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File: 46644c30d422f5e⋯.jpg (89.94 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Password_Cracking.jpg)


Since February, TeraHash still didn't crack 1 character long (which is a lowercase letter) SHA512 hashed password generated with "Multi One Password" tool with its $1.4 Million configuration of 448 x GeForce RTX 2080 GPUs!

know more from link below:


That's embarrassing! Lol!

password manager, Password Management, password generator, Infosec, cybersecurity, netsec, hashcat, CrackQ, bcrypt

#passwordmanager #PasswordManagement #passwordgenerator #Infosec #cybersecurity #netsec #hashcat #CrackQ #bcrypt

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So, finally we'll all be able to use 'password' as password, unashamedly

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That's up to you to decide.

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Not really. Most hackers I've talked to say that they don't really care about trying to crack passwords anymore but rather just input commonly used, low-security passwords. Stuff like 'password' or '1234567890' because people use stuff like that.

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What it looks like is that it randomizes the hash for any single password in such a way, they weren't able to find even a one single (lowercase!) character password, with a specialised machine.

So you really should be ok with *any* password, hence my joke above.

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Well, I use <.> for my local account, but I don't tell anyone, so I should be fine...

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>Since February, TeraHash still didn't crack 1 character long (which is a lowercase letter) SHA512 hashed password generated with "Multi One Password" tool with its $1.4 Million configuration of 448 x GeForce RTX 2080 GPUs!

Whoever believes this is an idiot

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people still use dicts you know

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