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File: 1130c789d75df16⋯.jpeg (22.88 KB,1080x360,3:1,1080x360.jpeg)


Pornhub and others website porns promote pedophilia and sex trafficking of women and child in all country from the world

for more info link: https://twitter.com/LailaMickelwait/status/1255997804943564800

Guys i think big porn industry is connected to big satanic elite etc

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This seems like one of those moral crusades where a group of ugly distressed fat women start screeching "think of the children" while they try to shut down big porn sites because their husbands won't fuck them anymore. I imagine since pornhub is propped up by user submitted shit they probably have a lot of random CP uploaded daily but any website is going to have that problem really, this doesn't really prove that pornhub is "Propping up child trafficking." A gigantic amount of pornhub is just couples uploading themselves and a lot of people just soloing for fun or for money. We're supposed to what, shut down the whole website because "muh children and muh frontal lobe and muh coomers"

Sounds stupid, unfeasible, and like moral panic marketing to accomplish an agenda.

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It's probably just another episode of qoomer bullshit. I mean look at how they react to anime and anime loli and you'll instantly know you cannot take them seriously.

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File: 1ce26f94b7ac2ae⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,750x743,750:743,1583206571163.jpg)

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That wasn't the girl. It was someone who looked like her. Pornhub is fine but, if you really want to go after some child rapists, you should look into Christian priests and preachers. That shit is public fucking knowledge.

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Excellent argument, moralfag.

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>That wasn't the girl. It was someone who looked like her.

Qoomer bullshit confirmed.

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>The redd*tor is redd*ting and accusing others of being redd*t while asking for us to brigade a porn site because tHiNk oF tHe ChILdRen

kys we don't give a shit about pornhub

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there is a petition !the story is true pornhub is evil

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sure I believe you

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If It weren't for morals your body parts would be scattered acrossed the stomachs of various organisms. First was a pig, then a lion, then maggots, tis is the circle of life. Because to be frank, if morals didn't exist society would've abandoned or slaughtered your ass a long time ago. Now you suddenly care about morals, now you want a moral society, but one that allows you to fuck kids, yeah not gonna happen buddy.

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File: 682c8452a8e6b1e⋯.png (82.52 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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Thanks miss because of your high morals I am alive.If it weren't for you heading the crusade towards pornhub to stop child porn i wouldn't be alive.

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Morals don't mean shit, the only reason society hasn't slaughtered me is because they're risking their freedom and their safety to do so. Still doesn't stop a lot of people from doing immoral shit all the time every hour of every day, unless we're operating under the assumption that niggers don't exist. Nice projection with the kid fucking by the way

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