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File: 0e0e25fa0189587⋯.png (14.42 KB,367x137,367:137,0e0e25fa0189587551d7bea104….png)


this man is evil about Bill Gates: How Gene Editing, AI Can Benefit World's Poorest

videos list:



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File: 2320e108521c1f6⋯.jpeg (2.38 KB,225x225,1:1,29f66293535faecef91d12495….jpeg)

File: 6a60ae2d5cce4d4⋯.jpeg (2.38 KB,225x225,1:1,4f87806bdf43c500578877467….jpeg)

File: e8e8a662affd6dd⋯.jpg (15.13 KB,255x209,255:209,5bd8bbce30b3f3259fe5bfdf0e….jpg)

they use satanic simbols in their logo products

also the the windows logo user have horns see all pictures

smarthphone use gpu=adreno

people use chrome? coincidence?


Adrenochrome is a drug from child for satanic people do your own research for more information ! Save the Children!

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I agree that MS is evil, but using random correlations to the bad guy from your religion as evidence is doomed to failure. Have you tried actually pointing out things that they've done instead?

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And gene editing is very good, you mongoloid troglodyte.

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File: 0798fc00adf2cc8⋯.png (51.56 KB,230x225,46:45,post_34_1091772867.png)


>also the the windows logo user have horns

You mean Longhorn?

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File: 3c7f29f6a250dec⋯.png (37.32 KB,2000x2000,1:1,mercury.png)



>the bad guy from your religion

Unveiling the Elites' esoteric symbolism can be quite edifying. However in this case, that symbol quite obviously represents Mercury.

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off yourself, qboomer

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>obviously Mercury

Also not technology

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