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File: af14a0ba8f67a50⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,2048x1246,1024:623,hoe.jpg)


Hello, we are a grey and blackhat hacking group called Go7nSec (Guardians Of 7he Net security) we are an equality hacktivist group we also have an interest in anti-government, we also strongly enforce the idea "take from the rich give to the poor" and we are currently recruiting for people who are professional in hacking, programing, cryptography, and stenography. We operate on Kik for new members (#404blacklist ). Send a list of your skills, why you want to join, any other serious hacking groups/people you're associated with in the group above. we will review your submission. If you do not get a reply in 1 week you have not been accepted. We look forward to seeing you during our operations!

-Percival and the members of Go7nSec

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>we are le secksy haxbong group

Fuck off you dumb skid lmfao I could clown you all in my sleep

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T. 12 year old script kiddie

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we r legioooon


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File: ce63ae2badd809d⋯.jpg (18.95 KB,600x450,4:3,72c.jpg)

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>we are an equality hacktivist group

so you're a bunch of commie faggos

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Lmao u need typists?

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Hack the Fash!

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how was your install of kali anon? You must feel like a big boy now.

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File: 7a6eddc526b8e34⋯.png (12.85 KB,581x107,581:107,Screenshot at 2018-06-17 0….png)

File: f6f8cb893d26d9d⋯.png (19.39 KB,609x151,609:151,Screenshot at 2018-06-17 0….png)

File: 0ba91a2eeef7dbe⋯.png (14.73 KB,575x107,575:107,Screenshot at 2018-06-17 0….png)

lol some pajeet group going around to different chans asking for 1337 haxors. Also nice past pins and shit you realize that shit can be indexed right?


Basically to sum you fags up your all a bunch of anonymous wannabes that don't know any actual shit except some script kiddie tier shit.

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File: 21a2d18c4449688⋯.png (1.06 MB,1206x896,603:448,ggqcy4w4sd411.png)


>we are an equality hacktivist group

Holy fucking shit could you have possibly made yourself more fucking powerless and bitch tier with that statement

Equality is not a natural state, There is nowhere in nature where equality and fairness can be found. That is not to say all equality is bad, but as the faggot left is Striving to achieve 100% equality in all social, Biological, and physical arenas, Too much of any good thing is a bad thing, Happiness is appropriate moderation.

The left says they are about choice and freedom to be who you want to be, What if I choose to be better than you? What if I choose to work harder and longer and be better than you? Equality as it is being pushed today, is some major beta-male Soyboy level shit, all for the degenerates of society that don't want to feel bad for being worthless furnace material.

Please, point to me which side shows "equality" in pic related and explain to me why.

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lul dont even bother mate. They are using fucking kik as there main source as communication. Its some antifa meme shit. I give it 1000 keks.

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Antifa meets scratch

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I'm good at using Netscape Navigator, does that count?

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kek i know a lot of javacsript!!1! i love to code, can i join ur 1337 h4xor gruop?

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This is where you start listing your accomplishments to gain some credibility.

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File: 15f4bb235b9189f⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,220x160,11:8,stego.jpg)


Hacking group that doesn't know how to spell steganography...

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File: 0dcf62c18a99cbd⋯.png (835.98 KB,1241x737,1241:737,plgsword.png)

holy fk kali kids on kik too ew sorry for your head issue I seen some of you tards on insta and twitter you recruit underage memes ya lolcows, i stole one of your member's egirl too kek skids

>We operate on Kik for new members

wow you figured out how to spell member


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they have none

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your either a liberal commie marxist, a glow in the dark, or both

>le ebin list your sk1llz and other "serious" groups/people your associated with :^), totally not a data-mining honeypot attempt :^)

get fucked

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You're actually retarded. You want no government yet you want socialism. Taking from the rich is unjust. that is literally theft. Don't take money people worked hard for just to give it to somebody who doesn't deserve it. Somebody working at starbucks shouldn't make as much money as a surgeon. Stop being a fucking libtard and get a fucking job you piece of shit.

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lol, even try to out anon the FBI,CIA they destroyed lulzsec

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>Hello, we are a grey and blackhat hacking group called GoforfreeSex and us have sucked the nigger dicks for years. Wanna join? Go ahead!

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File: 880008999006499⋯.jpg (203 KB,1365x775,273:155,wol.jpg)


How can you consider yourself blackhat if you see your own cause supposedly as something just?

That doesn't align well.

Fake and gay.

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We will come for you, traitor. Sign: The Grey Kucker Groupp.

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File: cffbdc19747ffb4⋯.png (66.48 KB,625x626,625:626,original.png)

>equality hacktivist group



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Qualifications / Skills:

I've hacked in 17 different countries under 23 different organizations. My exploits alone have led to the deaths of 847 individuals.

Why I Want In:

I was born for this. My parents have been raising me since a very young age to operate in clandestine environments. I exist to bring the evil to their knees.

Other Assosiations

I am a lone wolf. I have never worked with others, as I feel other people just slow me down. Unfortunately, with Trump in office, I can't simply work for my own goals anymore. This isn't about me; it's about the offices that we need to fight against together.

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I'm glad someone else caught this.

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File: ddaa13ff3667268⋯.jpg (144.12 KB,634x1116,317:558,e297e0897efdf14ec98b1a7b32….jpg)


Qualifications and Skills

I can hire enough Jews to shut down 8kun. My most valuable asset is a blob in a wheelchair.

Why I want in

To check my own personal record and probably to memory hole it too.

Other Assassinations

I don't usually work with other people. I usually spend all day learning from the best in my programmer socks. I'm already snipped, too.

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File: 06fdfb507aadcd1⋯.jpeg (348.34 KB,658x741,658:741,29B6B59B_65C1_411B_B487_3….jpeg)


Hi hot wheels

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Im actually interested in your project, ¿do you have an onion mail? Fuck this rightwing bastards

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This seems taken from Hollywood hacking. Show some proof please.

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