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File: d5a2e7f816a4044⋯.jpg (100.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,corawhineada.jpg)


Any (((modern))) languages not infested with SJWs (no code of conduct etc.)? I like Crystal, but it literally uses CorawhineAda's code of conduct...

Preferably compiled/statically typed.

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how the hell is a programming language infested with SJWs in the first place? That concept doesn't make sense to me, it's like a screwdriver being SJW.

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sometimes decisions might be made purely for non-technical political reasons. foo might be worse than bar but foo was written by a pansexual negro ginger bitch with a cock, so fuck your superior nazi library.

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You're not allowed to use the N. word.

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Just use the language and don't interact with the SJW community. Done.

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this niggers,

turn your back on the faggots. drop github like a fucking filthy kike.

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SJWs have no critical thinking skills.

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Lisps tend to be okay. You'll have a few pozzed figureheads, but none of them seem to be interested in forcing that shit into the community as far as I can tell. Full disclosure: I can't speak for clojure and would not at all be surprised if it was different there.

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Nobody uses assembly or C anymore. lisp has always been a dead language nobody ever considered for a serious software project. everything is written in javascript and visual basic.

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Conventions, forums, the worldview of the implementers/maintainers.

There are no uncucked languages because nerds still entertain this outmoded notion that they can remain neutral in the culture war. In their mind, being a liberal faggot is just common sense and they can earn good boy points by annually imbibing the current SocJus manual, no matter how retarded it keeps getting.

In the 60s-90s, it was enough to "abhor racism" and "espouse equality", but nowadays, feminist harpies and mentally ill transsexuals will demand workshops on intersectionality and policy brutality, and gender-neutral bathrooms at your fucking language convention.

Don't concern yourself with these people. They are good goys, but in the political sense, they're mindless cretins. When the political winds shift and someone tells them that we have a new program, they will promptly drop the SJWs.

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>Fork crystal

>write a real gc for it to make the language less of a meme

>license the changes under patriarchal license

Problems weren't.

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>Code of conduct

Who gives a shit?

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The SJWs are a disease that injects its self into development companies, mainly video games with the aim of producing propaganda that the kids will gobble up.

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this. lol at first 2 replies being pol faggots

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>gender-neutral bathrooms at your fucking language convention.

>going to language conventions

>using languages that are just made to have language conventions

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There's the master/slave controversy which tend to be a little bit excessive but what could be derogatory or insulting in a programming language. Programmers won't name any funcionn or object nigger for example, so what are example of such controversies?

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C, C++, D, Haskell, and ironically Ada.

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Ada. ISO and the DoD don't fuck around.

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File: 2af687a45020ad0⋯.png (16.67 KB,596x176,149:44,corakike.png)


Turns out Coracunt is exactly what I thought IT is. A subversive kike.

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>Preferably compiled

Common Lisp.

>Preferably compiled/statically typed


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>Coraline Ada

their name itself just irritates the shit out of me...

>first name is title of a shitty claymation grrrl power film that fat goth girls are obsessed with

>literally half the reason blue hair is so popular

>middle name is basically-the-only-famous-female-programmer-ever who is already way overused in talking about women who code

like, it'd be one thing if someone's parents gave them this name...

but the fact that they chose it for themself just reinforces how self-obsessed and delusional they really are.

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Another reason why I'm a NatSoc. These wretched abominations have no right to exist.

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File: 8da877b983ad445⋯.jpg (143.04 KB,728x1067,728:1067,nim vs python.jpg)


Nim. The creator has explicitly refused to administer a CoC: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/2332

The syntax resembles Python but is a far more powerful language.

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File: f74c975dbf99df1⋯.jpg (400.52 KB,2167x1871,2167:1871,linuxcucked.jpg)

Never Forget

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Any good resource/reference book or material for leaning Nim?

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Nim looks pretty cool with it's decentralized pkg management (my main gripe about npm), Js compilation, and C bindings. Could be a viable replacement for Python since 2.x is so close to EOL

no pozzed coc is a huge plus

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Is it as fast as C/C++?

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Check this thread.


Nice to see Nim is refusing to cuck and has a sense of humor.


White refugees welcome!


Haskell otoh seems to hate themselves, for being white males, won't be long before they officially become cocfags


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File: 762ef71008d14b8⋯.pdf (14.34 MB,Nim in Action.pdf)


The code examples are a bit out of date in some sections since 1.0 came out recently so you will have to take a look at the updated git versions of those.

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thanks anon!

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DLang (dmd) if you want an alternative to c#/java/go/c++, ziglang if you want an alternative for C.

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What about Operating Systems? I heard Microsoft, Apple, Linux, and some other OS are sucking Coraline's CoC now.

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already a thread about that on /tech/

Gentoo or OpenBSD would be my goto

Containers/Jails for everything ofc

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Stand your ground, don't quit like a bitch.

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Literally almost everything you use from your operating system to your browser is written in assembly, C, C++ or something interpreted by them. And who the hell uses virtual basic these days?>>5196

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do you keep these links bookmarked?

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>programming languages

* C/C++/HolyC

* lisp

* Ada

* Lua





these don't have a CoC

* OpenBSD

* NetBSD

* DragonFly BSD

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Clojure is pretty cucked; Alex 'Puredanger' Miller is one of the three big-contributors / maintainer with Hickey & Halloway and has done a number of dubious things / red-flags over the years. He also runs strangeloop which has over the past few years become more and more a social-advocacy platform than a tech-conference.

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You forgot D

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I have heard that lisp is a (((jew))) language, invented by jews in an university that has jews in it.

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That's why it's a (((/g/))) meme.

Nobody ever produced anything of value in lisp.

Jews don't produce anything at all.

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OK, you Nim shills have convinced me to at least take a look at it. I am a bit concerned about the transpilation though, won't that hamper the potential of the language?

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>Haskell otoh seems to hate themselves, for being white males, won't be long before they officially become cocfags

<We do not tolerate any form of discriminatory language or behaviour towards any minority (for example age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation).

Sounds like something an old fat gimpy brown intersex newfag african unwashed nigger moslem homosexual would say.

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I've been working solely with Nim for a while now and it's the first language I've found that doesn't completely make me want to neck myself out of the pain. It has some flaws of course, such as the stdlib being somewhat unoptimized for the sake of newfags (strutils is a big one, since it tries to mimic how things work in Python with function-chaining), and the Python-style messiness that larger modules become. For the latter, one can exploit the alternative C-style includes to break up the module a bit, or mess with templates to effectively neutralize large amounts of code duplication.

The other massive fucking flaw I'd say Nim has is that it's third-party lib support is trash. Most of it is half-broken abandonware with the devs vanished from this Earth. They really need to go through and prune Nimble's database of them. Thankfully, this is fairly trivial to solve if a community can really start up, and making wrappers for C/C++ libs is fairly easy if they aren't 99% header macro hell. Of course it helps if you also know C but there are tools that can help automate wrapper generation that just require you to go through and put in the last 10% of work, such as ensuring proper pragmas and adding helper functions to make them easier to use and implementing replacements for any macro shit.

My last two issues are firstly that Nimble sucks as a build tool, and you should either use Nake or straight nimscript in config.nims if you are a man. Hell plain Make might even be better since all you need to hand the compiler is your main and perhaps make a rule for unittests. The second is that the documentation generator kind of sucks ass. You can emit json instead and I was toying with trying to do up my own docgen but it's extremely low on my priorities so it keeps getting put up. Props to them for adding a dark mode toggle even if it is half-assed and doesn't seem to work for their also half-assed search system that likes to break periodically.

I realize these might seem like glaring issues, but I am autistically demanding when it comes to languages, and so far Nim has passed with flying colors even if I'm a filthy hard-tab indenter who had to give that up despite it being the only sane way to do things. I'd rather sit here and have to implement my own solutions anyways that I know won't break tomorrow because of retarded coding fads, and the stdlib provides a lot of shit in the same manner as Python's does so as to be actually usable immediately. The only thing I haven't entirely figured out yet are macros as I haven't really had a need since templates are plenty strong for my purposes.

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>Jews don't produce anything at all.

apart from 4chan and most of the source code for gab

its kind of ironic

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TI-83 Basic

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