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File: f934d42b03a822b⋯.jpg (21.53 KB,845x321,845:321,organisational_culture_rec….jpg)


Remember Jupiter Broadcasting? JB was an open source podcasting group that has operated for more than a decade and has actually contributed to this community over time. Well, they sold out at the decision of the owner, Chris, to a company called Linux Academy.

Now, JB has taken a hit that I hope stands as a wake-up call to all of those who see corporate influences as benign to FOSS. Joe Ressington, host of three shows from JB was fired and his shows, some of which had origins in the beginning of the network, were ended. Things were so bad with him that A Cloud Guru, the umbrella company that owns Linux Academy, stated that they had "no choice but to terminate his contract". The problem? He said the word cunt. A British man said the word cunt and an entire Linux community was gutted.

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File: 6cc1a76eff85716⋯.jpg (693.17 KB,692x269,692:269,image.jpg)


>Starts a phony pyramid scheme

>Funnels any possible profits back to 'the Central office'

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I don't get it

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