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How do you solve vpn/proxy blocks when using a vpn? I can't post on 4chan and also can't connect to someservers when playing games. Is there a solution, and should i use openvpn instead of the official client for my vpn to use it?

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Just use a VPN provider that doesn't have millions of customers and/or known datacenter IP ranges. Ideally, you'd want a residential IP address, but VPN providers charge extra for that (and it's not cheap, either).

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But I won't know if it's shady till it gets big. Nordvpn got exposed for having a security compromise and keeping their mouths shut about it. If it's small I'll have no idea if they're shady or not.

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Any company is shady if you don't have physical access to their infrastructure. And you mentioned it yourself: NordVPN, a large company with millions of users, lacked complete transparency despite having security issues uncovered by security researchers. You can always self-host your own VPN server if you want, provided that you trust your cloud provider.

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Forgot to mention that no VPN provider/service will have bulletproof security no matter how hard they try to market their snake oil.

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>You can always self-host your own VPN server if you want, provided that you trust your cloud provider.

The only way to go.


Find a public wifi.

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just don't post on retarded websites and stop playing retarded games. or get a vpn that has many servers and changes their IPs constantly or get a vpn that offers a dedicated IP.

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