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File: 85c975c965804c9⋯.png (584.09 KB,1920x1080,16:9,pepelinux.png)


Suggestions for a conservative non-SJW OS (Linux or other) without all the CoC insanity? Has to support browsers that actually works on modern websites.

From what Ive seen so far OpenBSD seems like an alternative. Possibly Haiku? but Im not sure if they have been infected...

Im using Dissenter and Brave as browsers. A GAB Linux or something would be cool. Or PepeLinux.


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I'm holding out until hyperbolaBSD comes out next year. They are forking The OpenBSD kernel and as much userpsace as they can to make it GPLv3.

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File: 65a0a10b3f114b1⋯.png (395.5 KB,800x450,16:9,arcaos.png)



OS/2 Warp. The community is extremely small, mostly guys over 60 in fact.

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File: c6648628eeded08⋯.png (15.07 KB,562x562,1:1,a.png)


Please leave this board, you're either a boomer or edgy teen.

Also may I suggest you read up on https://thebreadbook.org/

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>Please leave this board

That's awfully authoritarian of you.

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Fuck.. back to fascism it is

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File: a6f5c5d7f4b2dc8⋯.png (254.39 KB,480x232,60:29,DAY_OF_THE_SEAL.PNG)

>Has to support browsers that actually works on modern websites.

Well that disqualifies Firecucks and Chrome. So you can't view "modern" websites in the first place. Nobody in the right mind would waste time making a browser, let alone an OS that supports a webshit browser. The web solely exists to deliver SJW content.

Lincrap is gone, forever.DAY OF THE SEAL SOON

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Windows 7 should be conservative enough for you, I think bill gates supports Israel and I'm sure they cooperate with the mossad whenever requested. You can also get a browser that works with faceberg, Instagram and the reddit redesign on it no issues.

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who the fuck cares you retard?! are you going to complain about pulseaudio next? you're obviously not a developer and don't have interest in kernel development. let your computer be useful for once. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?

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Artix is a based Linux distro, Chris is based as shit

Besides that Gentoo isn't toooo bad

OpenBSD is based for BSD

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Hi, debian user here I wish I could help but I have hopped distros(including FreeBSD and GhostBSD I know it's not linux) several times at least 10 and I feel satisfied with debian because of high amounts of compatibility. I couldn't play a game on ubuntu or linux mint with WINE that was 'windows only' but could on debian for some reason.

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Hey OP also, I've made my own theme for my favorite desktop environment and if you really want GABlinux to exist MAKE IT! Dead serious!!

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I think different linux distros are for the most part bullshit and what really matters in linux distros is desktop environments and themes of those desktop environments, most of the time!

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GAB has a lot of problems. It's just a poorly administered Mastodon. I think the solution is to bun out the garbage. Most of the SJWs are just bullies who have a new word game to play to fuck with honest people. I propose that we adopt this memeplex to reduce the SJW's attack surface.

For example:

- They hate white men. On the internet claim to be a black woman.

- They want to be a special snowflake with special pro-nouns. Always self identity as a pronouns they forgot to address and be a real Karen about it; always complaining to HR and admins.

- If this sounds like your are giving them what they want, wait? what these bullies want is a back door to societal norms. Most of how this stuff works comes out of old ideas like "we have to help our little brown brothers" and "women's suffrage". Idiots between ages 40 to 60 think this is how sociaty should be. They like black bully being ten-a-penny down at the local prison and fun exotic cultures that give birth to Elito Rogers and Boston Bombers in their neighbourhoods. They are their own extinction. Our goal should be to make the SJW a new banded patriarchy. Really no such conspiratorial organization as the Patriarchy ever existed. But try convincing a librel-arts major of that. What you can say is that because of institutional bigotry towards trans-robo-afro-... americans you get to go first in line and eat all their share.

The simple truth is to turn it on it's head. Identity politics can be for everyone.

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