audio latency is only relevant to synthesizers and (less so) games.
audio latency is irrelevant for video playback as no matter the buffer size it will be synchronized.
Ideal latency for synths is <8ms, and for games is 1/60s, both of which are easily accomplished with alsa on old PCs.
alsa has issues, but unless you write kernel drivers you probably can't give a meaningful critique.
Anybody that will go through the effort to patch linux with OSS4 has serious mental health problems.
>b-b-but it has superior mixing quality, I can hear ALSA causing distortion on my HiFi tube amp when I turn the gain all the way up and the pcm volume down -60db. ALSA uses SOFTWARE MIXING :(
>How will I ever play audio from multiple programs? whats dmix? asoundrc is hard :(
>I refuse to use jack because its another software layer which obviously means more buffers OMG
>how will I stream audio if I can't expose my card through NFS? Everything in UNIX should be a FILE!!! (btw I don't know whats a socket or ioctl???)
>I read an article from 2007 on the state of linux audio which had a big graph of APIs and wrapper libraries which means MS Windows is superior
Yeah, linux is shit. send your death threats to redhat, or graduate to the next level of elitism and use *BSD.
Seriously. even OpenBSD has a better audio system.
FreeBSD sound system is a lot like OSS.