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So, hypothetically of course, what would you do if you assumed you were technologically 100% compromised, with glow-in-the-dark cunts running root kits, keyloggers, and all the other shit on your machine.

Hypothetically, of course- I don't actually believe this.

Windows 10 machine btw.

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Get an old Thinkpad and use only free software, don't connect to internet

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Buy a (Core|Libre)bootable computer, install Gentoo or OpenBSD [...] etc

For Mobile, buy a Pixel 3a XL then flash GrapheneOS. Remember to use a pre-paid SIM from Finland or any other country where you can buy without showing IDs

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If I thought that the federal government was using resources to target me I would probably attempt to leave the country and abandon technology all together to live in some obscure 3rd world town or as a nameless nomad before they come to my door and suicide me.

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>Windows 10 machine btw


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Hypothetically it was done by some glowniggers operating out of Tel Aviv

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it's usefulness is less than sum of it's parts

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use FOSS

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Go Go Go


ID: 468771768

Pass: Ebhsa5421

Windows: Polen5421

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>Old tech

Gather every device in your home that has a processor. Gutmann wipe all drives with at least 40 passes. Then physically wipe drives with a magnet. Now smash everything with a hammer. Mix up the broken pieces from all the different devices, divided then into lots of little piles. Put each pile of bits in a carrier bag. Dump them all in separate bins far away from your home.


Buy new tech from the store in person. Never have it delivered.

Never take your own car to the store. Walk or use public transport.

Take a long winding route and regularly check if you are being followed.

Put a spare hat and jacket in your bag. Find a public toilet and change in the cubicle.

Pay in cash only, both for transport and for the tech itself.


USB flash drive.

Android phone.

Small notebook PC (~11 inch).

Laptop bag.

Any other accessories you want (e.g. mouse, speakers, external drives, etc).

>Operating system

Tails OS. Don't type that into a search engine at home, as that will put you on even more government watchlists. Take your new flash drive to a public library and download it there. Then install it on your notebook.


Use ADB to gain shell access to your new phone. Remove any bloatware or suspicious packages.

Unlock the bootloader.

Install a custom recovery that supports flashing from zip.

Install Magisk. Use a root checker to verify that it worked.

Install Fdroid.


Keep your notebook and phone in your new laptop bag. Carry them with you at all times. Never leave the house without them. If a device has been out of your sight for more than 5 minutes, then it is compromised and must be replaced.


>For Mobile, buy a Pixel 3a XL then flash GrapheneOS. Remember to use a pre-paid SIM from Finland or any other country where you can buy without showing IDs



>Hypothetically it was done by some glowniggers operating out of Tel Aviv

If you are in Israel, get out now. If you are not in Israel, stop doing whatever you did to attract their attention. Lay low for a few years and try to move most of your interactions offline.

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