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int* foo = NULL;


int *foo = NULL;

Why do some people think that the * belongs to 'foo' instead of 'int'? The type of foo is not int, it's a pointer, the value it has is a memory address, so clearly the * is part of the type. foo is not even defined, it's NULL which makes sense for a pointer, but not for an int.

In fact I think the most logical syntax would be "*int foo = NULL;".

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I thought about this before, its due to list declarations.

int* nigger, please; -> implies two pointers

int *nigger, *please; -> probably what you meant

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>in the absolutely rare cases of this:

>int* a, b

>a is a pointer, b is not a pointer

>ideally int *a, *b

not a huge deal, int* is fine but just be wary of that circumstance

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I see, I very rarely declare multiple variables in one line like that let alone multiple pointers. Usually I have a struct for 2 closely related variables anyway, for example positions/dimensions.

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>int *foo = NULL;

This is the correct way to format it. You should think about the statement as reading "the dereferenced type *foo is an integer." Then declarations like

int *foo, bar;

make sense, because both *foo and bar are integer types.

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