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File: 7f07c6ffd5f9a72⋯.png (308.13 KB,962x1044,481:522,1509687532785.png)


>rip he went too soon.

Was he truly as based as they say?

I'm gonna try and run templeos on vbox, can anybody reccomend any tips?

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No, he was a fucking literal retard.

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he was a retarded schizoposter

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Ok "Jesus" go back to irc. you'll never be a woman.

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He was mentally ill but tbh he was too good for this rotten world.

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File: aa4d9703d9aaa17⋯.png (2.27 MB,1920x1200,8:5,4chan.png)

I liked him in the same way that I enjoyed watching clips of Ninja or Ben Shapiro (before I knew the reality of it); as a meme.

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he is a fucking prophet, should be declared a saint like tarrant

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exactly, he's like any of us

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