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 No.259492>>259493 >>260021 >>262557 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

So, let's try to make a thread about this…

Dilmur is totally not your average RPG maker shit. And one of the few western games without 3Dshit or horrible drawings. It have a sci-fi cyberpunkish setting that is totally story driven, so no grinding for level ups and shit.

No cuckshit or furry for now, and doesn't look like the dev is planning it for the near future. Sexual content is mostly story driven with a preference (right now) for dad/daughter incest.

Download link here: https://mega.nz/#!OnIXHIhY!159QfqimRVB9v87uxo0v7gr4v-dz0N7xWUibUCgEgKw

(OP rule 2b, 3days.)
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 No.259493>>259495 >>259502

>>259492 (OP)

And which one do you play as?



Of course i try to sluttify her as much as i can. What's the fun the other way?



Do you speak English as a first language?

 No.259502>>259503 >>259719 >>260021

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Sorry i was thinking you referred to the pic in OP.

Yeah the MC is the girl in pic.



thank you for clarifying

 No.259705>>259737 >>259978

>Get introduced to writer's obvious favorite character who is also totally not a mediocre Deadpool ripoff, Calix

>Forced to suck his cock and love every second of it

This shit is unbearable in these kinds of games. Why would you make a game that's all about story and choices only to subvert that so your favorite character can get his dick sucked? I wouldn't be surprised to find that he's the developer's self-insert OC or something too with how often he's shoved into your face towards the end of the current content.

There's so many points where I felt like I could be given choices to decide how to handle a situation, like when trying to earn the trust of the restaurant owner, but there just aren't any. The choices are stuffed into the least meaningful places possible while every major story sequence just shunts you through at max speed with no opportunity for roleplaying or player choice.

Too many of these devs give up on the idea of choice after a few updates. I guess they realize that branching choices and impactful choices is hard and decide it's easier to just railroad you towards the ending with the occasional optional side-story. If you can't write a story without denying the player agency, then don't play up the story and "choices with consequence".



>all that fart gas outside the window

so those brap maniacs finally did it.



Thanks anon, I just assumed it was shit because female MC, but you went that extra mile and broke down why it was trash in detail.


Why does it seem like the archive file is broken?

 No.259978>>259997 >>260030 >>260156


As someone who tried writing a porn game for a couple of weeks once, I can say that giving players lots of choice is a very easy trap to fall into. It's super easy at first, and you wonder why nobody ever really pulls off a game with lots of choices, but then it goes on and you suddenly realize, oh shit, every choice you add that interacts with any other choice immediately multiples the work you have do do for any future content. And if you keep adding more choices it just keeps multiplying to unmanageable levels, and then you lose the starting enthusiasm and it starts to become a chore, and its not easy to write good smut when its feeling like a chore, so you crash and burn.

Best Advice I can give someone thinking about making a game like this, plan out the general plot beforehand and only let the player make a handful of important decisions that would affect lots of stuff. You can let them decide other stuff, but only like cosmetic stuff or side stuff that doesn't impact anything else.

 No.259997>>260010 >>260030 >>260057


Literally no one does this. Adding a choice is something like: suck his dick or no, then suck his dick gives a dialogue and this is it, no multiplying contents.

 No.260010>>260057 >>260058


Exactly. It only multiplies the content if the dev is super ambitious and wants to making some huge multi-path storyline or is horribly inexperienced. It doesn't take a master coder to realize how easy it is to put a 'no' option that simply skips ahead past the scene. Just don't make the sex scenes important to future scenes without good reason. Sure, an early rape scene being the start of some quest of vengeance that leads to the MC getting more and more corrupt until she becomes worse than the rapist she is hunting would completely rely on that scene playing out, but I don't think the rest of the game is going to be drastically altered if our character doesn't suck one guy's dick early on.

If you want that to have an effect, just have a passing mention to it or a side path that converges back to the main path after a short while. You don't have to remake the entire game for every variable when each scene could handle the variables independently and only care about variables that are important to the moment.


Some of the hentai sequences are automatically triggered when Noemi reach a certain lust level.


>>259492 (OP)


>Female MC

To the trash.

 No.260030>>260058 >>260076 >>261555


This is really fucking obvious to anyone with a brain. That's literally how branching works, that's why I was so surprised when I first heard about Telltale games TWAU, how did they even planned to pull out what they wanted? And the answer was pretty easy, they didn't, and if they couldn't what makes you think mediocre porn writers and coders can?

Fuck choices. Choices in games are nothing but a fucking illusion. If you want to make a good game, particularly a good porn game, think first about the story to keep the player interested, give it a fail state whether in choices or actions, and for fucks sakes give it a gameplay.

But here's an even better porn game design, something so simply that nobody does:

>Male MC

>Multiple girls to choice a story from

>Stories are completely contained to themselves

>Once you complete 2 girls storylines you can have access to threesomes with those girls

>You can fuck up with those girls if you don't make the right choices or bad gameplay choices, locking you out of the content with the rest of the girls

>True route includes a single route with all the girls to see the true ending.

Something so simple and yet nobody fucking does it. Dark Cookie tried with Summertime Saga but he had to fuck up by adding fork roads to the game and locking you out of one girl for the rest of the gameplay like a fucking faggot.


A lot of faggots have tried and they all failed.

 No.260057>>260062 >>260065 >>260072 >>260134 >>260157



Except having sex impacts how people deal with each other. If a girl sucks your dick it's going to affect how you interact, unless you're both sociopaths. Sex doesn't happen in a vacuum, unless it was a bootycall with a person you never expect to see again. Attitudes like yours are why we're stuck with shitty writing in most porn games. If you try to write around sex or a surprising amount of other choices it just makes the whole thing feel fake and contrived.



What you are suggesting is just a shitty harem game.

>Male MC

That can be fine, but I prefer Female MC.

>Multiple girls to choose a story from.

Absolutely cancer. If you think these retards can't handle putting a simple 'don't suck the penis' option without having their story fall apard, what makes you think they can juggle multiple stories? A constant problem I see with harem games is that they spread themselves too thin. Each girl gets little to no screen time because, for each girl to have their own fleshed out story with plenty of scenes, that would actually be multiplying the workload by increasing how many stories are getting shoved into the game. If someone is going to go that route, just focus on one girl.

>Once you complete 2 girls storylines you can have access to threesomes with those girls

Again, now you are suggesting things that would actually multiply the work needed to pull it off depending on how many possible combinations come up between the girls.

>You can fuck up with those girls if you don't make the right choices or bad gameplay choices, locking you out of the content with the rest of the girls

Pure cancer right there. That doesn't even have the illusion of choice. That would just be a digital book that 'bad ends' or softlocks you out of playing the rest unless you can guess exactly what the dev wants you to do.

Choices are incredibly easy to handle, as explained here. >>260010

Use variables that are handled individually or just not at all. Not every scene needs to be completely altered because you got a blowjob from a tavern wench a few towns back. It is really simple to just put a 'no' option on a scene and just have the rest of the game play out exactly as it would have otherwise. It isn't about faggots trying and failing, it is about them not trying at all.



Someone needs to reread it.

>If you want that to have an effect, just have a passing mention to it or a side path that converges back to the main path after a short while. You don't have to remake the entire game for every variable when each scene could handle the variables independently and only care about variables that are important to the moment.




Or, if you really want that blowjob to be important, let it be. Have a few possible alterations to scenes like how CoC handles bodyparts. Make it so he is more likely to expect a blowjob in the future if you've done it once already. Slight changes can have a big effect on how a scene plays out. It doesn't need to be a complete rewrite, nor should a blowjob between two characters have far-reaching effects when interacting with every other character. To say that adding a simple choice to a scene multiplies the work is to imply it changes everything, when that is far from the truth. It is a shitty excuse from people who are either lazy, stupid, or for some reason think everyone else needs to see this one scene, and nothing more.



>Sex doesn't happen in a vacuum

So what? It's a fucking game. Make it a game, not IRL simulator. If I wanted that I would go outside.


>That can be fine, but I prefer Female MC.

The first line should have been enough to stop reading, but this made it. Kys.


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You can't handle being wrong so you point out how you can't handle people liking things you don't? Amazing logic there.



What kind of vast geopolitical consequences would sucking a dick have that you would need to branch off the rest of the game otherwise? It's one character. Unless he's the center of the plot you just give him a few different lines and perhaps less future scenes.

Also your game sounds like yet another CG hunter.

 No.260108>>260126 >>261580


Female MCs are the epitome of cuckolding in porn. The rest of that post is garbage based on the the first 2 lines.


>Also your game sounds like yet another CG hunter

You say that as if it was something wrong.


>Dumbass niggers ITT trying to argue adding meaningful choices doesn't cause exponential writing

Holy shit no wonder you're never satisfied.

Either the choices cause exponential bloat or they're meaningless. Forget about sex scenes or not, this is common to literally every game with choice. More meaningful variation means more code and assets to handle it.



Some scene is automatically influenced by lust level.

IIRC some event like your encounter with Calix have variations according to low/high lust levels.

In fact i don't remember a cocksuck scene with Calix, and i don't find it in the recollection room either.



>admits to having shit taste

>Is given plenty of reasons his taste is shit.

>Resorts to calling someone a cuck because he can't defend his shit taste.

See, this is an h games board. We like games here, not trash.


It depends on how the choices are handled. They don't cause bloat for simple shit like not blowing some random dude. The only time it unavoidably bloats the game is major story changing decisions. Other than that, a simple side path that quickly reunites itself with the main story or a quick skip of an unwanted scene is all that is needed.

The excuse is just that, an excuse. There are plenty of ways to reduce how much effort is actually needed to make decisions matter, and only the dumbest or most inexperienced devs resort to the CYOA style of remaking everything to fit a minor decision that should have no major impact on the story.

 No.260131>>260135 >>260144


CG hunts ARE games. Have you ever played Frank's Adventure in your life? Talking about choice based "games" makes you contradict yourself. You should kill yourself for (((preferring))) female MCs in the first place.



>Porn games


Is a porn game.


Sex is not supposed to be overthinked in a porn game.


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>CG hunts ARE games

>says games shouldn't have choices



I don't think you know what a game is. You see, this is an interactive medium, as in we interact with the game and have an effect on it. Choices are an inherent part of that. It isn't always dialog choices, plenty of good silent protagonists. Maybe there is combat, or some kind of rpg-esque management, but we aren't supposed to just be strung along for the ride. In some way, we choose how things play out.

And no, clicking on the screen to make more text or images appear doesn't count. That is just about as interactive as turning the pages of a book.



The best way to implement multiple choices is the way Kingdom of Deception is planning to do it imo: The overall story is sort-of railroaded, but the choices effect various stats and the overall details, with the only giant branching-off occurring at the end-game depending on the choices you made. This allows for the choices to be more numerous and actually matter for the player without adding too much extra work for the devs.

Kobold Adventure also works similarly to this.

 No.260157>>260166 >>260453


I bet you're the same guy that kept pushing for STDs in Lilith's Throne, "because the real world has consequences for fucking random whores!"

 No.260166>>260181 >>260294 >>260362


I'm not really following how saying good writing requires acknowledging and accounting for things that happened previously translates to putting stds in some other random game in the first place.

But to answer your strange accusation, no, I never played lilith's throne. From the occasional glance It looked too much like another CoC to me and I had enough of that games failed promises and rampant faggotry to last me a lifetime.



Possibly casual sex = Sociopathy = Good writing

>"because thats how real world works!"

Lets just say there were quite a few similarities that became readily apparent.


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I can excuse shitty translations, but I've encountered two lines of completely untranslated dialogue so far, and I haven't even completed the prologue. Pretty annoying.

 No.260294>>260356 >>260362


Just because porn should be a focus doesn't mean the game shouldn't involve actual gameplay. Of course, that doesn't mean porn itself should be the game, that's horribly cringy, but there should be something between one scene to the other.


Hi, Todd. Choices are not gameplay. that's for Visual Novels, and as much as I like Visual Novels, they are not games.


>Interactive movies are games

Jesus christ. This is the definition of casual. I bet you thought Telltale "Games" were games.


Because you can choose what consequences games should have. Only because Real life has consequences doesn't mean they are nice being reflected in video games. Imagine if in any platformer you died or broke your ankle just because you missed a fucking step or decided to jump really high. Basing things on reality is stupid.



"Well, Noemi, it's all your fault."



now put that in the game



>Says choices only belong in shitty VNs, as though CG hunts aren't just shitty VNs that don't even have choices.

> Completely ignores the posts he is replying to.

< "It isn't always dialog choices, plenty of good silent protagonists."

Have you ever played an RPG before?

I don't know which is worse. The fact that you are a dumbass that doesn't even know what he is trying to argue against, or the fact that I'd agree with everything you are saying if the context was different.



What >>260181 & >>260294 said. I imagine a fight in Mortal Combat would be a lot shorter if we played by real world logic. Might as well go the full route and say the first time someone's spine is broken, the fight isn't just over, but that character is now forever unplayable because he is either paralyzed or dead. "BECAUSE REAL WORLD!!!!!"

Realism can and should be sacrificed for fun. I know 'realism' is all the rage these days among pretentious twats that happen to be shite game devs, but the real world isn't fun. It the real world was fun, we wouldn't be playing videogames.


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t. ever played classic flash games

Kys, anon.

>Have you ever played an RPG before?

You mean shitty RPGs? Thankfully, no. Choices have never been correctly implemented in any game except text based games, which doesn't have a lot of choice when it comes to gameplay. But these aren't text based and if video games in 20 haven't implemented choices in a good way what makes you think some patreon con artist will do it?

No, games shouldn't have choices. The free will you have should be the one where you actually PLAY the game, ie your actions, not some limited text options telling you what to do. As so, devs should embrace that simple fact and design games around no fucking choices, trying to not only make the game as good as possible, but also making it an actual game. You know what are some good porn games? Eroico and Forest of Blue Slime.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying nobody should aim for innovation. But seeing how these hack devs always abandon their projects when they grasp more than they can handle, why not design a simple yet satisfying game instead of trying to be the citizen kane of video games or just porn games.

 No.260378>>260381 >>260385


Now I know you have shit taste.

>Choices have never been correctly implemented in any game except text based games

Dragon Age Origins. Done. I just proved you have no idea what the hell you are on about by giving a really well known and liked RPG that is a perfect example of choices in games done right. I could make a list of games that did it well, but you probably won't read it since you seem to stop at the first two sentences like an illiterate brat that can't handle being wrong.

Dragon Age lets each location you go to have its own story that adds to the overarching plot. The decisions you make in each only have minor effects on each other, like what companions you can bring along with you, all while having a major effect on what forces you have supporting you in the big final battle in the climax of the game. The entire game isn't altered by not recruiting, and instead killing, the elf assassin sent to kill you, just little stuff and now having an elf assassin on your side that you might not be able to trust.


>>260378 (cont.)

Before you go on about the differences between professional and independent creators, it doesn't matter. The whole point is that you are incapable of realizing how stupid both you and your shitty excuse is. The techniques to reducing effort in giving the player some control over the story are really easy to implement. You don't have to have money and a team to set a single variable that makes a slight alteration to a few scenes later down the line. Only retards like you equate choices to the outdated CYOA style of remaking every little thing to support giving the player a say in an event.


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>Dragon Age Origins


You are lucky I don't have my reaction folder. Jesus fuck.

>B-but your choices matter!

Your choices have little to no impact in the game. Your background only change slightly how people threat you but not the end result, you don't get thingslike discount in shops or the such, showing how full of shit you are and how little choices matter. Then there's the stats, which only matter because you are PLAYING.

>B-but the locations

Meaningless for the plot overall. Hell, there was a whole thread on /v/ shitting on faggots who thought this actually mattered.

Keep ducking BioWare's dick, faggot. No shit you are so wrong, speaking of shit taste.


>The techniques to reducing effort in giving the player some control over the story are really easy to implement

Yeah, that's why it's called an illusion of choice, idiot, which is why it's completely meaningless in the end. But I don't expect you to grasp the concept seeing how you thought Dragon Age was something other than garbage.

 No.260388>>260393 >>262254


You are such a dumbass.

>Its Bioware so it is auto-bad!!!!

Riiiight, like they were never good. Bioware is the perfect example of both our arguments. Dragon Age Origins is good example.

>Your choices have little to no impact in the game.

Did you even play the game? You can change almost everything about the ending. The illusion of choice isn't a bad thing, it keeps the player involved without overloading the devs. But Dragon Age gives more than that, by the end of the game your characters actions have decided the new leaders of the many factions in the country, possibly letting one of them get possessed by a demon, possibly became the new king himself, killed an old god dragon, either losing someone in the process or impregnating a witch so she can perform a ritual that keeps everyone alive. Yes, the main storyline remains intact with only slight alterations as to how it happens, but the ending state of the country is vastly different based on your actions and the game acknowledges that. That is how choices *should* be handled. I've never once advocated for major story-altering changes that would derail the entire thing.

You just prove more and more that you have no idea what you are on about with every reply. Mass Effect was garbage, and is a perfect example of the devs giving up and not even trying to make the choices matter.

Here, I'll give you another good RPG, made by Bioware so you can shit yourself again. Neverwinter Nights.

 No.260393>>260394 >>260397 >>260403


>like they were never good

Because they never were, exactly because the choices in Dragon Age are nothing but a meaningless illusion. A well made one, but an illusion nonetheless. All paths leave to the same conclusion. It's Telltale game but with more substance, you literal idiot.

>The illusion of choice isn't a bad thing

I'll just stop reading right here. Kill yourself.



>I can't argue against what you're saying so I'll pretend I didn't read.

Suuure. Next you'll say you're only pretending to be retarded.



Oh, even better one.

>being able to drastically change the ending of the story is just an illusion! Conclusions don't matter!

 No.260402>>260410 >>260443

Jizzus… the thread is totally derailed cause there is one nigga triggered by the fact that there is people sucking cocks in fucking a porn game.

"B-but muh quality writing" shut up and fap already.



You know, now I'm actually curious. If being able to change the army you can call to fight for you in the final battle to being anything from Dwarves or Golems, to Elves or Werewolves, to Mages and/or Templar, as well as having complete control over the ending state of an entire country's political elite, to the point where you can proclaim yourself king, and a choice of how to kill a dragon god to either have a grand sacrificial death or risk letting a witch have a child with the soul of said dragon god inside it, is all just an illusion in your eyes. What counts then. If none of that is enough for you, what counts as an actual choice to you?

Cause that all sounds like having control over the story to me. Or are you that faggot that is only satisfied if you have the option to murder-hobo your way across the countryside thinking every game should be a shittier Skyrim with essentials turned off, or that somehow having a main plotline like, "a fucking dragon is going to kill us all if you don't stop it" is somehow "railroding" you.



I don't actually give a shit about the blowjob. I'm just picking on retards that don't know shit about game design but are too proud to admit it.


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You speak like a nigger and you're probably are one.

>I-it's just porn

Then fuck off back to pornhum, illiterate monkey.


>If being able to change the army you can call to fight for you in the final battle to being anything from Dwarves or Golems, to Elves or Werewolves, to Mages and/or Templar, as well as having complete control over the ending state of an entire country's political elite

All flavor text and you need to do something in an specific way in order to unlock the few endings there are. It's mostly the same for all races with very few differences, "Oh no! The elf/human/dwarf died! That's so tragic!", and so on and so forth. That's it, that's your "Illusion of choice" bullshit. they give you a shit ton of options that have no real impact towards the endings because even though there are "different" endings they are all essentially the same. It's essentially TWAU with extra steps. It's shallow for anyone with a brain that doesn't get overwhelmed with pointless choices for the fuck of it.


>every game should be a shittier Skyrim

You tell me, faggot, you're defending Mass Effect-tier bullshit.


Priceless coming from someone saying "The illusion of choice is ok". Pic related must be you.

 No.260446>>260456 >>260470


You never played the game. This is hilarious. You really are arguing against something you don't understand purely because you can't stand being wrong!

>All flavor text

Except it isn't. You can actually call your troops to help you in the fight. It has an effect on the gameplay. If you have the Templars on your side, they can negate the effects of the enemies mages. If you have the Golems, you have hulking rock monsters that can take on Ogres one-on-one. And so on and so forth. Even if it was all just flavor, actually changing the ending of a story is the most control someone could have over said story. You choose how it ends. Unlike retards like you, most people understand that the story is one of the most important parts of an RPG.

>The endings are all the same.

No they aren't, but you wouldn't know that. Moving on.

>Priceless coming from someone saying "The illusion of choice is ok".

Priceless coming from someone who doesn't understand the practical uses of the illusion of choice. It fits just fine for minor events, and is arguably even more useful for h-games. Minor things like how our character reacts to a certain scene doesn't need to have vast far-reaching consequences that alter the very fabric of the game, but can be invaluable in helping flesh out the character we're playing. Of course, I guess it takes someone who understands the appeal of roleplay to get that. In a porn game though, it could also be used as a way of avoiding unwanted scenes, having no effect on the story but still giving us a say in what our character wants to do.

Sectioning this part off to draw more attention to it, I find it amazing how evasive you are. You still have yet to address literally anything I've put in front of you. Too busy trying to pretend like you are somehow automatically correct even with nothing to back it up. So tell me, what would constitute a choice? How aren't harem CG hunters trash that spread themselves too thin? If you know so much about game design, how come you start off incorrecting bashing choices in games as "multiplying the work" while at the same time advocating multiple storylines which really does multiply the work needed?

It is because you're an idiot, yet can't stand even the simplest of criticism and resort to "lol, didn't read" when you can't defend your shit tastes. I'd feel sorry for you if I wasn't laughing.



>STDs in Lilith's Throne

Honestly an excellent idea. Sexy STDs, though. No irl syphilis or that bullshit.



Sadly the guy wanted real world STDs. It was all about the consequences or something like that. He got the usual response of, "just put it behind a toggle and it should be fine," but started splerging out about how people just wanted to "avoid the consequences of their actions" like a retard.



Another use to the illusion of choice is, again, how our character reacts and treats a scene. The interactions between characters could change the exact same scene from rough sex to full on rape and vice-versa, and only a little more effort and a few description changes would be needed to make it gentle lovemaking.

I dare someone to tell me that having control over what type of fetishistic content you see with minimal effort involved on the dev's part wouldn't be a boon in the game's favor. The illusion of choice is incredibly useful for h-games.

 No.260470>>260499 >>261582


>How aren't harem CG hunters trash that spread themselves too thin?

By not adding in pointless choices that add nothing to the game. I do agree with you that small choices help to build the world, but sadly that's not the caase with most games, specially porn games, where they are just bloating the game.

Want a good simple porn game? Try Incestral Awakening, faggot.

>while at the same time advocating multiple storylines which really does multiply the work needed?

Because multiple storylines actually reflect content. It doesn't lock you out of content either unless you implement that as a fail state, in which case you can simply get a game over to not lose time. Want the best example possible? How DC locks you out of content in Summertime Saga with stupid fork roads when you can easily have both. Why? Because Muh Illusion of choice? Fuck you, you know what I choose? I choose both, but I can't because muh illusion of choice you are so found of.


> The interactions between characters could change the exact same scene from rough sex to full on rape and vice-versa, and only a little more effort and a few description changes would be needed to make it gentle lovemaking

Shame that never happens because devs are too incompetent to add it, right?


How do you go about increase Lust?



There is your problem. I'm talking techniques, you're focusing on how retarded certain devs are. A master could make due with tools of stone, but if you give a computer to a dog all it will do is piss on it.

There is nothing wrong with games like Forest of Blue Skin, but not every game is sidescrolling pixels. Different games need different techniques. I'll never understand how Summertime Saga got so popular. It isn't even good.

You're throwing out the baby with the bathwater, while I'm just trying to stop this meme of an argument that choices are somehow inherently bad because "it multiplies the work!" The issue with trying to cram in multiple storylines is, as I said before, they are spread too thin. Imagine if the dev of Summertime Saga tried that. Do you honestly think any of those stories would be any good? No. Because the dev is shit, so everything he makes will be shit. Your logic is flawed. You are insisting on using a worse method of game creation that would, frankly, reduce the 'game' into a collection of fancy digital books because shit devs can't even use better methods right.

How do you not get that shit devs will be shit devs regardless of the tools you give them? All of the stories that get crammed into one 'game' would be paper thin and unsatisfying.

Either way would result if getting fucking nothing because of retarded devs that get over ambitious and don't learn to pace themselves. Again, simple choices. We don't need 50 different options as to which path to take and who to side with in some over-the-top warzone scenario. A main storyline that stays true to the end with varying side paths that converge back into itself is more than enough.

I blame sandboxes for this shit attitude towards gaming. I've had issues like this running my own games where people just want to murder-hobo their way around because everyone thinks either completely linear, no control whatsoever, storylines, which aren't inherently a bad thing, or the complete and broken buggy freedom to just dick around in Bethesda or Ubisoft games. Actually having a main plot line with the freedom to go off on side quests or carefully tailor your responses and actions toward NPCs like the old-school RPGs is either considered railroding people with "the illusion of choice" or "too difficult for the developers delicate fingers to code."

Pick one. You keep bouncing back and forth between them, seemingly unable to realize that there is a sweet spot in the middle that grants the player some level of freedom without letting him derail everything.



>Imagine if the dev of Summertime Saga tried that

But that's how it was and how it should have remained. Every character had it's own storyline and even though they were mediocre they let you choose the characters you wanted without locking you out of any of them. And that's the problem. He gives you a shitty fork road to half it's job when he could take those 2 characters and develop it's own story. Yes, it takes time, but you will have 2 times the CGs for each character while also being able to fuck them in one playthrough.

>You are insisting on using a worse method of game creation that would, frankly, reduce the 'game' into a collection of fancy digital books

Here's the reason why: The games never get finished. You have all these characters that doesn't go anywhere. So if you're not going to finish the whole game you can at least finish SOME characters, because from the beginning I acknowledged them to be shit devs.

>A main storyline that stays true to the end with varying side paths that converge back into itself is more than enough.

Jesus christ, this is literally mass effect endings, and you should know why that's shit. Fuck your "illusion of choice", that's pointless.

I'll put it simply still using summertime saga as an example. The main plot is "Your family is in debt with the mafia", from then on you can do whatever you want. See individual storylines as just subquest. That's the best thing you can do for the game while moving the story forward. Of course, Summertime saga doesn't do this, it doesn't finish anything,and my main problem is, since faggots were bitching about the game being too linear he decided to divide one of the roads in 2 mid way effectively locking you out of one of the 2 characters involved. Jesus fuck.

It's not a matter of giving you too much freedom either. As much as I hate Jewcat, I liked the choices in the game. Of course, when you are making a visual novel you don't have more of a choice, and I get that, but visual novels are hardly games so you can at least make a damn good linear story with flavor options that doesn't change anything because at the end it's really pointless.

 No.260507>>260550 >>260726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>literally mass effect endings

And every good RPG to ever exist you mean. One bad apple isn't going to ruin the whole barrel this time, no matter how much you screech about one shit game. It is a tool, a method of game development, and a good one at that. Mass Effect's ending had a lot more going against it than just not being complicated enough. When dumb shits use a good tool, they will use it wrong. Your one example and constant proof that you never played some of the games you shit on just goes to show how in the dark you are on the subject. How about you hop off your bandwagon trying to be one of the 'cool kids' and actually analyze why it works in other games and what exactly Mass Effect did wrong?

Here, I did a 5 second search and found this for you.

 No.260550>>260585 >>260594


>And every good RPG to ever exist you mean.

From the look of it you only play shit games.

 No.260585>>260594 >>260726


>He says after proving he has never played them.

Great comeback. Wonderfully done. Yet again trying to avoid any criticism by pretending it doesn't exist and throwing another empty insult. Truly the mindset of someone who really knows what makes a game good and isn't just another mook jumping on a hate bandwagon that he doesn't understand.

You are so stupid it isn't even funny anymore. I'm actually sad about how pathetic your existence is. Even here and now, on an anonymous board where you could just pretend this never happened, you feel like you have to defend yourself despite being proven wrong time and time again, even though you have nothing to defend yourself with and it shows in your replies. You are still coming back for more.

It is just sad, but go ahead. Say something else. Some inane grade school level insult as the last word. You clearly need it to feel good about yourself. I'll let you have it.




You should both slow your fucking rolls and post examples supporting your arguments, and keep it brief at 20 words per example.


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>One bad apple isn't going to ruin the whole barrel this time

Sure, but there are plenty of bad apples, and not a lot, if any good ones, specially with the examples you're trying to give to me.

>It is a tool

No, it's bad and dishonest game design, and only faggots fall for it, like you do.

>Mass Effect's ending had a lot more going against it than just not being complicated enough.

Maybe because it isn't about being complicated but an illusion? Which is exactly the problem here? No matter how complex you made said illusion, it's still an illusion, either in just a dingle choice at the end of the game, like Fable 2, or just the whole game leading to similar endings regardless of your previous choices, like Dragon Age.




Except that wasn't mean, but cool, nigger.

I do have something to defend, devs applying this bullshit that only consume times in pointless "reactions" and more dialogue and fork paths just because you somehow need to feel in control, what more control you want than the game the gameplay should give to you? And sure, there are different kind of games, and some force you to have choices on it. Then do it right. Don't do a fucking illusion. That's not a tool, that's a hack.


Quick question anons -- does it have pregnancy content?

 No.261555>>261558 >>261677


Alrighty then, here you go.

> A main storyline that stays true to the end with varying side paths that converge back into itself is more than enough.

Neverwinter Nights.

Baldur's Gate.


Dragon Age Origins.

Technically even Darkest Dungeons fits this method.

Dark Souls.



Most Legend of Zelda games.


No shit the bad RPGs use this method, because it isn't just a RPG model, it is The RPG model for almost any game that isn't a shitty sandbox or completely on rails. It isn't even just RPGs that use it. I don't think you even know what the "illusion of choice" means, considering you apply that term to choices that have a major effect on both gameplay and story. You are using it as a catch all term for things you hate without even using it right.

I've already detailed a good usage for the illusion of choice, and your only response to it was, once again, to cry about how some devs are stupid so the tool must be bad.

> The interactions between characters could change the exact same scene from rough sex to full on rape and vice-versa, and only a little more effort and a few description changes would be needed to make it gentle lovemaking. I dare someone to tell me that having control over what type of fetishistic content you see with minimal effort involved on the dev's part wouldn't be a boon in the game's favor. The illusion of choice is incredibly useful for h-games.

< Shame that never happens because devs are too incompetent to add it, right?

And you keep bringing up Summertime Saga as though it proves your point, but that game much more closely resembles what you described here: >>260030



>Male MC

>Multiple girls to choice a story from

>Stories are completely contained to themselves

>Once you complete 2 girls storylines you can have access to threesomes with those girls

>You can fuck up with those girls if you don't make the right choices or bad gameplay choices, locking you out of the content with the rest of the girls

>True route includes a single route with all the girls to see the true ending.

Checks out. That does describe SShit pretty closely. - the stories being contained.



I don't think so, if it does I haven't seen it yet.



>female MC


Did someone jam a blender in your skull, or is your brain natually mush?

Waht kind of a insane, broken, ridonkolous logic are you workign with?

Do you even know the meaning of the word, ffs???



>Fuck you, you know what I choose? I choose both, but I can't

>I want it all and I want it now!

>I want to hold the cake and eat it!

>Screw common sense!

What a crying bitch you are.


>Playing through prologue

>Forced to throw a bitchfit and wreck my childhood friend's livelihood


The broken English and random chunks of untranslated bearspeak really sold me on this.



>Darkest Dungeon

>Dark Souls illusion of choice

>Implying it is ever relevant


>Any choice at all

You're grasping straws here.

>or completely on rails

There's literally nothing wrong with games boing on rails, you know why? Because the illusion of choice isn't and never was something important. The only thing it have ever done is bloating the game with useless shit. There are plenty of pretty good games without that shit, namely literally any Final Fantasy, actually TLoZ and so on and so forth.

>but that game much more closely resembles what you described here

No it doesn't, because as I've said plenty of time, the faggot wanted to give you the (((Illusion of choice))) by splitting routes that were better being standalone.


>Both routes are finished

>They just split it just because

Fuck you. Nice Reddit spacing, faggot.



>The illusion of choice isn't a bad thing, it keeps the player involved without overloading the devs.

I can't believe i'm hearing anyone other than extra creditz try to defend this shit! On hachichan no less!

>Yes, the main storyline remains intact with only slight alterations as to how it happens

>That is how choices *should* be handled.

Have you given any thought as to why that *should* be the way it's handled? Just think for once,in your life.

Why *shouldn't* we make a main plot that diverges into 2 or more paths half way through if the player picks the certain choices.


This game hasn't had an update since OP's post? Just asking because that's the only mega I see. I guess it has only been about a week since this thread was created though, so nvm. I wasn't going to download it because of what I read above about the dev forcing the players to suck off his self insert Deadpool wannabe, but there is a drought of quality games atm so fuck it.



Might just be slow production, some devs just aren't fast to update their projects. It could also be an especially resilient bug or something else holding up production.


>>259492 (OP)

Pretty ok. Very little content ATM though


How to get Lust past 16?

I can't find any new H-games in the crates anymore



This is the limit for this version.



>Giving genuine examples is now grasping at straws because I can't refute it.

>Says the illusion of choice was never important

And yet you can't even argue against what was said, how a few changes in a scene can have a drastic change to which fetishes it appeals to, unless you like when games have forced cuck scenes that you can't do anything about, but at this point I'd believe you do.

> the faggot wanted to give you the (((Illusion of choice))) by splitting routes that were better being standalone.

You really don't know what that term means. That isn't illusion of choice, that is genuinely splitting the path, or as you suggested, a "bad gameplay choice, locking you out of the content with the rest of the girls."

>There's literally nothing wrong with games boing on rails

That is only sometimes true. If the story can stand on its own merits, than yes. A game with a little flexibility though has more wiggle room to keep from pissing off the player. As we've seen, many h-game devs tend to be very bad story writers, and downright awful at making likeable characters. The illusion of choice can give us control over the main character's personality without putting too much work on the dev, making it so we don't have to rely on the dev to give us a playable character that won't make us want to break his teeth.

You keep trying, and you keep proving yourself ignorant of what exactly you hate. You don't even know what the illusion of choice is.


The whole argument is about how that other retard thinks adding a choice to not suck some random faggot off somehow bloats the game and multiplies the work. I corrected him and he started splerging like the retard he is because he can't handle being wrong. A genuine split of the path actually does multiply the work however. It isn't a bad idea per say, but it is an ambitious one. An ambitious idea that tends to leave games unfinished and abandoned.

So yes, I did think about it.



Not as broken as your english and certainly not using Reddit spacing either. Yes, female MC is cuckold since you see a single female, the one reason to play the game, taking as many dicks as possible under your command. There are 2 ways to look at it here, you either self-insert as the girl, which is gay as fuck, or you enjoy seeing a woman being ravaged by dicks at your command, which is the very definition of cuckolding.

Now fuck off, cuck.


>The whole argument is about how that other retard thinks adding a choice to not suck some random faggot off somehow bloats the game and multiplies the work

I've read the whole thread and you're full of shit. If something, the anon is saying that these kind of yes/no choices are acceptable, the problem being when they get too complex and he is also saying how the system is used in shit games made by Bioware that you seem yo praise. And looking at what I assume are your other posts you seem to be a (((game developer))). Stay mad, kike.


How much content is there in it so far?



Gameplay wise there is for at least 3/4 hours.

As fap material only not very much but enough to get a taste of it, and some require high lust unlocked mostly trough game crates.


What the fuck is this thread.





Can you be more obviously a nigger?


This game seems nice, good quality art, seems like decent-ish scene hunt type, no grind, translated from something else. So how gud was it after all?


Not even completed too, is the link at least the latest version?

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