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File: 1c551c130efb82f⋯.jpg (11.4 KB,419x278,419:278,centos.jpg)


So what makes Linux unique and better than windows? I installed Ubuntu and it's total cringe, doesn't support games and had to use wineHQ to run LoL and CoD, nevertheless the games are really slow and really low FPS, even the root user is disabled by default in Ubuntu

the only good use of Linux is pen testing and hacking IMO, using Kali of course.

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This is probably bait, but "gaming" isn't just the triple A crap you

re used to. You'll obviously have to use wine for a majority of the games as most won't bother with native Linux support. The root user is disabled by default to protect the user, even Kali does this now. If you really want to be the root user do sudo su.

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I wish I saged, fuck you OP

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>So what makes Linux unique and better than windows?

<For me it is how customizable it is.

Of course using something like Ubuntu is achieving the exact opposite of that because they mainly aim to make a foolproof and easy to use Linux distro that tries to replicate the Mac or Windows user experience.

But when you start to look into all the different software packages available for any given task, find what works for you and configure it to work exactly how you want it to work, then you can come up with a setup that is just exactly catered to your needs and will allow you to have a much better, more intuitive workflow than Windows could ever offer because many things are just predefined. Of course you can customize it a little, but it's nothing compared to Linux where you can switch out your Window manager, can use different software with even different init systems.

But of course this also requires some work - to build a system that works exactly how you want you need to figure out what you want in the first place.

<Also Linux is great for web development.

Web development is really annoying on Windows. Of course the basic command line utilities exist on windows too, but they tend to be much more primitive and less comfortable to use. Or have a bloated syntax like powershell. And sooner or later some unixoid functionality is needed. For that there's Cygwin, which is slow as fuck, mintty which is buggy as fuck, WSL which is kinda decent but doesn't work for everything either. And in the end all of that is something just put on top of Windows, it's just better being able to use all of this functionality natively. And I have lost counts of how many build scripts have failed on Windows because nobody even tested some "cross platform" piece of software on Windows.

<Also using Windows makes me paranoid. Nobody really knows what data it is sending to Microsoft.

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I switched because I was called out, because I was google-shaming android users for the lulz. Didn't regret it.

As a HDD user, Linux boots way faster than Windows. Windows used to boot for 4-5 minutes (measured it after defragging). Linux boots at 1 minute, with an encrypted HDD (including system).

As >>13031 said, it is customizable. If you don't like how it looks, you can switch DEs, and in some DEs you can change even certain components. (DE = desktop environment, the graphical interface)

To put something new to this, scriptability is also nice. Things like cronjobs make automation on Linux pretty easy. And you don't even have to know a programming language for automation. You can write your scripts in bash, which means, you can literally just enter the name (or path) of the program you want to execute at time x, with all the args.

Superior installation process for most of the programs, no annoying system updates (they take about a minute or so), don't have to reboot for system updates, no forced updates, as the guy above mentioned no tracking, don't need a user account to use.

That being said, I can understand why people who use their computers for games might want windows. I don't know the state of Linux gaming, never installed wine. Dual booted for a month before full on switching, but never turned back. I use my computer for work (writing), the average joe stuff, with some scripting as a hobby.

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>>13032 inb4 reddit spacing it's latex spacing as well

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>it's latex spacing

You're still a {\huge{}faggot}.

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fuck off and stop shame shaming

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to >lgbt (you) go. take your digital FPS unicorns with ((you)), faggot

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File: 0e722d713e10bb1⋯.jpg (33.85 KB,400x378,200:189,0e722d713e10bb1414df35907e….jpg)

>So what makes Linux unique and better than windows?

Superior customisation; astronomically less bloat; more efficient resource usage; more private; etc..

>I installed Ubuntu and it's total cringe,

"Ubuntu" is literally the fucking Bantu term for "humanity towards others" or some equivalent hippy-dippy bullshit. Of course it's total cringe.

>doesn't support games and had to use wineHQ to run LoL and CoD, nevertheless the games are really slow and really low FPS

That's the fault of the game developers, not the operating system. In any case, Proton is recommended.

>even the root user is disabled by default in Ubuntu

Because Linux allows you to completely destroy your system with a single line in the CLI. It's a retard-proofing measure.

>the only good use of Linux is pen testing and hacking IMO, using Kali of course.


You're no-one important.

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>Linux unique and better than Windows

Said who? Linux offers maximum customisation over the OS and flexibility for programming stuff. Windows has maximum software/games compatibility and it's easy to use.

Different operating systems for different purposes, learn to use them both for what they are.

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1. you have a poor setup, old gpu.

1.1 old proprietary drivers suck, open source drivers also suck, usually there's also that problem where it doesn't even use max multiplier for vram/gpu and thinks it's always idle.

2. ubuntu is old. rolling distro provides better drivers.

3. what is kvm.

That said, even steam is leaning on linux development now with proton and steamOS that is due to windows trying to eliminate sideload/market providers and lock everyone into using windows store.

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>humanity towards others

so it's something white people made up

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>I installed Ubuntu and it's total cringe

how tf is it 'total cringe'??? It's meant for casual users who are used to easier-to-use systems like MacOS, it's not for computer elitists and hobbyists and shit. Most of the linux userbase are programmers, developers, pentesters and all around very knowledgeable about that kind of shit, so a distro that caters to casual users gets shit on constantly by the rest of the community, which is fucking stupid. If you don't like it, don't use it.

Otherwise, I agree with >>13066 on the rest of the points except the one about ubuntu.

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>most of the Linux userbase are programmers, developers, pentesters

I am not a programmer, not a developer, not a pentester, and still I don't use Ubuntu. Not everyone that doesn't run Ubuntu is a hacker, just people with more than a double-digit IQ. You are taking Linux users (or just Unix-like users in general) in too much of a high stem. Most of us are just semi-technical people that obtained above-average expertise on computers with practice.

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>installed Ubuntu and it's total cringe

I tried the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS beta and it looks amazing.

>doesn't support games

*game studios only support the most used OS because all they care about is selling their games to enough people, and normies don't even know what an OS is, so they just use whatever is installed on their computer, which is usually Windows.

That doesn't mean that Windows is actually better.

>nevertheless the games are really slow and really low FPS


>the root user is disabled by default in Ubuntu

What? You log into your regular user account and only run things with sudo if you need to, that's how it should work.

Do you run everything as admin on Windows? Are you retarded?

>the only good use of Linux is pen testing and hacking IMO, using Kali of course.

Ok you are just a skid.

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Try Manjaro or Arch. They're both great for gaming. Manjaro is plug and play but has some flaws, while Arch takes a bit of setting up and then it's fantastic.

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