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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

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File: a2f653833ab5613⋯.jpg (330.12 KB, 400x1035, 80:207, 614225fe0f49aaf5e52e543048….jpg)



File: ff38777fe66f0f3⋯.jpg (147.91 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou….jpg)


File: dca341670696272⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 500x1039, 500:1039, a606fd13e57c1fbbe86bab5813….jpg)


I will, thanks Empty.


Ew no.


File: d26740cc56b3a3d⋯.jpg (355.49 KB, 632x800, 79:100, 1373917329182.jpg)


well ya better

i heard its the best fetish out there



They know! They just haven't said anything yet :3 Intervention soon


File: 3d11bc6f4106eca⋯.jpg (219.64 KB, 500x706, 250:353, 1444488092195.jpg)

rip too slow


You should of took lots of screen of her while you were watching! Well I usually do that after I finished an episode. He seems unfazed, dont think it worked ;-;


Stop right there criminal scum!



im gonna rewatch it a gain

for that sole purpose

ill post all the qt megumins as i get em


File: bac56fedeec3e1e⋯.jpg (171.03 KB, 400x770, 40:77, d3b7da6354df9184029f4e2f32….jpg)


Whoever told you that needs their ability to speak revoked


I'm no criminal!


File: 3aae01d7c46285b⋯.png (589.09 KB, 850x944, 425:472, 1462225440876.png)


Hahaha, I wish. They wouldn't find out, until the day I die! I'll be the secret perv forever!


You're welcome Sims, just wants to best for you buddy!



im pretty sure it was you


File: 2343d4579839bd0⋯.png (241.08 KB, 640x700, 32:35, 1468947795423.png)


It's the internet dude, do you expect me to spend all day getting trashed by you? I've been playing video games, having fun!


File: de0e57c594bc14b⋯.png (316.1 KB, 560x720, 7:9, 1444310029247.png)




Plan on watching anything on this list


You are



File: a5d7e62682e32f0⋯.png (277.96 KB, 930x1243, 930:1243, tumblr_odpteoDmRh1s8ydrro1….png)


Thanks, pal.


Nah, must've been someone else


What'd I do?

Steal Your heart or maybe worse, your benis ?



girlish number, and the working spinoff


File: 3522b29d1b48ade⋯.jpg (99.55 KB, 894x894, 1:1, huntress_ameile_by_bjmaki-….jpg)


Nono of course not. But you kinda deserve the trash. From the way you treated me and the way you try to get everyone mad/triggered all the time. About time you got a bit triggered.

I think it's fun to trash you now

And still haven't answered the other one


File: 3d97a840aae9351⋯.png (428.28 KB, 1280x938, 640:469, 50fb68ec-ea7c-4af7-9c6c-a2….png)


I don't want to involve myself in a situation I'm not involved in but I agree with you a bit here.



I'm gonna install everychan now Jesus man


File: 599ae687d02d128⋯.jpg (162.14 KB, 709x921, 709:921, RUJwXzS.jpg)


Okay, so you enjoy being just as bad as I was? Great, going full circle!


But anon you don't even know what happened!


File: f4c2b8a8636f8f5⋯.gif (401.61 KB, 790x810, 79:81, 1473606913507.gif)


I need those


Fug I need to watch working too!



working is so silly and comfy to watch


File: 78f4472443e279c⋯.png (605.18 KB, 1000x883, 1000:883, 1466987462958.png)




As if saying "borderline psycopath" is any better than saying "psycopath" You keep using that point as if it has any value.

And harassing him like that to get an answer is more psychotic and sociopathic than most of the stuff that's happened.

Does it matter if I knew or not? This is a public board.

And yeah, before Gropy and I even got togheter everyone was saying that you thought you were togheter or some shit, maybe you shouldve given him a break and just gotten along, if you love him so much then why could you not just be friends? or do you just love him for the things he would give in in a relationship, as in a sense of self-worth and lewd.

>I kept bringing it up because i wanted the hurting to go away. How would you feel in my situation?

I've been there, and I'd feel that I were not desireable for them, that they didnt like the type of person I am, then I'd fucking move on and wait for someone to like me for who I am



And maybe you should think that the constantly questioning him is hurting him too? maybe that's a thing. you know, the person you loved having feelings. but ofc you wouldnt think that because you see him as a psychopath.


File: f693d3df18830b8⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1469304395413.jpg)




File: b53641ecc16b5e0⋯.webm (399.31 KB, 976x572, 244:143, 1474060289127.webm)


Is this from working?


File: af7e5aff67cd20a⋯.png (396.69 KB, 652x1305, 652:1305, tumblr_mvex2czyqf1s2bs4bo1….png)


That doesn't mean I don't think you don't act like an ass but can't take any heat yourself.


I need them more.


File: 16ab5d6d6aebb8a⋯.png (118.01 KB, 1070x1107, 1070:1107, tumblr_odf84qmo4P1ug5r9ko1….png)


No you dont


File: 3d3861be84facee⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 627x636, 209:212, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou….jpg)


Yes, yes I do.


File: a3351df2f825a86⋯.png (225.42 KB, 1150x1482, 575:741, tumblr_odfaq79Ah11ug5r9ko1….png)


It's not good for you.


File: 0802dee97dcd4f0⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Slap.gif.gif)


Stap, and you dont!



You know what else isn't good for you? Coffee, but people still drink it!


File: 38280a20be4b1ec⋯.png (536.5 KB, 1041x1920, 347:640, tumblr_nwr9o6blBc1ug5r9ko1….png)


No. I do! I need them badly.


Not as bad as alcohol though


File: db818e51c621ad0⋯.jpg (297.57 KB, 850x1316, 425:658, ass.jpg)


You think that bringing drama and starting a heated discuss would be better? Tessy literally said he was just baiting at this point.


File: 6792d723ca28e86⋯.png (322.7 KB, 652x690, 326:345, tumblr_ms42crq5Ow1s2bs4bo1….png)


I'm not referring to right now.

I'm referring to you in general as long as I've known you


File: 3489cec983635e5⋯.jpg (702.87 KB, 1191x838, 1191:838, 1461809764582.jpg)


But it's still bad for you! :c


File: 6c2b4fa5157aa06⋯.jpg (72.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1443014977323.jpg)


Dum dweeb, you're out of luck now!


File: e1ec67e218ae47f⋯.png (352.44 KB, 720x690, 24:23, 532_by_rasbii-dacqoa7.png)


This isn't nearly as bad i just want answers and i know you should treat people how you want to be treated but sometimes it's hard and it will pass.

Also i think he meant the "you try to trigger everyone"


Yea yea criticise my english right now.

It is better. To me it means that you acted like a psychopath. IT HAD VALUE! Not saying it has anymore. It isn't… He can make it go away by just answering and all i did was ask why.

Of course it matters if you knew! You kept attacking me for something you may not know about that's just wrong.

I never thought that i just said i loved him and if people want to believe that i thought we were together then it's on them not on me. Given him a break for what? Me trying to talk with him? I didn't know i was that annoying to talk with.

Do you know how much it hurt to be inlove with someone but they doesn't answer those feelings with the same kind? That's why i couldn't be friends. It would just keep hurting me. No i loved him for him we never were in a relationship as you just said so i never knew what he would give.

Yes i totally understand but HE SAID HE LOVED ME why would i move on from that? Even tho he ignored me he never said that he didn't want me…. Of course i felt undesirable but i just kept thinking if he got to know be better he might just change his mind.


No of course i considered it hurting him and he even said it did. But why would it hurt him? He never said why and he could just be lying to get me to stop bothering him. Because answering a question isn't hard.

Again you bring up the psychopath thing again. I literally came up with that when he wouldn't tell me that you and him were a thing.


Not at this point i still want you to answer what i wrote earlier so we can be done with this once and for all


File: f680849ebeca8f1⋯.png (74.37 KB, 500x436, 125:109, tumblr_inline_o0y8kzX9Ve1r….png)


That's like saying that it's okay that you got Cancer because other people have the cold.




File: 8bbdabacba9f0f2⋯.jpg (231.91 KB, 850x1203, 850:1203, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou….jpg)




File: 3248525d61ae56f⋯.png (363.15 KB, 1280x939, 1280:939, tumblr_nc60c0gFt11s2bs4bo1….png)


It's comparing an extreme to a moderate.


File: 638c9e3efb9a8c4⋯.jpg (230.93 KB, 604x900, 151:225, 1467226513558.jpg)


Sorry Empty! Got a bit cought up >.<

I hope by then they can sync the harddrives to ones heart. So when your heart stops it deletes everything! :3


File: 997d84c6f437093⋯.webm (725.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1472123852229.webm)


File: b86f7ac3303b516⋯.png (978.2 KB, 1032x1457, 1032:1457, 1454596939186.png)


You're being a goofy grape Sims, stop being a silly sausage!


Don't worry Tessy, I've got that all sorted out, with the magic of magnets, get a powerful one swipe it across my computer before I pass, no one will know what's on it! >:D



Ooh yea i never called him my boyfriend or anything like it. I just said i loved him. Calling someone your boyfriend has to be mutual


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It don't matter, none of this matters.


File: 725fce5f55213ae⋯.jpg (97.17 KB, 744x1074, 124:179, maid_tracer_by_bjmaki-dada….jpg)


What if you're too sick to do it? WHAT THEN EMPTY?! Everyone will know you were a very pervy 95-year-old


File: 41c5d5c534ad81d⋯.jpg (454.74 KB, 1583x1513, 1583:1513, __neo_roosterteeth_and_rwb….jpg)






File: 6a89c308e84937e⋯.jpg (247.52 KB, 954x936, 53:52, 14478861731182.jpg)


Youre always so rude Sims, I liked you, I think you're super cool!



It is better. To me it means that you acted like a psychopath. IT HAD VALUE! Not saying it has anymore. It isn't… He can make it go away by just answering and all i did was ask why.

Holyshit, we should go to the mental hospital right now, we found the cure for psychopaths, they just have to answer questions!


File: c3d8654ee977412⋯.jpg (301.48 KB, 530x750, 53:75, 1472082020994.jpg)


But I would have already passed then none of it would matter, I would cackle as they try to call me out on it before passing onto the pervy heaven above!


I dunno! :D


File: 093f4b3a8ab5a2f⋯.png (130.7 KB, 334x713, 334:713, 1447607727234.png)


He already answered... so can you stop with the drama? And flirt with some other E-boy

And you would move on because he has a boyfriend... That should be a pretty indication that he does not love you in a romantical sense.

And yeah, sure, if he got to know you better and liked it then maybe he wouldve changed his mind. But I'm gonna guess you were being incredibly clingy and acting like if you were a couple, which probably made hanging with you really awkard. Maybe just be friends and see where it leads you next time, that's what I did. You don't have to be boyfriends to spend time with someone you like do you?








should* a pretty good indication*

was playing meme games


File: a7228b3e42d4e30⋯.jpg (511.37 KB, 1800x1517, 1800:1517, __neo_rwby_drawn_by_iesupa….jpg)


Ahh but that's where you're wrong. I'm not rude, I'm just voice my view on how you treat people in the threads, and I don't like it. I do have opinions on people and stuff, y'know.

I don't really do anything super cool or likable..


Then why call me it?!


File: 1d65356f56b726f⋯.jpg (60.45 KB, 858x1000, 429:500, a2505aa151c38263e65b78a671….jpg)


Because you can act like a silly sausage! :3


File: b41d89cd4e28dd5⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 414x656, 207:328, 1457976915835.jpg)


Thats a good point, would you mind telling me how I act rude in the thread? Must I try to just fun-bully the sissies because that is what they are into.


File: 19b496ca5d517b6⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 1200x1013, 1200:1013, Cs_ONphUAAAX-jG.jpg)


File: 086eb9fe816a4de⋯.jpg (327.31 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, 0Utd0hQ.jpg)


Dude i never said you were a psychopath i just said you were like one... So there's no need to bring it up again.


Yea but i had some more counter questions...

You think i'm flirting with him?

I know that NOW! But it's kinda hard not knowing when no-one tells you anything.

Did you read nothing of what i wrote? How is wanting to talk for a bit everyday clingy? And it's not like i even did that in the end. I never acted like we were a couple not even once. He said he loved me and where do you usually go from there? Boyfriends no? So if someone you've talked with for 4 months straight said he loved you. You would just stop talking with him and give up?

No of course not but as i said. He said he loved me and i loved him and then he got a boyfriend and said we would never happen. And i can't/ don't want to be friends with someone i love. Being reminded everyday that you're not good enough for them.





Huh true so then you couldn't worry that's right :3 Guess you have it under control


File: edad00a89fd9a2f⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 772x900, 193:225, __neo_rwby_drawn_by_iesupa….jpg)


I don't see how..


You can have that sort of annoying vibe in your shitpostyness that Blackjacks transmemery gives off which is honestly the most annoying to me, but I also fucking hate memes and am a horribly oblivious person when it comes to things like that

A lot has to do with the sort of attitude/vibe you give off at times honestly when you shit post really, it's just sort of ego-centric.


I'm gonna arm slap your dick.


File: 4ba8c4cafd041b0⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1462510490696.jpg)



I've got a lot of things planned out! Even down to the final details! \o/


File: fe0d151d277ea45⋯.png (279.33 KB, 640x895, 128:179, 1451642273694.png)



You're acting so fucking pathetic… It actually pains me to watch.



answer to the question*


File: 1b480fca7ceade4⋯.jpg (106.65 KB, 894x894, 1:1, the_talon_maid_by_bjmaki-d….jpg)


I wish i was like that lol. Life would be easy unless things don't go according to plan >.<


Why are you getting so mad? This has nothing to do with you…. But i guess you gotta defend your boyfriend because maybe if you don't he wont love you.

Also did you even read it again? I said i had counter questions…. READ THE WHOLE POST before making another post.

Why am i pathetic? For wanting answers? So by that logic all scientists are pathetic okay.

Do you actaully have anything useful to come with`?


File: 73477b8b2957c88⋯.png (282.02 KB, 798x1200, 133:200, CtEUYpbUAAAWChx.png)


File: f2d48bb0983cbcc⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 423x600, 141:200, 1463514064816.jpg)


When I mean I have everything planned, I mean that I've got a plan in mind, and it's uhh… yeah! Just that. Finer details come a lot later when I'm already down the plans line!

I should sleep soon though!


File: c2e73811b46742a⋯.png (647.19 KB, 860x1214, 430:607, 1442374429493.png)


If he straight up tells you he loves you but he doesent wanna be bfs right now, then yeah sure that can be a dick thing to do. I simply don't believe he's straight up said that, it does not seem like something he'd do. Maybe Irl but not online…

And when are you claiming that

>He said he loved me and i loved him and then he got a boyfriend

like holy shit, you're saying that as if one day he loved you and you were best friend romance, but the next day he had a bf, that just cant be what happened.

Pretty sure a week before I got together with him he had already told you he didnt want a relationship.


File: 9195ad309681a94⋯.gif (278.52 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1469025328656.gif)


Ive had that with other posters aswell, most noticable Soto, I can't stand him, I find him super annoying, so I completely understand how you feel.

And I do try to act like "I don't care" when shitposting, so thats probably where the ego comes from. That said I love you all as friends :)


>Why am i pathetic? For wanting answers? So by that logic all scientists are pathetic okay.

You got your answers though, do you want to go in depth and discuss everysingle chat we had together for the past year? I think the future is more important then the past.


File: 30fec15281edf5d⋯.gif (685.63 KB, 500x320, 25:16, anime-gif-couple-anime-gif….gif)


<3 cute gif


File: 1ea1a4b537b7b7c⋯.jpg (206.64 KB, 1400x2000, 7:10, __neo_rwby_drawn_by_esu_tr….jpg)


Do you know who the artist is?


I dunno, see if it bounces back like a door stopper.


I don't like Soto either, but I try to be kind towards everyone.

Egocentrism isn't an absolute deal breaker though, Rain can be rather centric but I still enjoy talking to him at times.


File: de4707871215dcc⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 595x442, 35:26, 1474754590152.jpg)


File: d6cbfdfe337332f⋯.webm (7.5 MB, 950x534, 475:267, Mob.webm)


File: 56742236cc49005⋯.jpg (116.43 KB, 600x884, 150:221, dva___1____bad_guys___0_by….jpg)


If anyone is pathetic here it's you. You're just defending Gropy for the sake of defending your boyfriend. You know nothing of what me and Gropys been through and don't try to act like you do because you wouldn't understand it all.


Ooh i have proof that he wrote he loved me. He said it mutliple times. That was around last Christmas tho but just like 1-2 months ago he sent me a webgame. Were in the end it spelled out "I love you"

Yea sorry for the wording there. It was sometime ago he said he loved me but he still said it. All he said to me was that he didn't want a long distance relationship and i was fine with that because i said i would move for him. And just saying you don't want a relationship can mean a lot of things.


Not all of them. How hard is it to answer the others i asked? Seems like you don't want this to be over yet.


Ooh like so okay! How's that working for you?


No sorry. I just found it on DeviantArt sometime ago. :p


File: ffe7ad5b5b78634⋯.gif (388.2 KB, 263x271, 263:271, 14516688062931.gif)


>calls my gif cute

>posts a cuter one

Not fair


Yeah, ofc we werent talking deal breakers! It's just small annoyances!

Hopefully you don't hate me, because I'll not stop memeing


File: 9d2f23a6b52f7b4⋯.jpg (215.67 KB, 1333x1600, 1333:1600, __tracer_overwatch_drawn_b….jpg)


I think I found them, I don't like Overwatch but I really like the way they draw Tracer.


I don't hate you, I just dislike it.


File: 5b4bd36fce1bbd1⋯.jpg (96.04 KB, 439x450, 439:450, 14449478191572.jpg)


Okay let me get on my knees and give you all you want, because that's appreantly your suggestion, answering your quests now means you'll ask more, and then we'll keep going forever until I'm depressed and you feel good knowing you made someone sad.


File: 121d0dcf01713f3⋯.jpg (282.8 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 1474740739372.jpg)


At least bit giggled at it!


It's working out well apart from the fact that I'm missing a lot of stuff, like a new computer, but we'll come to that when I really need one!

Like soon. >.<


File: 586532947e6bfd1⋯.png (178.64 KB, 420x467, 420:467, 1427009974859.png)


Why not?


File: a715b4af60e501c⋯.png (259.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1370689896023.png)


I have the original as an image somewhere, but I didn't name it.



File: 5eaafb8351cbbd5⋯.gif (610.16 KB, 310x510, 31:51, anime-anime-gif-Touhou-Pro….gif)


get 1upped!


Yeah Gropy, you'd better explain yourself and make our whole relationship awkard and like totally stirr up uneccary conflict.

Send us the webm!

O holy shit, he said it multiple times!? before I even met him?! holy crap dude, you're onto him. Nice point.


>Why am i pathetic? For wanting answers? So by that logic all scientists are pathetic okay.

You got your answers though, do you want to go in depth and discuss everysingle chat we had together for the past year? I think the future is more important then the past.

>Realizing your metaphor/argument doesent hold up and trying to turn it around in an effort to save face.

And I'm not defending him, I'm bashing you for being such a kid. Gropy's perfectly capable of defending himself, I just love drama.


File: 9abbe7ecd6da885⋯.jpg (42.99 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1474746729627.jpg)


I like the one I posted, It's very suited to this board! :3


File: f38a2b7c14913d3⋯.jpg (166.53 KB, 900x700, 9:7, 1454809012953.jpg)


Can you explain it to me?


File: e07e279b25f22bb⋯.jpg (183.99 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 0c8fe69b1ff254ae39256b604d….jpg)


I am trying to figure out who that guy still is, I mean the guy who you're posting.

I'm guessing Colin Furze, but I feel like that's very wrong.


File: e40fb31af8a287e⋯.webm (1.14 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 1473743235675.webm)



Im slapping yours around first


File: 48ae7acc1e51394⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 1200x919, 1200:919, 1474655171211.jpg)


Well sims, it's a guy called Reigen, and he's dressing up as a girl just to get into an all girls school so he can preform and exorcism.


You mean the anime guy, or the guy who made the picture and the artist is using it as a template?




File: 063fdd49f57d559⋯.png (617.12 KB, 804x800, 201:200, 56d24acd7c66488c35f62cf762….png)


The character you're posting, who just happens to look like Colin Furze.



File: 417801240af7d59⋯.jpg (187.64 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, blogrollimgjpg-19b104_1280….jpg)


Oh! He's Reigen from Mob Psycho!


File: 22c6ab6789ab61c⋯.jpg (385.64 KB, 600x528, 25:22, 04cacda8b0acf4aabe650e3b6c….jpg)


Alright, haven't seen that anime.


File: e5aef6721070613⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, megusmile.jpg)


File: acea3a0c2b05207⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 826x570, 413:285, CsDlsz6VMAAhZBS.jpg)


Nuh uh, we had an agreement that I'd go first.


Oh I get it now, sorry I only watched the first episode with Bit.


File: 9cf7f75b9c961ba⋯.png (442.23 KB, 989x1085, 989:1085, This Fuckin Guy (35).png)


>you will never share a bag of Quavers and hold hands with Empty irl


File: dbd7ed86aec6b02⋯.png (3.2 KB, 469x164, 469:164, ss (2016-05-24 at 06.53.42….png)


Yea nice! Link it if you can please :3 Also yea they just seem so comfy lol.


That's not what i said either and you know it. Why would you get depressed by answering questions? And i wont be happy then i want us both to not be depressed. But it seems like you're fine with me being depressed.


Ooh but those things are kinda easy to plan for the i mean the new computer and stuff!

Soon soon?


What's your point? I just said he said he loved me i don't mean it as he loves me and will leave you for me because i know that wont happen. My point is that it's a low thing to do saying you love someone but you really don't and then don't have the balls to tell that person that.


There you just copied Gropy

What metaphor?

Well you are and there's no need to hide it lol. You make it seem like you have to fight his battles. Who's the being clingy now?

Again wanting answers is equal to being a child?


File: 876d6034c75530e⋯.webm (5.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Reigen the specialist.webm)


New episode soon!


Not on slapping tho! I win


File: 4e75e597576fd49⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 225x350, 9:14, Mob-Psycho-100-Arakata-Rei….jpg)


Mob Psycho is what OPM would be if OPM wasn't satire and had a story more then "I want to be challenged to find things that I can beat without punching it once"

Great character development, which isn't shown in the anime just yet, but the manga its full of it!


Watch it all, it's super good! I recommend it!


You'd want to share a bag of Quavers and hold hands with me!? WHAT? :O


Well I've been meaning to get one for like 2 years now. x - x


File: 160ca8b141c3ce2⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 540x300, 9:5, anime-anime-gif-Durarara!!….gif)


Because he perfectly interpreted what I meant when I called you pathetic…

And nah, he doesent want drama because of the history between you I'm sure. I don't mind tho because it entertains me and I have no history with you.


File: 6f7120b61b0f004⋯.png (471.68 KB, 829x1011, 829:1011, This Fuckin Guy (29).png)


Yeah, wouldn't that be nice?

Do you not like Quavers?


File: 07f497a95e835b5⋯.jpg (154.65 KB, 579x533, 579:533, 77e2bdf0c54099b80f3583bc96….jpg)


Haven't watched OPM either.


File: 18f9c4277f995fa⋯.gif (692.66 KB, 450x614, 225:307, anime-anime-gif-GJ-Bu-2211….gif)


lmao sorry I didnt notice the pic at first. Oh yeah dude, he said he loved you once in 2015. So did both my exes…

Nice point right there.


File: 00267ba358d6690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 1000x1100, 10:11, CsOLFjBUsAAxXEK.jpg)



They also have a Deviantart under the same name, but I prefer Twitter as a site.




I will once it's over.


File: 1ef6df5c2ce3c4c⋯.jpg (146.61 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 1474619276279.jpg)


Quavers have a funny texture which messes with my mouth, so do a lot of crisps well chips should I say.

So nu uh, I'm not much for them!


Oh! Well both of the animes have their quirks but I love Mob Psycho more!


Fair enough~ :3 I've you're into reading, read the manga it's pretty fun!



this picture is really cute


File: aec413bfdce8f73⋯.jpg (758.84 KB, 1920x3414, 320:569, wallhaven-402170.jpg)


2 years is a lot of time! >.< I just bought a new one and it will probably arrive next week ^^


Yea and i like it when you seem mad so this is fun for both ^^

What history? He ignoring me? Making me feel like shit? You tell me how hard can it be to answer a couple of questions?


Yea i said it was around christmas but you don't seem to read my posts so i get why you would say that.

Also that's just to prove a point he said it multiple times but just up to the new year.


Thanks! :3


Hey Soto!


File: 6b0021423402b16⋯.png (508.11 KB, 570x533, 570:533, 1423439777345.png)


I probably need to watch OPM for cultural reasons.


I like how it's like a slav Remilia, actually I found this in the Russian 2ch.

Glorious Russian paint art.


File: 2d06bc06cda83cf⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1474648270018.gif)


Yeah it is a lot of time, but I have the money for it! >.< Kind of!


Just watch it on the off days you have, an episode a day is all it takes~ :o


File: 0f9288d5836981a⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 731x1000, 731:1000, Hirasawa-Yui-3-kawaii-anim….jpg)


Are we posting logs now? Lets see how many times I told you off.

[20:59:36] Loopist: I just couldn't take the things you posted and how you posted them

[21:04:38] Loopist: But i do miss them..

[21:04:50] Gropy: Go back? Stop thinking about me lmao

[21:05:01] Loopist: Not that easy

[21:05:01] Gropy: remove me if nessecary.

[00:06:43] Loopist: Because i want a boyfriend

[0 0:06:55] Loopist: I want someone that loves me and i love back

[00:08:14] Gropy: but at that point we would be forcing it

[00:08:23] Gropy: You're not my one and only in this world sorry :T

[00:08:32] Loopist: I would never want to force you to do anything

[00:09:32] Gropy: then accept that I wont

[00:09:36] Gropy: or remove me… sorry

[01:37:08] Loopist: And do you know how hard it is to just be friends with someone you love?

[01:37:19] Gropy: YES

[01:37:24] Gropy: THEN REMOVE ME I ACCEPT IT


File: 3ab636cbe0ab53e⋯.jpg (240.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1443445613162.jpg)


File: 9c106739e13162b⋯.gif (3.35 MB, 480x360, 4:3, ezgif-1426113950.gif)


Holy shit! all the way to new year?

Yeah I broke up with my ex around then too, feelsbadman. He's still posting in my other thread interrogating me, he wants closure so much but im a psychopath so I just don't give it to him, his missery is what makes me wake up in the morning.


File: 45252dca0aa1ef1⋯.jpg (82.08 KB, 1200x883, 1200:883, CrGpwVOVUAEzoQC.jpg)


Wait it has a manga? Hm.. I might watch then read it then.

I usually prefer Manga over Anime though.


Here's the DA as well, I'm a second guesser it seems



I love you.


File: 41cd009f0ab908f⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, gif 4.gif)


File: 2bdee7d2208cd2f⋯.png (662.5 KB, 1367x1073, 1367:1073, This Fuckin Guy (65).png)


Lets just get a crunchie instead then


Hur mår min lilla favorit slampa idag?


File: e12fe9d2cd3893a⋯.png (948.46 KB, 1135x784, 1135:784, MeguCute.png)


tracksuits are cute


File: 488c3922430d149⋯.gif (472.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1471288730804.gif)


Yeah! It's got a manga! I've read up to the newest chapter! :3


O-oh! Okay! :D


File: 529408b4aeb535b⋯.gif (282.02 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_nwxoq51VXe1qa94xto1….gif)


>posting chat log that completely destroys everything Tessy has been making his arguments around

Oh no he fucking didnt! what an absolute madman!


File: befa46f2639dd1e⋯.webm (3.39 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1474749135056.webm)


Play runescape with me


File: 54427f968164281⋯.png (667.29 KB, 1155x1085, 33:31, This Fuckin Guy (77).png)


You're so obedient


File: 2daa4dbd2d501a7⋯.png (148.98 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 1465309307801.png)


PFFT, not even! >:c


File: f1c3e77844e5f8d⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 630x756, 5:6, 41255ad08a9aa34c122b7656f0….jpg)


I prefer windbreakers.


File: 61ea27ba758b343⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 612x639, 68:71, comment_XonWO6HOleWqoCegRP….gif)


>tfw im gonna make my hans wear traksuits everyday


File: d4e885905a06c91⋯.jpg (269.67 KB, 800x858, 400:429, 39d20c778fd48b529038dab8e8….jpg)


But why?


File: 787b4512ffbe02a⋯.png (841.15 KB, 861x1089, 287:363, This Fuckin Guy (63).png)


Don't worry, that's a good thing!

Nothing wrong with being praised


File: 5bec9181813dcca⋯.jpg (407.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Konosuba_04_8.jpg)


cause they fit him perfectly

he has the perfect body type for them

plus it would look super cute


File: 1ab47a008ce4804⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 500x501, 500:501, CreWwyyUkAAaQsf.jpg)


I'll look into it after I watch it then


I don't know anything about it..


File: 2d9881b2d39e2c3⋯.jpeg (93.76 KB, 742x1050, 53:75, Image__725577_1469714774.jpeg)


Kind of? Huh


I posted one and it was one message but sure post the logs i don't mind but again you didn't answer my question i just asked. WHY WOUDL YOU GET DEPRESSED BY ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS?

>[00:09:32] Gropy: then accept that I wont

That you wont what? Never said

>[01:37:08] Loopist: And do you know how hard it is to just be friends with someone you love?

I even tried until you got Pouncy

None of these logs say that i never had a chance. You like to dance around uncomfortable things i understand but this is getting ridiculous


Have you nothing better to come with? By posting that it just makes you seem like you haven't read a single post of mine. But yea go ahead mock me all you want lol. I'm still gonna keep asking him.


Thanks again!


Haha you really saved it. But i'm better but a bit mad lol. You?


It doesn't. Many people might not have understood it and i'm one of them.



>better but a bit mad

Oh? Whys that?


File: 97b6f25b5ecb002⋯.jpg (513.42 KB, 1234x1061, 1234:1061, 9d9a656d1de6db3d232b506490….jpg)


Ah, alright then.


File: ff94be98da6d9a4⋯.jpg (242.18 KB, 582x649, 582:649, Megumin.(KonoSuba).full.19….jpg)


yes ill throw all his clothes out and make him wear what i want


File: 2640a7c9b37ae44⋯.jpg (165.07 KB, 915x874, 915:874, tacerxwidow_by_bjmaki-da9g….jpg)


Gropy is all you need to know ^^ But if you want you can read it in the last 2 threads :3


File: 8f161a8ec64e641⋯.jpg (306.51 KB, 515x776, 515:776, 388a447.jpg)


Are you sure he'll be fine with that?


File: e6326f1d4e1dc3f⋯.gif (568.82 KB, 500x294, 250:147, anime-anime-gif-Strike-Wit….gif)


What's there to understand?

And what i mean is that you were totally putting him in a bad light acting like a fucking angel saying stuff like "You said you werent ready right now".

[21:04:50] Gropy: Go back? Stop thinking about me lmao

21:05:01] Gropy: remove me if you cant stop thinking about me.

How the fuck did you even missinterpret this?

[00:06:43] Loopist: Because i want a boyfriend

Sounds insanely selfish to me… You dont even want him, you just want "a boyfriend". Nice one there dude.

[00:08:32] Loopist: I would never want to force you to do anything

[00:09:32] Gropy: then accept that I wont

[00:09:36] Gropy: or remove me… sorry

>he even said sorry

He obviously didn't wanna hurt you…

Seems to me like youre playing victim…


File: fba3ed912e7730a⋯.png (421.42 KB, 707x707, 1:1, 1461809636225.png)


Oh! I'm getting praised, I like praise! B-but I'm not sure where this praise is coming from, but I don't mind it. ^^


Aww yeah! Getting someone on the Mob Psycho train! \o/


Well if I save money up from my grants that university gives me I can get one. ^^


File: 6c769ad92dd92a1⋯.gif (721.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 14325513758176.gif)


>That you wont what? Never said

That I wont be your boyfriend at the time.

>None of these logs say that i never had a chance. You like to dance around uncomfortable things i understand but this is getting ridiculous

Because like I said 1000000000000000000000000000000 times, I dont mind being your friend, why would I remove you if I'm comfortable being your friend? I told you I wouldnt be your bf and that you should remove me, you taken that as a sign of me either A) being your bf in the future, or B) having a chance of being my bf, isn't my issue, call me psychopath or whatever, but what I care about is friends that doesn't slander and act like a child, I literally have no feelings for you anymore when you go on a rampage crusade on every social media.


File: aff6eac7d6ee1ca⋯.webm (3.04 MB, 852x480, 71:40, You did this to me this i….webm)


File: ae95ea20a0293fa⋯.jpg (35.08 KB, 424x600, 53:75, Megumin.(KonoSuba).600.197….jpg)



ill even make him wear cute anime girl vclothes


File: 118655716404870⋯.gif (524.5 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_n3kia5ilei1sl890do1….gif)


DUDE! If there's 0.00000000000000000000000001% chance to be boyfriends then it's your fault for not literally saying "There's absolutely no chance of us ever being toghter" you just gotta tell the TRUTH!


File: 4671a4b37f6a288⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 570x552, 95:92, Cr0edqJUEAI_w1k.jpg)


No problem, maybe you'll appreciate it more, I just like the art, you actually like Overwatch.


To be fair to him, Bit got me into it first, you're getting me to read the manga.


Yeah yeah I know you said you'd show me, it's just, I don't really know how to you know, start..


File: 3d8d46fbfe40a30⋯.jpg (91.12 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, 4b4f8ee0efb8e94611a0d57ed0….jpg)




File: 5ae0c8fffb55270⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 540x527, 540:527, 1474740275434.jpg)


Well getting you into the manga is something! GO EMPTY! \o/


File: 361a59b361927bc⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 1427316283641.jpg)


Truly a hero of our time



No, well this is the part where I get you to suck my dick


Sounds like alot of work and stupid drama lmao


File: 838fd5b2bc1755d⋯.jpg (808.86 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Megumin.(KonoSuba).full.19….jpg)




File: 690d1f2340b542d⋯.png (219.35 KB, 579x442, 579:442, firefox_2016-09-15_21-15-3….png)


No can do mister Soto, I belong to Tee, I can't give other people different services like such! I will have to respectfully decline!

But thank you for the offer!


Yuss! A true hero, THE TRUE HERO EMPTY!


File: 61ec328a3a76c67⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1470672142388.jpg)


File: 9a87ad32932b66a⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 6ac3bb223d3c90c547750f31e4….png)


Going to be a wild ride for them.


File: d37bc5b3f82c264⋯.png (293.41 KB, 1280x765, 256:153, 1445548579610.png)




I'm saying I don't know how to sign up


File: e49843c9d153b1a⋯.png (259.65 KB, 1024x496, 64:31, service__d_va__by_eveurite….png)


I know and that's not my fault! I said it because he has said it to me on occasion!

Why would i remove someone i love?

I guess i could've wrote that better but he knew i only wanted him but yea.



Don't you need that for other things?


Yea then say that.

You just said what i wanted to hear at the time and it is your issue now because if you were honest from the start we wouldn't even be here. Again with the psychopath thing i never called you one… But yea keep bringing it up. I never slandered you i told you the truth my truth in the way i see it because you WONT ANSWER ME. On every social media? You get depressed when people ask you questions? Must be a hard life being so depressed all the time. How do you avoid all the questions?


Yea maybe a bit more ^^ But haven't played it in a while and yea i agree the artstyle is amazing.


It is ^^ So how are you? :3


File: 4e75e597576fd49⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 225x350, 9:14, Mob-Psycho-100-Arakata-Rei….jpg)


Sign up to what?


I do, but if I save up the left over money, I'll have a lot left over to use for umm, computer parts!


File: 008d2fff249d6a6⋯.jpg (121.96 KB, 743x1075, 743:1075, mercy_by_raichiyo33-d86azu….jpg)


Ooh nice! Tell me when you buy it! :3


File: 2611cc3b0e60c75⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 540x228, 45:19, h8.gif)


File: 9eea95c85852ba6⋯.gif (552.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1416077880986.gif)


I fucked up linking posts.

The Heroine bit is for you.

That was meant for Bit


Bit, bottom part is for you.



File: e72b34c12bf2c9b⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 493x750, 493:750, 9DA.jpg)


he will get used to it

ill even makehim wear wermacht uniforms


yes little sims?


File: af8c0746b79ab99⋯.gif (133.59 KB, 311x267, 311:267, 1432168310008.gif)


File: 297adaecbeb057e⋯.jpg (122.13 KB, 1060x796, 265:199, 1462516126812.jpg)


I will, but it wont be for sometime~ >.<


OH! Okay~ :D

Anywho, I bid you all goodnight, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evenings!~


So is this just a casual weeb discussion board?


File: 939b854c550a00d⋯.jpg (277.29 KB, 515x728, 515:728, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_….jpg)




I didn't mean to respond to you, sorry Date.




Sleep well


File: eb680a9652370e3⋯.gif (411.23 KB, 500x281, 500:281, anime-anime-gif-cats-cute-….gif)


Because he doesent fucking want to be with you and you word by word said

01:37:08] Loopist: And do you know how hard it is to just be friends with someone you love?

Implying you cant be friends with him… You were basicly just guilt tripping and forcing him into a relationship, but my boy Gropy was stronger than to let you control him like that.


Starting to think you're actually fucking braindead, are you not reading your own posts? You've said several times that he doesent care about you and he has no empathy etc.

Can't you just move on like we're just going in circles and you'll never get anywhere, tbh I don't think you even know what you're seeking.


File: fc8815c0173e905⋯.jpg (570.73 KB, 693x886, 693:886, Megumin.(KonoSuba).full.19….jpg)


10 lashings!


File: 0cb523fffda486a⋯.webm (508.1 KB, 926x528, 463:264, Look at this smug mother ….webm)


Basically, yes.


File: 7c72eb06d50451b⋯.gif (382.07 KB, 500x281, 500:281, anime-anime-gif-Nisekoi-Ch….gif)


Nah this is a circlejerk and drama production inc.


File: 3f5885cb878e05e⋯.jpg (338.79 KB, 666x985, 666:985, db85b578e5a3c4660c267ceb3a….jpg)


It all got dark so fast.


File: 3c5f5116a038175⋯.webm (180.43 KB, 452x250, 226:125, The Glorious Coach Tomlin….webm)


I'll have none of that.


File: 6a9dc44cc3dfc5f⋯.jpg (137.1 KB, 600x338, 300:169, konosuba (1).jpg)




yes 30 now


File: 13ad97591a20822⋯.gif (167.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, l08.gif)



Don't worry Im finnish too


Pretty good, went out with a couple of friends and got high as shit



File: b52d9a430f8b799⋯.jpg (313.33 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 8ec428601d5be2c1bbeecbfff3….jpg)


With the Wehrmacht and all.


File: 389a8cb353893d6⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 407x225, 407:225, tomlinumadbroface.gif)


Date don't do this.

I'll start talking about the death of the Bobcats.


File: ca22e52f7665cb5⋯.jpg (299.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1425244211576.jpg)


Don't be like that..


File: 02434b5e1da247c⋯.gif (7.92 MB, 600x336, 25:14, comment_e63qZPxVrYy6jS233f….gif)


times 20???



wermacht were honorable men


hush twig or ill sick bit on you!


File: 14aa6d24d4d69c6⋯.png (248.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 96dd5db19dccd9c1e4625128cb….png)


True, but the common stereotype still exists.


File: 0977034562a96ca⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6luYU3x.jpg)


I know that now.

I wasn't but i can now see why people would think that. I said that i never wanted/want to force him to do anything because that isn't love.

Yea but to a start he said he didn't want to hurt me but that was contradicted to many times i don't believe it anymore.

I'll move on when he answers my questions. I seek closure.

Again you're fighting his battles for him.


And 75% of the drama is from you


Sounds fun! Was it fun? I've already said how i was >.<


File: 8b0e774cf8aae0c⋯.webm (3.81 MB, 1166x480, 583:240, 1474390236762.webm)


Ill make it 30 just for you :^)


Its 30 now


File: 3c79ba7cadd6d88⋯.jpg (86.11 KB, 758x900, 379:450, 1421200673142.jpg)


The Charlotte Bobcats were the worst sports franchise in the history of the National Basketball Association, they set records for sucking so much, run by "Michael "The GOAT" Jordan" one would not expect such a disappointment, but alas the Bobcats were about as successful as MJ's baseball career, but at least we got Space Jam out of that, the only thing to ever come out of the Bobcats were the chances in ever being a legitimate sports franchise, and now they are dead and forgotten, replaced by the Hornets who are already so much more successful than the Bobcats ever could have been.


I'm gonna cry..


File: ff94be98da6d9a4⋯.jpg (242.18 KB, 582x649, 582:649, Megumin.(KonoSuba).full.19….jpg)


then afrika corps!

those men looked very handsome in them uniforms


you heard bit sims

30 lashes



i already cried about them years ago jordan is gay and so are you :b


File: aef400e976160fb⋯.webm (6.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alt J - Breezeblocks.webm)



I already told you, I love drama… Are you even reading my messages?

You havent even asked something he hasnt answered, and he's not obliged to answer everything…


File: 1adfec92557d3bc⋯.jpg (134.98 KB, 556x800, 139:200, 1437947452180.jpg)


I'm gay for one person.



File: 14501fde294133c⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 6a5f987e2d0ff75d96e21f5e1f….jpg)


The fact is that anyone affiliated with the 3rd reich has the stereotype upon them.


File: 60a0793ca6c27d2⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 845x945, 169:189, overwatch___tracer_by_amer….jpg)


I know he isn't but then he can't just tell me to stop asking either and i linked it earlier... i can link it again













>tfw Pouncy doesn't think Gropy can handle his own battles


File: e5aef6721070613⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, megusmile.jpg)


wow not lsitening to bit

tsk tsk tsk

how disobidient

dont worry the 30 lashes will help with that


well tbh

when i used to play world at war i would scream with the wermacht announcer

what he said

so its ok


File: e1107141b37ba08⋯.jpg (136.33 KB, 580x562, 290:281, 1a7e7359ffc7228b3e7103f69d….jpg)


Odd, I still liked the königgrätzer marsch because of Prussia.


File: 43a2761ab93f9cf⋯.png (225.06 KB, 500x525, 20:21, Fem!laharl.png)


I'm his boyfriend, not his bitch. I have a will of my own and go against his wishes at times..


File: 19d4f31ff3c536f⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 476x477, 476:477, 12795451_10206610161195994….jpg)


>when i used to play world at war i would scream with the wermacht announcer

yep, sounds like you.


File: b18e95557aef081⋯.webm (7.82 MB, 950x534, 475:267, Ghost Audition2.webm)




Probably my favorite season


File: e3dd31552556ec0⋯.mp4 (968.31 KB, 550x550, 1:1, dota2.mp4)


He can, he just doesent want to. Because he has like literally no reason to and he's done enough so that you should have closure, it's on you at this point.

Why should he hang himself to make you make you feel good.


File: e361ba0b0a572de⋯.png (643.61 KB, 547x768, 547:768, 1468006600660.png)


the marsch


Vor uns liegt Deutschland, in uns marschiert Deutschland, und hinter uns kommt Deutschland!


yes but this is for your own good




File: 9d39db6edb028e1⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 400x558, 200:279, 1462668313732.jpg)


Lemme lay on you and kiss you all over.




File: ad71e8781943ac9⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 1473590858004.jpg)




File: 9e9687bb11ca5e3⋯.png (243.49 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 8fd038b9a7d1168bbf0fce39a2….png)


I still haven't watched any whatever-gatari, but I've heard they're all pretty much 100% fan service.


I don't even.


File: 8413092a1a2c6a0⋯.gif (529.18 KB, 580x374, 290:187, anime-anime-gif-Joukamachi….gif)


Wait a second. lol. Since when's this a battle? I thought you just wanted closure, now you wanna defeat him or something?


File: ce0edbba0c8aa29⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1500x2128, 375:532, 1467224713191.png)


But by you answering just proves the opposite. He never had a reason to talk with about but the word he said that he didn't want to hurt me. It's always been on me but it would've been much harder without the things he's said today and it would be a lot easier if he would just talk with me.

Why is answering my questions equal he hanging himslef? Where's the logic in that?


File: b6794cd7d7e2b82⋯.jpg (228.56 KB, 590x300, 59:30, Reimu-Banner.jpg)



dont blame me

blame the waw developers



It's a metaphor/exagerattion for "putting yourself on the spot"


File: 0af62c43f137630⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 225x350, 9:14, thank_u_based_punpun_4734.jpg)

How's it going, guys?


File: 1a57d1141647ace⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 800x830, 80:83, 1470844833887.jpg)

Tessy X Pouncy would be funny so Gropy gets cucked XD


me after done with my daylie sport



File: ccad3b579a6ff4c⋯.jpg (494.39 KB, 2888x3040, 19:20, --chane-laforet-baccano-dr….jpg)


Hey Ese, a bit annoyed, kinda light headed.



File: de3214de1b2f090⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 518x518, 1:1, anime-gif-anime-1951895.gif)


Lmao, let's do it. Wait a second, are you Marsy?!


File: 6f075f0b9bc954e⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 894x894, 1:1, huntress_and_the_wolf_by_b….jpg)

Anyways i'm going to bed and i hope by tomorrow i will get an answer to at least one of my questions the one i just asked becayse answering should depress anyone!


Yea but that doesn't apply here…. He can just tell me in private and only i would know.


Ooh hello Ese! Just as i was going to bed :p Nini <3


File: 5b9e52c02f29b6d⋯.png (155.88 KB, 586x231, 586:231, 5b9e52c02f29b6de404596fe55….png)


File: 91633b2f64f7ee7⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 500x281, 500:281, dakimura.gif)


Goodnighty! <3 Sweet dreams.


File: fb4d591888163cb⋯.jpg (382.67 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 522714.jpg)


That's unfortunate! I'm sure I'll get a chance to talk in the future, though.


Annoyed why? Also, did you get checked out yet? I recall you might have mentioned you were trying to set something up with that.

I've been better.


That's gut.



I think that's Akari


File: 6e3fc07142113b7⋯.webm (7.25 MB, 950x534, 475:267, Bopap.webm)


Then sleep on me. Deal


100%? Nah but they do it in a way strange way. Hard to explain to someone who hasn't seen


File: c3bb1f0b2752c4e⋯.gif (138.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1463115145693.gif)


Woke up from a nap moody is all, no, I don't think my mother's taking it serious, I'll probably have to wait till I move out.

What's the matter?


Deal? If I kiss you all over I can? Niiiice~


File: b4ee8bda2972d0b⋯.jpg (63.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rtvei4x.jpg)


Yea night!


Just get your BF to answer my questions and i will leave you alone


File: 9195ad309681a94⋯.gif (278.52 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 9195ad309681a94c4b1f5335c3….gif)


I don't care if you keep bothering me, please do, today was fun. But Gropy's already answered you so I'd recommend moving on.


File: e13215c9a3457f8⋯.webm (7.76 MB, 950x534, 475:267, Basketballu.webm)


No waiting, yes but after you watch this with me


File: ca7a6eda02e60ee⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 480x339, 160:113, 59c5dbb9b0c829475f79a489c3….jpg)


I'm cool with that.



Yea no i'm gonna keep asking ^^


File: 118655716404870⋯.gif (524.5 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_n3kia5ilei1sl890do1….gif)


Good luck!


File: 36946728f4d20c3⋯.gif (519.19 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 1412001586897.gif)

Is it finally over? Find out next thread, on L.U.P.End





File: 1915460a4189dbb⋯.webm (7.73 MB, 704x528, 4:3, Best anime.webm)


I think you would like it or boxing


File: 94ae3695cbd8e97⋯.jpg (90.2 KB, 620x777, 620:777, 1462451530285.jpg)


File: daa7652d533773b⋯.jpg (878.61 KB, 900x1243, 900:1243, 21552398_p0.jpg)


That's not too bad, then; I assumed something undesirable happened to you.

That's terrible! She should at least notice that normal people don't have that problem every single day! Are you at least moving out within a year or so, or are you still a fair bit off?

I've just had some bigger stuff going on that I can't/won't talk about (right now), and I've been feeling sick on top of that. That's why I haven't popped on for a few days, if you've noticed.


Sleep well; get lots of rest!


Ashita no Joe is the objectively superior boxing series.


File: dda8118bd8d976e⋯.gif (727.81 KB, 500x228, 125:57, 1412006120746.gif)


It looks neat, Which boxing one?


Hey bad fox, what's up?


Not to me, no.

In about eight months.

I've not been on too much myself, but if you ever wanna talk about it you know I'm willing to


File: e8b33981cabbd14⋯.jpg (132.92 KB, 960x544, 30:17, 1461713981755.jpg)


My board is dead and I decided to stalk some of you. Also, that girl was perfect in that one doujin.


File: 8c6eacef0a23203⋯.gif (353.4 KB, 450x253, 450:253, 1412001673032.gif)


Oh you're an animus fag eh? I don't really know much about her, just like her design but alrighty then


File: 81d348eb1f3e009⋯.webm (562.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, what are birds.webm)


File: 186657f73177063⋯.gif (451.34 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1444409154261.gif)


Ree your opinion is wrong!! Ello



File: 118e23395fa1257⋯.jpg (65.55 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, 1415673936909.jpg)


I hadn't watched the webm yet, I'm dumb I know


File: 7e1290d60873ec3⋯.jpg (187.5 KB, 1268x900, 317:225, 32958753_p0.jpg)


I considered using your board once, but I wasn't aware of the expected etiquette, so I just deleted everything I had typed and left.


Can you handle eight more months? It seems to bother you a lot

Yeah, I appreciate it.


I've never had an opinion that wasn't correct.

Hello to you, too.


File: af8c0746b79ab99⋯.gif (133.59 KB, 311x267, 311:267, af8c0746b79ab99884569b69f8….gif)


Sort of.

Anime is boring most of the time.

I usually play japanese video games because it's more interesting. I'm reading a VN about a trap going to an all girls Christian School



Sounds kind of like Maria Holic.


File: 320743bc8d20540⋯.jpg (143.53 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 57527128_p0_master1200.jpg)


Aw, that's explains the deleted post.

There's no real etiquette there. It's just insular as hell.


He looks like that girl from Death Note.


File: 3ea87f506f0f27a⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 47637931_p0.jpg)


That's just as intimidating!

Do you primarily just play VNs, as far as Japanese games go? What's your reading level?


File: c0de7843ab6b5e4⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1739x2443, 1739:2443, 1462482322033.jpg)


Nono, I play japanese games.

I'm on Shiren The Wanderer 5 and Gal*Gun. As far as VNs go I have only read Chusingura and Chiru chiru michiru.


File: 3f7c64cd6733add⋯.jpg (654.1 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, 51435963_p0_master1200.jpg)


Its fine


What will you be doing today?


File: 75748775d3c5d0f⋯.jpg (160.1 KB, 500x733, 500:733, 2539204_p0.jpg)


My day's essentially over already, I just got home recently, worked 12 hours today. I might play a bit of something until bed, but more likely I'll just click links aimlessly and check the board until then.

How was your day?


I played a bit of Shiren for the SNES, but I never really got good at it. I've tried a few of the mystery dungeon spin-off games, though, like the chocobo one and the Etrian odyssey one, though. I really like the Super Robot Taisen series, if you've ever heard of those games. It's an SRPG that crosses over mechs from most famous mecha series.


File: ba2b0deacf65ac2⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 600x505, 120:101, ohno.jpg)


Shiren is really tough actually. Rogue like in general are extremely tough for some reason. I played Brandish for the PSP and managed to get past all the bosses then some really weird puzzle killed the game for me.


File: 8010699607cc1bd⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 500x456, 125:114, wqdcmp.webm)


File: b09cb06db60aaad⋯.jpg (96.02 KB, 936x809, 936:809, Flowers for the dead.jpg)


I knew it.


File: 63ae4ba031d68e8⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 3357804_p0.jpg)


Oh! I actually played some Brandish on the PSP as well! It was pretty solid, but you certainly got deeper into it, so I don't know of the puzzle you're talking about.


File: 067eea627c207d4⋯.webm (2.89 MB, 650x276, 325:138, 1459473995537.webm)


File: a2de10ec6a1011a⋯.webm (5.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Official commercial of Ru….webm)


File: aa13976fae86e52⋯.jpg (427 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, 1456098242433.jpg)


It's an evil diabolical puzzle.

There's 40 pads every time you press a pad skeletons will lie on the ground. You have to find the right skeleton to open a door. The problem is that there are 15 skeletons laying around in various places…So far no walkthrough or guide exist for that puzzle….


File: 0021aab2bee1437⋯.webm (699.44 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1442853143677.webm)


File: 1f62e80767174cb⋯.webm (3.94 MB, 496x280, 62:35, 1454305604759.webm)


File: fbede6d5f8e7f6b⋯.webm (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1449644709991.webm)


File: c10475420ce42d7⋯.webm (3.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eyebrows of Mugi.webm)


File: 4b42ed30b387021⋯.gif (741.96 KB, 500x348, 125:87, tumblr_ne5i51Na5R1sfdfqmo1….gif)



I can't picture it, but it sounds terrible.


File: 437811900a1d328⋯.png (73.67 KB, 654x509, 654:509, AT5.png)


I've dealt with it for longer so sure why not.

That's good


That's an odd plot..


Good.. I'm sorry.


File: b8f7d76af838ee3⋯.jpg (277.45 KB, 600x847, 600:847, Kantai.Collection.full.189….jpg)


I gave up…Shiren is much easier…Although, Dela was pretty cute!


File: 09e263afb66798b⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, maxresdefault.jpg)


It gets better!

His grand pa forced to go and his grandfather used to dress him as a girl when he was five!


File: fdd4d86a486d1a4⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tay.webm)


File: 418b9b8275bea4f⋯.png (435.75 KB, 490x700, 7:10, 'tis but a scratch.png)


File: 136e4ccd53cb074⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 465x1024, 465:1024, 1437763104357.jpg)


So does it have like, love interests and stuff? Are they male or female?


File: 66bed7b0600687f⋯.png (319.49 KB, 1000x950, 20:19, 1470087442936.png)


Yes, he dates girls around campus.

Although, you'd have a hell of a time explaining why you were cross dressing for 6 months.


File: b02b09c5fc33be9⋯.png (105.99 KB, 500x523, 500:523, tumblr_inline_od4r8iDbXU1t….png)


Busy day? Alright just been messing around on RS all day. Nothing really productive I guess.




File: e21740fd3c763c2⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 400x300, 4:3, 1450051927307.webm)


File: 8759c4ecb149448⋯.webm (4.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, The Interview - T-55.webm)


File: 9f29aef7161dc7f⋯.gif (366.42 KB, 320x213, 320:213, 1363868465387.gif)


Oh the story takes place over a half year period?


Did you ever eat dinner?


File: 52acfff91bbb76a⋯.webm (3.7 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1449324780867.webm)


File: a6b8b8b88976891⋯.jpg (229.38 KB, 800x921, 800:921, 1455754123622.jpg)


Yes, Japanese go to school longer than us Americans!



A school year is around eight months though?


File: 3fb430c7ee84339⋯.webm (6.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, MICHAEL BAY'S EVANGELION.webm)


File: d1fc2004f10e5df⋯.jpg (133.78 KB, 570x671, 570:671, 1459697163648.jpg)


Man, I'm old.

It used to be six months when I went…


File: 3816ad033e77fb7⋯.webm (3.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1454272453950.webm)


File: ccdaad402af4854⋯.webm (6.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Threw it to the ground.webm)



Well late August, late May to Early June so about eight, seven maybe including holidays and stuff


File: 37eca709736bccf⋯.png (198.52 KB, 494x548, 247:274, tumblr_inline_odocf4fOSQ1t….png)


Chips remember


File: c7f260686fd56e0⋯.webm (3.85 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1470414911424.webm)


File: 00d0fde715c0f8c⋯.webm (845.87 KB, 1059x749, 1059:749, 1469978041411.webm)



Oh I thought you were eating more than that


File: afc3cb45600312f⋯.webm (4.89 MB, 426x240, 71:40, TSUN-D.E.R.E..webm)


File: 95aa2859e8fe9e5⋯.jpg (522.99 KB, 1200x772, 300:193, 41001001_p0.jpg)


Still, it just bothers me even as a stranger, essentially, that the person who is responsible for your well being won't even take your health seriously, so you shouldn't have to deal with it.


Very true. I do prefer PC-98 Dela to PSP Dela, though.


Not too bad, the work was done halfway through, so most of the day was spent waiting to leave, unfortunately.

And that's not bad! Now and again you need a day like that.

That's it for, me, though, I think. Disappearing for a bit, again. See you.


File: b065d421c69d04c⋯.png (17.91 KB, 128x128, 1:1, spoiler_.png)


Who knew!


File: e828375fe2f1395⋯.png (94.07 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e828375fe2f13951b088650fab….png)


>those commas in the last line


File: 2241508ab5ee02e⋯.webm (3.95 MB, 747x420, 249:140, miku.webm)


File: f81d2fc1b3c1f03⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 650x364, 25:14, Sakura ichiko.webm)



I used to not take my health seriously either to be fair.


I knew!


File: a1bbc67bc74f70a⋯.png (458.33 KB, 1002x1513, 1002:1513, h65.png)


Oh yea, Ill try to eat a meal soon


Halfway done? Well its bad when I do it almost everyday. Oh okay cya later


File: 087380d4179d807⋯.webm (365.79 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Jesus.webm)



I mean, done like 6 hours in.


That's to be expected, though, I still don't. My father does, though, because he is my parent.


File: ba1f175e464a6b3⋯.webm (3.83 MB, 480x270, 16:9, tooold.webm)


File: 550fae5f124d092⋯.jpg (202.41 KB, 850x992, 425:496, __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_….jpg)

Just get off of work? Seems like a perfect time to drink yager bombs to me.

How are you people doin tonight?


File: b9b54c76f4405a4⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 853x480, 853:480, Adulthood.webm)


File: a79c71275d819c8⋯.webm (3.92 MB, 640x480, 4:3, remand ram.webm)


File: bdf6ce31b64afc1⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 696x960, 29:40, 14449001_1146703658727251_….jpg)




I guess that's fair..


File: b0e9c02b5d91ad9⋯.webm (7.62 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Yacchatta.webm)


File: 9f74af2ad1be7a9⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dicks.webm)


File: a8ca219235b5ebe⋯.webm (71.95 KB, 580x400, 29:20, dicks2.webm)


File: 1845521f8256ff8⋯.webm (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, For Fox.webm)


File: 8fd9c7c68d51ac7⋯.webm (3.68 MB, 888x350, 444:175, perfume.webm)


File: 56d2858693b4647⋯.webm (1.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fred Ventura - Wind of Ch….webm)


File: 5eb27b9b0d9959c⋯.webm (3.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, wired.webm)


File: 30baf4d565dc7cf⋯.webm (496.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14278338233080.webm)


File: 9c425f75e43082e⋯.jpg (69.6 KB, 645x911, 645:911, 13339716_735951543212525_1….jpg)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 009ec692a451ef4⋯.webm (178.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14278336391030.webm)


File: 53280aff82c9c1e⋯.webm (3.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, vapidwave.webm)


File: fc6b07b06d79060⋯.webm (5.44 MB, 540x360, 3:2, Rainbow Trololol.webm)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 15de607a3e0374e⋯.webm (3.95 MB, 446x360, 223:180, falcor.webm)


File: 1fb12008d79481b⋯.webm (7.34 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Bad Apple oscilloscope.webm)


File: 522e4dd218630a1⋯.webm (1.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I masturbated to you.webm)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



File: c5f543e26864229⋯.webm (656.62 KB, 354x640, 177:320, Black stuff.webm)


File: 57acd2124eb25e5⋯.webm (1.42 MB, 720x406, 360:203, 1457460641441.webm)


File: 5655abf5fab5cd4⋯.webm (3.1 MB, 480x240, 2:1, 2ch still alive.webm)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 81db0b7dcec4d31⋯.jpg (377.92 KB, 700x742, 50:53, 0cdee1dec2d4ef54f3563cc7b5….jpg)


File: 2f490f79b625188⋯.webm (3.98 MB, 507x360, 169:120, 1450046517971.webm)

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