>mum and dad want me to become a normalfag
>talk with them one night, asking them if I can get help besides consoling and therapy- or change to a male therapist because nothing given to me is helping
>"Anon, there's no one out there that's going to help you. You have to do it yourself"
>yeah but muh traumas, the reality of how humans are horrid people
>"Well, just ignore it and change yourself"
I don't like forcing myself to change- I mean I don't like myself but still there's some parts of myself that I value (like the /pol/ knowledge I have, or how I'm not into 3dpd). It's stupid but it's true.
And I don't like to completely ignore the bad shit that happens in reality. I feel like there's strictly 3 types of people in this world and how they deal with the psychopathic nature of the world.
1- too stupid and naive, can't read the atmosphere and are happy
2- manipulative normalfags who know the bad shit happening and will use it to their advantage
3- hikkis who can't do that shit due to whatever they have/are and want to just be left alone
I don't know how to explain to my parents on how I see life.
But overall, am I in the wrong here? Do I need to just suck it up and change? Or is that change not going to happen?
Otherwise, talk about your thoughts on changing into a normalfag in general. I would like to know what other hikkis like me think about it.