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A thread for discussing anti-dox and active techniques for antagonizing data collection.

This thread is useful for any privacy enthusiasts although it is especially useful for users who are practically unable to avoid certain abusive services.

Discussion topics include:

>known adversaries, their methods and how their clients abuse data

>useful misdirection techniques (faking interests, abusing youtube autoplay, low-cost random purchases)

>potential goals (faking perfect health[for insurance benefits], faking living situation, self-entertainment)

>how to find proof of success (mistargeted ad offers, GDPR data downloads listing ad interests[are they reliable?])


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just don't attract attention from mentally ill autistic psychopaths and you'll be alright.

This also works against IRL blackmailing.

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Here are the techniques I use, loosely inspired by Michael Bazzell:

> E-mail isolation (different emails for each service)

< Register an email account at Protonmail, Tutanota, CTemplar or Danwin1210

< Register an email forwarding account on AnonAddy or 33mail

> Usernames

< Use a completely different one for each community you visit, and don't post information that can bridge the gaps between your identities (the minor details make a huge difference)

< Use a very generic dictionary word whenever possible to register accounts. This will make it harder for people to find accounts tied to you (e.g: google, duckduckgo, sherlock) unless you make a lot of noise online.

> Passwords

< Get a password manager. People can search data breaches for unique passwords which can leak your "true" identity.

> Browsing

< Firefox (clearing everything on exit, add ublock origin, https everywhere, cookie autodelete, container tabs)

< Tor Browser (recommended alternative, much better for most cases)

< VPN (only to hide your IP address if you're browsing outside of Tor)

> Hiding information or misinformation?

< Depends on your threat model, but I'd say a mix of both works well.

now op, the list is not exhaustive, but it covers the needs of alot of people. the best way to avoid getting doxed is to be as boring and forgettable as possible.

do some research and you'll find lots of resources.

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>just don't attract attention from mentally ill autistic psychopaths and you'll be alright.

For doxxing that works, but OP also mentioned data collection. It's harder to avoid attention from the psychopaths at google and facebook who get paid to stalk everyone.

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>just don't attract attention from mentally ill autistic psychopaths and you'll be alright.

For doxxing that works, but OP also mentioned data collection. It's harder to avoid attention from the psychopaths at google and facebook who get paid to stalk everyone.

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I don't even know a lot of these mail servers but I'd at the very least only trust tutanota among all of those (assuming it's just for normal usage). I'll look into them sometime, although these email services are usually incompatible with big mail services (at once, gmail won't even send to a protonmail address).


Is there any way to use tor browser as a clearnet browser? The new ones really have a lot of deep fingerprinting mechanisms that keep on growing.

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>Is there any way to use tor browser as a clearnet browser?

In which sense?

>browse clearnet sites

Default behavior. Works fine.

>don't route through Tor network

Yes. I have not tried it. Method might change between versions.


Do keep in mind that you will have the Tor browser fingerprint/s but your traffic will not be coming from a known Tor exit node IP address. This is rare and !theoretically! could be used to reduce your anonymity sample size.

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>In which sense?

Download the TBB, extract the folder containing Tor AKA (((Firefox))) and then fire up about:config and change the settings regarding the proxy.

I did it, you just need to find the proxy settings.

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Little 2 minute investments of red herrings build up quickly. Google (yes, Google) for health food, single furniture and horse riding a few times a week and TTB for everything else to avoid real contamination. Just like your image says with yourtube, OP.

GIGO works both ways

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Is AdNauseum that good for generating junk data for trackers or does it just make things worse? I remember hearing about it a while ago on /tech/ but then the moment people started talking about it, it completely disappeared from the boards.

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I doubt that clicking every ad is going to change the fact that advertisers / analytics know which websites you visit and how long you visit them.

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What do you think of spaghetti-o’s?


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