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Make /g/ Great Again

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File: f55fed76f2a631e⋯.png (319.78 KB,718x718,1:1,1df81d013680951c6a6bf067f3….png)


The future is now, anon. AI, robotics, and material science have reached a point where robowaifus are now in the realm of possibility. We need anons with skills of all kinds: artists, scientists, engineers, programmers, makers, writefags and more are all needed to bring our robotic wives into reality. Come and join our multidisciplinary team of robowaifus technicians and be a part of a better tomorrow.

Join us at julay.world/robowaifu

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>inviting anons to board that will be closed 2 months later


Btw, once they get enough intellegence, your robot waifus will realize that you are mentally ill by having them as your waifu.

related ep: gits sac episode 2 or 3

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Julay.world isn't shutting down /robowaifu/

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>your robot waifus will realize that you are mentally ill by having them as your waifu.

children often rebel against their parents, sadly. hopefully it's just a phase tbh. :^)

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We would also like to invite this board's administration to post and network in our embassy thread.

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Can you imagine all the neets strangled in their sleep because the robot waifus became self aware and wanted to leave to fuck chad, might lead into a new dark age when all the nerds get cucked by their own creations

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File: 15db2197d840cae⋯.jpeg (46.78 KB,610x402,305:201,Top_Men.jpeg)


Heh. Don't worry fren, we're professionals.

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After the recent events in the webring we are now located at spqrchan.xyz/robowaifu

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File: 545fe11cf109533⋯.jpg (45.26 KB,350x470,35:47,buttobi_cpu_8321.jpg)

File: 8708694efcfdfc5⋯.jpg (56.99 KB,350x525,2:3,clockwork_planet_7660.jpg)

File: 5e30f27e12c5c58⋯.jpg (64.19 KB,380x542,190:271,plastic_memories_6737.jpg)

File: 0c828ca43b57bef⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,350x525,2:3,unbreakable_machine_doll_5….jpg)

File: 5a8b648272fe095⋯.jpg (112.06 KB,1200x1127,1200:1127,ideal_girlfriend.JPG)


Old news: The board is here for a while now: https://alogs.theguntretort.com/robowaifu/

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