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227156 No.43055 [View All]

This is a catch-all thread for those questions that don't merit a lot of discussion and can be answered with a simple answer or reference. It is not meant to be a blog or general discussion thread. If discussion of a particular question lasts more than 4-5 posts, then the question does - in fact - deserve its own thread.

Example: "Where can I learn Arabic?" or "Do I have to change my name if I convert?"

Answers should be backed up with citation from Qur'an and Hadith. Petty arguments will be deleted.

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dabc28 No.44902


>I might not be well-versed in Qur'an.

That's fine, but …

>Maybe you could help instead of being snarky.

I did help. I don't know how much more help I can be to someone who refuses to read the original question:



"They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more."

"They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more."

"They will havewhatever they wishtherein, and with Us is more."


How much more clear do you need it to be? Why do you need a scholarly opinion when Qur'an is so simple a retarded child could understand it?

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8eaabb No.44903


>Why do you need a scholarly opinion when Qur'an is so simple a retarded child could understand it?

Bold of you to say something like that since even scholars have ikhtilaf between themselves.

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dabc28 No.44907


>"They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more."


Which of those three words is giving you the problems that you require a scholar to interpret it for you? Your reliance on scholars with even the simplest of statements borders on requiring a Priest. Are you Catholic?

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4c9c07 No.44909


Wow dude you're making this hyperbole because I don't have a certain opinion about a controversial topic. There are muslims that say there is no gayness in Jannah as well. Have you read their arguments and concluded they aren't good muslim enough?

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dabc28 No.44910


>a certain opinion


Qur'an literally says "whatever they wish". Your opinion is meaningless.

>There are muslims that say

So what? Muslims don't determine Islam. Allah is the ONLY source. If you disagree, then you are not Muslim. Period.

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6ed9dc No.44911


Mufti says there is no homosexuality in Jannah. Please don't make takfir on him.


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dabc28 No.44912


>contradicts Qur'an

Opinion discarded.

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6ce160 No.44913

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5113a0 No.44915



Buddhists are Ahl al-Kitab, and Gautama is recognized as a prophet by at least one sect of Islam that I'm aware of.

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dabc28 No.44933


>Buddhists are Ahl al-Kitab

I hadn't heard that before and would love if you could share some insight.

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5113a0 No.45016


Ayah 21:85 and 38:48 both mention a "Dhu al-Kifl", there's a lot of differing opinions among scholars but some people believe it refers to Kapilavistu, which according to Buddhists is where Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment.

Basically the idea then, from an Islamic perspective, is Gautama was a prophet whose people were persecuted by their majority-polytheist society, and Gautama and his followers preached Tawhid and had their own revealed holy scriptures, but after his death those scriptures became corrupted (following the same pattern as other prophets and their books, like the Injeel etc.)

To be honest, I don't know how solid the "al-Kifl = Buddha" connection really is. I think a lot of it is politics; a lot of majority-Buddhist countries have a large Muslim minority (and vice versa), a Muslim-Buddhist alliance is too powerful for TPTB to be comfortable with it, which is why we're now having conflicts in countries like Burma (which is 100% astroturfed by Chinese intelligence)

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e47d7b No.45089

Guys, I stopped watching p*rn, masturbating and listening to music for a while alhamdulillah. Life seems boring now. Not that I want to turn back to them again just because I'm bored. I spend my time by reading, learning, exercising and watching Islamic videos. I still need some relatively cheap(tbh, it must be almost free because I don't have a job rn) halal hobby. What would you recommend?

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dabc28 No.45090


It's ok to use the word porn here. This isn't a tiktok comment section.

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9667bb No.45091

Guys, I stopped watching porn, masturbating and listening to music for a while alhamdulillah. Life seems boring now. Not that I want to turn back to them again just because I'm bored. I spend my time by reading, learning, exercising and watching Islamic videos. I still need some relatively cheap(tbh, it must be almost free because I don't have a job rn) halal hobby. What would you recommend?

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dabc28 No.45092


Gardening is the best cheap hobby.

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cc583f No.45100


Why is the same argument against islam used over and over? notably the "hadiths were written 200 years later" or the "no quran found in the time". Is that really the case or is it a form of cope?

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dabc28 No.45101


Because racists, white nationalists, neonazis, christians, and other retards have no imagination.

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e977cd No.45110



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c77fec No.45148

Could my tawbah be accepted not because I felt regret or shame(astaghfirullah) for it but I made tawbah anyway because I know it's right to do stay away from sins and not repeating them?

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dabc28 No.45149

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f17bc2 No.45158

What benefits are there to stop listening to music? I stopped listening to music a short time ago and I don't miss it. Alhamdulillah.

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dabc28 No.45159


>What benefits are there to stop listening to music?

None … and why would you do that? Allah gave us many glorious songs and instilled in us the power to sing and learn how to create such beautiful music. Seems like a silly thing to …. oh wait … are you Taliban?

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e977cd No.45162


If you don’t miss it, why were you compelled to ask?

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31a86a No.45163



Only negative answers here. May Allah guide you and me. Salam.

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e977cd No.45167


Sorry, but wasn’t being negative at all. I was just a bit confused.

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dabc28 No.45168


It's kind of a silly question. I mean, how would you respond if someone said, "What benefits are there to stop drinking water?"

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ce9d66 No.45176

I have some unusual non-hetero fetishes. Maybe they're from shaitan, maybe I experienced a trauma that I don't remember right now that caused it. Sadly we don't exactly know the source of these kind of things.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll experience my haram desires if I enter Jannah. On one hand it's said that you'll be purified from impure desires, on the other hand it's said you'll have whatever your inner-selves desire. Now it looks like it's mutually exclusive but it isn't. We could be purified from our impure desires and still want in Jannah whatever our inner-selves will want in Jannah, if it makes sense.

Yet I still want to think that Allah would grant me to experience haram desires of my nafs in Jannah as a reward if I have patience here in dunya. Not that Allah owes me it, astaghfirullah, but that's what I desire. Maybe I shouldn't even think about it and I'm committing major sin by doing so. I don't know, I'm so confused. Do you feel me?

Only thing I know is that life is too short and we should be patient with our nafs no matter what. Because life is a test and that's the whole point. But every once in a while these thoughts will come to my mind.

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ce9d66 No.45178


Btw I know that I will be perfectly happy in Jannah if I reach there inshaAllah, regardless of what I'll be given there. My post was more of a rant than a geniune question.

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7b4ee1 No.45183


People will be purified and their sinful desires will no longer be with them. I can't find the verse that says he will purify the people entering Jannah, but there is this one.

Those who sell their covenant with God and their promises for a small price will have no share in the life hereafter. God will not speak to them nor will He look at them on the Day of Judgment nor will He purify them. They will face a painful torment. {3-77}

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ce9d66 No.45187


Honestly it's too scary man. From now on I don't even want to entertain the thought that I could have gay sex in Jannah. I'm glad you posted it. JazakAllah khair.

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76de2a No.45195

I formulated in my mind prayers to someboddy else than God, but i didnt mean it. Does it counts as shirk? Am i screwed?

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dabc28 No.45196


Just ask forgiveness and don't do it again.

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3a1f52 No.45202

I taught myself to pray. I never elongated the thowleen at the end of the prayer for many years. Now that I know you are supposed to I still have a hard time remembering to do it out of habit. Should I make 2 rakats of forgetfulness at the end of the prayer? Do those prayers still count?

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de54ee No.45235

Do Muslims study the Torah?

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dabc28 No.45236


Not really, no. Modern versions of it are too perverted by men from the original message. We study Qur'an. Anything in Torah that contradicts Qur'an can be disregarded.

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5b84d3 No.45239

I like to watch movies but avoid them because most of them contain at least one kind of a haram, even if it's not too explicit but still. Could I watch movies in Jannah that I avoided in the dunya for religiously reasons? Lame question, I know.

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dabc28 No.45240


Concern yourself with what you do now, in this life. Let Allah worry about Jannah.

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de54ee No.45249


How do we tell if the Qur'an is any less perverted?

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dabc28 No.45250


Because we still have the original.

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2aa768 No.45268

Would my repentance be valid If I a made comment containing kufr or shirk but I can't find it again to delete? I fear that it may not be valid if my comment is staying on the internet and people see it.

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dabc28 No.45269


All sincere repentance is valid. Like, if you have sex before marriage, you can't undo that; but Allah forgives those who seek it.

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0d5364 No.45296

Am I a weirdo if I think about hoor-al ayn everyday?

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dabc28 No.45297


Yes. You're a pervert. Stop thinking with your cock and worry about how you live your life or there will be no paradise for you.

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0d5364 No.45298


How often should I think about hoors not to be a pervert?

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dabc28 No.45302


You shouldn't be thinking about them at all. Don't concern yourself with death. You need to be worried about living your life.

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c1259f No.45319

Is there a english imageboard that's not particularly about religion or philosophy but completely swf? like no nudity, no gore etc. basically anonymous yet a decent place.

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ecd53a No.45333

I copied the post below from somewhere else. What do you think of it?

"How will Allah test people who never heard of Islam?" "What about mentally disabled people?" etc.

I see these kinds of questions being asked by people time to time. It's not like Allah intented to test other people the way He tests us but He messed up. People think of Allah so lowly while Allah is the creator and the owner of the universe. Of course I'm not talking about every single person. One might still wonder without being disrespectful to Allah.

He could cause those nonmuslim people to die and revive again countless times until they hear the message of Islam if He wanted to but He doesn't even need to do that in the first place. Similarly He could turn a mentally disabled person to the smartest man or woman in the world if He wills. Why don't people think of that?

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dabc28 No.45339


What? Name one person who has never heard of Islam. Allah guides whom he wills and leads astray whom he wills. It ain't up to us. Calm down.

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cdf31b No.45421

File: ea1789683456e9f⋯.png (58.11 KB,952x398,476:199,Creator.png)


>the creator


No? Do you deny Qur'an?

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cdf31b No.45424



Yeah, great. Another schizo who forgot his meds.

This is a Muslim board for Muslims. See rule 1.

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