66 KB,194x229,194:229,dotdotdot.jpg)


Woah, put that hammer down before you hurt yourself.

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File: 7a32d36265741f9⋯.webm (1.06 MB,360x360,1:1,expecto patronum.webm)

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That was funny

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File: 0728f65e1fb4077⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,191x226,191:226,guy with connections 03.jpg)


Poor catto.


Hello Gloomy.

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File: 1d77f99650f6fd8⋯.png (31.68 KB,191x226,191:226,ClipboardImage.png)


Hi Rumi~

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File: f53f84e31841197⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,188x219,188:219,you're under arrest 03.jpg)


Whew. Hot.

How are you doing today?

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lonely and sleepy as usual :(

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File: 8edfd46b8f3e80e⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,181x220,181:220,mind control 01.jpg)


Oh x: Do you have naps often?

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No I can't nap without laying next to someone I love :(

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Well that is silly!



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File: c5ef5dbaaf051f5⋯.png (933.99 KB,867x601,867:601,genius.PNG)

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File: 90b95768af2f557⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,392x495,392:495,(you) 90b95768af2f557a8eb1….jpg)


How's it going, Rageboy?

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File: d3b0fa09e77f438⋯.jpg (253.96 KB,580x580,1:1,9tIUfuX.jpg)


highdy ho

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File: 24b2a1cdb08f688⋯.jpg (53.94 KB,400x498,200:249,bunny original.jpg)


How did you sleep? Got up a short while ago?

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File: d2a723935672de0⋯.jpg (410.35 KB,700x991,700:991,rohan is watching.jpg)



and do you know what the best thing to wake up to is?

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File: 3410ddd85347f4e⋯.jpg (161.65 KB,1000x944,125:118,eggplant 1 qfoCZ2c.jpg)



Hmmm. Birds chirping outside?

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File: ad0a08c5a8c5435⋯.jpg (131.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,I refuse.jpg)

what're you, fucking gay?

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>not answering the question

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what's brown and rhymes with Snoop?

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I feel like I'm falling for some kind of a prank, but okay, poop?

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Dr. Dre

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File: 3ddbb4805c628cf⋯.gif (1.6 MB,480x270,16:9,finger giphy.gif)


You're a funny, guy Rager, I like you.

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That's a cute picture :3

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I love sucking fingers :O

I wish Someone was here :(

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File: 0a45cf038af470f⋯.jpg (91.9 KB,736x414,16:9,240.jpg)


I'm dead inside

shit's hilarious

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File: ea83bc83fea9437⋯.jpg (684.65 KB,1000x944,125:118,eggplant 7 ea8.jpg)

File: 30963675f0b8b2e⋯.gif (2.92 MB,400x225,16:9,finger 9c441e06969d352c1e0….gif)


Yeah, it is X3


It's a pretty cute thing to do x: Can be lewd too.

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File: 2b4c15295918f42⋯.jpg (77.62 KB,640x480,4:3,94cafbc40842399efe0377804c….jpg)


Oh, okay. I guess I can't kill you last then.

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I wish I was tiny :(

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File: 07ffe8f229d2f6a⋯.jpg (78.38 KB,480x560,6:7,1355688788085.jpg)


But then you could get squished!

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File: a42c80e6707f8de⋯.png (720.81 KB,900x1040,45:52,89d794970128eac41fa959e0e9….png)


can I go first?

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File: 823d73a1f9058a6⋯.jpg (244.01 KB,950x1345,190:269,1351370613666.jpg)


What is dead may never die. But if you wanna come first, be my guest. Your arrival will be expected.

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File: c61538af36ee1b8⋯.webm (317.74 KB,360x360,1:1,Taco Bell drive-thru.webm)

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I like to get squished :)

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Something happen?


I meant completely squished! Not fun-kind of squished!

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nah baby

it's my natural state

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File: 0775917077f6f74⋯.gif (473.07 KB,450x600,3:4,p-massage and assorted lew….gif)


Wow, what are you some kind of a queer?

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File: cd91e6ab0608d24⋯.jpg (133.7 KB,708x593,708:593,d0265de9cbdbea790bd02f5533….jpg)



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File: d452b51e35b2e14⋯.png (331.73 KB,910x640,91:64,boys versus girls 14708752….png)


>potentially queer

Hmm. Hmm. Pic related?

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File: efbe81790e1df89⋯.gif (4.04 MB,369x268,369:268,d5504a1c-f8e2-4028-96f6-6b….gif)

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I wish I was cute :(

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File: 2541949ac83b953⋯.jpg (41.74 KB,434x318,217:159,forbidden love Maximum for….jpg)

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File: 1d28b5b699fdc1c⋯.png (230.9 KB,499x497,499:497,awesome possum.PNG)

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make a new thread you lazy gits

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File: 0a5791fbff018b4⋯.jpg (85.13 KB,1366x768,683:384,yaoi hole h8JmolG.jpg)

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File: b3eb429aa7b50ce⋯.png (403.58 KB,800x882,400:441,buds_by_tentaprince-da5isw….png)


you are

you can't lie to me anymore~

i know your secrets~

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