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Hello, /g/. Now that I have spare time and another laptop to fallback to, I've finally decided to install Gentoo. The only thing I need to know before proceeding is: can I strip the Linux kernel out of ALSA and use OSS exclusively instead?

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Apparently there are no longer any OSSv4 overlays for Gentoo. I can't configure the kernel to use OSSv4 instead of ALSA as there is no longer such an option in menuconfig. So this is the absolute state of Linux? I think I am staying with the BSDs...

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> So this is the absolute state of Linux?

Linux is deteriorating...(yes)

I could make an entire essay on how bad desktop linux and its ecosystem are whenever under the hood but important details are concerned.(your problems with ALSA are one of those details)

Also daily reminder that up to 10 frames of video latency and over 100ms of audio latency are commonplace with some default desktop configurations.

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audio latency is only relevant to synthesizers and (less so) games.

audio latency is irrelevant for video playback as no matter the buffer size it will be synchronized.

Ideal latency for synths is <8ms, and for games is 1/60s, both of which are easily accomplished with alsa on old PCs.

alsa has issues, but unless you write kernel drivers you probably can't give a meaningful critique.

Anybody that will go through the effort to patch linux with OSS4 has serious mental health problems.

>b-b-but it has superior mixing quality, I can hear ALSA causing distortion on my HiFi tube amp when I turn the gain all the way up and the pcm volume down -60db. ALSA uses SOFTWARE MIXING :(

>How will I ever play audio from multiple programs? whats dmix? asoundrc is hard :(

>I refuse to use jack because its another software layer which obviously means more buffers OMG

>how will I stream audio if I can't expose my card through NFS? Everything in UNIX should be a FILE!!! (btw I don't know whats a socket or ioctl???)

>I read an article from 2007 on the state of linux audio which had a big graph of APIs and wrapper libraries which means MS Windows is superior

Yeah, linux is shit. send your death threats to redhat, or graduate to the next level of elitism and use *BSD.

Seriously. even OpenBSD has a better audio system.

FreeBSD sound system is a lot like OSS.

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>send your death threats

We ought to send threats to Havoc Pennington. I don't know why people bother with sending hitmen after Poettering when the effect of his work hasn't nearly ruined Unix-like desktop as much as Havoc Pennington.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>havoc pennington

>HAL, GNOME, Metacity, GConf, and D-Bus

software engineering was a mistake.

vid is how the average red-hat engineer starts their day.

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I'm ready for HyperbolaBSD already.

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>Ideal latency for synths is <8ms, and for games is 1/60s


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