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The modern hermit

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9b3e32 No.7663

Over the past few months I have been having recurring dreams of myself being a normal person again and living a normal life like I should be.

At the end of this dream whenever I have it though, everyone in it turns against me and I am surrounded in darkness again. Its as if the people I dream about are only using me for something and they lead me on to just crush me in the end.

What do you guys dream about, if you do dream?

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6c99b1 No.7667

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Never had many dreams that couldn't be considered nightmares. I only dream about really confusing nonsense and wake up more tired than when I went to bed. Or really fucked up shit. Fortunately, it only happens occasionally these days. As a kid, I had a lot of nightmares, but I eventually stopped dreaming for the most part. It doesn't happen much anymore, but I would have a lot of really uncomfortable dreams about school. Classic school nightmares that I think most people had.

As a kid, I also had a lot of nightmares about people trying to kill me, occasionally monsters, or a bunch of people getting in my room, and I would hide under my bed. Burglars as well. Some nightmares about killing my mom, but I didn't mind those that much because fuck her. A lot of natural disaster nightmares, like meteors, earthquakes, tornadoes, losing my Game Boy Color, tsunamis and the sun exploding. Sometimes I would spend the entire nightmare running super fast and jumping over houses, completely superhuman shit, but the disasters would just follow me until I died and woke up. It was exhausting.

Oh, and dreams about losing parts of my body. A whole lot of those. Had a lot of nightmares about all of my teeth falling out, or losing my fingers, that kind of thing. Very few good dreams, and even those were bad because I would wake up and come back to my shitty life. In a way, it's considerably worse than dreaming about being tortured or killed again. It's like my brain actually fucking hates me and is trying to fuck with me. My brain is a piece of shit, I wish I could get rid of it. "You know about love and happiness and all those other things you will never have? Well, here they are. Woops, not real, fuck you." I want this asshole out of my head.

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9b3e32 No.7668

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>dreams about losing parts of my body

I keep having these dreams as well, but not as often as my others. Its almost always me losing an important tooth or all my teeth though, but I think I only dream about it because I don't bother with brushing my teeth daily

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c6c504 No.7671


I've had dreams with recurring themes since childhood. There's really only a couple. It's usually nighttime, near midnight. I'm always alone. Occasionally I meet people during my dream, but we always split up. Any bathroom floors in my dreams are always filthy and unevenly tiled with large puddles of urine covering the floor. During nightmares there's a gigantic, unseen, unknowable entity chasing me.

I do wonder if all of this means anything. Come to think of it, I've never had any of the supposedly common dreams, what with teeth falling out and public nudity and all.

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aa7196 No.7676

The dreams are real life. This is a dream. Stop waking up. Works for me.

Most of my dreams are cryptic and cinematic. I wish I could go live there.

I wonce dreamed that I was hugging a woman down the street and across from a waffle house. Never been their but that's with I saw. I pivot with my eyes closed. There was a chain link fence that separated a yard that ended in dimly illuminated. The house was white plastic siding, the kind with '\' shape going down the side. The hug feels warm and continuous. I join her in said. She dismisses her self to take a shower. The room is dimly lit in green. there is a bed to my left under a large slated window with plants. Other the window the room is dark. I distract myself by sitting down at the table (low coffee table) and start painting on red (#ea360e) paint over a scratch on a pencil case. I'm using a wired paint brush that has a 3 way tip made of gray metal felt and a slender black handle. The three parts of the brush make me think of tulips.

After that I wake up.

I don't dream a lot. This is the most complicated dream I've had.

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ee7a15 No.7698


Several years ago I used to have nightmares every single night without exception, ranging from bad psychedelic trips in dream form to being trapped as a spectator in first-person view to me butchering people sometimes randomly in city alleyways other times during large battles, occasionally getting tortured and feeling every bit of it. One day I just decided to skip sleeping for as long as I could, and went to sleep 6 days later around 5am. Ever since then sleeping during the day is fine, but sleeping during the day is an almost guaranteed nightmare.

Nowadays my dreams are often random and quickly forgotten, but there is a roughly bi-weekly night where I dream I'm aboard a gigantic deserted spaceship. Sometimes I start in the same spot, sometimes not, but it is always the same spaceship for over the years I've come to recognize many parts of it and draw out a rough map of it on paper. Cafeterias, sleeping dormitories, bathrooms with row upon row of sinks and showers, luxurious guest chambers, the cavernous engineering room with what looked like several inert gigantic nuclear reactors, weapon decks that stretch way beyond what my eyes can see, alleyways and corridors that range from barely being traversable while crouched to big enough to fit at least a dozen cars alongside one another half that on top of each other, a couple times I stumbled upon a behemoth of an embarkation deck with several bulky spacecraft (by the looks of it they were cargo or light troop transports, they had no visible weaponry and relatively light armor) and cranes and crates stacked everywhere. The most bizarre part of this continuous dream (does such a term apply here?) is that I always have an urge to go somewhere specific and that's how I discover new areas amidst the stupendously large labyrinth of copy-and-paste corridors and tunnels, as if my legs are moving off of muscle memory or I'm being guided/manipulated. I've also never been able to find a bridge, porthole, or any kind of text either - only roman numericals in various colours from time to time. Unfortunately I wake up randomly as far as I can tell, sometimes I walk and explore until the pain in my legs gets so bad that if I stop walking I'll just collapse, other times I wake up having only walked through nondescript corridors for a couple minutes and found nothing new. And always completely alone, , with no signs of life and no noises besides the ones produced by me.

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