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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

There's always room for one more person in the circlejerk

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File: fba4575fba9cf30⋯.png (640.96 KB,2560x1080,64:27,1485636739578.png)

 No.393471 [Last50 Posts]

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-autistic screeching–

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File: 4d17858669452cb⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,444x478,222:239,f0f68e82ef79047fb5c1abb59a….jpg)

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File: 15f6458deb35404⋯.jpg (40.02 KB,480x714,80:119,16114727_1375442939173799_….jpg)


call that dam clinic

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File: f3963b5969c852f⋯.jpg (111.08 KB,1199x786,1199:786,vr66.jpg)


You need to be lubed up so you stop that screeching?

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File: 210cc50b36e1666⋯.jpg (83.55 KB,661x900,661:900,15741046_1445030615521637_….jpg)


call that dam clinic

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File: d4cea57d903a1d5⋯.jpg (243.26 KB,1082x1500,541:750,ebZ7io9.jpg)


Yeah I should really make the appointment for zapping.

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File: 0d98f85c0bae370⋯.jpg (146.93 KB,850x999,850:999,__kitten_gravity_daze_draw….jpg)

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File: f8a0ed65b5a7ff1⋯.png (697.08 KB,749x1093,749:1093,ujar.png)


Seems uncomfortable

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File: 697a445dfe97516⋯.png (193.19 KB,616x890,308:445,56886c46-30fc-4530-9c62-68….png)


But it's so cool

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File: 51121121f1f6470⋯.jpg (323.52 KB,1600x1048,200:131,1485468821414.jpg)


That's true

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File: ad67da81c3166c9⋯.png (451.22 KB,900x900,1:1,65a13b9f-f646-4725-b651-14….png)


Being cool is the most important factor

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File: ae787987e507217⋯.png (798.99 KB,590x846,295:423,1485468865413.png)


Agreed! That's why Tracer needs to go through Talon experiments

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I think she looks fine. Remember things can be cool in different ways

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File: 4992f1e361c4c13⋯.png (479.69 KB,717x499,717:499,1485468943699.png)


Yeah, I just have a thing of enjoying the good guys go bad.

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File: 4c77cad8c4d8ea7⋯.jpg (98.98 KB,222x350,111:175,Tea_11.jpg)

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File: 5f3e984e4ae23c3⋯.jpg (568.14 KB,900x1500,3:5,1485471966914.jpg)


Well… If Tracer went talon there would be nothing stopping the two! Well except widow still being in love with her late husband.

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File: 35e7b960e00f3e8⋯.jpg (554.57 KB,1000x1200,5:6,talon_tracer_by_bjmakidaac….jpg)

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File: 0639c107e6ccf14⋯.jpg (28.43 KB,475x615,95:123,1485532986330.jpg)


Arigato :o

There was a thread in /u/ but I didn't have time to go through it completely so I probably missed a bunch of amazing ones.

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File: 265e81b0904f6b4⋯.jpg (65.52 KB,725x728,725:728,maxresdefault1.jpg)


I know nothing about Overwatch so.

Maybe once I have better internet I'll play

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File: 638cd27b9274735⋯.jpg (297.88 KB,800x4000,1:5,1485469718319.jpg)


It's pretty fun. I'm killing the fun for myself though since I'm playing things that I don't want to play.

They're working on some kind of story mode though I hear. No eta on that so could be next year or after that or never.

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File: 788643a87229782⋯.png (859.36 KB,1262x1917,1262:1917,a15e98ba-19be-499d-aaed-95….png)


Hmm I'll have better internet when I move out so maybe then I'll give it a go

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File: 314732f8792ba6e⋯.jpg (300.73 KB,800x3000,4:15,1485469679728.jpg)


Thinking of getting it on the ps4 or pc?

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File: d3ebb52bc294b33⋯.jpg (366.01 KB,1187x1920,1187:1920,https_3A_2F_2F40.media.tum….jpg)


PC, prefer shooters on PC

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File: 81e98dc4b9c78c0⋯.jpg (325.76 KB,1920x1138,960:569,chengwei-pan-diana1.jpg)

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File: 4aee2b3e8cf4c53⋯.jpg (412.15 KB,700x525,4:3,GT_rage_ready.jpg)


I suppose.

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File: d3f434e4f160a30⋯.jpg (303.73 KB,1200x1554,200:259,02f09a79-030c-4b32-b866-73….jpg)

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File: 88517a3adf678f5⋯.gif (8.46 MB,510x776,255:388,2017-02-04_13-36-59.gif)

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File: 1619e11a8dd994a⋯.jpg (196.2 KB,630x945,2:3,tumblr_o9487aD7hM1si48w3o1….jpg)

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File: 9b49462cf8909e6⋯.jpg (49 KB,610x345,122:69,shawnashmore-610.jpg)

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File: 7d48e45334a8da1⋯.png (172.41 KB,600x1080,5:9,ced5fece-2c0a-45fb-b718-b8….png)


Hey bb

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File: 3191cdf3232958e⋯.jpg (163.61 KB,850x1443,850:1443,__akemi_homura_mahou_shouj….jpg)


Hey greetings. Have you ever seen Inception? I'll make a long story short but after being homeless and in rehab I havent seen a movie since 2012 basically. So I got a netflix DVD plan as I don't participate in piracy. So I've seen Dark Knight Rises first (was waiting on this movie for years), and now I decided to check out Inception too because I never saw it.

I loved it, but I'm easy to please haha. Wonder if you saw it and how you felt about it?

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File: 57e27261aa07db7⋯.gif (100.78 KB,500x502,250:251,tumblr_oipcjvopfC1v90gago1….gif)


I saw it around when it came out on blu-ray, I think it's one of the better films Decaprio has been in.

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Ooh.. Cool answer. You know I've always been a big fan of his. I personally also enjoy What's eating Gilbert Grape and Titanic. Most of the films he's been in.

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File: f423161928915d0⋯.jpg (120.76 KB,821x1051,821:1051,large1_0.jpg)


This'll sound silly but I really like the dumb Romeo and Juliet film he was in

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Plus Django Unchained. I just learned yesterday that the scene where he smashes the glass, that was actually his real blood and he got an ovation from the cast after they shot the scene.

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File: 44f86b80b397f6a⋯.png (687.83 KB,850x1300,17:26,2dc8844d-5c96-4ec9-b750-25….png)


That's neato

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Yeah, indeed.

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File: 8ef63fc853e83e7⋯.jpg (175.47 KB,700x1042,350:521,000_6Ep0nUv.jpg)


So whatcha been up to Rumor?

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Ah not much. Stayed up long, woke up late. Shitposted a bit, walked the dog a few times, now returned from grocery shopping and eating.

Both parents ill.

How about yourself?

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File: ab3a87f1c80eb57⋯.png (643.08 KB,894x1328,447:664,72fbd6c863decf1f807f73f328….png)


Feeling like shit, tired, hungry. Just a bundle of fun

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Oh boy. Fun indeed. Emotionally like shit or physically? inb4 both ;-;

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File: e4e7997e1f7b8db⋯.jpg (29.23 KB,650x650,1:1,e77e7645-2ef3-4a24-b1a4-1e….jpg)

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File: 479000c1a99b04d⋯.gif (1.76 MB,300x300,1:1,2qt4me 479000c1a99b04d376c….gif)


Nu, pls ;-; Git better soon. Here's a cute kitty!

Want to talk about any of it?

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File: d6ca3c624592361⋯.png (157.92 KB,670x518,335:259,1474682445584.png)


Not really

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File: 06df9c32552d308⋯.gif (788.63 KB,245x180,49:36,2qt4me 1367440913099.gif)


I hope you get better soon at least.

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File: 461db033fac0db9⋯.jpg (177.56 KB,600x450,4:3,game_blouses.jpg)


I hope your parents feel better soon

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File: 452a0865f28e3cc⋯.gif (1.92 MB,400x208,25:13,2qt4me 1369158148863.gif)


Thank you. Are you at least doing something to occupy yourself atm?

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File: d4eca3b09f9addb⋯.png (157.98 KB,600x800,3:4,2c6b0903-2499-4b98-abce-76….png)



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File: 68bb937a84ecd95⋯.gif (981.06 KB,246x187,246:187,2qt4me 1369160384944.gif)


Ah alrighty, have fun.

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I'll try

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oh fuck nigga where you at

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aw even i have to admit thats pretty nice :)

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File: 9e97e2600b6aba0⋯.png (56.33 KB,558x282,93:47,Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at ….png)

put yo hand in the air if this ur life!

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File: 3b2c805ee2d740c⋯.jpg (46.07 KB,358x500,179:250,1478841436192-k.jpg)

So, guess who just bought a Cetme model C paratrooper for $700

The booth had it labeled as an FAL, as soon as I saw the price I knew I was buying it, but I sat there questioning it and they knocked $100 off the $800 sticker, and it came with 2 mags, and get this one is labeled FN, then I went and spent $32 on 4 more G3 mags, and $35 on a bipod, and $300 on a 3x13 50mm scope for it, and it's still worth more than all that.

Oh yeah and I bought 4 galil mags.

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>3x1 50mm scope

Oops, meant 3x16 50mm scope.

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Sounds pretty sweet. Don't know what half the stuff though heh

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I'll have to find a place to take a picture or two later.

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You at a gun show?

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File: f262c9fe35acf31⋯.jpg (14.97 KB,303x325,303:325,1485375638385-k.jpg)


I was, but I was spending all my money, I had to leave before I bought a makarov

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What's special about the makarov?

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Hello Lewdie, who be you?



And hello you two! If you pardon my addressing you at the same time.

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Another lawsuit!

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I didn't ask for it this time so toodles!

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I suppose

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i miss u

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Indeed. How are you doing VenVen?

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ehh doing the daily vidya, don't you just hate it when you have to do that. gah wish i could just skip it

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File: 44e2f43425a2c1f⋯.webm (6.78 MB,320x180,16:9,Tom Jones Stoned In Lov….webm)


Ah, yeah it's terrible innit! What have you been suffering through? Still doing OV?

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ow for the event boxes. hate it tbh


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Damn. I guess I have said it a bunch of times but if you hate it, just don't do it?

Parents are sick and I might be as well. At least my neck is irritated and I cough a bit plus mild headache. What a buzkill!


>getting OW abbreviation wrong

Well aren't I something special ._.''

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I can't just stop. I just don't enjoy it. It's complicated.

Fun when the family gets ill in waves.

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It does sound complicated. Maybe even convoluted!

Yeah. Walking the doge was up to me since about 1 p.m.

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it's mostly me not wanting to be pleb leveled so i overplay

ah, what now

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They are cheap russian handguns.


Hey, I bought a new gun.

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I see. Welp.

Hm? What what now?


Aha, I see. Well, what are you waiting for? Be a slut and show a pic!

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That's cool


Oh. Thought I asked something else in previous comment. Thought i asked what ya up to

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Ah yeah. Well, just listening to youtube and shitposting. Well, dumping porn too.

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whatcha listening to

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The Young Turks. Don't tell anyone, people would mock me.

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Admitting it here you mean?

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they gone way off the deep end for me

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>surprise captcha


Ah well, idk. I think they get a bit more shit than they deserve, though they certainly do deserve lots of what they get. At worst, I get to watch people I disagree with.

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Heh. They've just gone too extreme for me. Kind of scared to even watch their videos because of it even if the subject is interesting.

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that's enough ow for today

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Hmmm… can you give an example?

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I know it's a bit unfair example but the election coverage was really really awful. Wasn't level headed at all which they kind of used to be imo. I get that they're anti trump but still.

Ana also kind of has become rather… Annoying.


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Well, yeah they exagerrated some things. One thing that comes to mind that's was overblown out of all proportion was when his former campaign manager squeezed the arm of the reporter, the misogynist!!!1!

And yeah Ana can get pissy and self-righteous when triggered by Trump voters (especially women).

"As a latino woman…" oh that reminds me some of the contributors are awful. The "as a gay black man" guy is the worst.

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That's kind of the problem to me since it's so opinionated.

Ben Mankiewicz seems like the voice of reason there to me most of the time.

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File: c53d7215b3af38c⋯.jpg (6.34 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20170204_165106.jpg)


Just took one.


They are 9x18 though.

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Oh wow that's a really pretty gun.

Rare ammo then?

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Yeah. Some things you just have to take with a grain of salt, mhmm.

Ah yeah, I like Ben. Also Wes Clarke, that one is great as well as a fucking handsome hunk!


Ah, I see. Looks nice, though I have no knowledge of guns. What is it?

On an unrelated note


>no sign of snow anywhere

Gah, well screw you too!

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File: 74dc5f9a796a298⋯.jpg (74.34 KB,721x475,721:475,1484696270976-k.jpg)


No, it's 7.62 nato, also known as 308.


It's a cetme model c paratrooper.

Also, it got cold last night, I slept in my truck and it got below freezing.

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Just takes too much of a mental toll thinking they're subtly misrepresenting something since Trump/republican hate.

Heh, he ain't bad!

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Meant the Makarov

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File: 2b302ea019b7b1b⋯.png (259.79 KB,540x510,18:17,eirin2017-01-31 at 4.06.30….png)

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Not super rare, just more rare than 9x19.

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Ahh okay

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I see. What's paratroopy about it?

Hmm, I see.


Well, republican hate has been a thing with them since forever. I have watched them since idk when, but definitely at least a year before 2012 election.

He sure ain't my man!


Oh, the mysterious stranger appears again. Hello.

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It's got a 14 inch barrel, with a 2inch long break welded on to make it the minimum 16inches for America.

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Heh yeah watched little bit before that as well. Stopped at some point though, don't really remember when.

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File: 153e48a8b1d9e9e⋯.jpg (62.17 KB,398x600,199:300,eirin2017-02-04 at 16.42.4….jpg)




Hi !124RUMORME. How's it going?

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Dude you are fucking epic.

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File: 76150e1b16964c8⋯.png (667.67 KB,764x1200,191:300,57671031_p0.png)


Oh I meant to say hi but forgot!


Seen you before but don't remember at all.

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File: b1e39dab053658c⋯.jpg (472.37 KB,566x800,283:400,eirin2017-01-31 at 4.06.30….jpg)


Anything to break the ice? I don't remember you as well.

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File: df63e7a67a514be⋯.jpg (21.84 KB,181x216,181:216,doesn't know the words.jpg)


Ah, I see. Is there a reason why 16" is minimum for paratroopers? I guess for uhh, foot soldiers (…) it's longer than that though?


Mhmm, fair enough!


Feeling kind of sick! How about yourself?

Also Rumor will do fine. How do you like to be addressed, Renz, Alice?

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File: 792333fa98a874a⋯.jpg (117.97 KB,849x1200,283:400,CxNZl46VIAASWtg.jpg)


Y'know I can usually think of something, but I'm a bit too tired to come up with anything now.


You remember Cenk getting tired of doing Trump news (wayyy before election) and then "banning" Trump news lol

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Aha, idk that I do. I only remember he mentioned it when he unbanned Trump around the election.

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File: 2a3bdd95c0bd558⋯.jpg (145.23 KB,900x650,18:13,eirin2017-01-31 at 4.06.30….jpg)


Uncommon to be ailed so as just the other day when I was talking to Magi, she expressed something similar to me…


A problem for another day?

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File: ed11e50489c4dbd⋯.jpg (140.62 KB,841x1200,841:1200,Cxh6gsgWEAAjKDB.jpg)


Ahhh I've been wanting to see him unban Trump but figured they just didn't mention it or something



So what is up

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File: f97ee261a28c88b⋯.jpg (496.03 KB,1200x640,15:8,1485124531013-k.jpg)


No, paratrooper models tend to be short, a 16inch barrel is as short as I can go without a $200 Tax, so to get the minimum barrel length, they welded the break on, and all long guns have to be 26inches overall otherwise same, $200 tax, folding stocks are an acception, a long gun, can be shorter than 26inches with the stock folded, but must be 26inches when unfolded, so it's kinda a pointless rule.

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File: 61521c6de84e769⋯.jpg (71.52 KB,700x579,700:579,eirin2017-01-31 at 4.06.30….jpg)


Nothing too decisive, we've got elections coming up and not much else..

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Hm? Could you rephrase that?


Aha, well they did unban him at some point obviously and explicitly mentioned it / the ban.so that's how I learned about there having been one to begin with!


Oooh, I see.

What is the reason for the tax? Or… the reasoning behind it.

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File: 7e80fd01889950b⋯.jpg (372.26 KB,1000x1500,2:3,image_6 (1).jpg)

I return from napping


Post white haired beast

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Because the atf said so, hopefully these things go away with the current administration.

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File: 2af02733c9f990a⋯.jpg (118.38 KB,881x1200,881:1200,C3kFk6KUkAAkSO2.jpg)


Going to vote?


I want to see the unban video!

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Well, isn't there any reasoning / justification?


Idk if I can find it >.<

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File: d6cef415bf05aab⋯.jpg (160.52 KB,1200x1200,1:1,CvCRNzcVMAAE8CM.jpg)


I'll see if I can google fu

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lol first two links when you search for "tyt trump unban"

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Aha, woops. I tried searching their channel but i guess that was a bad idea! Good on ya.

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File: ed4d38f39a6da8f⋯.jpg (613.04 KB,1010x1200,101:120,59204773_p4_master1200.jpg)


Heh no worries

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File: 35780223a7fb8df⋯.jpg (273.08 KB,800x600,4:3,1450723829320.jpg)


Hey Rumor


Hey Venla

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Hey dere. Had a nice nap? Feeling better?


Well I am worried, idk how much my reputation can take!

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File: 746fd486ddca879⋯.png (364.48 KB,500x646,250:323,eirin2017-02-04 at 16.42.4….png)


You like being descriptive don't you.


Who should I vote for if I were to vote?

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File: 6c45c20464cc777⋯.jpg (91.94 KB,1200x872,150:109,C10Ff2yUUAAHmfP.jpg)


Wakey wakey Simmy!

Send some of that new found energy to me, i'm sleepy.


I don't even know who you can vote for

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I just like to understand what people are saying and I didn't with your post :-I

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File: 8cdbd9b0ee9ff86⋯.jpg (113.99 KB,542x490,271:245,AriannaAdella.jpg)


A little


What time is it there?

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File: 5c040d6d3d75105⋯.jpg (139.79 KB,700x1100,7:11,eirin2017-01-31 at 4.06.30….jpg)


Okay. It's why the elections are coming up.


You don't? Well that's interesting….

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File: 6f9a9f274994adf⋯.jpg (141.18 KB,812x1200,203:300,C2HO6-GVEAEmDcf.jpg)


1.26am heh

Should sleep but if I stay up for long enough I'll sleep all day and skip mum having guests over. Though I think there's rather high risk of me having to get up early.

Oh no. Tomorrow might actually be worse than I thought…


Idk, vote for the cutest guy/girl

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Mum always votes for the cutest boy

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File: c34b6e31b5772c5⋯.png (305.9 KB,480x358,240:179,1470140628671.png)

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File: f5871e1f24d0370⋯.jpg (434.04 KB,1024x1024,1:1,https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tum….jpg)


Why would you have to wake up early? If not staying up doesn't sound like a bad idea

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That's a little good then.


I'd say awkward, rather.

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File: 16a212315952a3f⋯.jpg (118.05 KB,704x1200,44:75,CuddtVyVMAIXgd1.jpg)


Reasons and things… I'll mention it on Monday if anything worth mentioning happens.


Señor Reimu

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File: 73ec3262d4f9b71⋯.jpg (42.29 KB,546x696,91:116,73ec3262d4f9b71a76e3c598e2….jpg)

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File: 93eb15b3420e62c⋯.jpg (97.18 KB,699x1200,233:400,CzN8ckxVIAAu-AZ.jpg)


No habla espanol…

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File: e259be7e8200d5c⋯.jpg (358.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tum….jpg)


Nice mustaches




Well okay, you're quite vague

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File: ee45c36e05e8496⋯.png (747.27 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1465579101903.png)





i groom it everyday

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File: 271fcab0b2904fe⋯.png (592.48 KB,1083x966,361:322,1484744152409-k.png)


Shitty legislation attempting to control the masses and widdle away at 2nd ammendment rights, because scary black guns are scary, and if the bad guys don't have access to the guns that they don't even use to commit crimes, then it will reduce crime.

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File: 89d595700056d03⋯.jpg (90.95 KB,683x1200,683:1200,CzdTEReUQAA1EiV.jpg)


Indeed I am!


What is up Kissa

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Got any plans for the rest of the day?


There's little for me to do but shrug I suppose.

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File: 9d975880c795280⋯.png (328.38 KB,558x686,279:343,doshqueen.png)


It shows, how're you date?


It's silly.

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File: 955882bbf170c9f⋯.jpg (193.86 KB,1023x927,341:309,00066e7623215474e252968a87….jpg)



i was just memeing around in 100% orange juice

pretty addictive game

and it has a cute chicken that i play as :>


im doin alright just here and there and inbetween


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File: 55ee3779ec3b172⋯.jpg (147.54 KB,1200x1200,1:1,CztVWkyUUAAp03T.jpg)


That's true. The whole thing is pretty silly tbh.

Aaaanyways what ya up to?


Oh Hattie gifted that to me. Still haven't played it though.

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File: daa552f355f2a88⋯.jpg (287.75 KB,600x900,2:3,Cinder.jpg)


Bloodborne, chat until you all leave


Sounds like a lot of moving.

I'm in a weird place, not really sure how I am, I feel kinda shitty physically though.


See top part.

What about you?

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File: e964b913daa6a92⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,960x628,240:157,13087672_1547025602259804_….jpg)


you should

i play with a couple of others and just meme around its a cute game and fun



well you are still alive that counts for something

wierd physically or like wew my mind is all wierd kinda kinda?

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File: 684d2fa8d6efd37⋯.jpg (164.52 KB,859x1200,859:1200,CzD8FPbUkAA8nbo.jpg)


That's not too good. Any idea what's wrong?

Just watching a streamer play the new resident evil, more for the background noise than anything else though. Eyes are really strained


Maybe I'll get a chance to play it at some point in life.

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File: 8beaf73aae58287⋯.jpg (636.3 KB,1536x1952,48:61,o-CHARLES-MANSON-facebook.jpg)

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Aha, I see.

Chatting us into leaving?! You're too nice of a guy to do that, you must be jesting!

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File: 1eb7c76f4d91953⋯.jpeg (235.49 KB,703x800,703:800,2015-06-20-744975.jpeg)


yeah if we ever need a 4th and you are on ill bully you into playing with me

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Hello b-boy. Howdy?

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File: 4e84a1ef9de3d39⋯.jpg (116.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,Boku_wa_Tomodachi_ga_Sukun….jpg)


Sup Rumor? Just listening to music myself.

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Probably a couple things.

Why are you eyes so strained? That tired?


Until you all leave.

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File: 00f676e1cec231d⋯.png (245.21 KB,404x472,101:118,1484084762090.png)


oh good luck with it

i know how it can be

best one can do is stay positive and try and see what you can do to make it better

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Just talking to people, suffering through cough and slight headache.

What are you listening to?


R-rude ;-;

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File: e2a31b699819376⋯.png (832.69 KB,1200x834,200:139,u5si.png)

Zzzz times


Sounds good to me

wew im really sleepy


Try to hang in there :/

So much computer staring and tiredness. Feel like overwatch looked weird when I played it. Probably actually start heading to be since looking at the screen is hard

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File: e2a68f18978e1c7⋯.jpg (472.02 KB,1194x642,199:107,8a9a4e32-5c70-4180-a39a-50….jpg)


Yeah I know, just a lot going on.


Sleep well.

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Nighty night Venven, sweet dreams.

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File: 199926d5f40d5d2⋯.jpg (103.43 KB,461x615,461:615,tumblr_mdqbrgjAlB1rtxsdco1….jpg)


Funny that you ask as I just started using my Last.fm again. I only listen to hip-hop really so you probably won't have much interest heh.


I used to like indie folk music and some other stuff but these days i just listen to free hip hop mixtapes.


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File: a0487fadb9ebcd6⋯.jpg (4.52 KB,125x125,1:1,1434224546996s.jpg)

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Ahh, I see. Yeah, you're right, not my thing. I wouldn't say I am averse to it, but it is among the like 30-50% of stuff that doesn't tickle my fancy.

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File: b1feaa21886283a⋯.jpg (342.29 KB,750x700,15:14,sk1426890960266.jpg)

I forgot how much I like The Protomen. Sorta a guilty pleasure, but I don't care!

Also, hi everynyan!

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Yeah I know hip hop isn't too popular on sites like this. That's why I usually don't talk about music haha.

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File: e7ca39ec714e431⋯.jpg (236.58 KB,720x960,3:4,1447537959964.jpg)


I like they're music too.

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Their. What the the fuck brain

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File: e6fae4e4e76b991⋯.png (1.42 MB,1000x981,1000:981,287498f7-abe9-4860-95dd-af….png)


I listen to a shit ton of hip hop

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Oh yeah. See my thing is is I don't participate in software piracy but I also don't wanna pay for music so I just listen to free mixtapes.

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any particular artists you like?

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File: f45a41d0418404d⋯.jpg (42.71 KB,250x250,1:1,sk1426890960265.jpg)





But yeah! They're pretty good. Though I have to admit that part of why I like them is probably just that I like musicals in general, and that's basically what The Protomen is!

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I have a Google music subscription but I understand.


Kanye's the biggest and one I like the most but recently I've been listening to a lot of Kemba, Freddie Gibbs, Wiley, Joey Badass, Big Krit and Saba

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File: 0623ba02c5fb3db⋯.jpg (343.95 KB,615x879,205:293,_original_drawn_by_tko_kkk….jpg)


I've not been up too long..

They're rock opera yeah which I like a lot, musicals are a guilty pleasure of mine too.

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Heya Skandiboy. Just a week or so left yeah? Horny Nervous?


Huh, is it the site in general?

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The 'chans aren't as bad as reddit but rap isn't the most beloved thing

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kanye in general is great. Havent heard any of his newer stuff. Newest one i heard was My dark twisted fantasy or w/e it was called. Really loved all his stuff until that point though. My favorite by him is by far Flashing Lights.

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File: d108dd32744f783⋯.png (181.13 KB,600x710,60:71,sk1426890959401.png)


>rock opera

I guess that's the only reason I liked American Idiot too, actually. There's something about narrative music that really gets to me!

Do you have any favourite musicals, then?


Horny as heck! And tomorrow is the last time I'm allowed to fap before he gets here, so that'll be interesting.

How's Rumi doing, then?

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File: 9ad8f90fc214bce⋯.png (397.73 KB,560x590,56:59,sk1426890959822.png)

Important name change.

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File: 2cf849a51f7c813⋯.jpg (82.79 KB,800x800,1:1,1456297177735.jpg)

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File: b821036990be168⋯.jpg (83.07 KB,1080x1080,1:1,011_CeNtHmv.jpg)


He's released two albums then, Yeezus which has a lot of industrial influence. Almost like a mainstream Death Grips album and then The Life of Pablo, a incoherent but interesting album with a lot of different messages, I like it but the general opinions differ from person to person.


Not a favorite, Nightmare before Christmas is a good one though.

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Hmm. Well, no doubt it'd be considered black music so I guess particularly on infinity with all the polaks, it shouldn't surprise me. I just figured /lewd/ is nicer than average 8chan board!



Ahah, oh boy, that's nice. I had a minor self-imposed nofap week myself. I was doing the state exams and passed, woo! Though as a result I pretty much coudn't fap saturday till wednesday.

The bliss of passing the finals has been replaced by cough and temperature and feeling meh -.-

Oh lawd.

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File: e504185caa4c433⋯.png (301.09 KB,614x614,1:1,sk1426890960218.png)


Hiya, Babe! What's up?


Ooh. Yes, it is! And it works particularly well since Disney is excellent at villain songs, and Nightmare Before Christmas is basically all villain! Greatest examples:




Congrats! You've never had a longer nofap?

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File: 8c549bfa31b3935⋯.jpg (256.25 KB,800x746,400:373,56bb28d9-0e25-422d-bc91-f1….jpg)


Hmm we're nicer than average, I'm just referring to the Chan's in general.


Danny Elfman did Nightmare's soundtrack if I'm not mistaken

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Thank you :3

Oh I definitely had. I just don't remember when it was.


Yeah, I think so.

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File: 12a46d927d4a596⋯.jpg (592.07 KB,850x602,425:301,sk1426890960163.jpg)


He did the music! But I'd be very surprised if he did all the lyrics, too.


My longest iiis… 7 weeks, I think? I fell for the nofap meme and wanted to check if it actually made any difference. SPOILER: It didn't.

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File: 146fbbcfd39f3de⋯.jpg (455.41 KB,1280x1899,1280:1899,003_V5UQKLJ.jpg)


Reddit is full of racists too but they're mostly neckbeards or "alt righters".


I would too.

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white nationalist feminism is the only valid political ideology

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Oh, that is quite long indeed. I am pretty sure I never went that long.

So, the orgasm / erections were just the same, mmm?


Hmm, I see. I rarely lurk reddit so I wouldn't know.

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File: 293c384a08c1141⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1200x1573,1200:1573,sk1426890960238.jpg)


Trans-exclusionary radical black feminism is the only political ideology worth making songs about.


… W-well yes, as far as I could tell! I did eventually just give up, since I'd seduced one girl, but she decided that if we had sex we had to become romantic partners, and I couldn't be dealing with that.

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File: 2234d5312496d44⋯.jpg (203.17 KB,1000x1000,1:1,satsuki_by_mangaszekd8eaan….jpg)




I go there for sports and Music news



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male homosexuality was a mistake


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File: 35629f8370d59ff⋯.png (390.41 KB,618x889,618:889,6197da24-d1d4-4ce5-bfcd-96….png)


Dick is literally the best

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File: 278c21ff3b30d7c⋯.jpg (196.61 KB,850x660,85:66,sk1426890960191.jpg)


Sorry, I was just reacting to Penny! Also, Bit claims to have huge tits, comments?


… I gotta agree with Sims here, lesbians are the most pointless people. If you can penetrate anything, what's the deal?

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Hmm, so hang on, you weren't fapping till she would consent to having sex, basically? Sounds like overdoing it.


Aha, I see.

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File: 609f4e22544d6d2⋯.png (277.72 KB,600x424,75:53,sk1426890959513.png)


No no! She knew nothing about the no-fap bit! Jeez! What kind of guy do you take me for? She just had the rule that she wouldn't have sex outside of romantic relationships, and I didn't want that.

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true but men are gross


but what's the point of penetrating someone if you can't find the true love which exists solely between women

besides, i'm probably going to be penetrating SOMETHING

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File: a870bd9ab91089d⋯.png (217.94 KB,600x514,300:257,sk1426890959474.png)


Well, you're cheating by being a lesbian with a dick.

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File: 35eb6cf8c18cafe⋯.png (262.3 KB,1200x900,4:3,67b54dd8-2bf6-44a5-b7ba-8e….png)


The biggest tits.




But dick is great and actual women are even worse.

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Well that's what I would have thought you meant, but I don't get how it is related to the nofap 7 weeks!


Well then.

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yeah but

>actual men

outside of femboys and whatnt they're all big muscular hairy dudes

like eww


it's a bug, not a feature!!!!!

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File: 03b71702870e2ff⋯.jpg (154.28 KB,400x660,20:33,sk1426890960246.jpg)


I have a somewhat confusing image of your boyfriend now. Bony butt, bigger dick than you, and giant tits. Hm.


Oh! Well, it's only related since I only tried to seduce her since I was so desperate.



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Ahah, I see, fair enough!

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File: d3f434e4f160a30⋯.jpg (303.73 KB,1200x1554,200:259,02f09a79-030c-4b32-b866-73….jpg)


Not sure what to say..


Skinny guys can be cute. I just dislike vaginas, a lot.


Bit's a silly person

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Yup. We can talk about how awkward it is not knowing what to say but not being sure if it's not impolite to just stop talking like that.

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File: b1f6d447dbd1d2e⋯.png (172.53 KB,502x502,1:1,sk1426890959535.png)


If you're lucky enough to be sluttyly gay, I kinda envy you. Two of my best friends are girls, but I can't imagine having a girl as a romantic partner.


Of course! All qt boyfriends are silly!

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File: 57e27261aa07db7⋯.gif (100.78 KB,500x502,250:251,tumblr_oipcjvopfC1v90gago1….gif)


I wish coming up with conversation topics was taught.



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>sluttyly gay

Nah, not me I'm not. I am maximum lewd from behind the keyboard only… Oh wait I misunderstood. You meant bi without having an attachment to men.


I know right? Most people probably start in small talk and then see what catches their mutual attention. Problem is we're not starting anymore.

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File: 5b3dadf6dc3fa92⋯.png (300.99 KB,512x769,512:769,sk1426890960208.png)


Well, I like Bit already, so it's not like I'd disapprove!


… I was trying to say pu.re.ly gay, as in "not straight at all".

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…oh! Aha, that one time filters worked like they are supposed to.

Well then. I am not pu.re gay. I'm a dirty biscum.

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File: 1d1e49f4d8d0fb6⋯.jpg (883.46 KB,708x1000,177:250,__kitten_gravity_daze_draw….jpg)


Its a problem..


I'm someone who should be disapproved

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Indeed… I guess the thread is dead. You are freed of your duty.

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File: 16daeb806ff26ce⋯.png (126.21 KB,303x303,1:1,sk1426890959484.png)


The filters suck.


I don't disapprove of you, either!

Sorry, I'm talking to master on voice! So I'll be slow.

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I find them whimsical. Just right.

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Good night Lewdies.

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File: d5d223498c1d51f⋯.png (604.2 KB,753x1063,753:1063,daily_duty644.png)


Rest well


You should.

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File: d8eebe65bf6d761⋯.jpg (271.54 KB,600x800,3:4,__nagato_yuki_suzumiya_har….jpg)


Ah hell yeah. I love yu-gi-oh crossovers lol.

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File: 72e83f03bb3adf8⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,250x325,10:13,1463692193261.jpg)

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It's a nice image

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File: 9ab2f70486043d3⋯.jpg (491.11 KB,1280x1799,1280:1799,01.jpg)

File: 91aab065b5d60fd⋯.jpg (933.41 KB,1074x1538,537:769,co0216.jpg)

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File: 3b0ac40c3b54655⋯.jpg (82.17 KB,500x720,25:36,7ewZPm4.jpg)

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I've got a nice image of your mom saved on my pc xD

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jk btw lol

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File: 028adfc33056a66⋯.jpg (53.63 KB,600x360,5:3,tfw_you_hit_the_gamewinnin….jpg)

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File: ceb45c43ec75d6a⋯.jpg (48.27 KB,280x314,140:157,22.jpg)

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Haha oh jeez that response…..


Good evening. *bows*

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File: b81a87790c846d8⋯.png (1.52 MB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20160715082942.png)

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I want pics of lewdie's mums

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File: db0c30b50267ff6⋯.jpg (251.2 KB,1300x2800,13:28,15874830_613570238840850_5….jpg)


she looks like me

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Mine doesn't look like me yethaha! Memes

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File: 11b38ebf82ea8f2⋯.jpg (206.01 KB,540x500,27:25,c64404cb-7383-4a84-8d30-97….jpg)


TFW I look like my older sister

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Is that a bad or a good thing

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File: 80b6653c35e4d38⋯.jpg (96.51 KB,1080x1286,540:643,015_WXQyAY4.jpg)


I'm not sure

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Siblings looking like each other is normal.

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I don't look related to any of my other siblings but true.

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File: d4ffe5d8bb90ed9⋯.png (96.99 KB,190x235,38:47,big dumb face.png)


one day

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File: 929255881995188⋯.png (30.94 KB,800x900,8:9,tumblr_nvq8oghKiZ1qjlh2lo1….png)

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I'm sure you do in some ways.

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File: 146fbbcfd39f3de⋯.jpg (455.41 KB,1280x1899,1280:1899,003_V5UQKLJ.jpg)


I don't have the same father as any of them except my older sister who has a different mother, so.

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Even a one parent difference can make some children look the same as to their siblings.

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File: 0e231113ee13ee2⋯.png (218.54 KB,1280x1280,1:1,45ce8c7f-ef91-4fb2-bf62-bb….png)


It's interesting no?

I don't want to be anything like my younger siblings though

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Personality and looks are different things.

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File: c5686c86a693de8⋯.png (406.46 KB,1280x1280,1:1,44b0a26b-421f-408d-83fc-ca….png)


I mean in looks

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Shame, you'll just have to deal with it.

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File: 0761e6cbe755360⋯.jpg (143.43 KB,1280x1280,1:1,658628ec-d18f-4330-9b83-74….jpg)


But I don't look like them!

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Are you sure?

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File: 4b787d75bd4a150⋯.png (376.72 KB,719x1280,719:1280,9a2e2cc9-f3c4-4506-b34e-d0….png)


Pretty sure

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my mom is taller than me

my younger sister is also taller than me

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I'm sure there's some chance, but you should have similar features in one way or another.

Genes are weird.


Genes are weird.

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File: 64ca2898d784fd7⋯.png (244.53 KB,1280x1280,1:1,6d2faf91-4e03-4a46-8d86-56….png)


Tfw tallest person in my family

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File: 3eba2ed3d842d78⋯.png (166.91 KB,1280x1280,1:1,37fe498d-1d46-4cd5-a13a-49….png)


I really don't but it's whatever.

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File: 0779667f64a469e⋯.jpg (349.54 KB,750x1000,3:4,5cfd05cf043479c0dde30b676c….jpg)


progy when

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File: ccb519a90548b9e⋯.png (196.3 KB,1280x1280,1:1,fa34901f-637c-4be6-a8da-65….png)


What's progy?

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it's girl pills

hattie wants you to see get bumfucked like a real woman

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File: 57a38ca561e0560⋯.png (315.19 KB,1280x1280,1:1,85eb60f1-434a-46ac-9f85-92….png)


Eh, Magi thinks I'm dysphoric too.

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really? huh. never saw her mention it

are you? :^)

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File: ddf4258e54bf096⋯.png (155.58 KB,1280x1280,1:1,746f42e8-d31a-40f6-a808-41….png)


Private convos.

I'm me. Who knows

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Well whatever you family hating shit! :^) I support it.

Anyways, gotta go to bed.

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File: f73f8dd9d645d21⋯.png (572.03 KB,565x670,113:134,310ecf7d74216e8f87bef1dccd….png)


i think so too

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File: 4887a1d2d435987⋯.png (271.97 KB,1280x1280,1:1,49dcc9dc-9041-4500-a4c4-eb….png)


I do hate my family yes

Sleep well.


My life style choices are a little too dick centric I think

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you can be trans and keep your dick though

just depends on your choice of meds

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File: 7fbd2d210b0d277⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,3507x2480,3507:2480,4934cbe08464800bf983f68119….jpg)


you want to break out of who you are now?

*now i know why she asked for questions*

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File: 4fe050e566c4f50⋯.png (141.66 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2dd2c0d9-d00a-42ac-aaaf-2e….png)


Who knows what I am.


Hmm I'm slowly progressing to be how I was when I was younger

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File: 5f4a0a39e0bc6b9⋯.jpg (71.24 KB,640x360,16:9,8844e046c48780474720efc902….jpg)


it might become clear when your at that point

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File: 88e5f6a9769a40c⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,768x1200,16:25,djz0rxux2zdy.jpg)


Hmm maybe.

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File: 866471da2ce2d7d⋯.gif (79.35 KB,500x500,1:1,866471da2ce2d7d9ac6fc4c803….gif)


what steps are you taking?

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File: 07c0f7a70ecb82a⋯.jpg (182 KB,540x500,27:25,25da6b87-911c-456d-850e-2e….jpg)


Growing my hair back out, losing weight gained from football. Gonna be a sissy like I was when I was younger

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File: 1ab8a07ff46d2bc⋯.jpg (31.55 KB,450x650,9:13,c77526b2cc2263304ff838afe3….jpg)


good start, i guess you went all hyper masculine to repress?

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File: b6ca06c549897b6⋯.jpg (82.82 KB,500x523,500:523,97fc0ef19f0515dadd4d8c4e2f….jpg)


>Gonna be a sissy like I was when I was younger

oh jesus fuck here we go

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File: 245d1915e5903e3⋯.png (538.9 KB,1008x1115,1008:1115,b27c8aec-79b1-4051-b866-79….png)


No, just to fit in till I was familiar

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File: e398dbeae49b3ae⋯.png (2.17 MB,600x809,600:809,61279058748b120caa3a44d10c….png)


when did you start being a sissy?

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File: 6a91b5e507b19b0⋯.png (269.69 KB,719x1280,719:1280,d71a54f8-ab6d-48da-9d00-83….png)

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wanting to be a cuteboy / femboy was like my intermediary stage between repressing and going trans lmao

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File: 85ee7732c9e0647⋯.jpg (56.42 KB,550x550,1:1,35ccc64a142b5027e3f2977b64….jpg)


thats early, like me

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File: 861d3452fd41f8f⋯.jpg (318.81 KB,600x871,600:871,1446794142893.jpg)


It's something I've messed with on and off for years though..


I suppose.

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i mean like i always wanted to be a femguy but slutposting was my transitory stage

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File: 9b9135f97fb7032⋯.png (338.72 KB,719x1280,719:1280,de9a28a1-7309-41b0-b3b5-ba….png)


I kind of was one, never slut posted. Did do cam stuff though

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File: d3f434e4f160a30⋯.jpg (303.73 KB,1200x1554,200:259,02f09a79-030c-4b32-b866-73….jpg)

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File: 2d4065821e374b0⋯.jpg (109.67 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Quantum_Break_time_tech_he….jpg)

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Ya'll need to be zapped

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File: 4851c21de086002⋯.jpg (216.68 KB,600x544,75:68,1175473738931.jpg)


you need to go to bed

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It's half five!

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File: 72cef0b2d1e4f60⋯.webm (11.82 MB,800x450,16:9,roguebuffsahoy.webm)

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File: 11d9d8356a57e1a⋯.jpg (333.33 KB,1216x1920,19:30,92cc5aa8-22f9-448a-9df7-f1….jpg)

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File: 3868da070687966⋯.png (623.05 KB,800x1131,800:1131,9364b671-5e77-404a-8b7b-d3….png)

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File: aa0b58b2076887d⋯.png (295.62 KB,600x450,4:3,read_or_die_ova_3.png)

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Hey bb

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File: e67fcd11b45483e⋯.jpg (89.64 KB,800x600,4:3,438490_screenshots_2017020….jpg)


Sup. Been playing God eater 2 on steam all night. Im about 30 hours in . You can check out this screenshot of my character.

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File: 41b2309e8fef215⋯.png (507.85 KB,870x1920,29:64,ce89cdc5-3a4b-4a99-8e66-3c….png)


Is it any good?

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for me god eater is one of the best games ever made. I love part 1 and am enjoying part 2. They're long games. Like 60+ hours.

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File: 70b668ad6387e96⋯.png (567.93 KB,1280x1089,1280:1089,fd417b09-863d-4a4c-aa2d-ae….png)


I see, 60+ isn't too bad

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Ssoooooooooo fucking drunk

Thanks for mormons tvo

For gic

Ving daddyo meaning in life

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File: 28b61acc8c3b46a⋯.jpg (55.45 KB,565x600,113:120,1456878865320.jpg)

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File: 6e839c0559b59ac⋯.png (909.09 KB,716x1200,179:300,57914389_p0.png)

If any of ya'll have supernatural power's and are able to kill me at this moment, give me like 5 mins buffer so i can msg to people dear to me. actually 10 so i can make a will. give 30min tbh

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No dying

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File: 58dbcc3641b37b0⋯.jpg (14.82 KB,200x200,1:1,aefd7cfbe4d281a75db7848f20….jpg)

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File: fd8bc75eefbb6f0⋯.jpg (447.33 KB,800x800,1:1,56871614_p0_master1200.jpg)



I know you donb't have super nat´tural powers! baby boy tho,,,


sooo about your supernatural powerts….

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I can slowly drain you of your life force but it'll take some time. Here just tell me if you can feel me devouring you psychically.

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i don't have supernatural powers but if you want we could form a suicide pact

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File: 70b668ad6387e96⋯.png (567.93 KB,1280x1089,1280:1089,fd417b09-863d-4a4c-aa2d-ae….png)


I for one am offended

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Sims, being a witch isn't supernatural. It's satanism.

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show me your supernatural powers!


the last suicide pact didn't turn out so i'll skip for now

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File: 48a79aa32f452c0⋯.jpg (86.6 KB,500x375,4:3,https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tum….jpg)


Lucy is just too cute

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File: ccb519a90548b9e⋯.png (196.3 KB,1280x1280,1:1,fa34901f-637c-4be6-a8da-65….png)


No where's the fun in that

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File: f618bf05f3b47ff⋯.png (324.97 KB,610x343,610:343,qRhgGGK.png)

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where the fuck is skandi. i have dick pics to post ffas


tbh too drunk to catch anything.

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File: bb79b930737526c⋯.png (257.48 KB,517x600,517:600,sk1426890959699.png)


Dick pics?

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you want?

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File: 4b787d75bd4a150⋯.png (376.72 KB,719x1280,719:1280,9a2e2cc9-f3c4-4506-b34e-d0….png)




Your hands are that flimsy?

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File: 8e188cf73ad1220⋯.jpg (73.54 KB,267x400,267:400,sk1426890960277.jpg)


Uh. Sure, but why ask me specifically?

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eyes. eyes can barely see shbit,


since you collect them and shit

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File: c5686c86a693de8⋯.png (406.46 KB,1280x1280,1:1,44b0a26b-421f-408d-83fc-ca….png)


Fix them, drunk pervert

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File: d7550bb65941e30⋯.jpg (65.15 KB,320x320,1:1,sk1426890960276.jpg)


Then post away! Just be sure that you won't regret it when you sober up.

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File: ee61ceb74267115⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,250x341,250:341,201307172254242cb.jpg)


But posting your cock would me make you more popular.

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nigga idgaf

actiaööy feel bad for promising since i can't find them on phone but i should have them on c since i sent them to magi

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File: 6a91b5e507b19b0⋯.png (269.69 KB,719x1280,719:1280,d71a54f8-ab6d-48da-9d00-83….png)


I don't care about being popular

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Wow. That's very mature. I can respect that, honestly.

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