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/hentaiporn/ - Hentai & Cartoon Porn

Any Kind of Hentai or Cartoon Porn

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File: d7c00b05c35446d⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,250x170,25:17,213db9df3245c61404a6bd0351….jpg)

File: 55097821a00ca87⋯.png (918.18 KB,1440x2560,9:16,55097821a00ca8786bbd1804ba….png)

File: 131792306319b56⋯.jpg (9.49 KB,246x185,246:185,6c20afb32713202a7ddbff5443….jpg)

File: bd7972775ef46fc⋯.jpg (7.16 KB,240x180,4:3,8-240x180.jpg)

File: cb19d48210df8ef⋯.jpg (8.95 KB,300x168,25:14,909989b6f2365b1d3ebcad991c….jpg)

 No.14360 [Last50 Posts]

Anyone knows the names of these hential I'd really appreciate your help.

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The only one I know is the second from right (with the Hentai TV logo). This is called "Midnight Panther"

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The middle one (the one with the red haired cat girl) is from a bonus scene from Itadaki Seieki

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Do yall know any good hential websites to watch English dub and Japanese by any chance.

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First one with the adorable loli with ears and tail is


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Thanks man

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Still need the names of the rest though

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File: a4592b236207b23⋯.jpg (11.1 KB,320x180,16:9,(m_eafT8daaaa)14.jpg)

Name of this as well thanks in advance

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File: 23f6e7a738ede88⋯.png (1.3 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_20170129-013409.png)

Name of this

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Sorry didn't mean to post the same pic

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File: 63ad5b874e60119⋯.jpg (18.84 KB,320x240,4:3,67dbb2ea9a5c4a2e9b7c172195….jpg)

Anyone know the name of this hentail

Please id appreciate it

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File: a70fe59fbc16c5a⋯.png (230.16 KB,341x340,341:340,d42228a9ad87af6c549a010a47….png)

Anyone know what character this is? Or maybe someone has the original pic?

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File: cee2dce79ed10d8⋯.png (828.94 KB,1500x1254,250:209,AndroJuniarto-427280-Nico_….png)

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The original Pics posted, the one on the far right of the pink haired girl is called "when Evil Falls"

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File: 685cfbb40f92c87⋯.png (727.01 KB,999x799,999:799,9.PNG)

not a character request, but does anyone have the high res version of this image?

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File: 791e427b3e91e83⋯.png (128.92 KB,157x382,157:382,Untitled1.png)

Anyone know the title for this hentai?

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The name of the red hair gilr sucking a dick is from Ma ga Ochiru Yoru, episode 3

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File: 276060d57d99e2f⋯.jpg (49.52 KB,720x711,80:79,IMG-20171123-WA0002.jpg)

Somebody knows what is this anime?

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The girl wrapped up is from 35th Anti Magic Test Platoon (or something like that) That's really about as raunchy as the show gets

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File: 8799703890393f4⋯.jpg (99.6 KB,487x700,487:700,h971C9CA5.jpg)

can anyone help id what h-manga this is from?

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Haven't decided yet if this thread will become the official sauce thread for all source requesting to be directed to.



Name: Parade!

Creator: amatarou

Page 151 - 166

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OMFG Thank you! I've been looking for that one for years

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If you do make this the sauce thread, don't forget to edit to post to have it as the subject so other s will find it easily.

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File: 1690de31b7b9673⋯.jpg (98.54 KB,1280x427,1280:427,file.jpg)

requesting source for this

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File: 88ded3dc3843d21⋯.jpg (447.03 KB,1035x880,207:176,835.jpg)

Can someone translate the moonrunes in this image please?

It's been tagged "translation request" on every site I know for ten years.

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Anyone got Orange Peel Flash animations

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"So look here, do you see the bladder's entrance? I'm going to squeeze a lot out of your dick's urethra with my pussy okay? So you can pour lots of semen into my pee tank, make it go bang.

Then I'll show you the moment where pee semen comes out alright?

I'm masturbating so excitedly! I wonder if I'll ever be able to stop.

If you don't wanna take it out you can say so whenever 🎵

Your perverted maid has been waiting for you!"

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*if you wanna take it out, not don't wanna take it out, my bad

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/r/ing a sauce of an old hentai ova I watched as a kid.

Basically, a random guy buys somthing from a wizard that looks like a charred lizard, he eats it in front of his girlfriend, friend? or something and hist dick literally goes bananas. rape ensues.

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File: cda58e6e99d43df⋯.jpg (856.85 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20190313-165344….jpg)

File: c012fbebc845bb1⋯.gif (2.44 MB,954x540,53:30,th.gif)

Name of this hentai please

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pic #2 is Chinatsu from Swing Out Sisters

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File: 3ab10dfb18b0d46⋯.gif (4.1 MB,620x467,620:467,13919693.gif)


Anyone knows this one?

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A Mod for Premium Play Darkness by Illusion Soft


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I’ve been searching for an older brother/younger sister doujin for a while and figured it’d be worth it to ask here.

The brother’s in college and living on his own when his sister who’s in High School (or around there) stops by suddenly. She tells him she’s run away from home and wants to stay the night with him. He initially wants to call his mom to let her know, but agrees to let the sister stay. As thanks, they fuck. Then the sister brings out various costumes and they have lots of costumed sex. The manga ends with the mom calling the brother and asking him how things went with his sister as she was coming to visit for the day.

I believe it was called something like “Taken care of by High School Sister” or something like that. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks anon I didn't expect that.

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Wondering if anyone has the most recent stuff by Rivaliant, specifically his Stable Maidens set, since it hasn't been uploaded to exhentai or any other popular gallery sites.

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I saw a webm once of a teacher raping a schoolgirl and can't find it again. They were in like an assembly hall and all of the girls were getting checked to see if they were virgins. If anyone has it I'd appreciate it.

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File: dfe34b2988a2eb4⋯.jpg (84.27 KB,652x448,163:112,ThisIsRape.jpg)

File: 4c5d2aa46645e91⋯.jpg (20.81 KB,240x255,16:17,4ba180745e1aa3a0c2db196e87….jpg)

Anyone know the source of these two images? I forgot the sauce on the first one.

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The first image is mahou shoujo Ai san.

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First pic is Aniyome Milk - Elder Sister-in-Law's Milk! [Bobobo]

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File: 806bf40f67b6316⋯.jpg (459.2 KB,1080x2160,1:2,Screenshot_20190505-123710.jpg)

File: 78f616e248eaf79⋯.jpg (511.38 KB,1080x2160,1:2,Screenshot_20190505-123706.jpg)

File: 66ab333bcecfd1c⋯.jpg (268.45 KB,750x1080,25:36,a63923e926a006e49fe0c44e3a….jpg)

File: 59feee1b8e0dcd7⋯.jpg (356.06 KB,750x1080,25:36,10.jpg)

Anyone know what trap doujin this is?

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File: d44a73357664072⋯.gif (591.85 KB,408x252,34:21,loli_listening_to_Dream_Ev….gif)


It's called "Inran Shounen _Nazo no Bitch Shota to Ossan no Monogatari_ _ Slut boy in the tale of a man and a mysterious sissy boy".

Can you tell me the source for this?

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File: f492f59f722bea9⋯.jpg (358.36 KB,1000x1417,1000:1417,Inran-Shounen-Nazo-no-Bitc….jpg)

Anyone know if this has been translated it's called [Inran Shounen (Jairou)] Inran Shounen Nazo no Bitch Shota to Ossan no Monogatari VOL.2

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I meant translated to English btw

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File: ec1c609c3ce6c80⋯.gif (962.16 KB,500x282,250:141,32P86ItW_o.gif)

Anyone know this one?

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Oppa Infinity! The Animation

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File: 8fc5be77072746a⋯.png (611.46 KB,900x400,9:4,ClipboardImage.png)


I desperately want the uncensored Smash Bros. content from this set, but as I understand it the set also includes scat and loli which I definitely don't want.

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File: 8ddf01d2aacddcd⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,640x360,16:9,666.jpg)

name of this hentai please

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Cosplay Roshutsu Kenkyuukai - Episode 2 (Screencap at 11:29 - 11:36)

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File: 0dabfb08a4455a8⋯.jpg (523.33 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20190531-220820….jpg)

Name of this thanks in advance

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Magical Girl Elena

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thanks firey do you also have discord link of the mobius unleashed by any chance

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No sorry

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File: 2675012af480f15⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,608x500,152:125,64443058_2323705167668718_….jpg)

hello wondering if someone could recongnize this doujin

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and no its not Onanie dake nara Daijoubu thats not it

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File: d4c080bb4ab63aa⋯.jpg (507.82 KB,1280x1840,16:23,19.jpg)

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File: e272bef7576b7ed⋯.png (238.41 KB,600x773,600:773,8149e7b05ff335a320433f86e8….png)

What exactly is this form of clothing called? It's similar to a keyhole turtleneck, but it's cut all the way around the breasts with a skintight undershirt.

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Anyone knows the name of this artist/comic about some human with coyote ears looking trap that he says to a girl now that they are friends he has something to show her and plops his big dick out and fucks her senseless?

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File: 0eb993ed15c2916⋯.png (3.4 MB,2755x3550,551:710,__tachibana_hibiki_senki_z….png)

File: f1831afede0db8f⋯.png (4.41 MB,2881x2836,2881:2836,__kazanari_tsubasa_senki_z….png)

File: 914aab85311543f⋯.png (4.38 MB,2756x2678,106:103,__akatsuki_kirika_and_tsuk….png)

Looking for someone who can unpack me those beautifull ladys. :)

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Someone put it up on Exhentai and now it's spreading around to a few other sites. Still includes the scat and loli, but as long as I can get the Smash stuff I'm not complaining.

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File: 5204de744625cc6⋯.jpg (567.46 KB,1280x1858,640:929,01.jpg)

Does anyone knows the reading order of Zettai Junpaku Mahou Shoujo by RAITA? I cant seen to find part 1 or 2, unless part 1 is Mahou Shoujo Soushuuhen in which case I cant seen to find the second part.

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File: 88d8164ac78a7b3⋯.png (775.72 KB,1175x603,1175:603,what_the_fuck.PNG)

Anyone know the source of pic related? I tried to use image search but it gives nothing.

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Artist: Herohero Tom

Title: Domestic Gyaku Rape - Domestic Reverse Rape!!!!



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Does anyone know the name of a doujin where a girl (probably a loli) keeps having sex on her way to school? I remember the ending showed that her school was really close to her house.

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File: a8f5b97f493a11a⋯.jpg (159.15 KB,640x800,4:5,82904581_1180331705502291_….jpg)


does anyone here have any of his patreon stuff? thanks in advance!

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File: bbb778fe28d9576⋯.jpg (82.1 KB,347x413,347:413,RcipOZM.jpg)

Anyone know the name of the manga this pic is from?

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File: c3c6f6779bedecf⋯.png (Spoiler Image,299.99 KB,544x367,544:367,Relevant image 1.png)

File: fdc2b6eb7412a2a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,197.82 KB,550x367,550:367,Relevant image 2.png)

File: ce8106a838ea131⋯.png (Spoiler Image,218.31 KB,545x366,545:366,Relevant image 3.png)

File: ca6e53fd5c9aeeb⋯.png (Spoiler Image,180.13 KB,545x365,109:73,Relevant image 4.png)

File: d79c17da67227e6⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB,1618x1055,1618:1055,Relevant image 5.png)

https://imgur.com/a/FEDWqnj Due to failing to follow Rule 13, the same pictures will be resubmitted with a reiteration, following a double-check this time.


Reiteration: I am not about to explain where I found these videos, much less the pictures. All I know is, they have to have a name. I am out of ideas. Rule 11 tells me to spoiler the images due to the nature of the videos they stem from. Any help leading to the sources is appreciated and will be thanked.

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#1: Love Colon

#2 - #5: Rinkan Club

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Thank you for helping with this, and thank you for your patience!

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File: 0d040e2a2f74771⋯.jpg (105.83 KB,686x335,686:335,0d040e2a2f74771497a0c421ed….jpg)

Anyone know the source to pic related? I've been trying to find the source but the only possible link I have to this was from an anon UG9sYXIgQmVhcgo=

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File: 8b59e29131d65a1⋯.jpg (179.12 KB,654x1024,327:512,1580247464297.jpg)


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PonyTail Slave 2 by Shimizu Masakazu (Page 8)


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Hey owner. Do you need new banners for the board? I made the ones for the old hentaiporn on 8chan but seeing as this is 8kun now I could make new ones

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File: b66fc6680aa9488⋯.jpg (308.58 KB,800x1130,80:113,2020976 - Fire_Emblem Fire….jpg)

I need help tracking down the full doujin for this page.

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Anyone have the nude version of corona chan of kukuruyo????

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Looking for a rather old hentai video I watched ages ago, roughly remember the plot: guy and girl sit on a train, she accidently spills a drink on his crotch, this leads to them having sex in the bathroom. The girl is a witch also, if I remember correctly. They then get to a bath house where the guy is seduced by a milf and has sex with her, secretly being watched by her daughter.

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Anyone have that nude version of Diives peppercat robot vid?

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Anyone have palcomix, slatoon, Yuri Haven pic n' comics?

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File: 785c4bf996d91b8⋯.jpg (40.71 KB,794x467,794:467,creepy.JPG)

Does anyone have the full "creepy girl" animation by Miltoniusarts? (akumi)


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File: 7fc9175152d7ff0⋯.jpg (521.67 KB,710x1080,71:108,81011301_p0.jpg)

Does Anyone have this picture of Sinon uncensored or can edit it uncensored, here is the patreon as well which i may just join in May but would like to see my chances here first


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File: 36397f0021f104c⋯.jpg (152.91 KB,1600x514,800:257,Help.jpg)

Aight so I was browsing 4chan for a laugh and in one of the threads, somebody started posting a racist incestuous loli comic. It had the link every page, but I was too stupid to grab it before the thread got nuked. I don't know where to find this piece of art. It kind of has a gacha style. Anyway, here is roughly the plot.

2 twin siblings of ~age 13 are sitting on the roof and the sister asks the brother what their kink is. He replies with 'when girls have their shirt open and aren't wearing a bra'. She does this while blushing deeply. Then the brother asks her what her kink is, shirt opening completely unnoticed. She starts freaking out internally, as revealing her kink would reveal her love for her brother. After a short amount of internal struggle she says it. (This may be the other way around, but who cares?) After this she says that it's especially hot when it's exactly her brother. The brother basically says cool, asks her if she wants to watch tv, and leaves the roof. The girl cries because he didn't pick up what he was laying down. One thing leads to another, she tricks him into fingering her by accident (Memory is hazy, 17 hours since viewing so eh) Some joke about 1850 orgasms and sister won't let brother stop. Don't think they have sex at this point.

ad break

Stereotypical chink with slanted eyes and rabbit teeth starts talking about how the Americans are bad, as they let niggers into their country, unlike the good Japanese who stick to tradition. The brother breaks into the ad to say that they share the sentiment of nigger hatred. The japanese guy then advertises a product (massive vagina box) to trap the monkeys. The brother purchases one.

now, back to your regular programming

Girl is walking in alley. A black man asks if she's okay, since it was late for a thirteen year old to be walking outside in the streets. She freaks out because she was going to be raped. Brother, who was lurking in the the night on the rooftops, drops the vagina box onto the filthy nigger and, as it drops, it says 'uhhnnnn'. (were they both naked at this point? at some point in this bit they're both naked. Anyway,) The girls starts bleeding from the vagina and they both come to the conclusion that she'd been fingered too much and now she's dying. To the hospital, naked children, everybody in shock. Sister tells brother that she wants a kiss before she dies and her virginity to be taken. The brother happily complies and they start fucking in the hospital. Doctor says that they are idiots and that it's just a period. Guy who was watching said he should have waited until he impregnated her.

She looks up what happened online, cool she's good, now she's masturbating.

This is all I remember but dear god I want to know who made it, and why. Girl at some point mentions that her mum is a pedo.

If you know what this is, that would be a great help.

Thanks in advance.

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I have no pic so I have to describe the scene:

Demon grabs girl and he pretty much rapes her. I know that describes literally the entire genre but I have more:

1) Although she resists at first, she begins to like afterwards (hints of mind break genre possibly)

2) I can't remember the demon, but i'm pretty sure he was anthropomorphic (human like) and had green colour (not so sure about that)

3) In the scene I remember, she is put against the glass of the window while having sex, in rainy night

4) The hentai is at least 15 years old, possibly more

Thanks in advance for the help.

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anyone here has access to palcomix vip?we need a new uploader for its threads

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Damn I sort of forgot about Palcomix. 2012 fapping memories…

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>Damn I sort of forgot about Palcomix. 2012 fapping memories…

I just want to read pokeporn's recent comic,kalos threesome,but the uploader disappeared after loli got banned here,it got stuck on page 8

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File: 2926a2d908887ef⋯.png (1.06 MB,1399x1414,1399:1414,yaia_presents.png)

Do any of you faglords have Lunaria's "Natura"? The first chapter or so was on 8chan's /shota/ before it got nuked.

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Never mind, found it. https://multporn.net/comics/natura

Look up "Lunaflame" for more from the artist.

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Help me find a name for one hentai.

There was a scene where two girls had sex in a bath, while other guy watching it through the window from outside room, as the maid catgirl (probably white-blue hair) near him strokes his cock, and they having a talk. And after he comes, she tastes his sperm remains from her hand

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File: 2f82db53f198aad⋯.gif (2.05 MB,550x712,275:356,Dboy_653097_It_Giggles_4_A….gif)

Probably not going to get an answer here but does anyone know where Dboy is?

He is one of my favourite femdom artists and he hasn't signed into his hentai-foundry profile since September last year, there's also a bug where it's only displaying like 1/3 of his uploads! (Fuck that shit website btw)

Is he posting somewhere else under a different name or has he just stopped drawing for now?

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Is that really him? If so then damn man that's pretty disappointing tbh. Looks like he's doing a lot more commissions rather than his own stuff and a lot of it is DBZ with more generic sex and futa rather than the femdom he used to do, changed his drawing style/program as well, the old ones were more lo-fi but had a lot more character. Kind of sucks.

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File: ccd60344b0ad885⋯.png (104.56 KB,666x235,666:235,ZsJedv0.png)

I think this is part of a hentai manga. If anyone knows the name it will be appreciated. Thanks.

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A general Dboy art gallery on exhentai linked those links, so I assume it's him.

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I think it is him unfortunately, thanks for the link anyway.

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File: 8d444541228eec9⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x852,320:213,ddxdr1y_97aab855_f435_4a79….png)

Anyone have the unsensored/patreon version of this image by kevoglum? ($4 tier on patreon)


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File: c8f980012dc4814⋯.webm (3.82 MB,426x320,213:160,1484539907165.webm)


Here's the webm, still need the name.

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Onmyouji: Youen Emaki Episode 2 (2003)

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File: d202df8bdaebf71⋯.jpeg (97.28 KB,674x404,337:202,714D7AC1_CAFC_454F_9852_D….jpeg)

I just want to ask if someone has the uncensored version of the squid sisters gifs made by enurubis

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File: dd7c638ad2a9881⋯.swf (4.64 MB,SQUID_SISTERS_EXCLUSIVE_FL….swf)

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File: f7d47131d572151⋯.png (Spoiler Image,264.06 KB,729x464,729:464,kasumi.png)

Does anyone know where this is from? Found it on the latest Anime Man video on ero guro manga so it might not be hentai, but I'm not very sure about that.

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Death Face by Uziga waita

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File: 2eaa65cbd09f08e⋯.gif (2.59 MB,1200x866,600:433,9e2e195e08362152cab1783483….gif)

Anyone have the flash version of this animation? I've been trying to find it for a while. There's an upload of it on Pornhub/Xvideos, but it comes from an actual flash animation.

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Artist is mrploxy/masterploxy. Most likely a patreon exclusive or something

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Checked yiff.party, it's not under any of the three names there.

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They posted a gif 3 years ago on furaffinity. If it hasn't surfaced by now then I don't know where it could be

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Does anybody know where to find a (halfway) complete archive of Sophiepoof's work?

e6 has very little of it and both their Twitter and yiff.party seem to be incomplete as the single image of them on r34 is on neither. Weird how an artist can leave so little footprint.

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Hey guys, I've been looking for several months for a doujinshi/Manga that I had a picture from off of Tumblr.

It features 2 dickgirls making a boy crossdress. It was a 3-4 part series. The first one was bullying him into crossdressing and pegging, the second/third featured dates with the doms. One gave him a handjob standing in a train/tram/bus, and another one had him giving a blowjob in a movie theater then getting fucked in the bathroom.

Anyone remember it? Been looking for ages now..

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Looking for Lucky Star Mottoke Chomechome by Hyper Brand. It's a set of flash files from 2007 that I can't find.

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In case it helps, here's the link to the doujin archive page: https://www.doujinshi.org//book/14375/Motteke-!-Chome-Chome/?agree=force

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File: 237c366933d7ad9⋯.jpg (131.63 KB,800x800,1:1,H50e0e31224a04afab35a87a8c….jpg)

Does anybody know the name of the artist?

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File: abecb2a6f4d97fe⋯.jpg (201.27 KB,905x1280,181:256,74.jpg)


looks like an edit of pic related, so that would make the artist be Nel-Zel Formula.

I have no idea where that edit took place or if it even exists, I could only find that exact card which seems to be homemade:


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Thank you very much!

Well, I bumped onto this for no reason and I assumed that the art was pretty good, too bad it's an edit, I thought there was another good artist I didn't know.

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File: 8e30ebc0ebd4cc1⋯.png (152.18 KB,664x1000,83:125,tmp_28198_qnn8b1754912559.png)

I tried TinEye, but the results were inaccessible and in another language.

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Nvm, found it using Yandex. It's BB Idol Expansion Stage 13 and has an English translation.


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Now with yiff gone, this is a lost cause.

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File: b941c863213c6c7⋯.jpg (715.06 KB,1280x960,4:3,1605877144702.jpg)

Anyone know the origin of the babe in the pic? What game / VN she's from? RIS is only ocused on the edited tv and parapa the rapper.

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sorry for the vague question but does anyone happen to remember an old hentai where some chick gets raped by a blue ogre, and then some other chick gets raped by some digimon insect thing that has her on a chain I think? I also remember they were in a destroyed or abandoned area and some other woman was outside and when the main chick screamed she would cover her ears. Unfortunately this was a long time ago so the details are kindof fuzzy

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File: f39f77e09971ef2⋯.png (61.09 KB,300x100,3:1,1587205127722.png)

where does the image on this banner came from?

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That is obviously SallyHot's style, but I don't know where to find that exact image.

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What site/sites does people use for 3D and jav's?

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File: eb751e2e53baa52⋯.png (542.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,Legoshis_Threesome_web.png)

Anyone have the full version of this video? Someone on kemono.party tried importing this, but they included the wrong file and only posted the preview. Here's the link to the kemono post. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/10662275/post/42901613

Attached is a preview image.

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File: 013361437e68713⋯.png (545.85 KB,594x585,66:65,ClipboardImage.png)

sup, can u help me find the sause of this picture?

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Sophiepoof archived his stuff on Mega now, jus that the link isn't Kemono yet. Good luck to you.

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Request everysingle update of Palcomix since day one. Anyone? I'm lost for a long time. Busy with my life.

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File: 771ed334a2d45cd⋯.jpg (519.07 KB,991x1400,991:1400,0.jpg)


Late, but the manga is called Adamasu no Majotachi, and this is Chapter 1.


By the way, if anyone wants to find this stuff, I'd suggest using SauceNao or Yandex's reverse image search. They can be pretty useful if you play around with them.

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anyone has the link for the mimi alt?

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Anyone have Frankies Friends?

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requesting the site being fixed


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Does anyone have a link to see reit exclusive pic please ? thanks in advance !

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File: c96ce7371cccb45⋯.jpg (62.18 KB,720x558,40:31,186462124_246781873551320_….jpg)

need the source of this

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all pedophiles deserve to get cancer and die. whoever setting these bots up is either a: twitter staff b: a russion c: someone in EU

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I've been looking for all the Konka pictures that palcomix has made and they are even releasing a comic and I would like to Get all the pictures they made

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What happened to this sight why does it seem like nobody is doing anything about it and have you all moved to somewhere else?

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After posting yesterday wondering what happened to this thread and it’s collection of threads I found out that you can make a request to get the 404 images thing fixed. You just follow this and appeal. https://media.128ducks.com/404.html It says it was hacked in 2017 and that’s why it is 404 ing but idk I think that was a different hack as I think I remember using this in 2020 either way has anyone made an appeal yet? Anyone tried to do anything about this 404 problem I know I haven’t used the thread/s in a while but I want to get back into these ones. Seems like it would be simple enough to do and these threads seem like they were active enough and still are active enough that something would happen.

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All that is extremely old info that's likely no longer relevant to current 8ch/8kun I think. The 2017 hack was a long time ago and from what i recall either completely fixed or we didn't have any back ups so everyone moved on and rebuilt. Also I don't think there's been a public mod account in ages, and if it has they changed the username/password and everything.

So yeah nothing there is likely relevant anymore.

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Alright if that is all old information A have you moved to a different place for these threads? And if not why? And B why does it seem like nobody has really done anything about the 404s except complain? When the 404s started happening why does it seem like mods have not logged in and tried to do something about this? I really like using these threads to talk and share picks I have not been on here in like a year year and a half but want to get back into this sad I don’t think I can do that.

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>have you moved to a different place for these threads?

Try 8chan.moe rule34 board?

>why does it seem like nobody has really done anything about the 404s except complain?

I don't think the administration have communicated this issue once to it's users (if they had they did so in an obscure manner).

>When the 404s started happening why does it seem like mods have not logged in and tried to do something about this?

There is nothing anyone can do to my knowledge. People who mod boards are just volunteers, they have no real connection with the actual site staff.

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File: 71942d94dbef3e5⋯.jpeg (207.98 KB,795x600,53:40,3f511c6b05046e9b91655550f….jpeg)

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posting to join. is this what i need to do

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How do you join this things? Nothing werks. How am I suppose to know if i'm reposting? Would anyone tell me, please?

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