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 No.2977 [Last50 Posts]

Just starting out with Arch.

Best Window Managers/Desktop Environments?

I installed Enlightenment, and am rather unimpressed.

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I use cinnamon, but most arch users probably want something more lightweight

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I recommend XFCE, especially for laptops. Eventually try to migrate to i3.

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Tiling window managers are nice. I'm a fan of Awesome.

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I use i3 for a tiling window manager.

But I recommend Cinnamon if you're just starting out.

XFCE crashes too much.

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newbie here too, would like to get seamonkey on this bad boy cuz fuck pocket. Is that possible? I see nothing in the archwiki

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As far as DEs go, LXDE is truly the lightest. After that is MATE, which I prefer. Xfce is after that and has quite a bit more features for a light DE at the expense of using just a bit more RAM than the aforementioned. If you want something robust, go with KDE Plasma or GMOME 3. KDE is extemely heavy while I much prefer the workflow of GNOME.

I really wish Pantheon didn't freeze conatantly on Arch. It's a beautiful DE.

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cinnamon and xfce are the best, everyone else is a liar

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I use xfce and I love it, never had a crash issue

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If you only want a wm, i3 if you want tiling. OpenBox if not

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I don't understand this, can you run a window manager without desktop environment? What's the purpose of a DE then?

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> It will contain a display manager, window manager, session manager, file manager, and various other default applications that a user may find useful

So the desktop environment shilling is actually the reason for a bloated distro?

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Try out a tiling window manager. I liked Awesome.

I hear i3 is also good.

Stumpwm requires a lot of customization for it to be good.

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Im starting with i3, my fingers hurt like hell for click wrong so many times

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If you're using Enlightenment and are unimpressed, you are using it wrong. Describe what's wrong with it.

If you like pretty, go with MATE/Compiz. If you like efficiency for getting shit done and don't mind ugly, go with i3. (i3 is my backup reliable window manager for when I break Enlightenment somehow)

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>Stumpwm requires a lot of customization for it to be good.

The defaults aren't the best, but it works really well once you have everything configured. I used awesome for a while and after trying out stump I prefer manual tiling

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Spectrwm or bust

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i3wm works without much custom configuration.

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I've personally started using MATE with XFCE4 Panel in the last few months. It's pretty good, but that's just me.

i3 though is the best if you can master it.

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WM Openbox

DE Xfce /Cinnamon/ KDE

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I'm using KDE5 on Gentoo. It isn't so bad. I was using xmonad, but felt like giving KDE a go. The childish candy look is gone. Its window manager is still fucking stupid though. They need it to tile and remove the title bar in favour of snappy keyboard shortcuts. They also need an autist to comb their plugins for redundant text and add desirable settings. Just look at the inches of wasted space on all these. I know what everything is by the label, they don't need giant ass title bars.

I'm probably going to end up using the default shell, vim, and links browser again since firefox has gone off the rails and I don't trust chromium at all. konquerer is ok, but inconvenient. You may as well use the popular spyware browsers at that point. I feel like I'm in hell honestly. I don't know why anyone would make this shit if they weren't going to make it well.

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MATE with i3.

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If you want a WM, go with


If you want a DE, go with


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Cinnamon or XFCE

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wait for fiber.

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I prefer XFCE and MATE, LXDE is a good alternative and they all include their associated accesories (file manager, image viewer, etc...). I have also notices that some themes are cross compatible, so thats nice.

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>pic related

Cinnamon is bloated, slow, RAM eating shit and you should all be ashamed for recommending it to anyone.



>pic related

KDE and Gnome 3 are also bloated shit.

Basically all DE's are bloated shit (especially Gnome and Cinnamon though) and you should just get a WM (i3 for tiling, PekWM for stacking) and install all the utilities you need manually, unless for some reason you actually need or want all the bloat.


The fact that the Openbox config is written in XML instantly makes PekWM a better option.


LXDE uses GTK themes.

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i3 is nice if you are into twm

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"Basically all DE's are bloated shit and you should just get a WM"


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Never used pure window manager because I am the laziest of the fucks.

DE choice is Cinnamon - kind of the halfway point between the GNOME-based environments (stability) and Plasma (pretty and customisable).

If you don't mind something breaking every five minutes Plasma is the shit that you need in your life. Personally won't go back until 5 is nice, stable and the move to Qt5 is mostly over.

XFCE is also a nice choice, but I find that it's irredeemably ugly without a large amount of effort.

Anything else is pretty but fucking pointless, or just fucking pointless if you've got an even vaguely competent system (and if you haven't I question why you'd use a full-blown DE in the first place).

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xfce is only acceptable DE.

i3 & bspwm are my fav WMs.

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...DAE windowmaker?

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>Xfce if you want a light weight DE

>Openbox if you want a light weight mess

>Tiling, if you want keyboard shortcuts for everything and don't like using a mouse

>KDE, if you want to use a DE so shitty that its vsync doesn't work with Intel GPUs, without tweaks

>Gnome, if you support the year of the Linux Desktop

>Unity if you want a stable, accelerated graphical experience

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# pacman -S seamonkey dummy

$ pacman -Ss search-for-something

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Do you live in some 3rd world shithole?

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nice to see that unlike 4chin/g/, this /g/ doesn't go full autism at the mere mention of Arch Linux.

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>XFCE crashes too much.

I literally never noticed a bug yet

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just reading this makes me want to kill myself

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Arch everyday user recommend xfce for beginners tho I love xmonad

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>mention KDE and GNOME are heavy

>retard thinks he's correcting you by repeating what you said with le "bloated" buzzword

>snarky image

"pic related"

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Tiling window managers are the only way - I use xmonad* because teh Haskellz, but i3 and Awesome are pretty cool to.

For terminal I suggest termite with zsh as shell.

For fancy shit like folder browser or file type associations I use non-WM parts of Gaynome; xfce is an another good choice.

* - with dzen for status bar, compton for compositing, nitrogen for wallpapers and some custom Ruby script to handle (optional) multiple monitors easily with xrandr.

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Depends on what specs your machine has. For anything with 4 GB of RAM or more, you might as well just install Plasma 5. Bloat doesn't mean anything when you have that much memory. RAM is there to be used. For 2-4 GB, I'd go with XFCE or MATE. XFCE is more customizable, but MATE is a lot more usable out of the box and is very intuitive. Anything less than 2 GB, go with Trinity (fork of KDE 3.5, basically KDE with no bloat) or Fluxbox. i3 or awesome if you're autistic and like tiling window managers.

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best desktop environment is terminal tbh fam

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stop being a faggot and install gnome

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>stop bieng a faggot and install ubuntu


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MATE and Compiz.

It's been the best Linux DE setup since 10.10

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>question for fam:


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I'm a huge openbox fan but recently I've been using plasma. It depends on how light you want your wm.

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nothing to see here - move along, folks.

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openbox with tint2 and pcmanfm





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1. Fucking up, forgetting to put in the network cable first, starting over.

2. Fucking up, forgetting an EFI partition, starting over.

3. Fucking up, forgetting to use the correct partitioning table, starting over.

5. Fucking up, forgetting to manually add a boot entry, not starting over.

Fucked up, like, 3 more times, but forgot how. Made a guide for myself, so i could remember all the shit that the guide on the wiki lied about...

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And now fucked the numbering up. Thats number 4.

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arch is gay

use parabola

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BSPWM is the only useful dm

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I use XFCE, but 90% of people I asked in an arch IRC channel said i3. Kill me

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Any other advantage other than being free as in freedom(tm)?

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for me, the desktop crashes from time to time

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i3 gaps unless you're gay

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If you're just starting out with linux and want a nice, intuitive, lightweight, reliable, easy-to-configure DE, I'd recommend mate. When you're on the internet you can still say "I use i3" to impress everyone and pretend to be a 1337 hAx0r.

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linux is only good for servers t b h

grow the fuck up and install windows 10

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>mega sync

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i3 wm





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Wmii has the best tiling layout imo, but it's very crappy, old, and buggy. I'd recommend Xmonad with Wmii layout. Since Xmonad configuraiton is done (unlike, say, i3) through programming (haskell), it offers a lot of customization.

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>you should just get a WM and install all the utilities you need manually

That IS a desktop environment retard.

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Cinnamon checking in. Although I agree it's pretty bloated. i3 is pretty sweet if you just like tiling WMs. Xfce and Lxde are both decent light DEs if you want an actual desktop. Bspwn, i3, and Awesome all get praise if you want the WM route. KDE Plasma and whatever Elementary uses are bloated DEs, but they're also the most visually pleasing IMHO, although the latest Gnome looks pretty decent as well.

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arch bad, the only good feature is AUR and even that's less and less valuable as things like nix and bedrock can be installed on any distro, also would it kill them to have a debian style installer, even guix system which is more obscure than nixos has a debian style installer


>anyone who doesn't use bloat must be poor



rawring twenties when


zsh, vim, tmux, curl, git


>all the shit that the guide on the wiki lied about...

that's why i use youtube


no systemd

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switch to void, then use dwm

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Lightweight - LXDE

Featurerich - KDE Plasma

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lxqt also works fine, plasma + openbox if kwin seems bloat

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once you go i3 you never go back

most convenient shit ever

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I've tried tiling window managers and will never do again. My poor faggot brain can not parse the change from normal desktops to whatever is happening over there.

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Total n00b here who has only run Ubuntu and Manjaro but would like to get into arch. What are the best steps to troubleshoot why arch doesn't read an active ethernet connection? I have valid link lights but I can't connect to anything.

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Been running i3wm for a year now and I absolutely love it.

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try xmonad if you have the time to configure it

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Jesus christ this thread is a year old already

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