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/g/ - Technology

Make /g/ Great Again

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File: 1411275604158.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.08 KB,500x375,4:3,1410418356667.jpg)


>leave 4chan
>come to this place cause its the new hot thing i guess
>looking through boards
>all the popular boards are active, /b/ /v/ /a/, the likes
>have to scroll way down to find /g/, which has 2 posts and hour

good, great, not like i only visited 4chan for the /g/ board anyways.

at least /tg/ is alive kinda
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The actual /g/ board here is oddly named /tech/ and has way many more posts.

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Can we delete this one and rename /tech/ /g/
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File: 1411293670639.png (158.68 KB,400x371,400:371,mootliedpeopledied.png)

/g/ was taken when mass exodus started. So people went for /tech/.

Imho we should use this.
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This should be /g/uro.

Really now.
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Were you expecting anything better?

Honestly, I'll browse both until one of them dies. Money's on this shit.
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moot is taking a lot of bad decisions.
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People are starting to come here,I dont care what happens to 4chan's /g/.
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that's the actual /g/, back when everyone migrated /g/ was some gay thing IIRC, so now most of halfchan /g/ is in /tech/
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that's good though, keep the shitposters away so we can actually talk about tech
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File: 1464649261471.jpg (54.09 KB,800x600,4:3,CjtAVSIUoAAZVbr.jpg)

>this is still in the catalog

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R-OOPS! Bumped!

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File: e60a1f2fa2c2ed5⋯.jpg (19.57 KB,500x375,4:3,1515308726548.jpg)

>another 4cuck escapee bumps this thread with epic newfaggotry.

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