[–]▶ No.201424>>201484 >>201488 >>201534 >>201875 >>203917 >>205200 >>206232 >>216538 >>226367 >>227757 >>232243 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Also known as the incest game that isn't japanese crap
Old thread hit the post limit >>112605
New version released yesterday, adds pool scene with the big sister (pic related)
▶ No.201484
>>201424 (OP)
so it's not dead in the end, dropped the thread after the takedown so don't know what happened
dev has a new blog?
▶ No.201488>>201492 >>201494 >>246011
>>201424 (OP)
What a shit game.
▶ No.201518>>203753 >>203762 >>203907 >>205810
This, shotafags are to be NTRd. Only grown up males can satisfy their relatives.
>being a shotacuck.
▶ No.201519
outside of megane can you impregnate anyone else?
▶ No.201526>>201547
That shota representation though.
What is this shit though? Degenerate Battles? Why are two fetishes being argued against?
Honestly I only like the non "old fat chad" stuff because that shit is real life. I can see a "chad" fuck any girl he wants on any site I want. It gets boring.
Shota and loli and incest shit is the kind of fantasy nonsense hentai was made for IMO.
If I wanted to see some "chad" cuck some guys wife or whatever I would just go to my friends house. NTR is garbage, low tier, because that is the closest shit to real life as you can get.
Not sure why any hetero male would want to watch an older man dominate women anyway? Why not do it yourself?
At least with shota you can't physically go out and do whatever it is the shota is doing. So imo one is wishful fantasy while the other is pure fantasy. Wishful fantasy is more pathetic since they CAN do it, but don't have the ability to because they are inferior. At least Pure fantasy has an excuse, it is physically impossible to do.
▶ No.201534
▶ No.201537
>another westernshit game
My filters are getting filled with needless garbage and it's all from this board. Can you stop?
▶ No.201547>>201589 >>203741 >>204346 >>244012 >>244048 >>257063
>Not sure why any hetero male would want to watch an older man dominate women anyway?
>Why not do it yourself?
I am the older man. Thats why i cuck people instead of being cucked like a shota would.
▶ No.201589>>201603
You're also a faggot
▶ No.201603>>201673
At least im not a shotafag.
▶ No.201617
▶ No.201638
Just the fact this isn't a bunch of shitty Honey Select still images makes it a 7/10. Honestly surprised by it.
▶ No.201673
This guy gets it. Shotafags, honestly, you're the fuckin worst.
▶ No.201875
>>201424 (OP)
>Also known as the incest game that isn't japanese crap
But still has that shitty anime inspired art style.
▶ No.201989
The cuck finally decided to add more Kasey content and a less shit scene with Julia. Shame that the new kira one sucks ass though
▶ No.202127
Resonable picture, but the NTR shit makes me think that the "old man" isn't just a self insert.
I don't like when the "lewd old man licks waifus girls feet" NTR bullshit gets sprung on me in VN's.
▶ No.203741>>203746 >>203754 >>203815
Huh… I didn't even know older men browsed this stuff too. I thought you were just supposed to kill yourselves because of how useless you are to society.
The more you know.
▶ No.203754>>276863
I rather masturbate to porn while I still can rather than cheating on my wife, once you reach couple stagnation there isn't much to do outside of failing for the open relationship meme
▶ No.203815
Are you mad Shotacuck?
▶ No.203907>>203914
Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity, that you feel emasculated by a fictional child.
▶ No.203914>>204505 >>204921
Imagine being so much of a failure in life that you want to regress to child like status instead of manning up and change your life for the better and go NTR some husbands out of their chicks.
▶ No.203917>>204168
>>201424 (OP)
Your game is shit, mate. I played an hour of it and could barely keep myself awake.
The story reads like the author is just ticking cliches off a checklist, the minigames are much too easy and repetitive and the art is frankly mediocre. If I were you, I'd be fucking ashamed to be panhandling on Patreon with this garbage.
▶ No.203962>>204049
>entire thread is shitposting irrelevant to the game
So much for the mods being tightasses I guess.
▶ No.204049
People actually believe mods are gestapo in here like /a/?
You can literally walk into the meta thread on this board, make a huge shitpost on it and it won't even get noticed nor deleted, it's one of the most chill boards i had the chance to lurk on while still keeping some degree of consistency and quality control.
What they do put their boot on is disgusting newfags trying to fit in but failing horribly, such as all the patreon 0.0021v1 pre-alpha shitfests.
▶ No.204133>>204208
Well there it is you fetishists, nate impregnated somebody, are you happy now?
▶ No.204160
▶ No.204168
1. The game isn't meant to be difficult
2. The art is more important than the minigames, and I quite like it
3. I'm not so sure about an overall "Story" or the needs for one. You are complaining about something that is a community wedger. a lot of people don't play these games for a great story, they play them for a wank. And spamming enter through mountains of text is not fun. I felt the dialogue was the right amount of verbosity and kept me stroking at a decent pace
4. The cousin minigame isn't that easy, but yeah the other ones are a walk in the park as I would prefer them to be.
Seems to me this game is just not for you.
However, let me offer some valid criticism - despite me liking the art style, all of the sex scenes after a certain point are terrible. Its just a couple of mostly completely still images. Whereas there used to be nice animations (pretty sure they are still there for the earlier unlockable scenes)
▶ No.204208
Most people are here ITT for incest content. I'll let you guess what would make them happy.
▶ No.204274>>204280
white people mirror please
▶ No.204280>>205133
Mega is the whitest mirror you could ask for. Kim Dotcom is one of the whitest guys on the internet, faggot.
▶ No.204346>>223891 >>244048
>game is still not out yet
▶ No.204432>>204581
So what's the deal with this now?
They got kicked off twitter or something last time I saw.
▶ No.204505>>204736
>Imagine being so much of a failure in life that you want to feel superior over someone on the internet by demeaning their fetish while you're still a no-life loser who'll never have sex.
Crazy, hm?
▶ No.204527>>204736 >>204922
Any other good shota games? Doesn't have to be WEG
▶ No.204581
still easy to find. just working through alternate sites and methods.
▶ No.204736
Imagine having such a shit fetish that you want to play as the most cucked archetype in porn media.
Its amazing how much life can suck when having a shit fetish.
They dont exist.
▶ No.204750>>204781
It's silly to fantasize about being either a fat dude or a child. Liking either one of these things tell me you've got some mental problems to deal with.
t. only plays games in which the PC looks like me
▶ No.204779
good thing im the Trash Man!
▶ No.204781>>204785
>t. only plays games in which the PC looks like me
Thats why i play as fat dudes. Luckily most fat dudes get drenched in pussy instead of getting cucked like shotas do.
▶ No.204785>>204807
I got a pic of yourself, viper fag. And yes, I'm laughing at you since that fat faggot dies.
▶ No.204807>>204818
> I'm laughing at you since that fat faggot dies.
At least i will die with a harem of qt grills while shotas faps to his relatives/love interests being fucked by other children.
▶ No.204809>>204821
Wow mods are fucking useless.
▶ No.204818>>204835
>Viper fag is still asshurt that he gets banned for the same shit even after all this time
Get fucked.
Not really.
▶ No.204821
This ain't cuckchan, pal. Moderation is not needed unless it is spam or something. You should get back there.
▶ No.204835>>204881 >>205366
>Posts doujins in a porn game general as a counterargument.
▶ No.204881>>204978
>Implying doujins aren't far better than any game in this board
▶ No.204921>>204978
Smells like projection.
▶ No.204922
If you count VNs, Kawakaburi no Cherry isn't bad. It's short as fuck, but not terrible.
▶ No.204978>>205154 >>205183
>Implying doujins have any worth over VNs with voice acting, character development, player choice and colored.
Sounds like i hit a nerve.
▶ No.205047>>205060
How do you fund a game like this? Patreon won't take it, PayPal will throw a fit, Blogspot will remove it.
▶ No.205060>>205071 >>205141
how about just make the game and not let patreon or any website force you to alter your game to their cuck standards. More devs need to be like Unteralterbach
▶ No.205071
Where's the money tho
▶ No.205133
Kim Dotcom has absolutely nothing to do with MEGA in its present incarnation, shit-for-brains. Did you miss where he put out a warning about it?
▶ No.205141>>205284
>More devs need to be like Unteralterbach
Why dont you make one then?
▶ No.205154
>character development
you outed yourself with that one, bud
▶ No.205183
Hey, at least I'm not the guy who goes out of his way to find a fetish he doesn't like just so he can tell people who like it that he hates it and that his fetish is better because he's retarded enough to think that having fantasies of sons fucking their mothers or boys fucking their teachers means they're unfulfilled in their lives. I can do the same to you with your fetish for domination and control. I can imply that it means you yourself lack power or control and therefore fantasize about it in order to compensate, but that's implied far more by your desire to actively hate one fetish and tout another as superior, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a massive douche.
▶ No.205200>>205224
>>201424 (OP)
The minigames are fucking boring.
Feels like a chore.
Should make them faster to play.
▶ No.205224
The shop has 15 dollar items that speed up the minigames
▶ No.205255>>205264 >>205285 >>205292 >>205305 >>282712
How the fuck do you cuck a shota?
Shota's aren't even "supposed to be in relationships. I'm sorry but stealing a harem away from a CHILD doesn't seem like it would happen often.
Fat people are easy to cuck because they're ugly and if they are married that wife sure as shit would take energetic an shota than Viper's fat ass. (Provided their dongo is longo enough.)
Case and point Viperfag is tired of being cucked for being a degenerate fat fuck. So he feels empowered by fantasizing about cucking CHILDREN. Who probably just wanna play lego's and shit.
▶ No.205264
You know those legos want to be played with by a real man.
▶ No.205284>>205301
▶ No.205285>>282712
you cuck a child by stealing away that child's girlfriend, duh
▶ No.205292
this shitposting on both sides is starting to get outta hand
▶ No.205301>>205302
The same reason you dont.
▶ No.205302>>205304
still no excuse to just make it and not use sites like patreon where you fuck up your game and drive away your audience. don't be a jew you faggot
▶ No.205304>>205306 >>205312
>still no excuse to just make it and not use sites like patreon where you fuck up your game
Still not excuse for you to not do it yourself.
>and drive away your audience.
Fuck them for putting the blame on the devs instead of patreon.
>don't be a jew you faggot.
Good luck making an artist stop taking commissions and work on your game for free. Get a job you fucking NEET.
▶ No.205305>>205307 >>205528
>How the fuck do you cuck a shota?
How do you cuck an OP as fuck demon lord who conquers everything left and right? You give him some loyal maids who love him too much and whose are jealous of other females so they trick the demon lord's women and get them raped by a bunch of Orcs with the intention of breeding strong soldiers for their demon lord as well as getting rid of their competition for his affection.
If you can cuck this dude you can easily cuck a little kid who automatically has affection towards its relatives or close ones.
▶ No.205306
I'm not the one creating this game along with Summertime saga and the snow game, their fault for not just create the game for what it is instead of censoring and changing their game to patreon an other website standards. At least the devs who made unteralterbach just did exactly that and didn't censored their game or say the little girls are 18 and shit.
Don't get mad at me faggot, get mad at both the devs and the website for their bullshit and being jews.
▶ No.205307
>pink hair
I doubt it'd be hard to cuck him
▶ No.205312
>Fuck them for putting the blame on the devs instead of patreon
they put the blame on both of them and they are not gonna stick by and support the dev if the thing that was featured for it is not gonna be in the game anymore. don't be a fucking retard
▶ No.205528
Is he supposed to be the MC of whatever game he is in?
I guess I can grasp the mentality of stealing from others, but not that of wanting to be stolen from.
▶ No.205584>>205591
Nate can impregnate someone?
▶ No.205591>>205637
Yeah, he preggoed the woman at the gloryhole.
▶ No.205637>>205869
Nice. I hope they expand on that and have impregnation for the rest of the girls.
▶ No.205810
>Only grown up males can satisfy their relatives.
What if she's a shotacon?
▶ No.205819>>205825
and they know they're gay but they don't wanna admit it
their delusion is top tier
▶ No.205825>>205829
watching porn is gay unless it's yuri.
▶ No.205829>>205830
▶ No.205830
▶ No.205838>>205911
▶ No.205869>>205871 >>205905
They won't. No more money.
It's abandoned.
▶ No.205898
Do they have a site or are you on the team working on this?
▶ No.205899
Two low-effort tit mashing scenes. Nice.
▶ No.205905
Do you honestly believe that because they can't advertise, talk about, or promote IA in any way on Patreon that Sex Curse Studios isn't using Patreonbux to continue to fund IA's production?
How damn naïve are you, anon?
▶ No.205911
▶ No.205937>>206009 >>206060
fucking glad they're already ditching the new loli for something better
▶ No.206009
But the art's still shitty.
▶ No.206060>>228652 >>228663
and without loli this game is dead.
▶ No.206150>>206154
▶ No.206154>>206281
yes, the big sister (OP pic) says she needs to watch out for the brother fucking and cumming inside her a lot, and the gloryhole lady has an internal view scene where the next time you meet and fuck her when the PC comes she says to him that he doesn't need to worry about him coming inside her anymore.
▶ No.206157
How do you get the new scenes?
▶ No.206232>>206284
>>201424 (OP)
Not a great look when the "japanese crap" this game is being compared to blows it the fuck out decisively.
▶ No.206281
Let's hope that plays out (´∀`)
▶ No.206380>>206576
Is there a way to delete old versions without also deleting the save file?
If so, how?
▶ No.206389>>206399
How do i unlock her? already did all the other scenes with the other women.
▶ No.206399
Go to your room and do the game review minigame a couple of times. She emails you and yadda yadda yadda lewd.
▶ No.206570>>206576 >>206679
Is Dev running a fake game on Patreon to try to keep raising money for I.Awakening? How does he expect it to work out? All the comments I see there are from people asking what happened to the game they paid for.
▶ No.206576>>291063
My best guess is a second actual game that'll be used to fund general efforts, including their first since it got booted from Patreon.
The game's made with Renpy, and the save files are located elsewhere, so you can delete as many older versions as you want.
▶ No.206618>>206638
Reported for posting CP.
▶ No.206638>>212148 >>259652
I wonder if there is banning for false reports.
▶ No.206650>>206679
What did they add?
▶ No.206679>>207013 >>207263 >>208152 >>208168
They keep asking and they keep getting told to get on the Sex Curse Discord and ask about IA.
>0.0033-Alpha Changelog
-Added new character, Vicky, with 2 scenes! You will need to be able to access the Outside zone, which requires Boldness level 4.
You can start her path by successfully completing the "review" minigame once, and seeing an event in the morning. After you see that event, complete the review minigame two more times, and another event will occur in the morning.
-Vicky's first scene requires Boldness Level 4. Vicky's second scene requires Boldness level 5, and requires that you complete the review minigame 2 more times.
-Fixed "all scenes finished for this build" for Kacey from appearing too early.
-Fixed the text window from flashing when switching from one Kira revisit to another.
>0.0032-Alpha Changelog
-Added new Kira scene! Requires Relationship level 16 and Boldness level 8. Occurs during the day out at the pool.
-Fixed referencing something that may not have happened for some players, in a Kacey scene.
-Fixed empty dream options from appearing.
-Fixed "New!" notice from appearing on outside zone is player doesn't have enough boldness to enter it.
>0.0031-Alpha Changelog
-Added new Kacey scene. Requires previous Kacey scenes, Boldness level 8, and occurs at Night.
-Added option to rename Julia to whatever name you like!
-Added dream blur that was missing in one of Kacey's revisits.
-Added "New!" notice for zones that have new scenes.
▶ No.207013
>They keep asking and they keep getting told to get on the Sex Curse Discord and ask about IA.
I don't know if you have any contact with the developer, but you have to keep in mind that the people who make pledge at Patreon are not the smartest in the world.
In fact, one of the reasons they make the pledge is laziness to look for the links on the sites and forums. Yes, some people want to help dev, but most of them just want immediate and easy access to the updates, without having to hunt download links, and make them available secretly by Discord will alienate most of the patrons.
▶ No.207263>>207311 >>207357 >>207387
Game gives you the option to change the characters' names yet patch notes always refer to them by their default name.
How stupid is this dev?
▶ No.207311>>207447
>Game gives you the option to change the characters' names yet patch notes always refer to them by their default name. How stupid is this dev?
How is it stupid for patch notes to refer to characters by their default names? What should they be referred as instead?
▶ No.207357
I think you might be the retard
▶ No.207387
You're not a very bright one are you.
▶ No.207447>>207480
Not him, but they could be referred to by their roles like Sister, Mother, Cousin, etc. Other games have done that.
▶ No.207480>>207535 >>207568
wow it's almost like they are trying to avoid the anti-incest rules set by patreon or something
▶ No.207535
>Muh patreon
Kill yourself.
▶ No.207568
>it's almost like
But it isn't.
▶ No.208110
>eyebrows through hair
it's minor but I'm getting real sick of it honestly
▶ No.208113>>228665
▶ No.208152>>208700
Are all Vicky scenes one-shot, or is any of them repeatable?
▶ No.208168
Hot damn this Vicky character is bonerfuel.
▶ No.208347>>208352 >>209666
▶ No.208352>>208885
The game is mostly incest. Only 2 of the 6 characters aren't your family.
▶ No.208700
At this point, they seem to be one-shot (of course, there's the Dream option to allow you to repeat them, but right now you can't revisit Vicky after her scenes).
▶ No.208885>>208887 >>209638
Kacey is your aunt I thought.
▶ No.208887>>209638
If she is, I missed that. I thought she was some random random slut in the park. She definitely doesn't recognize you.
▶ No.209638>>209676 >>209759
Actually, the aunt has had some work-in-progress art revealed. She's definitely not Kacey.
▶ No.209666
It's all incest, the only woman you can fuck who isn't related to you is the chick in the park.
▶ No.209676>>209677 >>209759 >>210744
>nicely snug tits
I'm starting to like the direction this is going, less gothshit loli
▶ No.209677>>209684
Goth loli and cute twin loli are the best characters.
▶ No.209684
twin loli is pretty good, goth is absolute trash
▶ No.209692>>209697
>MC canon impregnates Kacey
▶ No.209697>>209700
>pregnant gloryhole scenes
▶ No.209700>>209701
Have you actually gone down her route or are you just judging it based off one thing. Because more shit happens.
▶ No.209701>>209761
I'm not sure I follow at all. I just want a pregnant woman sucking shota mans D through a hole.
▶ No.209759
It was explicitly noted that Kira's physique resembled the aunt's. Kacey is not the MC's aunt.
▶ No.209761>>209794
You don't impregnate her until you go into her stall.
▶ No.209762
New scenes are fucking lame, just a boob flash
▶ No.209794>>209803
Nothing stops you from continuing to use that gloryhole even after impregnating her, right?
▶ No.209803
No you can revisit scenes as many times as you want, in fact on the second viewing the dialogue changes so it's just just repeating exactly.
▶ No.210744>>210912
>I'm starting to like the direction this is going
I don't. The art's still too shitty for me.
▶ No.210912
Funnily enough I like the art. It isn't anime, I love anime but I'm sick of it. And Finally a good shota dick.
▶ No.212140>>212141 >>212152
▶ No.212141
none since it got fucked by patreon
▶ No.212148
▶ No.212152
In-development update typically drops the 23rd-24th of the month, public release drops during the first week of the following month.
▶ No.214647>>214658 >>214717 >>215459
▶ No.214658>>214852 >>215459
aaaaaand its boring shit.
▶ No.214704
▶ No.214717
Where can I get it?
▶ No.214852>>215459
i second this, it's just sprite nudes of the aunt without CGs\sex\anything good.
lamest update so far, they've been dropping too much in content, good thing they're updating monthly unlike SS cucks
▶ No.214854
Even the goth loli had more content when she appeared, also the aunt has no scenes talking with her daughter and the loli has no new scenes, so it's a waste of time
▶ No.215389
i think others complained too and they updated again today with another scene with the aunt
▶ No.215403
Aunt has a nice blow job scene, I want to lick her butthole.
▶ No.215459>>215500
▶ No.215465>>215469 >>215492 >>215596 >>215758 >>216607
they need to fucking stop adding more characters and add more impregnation of the main cast (remove goth loli too)
▶ No.215469
>(remove goth loli too)
Remove things instead of adding things. Pure genius.
▶ No.215492
>(remove goth loli too)
no, faggot
▶ No.215500>>215731
it's the same link as always friend
▶ No.215596
>not just impregnating the goth chick when it's added
▶ No.215731>>215735
▶ No.215735
That's the mega in the OP, by the way, since you're too dumb to get it.
▶ No.215758>>215771 >>215859 >>215929 >>219650
Theres enough pregnancy already.
We need more scenes for little shadman and the office lady is what we need.
Also, threesome with the twin sister and any of the other family members.
▶ No.215771>>215932
>one pregnancy with some random park slut is enough
This game is Incestral Awakening
▶ No.215859>>215932 >>216121
>he doesn't want the mc to impregnate everyone and gain a harem
I can smell the /leftypol/ from here.
▶ No.215929>>215932
There is no such thing as enough pregnancy
Evey oven must have a bun it it
▶ No.215932
100%. This can only end with a big, happy family all with swelling bellies.
▶ No.216121>>216605
>for finding retarded inbred babies disturbing
▶ No.216538>>221439
>>201424 (OP)
What are the variables you can manipulate in this game using shift O?
▶ No.216582
what is this western shit
▶ No.216605>>216626 >>217234 >>217474 >>218071
>implying there is anything wrong with inbreeding
Good genes need to be kept in the family
▶ No.216607
I take >>215465 back, it's a pretty alright update. Fit milf is better than goth-shit
▶ No.216621>>216629 >>216670 >>218638 >>218742
Literally nothing is wrong with the goth loli.
▶ No.216626>>217234
Well, legitimately, if you only had good genes and no recessive negative genes, incest wouldn't be much of a big deal. At worst, you'd all start to look exactly the same. Not a problem until a virus fucks up your lineage because it exploited your genetics.
▶ No.216629
My only complaint for her lewd arc is that it feels like we have been given the ending before the middle or that she suddenly changes character.
Altho I will admit I'm counting my chickens before they hatch in hopes of a threesome with the twin sister.
▶ No.216670>>216683 >>218297
She acts all shy at the start and as soon as you start to lewd her she becomes the biggest slut on the block. That personality shift… How is that natural?
▶ No.216683
It means that's her natural state, mate
▶ No.217181>>217739
What's the newest build? I have the 0.35A update but I'm not sure if that's the newest.
▶ No.217234>>217246 >>217474 >>217714 >>217730
Thats not how inbreeding works anon, why the fuck do you think the habsburg ended up breeding such malformed beigns as >>216605 ?
The guy didnt even had a normal penis, he couldnt pee properly and never managed to reproduce, causing a sucession crisis, not to mention he was retarded.
There is a reason why incest is illegal in most places, its not because someone wants to ruin the fun.
▶ No.217246
The habsburgs had shitty genes
▶ No.217474
>habsburg ended up breeding such malformed beigns as >>216605
Dont you dare to shit on /ourguy/ Charles the IInd
▶ No.217619>>217695
I have finished everything else for all of the characters but I can't go to Vicky because he needs to write more reviews but I can't find a way to actually do that.
▶ No.217695>>218038
Is it broken when you select your bedroom, minigame - write reviews?
▶ No.217714>>221182
>german blood
>good genes
pick one, but the habsburgs tried for both
▶ No.217730>>219822
>that's not how inbreeding works
>but I won't bother to explain how I think it works
>t. an inbred
▶ No.217739
That's the newest build so far. The next public build is expected to drop within a week or less.
▶ No.218038
Sorry I'm just an idiot.
▶ No.218071>>291063
He reminds me of the Bogdanoff Brothers.
▶ No.218297
She isn't shy at all, she's just reserved. I do feel like she needs way more stuff in between the three scenes we have though. I was pretty surprised that she didn't even make him eat her out for one.
▶ No.218302
I hope they add more threesome scenes with the mom and the older sister.
▶ No.218402>>218531
I though this game was taken down? they still update?
▶ No.218531
I think this game is no longer on patreon but they have another game that people support which is used to make this game.
▶ No.218638
Her attitude for starters.
▶ No.218742>>219025
the way she acts like a grown shameless turboslut while being a young girl (not even your standard weeb shit loli baba) is kind of off-putting, strongly prefer the more realistic interactions with the twin sister
▶ No.218922
it's the first where's my fucking update
▶ No.219025>>219053 >>220230
>the way she acts like a grown shameless turboslut while being a young girl (not even your standard weeb shit loli baba) is kind of off-putting
no it isn't, there are young girls like this.
▶ No.219650>>227754
>Theres enough pregnancy already.
Get the fuck out of here
▶ No.219815>>219820 >>219822 >>219962 >>220229 >>220251 >>220294
>final version of 26 has a scene where Nate dreams of Sam blowing other guys
Cuckfags ruin everything.
▶ No.219819
Does anyone know when the next build of this comes out?
▶ No.219820
>blowing other guys
he clones himself and bangs her dude
▶ No.219822>>219843
You have to go back.
If the game keeps going the way it is, it will end up with a Fat Uncle cucking the mc. Cuckfacks ruin yet another thing
▶ No.219843
Fucking cucks ruin anything that they touch, devs need to stop listening to them.
▶ No.219962
except that's not a thing
▶ No.220229
do you have anything to confirm this or are you a gay bait boy
▶ No.220230
whatever you say fbi
▶ No.220245>>220251
is there a guide for getting all the scenes?
▶ No.220251>>220261
Yes I to enjoy making shit up on the internet.
>A guide
For what? just do their mini games until their affection bar fills up, which you can check from Nates bedroom, play the next scene then do it again for another one.
▶ No.220261>>220288 >>220365
apparently theres at least one threesome scene I missed
▶ No.220288
You need high affinity with both the mum and Kira.
▶ No.220294>>220392 >>220400
What the fuck it's sorta true. Both Sam and Nate wish there were 3 of her/him to gangbang, but the phrasing of everything is nearing cuckshit. V36 also has a boring dialogue mom scene
▶ No.220365
It's shit, the mother just sucks off the son while the older sister just holds him up.
▶ No.220392
Wait there's a new version. I got told that 0.35 was the latest build.
▶ No.220400>>220404
>haha cuck lmao cuck cuck
You people are deranged. The kid dreamed of cloning himself to fuck a girl he liked. How in the fuck is that cuckolding?
▶ No.220404>>221675
He dreamed of the girl he likes sucking 3 dicks.
He doesn't have 3 dicks.
▶ No.221182>>221220
Srsly who the fuck is this guy. He looks like someone I fucking know
▶ No.221220>>221270
It's namasensei. And you don't know him.
▶ No.221270
▶ No.221439
▶ No.221675
The dicks were his since they were all clones.
Anon the one that is cucked is you, your mind can only see cuckery everywhere.
▶ No.223594>>223721
Has this game been updated at all?
▶ No.223721
It was updated multiple times, last was like a week ago but seems to have gone to the public builds rather than the in dev link from the OP.
▶ No.223762>>223817
What's the most recent version?
▶ No.223817>>223976
Appears to be 0.0036, 0.0035 is in the dev link from the OP. 0.0036 link is on the authors site for public download.
▶ No.223891>>226839
If you are talking about pic then it is. You just have to pay 500 yen a month for each version. Plus non resized cg for both games
▶ No.223976>>226113
Oh okay. I have the 36 version and there's like nothing really added to it from the 35 version.
▶ No.225595>>225683
any kind soul has a download link to latest version
▶ No.225758
▶ No.225801
▶ No.225852>>225854 >>225894 >>226113 >>226154
Pathetic update
What the fuck is happening at Sex Curse?
They used to be fucking good.
Last update is text "scene" with big sis going around naked while the mom sees that and orders her to get dressed and PC is masturbated offscreen by the mom.
"She gave me an handjob and let me cum on her hand"
What the hell? a black screen with a single text is your update? No CG or anything?
Is Sex Curse abandoning it in favour of their new game or is it the Fag95 curse?
▶ No.225854>>226113
▶ No.225894
>They used to be fucking good.
▶ No.226113
Why will you fags never honour the letters?
0.36b will likely drop soon with more stuff. The new scenes are probably still buggy and they dropped the 0.36a to keep us happy while they work on it a bit longer
▶ No.226154>>226174
I'm gonna jump the bandwagon and say it is because it isn't a patreon game anymore, which is a shame. I do agree with you that they were actually great, released every update on clock and even though it had it's ons and off it was overall solid. Also, I'd say it has nothing to do with Fag95 seeing how they barely care about the game so nothing to pander to them either.
Their new game looks pretty nice, though, but I'd like this one to go on and on. Still, I decided to give it a try since it was released and I'm actually really happy with it, can't wait for the grandma, shame they are even slower and with less content they used to be, but at least they are constant.
▶ No.226174>>226187
What happened to their patreon
▶ No.226187>>226189
Shittron made them take it down, because incest.
▶ No.226189
Thats dumb they are plenty other things with incest on patreon
▶ No.226330
Needs more big boob milfs and more Kira too
▶ No.226367>>226389
>>201424 (OP)
mc getting fucked in the ass when
▶ No.226389>>226463 >>226547 >>226549
when Fag95 tells them too
▶ No.226463>>226530
>Summertime Saga
>a teenage guy after the voice timbre change and with a big dick
Check the dictionary definition.
▶ No.226530>>226542
Just because he looks like a crack user doesn't mean he is not prepubescent when he barely know what masturbation even is.
▶ No.226542
Because everybody knows puperty only ends after you learned about sex?
It's a biological process and has nothing to do with your knowlege about it.
▶ No.226547
>Summertime Saga
>Snow Daze
Fag95 is a clusterfuck of shit taste
▶ No.226549>>226589 >>226650 >>226678 >>227470 >>227749
>Snow daze has prepubescent kids
Do any of these look prepubescent to you?
▶ No.226589>>226650 >>226652
Id this any good?
▶ No.226652
I liked it, specialy the twin sister
▶ No.226678>>226723 >>226854
Anyone know where to get the full version? Or is the demo fine on it's own?
▶ No.226723>>226845 >>226854 >>226862 >>227743 >>231649
Just go to Fag95Zone. Everyone might talk shit about it, but it's because they're all retarded fucks that can't stand someone having a different opinion than theirs so they stick around reading the comments that aren't related to full saves or new versions and waste their time arguing. Just go in, get the links and get out, not that hard.
▶ No.226839>>226930 >>244829
Where can i find it?
▶ No.226845
>Going there at all.
▶ No.226854
>Telling people to go to faggot95 unironic
The fuck is wrong with you?
▶ No.226862>>226867
ISen't a bannable offence telling people to download things from fag95? Or that was another board
▶ No.226867
Not bannable if it's mentioned in a post. If you create a thread about a game, you have to supply the direct link to the download file instead of telling them to get it from where ever.
▶ No.226930>>232032 >>244012
▶ No.226958>>227040 >>227187 >>227312
How many scenes with the big sister
▶ No.227040
Not enough. I thought the mom was going to have more, but I'm sure the big sister has more scenes than anyone else since she won a lot of polls.
▶ No.227187
If I remember correctly, there is the one in the OP, one where you get a tj in the bathtub, anal, one with a butt job, and the the one where she holds you up while the mom gives you a bj. I'm probably missing some.
▶ No.227312
She has the most of any other she even has a threesome scene with the mum.
▶ No.227720
>Decide to name the son Max Payne for a laugh
>Aunt says this during skinny dipping dialogue
▶ No.227723
Hope the grandma has huge boobs
▶ No.227743
> Everyone might talk shit about it, but it's because they're all retarded fucks that can't stand someone having a different opinion
By all that is unholy you are so fucking wrong
▶ No.227749
>They do look designed by and for prepubescent kids.
▶ No.227754
There's never enough pregnancies in a porn game.
▶ No.227757>>227763 >>227812
>>201424 (OP)
>All the girls have freakishly large tits
>Not japanese
Figures, western artists think boobs automatically equal hot. Granted most weeb artists do too, but at least they throw in a few delicious flat chests from time to time.
▶ No.227763>>227802
you get two flat characters in this, the twin and the goth. They're alright.
▶ No.227802>>228017 >>241868
The two lolis are enough
▶ No.227812>>227822
>boobs automatically equal hot
I see we have a melanated individual here
▶ No.227822>>228294
Shut up you double nigger.
▶ No.228017
▶ No.228206>>228429 >>239442 >>240223
Lolis are the worst part of the game
▶ No.228223>>228227
It's too bad there's no threesome action with the mom and aunt.
▶ No.228227
Agreed it would be hot since the aunt is always trying to one up her sister
▶ No.228429>>228434
Shota and NTR are
▶ No.228434>>228504
There's NTR in this?
▶ No.228445
▶ No.228504>>228510
No, his just whining because Nate has a dream where he clones himself and then him and his clones fuck his sister in an orgy, you can't cuck yourself with yourself especially in a dream.
▶ No.228510
No he was talking about NTR and Shota in general that they are shit
▶ No.228652>>228661 >>228956
Big sister and mother are best. You can have your wrong opinions, but that's what they are. WRONG OPINIONS.
▶ No.228661
▶ No.228663>>228665
Smells like… child support.
▶ No.228665
Holy shit, what is my computer doing. Meant to reply to >>208113
▶ No.228847>>228889 >>228959
Dev better realize that he's legally obligated to do this shit now
▶ No.228889>>228939
▶ No.228939
From the text, I'm assuming it's the younger sister. The twin. You can rename them.
▶ No.228956>>229019
>Big sister and mother are best. You can have your wrong opinions, but that's what they are. WRONG OPINIONS.
says the fag with the wrong opinion
▶ No.228959
is it still a black void on the screen?
▶ No.229019
Says the double fag with doubly wrong opinions.
▶ No.229035>>229042
How often is this updated?
▶ No.229042>>229043
'bout twice a month, roughly.
▶ No.229043>>229080
whydo you lie to me?
▶ No.229080>>229131
229042 isn't lying.
It's around this time of the month that they release the "in-development" build, which typically gets leaked here a day or two after its release for the donators. (The first "in-dev" build for July has been released already, in fact.)
It's around the first of each month (at least during the first week) that the public build update comes out, which includes everything updated in the in-dev builds and usually 1 or 2 additional things.
▶ No.229131>>231562
Just downloaded the new version, is there really only one new scene? thats sad..
▶ No.231562>>231570
Yup. Does anyone know when the new build comes out?
▶ No.231570>>231713
Usually around the beginning of a new month
▶ No.231649
Just like to let newfags know that you can use bugmenot to get access without having to make an account and grab the links when needed and leave.
▶ No.231713
Got ya. So hopefully sometime within the next two weeks.
▶ No.232032
am I just blind or is the game from the pic not in there?
▶ No.232202>>232222 >>232272
.0038 out now but idk wtf is new
▶ No.232222>>232234 >>232243
where you see.0038 at?
▶ No.232234>>232239
▶ No.232239
Uh oh what i do wrong lol, ive checked the usually places and i dont see it
▶ No.232243>>240399
>>201424 (OP)
is anyone's megaupload pulling some jew shit, where they now want you to pay for a membership or wait 5 fucking hours for the download to continue? Im getting pissed
▶ No.232245>>232571
▶ No.232272>>232401
Well on a certain board someone mentioned a three some with the mom and sam the twin. I guess ill wait for next month cause the loli does nothing for me
▶ No.232354>>232403
When is Vicky going to suck my dick?!
▶ No.232401
The two lolis actually arent that bad in the game. Mc twin sister is really cool and the other is a dominate goth loli
▶ No.232403
That and when can we bang her and the aunt
▶ No.232571>>232638
▶ No.232638>>232741
3sum with mom and lil sis
▶ No.232741>>232776 >>233161
Which was pretty good except for the last part where you pick which one to fuck/cum inside. Feel like that last part could have been better.
▶ No.232776
It was okay they need to give the mom and big sis a real threesome
▶ No.233161
Yeah, it needs to go on for a tad longer so you switch back and forth a couple times if you want.
▶ No.233271>>234911 >>234995
A scene a month is just lazy
▶ No.234911>>234987
Actually, it's been about two-three scenes a month lately, between the in-development "patron-only" releases and the "public access" releases.
▶ No.234987>>236489
still pretty damn lazy
▶ No.234995>>235461
What do expect from a patreon game
▶ No.235459>>235461
Soooo the scene for the start of this month…Doesn't even have any new cg. It's just the same scene with different text.
▶ No.235461
▶ No.235847
These guys are bringing in $2000 a month and theyre leting out a scene a month
▶ No.236019
Damn, after a complete year waiting for a paizuri scene with Simone we finally got one and this is garbage. Fucktards.
▶ No.236489
It's the inherent "jew-ery" of patreon.
With other methods like Kickstarter that us a one-time payment, the incentive is to get funding, make product, and push it out fast to meet your agreed upon terms.
Patreon rewards the bare minimum because of monthly payments.
"Oh, 0.0.35a was in June? Well, keep funneling that money in and after July's payment date, you'll see what 30 days of all your combined payments have made…0.0.36a!!!"
▶ No.237328>>237347 >>238249
Who is the 7th character?
▶ No.237347>>237374 >>238249
Most likely grandmother
▶ No.238249>>238251 >>238254 >>238255 >>238275 >>238283 >>238323 >>238386 >>238457 >>257310
Yeah, grandmother.
This is all we've got so far, the final design will probably vary.
▶ No.238251
it's a good thing only retards are supporting them on (((patreon)))
▶ No.238254
Oh yeah a hot grandma with huge boobs, please let them hurry up and add her
▶ No.238255
Hopefully they make her look an older version of the aunt but a more milfy body
▶ No.238275>>238276
>visible face wrinkles
No. Yeah I get she's old but why not just take out the grandma altogether? Who wants this?
▶ No.238276>>238281 >>238346
>not wanting this
▶ No.238281>>238343
I'm into older women, not old women
▶ No.238283
Personally I like her
▶ No.238343>>238375
>Still being a child
▶ No.238346
now you're just as equal to the cucks
▶ No.238375
>not still being a child
Being an adult fucking sucks
▶ No.238386>>238410
>mfw actually getting a stiffy from gilf
What the hell is wrong with me
▶ No.238410
>draw a milf
>give her eye lines and say its old
yeah, sure is weird
▶ No.238457>>238984
only thing I don't like about this is she is too old to impregnate
▶ No.238984>>239183
Thats the beauty of it, you fire how many shots you want to without worry
▶ No.239183
>a niche fetish game
>that means it's only a worry, not another fetish to implement
Summertime Saga hasn't deliver with the twin aunt yet, what a letdown.
▶ No.239372>>239380
How the hell does this guy fuck a random girl in a glory hole twice, including breeding her, as well as even take control while fucking his cousin, but when he goes to do it with either of his sisters he apparently now needs to be 'told what to do'. I mean, he literally got someone pregnant but he forgot how sex works after 4 vaginal sex scenes, 2 anal ones and several blowjobs? *sigh*
Regardless, it's a pretty fun game. Shit that updates are so lackluster, but I can wait and play other games until this one gets some more content.
▶ No.239380>>239386
Well theyre kinda working on that in some scenes now they talk about if nate has been with someone else. And yes the one scene a month sucks
▶ No.239386>>239440
Yeah, I noticed some of them, like mentioning he already had a blowjob before while his Aunt was giving him hers. If they're actually looking back to fix those, that's great. Just kinda takes me out of the moment when my character switches his mentality like that so quickly.
Also are we supposed to believe the goth cousin has had sex before? She mentioned it was the 1st time someone came inside her, and she clearly knows WAY more about sex than either the MC or the twin despite looking to be about the same age. Or is she meant to be older? Either way, that kinda creeped me out to be honest. I know what kind of game I'm playing, but still.
▶ No.239440>>240215 >>240820
I don't really like the goth loli she seems like shes just shoe horned in there. Shes supposed to be smarter and more experienced than nate and sam, they shouldve made her a teenager
▶ No.239442
/ss/ is, which is the entire game.
▶ No.240215
Big tiddy goth cousin? I can dig it.
▶ No.240223>>240235 >>240269 >>240362 >>240385 >>240990 >>240991 >>241869
I've suggested bringing another shota on board, but I don't think the writer is comfortable with that.
Also sorry about the eyebrows thing, didn't realize it was that big of an issue.
▶ No.240235>>241933
>I've suggested bringing another shota on board
You ever considered suicide, fag?
▶ No.240269
How did you suggest are you on the patreon?
▶ No.240362
>I've suggested bringing another shota on board
I hope you step on a lego you piece of shit
▶ No.240384>>240392
Anybody guess whats gonna be in the next update?
▶ No.240385
>child NTR
What the actual fuck is your fucking problem
▶ No.240399
its the new system they have. just use any mega downloading software (megadownloader, jdownloader (i think thats the name)). you should be able to download one full mega link vefore having to wait or use a vpn to get around their jewery. did you know new accounts only have a 15gb storage limit now?
▶ No.240400
Vicky blowjob? Hope there is some sex in it probably not though they like to stretch things out
▶ No.240402>>240428
Where you get the pic from
▶ No.240428>>240432
▶ No.240432
You can tell me im cool
▶ No.240534>>240675
So, when was the last update with actual animation?
▶ No.240675
I think the aunt scene was animated i havent played it yet waiting for more stuff to build up
▶ No.240820>>240822
▶ No.240822>>241709
Okay enjoy your bland loli character
▶ No.240988>>240996
▶ No.240990
>I've suggested bringing another shota on board
it's a good fucking thing they didn't care
▶ No.240991
>Another shota
No, just give the goth loli a strap on for the threesome scene.
▶ No.240996
Beginning of every new month
▶ No.240997>>241002
Please i hope its just not a blowjob scene
▶ No.241002
Watch it be just a handjob pic
▶ No.241452>>241598
Finally another animated scene, and it is triple penetration!
It is with the fucking loli…
Oh shit, the mom is gonna do cowgirl!?
"I don't think so sweetie."…
God fucking dammit, each time the scene looks like it is gonna be awesome it ends up good, but disappointing.
At least Vickey looks good.
▶ No.241494
▶ No.241598>>241645 >>241690 >>241720 >>241783
They fucking doesn't know how to draw a good scene. We need this kind of stuff with Simone.
▶ No.241645
That last one. My god. Please take notes development team.
▶ No.241690>>241755
Would you be wiling to grace us with the source my dude?
▶ No.241709>>241718
heres your shota, homo
▶ No.241718
Wtf is wrong with you
▶ No.241720
Thought this was from the game got excited for a sec
▶ No.241755>>241783
the artist is legoman
▶ No.241783
Well, it appears my prayers were answered by the latest aunt scene. I just hope they go back and animate it.
You are a gentleman and a scholar my good sir, and I wish you a pleasant day.
▶ No.241868
>two lolis are enough
Get out.
▶ No.241869>>241928 >>241964
A shota that tries to steal your women, so you fuck him in the ass to accert dominance. Turn him into sissy beta faggot, maybe pimp him in the park.
▶ No.241931>>241934
Bi, really, but so what! Fucking your rivals in the ass is the ultimate way to put them in their place
▶ No.241933>>241934
Lol, scared of gays? Nothing wrong with dicking another guy in the ass. Don't worry so much about what others fap to, it's not like they give a shit about what you do.
▶ No.241934>>241944 >>241952 >>242252
remember to kill yourself off the face of this planet faggot
▶ No.241944>>241950
Sure thing, buddy! And when I find you in hell, we'll see how tight your little virgin ass feels <3
▶ No.241949>>241951
▶ No.241950>>241951
I'm not gonna be in hell, you are, only fags are in hell and get their mutilated dicks chopped and severed for eternity.
Have fun with that
▶ No.241951>>241953
Gotta agree with that
Aw, of course not. Incest is a virtuous and divine act, and so is lusting after pubescent girls. I have to concede my point, oh most holy sisterfucker, for I must fall to Satan for wanting to fuck a guy in the ass, yet your mighty person will surely be seen as a saint and an angel for your Loli-loving and motherfucking.
▶ No.241952>>241955
Anon subtly advertising his insta.
▶ No.241953>>241954
lolis are a gift from god, committing sodomy with a male is a sin and for that, shag in hell faggot
▶ No.241954>>241956
God created Fat boy ass too so I'll take all that comes to me. Although I do wonder what religion you're in because I need to join!
▶ No.241955>>241957 >>241958 >>242252
oh no, I was merely just showing how much of a faggot he is along with those pics that he likes to jerk off too
▶ No.241957>>241959
>oh no, I was merely just showing how much of a faggot he is along with those pics that he likes to jerk off too
▶ No.241958
Come on man, no need to lie. It's normal to be shy at first! Don't worry, we don't judge here. ;3
▶ No.242252
Is that really you?!
▶ No.242260>>242292 >>242601
I had high expectations for this game, even knowing the art is bad.
I started playing the latest version. Art is even worse than I thought. The game is confusing. The UI sucks and you have everything from gameplay options to game settings on the same menu.
But okay, it's just an amateur game, let's see if it's exciting.
Minigame of math … Minigame of race … Minigame of assembling background images…
What the fuck is this shit?
▶ No.242292>>242298 >>242329
"The game is confusing"
I'm sorry for your parents.
▶ No.242298
The games arent confusing but they are dumb
▶ No.242329>>242352 >>242689
Hey, retard. Being confusing doesn't mean that it is difficult to understand, it means that it's messy, that things are disorganized.
Just see the options you have in your room. From spending the night and write reviews to make money, to "changelog" and picture gallery. All in the same interface as if there was no difference between the actions of the gameplay and the game settings.
And it's not just the interface, you're barely presented to the characters and you can go out doing mindless minigames with them.
▶ No.242352>>242500 >>242563 >>242602
>Being confusing doesn't mean that it is difficult to understand
But by definition it does.
>it means that it's messy, that things are disorganized
Ah, the word you're looking for is "convoluted"
▶ No.242500
Thanks encyclopedia brown
▶ No.242563
You're right. Sorry for calling you retard.
▶ No.242601
>Also known as the incest game that isn't japanese crap
OP has shit taste anon and is the virgin shota
▶ No.242602
You're right. Thanks for being a retard.
▶ No.242609>>242637 >>242644
▶ No.242637
it still exists
what more news do you want
▶ No.242644
Its usually updated around the start of a new month the rest of the time is usually just shit posts here
▶ No.242689>>242720 >>246024
It's a porn game. You talk to people and then there is porn. I'm sorry Shakespeare
▶ No.242720>>242745
why are you against quality
▶ No.242745>>242748
It's a literal patreon game. This is not the place to look for diamonds, be happy with your polished coal.
▶ No.242748
no I mean in general, it doesn't have to be the best but at least something decent. At least like Rance 6
▶ No.243975
Was there an update for this recently?
▶ No.243993>>243996
There was a small update on the 24th.
▶ No.243996>>244001
▶ No.244001>>244004 >>244008
A porn scene with Vicky.
A character building scene with Julia.
A porn scene with Julia
▶ No.244004>>244043
Is that in version .40
▶ No.244008>>244043
▶ No.244012
Anon the pastebin you posted is for Western erotic games, Fate Grand Mama is obviously being made by the Japanese so why would it be on that pastebin?
▶ No.244043
might need 41a
The link in the opening post is to a mega folder that it appears updates the contents and is often the latest version
▶ No.244048>>244074 >>249044 >>257063
Having done some more research (sorry if I sound a bit dumb but I've never had to dig into the Japanese side of the web to find a game before) It does actually appear to be "released" in the same way that any Patreon smut here is. It's being hosted on here https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/2846 which appears to be the Japanese equivalent of Patreon. (Again, not used to doing this) the only thing holding people back from getting the game is somebody has to bite the bullet and donate to the creator to get the latest version of the game, currently 12(?) if shitty auto-translation is anything to go by. It's an RPGmaker game with CGs in between though. You'd be better off waiting for the rips to pop up on exhentai if you're not a fan.
For me personally BitchBakufu is one of my least favorite artists of all fucking time. His Mind Control doujins are just boring as hell.
▶ No.244074>>244077
▶ No.244077>>249044
There are /ss/ scenes as far as I've seen but that is accompanied by pic related so pick your poison.
▶ No.244829>>244939
▶ No.244939>>247821
How much japanese do you need to know to play it looks interesting
▶ No.245621
please…. please impliment scenes with simone like those… i love the mom character!
▶ No.245758>>245760 >>245774 >>245784 >>246098
With how everyone is so relaxed with children fucking i'm guessing pedophilia isn't really a thing in this world?
▶ No.245760
Maybe it is, and the whole game just takes place in a really nice part of whatever town degrees of lewdity is in.
▶ No.245774
AlL cHaRcTeRs ArE 18
▶ No.245784
>child fucking
>everyone in the game is 18 minimum
what did he mean by this
▶ No.245967
>> 245758
Dunno if your a wolf disguise as an innocent sheep or just a retarded faggot.. the word "pedophilia" exist for a reason, smart ass.
▶ No.246011
Absolute shit taste my friends.
▶ No.246024>>246120 >>246211 >>246216
I'm the guy who was complaining about the game with the "confusing" thing.
I discovered that you can get around all the minigames, which made the game more tolerable.
Anyway, I didn't find the game exciting. And not because there are no deep characters and complex plot, but because, in my opinion, the scenes are not sexy, examples.
> the scene where the two children suckled into their mother could serve as an advertising campaign for the benefits of breastfeeding.
> Julia at first seems like it's going to be a girl who's going to be hard to fuck, but all of a sudden she says "you're going to be my sexual slave" and that's it, see two sex scenes with 2 CGs each and a bunch of text that does not reflect the situation.
>Our boss is a busty woman, in the first encounter she already shows her tits and without further ado she's doing a boobjob in mc.
> The gloryhole scenes are as sexy as, I don't know, Cluster Revenge, and the girl looks like Welma from Scooby Doo.
> The aunt makes sexy photographs, gets naked on the beach, etc, all situations with a lot of potential, but that the game presents in a totally bland way, it's like it was not an erotic game.
▶ No.246098
What do you mean good sir?
All characters depicted are over 18+ year old
▶ No.246120
>the girl looks like Welma from Scooby Doo.
is this supposed to be a bad thing?
▶ No.246211
▶ No.246216>>246228
What do you expect from a patreon game? You cant write a good story if youre letting your patrons with the most money come up with stuff
▶ No.246228>>246408 >>247593
Of course Patreon is not the ideal place to look for high quality games, but as far as I know, this game is not even in Patreon anymore, so I guess that's not the problem.
I think the problem is that things happen too fast without there being any tease before. The Scooby Doo Welma has 4 events, and to do them just go in the park when an exclamation point appears.
You literally make her pregnant before even knowing the character.
▶ No.246408>>247593
Its still on patreon there under another name.
▶ No.246751>>246879
So is 41a the only update? Is the one in the Mega folder the one that we are going to get tomorrow or whenever?
▶ No.246879
▶ No.247593>>247632
The company (Sex Curse Studios) is still on Patreon, but they've had to move IA completely off-site. Doesn't really matter though, considering they have a Blogspot page for updates as well as the community Discord channel.
▶ No.247632>>247723
>businesswoman status: impregnated
please don't tell me it's going to end here for now like with wendy
▶ No.247723
Probably will be for a while
▶ No.247821>>247895 >>248127
Same as the ntr knight game
▶ No.247895
Whats the ntr knight game i havent played it
▶ No.248413>>248440 >>248441 >>248494 >>248496 >>248589
Check Blog.
>With the two lolis…
God fucking dammit I hate whoever is voting in those polls with the flame of a burning inferno.
▶ No.248440
I didn't get to see the alternatives in the vote but that reminds me I need to get caught back up on scenes.
▶ No.248441>>254976 >>255279
Brings back childhood memories, honestly…
▶ No.248494>>248497
They aren't lolis if they bleed once a month already.
▶ No.248496
Good, fuck off faggot, lolis are great
▶ No.248497>>248514
loli is (3)4-14 years old anon.
▶ No.248507
>meet a woman
>inspire her to drop her career and make porn with you after only three days
it's almost as if this kid is an h-game protagonist or something
▶ No.248514>>248516
There are no lolis past puberty.
▶ No.248516
14 still loli, after that pomf
▶ No.248566
I want to fuck the grandma
▶ No.248589
Great ill be skipping that update
▶ No.249012
Are you using IA/renpy/saves or IA/game/saves?
Mine go in /game/saves
▶ No.249044
Thats what >>244077 and >>244048 focus on.
The loli is fucked and broken by the fat guy and everyone else by shotas. Not 100% if that is the dynamic or if its split up between them
▶ No.254079>>254088 >>254218 >>254746 >>254769
Why this thread is so dead
▶ No.254088
nothing to talk about since the updates are shit
▶ No.254218>>285637
its western shit and in the trash it goes
▶ No.254746
patreon retards made this game a pile of crap
▶ No.254769
As long as we can impreg all whamen in the end game, it's quite okay-ish for me.
▶ No.254976
▶ No.254992
Any early release for this month
▶ No.255272
▶ No.255279
You can't just say that and not give any details.
▶ No.255483>>255490 >>255501 >>255546 >>256945
Liking the newer version so far.
▶ No.255490
I still can't trigger her, its because old saves don't work or 0.0042 is not the last version?
▶ No.255501
Worked with my old save just fine, did you do at least one game review after first meeting her?
▶ No.255546>>255635
not animated right?
▶ No.255547>>255606
some kind soul plz leak the new version with the loli threesome
▶ No.255606>>256001
What makes you think it's been released yet, as of the time of this post?
▶ No.255635
Nope. Though there are three different poses.
▶ No.256001
some guys on patreon gets it early
▶ No.256440
▶ No.256750>>257110
▶ No.256759
Boner died… Grandma update up to relations cap 8…. no threesome
▶ No.256945
wish they animated this
▶ No.257063>>257501
>still can't find a leaked version of this
▶ No.257077
▶ No.257110
My hero anon, thanks!
▶ No.257111>>257199
Getting closer to fuck granny
▶ No.257181>>257186 >>257199 >>257225 >>257284 >>257397 >>274856 >>275014
>Granny fucking
God, I hate fetish creep. What's next? Cucking? Traps? Furry? Vore? I hear necro-pedo-zoofillia is popular with the kids these days.
▶ No.257186>>257189
>ponyfucker somehow has the gall to call out the
"fetish creep"
Really, nigger?
▶ No.257189>>257251
Really nigger.
If even a horse fucker is saying something is "degenerate," then what the fuck are you doing fapping to it?
▶ No.257191
Not into granny fucking at all, but I'm more turned off by this art. It seems worse than usual. Don't get me wrong, the rest of the art was amateurish and still needs a lot of polish, but it was serviceable and still has a little charm to it. This seems really off.
▶ No.257199
That's a granny?
Looks like a milf with slightly greyed hair.
▶ No.257225>>257229 >>257260
Cuck's been in for a few builds.
▶ No.257229
What? I haven't seen any cucking.
▶ No.257251
▶ No.257260
Everything is cuck stuff now
▶ No.257261
Nice cant wait to knock her up
▶ No.257266>>257272
OMG those clothes, she looks awful. And she looks younger than her daughter!
Did they really need a fucking month to release rushed shit like that?
▶ No.257272
The art is not good, but it's far from the worst thing in the game. The biggest problem is that the game is not sexy. The lewd factor is almost zero.
▶ No.257273>>257276
you guys are being nitpicky she looks great
▶ No.257276
She looks awful man, be honest. However she looks really nice with her swimsuit, that's actually a good part of the update.
▶ No.257284
its okay when they look like this
▶ No.257301
I was looking forward to the new threesome, i guess it's the next update.
▶ No.257310
What happened to this? I liked this.
▶ No.257323
why the fuck does she look like fanart
▶ No.257397
In a game about incest… complains about a woman moderately past her sell-by date. wew lad
▶ No.257421>>257505
While she kinda looks….odd, she kinda reminds me of the aunt.
▶ No.257435
Yes thank god they pushed the loli stuff back for more the gilf
▶ No.257501>>259271 >>284446
Get a jap credit card or someway for japs to take our cash for this then. Literally just $5 a month for the updates and hq cg rip
▶ No.257505
Not as odd as the mom who looks like she belongs in some old ass cartoon
▶ No.257508>>257522
Please tell me you get to fuck her
▶ No.257522
Nope. Come back in 6 month.
▶ No.257546>>257897 >>258050
It seems like the main character's dick gets smaller in almost every update
▶ No.257897
Why have a big penis when all the girls have multiple orgasms with a micro-penis smaller than a finger?
▶ No.258050
Its not the size, its that all the women in this game are sexual deviants and they are super horny for boy cock
▶ No.258053
Is this guest art again? That don't look right.
▶ No.258110
that's just a MILF, I don't want to no wrinkly bag of skin either, but she doesn't have the appeal of experience a hot GMILF would
if you want to see one done right, just look for the matriarch in Behind the Dune
▶ No.258141>>258290 >>259113 >>259322 >>259717 >>259829
Does anyone else just feel baffled at how you and Sam get away with underage porn on livestream and no one is batting a fucking eye?
▶ No.258290
Same with Vicky who wants to make porn vidz with Nate, or Simone - she doesn't want to show him her tits but jerks him off in the garden and get fucked in the ass. It's just shitty writing.
▶ No.258304
Nice huge tits are always welcomed
▶ No.259113>>259526
It is a porn game and it would really suck if Nate got put into child protective services. Or maybe we could get some scenes with female CPS officers and some gentle femdom
▶ No.259271>>284446
it's almost impossible for a gaijin to get a japanese credit card,they swend you to eternal bureaucracy so you can get tired of their bullshit and give up.
▶ No.259322
All characters are 18+ as it says at the start of the game.
▶ No.259474
What about fat handsome dudes, whose faces don't look like curdled milk?
▶ No.259526
Just dont have them fuck on stream or somthing and it would be alright
▶ No.259652
>Still fapping to poorly drawn cartoons well into your adult years.
▶ No.259717>>260092
Yes, I spent the entire twin quest series going how the fuck is this happening, and then that milf is like oh yeah everyone saw it and knows but somehow it isn't national fucking news
▶ No.259829>>259884 >>259905
Well the biggest issue the characters in this game seem to have is that it's incest and not pedophilia… So I'm gonna assume that this is our future in a LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ+infity world
▶ No.259884
I'm not complaining.
▶ No.259905>>259959 >>260257 >>260349
Yeah I pretty much thought the same thing, pedophilia seems to be a totally normal thing in that universe. I mean the two people with absolutely no problems fucking a little boy are the only ones not related to him, the others need some time to warm up to the fact they might have feelings for a family member.
And even incest seems like a weird but not illegal thing since those people watching the livestream know the twins are related.
▶ No.259959
well in most places incest isn't illegal. Only incest weddings are
▶ No.260092>>260129
or how she was going on about that if Nate was older that she would have a sexual harassment case just because he was starring at her tits. lel
▶ No.260129
I mean that's actually true though
▶ No.260240
I need a kira and grandma threesome
▶ No.260257
I still don't know if these questions that you raised are a conscious choice of the author, that is, to make an uncompromising game where these things are not uestioned because what matters is the sex, or if he simply has no ability to write something decent.
If it's the second case, at least he had the merit of not trying. The game may not be very exciting, but at least it is not cringe.
▶ No.260349
Who knew a sex game would have amoral things in it
▶ No.261463>>261533 >>261566
Update this week, will have a major scene.
▶ No.261533>>261568 >>261586
Hopefully it's about your family getting preggers by all that cum getting pumped into them without any sort of protection -- hopefully. T_T
▶ No.261566
▶ No.261568>>261645
If the current record is anything to go by, all these girls are going to have Nate's kids.
▶ No.261586>>261645
Theyre not gonna let any of the family get pregnant just the others
▶ No.261645
That's good to hear -- hope the devs and the fucking backers agree also.
That would be very disappointing anon..
▶ No.262253>>262275
▶ No.262275>>262452
▶ No.262305>>262321 >>262396 >>262473
▶ No.262321
Aww yeah double loli
▶ No.262396>>262419
So, I have no idea why, but all the menus are fucked for me, and are invisible…
▶ No.262419
Nevermind. I fixed it!
▶ No.262452
It's the same two links guys, pub and dev links. Just bookmark em or something. Not fucking complicated.
▶ No.262473>>262518 >>262651
Holy shit only 1 new scene ?!
▶ No.262518>>262569
New character, new scene, and if you Revisit that new scene, they've baked in some other content that makes it actually 2 or 3 scenes' worth of content.
You're getting it for free, don't bitch.
▶ No.262569>>262651 >>262749
New character? Where the fuck did you see that?
Also just because I get it for free doesn't mean I can't complain. If I get a house for free and there's a leaky pipe I'm not gonna say nothing about the leaky pipe
▶ No.262651>>262805
I agree with you about the free part.
But Sex Curse have been delivering scenes virtually each month since the game was made public. They slowed down since patreon bullshit, delivering 1 or 2 scenes per update. That's not bad, since they are literally receiving nothing. Although they announced a new game, probably just as front to keep funding IA, though.
▶ No.262749
I was talking about the grandma, who is indeed new since the last public build. I didn't get to interact with September's in-dev build, but I guess she was the sole focus of that update other than bugfixes.
Also, if you get a house for free, didn't you just save a buttload of money that you could spend to, I don't know, fix that leaky pipe?
▶ No.262805>>263635
How are they receiving nothing? They are still raking in money on their patreon they just dont advertise ia because of shota stuff
▶ No.262806
You butt hurt fags just because its free that means its immune from criticism
▶ No.262925
Tiny guys with comically oversized dicks are the true Chads.
▶ No.263635
Because the Patreon is not for IA. As I said, they could be using some of the funds to keep IA going, but chances are they are working in the new game.
▶ No.263639>>263833 >>265181 >>265356
Late to the party, but his aunt fucking him came totally out of the blue, without any buildup of expectation from the player. Bad writing.
▶ No.263833>>280300
>Bad writing.
Its western shit what do you expect
▶ No.265181
gotta admit, she's the only decent looking character aside from the sister
▶ No.265356>>269555
The scenes with the aunt had the potential to be the best. She coming out naked from the sea. She asked us to take pictures of her half naked, then naked. Etc.
But the result is that there is no eroticism in her scenes. It's a useless character.
I wanted to like this game, but I think it's a waste of time.
▶ No.269438
Whats gonna be added for patreon only version this month
▶ No.269555
It's possible that could be added in the future. Nothing says he can't make new scenes for earlier moments in the game. If the game ever gets abandoned or finished, it's also possible a modder could add that.
▶ No.273002>>275560 >>275695
Patreon update out.
Anal scenes for aunt and vicky, aunt's is animated.
Kind of lackluster scenes imo, but vicky does ask nate if he knows any other girls he can bang on camera. Something might come of that in a year or two.
▶ No.274856
>God, I hate fetish creep. What's next? Cucking? Traps? Furry? Vore?
yes, hes a faggot
▶ No.275014>>275125
No, the dev is not going to put in any content for the ponyfags. Fuck off.
▶ No.275125
They will if the cash is loud enough
▶ No.275245
Is the RPG game on their patreon just a distraction or does it actually exist? If it's fake then what do they put in all those update posts?
▶ No.275560>>275594
>but vicky does ask nate if he knows any other girls he can bang on camera.
okay so we're going with the child sex stream thing then
this is not my proudest boner
▶ No.275594
put kira on cam and were good
▶ No.275695>>275782
Is there a link already?
▶ No.275782>>275840
Cjeck2 mega at top of page
▶ No.275840>>275902
But is it the latest version? Does someone update the file?
▶ No.275902
yeah some kind soul keeps it updated
▶ No.276863
why even marry then? if you're inevitably doomed to hit a point where sex with your partner no longer gets you off then what's the point of promising them your attention for the entire life? in fact, wouldn't it be better if you kept each other on your toes by not marrying each other so that you'd both try to please each other harder if you wanted to stay together instead of having some meaningless vow tie you together?
▶ No.277296>>277782
▶ No.277782
No it isn't nigger.
▶ No.278836
Second public release is out, this time with actual content.
Single scene where a small lad gets jerked in a hot tub. Snore.
CG art of grams looks better than what we've seen of her so far though.
▶ No.279294>>279350
>Single scene where a small lad gets jerked in a hot tub. Snore.
It made Grandma the best girl, though.
▶ No.279350>>279371 >>279442
▶ No.279371
Sorry buddy, but this is a milkers game, and Edna's overpowers everyone.
▶ No.279442>>281469
Any character from any game that isn't full of shota trash>Kira>Simone>Vicky>Kacey>Sam>Edna>Janet>Julia
▶ No.279849>>279893 >>279905
Why where people in this thread trying to gaslight for ntr?
▶ No.279893>>280338 >>281469
Because the only thing shota cucks love more than boi penis is NTR.
▶ No.279905>>280657 >>281469
because a lot of their cuck games are being abandoned (i.e Lilith's Throne)
▶ No.280300>>280410 >>280639
Huh, it has now occurred to me that we aren't really /hgg/ anymore, are we? We've kind of become /weg/. Ever since D&P, there just aren't that many jap games worth talking about.
▶ No.280338>>281088 >>281469
▶ No.280410>>280418 >>280639 >>292481
>Ever since D&P, there just aren't that many jap games worth talking about
Jesus fucking christ, how stupid do you have to be to actually believe something like this?
Dozens of fantastic games come out every month. You being an EOP doesn't mean they don't exist.
▶ No.280418>>280620
They are mostly degenerate garbage. Either lacking on good gameplay, good sex scenes, or both. Seriously, all releases are
>More rape
Look for shota and there's barely anything on DLsite. Although, the few there are pretty good.
▶ No.280620>>280651 >>280657 >>281469 >>281603
Because DLsite has good taste, and shota is a scat-tier fetish for closet faggots.
You know I'm right.
▶ No.280639>>280651 >>280660 >>281469
You having poor taste doesn't change >>280300 being right. Look at the board, the jap stuff is outnumbered 3-to-1.
▶ No.280645
The only problem I have with incest is this…
▶ No.280657>>280692 >>281088 >>281469
▶ No.280660>>281435
Yes, I wasn't disputing that. I was disputing the part that I quoted, hence why I quoted it.
Anon, do you not understand how argument works?
This board is indisputably about Western games, considering how many games discussed are Western. Your assertion, however, that no Japanese games are worth discussing is what I took issue with.
▶ No.280840>>280929 >>281088 >>281469
▶ No.280870>>281469
▶ No.280946>>281088 >>281469
>Viper uses the pics I used against him months ago
Well done, at least is not viper anymore.
▶ No.280986>>280987 >>281206 >>281469
Fuck off back to /shota/ Lincoln
▶ No.281088>>281096 >>281206 >>281469
You have this weird habit of assuming that everyone who thinks shota is gay is actually just Viper. Does it make it easier to live with yourself if you pretend only one person knows you're a closet faggot?
▶ No.281124
Thanks anon. Keep going till the fags complaining about shota in a thread based around a shota game get drowned out and leave.
▶ No.281206>>281213 >>281469
>Gay shota
Back to your gay containment thread.
t. viper
Nice samefagging, btw.
▶ No.281225
I think you fucked up and posted a great second picture there, aon.
▶ No.281435
Saying there aren't many worth discussing isn't saying there aren't any good jap games coming out. Let us face it, good & complete games are hardly worth discussion. What is there to talk about?
"Hey guys, check out this game! Here is a mega download. It is pretty good." With 50/50 chance of people either saying "Oh, neat. Thanks.", or calling you a shill.
When something is still in development is when there is something to talk about, whether speculating on what might come in future updates, getting upset about the decreasing frequency and size of updates, or taking an interest in modding in new content.
▶ No.281469
▶ No.281603>>281679
>rape and NTR are better than shota
Even shitposting has limits.
▶ No.281605>>281839
obviously pedophilic content is obvious, patron was right to kick this one to the curb
▶ No.281613
No (you)s for you.
▶ No.281679
rape, NTR and shota are one and the same anon
▶ No.281700
At least put some effort into the bait.
▶ No.281839
▶ No.282578
Is there any game where you can be mommy's good boy and slowly build up your relationship with her (akin Dating my Daughter)?
Also, GIANT plus if you can avoid having to deal with sisters or strumpets getting on your way.
▶ No.282712>>282730 >>282750 >>282754
speaking seriously for a moment, the whole point of the fetish is basically a form of femdom, so I'm not sure where "cucking" even enters into it. I guess you could say wanting a female to take the lead is a "weak" mentality, but considering that it's a fantasy to begin with, it's a little absurd to think that some faggot posting on an imageboard could change them
▶ No.282750
Faggots theorize that cuckolding is a form of femdom since you're giving the female power. But seeing how the girls in this game are attracted to the MC and the fact that he is a guy I don't see why it would be considered femdom when the guy has them in his fingers.
▶ No.282754>>282781
Anon, you're arguing with people who unironically believe that all pornography except self-insertion is cuckoldry because someone else is having sex with a girl. With such an expansive definition of cuckoldry, anything can be considered it. Just give up and let /pol/ enjoy their circlejerk.
▶ No.282781
▶ No.282787>>282790 >>285322
So… isn't watching any sort of 2+ people porn 'Cuckshit' as you're seeing someone else have sex with someone you desire? Really, at that point the definition of 'Cuck' is so stretched it's rendered meaningless. Besides, a cuck is someone who DESIRES to be left out. A 'Cuck' who plays or imagines himself as a big burly black guy, or as a woman, or a futa or whatever is not a cuck, just someone enjoying porn.
Although if you really believe that nice little text you posted, you better not watch any porn that doesn't feature yourself in it. Not even camgirls or whatever, gotta make sure you aren't cucked by her own fingers or toys.
▶ No.283850>>285116
fuck off Lincoln, you colossal faggot
▶ No.284374
Whats the source on that?
▶ No.284446
what the shit are y'all talking about, you don't need a "japanese" credit card, just a regular one. Unless it turns out american cards are actually the odd ones.
▶ No.285142>>288197
apparently its some dude on /delicious/ that he's referring about
▶ No.285238
>owns library of gay shotacon
>posts posts gay shotacon
>owns and posts gay netorare
<hur-dur straight shota is for fags! Y-you're all like, like, like, GAAAAYY!!!
What an absolute bunch of repressed faggots.
▶ No.285322>>285338
>isn't watching any sort of 2+ people porn 'Cuckshit' as you're seeing someone else have sex with someone you desire?
>Really, at that point the definition of 'Cuck' is so stretched it's rendered meaningless
It only means you should stop watching cuck porn, retard.
>you better not watch any porn that doesn't feature yourself in it. Not even camgirls or whatever, gotta make sure you aren't cucked by her own fingers or toys.
Pretty much, now kill yourself, cuck.
▶ No.285338>>285452
You entered /hgg/ which thematically cucky by your own definition, you gazed at this sinful and cuckolded board, therefore you have already watched porn which is cuckoldry by your defintion. You know what that means?
You are already a cuck.
Kill yourself.
▶ No.285541>>285543 >>285637
so is this game any good? this thread is full of shit btw
▶ No.285543>>285637
Yeah, the game is neat. The sex scenes are fun. The minigames are kind of weird, not difficult I've just always thought putting minigames in a porn game is weird. You can just skip the chaff by cheating in a bunch of money and buying everyone gifts though.
▶ No.285658>>285716 >>288302
>that smug implication that I hold any love for NTR because I choose to shit on antiNTR negroids trying too hard
▶ No.286779>>286814
Wheres the private build for this month? it's super late.
▶ No.286814
Delayed for the next week.
▶ No.286900>>286926 >>288190
Like the east doesn't pump out heaps of garbage. We just see the cream of the crop because why would anyone want to translate anything lesser. Even then, there is a lot of trash that makes its way through.
▶ No.286926
yes like western shit, anything western is garbage
▶ No.287991>>288060
Mega in 1st post is updated today to 0.0047Alpha
▶ No.288060>>288175 >>288302
>grandma paizuri
▶ No.288175>>288184
Anything else new in the new update?
Also, has that animated scene with the aunt ever been added?
▶ No.288184
Download the game and find out for yourself.
▶ No.288190>>288302 >>290914
The East pumps out heaps of garbage, sure. It just also has a mature enough market that it can produce heaps of garbage and still has plenty of quality games coming out all the time regardless.
The West has no good h-games.
▶ No.288197>>288299
Can you retards go back to Reddit? I'm asking sincerely here. If you're name fagging you've fundamentally missed the point of an anonymous image board.
▶ No.288299
>Complaining about anons complaining about a namefaggot.
▶ No.288302>>288436
If you're not against it you're with it.
Oh my.
But this game is good. If by your definition these games are shit because they take forever thanks to (((Patreon))) and other jewish practices, I agree, but that doesn't mean they are bad. They are bad compared to Japanese high standards, but they hold on themselves, especially with the few finished games like Snow Daze that starts strong and the ending is disappointing. That's without considering all the shitfest behind Jewcat.
▶ No.288436>>290280
>But this game is good.
artwork is crap and the authors always tend to censor/cuck their game because "oh no we can't allow incest in an h-game cause a puritan is gonna cause a stink about it so we decided to make them adoptive or some shit"
Also fuck jewcat, he includes a dialogue about women being inferior to men (which is true) but backpedals and shows a disclaimer that it isn't, what fucking faggot.
▶ No.290224>>290280
▶ No.290280
>artwork is crap
The art is pretty damn good. It's simplistic, but bubbly, feels like it was drawn by a kid with enough understanding of anatomy, and that only adds to the "innocent" feel of the game.
>authors always tend to censor/cuck their game because "oh no we can't allow incest in an h-game cause a puritan is gonna cause a stink about it so we decided to make them adoptive or some shit"
The beauty of incestral awakening is that thanks to the nature of the game istt simply wasn't allowed on patreon, so the devs fucked off patreon, made a "mock" game on the patreon and this game is completely free of patreon stupid rules because it is not associate with it.
>Also fuck jewcat
That's what I said. But the game is not bad even with that stupid line because the line is still IN the game, and I don't remember the disclaimer. Only complain I have is the rushed ending.
There was one but I'm pretty sure it was just bug fixes of the previous version.
▶ No.290295>>290297 >>290987
>Netorare Japanese only gives two results
>Netorare English gives 3,674 results
▶ No.290297
>Just ignore it and it will go away, goy
I hope people already learned this lesson. NTR shit you see, NTR shit you shit on, that should give a clear message to devs and whoever.
▶ No.290914
play any game made by one of the few men among western subhuman hdevs, kyrieru
▶ No.290959>>290983
Anybody now the source of the soundtrack?
▶ No.290983
It's music by Kevin MacLeod. He has tons of awesome music under a free license on his site incomptech. Most porn games use his music which makes browsing incomptech for music a little weird as occasionally it starts playing music one only knows from a porn game
▶ No.290987>>290992 >>291014
>Nips use the NTR/netorare tag instead of the moonrunes with the same meaning
▶ No.290992>>291014
They actually do.
▶ No.291014
It's mainly on images for .exe files though.
▶ No.291063
He and Cody Wilson look exactly the same.
▶ No.292481>>292936
▶ No.292731>>292766 >>293045
I only just started playing, and I have to say, I fucking hate this face in particular. I'm not a fan of western art, but this game falls within a tolerable zone. Yet this fucking face.
▶ No.292766>>292913
▶ No.292913>>292937 >>293164 >>293247
>Julia footjob scene revisit
>Nate asks how she got so good at it
>She says she's practiced on lots and lots of boys
>Anti-social bookworm and experienced slut
Fucking pick one.
Not entirely sure. But I know I hate whenever the little faggot makes that face.
▶ No.292924>>292931
I feel like every update just makes this game worse tbh
▶ No.292931>>293164
Meanwhile I'm always just disappointed by how little every update even adds like… release less updates but make them bigger at least! Make me feel like every update is worth the wait!
Instead it's just
>New update
>Play 5 to 10 minutes
>Wait for next update because you've seen everything
▶ No.292932
you guys are disgusting and need christ
▶ No.292936
I guess Dungeons and Prisoners.
▶ No.292937>>293048
▶ No.293048>>293104
Neither of those definitions speaks to having a long history of sexual partners at a very young age.
▶ No.293104>>293129
They aren't mutually exclusive with being a slut. Getting laid is easy for any girl, as long as she isn't absolutely repulsive or too shy to utter two words "Wanna fuck?"
▶ No.293129>>293164
Plus this game apparently takes place in a world where children can live stream themselves naked and fucking and the streaming service not only doesn't shut that shit down but one of their representatives gets the idea to make a website about her and the boy fucking.
This is a smut world. Sex happens everywhere and at all ages.
▶ No.293164>>299231
Julia is worst girl because of that.
However, chances are she is just making it up and she only knows about it from books, which would give her a legitimate top 3 status.
>release less updates but make them bigger at least!
No thanks, particularly because I'm not a faggot that have to play every update they release. They release monthly steady updates that keep them on rails and focused. Just have some self-control and let a few updates go by before playing again, retard.
It's almost as if in cuckchan people couldn't post CP and getting away with it until mods woke up again or the tons of CP you could find in YouNow and even Youtube.
An in-game explanation can be that they just stream at a time moderation is not that heavy. Fuck mindless smut.
▶ No.293236>>293239
The amount of retards screaming like literal autistic children over NTR in this thread is outstanding. Get a grip, you insane idiots.
▶ No.293239>>293243
Read the thread, retard. No one mentions anything about this game having NTR outside of viper not liking shotacon.
It's always good to keep people on their toes when it comes to NTR
▶ No.293243>>299346
shota and NTR is shit see >>285452
▶ No.293247>>299178 >>299346
Could it be possible she's bluffing, or believes in her own lies?
I recall some girls claiming they've had sex before to impress peers, for whatever stupid reason.
▶ No.299178>>299346
I mean you can be anti-social in some ways but not in others
▶ No.299231>>299346
Doesn't change that every update adds very little, even after a whole year I'd still probably only get like 50 minutes of new stuff
▶ No.299284>>299289
I wish there more scenes for the other characters, the grandma is shit.
▶ No.299289
>the grandma is shit.
loli will always be great
▶ No.299346>>301529
Nothing there proves Shota is shit or have anything to do with NTR, though.
That would make her character way better.
It is a possibility that all she knows she learned from books and the reason she is "not virgin" anymore is probably because she fucked toys.
If they add an scene per month is would be 12 scenes per year. Yes, it's little, but seeing how they got off patreon I'm willing to forgive them for that as long as they keep at it steadily. This is the only patreon game I'm willing to defend.
▶ No.299645
▶ No.300533>>300541
Is there a walkthrough for this game? can't find one
▶ No.300541
There isn't a walkthrough because the game is fairly simple to beat. You should be literally walking into all these scenes.
▶ No.300576>>300578 >>300581
My stats just reset after I restarted the game. What the fuck?
▶ No.300578>>300584
Did you even save your game?
▶ No.300581>>301460 >>301514
can I somehow edit them back?
▶ No.300584
I made tons of saves. But after loading it says I have no confidence and all the routes have been reset.
Never seen this shit happen before. I can even see all the saves I made in the app directory and the game directory.
▶ No.301460>>301836
Renpy save editors exist but that's about all I know. I remember using one to hack in 999… dollars in Haramase Simulator.
▶ No.301514
I use this for Renpy shit
▶ No.301529>>301917
>Nothing there proves Shota is shit or have anything to do with NTR, though.
▶ No.301836
Same here. I've tried everything.
▶ No.301843>>301878 >>301880
can i have a mega link ?? i cant find a working link or the game page
▶ No.301878
If you're too lazy to search here through the posts, then you don't have the capacity to play the game.
▶ No.301880>>306962
▶ No.301917>>301922
Nice argument, faggot.
▶ No.301956>>302028 >>302151
>new update
Family status: impregnated
▶ No.302151>>302158
Jesus Christ there's a lot to unpack with the recent update. The boy is so casual about the sex he's having with everyone that he idly pinches his mom's nipples and gropes her, mom remarks about how she can overhear him and the older sister having sex in the pool, and then the mom comes to the realization that they're all having so much sex with him he might not have time for anything else so the logical conclusion, obviously, is to propose regular foursomes.
Although it does raise the question of how the cousin that is staying with them doesn't factor into this at all.
▶ No.302158
I'd change the storyline a bit.
Cousin either lives there after foursome or visit regularly and start living there after the foursome. That way you'll be able to see her in the aunt's house, opening possibilities for aunt/cousin threesome, and the cousin will be there in specific days. After the foursome the cousin will pick up on all the sex and would like to join the house to exploit that, opening cousin/family threesomes and ultimately an orgy.
▶ No.302238>>302302 >>302441 >>302633 >>306976
It's a full house.
▶ No.302302>>302344
All that's left is cousin, auntie, and Grandma though that's kinda pushing it and then we can hopefully have preggo content.
▶ No.302310
holy shit there are pulling out all the stops,
▶ No.302344
You can have your pregnancy stuff, but I want more of the female family members fucking each other, with or without the shota.
▶ No.302441
▶ No.302460
Nate secret plan to breed every woman in his family is going according to plan
▶ No.302633
It is finally here boyos! Not only did we get the family foursome, but a triple impregnation on top it of!
Top it off with the choice to have Nate admit that he wants to get them all pregnant, and I'd say that the wait and buildup have been totally worth it.
▶ No.303404>>303467
Update was so good it broke the game
▶ No.303467
Back up your saves!
▶ No.303488>>303602 >>303931
>start from beginning with new update
>return a day later
>even though it saved my progress in the story, it reset everything else
is broke?
▶ No.303602
Happened to me too anon, I don't know why but it's very annoying.
▶ No.303931
That was a bug in some recent versions, it should be patched in the latest built released on the 17th.
▶ No.303936>>303966
Since the girls are now pregananant, lactation content when?
especially the loli
▶ No.303966
They given us the impregnation scenes I doubt they give us the bellies I hope so though
▶ No.305215>>305217
▶ No.305217>>305277 >>305278
Impregnation for the aunt and cousin is a must, more group scenes involving the extended family probably, possibly involving Vicky and the glory hole girl with the family. He may try to introduce a new character, but I really do feel this project is starting to wrap up.
▶ No.305277
yeah they couldve saved that family impregnation scene they might be wrapping up soon
▶ No.305278
Why would they end it? There's still a lot that could be added, especially preggo content.
▶ No.306962>>306990
The first post is out of date you fucking idiot.
▶ No.306976>>307025
>impregnate the family
>it's the same scene for each
I come back after a month to end up disappointed at the game
▶ No.306990
Just look at their blog, the current version is for download there.
▶ No.307021
Just a nitpick, but I have noticed that revisiting a scene of sex with [Name] (not group sex) doesn't increment the counter of sex with [Name] in stats. How is it for other anons?
▶ No.307025
Eh, the MC came inside them multiple times, but this orgy had a focus on impregnation.
▶ No.307101>>307151 >>307180
Is there any NTR with the older sister? I can't find any I've been looking for some or is it going to ever be added at all?
▶ No.307151>>307180
▶ No.307180
An there will never be.