Never had many dreams that couldn't be considered nightmares. I only dream about really confusing nonsense and wake up more tired than when I went to bed. Or really fucked up shit. Fortunately, it only happens occasionally these days. As a kid, I had a lot of nightmares, but I eventually stopped dreaming for the most part. It doesn't happen much anymore, but I would have a lot of really uncomfortable dreams about school. Classic school nightmares that I think most people had.
As a kid, I also had a lot of nightmares about people trying to kill me, occasionally monsters, or a bunch of people getting in my room, and I would hide under my bed. Burglars as well. Some nightmares about killing my mom, but I didn't mind those that much because fuck her. A lot of natural disaster nightmares, like meteors, earthquakes, tornadoes, losing my Game Boy Color, tsunamis and the sun exploding. Sometimes I would spend the entire nightmare running super fast and jumping over houses, completely superhuman shit, but the disasters would just follow me until I died and woke up. It was exhausting.
Oh, and dreams about losing parts of my body. A whole lot of those. Had a lot of nightmares about all of my teeth falling out, or losing my fingers, that kind of thing. Very few good dreams, and even those were bad because I would wake up and come back to my shitty life. In a way, it's considerably worse than dreaming about being tortured or killed again. It's like my brain actually fucking hates me and is trying to fuck with me. My brain is a piece of shit, I wish I could get rid of it. "You know about love and happiness and all those other things you will never have? Well, here they are. Woops, not real, fuck you." I want this asshole out of my head.