Welcome to /ipfs/, a board dedicated to the discussion of the InterPlanetary File System.
What is it?
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system. Basically, IPFS aims to create a network that functions like a big BitTorrent swarm, where you add and retrieve files in the network based on their hash. Peers in the network serve you the file using IPFS's own Bitswap P2P protocol. Every node (peer) in the network has the ability to 'pin' or locally save content from other users.
Why have a board?
Over the years, different types of network layers, routing schemes, and protocols have attempted to offer alternatives to the current web. IPFS is no different. Hopefully this board can be used so that anons interested in the state of the web can make a difference; whether it be through contributing to IPFS directly, hosting content on the network, creating software over IPFS, sharing ideas, or talking about alternatives.
Rules and Stuff
0. Follow 8chan global rules
1. Discussion about other networks and protocols is welcome (e.g. ZeroNet, I2P)
Useful Links
https://ipfs.io - Main site. All you need to get started is in here.
https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs - The Github Repo.
https://discuss.ipfs.io/ - IPFS discussion forum, mostly support.
irc.rizon.net #/ipfs/ - The irc channel for this board.
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